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Product Approval.Menu>Prodt ct or Aooilration Search> t(bplication List>Appliwtlon Detail
tr " FL-# FL1'2328-R7
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2014
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building.Products, Inc.,
Address/Phone/Email -PO Box 1404.
Joplin;MO 64802
(417):624-6644 Ext 2305
Authorized Signature Carter Lea
carter lea@tamko.com
Technical Representative- Kerri Eden
Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404;
7oplin, MO 64802
(4i7)'624-6644. Ext 2305
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing,
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method, Evaluation Report from.a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report- Hardcopy,Received
Flor.'ida.Engineer.or Architect Name who developed Zachary R..Priest
the Evaluation'Report
Florida License' PE=74021
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/07/2019
Validated By Locke Bowden
Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL12328 R7 COI'TBP14001 3 2014 FPA TAMKO U nderlavments FINAL.odf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D1970 2009
ASTM D226 2006
ASTM D4869 2005
ASTM D6380 2003.
Equivalence of,Product Standards �{y�� �� ��
Certified By _ y
Sections from the Code
1 �
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes'
Other:See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation.Reports
F1_12328.R7 AE TBP14001.3'2Qi4 FPA TAMKO
�,Uj�r der[ayments-FINAL.odf
Y Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
j}112328.7 No. 30 ASTM '-Asphalt saturated'organic felt ^^�
Limits of Use 'Installation Instructions 4
Approved for use in HVHZ:No F1.1232& III II TBPj4001.3 201.4 FPA TAMKO
Approved for use.outside HVHZ:Yes Underlavmen s-FINAL Ddf
Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By Zachary R Priest7402-1
Design Pressure:N/A Created by.Independent Third Party: Yes,
I Other.See evaluation report for limits of use. S Evaluation Reports'
FL12328R7 AE TBP14001,3 2014 FPA TAMKO
JS_bderlayments-FINAL Ddf
Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
t 12328.8 No. 30 UL {Asphalt saturated organic felt
Limits of Use' Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ;No FL7 ?$ R7 II TB214043 3 2.014 FPA TAMKO
i Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes I,tnderiayrrlenls DNA .Ddf f
+ Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Zachary R,:Priest 74021 fill
{ Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent.Third Party: Yes-
Other:See evaluation report.for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
FL12328 R7 AE 1B1>14061.3 2014 F A TAiVI O
i Created by Independent Third Party; Yes
12328 9 TAM-FELT Alternate.to ASTM D 226,Type II underlayment
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL12328 R7 Ii T8P140Qi'.$2014 FPA TAMKO !
Approved.for use outside HVNZo Yes Underlavments-MNAL Ddf 111
Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By• Zachary R. Priest PE-74021,
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other.:See.evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports
F112328 R7 AE TBP14001 3 2014 FPA TAMKO
nd rlay�ments-FINAL pdf
Ceeated.by Independent Third Party: Yes
12328.10 1 TW Metal,and Tile Underlayment i self-adhering:niodiFied bitumen underlayment
Limits of Use I Installation Instructions `�f
Approved for use In HVHZ:No .F.L12328 R7 11 TBP14001;3.2014.FPA TF[MKO i
Approved for use-outside HVHZ:Yes I Uadedaymen_ts-FINAL odf
Impact Resistant:N%A i Verified By: Zachary R.-Priest 74021
Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:,Yes
Other:See evaluation reportr for limits of use. Evaluation.Reports
FL12328 R7 AE TBP14001 3 2014 FPA TAMKO.
Underiavments-FINAL Ddf
Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes
12328.11 i TW Underlayment self adhering modified bitumen underlayment
Limits of Use
Installation instructions. I
Approved foe use in HVHZ: No F112328 R7 II TBP14001 3 2n14 FPA TAMKO
j Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Underlavments FINAL.Ddf
t Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By. Zachary R.Priest 7402i
i, Qesign,Ptessure:N/A Created by.Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:See evaluation"report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports 1
EL12328 R7 Ar I8P14001 3 2014 FPA TAMKO_
Created by Independent;Third Party: Yes.
U :2aiir rite ct^^ .,a,r rain Contact,.-s: ^.Phone•850-487=1824
The State.df Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Sooyh4ht 2007-2013 Stilte of Florida :::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Stat m ht cc Refund Statement
under Florida iayi,'eritail addresses are public records.if you do not want' our.ermail address released'in response td a°.public-records request,do not send electronic
mail.to-this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions;'please contact 850.4187.1395.-pursuant.to Section
455.275(I),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must-provide the Department with an.email address if they have
,one.The emails provided may be used.for,official communication wiWthe licensee.However email°addresses are public record..If you do not wish to supply,a personal address,please,provide the Department with an emaA.address•which can:be made;avallable to the.public:To determine if you are a.'ltcensee under.Chapter
455,F.S,please dick-ham'
Product Approval Accepts:
Certificate of Authoiizatiori No. 29824
1'7520 Edinburgh Drive
� Tampa,FL 33647
Manufacturer-. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. Issued August 22, 2016
P.O. Rox 1404
Joplin;MO 64802
Quality Assurance: UL LLC(OUA9625)
;Category:. Roofing
Subcategory: Underlayments
Code Sections: 1507.2.3,,1507.2.4i 1507.2.8, 1507.2.9.2, 1507.3.3, 1507.4.5.1, 1507.4.5.2,4507.4.5.3,
1507:5.3,1507.5.3.2, 1507.6.3, 1507.6.3.2,1507,6:5,1507.7.3, 1507,7.3.2,.1507.8.3,.
1507.8.3:2, 1;507.8,8,T1507.8;1507,9.3, 1507.9,3.2i 1.507.9.5, 1507.9.9
Properties: Physical properties
Enti Report No. Standard Year
PRI Construction Materials,.Technologies(TST13M). TAP-191-02-01REV ASTM.D 1970 2009
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST0049) TAP-192-02-01 ASTM.D 1970' 2009
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6N% TAP 199-02-01 ASTM D.1970 2009
PRI Cdnstruction.Matedais Technologies.(TST6049) TAP-214-02<01 ASTM D 4869 2605e01
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP-215-02-01 ASTM D 226 2006
PRI.Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP-216-02-03 ASTM D 63801 2003(2009)
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP 217-02-01REV- ASTM D 6380 2003(2009)
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP=218-02-01 ASTM D 226 2006
PRi Consiruction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP-219-02-01 ASTM D 226 2006
PRI'Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP-220-02-01 ASTM D 6380 2003(20119).
PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6049) TAP-222-02-01 ASTM D 4869 .2005001
P. Construction Materials Technologles(T$T6Q49): TAP-319-02 01.1 ACC 1613 2012
UL LLC(TST9628) 13CA12269 ASTM D 226 2006
TAMKOO.ASTM Slate ASTM D 6380,Class M,Type it underlayment constructed from organic felt saturated
:Surfaced',Roll Roofing with asphalt;and'coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with granules.
Min.slope: 2:12
Application'. The undertayment shalt be installed,with minimum.2"
side:laps andminimum4"staggered end laps.and in
accordance with FRSA/TRI' 07230, for file
Allowable roof.coverings: AftachmenI of asphaltshingle valleys and clay and
concrete Iiiet shall be permitted in accordance with
the FBC.
TBP14003.3 EL12326-R7 Page 1 of 4
This evaluation report•is provided for State of Florida product approval under-Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK
Technical Services,LLC-of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not ezpcess.nor imply waffanty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
Specifically addressed he Ilm
R E t K TAMKO Underlayments
TAMKOO ASTM.Tile, ASTM.D 6380,Class M;Type It underlayment constructed from an organic felt saturated
Underlayment with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and.surfaced with granules.
Application: The undedayment shall be installed with minimum 2"
side laps and minimum 4"staggered.end laps.and in
accordance with FRSArrRI 07230 for tife
Allowablexoofcoveri ig_s: Attachment of clay and concrete the shall be
permitted in accordance with the FBC.
TAMKO@)Master ASTM D 6380,Class S,Type IV'underlayment constructed from an organic felt saturated
Smooth with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with!a fine.mineral.
Application: The underlayment shall be installed_along the valiey
in accordance with FBC.requirements.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt. shingle valleys shalt be
permitted.ihaccordance,with the FBC.
TAMKOt'Molsture Self-adhered,`, ASTM D 1970,,fiberglass reinforced, modified bitumen sheet membrane.
Guard Plus® with,a mineral surfacing and,a removable release film on the adhesive-side.
Application The underlayment shall be attached by adhering
directly to the roof deck with minimum 3-1/2" side
laps and minimum ti°staggeredend-laps,
Min.application temperature: 40°F.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt.shingles and. mechanically
fastened' concrete and clay: We roofing`shall be
permitted in accordance with the FBC:
TAMKOO No.15 ASTM ASTM D 22e,Type.I underlayment constructed from a.non-perforated organic felt that is
Asphalt'Saturated saturated with.asphalt.
Application: The underlayment shall.be installed with minimum 2'
side laps,and minimum 4"end'laps.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles; metal roofing,wood
shingles, wood shakes, and roll roofing shall be
permitted in accordance with the.FBC..
TAMKOO No.15 UL ASTM_D 226,Type I'undedayment constructed from:a non:perforated organic felt that is
Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt.
.Organic Felt
Application: The underlaymentshall be.installed with minimum 2"
side laps.antl minimum 4"'end laps.
Allowable roof'coverings: Attachment of:asphalt shingles, metal roofing, wood.
shingles, wood shakes, and roll roofing shall t e
permitted,in accordance-with the-FBC..
TBP14001.3 _ FL12328-RT .—Page 7of 4
This evaluation report is provided for State ofFlorida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The.manufacturer shall.notify GREEK
Technical Services,LLC of'any product-changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.
This evaluation report does not.express hot imply warranty,instaitation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
specifically addressed herein.
f � •
CREt.KTAMKO Unde.rlayments
TAMKO8 No.30 ASTM ASTM D 226,Type.It underlayment.constructed from a non-perforated organic felt.that is
Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt.:
Organic Felt
Application: The u_ndedayment shall be installed with minimum T
side laps and minimum 4"end laps.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles, metal roofing, clay
and concrete tile, slate shingles, wood shingles,
wood shakes,-and roll roofing shall be permitted in
accordance-with the.FBC.
TAMKO®No.30 UL. ASTM D 226,Type II underlayment constructed from a non-perforated organic felt that is
Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt.
Organic Felt
Application: The underlayment shall*.be installed with minimum 2"
side'laps and minimum 4"end.laps.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles„metal roofing, clay
and concrete tile,, slate shingles,. wood shingles,
wood shakes, and roll roofing:shall be permitted'in
accordance with the FBC.
TAMKO®TW Metal and: Self-adhered, flexible, ASTM D 1.970, rubberized asphalt sheet membrane. with a
Tile:Underlayment polymer film on the surface°and a removable release film.on the adhesive side.:
Application: The underlayment shall he attached by adhering
directly to the roof deck with.minimum 4" side laps
and-minimum 6"staggered end laps.
Min.application.temperature: 40.0F
Allowable roof'coverings: Attachment lof asphalt shingles, metalt roofing, and
diedhanically fastened clay and concrete lies shall
be permitted)in accordance with the FBC.
TAMKO@ TW Self--adhered; flexible, ASTM: D 1970, rubberized asphalt sheet membrane with a
Underlayment polymer film on surface and a,removable release film on adhesive side.
Application- The underlayment shall be attached Ely' adhering
directly to the:roof deck with minimum 4" side laps
and minimum 6"staggered end laps.
Min:application temperature: 406F
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles and metal roofing
shall be permitted in accordance with the FBC.
TAMKOO TAM-FELT Altemate to ASTM D 226,Type I and Type II undedayment.constructed from a non-
perforated,organic felt that issaturated.with asphalt.
Application— The underlayment shall be installed'with minimum 2"
side laps and minimum 4"end laps.
Allowable roof coverings: Attachment of asphalt shingles shall be:permitted in
accordance with the FBC:
T13P146013 FL42328;R7 Page,3.of 4
This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product'approval under Rule-61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notjfy CREEK.
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the.duration forwhich this report is valid.
This evaluuation report does,not.express nor imp4y warranty;installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not
specifcally,addressed herein.
TAMKO Underlayments
I This evalbation report is not for use in the HVHZ.
2): Fire Classification is not.within the-scope of this evaluation.
3) Wind uplift resistance in:bot within scope of this evaluation.
4) Installation of-t.he eyajuated product
t shall comply with this report,the FQC,and the;nianufacturer-s published
application•instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the I more restrictive and:FBG
• mpliant installation detall shall prevail.,
5) Minimum application temperature shall be 50OF unless otherwise noted. Contact the manufacturer when
installing at temperatures
es beldw.the,.minimum application temperature.
8) Deck.substrates Shall be 1 1.clean dry,and free from any irregularities and debris;. All fasteners in the deck
shall be checked for protrusion and*Corcected prior to undedayMent application.
7) the roof deck'shall:be constructed,of closely rifted sheathfng for new or existing construction: Roof deck
shall,be installed in accordance with'17130 requir6inients..
8) Unless otherwise,stated,the roof slope shall be in accordance with FBC regtjirements.
0) All undedayments:shall,be,installed:with-the r6il,tength.parallef to the eave,starting at the cave,and lapped
in successive 00tirses installed-up the deck in a manner that effectively sheds water from the deck. End
laps shall be staggered-between courses in accordarice:wIth the maNufacturer's application instructions.
10) The'undeflayment-may be used as.described I in other current,FBG product,approval documents.
I 1i) The.u'RdbrI6ymenf:shaII not be installed Over existing:
rig:roof coverings.
12) Contact.the manufacturer regardirig,s eciftexpo$upe;lImits for each!underlayment.
13) All products.listed in.this report.shall be manufactured Under a quality assurance program incompliance with
Rule 61 G20-3.
Tice products evaluated her6in by2achar y R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance:with the,Florida Building
Code, Edition(2 0*14)'as-evidenced,in the referenced documents:submitted by the named Manufacturer.
EN 2016*018#2
No 7402,1
2 09:35
-V STATE, OF •16
onk Zachary R.Priest,P.E.
Florida Registration No.74.021
Qrganization No.ANE9641
CREEK Technical Services,LLC does,not have;noe.vvill it acquire,a financial interest in.any corripanyrrianUfacturinq.or,distributing products-under this
CREEK Technical.services,LLC is novowned,.operajeg,or-controlledby any company manufacturing.or distributing products under this,evaluation.
Zachary Rs Priest,.P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financiafinterest in anyrompany manufacturing or distributi.pq products undet this dvaluation.
Zachary R:Priest,P.E.does not have,'nor YA).I I acqui.I to,a financial,interee.in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product.
TBP14001.3 171_12328mR7
Page 4ol`4
This evaluation reportis provided for State of Florida product approval, under Rule 6%20-3- The manufacturer she f
Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance-changes thrdughmit the duration- , IV not.i.y CREEK
for which this repbrUi&,Mlid.
This:evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty;installation,recommended use,or other:product attributes thatere-not
specifically addressed herel