HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrivate Inspector (2) tt�fLi0a. Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATEPROVIDER`C7/ERTIEICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT M t-1d 4` o 6 o� � INSPECTION DATE: � l JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACT R: INSPECTOR: . ) ' PHONE##: -2 INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT 1, 1 �i rkc 1.29 '. INS E ION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: � Ala To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and Inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the ap l' b e effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa ure hitect/Engi nee r/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road.. Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEArQ_T'kYL0A Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: U PERMIT M i e)&efi GCS P INSPECTION DATE: '�} �� ` l JOB ADDRESS: r® "l(=:'-7 PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: -� it INSPECTOR: ;5 _W' <Vu PHONE#:. INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT r��2lC- IN PECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: `mod. To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.in the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature. below affirms qualification under s.553,791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority havingjurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Signat r�_ c h, /Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION. Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053. Insurance:Commercial General Liability—OISSFLOO23322-04 ,`. 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEWQT LO ' Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: -7o4- )NSPECTIONDATE: �� I JOB ADDRESS: C Ce-nca- PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR: f' PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSP CTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: . . To the best of my-knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and.the permitted documents,the.more restrictive requirements have been applied..Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated=ffffend that the inspections indicated herein.were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable co s in as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Sig ure= i ect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew.&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach;FL.33414 Phone,561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—OIBSFL0023322-04 I ` 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida, 33480 Ofice: 561.366.0100 Fax:.561.366.0107 EMail: "info@tewandtaylor.com r E .ky]Loa Municipal Services 'Construction Inspection and.Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERMIT#: V INSPECTION DATE: J®B ADDRESS: t 60 PROTECT/owNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECfOR: .`r=f�tt:TJL-10i t-'�L-1 PHONE#: �®` a�► ' ®�C3'L� INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION.CODE INSPECTION RESULT �C �� � -,cam•�9 `-7 INSP ION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider;the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted.codes in effect,and the associated"plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect'and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated, . herein were performed in person and conducted in accor araee wltfi file applica cod in effect and as prescribed by,the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector ign r Architect/Engineer/inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER IN Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:.359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561- 6-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E'Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South'County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office:.561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor,com TEW`1'�&_`2_.,.1TNYL0R Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: J PERMIT#: �t7 �(�O >INSPECTION.DATE: JOB ADDRESS: C��11�'7 �• �- L�+4.-�'w PROJECT/OWNER.NAMEi GENERAL CONTRACTOR: t�—tk INSPECTOR: PHONE#: � INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: Z e. To the,best of my knowledge and belief,as authoriied,under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted,codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the Inspection services indicated ein,that the Inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable co s in effect nd as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/inspector Sig'ftture- i ect/Engineer/Inspector r PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:-561=-MG-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License t AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County,Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax:' 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com -YiLOa Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review . Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: 0• D INSPECTION DATE: 1 4 PERMIT#. �' N JOB ADDRESS: �' `� �►J. �' PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACT R: INSPECTOR: : PHONE##: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE . INSPECTION RESULT- INS E ION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: �vt��D S ••� t� v ou�: e-d-N To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted;by the governing authority.In the event of a' conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification underS.553,791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the ap 'ca es a ect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sign ure hitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 . Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107. E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor,com -YLOa Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony 1 PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: t 2 PERMIT#: ® ,� ® INSPECTION DATE:� I, JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER.NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR:'�- I _ - I��l PHONE#: 'INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT �I PECTION SUMMARY/COMME TS` yJ To the best of my knowledge and belief;as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and, site improvements outiined.herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the,associated plans and documentation as permitted,.by the governing authority:in>the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,'the more restrictive requirements have been.applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s..553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated' herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applic�able codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa �chitect/Engineer/in,spector PRIVATE PROVIDER IINFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,.Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL 33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:.tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License-t AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm'Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0,100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com LO TEw 't � Municipal Services Construction inspection and Plan. Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPEC70N COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: PERiIfIIT;Ii}: INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: 'INSPECTOR: PHONE PHONE#: �cn INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes In effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in d as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa = rchitect/Engineer/inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach, FL.33414 Phone:.561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite.201 FILE Palm Beach Florida 33450 I Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEw ' ._T,kYL0R Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PROVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTM COM PLOANCE _ '7 d JURISDICTION: 9 d PERMIT#: b 'ta -' _ r INSPECTION DATE: ( - JOS ADDRESS: C.� � � ; ` I - PROJECT/OWNER TAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR,. Lam' INSPECTOR: PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT A. INSPECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable c des in ect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signa u e—Ar ' itect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach;FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance.Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 L �, t. n, 359 South County Road, Suite 201. Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEW .' ' Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: e— "V PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: 4� t JOB ADDRESS:' �--� PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: i", INSPECTOR: - -� sa+.� � PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT 6 d V W INSPECTION SUMMARVCOMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated herein,that the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes in effect and as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Sign ture— ect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,•Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR001SO53 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com K e -Loa TiEw," T-A,,Ii( Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIMATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of INSPECTOON COi!>4aPUABICfE y JURISDICTION: t PERMIT#:- .� - � 1 INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: PROJECT/OWNER NAME: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: INSPECTOR PHONE##: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE INSPECTION RESULT INSPECTION SUMMARY/CCIMMENTS: To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in co rmance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governin authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirement have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indi ted herein, at the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accor dance rdance with the pliwble-s as.i ect a as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signatle�Cr hitect/Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION 1 Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 �--' Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com TEw Tik-y-iLoa Municipal Services Construction Inspection and Plan Review Expert Testimony PRIVATE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE of @NSPECTION COMPLIANCE JURISDICTION: C., PERMIT#: INSPECTION DATE: JOB ADDRESS: C Ce �`— C, '`24 9 PROJECT/OWNER NAME- GENERAL CONTRACTOR: k P'-7<) INSPECTOR: y e-� 1-1, PHONE#: INSPECTION PERFORMED INSPECTION CODE 1 SPECTION RESULT IN PECTION SUMMARY/COMMENTS: W P �"6m. .�— � Aso• ,_�=��._.='Z�i. cif To the best of my knowledge and belief,as authorized under Florida Statute 553.791 Private Provider,the building components and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my authority have been completed in conformance with the currently adopted codes in effect,and the associated plans and documentation as permitted,by the governing authority.In the event of a conflict between the codes in effect and the permitted documents,the more restrictive requirements have been applied.Signature below affirms qualification under s.553.791 F.S.to provide the inspection services indicated h re at the inspections indicated herein were performed in person and conducted in accordance with the applicable codes. effect an as prescribed by the local authority having jurisdiction. Printed Name—Architect/Engineer/Inspector Signature—Ar Engineer/Inspector PRIVATE PROVIDER INFORMATION Firm:Tew&Taylor,Inc. Address:359 S.County Rd.,Palm Beach,FL.33414 Phone:561-366-0100 Fax:561-366-0107 E Mail:tewandtaylor.com Qualifier:Steven M.Elias License#:AR0015053 Insurance:Commercial General Liability—0185FL0023322-04 359 South County Road, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Office: 561.366.0100 Fax: 561.366.0107 Email: info@tewandtaylor.com r� r L CC)�