HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrivate Inspector Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE AT JURISDICTION: ��l �' PERMIT#: _•_a(,_e13(C ;,,1)INSPECTION DATE: • �•�' JOB ADDRESS: ,27 PROJECT/OWNER DAME: . GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: >�e� r`--� t -�L S PHONE#: ft�l • -� INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE nE N RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: tFty,_� IL To the best.of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect;and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a, conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the,inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes' e and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. —�-��,� fvl l'�1�4� ✓ Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatur — gineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. . Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:_561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifter:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480, Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.36640107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIMATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPL1AKE JURISDICTION: .__fit Lj C=::Lz PERMIT M I"1 _ e>& 6 3 � � INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: Z PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Ctr� 1.� at INSPECTOR: PHONE M c) o INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSP�EC,TOOP SUM ARV/ OMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive-r�quirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicabl `codes in ect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sig a A4hitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201- Palm Reach, Florida 33450 Office: 561.366.0100 6 366.0100 Fax. 561.366.0107 Email: Info@tewandtaylor.com TEW .��.�4TA���1� Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION �-- �u tl�s PERMIT#: E U - d t'0e3 3 M� INSPECTION DATE: . JOB ADDRESS: —_I GP�t"l y> G—� 2.°-� ,z- PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRA(TOR: Y INSPECTOR: f`' - 0I..3 I` t, i PHOINE#: 4 l. e-,- a 1 e) c. INSPECTION PE1=0RMED INSPEECTI N CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS- To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.in the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable des in ffect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector g ature— chitect/Engineer/inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 261 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 i Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com r��,7 TEW,,, LOa Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPUANCE JURISDICTION: w" PERMIT M. INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: !�J INSPECTOR: 2 zt- ' - ` &?-4 or:& PHONE#: ( 6061 c - INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION R7 ULT IN ION SUMMARY/COMM S: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below:affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the ap licabl co in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction: �l a Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector co e— rchitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com qualifier:Steven M.Elias License,#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—OISSFL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida .33480. Office: S61.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com T 9 E W Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: �'�� L U PERMIT#: 126 pD� � -+ - INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: I` � —N `s� a a INSPECTOR: �'�^[ Ef�t/41 PHONE M ��GP . ��''C"a� INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT �INSP ION,SUP4MARY/COMMENTS: ( To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized.under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes' ffect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sig ature Ar itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm,Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M. Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach; Florida 33480 Ofice: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEWt. ::TXY OR, Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMP IAHCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: - JOB ADDRESS: C�a✓ G.—_ -- ' � PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: �� —�� � INSPECTOR: PHONE#: e- INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE IN CTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARV/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable co n e ct and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Si re -74 itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORIVIATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.,County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL,33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 t 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com 1 Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: t C PERMIT#: 4`���- ' �l�d INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: �- ��r� -, 0—i PHONE#: JINPECfION PERFO MED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT !I INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of.a conflict betweenahe codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F:S.to provide the inspection services Indicated herein,that the Inspections indicated . II herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name-Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa e A h ect/.Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-3W0100 Fax:561366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax:, 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com k Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE ( JURISDICTION: C::_4 6 PERMIT M ��� - Vw> INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: F�6�u�/`J ItA . t<La ' PHONE#: � IPSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT • r ' INSPECTION SUM RY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes' ffect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa —Architect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:.AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email:. info@tewandtaylor.com 1 Municipal Services Construction Inspection and'Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTIOR COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: ]l.� L�G� -,trU 1 ,,3 INSPECTION DATE: h L JOB ADDRESS: _ ( C�C�� • 2 f PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: v-� t� - �-'Al PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSP ON SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553,791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in.conformance.with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature glow affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated =--rein were performed in person and conducted In accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local F thorny having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sig atu —Architect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION irm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL 33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven,M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023522-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 p{�1Ce.56-366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com r TEW -' `TX Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan.Review Expert Testimony PRBVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATES of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: `-��#�� =' e- -�ii•s PERMIT 0 4- 1 0 6-t'� INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR:_� ► —� - 1� 1=�i` �'t/11t. i INSPECTOR:`�Z- PHONE##: 'Z-['P INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION! RESULT [I? ' INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and Inspected under my authority have been completed In conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indica 'he of ,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable es in effect nd as prescribed by the focal authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sign — Itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com CART, G FORPES PE 555 SOUTH POWANO PARKWAY POMPANO BEACH RDRI13A EMAIL• CARLFORSES@BELLSOUTH.NET PHONE: 954-682-6651 FAX: 954-903-4284 STATE OF IWMA iROM NO. PE 2DW 60 y��f-ir�i l %0 - Simpson Strong-Tie HETAL20 2— Simpson hetal20 straps to to truss nail 2 x 10 rafter to truss with 8-16 d nails 9 9• I CARL Cv ]FORTS .9 STABLES RAFTER CONNECTION AT BEAM PWPERTY ADDPXM = PARCEL ID 3224- 111 -002- 000- 2 C- 24 CANAL ROAD CARL G FORBES PE 555 SOUTH POMPANO PARKWAY POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA .1W EMAIL: CARLFORBES@BELLSOUTH.NET PHONE: 954-682-6651 FAX: 954-903-4284 STATE OF FLORMA LICENSE NO PE 2M C� "� UPLIFT= —1810# o. e e 0 e 11 - 10D X 1 1 /2 TO TRUSS 0 0 o , 0 a . �J Simpson Stron- -Tie HETAL20 CAPIL, G. FORM PEWS9 STABLES STRAP A DETAIL PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID 3224- 111 - 002- 000- 2 C-24 CANAL ROAD T1EW'­_ 1__T_&k Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: _ ii PERMITM INSPECTION DATE: i L��' '� ' ��� C.% JOB ADDRESS: ' PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPEC OR: - I-� - ��� �y c�rr�./ 11 vti INSPECTION PERFORMED /�� ULi pc, b, � � INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.in the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indica d herein,that the inspections Indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance wit p1ig11LP des in a ct and as prescribed by the local authority having Jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatur Archi ct/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:3595.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M. Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 �-= Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office:.561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTOON COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: d=' �"' i 1 � �Z IMSPEC IOM DATE. JOB ADDRESS: C�S�"" �'% ' -24 PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR:V V-e> I cr - INSPECTOR:'"' G�% , -5, - C PHONE#: '`ro( f ' .y p INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT f INSPECTLO_N SUMMA Y/COMMENTS: { To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable co es effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. -_ } PrintedName—Architect/Engineer/inspector Sign t ,— chitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail.tewandtaylor,com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—OISSFL0023322-04 a 3S9 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561,366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION, COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: -t.t` i PERMIT#: I Get- 0 '4 INSPECTION DATE: iv` JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOIf- 1.' 4 INSPECTOR-! j �l'1 >`�� ,t PHONE.#: `�� ' �"�,ray ' �"� I e-) INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT ti INSP CTION SUMMJRY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and,inspected under my authority have'been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority:In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the Inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes' le Mlef ect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatu — rchitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Reach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of(16 PECT10m COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: t JOB ADDRESS: a C C.— 2-4 �..--- - 3'AL' -�''a --) PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR--� Jz EEL l GAR PHONE#:_. �I INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT /INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the Inspection services�di ated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the ap I' ble ss" effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. 4 Printed Name—Arch!tect/Engineer/Inspector gnat e—Architect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION. Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 1:Mail:tewandtayfor.ca.—L, Qualifier:Steven M.,Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability-0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 :. Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com office: 56'1.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 • • TIEW " Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of ONSPECTION COMPUANCE JURISDICTION: "�. PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: 9 JOB ADDRESS: l �Df� C�7 .� •`,��� � 'i PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR:�'" — 1 e-Itc-S 'a �. .� PHONE#: ens Q INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INS CTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority. In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive re uirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated h rein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in eff and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. - G> Printed Name—Arch ltect/Engineer/I nspector Signatur — chitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 ? 359 South County Road, Suite 201 �= Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEw,' TAY.- Loa,, Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of IMSPE(CTIONNCOM� PLIANICE JURISDICTION: L c=.,A X PERMIT#: ��b C)e INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: I '..,s 6-L2 E2 - '�- PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: `try=- �`'� i ' PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION JDE INSPECTION RESULT T51 INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indica herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accord �: livable cc es ct and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. PrintedName—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sign ure—A i` ct/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:3595.County Rd.,Palm Beach;FL.33414 Phone:561- 00 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 J 359 South County Road, Suite 201 v Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com