HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiramar North Bldg I - 50725HUTCN.lN.S 1SlO PROPE�TYI - tt ��+ ri�l evietiv of your su�mittal� � �iil_ b> made for somplianceST. '-LUCIE COUNTY; PERMIT APPLIC tv: S;. LUCIE COUNTY �t®+ ance N.o• EC 87.03 f;!MIT NO. �' - .;..(.CODE-4/) ,SEWAGE PERMIT NO. DC-56^36i69 . ' • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CON .TRU�T v The Miramar North, 19 story, '� unl '8 Building #2 Jensen Beach, Florida `3yy r:f s xr .'JOB LOCATION[ADDRESS: i1kt;C Ay.�.�.: > LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING THE SOUTH i OF THE NORTH z OF GOVERNMENT LOTy 4, S'E'CTION. 2 TOWNSHIP 37S .RANGE 41 E ST. LUCI•E COUNTY, FLORIDA SUB•JECT,' TO '.STATE ROAD -AIA RIGHT-OF-WAY ,/,,, `�', {� - -f� Pai, C:¢.Q 3. ROAD IMPACT:, .;.DISTRICT • �"`'�— ZONE FEE , S/D MAP # 031A� FLOOD ZONE / D ELEV LOT; ''BLOCK UNIT S/ 2 '� TWP 37 RGE 41 L- PROPERTY. TAX1E , ,� rig,? - .,3//- #. — ZONE ��� ✓ G / MPP `T .,. `•�� -. ---' `• �57.G/X 3a�.a6� 3 , •oy,. 3/q. /7 '$7,250';000 LOT-SIZE/DIMENSIONS' . /a _P `ST COST �3 SET BACKS: FRONT REAR ��`� c'e 4- SIDE �- �' SIDE SQ FT*BUILDING: LIVING AREA 145,060 ' ACCESSORY ;' ARCHITECT;; NAME Stebbins & Scott PHONE 464-3122 ADDRESS . 2 CITY Ft. Pierce ST F1'. Z 3,450 CONTRACTOR: STATE` MG/CERT • CG C012521 COUNTY CERT.� �� . NAME Seppala. & Aho. Coristructi�Co. , DRESS 1 15, East Coasts. Ave. ., Hypoluxo Fl`. 33462 585-5843 CITY E ZIP PHONE OWNER OF NAME BELLA- VISTA''` . �l� S PROPERTY PHONE 229-0700 V Cl STUAILT , 1 NrM- ' • STAT FL ZIP; 3-49-,95 �~.t STATE OF FLORIDA, CO NTY, AF ST: LUCI. E`._.`,?; Before me, .the undersigned auth r�ty,'personailIy appease m _0A who upon being -duly, sworn, depos and say!0h' l-the information contai ed n the ford1o'oin 1pplicati n is true an correct. • Applicant Sworn +to and subscribed before me this 11 day of SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required [].Yes 0 No Notary Public,•State of Florida at Large Amt. Pd M Commission expires: Now , State of Florids Y P -__ .-- ---T__ ___ „ ,ate Pd Posted — r,CQNSEKT•-TO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT .TIIK ; .tP'NDERSTGNED., being -the fee simple owner of the property known as "Miramar ;North •(Building 2)'r, does hereby consent to The Majestic Group, Inc..:and/or its contractors or assigns, making an application for, and .obtaining a ,building :permit for the above -referenced° building and the Ancillary st pgturps thereto consisting of the pool/spa and deck area and a :22-unit ;garage :,building to be located. on the site. BELLa VISTA : INC., Florida corporation j, B y: Guido Gregori , Pres dent STEBBINS & SCOTT ARCHITECTS 2101 SUNRISE BOULEVARD • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34950 • (305) 464-3122 June 11, .1988 Mr. .Joe Klosterman Building Official St. Lucie County 23p0 Virginia;_Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. 34950 RE:Miramar North II Deat .Mr. Klosterman, Please accept..this letter --as a request"i'to transfer the permit for Miramar North to Se.ppala & Aho. ,Sincerely, EB INS & SCOTT, ARCHITECTS, P.A. Richard-G. Stebbins President RGS:sne STEBBINS & SCOTT ARCHITECTS 2101 SUNRISE BOULEVARD • FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34950. • (305) 464-3122 ,..June 13,.._1988- Mr: Joe -Klosterman. Building Official St Lucie. County.. y . 2,300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34950 -Rt : -Miramar North II Dear., Mr.". Klosterman, .It i-s our understanding that the p.laris for Miramar North IT-need.'to-'be resubmitted in order to,'"ehonge- the.'permit to the new contractor. The accompanying plans,'less sheets A2; A4,,;and A22; are the same as originally submitted. We are aware that code changes have occurred since the original permit was granted, and the plans are 'being revised to cover these changes. Once they have been done, the plans will be resubmitted-. Sincerely., BBINS;,& SCOTT, ARCHITECTS, P.A. Richard G.. Stebbins President RGS:sne Attachments ~4i+ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Zoning Administrator Building Codes Administrator Planning Administrator 'County Attorney'" FROM:: Community__De-vel,opment Director DATE: June .14, .1988. SUBJECT:.'.M,ir.amar.Building Permit Attached for your informa'tion'is a copy of a letter I signed with JAcques. Brion regarding, the Miramar North building .permit. Based upon this letter, we should receive the application for the permit very shortly. If you have any questions as to its status, please let me know-. TLV/s,ew _ . Attachment s T 'E iYUUE=T1C G R O U P I N C June 1j, 1:')00.. Mr. Terry L. Virta, AICP Community Development Director, St. Lucie County 2300`Virginia Avenue Fort -Pierce, Flbrida 34982-5652 RE: Miramar North (Building 2) Permit for Construction No. DC56-36769 (November 6, 1981) ,s Dear •Mr.. Virta-:. This..is to request your don firrimation:.; •;on behalf of St. Lucie County (the "County"), of certain information provided to the undersigned and .The Majestic Group, Inc. relative to the above- referericed project. - 1. The County will issue a :replacement permit for the one cited- above.abased upon. the plans, originally filed and approved for such prior permit. .Said replacement permit will. be issued to Seppala I& Aho Construction Company, Inc. as the general contractor for The Majestic .-Group, Inc., or its assigns ("Majestic"), subject only to the County's verification of the 'Proper licensing and other llegal qualifications of such construction. company. The replacement permit will be issued within two (2) 'wee ' ks of the •County's receipt of the complete application.for sam. < 2. Majestic 'will, within "sixty (60.) days of ' the date' of the issuance of the replacement permit, file with the county 'such. changes to the. plans for the subject project as are ne'cessary"to (i) cause such plans, and the improvements to be constructed in accordance therewith, to comply with all building and fire codes in effect as of the date of the issuance of the replacement permit and (ii) such additional non-structural changes (in compliance with current codes) as Majestic may deem appropriate, a number of which have been -previously discussed' with the County. .If The Majestic fails to deliver the revised plans within sixty (60) days or if the revised plans fail to meet current codes -and are not.further revised where necessary to meet those codes, then .it is understood and agreed that the ,building, permit will be revoked and that construction shall immediately_cease. 1551 FORUM PLACE SUITE 400 E WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 (305) 478-2000 Mr. Terry L.:•Vir•ta, AICP June 13, 1988 Page 2 3. Upon "tile `issuance; of -the, repl'acement, -permit; Majestic'., - and 'its " construct'iorY 'company"-will:,b•e.�'.ent-itled• to commence construction of the' foundation and, structural ,port,ions,_,of the subject' projec't, `same 'to be inspected by a threshold engineer registered with the County. 4. , Subject, to the approval of the County as: to-- the ' plans therefore and the- neces5ar'y` minor`,"adjustments to the site plan for ,the.pr.oJect, Majestic and/or Seppala & Aho Construction Company, Inc. will. be' entitled "�' to apply "'for' = a,nd' ob;ta.n..; p:ermits:, for the' 'construction' of a free -,standing building in the parking area of the project containing, twenty-two (22) enclosed garages and for the construction of a pool and pool deck area on the ocean. side. of the proposed; high-rise building, the latter" constituting a change .in the "original plans for such..,area,. Again, though, it" is'understood;andz-:agreed that the permit for the garage building and for! the..en°hanced<;pool,and-pool deck area will be' subject to the approval ; of. the: ,Cou.nty .�n ,accordance with its current'standard requirements., ; If'the foregoing is an accurate statement of'the''position 'of St. Lucie 'County, I would apprecia-ter.it .,if; you .would so indicate by counter -signing the enclosed copy of ths"'let'ter where indicated and returning same to myself. Your'kind cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, acques Brion esident Agreed. to and accepted -this day.' of June, 1988. By: Terry L. Vi ta, AICP Community pevelopment Director St. Lucie County JB:th c: David Oppenstein — Charles Edgar, -III "ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION ^r DC-56-36769 PERMIT.•;I�. ..SEWAGE PERMIT NO. APPLICATION FOR, PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT The. Mira mar - North - Bldg. 42 _ 9940 SE.• AlA ,Jensen Beach, Fla. JQB ..LOCATION, _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Survey LOT'- BLOCK UNIT S/D RANGE SECTION ' fWP. Y TAXI D: # 5 C>.2.I .0 - 4�"0 '/ �s /.:� .4 - ZONE ? SIZE OF LOT r �1� -� �� �o BLDG. VALUE — G ��� ° O° SET. BACKS:'-... ..FRONT- - REAR' 7- SIDE _ � SIDE SQi FT:> BUILDING: LIVING AREA '1'45;000'".' ACCESSORY ARCHITECT: NAME Stebbins & Scott ADDRESS 2101 Sunrise Blvd., Fort Pierce, F1a.33450 PHONE 305-464-3122 CONTRACTOR• NAME, r Versa Developments, Inc. State Cert./Reg. CGCA01035 ADDRESS R. 'O• Box" 2777, Stuart; Fit. 33494 PHONE'. 305-2294700 OWN NAME Be1.l a r Vi sta , Inc- ... 10;000 A1A;' 'Jensen -Beach, F1'a. '33457305-229-0700 o: 'ADDRESS PHONE "'C"j+ ora*�prr list Officers: Pres..Q Guido: GroAoris v. Pres. iberio 'Mascarin u L-;creiisy . `_Alfredo DeLuca Treasurer Al fredo DeLuca ` O v_:__�_� LENDIN AG.FNCY�S NAME The Toronto -Dominion Bank, Atlanta Agency . ADDRESS 1600 Peachtree Center South PHONE-4,04-,522-9360. 225 Peachtree S'tre� t NE' M Atlanta, Ga . 30303 "STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST.•,LUCIE ;,Before' me,- the undersigned 'authority,`'personally'appeared ho upon . beidg +duly-'sworn;',deposes and says that the information containe t ore in a Ica ' n is: true' and correct.. Applicant Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4�Zy&/O_ day of �C 19A. Notary lic; State of Flori L r o�at ry�u�lfc, State Of Florida At Large t M %� Commission expTres: MY Commission Expires July 27, 1984 --�onCed $�9AfEC0lnsunnce Com`gn} of Amuiy ' u e h ' 11 N 890 25' 37"E - 1005' ± South Line of the S 1/2 of the b" N- 1/2 of Government Lot 4, Section 2;'Twp. 37 S, Rge. 41 E S LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL ; I' \ 1'„ree1 of `Land East of'State''Ro.ad. A-1-A. All th part of the. N'; of the S►; of Government, a:ot:4, Section 2, T 37 - R 41E.lyi:ng East of Sttate Road A-1-A ;together -with all reparian, a i`ights there unto appert 'ning•; subject to alpea,sement for ingress,._egress, right-of-way oid access from State Road -1-A to the wakers -of the Atlantic; Ocean, over, across and u on, the S 10' thereof. \St, uc ei Count /, Florida. PARCEL II c=- J parcel.of.land:West of State "Ada -1-A.. Ai. parcel of lend, lying and being in the.N►j of c,f=Government LotA, Section: ,; T R.41E'"inore partic4_larly described as follows; ¢4 ft-t9in:at. a;point'where:the;Sout `1inp o e-.N', of, S- of GoVer"nmen;t Lot 4, Section 2' r ;� T.'' 375. R- 41 E' i nte'rsects they: W ter Ty right. f-way 'of State, Road X_.T-A; thence run Norther afong the Westerly right"'of= ay.• of. -State Roa' A-1-'A a distance -of 150' to a point; thEn4tf' ri;n W .sterly: ,a lie paral l : to' fhe. South line 'f s'aid N+, of $13 o_f. Government Lot 41 n�,• „ ci..i s t�nce of 435' _ to. a ; poi t, thence South a 1 ong a; ne pa ra 11 el. to ,.the We`s terly rightRf ti Ili��e 'of State, Ro.a'd A-1=;A anal 435'; djs'tance there> from distance of" .150'". to a point S'uuth� line of-. 6he Nt2 of, they S1= of slid Government L,ot 4, -the: run .Easterly along ,the South line of said N';�' f St- 'of 0ove�nment-L'ot,4, -a tlistance of..435':_ to tlje point;�liiQ' A of beginning`' St: La'cie County,' F1oria.FIV 1 , PARCEL III' EL ing 'the "South L,<'of the; North �; of overn,nent'Lots 4; Section 2, Township 37 St'. ; Lucie County, Florida. Subject tyo State Road- -A right -of waj : E til Q15 ✓ I ,;•OE Al �r AR Mk 'll .. I-: --d1. `, �f I •!'• ... � ,r. •t� y 1 Y �'r �;t.� . ^- . �Y� . ,.r .. t. - ._ . < .:b . 1-a-..-. .... �. RP jkgn551 nlla me r) nnnnc FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGE'rrAP. AGENCY ~ T �= NATIONAL FLOOD INSUR,%C�`FROGRAM POST CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION CERTIFI'L;ATE/FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE COMMUNITY NUMBER St. Lucie Co., Fl. (UN,INCORPORATED AREAS) 120285 INSTRUCTIONS The registered professional engineer, architect, surveyor or community permit official completes Section I below. 'Section H may be completed by any of the professionals listed at the beginning of Section.11, or by a similarly quallfie# local permit official. Print or type the information on this form. This form is to be used for new (POST -FIRM) construction, and for substantial improvements to existing structures in Zones Al-A30, AH and V1-V30 and existing (PRE -FIRM) buildings to be rated under POST -FIRM rules and rates. SECTION I • (TO BE COMPLETED BY COMMUNITY PERMIT OFFICIAL) PROPERTY ADDRESS (or lot and block numbers if address is unavailable) 9940 S.E. A-1—A Jensen Beach, F1 FlA MAP PANEL ON WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED RA MAP ZONE IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED A A-8 FIA MAP EFFECTIVE DATE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AT THE PROPOSED SITE August 17, 1981 �: P USJr� EL-7 START OF CONSTRUCTION DATE Name and Trtle PHONE (with Area Code) 11/81 Gary Ament, County Development Coordinator (305) 466-1100 ADDRESS 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, Fl. 33450 11/6/81 ig tun: Date SECTION H INSTRUCTIONS Complete only the Elevation Certification unless the building has been floodproofed at least to the base flood elevation. If floodproofing is used, complete only the Floodproofing Certification. The Elevation Certification may be completed by a registered professional engineer, architect, or surveyor. The Floodproofing Certification may only be completed by a registered professional engineer or architect. ELEVATION CERTIFICATION certify_ -.that -the- building- -at -.the_property_--location--described—above---has--' the lowest -floor at and elevation of feet, NGVD (mean sea level). FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATION certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, that the structure is designed so that the structure is water#ight =tom ara- elevation of feet-NGW-(mean--sea -level); with---walls.-substantially- . - impermeable-to=the-passage -of water and structural-components-hpMrig-the capability of - resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be caused by the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact and uplift forces associated with the base flood. In the event of flooding, will this degree of floodproofing be achieved with human interventipn?* Will the structure be occupied as a residence? If the answer to both questions is Yes, the floodproofing cannot be credited for rating purposes and the elevatioh certification must be completed instead. *Floodproofed_ with -human intervention means- that. water will enter the structure when- floods -up. to the base flood - - level occur, unless measures are taken Prior to the flood to prevent entry of water (e.g. bolting metal shields over doors and windows). CERTIFIER'S NAME AFFIX SEAL OR WRITE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE'NO. BELOW. TITLE - - ADDRESS (Signature) - - (bete) The insurance agent attaches the second copy _of the completed form to the flood :insurance policy application for new (POST -FIRM) construction or substantial improvements, Be sure that the second copy is certified. BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST, LUCIE COUNTY -,FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 TELEPHONE 465-6655 CONTRACTOR: Versa Development Inc. ARCHITECT: Stebbins & Scott OWNER: -Bella Vista Inc. LOCATION.'-- 9940 S.E. AIA - South Hutchinson Island DATE RECEIVED: .,10-28-81 PHONE NUMBER: 229-0700 PHONE NUMBER: 464=3122 V TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Residential TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING: .145,000 sq.' ft-. NUMBER OF FLOORS: 19-166.07 Height RECOMMENDATIONS: County Ordinance No. 81-6 passed on 9-15-81 requires that all buildings five (5) stories or fifty feet in height shall be completely sprinkled and compartmentized and shall comply with all parts of section 506 of the Standard Building Code. Fire Alarm Riser Diagram does not meet the requirements of Section 506 of Standard Buildinq Code. All storage rooms, mechanical rooms and electrical rooms shall have a Class "B" one 1 hour rated door and assembly with self-closinq device. Transformers vault shall have a Class "A" three (3) hour fire -rated door and assembly. All doors in stairways shall be Class "B" one and one half (11-,) hour fire rated with self-closinq device. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: /� DATE: - Signature FORH 1195 - PRINTING BY HEARN MIRAMAR NORTH BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 TELEPHONE 465-6655 DATE RECEIVED: 10_28-81 CONTRACTOR: Versa Development, Inc. ARCHITECT•'Stebbins and Scott OWNER: Bella Vista, Inc.' PHONE NUMBER: 229-0700 PHONE NUMBER: 46.4-3122 LOCATION: 9940"S E AlA - South'Hutchinson Island TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Residential TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING.• 145,000 sq.' ft. NUMBER OF FLOORS:.�19-166.07 height RECOMMENDATIONS: No L.P. Gas piping diagram indicated L.P. gas installation for boiler shall comply with NFPA-58. No indication of water supply or where it is coming from, on plans CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: DATE: �� 3 kv Signature FORK 1196 - PRIN7ING RI RF IL9 MIRAMAR. NORTH St ! BUILDING PLAN .CHECK ST.`LUCIE;COUNTY- FORT PIERCE fIRE'=PREVENTION'BUREAU" FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA "33450 �'• _ - >, TELEPHONE'.465-6655 F DAT:E,RECEIVED: 10_28.8.1 CONTRACTOR: Versa Development, Inc. PHONE NUMB Versa ARCHITECT: .Stebbins"and Scott PHONE NUMBER: '464-3122 OWNER: Bella Vista Inc. LOCATION: 9940 S`'E 'A1A South Hutchinson'Isl-and JYPE,OF OCCUPANCY: Residential 1YPE'OF CONSTRUCTION. SIZE ,OF BUILDING: 145,000 sq ` ft. --NUMBER. OF F.LOORS.:�9-166 07 height "ECOMMENDATIONS: No L.P. Gas piping diagram�fndicated' L.;P qas installation for boiler shall comply with NFPA=5S'. Flo i ndi cati o`n ` of water. ,sua or where is'corr�g� from, on plans v ji CONTRACTORS- RESPONSIBILITY TO`:N.OT-IFY,.BUREAU,-ON ALL'L'INSPtE, IONS; REVIEWED BY: DATE: Signature FORM 1195 —PRINTING BY N9411A ,. r ,. , y agar•( ,V. F,cyT i t 1 1 s MIRAMAR NORTH BUILDING PLANT CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE:'FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA.33450 TELEPHONE 465-6655 DATE„RECEIVED: 10-28-81 Versa Develo ment Inc.229-0700 CONTRACTOR: p PHONE NUMBER:. ARCHITECT :Stebbins _& Scott. ;, PHONE NUMBER 1'46473122 4 a jq OWNER: Bella Vista Inc. j. LOCATION° 9940 S.E.'AIA -South HUtchinsorr'Tsland' TYPE OF',OCCUPANCY: Residential-TYPE.OF CONSTRUCTION:' SI'ZE`OF BUILDING,'''145;000 J sq. ft. NUMBER`"OF FLOORS- 19-166:07 Height RECOMMENDATIONS: County Ordinance No. 81-6-passedFon;9-15'=81 requires that•;ail buildings ` five (5)- stories _Qo fifty feet "i'n height ,shall be completely''sprinkled and compartmentized and shall :comply;w.ith_.al1..,-parts,_of section7,•506 ..of the-Stan•dardlz.Bu. long Code. Fi re Alarm Ri ser :Diagram does not meet .,he requi i^ejnents : of •.Section 506 .of Standard Building •Code ro - All sioraae `rooms;,' mechani.cal•� rooms and-`electrical'roons sh'al1 have` a Class "B"- one (1)'"NourYrate`d-door' and `assembly with self -closing device-: nTransf m'r ersvauht shal:l�.'have a -Class "A" three (3) -hour fire rated -door and assembly. A13doors i:n .star-rways:''s.hall, beF;CI-,ass "B" one and, one half (12)'.hour fire"rater with= self -closing device. _ CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU.ON"ALL.INS PECTIONS REVIEWED BY: % •DATE: Signature FORM 1195 — PRINTING BY BEARN- DUILLL1Cla YLRPIlI 1t .DVJJL " w N O T I C E This •no.t;i_c.e :ills -to,-i,nform .you ,thaw your ;prop_e`rt.p is in a Flood -Hazard }Zo:ne. This me-ans that ;e,l.e,vation of the floor must be set at a,e.e;t,, ox 18 ' ;ab•ove the ;cro.wn ,o:f the ;road, which- ever is ,greate;r:. ; =You -mush submi=t an affidavit =from a 'aegis-tere:d ,surveyor, cer;tifyng..• the above ,.floor el;ep:ation, :wit:h:in twenty-one Y.(21) cal.eadar. ;days .fr,om the, time ,t;tie al;ab 4,s' inspected. Any w.p. rk-..;d;an,e iwith,i;n the ;twenty. -one (,2.1) ,days prior to submi;s.s-io;n',of ,the. .cer,tift a;t,•ion :shall .be- a,t -t.-he permit ho•l.d:er°__ s r,,isk. The •D..evelopmen•t Co:o-r,din,ator sha'11 re;vai,e>w ,,t:he .F;ljo;od Blevation $urv.ey data submitted. ;D;efic_ienc;i,es-:detected by th.e r,e:view .shall ;:b;e corr.ect.ed by th.e pe.r•mi::t ,holder prior tt.p f.urth,er pro,g-r.es-si;ve .work be3.ng p,er. itte.d to p;r.o,ce.ed. , Fa.ilure t,o s,ubmit,• the ,c;ert_ifi:ca-tio,n ;o:r failure to make r;e,qu r,e'd corre;c,t.i,on,s, ,s:bal-1 �,be, cause to �is.sue a stop -work o,r,d.er _fo.r .the kr.o j ecrt,. A i.g n a tune CT JWLA.AJAJ KV%&hfU%LLF VWWA-AC- E, 14 DEVEIMCWT DAIEL'71XX� BUILDST,,- =IE COUM 0 -mG & ZCNnC VIVISION 7z: "Ao- vmGnaA AVE mm - - '�3 '50,52 EMT PIERCE, .3482 PIXW: 466-1100.ext.344 IO4 67,20 U= 'eppada & Aho-Const.. Co.' q, Bella Vista Inc. '0 THIS NOTICE. IS TO II iM, YOU THAT, YOM. PROPERTY: "IS ;pW,,X,-FlWD l!RIS" -kMWS, THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE FLOOR MUST BE pW AT 7 FEED, NGVD (MEAN. SEA. LEVEL),. OR. 1 . 8P ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE RC1AD, ,'WHICI�VER IS GwAlti'i MelEM BY', A Ripismm SURVEYOR, 'CERTIFYINGAFFIDAVIT MUST SUBMIT THE ABOVE FIRM WITHIN (21) 'CALENDAR DAYS FRCM THE TIME �THE;, SLAB, IS .'',tAM4I'�2K.-DONE ;WITHIN THE TWENTY-ONE (21) DAYS' `_,PRICR:'TO SUBMISSION OF THE CERTIFICATION., HOLDER -SHALL BE AT THE PERMIT Is THE;. Dwmpmn . Dnu)=, SHALL pxvimw SURVEY DATA SUffff=.. DEFICIENCIES DEIECrED,. BY .-ng RM-V� SHALL BE CORRSCTED BY THE, PERMIT,RM OLDER .PRIOR PROGRESSIVE'BEING PERMIT= TO'PROCEED. ..:,-FAILURE, -TO =' ' SUM,THE CERTIFICATION" OR .FAILURE TO MAKE' REQUIRED COPP= ONS .,SHALL BECAUSE TO ISSUE A STOP-WCPk ORDER THE, PROJECT �t7 SIGNATURE Z�v DAM m y /LI'ILDhf�l( I'LA,N CH'C'Iti , PlEFIRE TIEVENTI®N Po T-1EACE, FL RUDA 7 L P1-1 �J:E" 465-6655 BUREAU PLAN NUMBER #1746 10-17-88 b TE RECEIVED CUIVTRAGTORt • ��eppla &, .Aho Const:ruc�ion. PHONE NWMBER:. Ste]*bins � �S:cott ARCHITECT: ' PHONE NUMBER:' OWNER: -,N Tx 'BUILDING 2 585-•5843 464-•3122 LUCATIO !' `9.9,50 : $dl#ka;, Al '(Y: 12esid t l ? sprinkled TYPE OF .O CUPA1t1 SIZE OF BI7ILDING 91 UTIits _ _— NUMBER :OF ;FLOO'R :-- 19 w. REQUIREMENTS: 1: ' Lodatioli ''Of firs ,ala'm,.pa,t� i. , ki`.a � c00n?Ly 4 ''in its, entirety. 2 Portable firg et t4lp� tph�� ��.red 4�1" kuil14 pg aeco 449 to �VPA #10. -- . — 3. Need copy of For ca ,�%l or fife ill ih cont_ractcx, and fire sprinkler contractoi:. ' 4. Fire eprtM DaEMnt corzat ct:� o 2 J /2" to, 1 1/2'' if or ;coinl�.ina9 t o� _sysem shall ''die. located in — — fire 'rated st..a]Lr;#euy A i ' 4 CO`N7RAC;,lO►$,f£EaPON.SIBILaTY TO NOTIFY,BU3EAU Off AL INSPECTIONS 2��k�(Qt� ,�VOT Cf ;FiE B'UfFtE® QN;-ALt f � R EV I EWE D BY: iplQrJhT.URE + .e. OV3 C?F . FEDERAL EMERSENCY MANAGTMM AGENCY NATIONAL ILOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM POST CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION CERTIFICATE/FLOODPI,.,.,I ING CERTIFICATE COIdMUNITY NUMBER _ Et. Lucie Co., 1r1. (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 120285 INSTRUCTIONS 'he registered prOesslonaf engliner, archhed. surveyor. or community permit official completes Section 1 trek 'eOf 0 0 OW be completed by any el the professionals listed at the beginning of Section II, or by A similarly qurilii *0 PWM Oftir. fa W or Mm the kdorrI ation on this form. This form Is to be used for now (POST -FIRM) construct seppalagaho,'inc. 3020 HIGH RIDGE RD. SUITE 200 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 (407) 585 - 5843 TO _ Building and Zoning (Permits & Certificatic 2300 Virginia Ave 1 Niels �tiy=r 1� u'ra yi"ar v.`rnf#rul!-� ,f1:ECE�r�; I�Kf �Ill�l� • dvcrccurlYltN) WE ARE SENDING YOU IRR Attached ❑ Under separate cover via F 0 Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans i❑Samples ❑ Specifications .® Copy of letter 0, Change order p COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Pos C , ,LBQ e THESE ARE�'TRANSM'ITTED'as{ checked•' below:' For„approyaa:;i `.''.; ` 0 'Approved .as, submitted ❑Resubmit copies for approval ®,For; your,,usew ❑ A ❑ Submit copies for distribution .;:. Approved as noted :... w ...... . ...::... .:.:. 4 C As requested "❑ Refurried for corrections ❑Return corrected prints ❑ For review -and -comment ❑ ❑.FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKSry^'Pleas'e Du these i'ri'vour files for S'epala & 'Rho (Any questions- pledge call Rachel 229 5264).(I spoke to'Chuck McDermott on COPY TO_r� " an'Of:" Job File . SIGNED: RR for Ken Morello If enclosures'`are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CHECK LIST PR/ : 88- 1687 ' Q//6 % a 0 Project Name: MIRAMAR NORTH - 19 STORY (91 UNITS) COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION BLDG Architect: STEBBINS.& SCOTT ph: 464-3122 Contractor: Owner: Address: SEPPLA & AHO CONST. CO. Ph: 585=5843 BELLA VISTA, INC. Ph: 229-0700 9950 S. OCEAN DR. JENSEN BCH., FL .34957 Occupancy cisasification: Type of Construction: Height and Area.:. Occupancy Requirements,per Chapter IV: Construction-Bequi:iements: A. Fire Protection: s. ' Egress' Reluiressents: Other Requirements: Elevators JQ�4 Sprinklers b Standpipes Combustible Materiels-- Interior` ayrtp—Roof Coverings Light - Ventilation - Sanitation Handicap Requirements Plans sent to Fire Dept. - Date: ePPrd• Plot Plan Cbeck Water Serer .Energy Code Paving &.Drainage approval by Engineering Dept. Special Conditions prior to issuance Threshold Affidavit/before Issuance Affidavit t�tbfi`� � (•,�"•.v 1.�L der d Us 5• j r "n�- �r ' . ri�I7�PROPERTY��• 3.IIa�i," is@ ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLIC I N 'il{1/Coef> 1S:Iti Si, LUCIE CCV11TY oir,anre i\o. E,' 37-03 &6 ; DC-56-36769 if eFRMIT NO. ( CODE : ) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. ce-yye q 41 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO C6'N_STRUFT The Miramar North, 19 story, XllI7its - Building $2 JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS:/ Jensen Bea: h Florida Y(IAni' LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING THE .SOUTH � OF' THE NORTH OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 37S, RANGE 41 E; ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT TO STATE ROAD AIA ,RIGHT-OF-WAY. f ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICT` ' 'L" `'`"�_/ZONE EE �r ' S/D MAP # C•3/�� FLOOD ZONE C �ELEV / TWP RGE ✓ LOT BLOCK UN1T :S 2!` 37�' 41 C LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS: SET BACKS: FRONT oZ( �•' 2 ! ''-REAR D�`� C c L• SIDE GMPP EST COST $7, 250; 000 3 e y.j s-` W • SIDE 166.07 S' SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING, AREA. '145,rouo - NACCESSORY ARCHITECT: NAME Stebbins'-, & Scott.., PHONE • 4.64-3122 ADDRESS i 1(l1' Siiriri sP '' •Blvd_ CITY Ft•.Pierce ST Fl . Z 3.:a5U 'C.O]'c52'! CONTRACTOR: STATE RSG:/CERT OG # COUNTY CERT ; NAME SeP is & Aho Construction CO., lr�bDRESS.' 115 East Coast Ave. Hypaluxo - .. Fl. 33462 585-5843 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE OWNER OF NAME BELLA ,VISTA, • INC. PROPERTY/ / ADDRESS POST OFFTC- ' BOX 2777 PHONE 229-0700 V CITY STUART STATE F.L—'ZIP'— 34995 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF"ST: LUCIE f Before me, the undersigned authority, .personally appeare , � %-y\uci P , who upon, .ed being duly sworn, deposes and says that the informatiori contai ,in the 'fo'r coin �pplicati n'is true an correct. L Applicant Sworn to and subscribed before.{ me this —lam day 'of SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No of Florida at Large Amt. Pd Notary=Pubk, state of Florida fires: omcnnaoon 1 Ott. 27, 14pte Pd Posted .� 10,�.�,,. t / I i T �00 a - I I IN 'x August 1,"1989 Mr. Terry Virta: Community Devel;opinent:Director St. Lucie County`-' 2.300 Virginia .Avenue " Room 201 Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Miramar Nor-th.;,(Building .2) (n/k/a Miramar Royale) . Building Permit-No'.s..46666, 46720 and 46730 Dear Mr. Virta This .is to c.o:n.firm our advice to you that the general contractor fora ;.the project covered :by. :.;the} "above- referenced permits will :b,e ,compl'eting the'.construct.i.o.ri of 'the project under the -' name of S'eppala & Aho, Inc.', _a Florida •corpo,rat1on,,�,.a,nd under Florida General Contractor's License, N,o-: CGCA 1 `7�233:,, ,A It.i:s,our understanding that, as a technical matter, you, wila re -;issue' 'these permits to reflect the 'change of 'name and license numbe-r. P-1ea's'e let; us,, •know 'i•f :you requ:ire., any, further Tn>form' on or we may otherwise as-s'ist: you in this process'. MIRA1AR EQUITY ASSOCIATES' LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, .a Florida limited partnership -+ By: REMI Consulting, Inc., a Florida 'cor;pora'tion an:d general partner, cq es Br_ion, re ident, xc: Ms. Janet Urso k/. Mr. Dennis Murphy Mr. Richard Stebbins Miramar Royale 9950 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 (407) 229 1500 BOARD OF�COUNTYr^V yam► DVELOPMNT COMMISS,IONE'RS • `. ; ''DIRECTOR TERRY L. \ARTA August••28, 1989 SeJ ppala,:;& .Aho: _ ,t _ :.Inc. 3020- High. Ridge: Road Bo rton Bead; • FL '33426 . y" SUBJECT:,' Permit Appli_ cati':ons.' for Pool & Deck; Parking. Garage, and 91 Uni_t •Con do:;Bulding;2 for Miramar Royale/ F • Miramar:,No,rtli_'II�,� (PR-8.9-2575,' •PR-89�-2�5''76; PR789-257T)' `• ' '` ' ' Dear : Si r:. G -.. lPu+rs.uant- to'• the ;'St. Lucie , County Bea: Turtle Protection ' ordinance ,..(EC-86-02), a'.Sea: Turtle Protection Plan 'is,'' required forr': a°l'-1•.`<<' gonstruction during the, nesting season (May •1 through October.: 31) seaward, :of `the:' dune, as. -well, as for all aons.truction z; invo'l,vi.ng-'permanent lighting. Review of;'•the above subject permit applications indicates than a Sea ' Turtle Protection Plan, must be submitted . to and • ••pp;r`o�red `'by;'tie Planning Division prior to the '` issuance' of a _t, In .,permit. :,Please,contact: -Mr.Chris Bove of the Environmental Planning ,,,,,Section o,f this .•office; for further ; ,information regarding. .Sea y Turtl'e Protection "requrcments 31 y f a Land vel opm. n Manager r DJM/CM%cm :.. STPPMIR2. SEP. i cc: PlanningAdminist'rati6r Environmental. Pl,anne;r I,II;' " }, File: STPP (General )': ; Miramar Royal HAVERT L. FENN, District No. 1 01UDY CLIAPPER, Disrriq No 2, 9'JACK*KRIEGER, District No. 3 0 R. DALE TREFELNEK •District No. A e JIM MINIX, District No. 5 County Administrator - WELDON 0_LEV✓IS' ARO:,a10268 &ASSOCIATES, INC. O. Box LIEUMM OF TMA,a RMGTMR- �P. - Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 „ ATTENTION 0 !< Mr. David Oppens,te.:i n_ RE Miramar North LL rry GENTLEMEN:— CUMMUIdITY DEVELOPMENT xj WE ARE . SENDING YOU 'X Attached' U Under separate cover via LUCIE.CU• F) +he f ing items: Shop drawings . L Prints Cl Plans ❑Samples C. Specifications Copy of letter El 'order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION _- -- - — 1` 6 I •Dr6wi ngs --- - THESE ARE TRANSMITTED .as•;checked L; For approval fX For your..use ' "— u As requested C For review and comment , O FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS below:" ❑Approved as submitted G' Approved as noted C, Retuened for, cofrections C! '• 19 I._. �J Resubmit copies foi approval 10 Submit - copies for distribution G Return' corrected prints —.__— --- PRINTS,;RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO `Digtri Utj6n -- — SIGNED: Lawrence Dombrowski. Jr. P_E�_= 11A D'i 41. tt_Tt �1G .'L'�WICrt N L # J Ic :,D�' \� fix► ,"` �<<o�� %� q., �L��i ca Now, I � X f r r > r •. i o %% -F?A=W CV& ` 141, , 16 IV ✓! „ I 1 �irr / : t • " ` `Gatr�..'�� � / .�T`;�,Q�.1q� '• � (�1}/�rw�) Q ��. :ar � � r ; ' �' r .y ' {�` �% • ``�/ f ,-��` n , t'r4�1'�K'1�\ �-�+'R �� `M"".�L41 t. r5 s �'`�F� �:..• .. - FF ` , p R 4' r. ei s .. .. - _.�f ,"-- ,"-",I�IT �__,1�.W,.,-" '*4 : .­ L�—'.- " , ­0 Mo�� N�,5�.1.X, . .,.�­ . I. i..I , "%4 t i., , . .�!� ,,-,O� ,4, ..,M�'",. 1 . , i i i i , ; , .. ;� � , ;,!. . ,� � . - 4. I " , " " ,� , .... 1" 1"i --t-I -� " ,jt,—�_.k,� ;"'_ 4,,*�- , .,, �� , i ,, ,�--�1................0N�.'.,,.­ -.A_-,:- ­ '- .I...............o "� -....",'��.'1..............................,:1 "i-,j4 i- � ,,..._ _ '..1.�.' ­_­: :� :­ ,,.. ..." v, ., � � -.1- r ) cQjiq'I � JAR' � I "1" L 14 Pt 4,4 oM`: "!pi`".q""­..%., M.,f., "­,.,I,1. a,," .' .�. 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This certifies that: pp -115 East -Coast Ave. Address: H oli xo Fl. 33462 k iq4*1 has permission to Complete Connt. of 91 Unit Condo Bldg.#2 See BP 30551.for plans (Change of Contractor) Replacement permit only for BP 30551, subject toletterj agreement dated 6/13/88' SITE PLAN — MIRAMAR NORTH - Code # 0908 Job Address: 9950 So. Ocean Dr.. Owner: Bella'.Vista, Inc. P.O. Box12777. ; Owner's Address: Stuart, Fl. 34995 Tax. I.D. # 4502-311-0002410/5 Lot Block Unit Sec. S--2 T 37S R 41E .Zoned HIRD GMPP CT S/D ' 0311=C .:. A-10' Elev. 7' . Map ?# Flood Zone " Lot Size/Dimensions 357 61 X 322.26 X 395.01 X 319.17 Setbacks: Front 156' `RearO'to CCL '° Sides 129 & 83 Sq. Ft. Bldg.: Living Area 145,000 S.F. Access Road Impact Dist. So. Island - Zone 12 -.Fee N/A Fee` Paid $5, 799.50 Es'ated Cost $7 , 250, 000.00 J For Community Development Director Posted VOID AFTER 180 DAYS IF CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT COMMENCED M iUTCNINS ISLAND PROPERTY tt�� W revli w of your;aatgittal ST LUCIc COUNTY PERMIT �APPLie: I N •'fill be made for compliance �► with ST, LUCIE COUNTY • �� ����MIT NO o. EC 87 03/� : ( CODE 4M) SEWAGE PERMIT NO. DC-56-36769 9L i.r RI APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TOGN_STRUC1,I'he Miramar North, 19 story, 9e units - Building # 2 = ,, Jensen Beach, Florida JOB LOCATION/ADDRESS:` LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING THE SOUTH . 3,2 OF THE NORTH h OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 37S RANGE 41 E ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT TO STATE ROAD AIA RIGHT-OF-WAY �,,, �, - -/�- pGYiiC 2Q 3 'ROAD IMPACT:; DISTRICT- �— ZONE _ FEE S/D MAP # 02//C FLOOD ZONE A ELEV LOT BLOC UNIT S� 2 TWP 37 5 RGE ` ..— PROPERTY .TAX .ID # 7D ed ,ZONE i �� ✓ GMPP LOT SIZE/DIMENSIONS EST COST $7'i250; 000 z 3 SETBACKS: FRONT REAR D' 2"0 5 c L' SIDE ;T_ IV' SIDE SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AREA 145;000 ACCESSORY ARCHITECT: NAME' Stebbins & Scott PHONE 4 6 4— 312 2 ADDRESS 2101 Sunri se F11 yd CITY Ft.Pierce ST Fl. ZI�j� 3_�-450 CG CO12527 < ' ` ' CONTRACTOR, ..STATE`REG/CERT # COUNTY CERT # - NAME Se la & Aho Construction -Co,..,. IrbDRESS CITY Hypoluxo Fl• E OWNER OF NAME BEL 'DISTA' `'JF PROPERTY i15 East Coast Ave. ZIP 33462 PHONE 585-5843 —N, U, /?,, P� I, 'T Z~D y s- Cry$ /�� 92VR"- PHONE 229-0700 CIT TUNRX-x,pi_- Y� STAT FL ZIP 34995 B `01.�d ij� STATE OF FLORIDA, CANJ`IaOF.'ST' LUCIE` • '. ,,•.. r.' :,,; t: ` `' Before me, the undersigned auth�rity,: personafly appeare m�-` a -` 0.. who upon being duly, sworn, depose and say! '�} a`V:the information contai ed +n the fordgoing1pplicati s true an correct. Applicant i Sworn; to and subscribed before me this day' bf ' `a-U 19 g SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required ❑ Yes ❑ No Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Amt. Pd My Commission expires: N0tmy Pub' Scat® of Rorwla to Pd Posted — >I n-M twim Oct. 27, 19� autl,utiNv rLnral• v llti5� P .. ice.. i OMB 026R-D0026- FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMEA`"AGF�iCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ,RAM -POST CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION CERTIFICATEIFLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE COMMUNITY NUMBER St. Lucie Co:. , . F1. (UN,T.c1C0RP0RATED_ AREA$) 120'. _. INSTRUCTIONS f The registered. professional engineer, .architect; surveyor or -community permit official completes Section I -below. Section II,.may be completed by any of the professionals listed at the beginning of Section• II, or by a Similarly qualified local permit official. Print ar type the. information on this form. This form 'is to 13e `used for new (POST FIRMA) construction and for substantial .improvements to existing- structures in' .Zones-A1 A30" AH and V;1 V30 and existing" (PRE FIRM) buildings to be, rated under:, POST, -=FIRM rules 'rates. ;>5 .,and ". .f ,SECTION I L _(TO BE COMPLETED W COMMUNITY PERMIT, OFFICIAL) PROPERTY ADDRESS (oi lot. arid: block numbers` if address is :unavailable) _ 9940 SE AIA '- BP30 51 FIA MAP PANEL ON. WHICH, PROPERTY IS- QCATED FlA•MAP. ZONE IN wHICH PRpPE(iTY IS LOCATED >. 315A`: RA MAP EFFECTIVE DATE � - BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AT {THE PROPOSED SITE • • August a,7,• .198.1 f ., �.... 1 _ , START OF CONSTRUCTION PATE ],N&n6"&rfd,'ji1Ie PWONE'(uyith Area'Code) 11/6/81 'Gary Ament, County .Development Coordinator. ADDRESS - 2300- Virginia 'Ave.;, :F1 . Pierce,-F1..33450 11/6/81 (Signature) Date SECTLON~II` INSTRUCTIONS Complete only the -Elevation Certification unless - the 'building fias been ,floodoroof6d at least to the base flood elevation. If floodproofing is used, complete only the Floodproofifig Certification TFie Elevation Certificatlori `may, tie completed by a registered professional engineer, architect; -or surveyor: Tile`.Flpodprioofing`Certification:mt%y"ohly,be completed by a registered professional engineer or architect. .-. ELEVATION ":CERTIFICATION f - certify --that -the _ building -at--the ,property location -described -,Above .-has -the- lowest .floor- -at an -elevation of feet,- NGVD (mean .sea',level).` A FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATION certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief; that',the structure is designed so that the structure is water#ighL-to- ar l+evation- of. fEet fC %D-(Mean=sea=-level)', with.=walls=substantially=- impermeat7le-to -the passage of water -and stnictural components having ,the capabil'ity`"of resisting hydrostatic' and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be 'caused by 'the flood `depths; pressuresvelocities, impact and uplift forces associated with the base flood. In the event of flooding, will this degree of floodproofing be achieved'i Pith human',inteniention?* J Will the structure be occupied as a residence? If the answer to both questions is Yes, the floodproofing cannot be .credited for rating purposes and the elevation certification must be completed instead. *Floodproofed with human intervention .means that water will .enter the structure when floods up to the base flood level occur, unless measures are ;take_ n prior to dhe flood -to prevent• entry of water `(e.g: bolting metal` shields over doors and windows). AFFIX SEAL ORVRITE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE NO.,BELOW. _ (Dater ' -• ..•'_ The insurance agent attaches•the.second copy,ot the completed form to the flood'insurance policy application for new (POST -FIRM) construction or Substantial improvements. Be sure that the second copy is certified. IlJcli^r-I�nr 1C�1.�iC I/f\' r^'l:Q T17iC C/l�lll .� m �i ,'+W �"�4A 'S"° 4 T ✓R z'Wq ,.'A i ° fi: ' . x :;' :. � � �� xt w a"fir 4 ,. i IREMENTS say t jVWj6 „ = ]4cre jWq perf rmed a accordance with shall be w�th LucieoCounty Total Acreage above MHW 1497 in�� �M�k Acres . rc Z Acres'' Total Acreage on the East >� vs: * ^ follow! ber ., .X:. • r Side of A-1-A Zoned R4E ik " AC_ mum, but not limited Total Acreage on the West " Side of A-1-A 200' West of I [''"(" ;wh k seeped strip the East Property Line 1.; +" Zoned R4S AD 2.3289 Ac r � ng sty Rd.l1�1 ". .xti '� �n4 `.ie'��a� 'r+ti re 4 = 9.8 ®. Total Ac age Zoned R S 379 strip on Total Acreage on Is West �. �4 m Rd. A-1-A.' nx 7 Side of A-1-A f a point " 3) One tree a<. 200' ,West of the;; st " �' w �., k 10' landscaped i � l iropert line t4 t>se .South property `.,., ,...:y r"f"'iY ua> ;� a"��Nw`kw°c�i.w.a:�.� •. !e.f..,a �` 4) A six foot hedge on 10wid� fr , w scaped strip an l2aa tir i" perty lines. "i, 5) one square of interior landscep- i"f'units/acre = l ` ing for every 40ek re feet of vehicular ;�'- 14.1354 Unite spa i y 191.2176 Units 6) Ohe tree for each 100square feet of�, interior landscaping. T_-' s Number of Un w, (All 2 Bed"""" f KID �3M�`� ^. ,. f � 4 {✓r' d v ��^xln .1- ,. ' l a 'ti1lli tl4ls tb S.R. A-1-A shall meet Total N all D.O.T. requirements. All parking Total Floors " 4F ., spaces shown as asaed s paceioare assum- ;{ ed to be paved a vari can be Total Hui, obtained.,VON a i Total F1 (Includin +10 Number of Parking spaces required for ' 18? units: Total Non -Residential Floor = Area Per Floor (Typical) + 1,5$�8 Sq. !t. At 2 spaces per units 364 a Total Non -Residential Floor Number of paved spaces provided at I. S* zx ;,f rc Area of Ground Floor + c33 Sq Ft & DEN spaces& �y.. -) T C H I N ZONING P L A N„ 276 % at ZONINGSE , �"AK � aceP Acreage zoned CT aces e t ; Per Units 9Z :1 space Acreage zoned Rm 2.3289 acre _ Acreage zoned Rl "= 4.7118 acr a 4 ' Total number o of spaces provided.: 368 Acaz (B of which are Handicapped Spaces (H.C.) 7.50^ ac. 0 18 " unitr per acre 135.162 un 2.3289 ac. @ 11 units per acre 25.6179 ' "f ( ril_ units ac. 0 5 n p acre = 23 559 Paved parking ill be sloped to =F` !'Total units allowed the center of the parking isles where* "� per Hutchinson catch basins will collect storm water w a�* and Plan _ 184.3389 �tnii runoff. Runoff will then be directed via below grade piping to the reten- �� Total units.�k' tion pond between the buildings. provided $q 5 g `s 4. - N.89'31' a - V \ - r, — TURE DRAINFIELD N.89°31'55' VWg*{ a' .r ` , K � w 'IGF y F Iq.17 0AZFEB0 �U \ E \ ALK._.. 1 a -0 O( N �Y 0 0 N M W^ U F- N W W r F- 0 LL _ V o Jm N n Q N Zd W Da I N N 0 O Cl N N89019' 19"E - 8 80'' �o h ti ° ° 'i i ate" nuit�hr YV. \. Survey B EL for. North Line of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of Government Lot 4 , Section 2, Twp. 37 S, Rge. 41 E PARCEL III South Line of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of Government Lot 4, Sectio 2 T 3F..S .b. .:v J• n �jrf} I 1.0 Pv.ro<.. ;,.v F'Y` N ,$, ACREAGE !1iV ATIONS n , PARCEL I �r;�� Ts �� a�' a ,� � `. ar' � �r�� � r �'" r { �i, , T Ir 4 �., k'•'' %� . I•+` , v-.dtmi,v, o> ds «u��.. `"�^�:' °• x.�.r, a .:. PARCEL IT •��„ I 1.294 Ac. UPLAND LEGAL DESC14, 0.090 Ac. DITCH 1 .364 PARCEL Or: r°Th 384 Ac. Parcel of land East of State Road A-l-A. All that part of the N, of the S', of Governmen' rightsLot 4, Section iil there unto appertanng;subjso ecttoanSeasement tate dfor lingresss, egress, rig-; together with all ht-of-way ght-of-way s PARCEL III ... EAST OF SIR.,A 1 3.657Ac. and access from State Road A-1-A to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, ovgr, acr ss and .: ll TI upon the S 10' thereof. St. Lucie County, Florida.iK y, 6.675 Ac. UPLAND - PARCEL IT ` n 0.424 Ac. DITCHES 7.099 GROSS W/O SR. A -I -A 7.099Ac. Aparcel of land West of State Road A-1-A. A parcel of land lying and being in the N%, of SJ, of Government Lot 4, Section 2, T 37S, R 41E more particularly described as follows: TOTAL........ 15 . 992 AC. Begin at a point where the South line of the N'z of Sz of Government Lot 4, Section 2,arkl" LOCATION MAP T 37S, R 41E intersects the Westerly right-of-way of State Road A-1-A; thence run Norther along the Westerly right-of-way of State Road A-1-A a distance of 150' to a point; thencVOW e run Westerly a line parallel to the South line of said Nz of S% of Government Lot 4, a ♦ distance of 435' to a point; thence South along a line parallel to the Westerly right-of-way `! y- line of State Road A-1-A and 435' distance there from a distance of 150' to a point on the a South line of the N, of the S'i of said Government Lot 4; thence run Easterly along the 34 . \ South line of said N%, of S, of Government Lot 4, a distance of 435' to the point and place. Y N 1 t 5 ♦ of beginning. St. Lucie Co unty, Florida.3f r r i. ♦ w , 1 c ,- , s 1 I . r L x w I. r TjT r PARCEL . 1 >s P � r a n r Being the South , of the North , of Government Se tion 2, Township I Y tx lrrd {`e r St Lucie County, Florida. Subject to State Road A-7-A right -of— a I, F y v /l . t • 36 ORG''�t'.,. Nettle? Island Florida D.N.R. Coastal Construction Control Line DETAIL I" = 50' J ,2`1a 2OF PARCEL A 061 7 I \Ala , \n 0 �LAO Av�h� A 1 f \ v 0 -h v s t 4 4 � q F c \ ��� Easement for Ingress, E \ , 10' w... r ,.: , ... .. ... � and RI ht f Re � 1 o Wa of A I A to Ocean \ � _ 1 0 ea Y t �i a �. Q , Q O� .t A O M O h `r O 4. I _ 4.13' o N 89031'55"E - 435.00` a w -�i- --- _ N89031'55"E - ,2Q + l ---- South Line of the N 1/2 of the S I/2 of Government �m `' `'� %%%J 0• / \J Lot 4, Section 2, Twp. 37S, Rge. 41 E MMM ( �' b a `3 \m See Detail O NOTE; ACREAGE TABULATION South Line of the NI/2 of the SI/2 of Government � � 1` Elevations are in feet, based on M.S L as 9? Lot 4, Section 2, Twp. 37 S , Rge 41 E 1) Approximate area of mosquito ditches = 0.514 Ac. referenced to USCaGS.Bench Mark FRANZ ' haven an Elevation of 12.66interior 54 I 41T_ —__ 13052'19"E 9 2) Approximate area of inl erior lands South Line Government Lot 4 S 2272. 24' — . naturallybelow MHW (elev. 0.60 as ' 1� M proyidedby HUTCHELON ENGINEERS 1.4_ `I + T' Twp. 37S, Rge. 41 E D.N.R. Mon., A-03 Y` wi zl G:p F h, PARCEL A 061 7 I \Ala , \n 0 �LAO Av�h� A 1 f \ v 0 -h v s t 4 4 � q F c \ ��� Easement for Ingress, E \ , 10' w... r ,.: , ... .. ... � and RI ht f Re � 1 o Wa of A I A to Ocean \ � _ 1 0 ea Y t �i a �. Q , Q O� .t A O M O h `r O 4. I _ 4.13' o N 89031'55"E - 435.00` a w -�i- --- _ N89031'55"E - ,2Q + l ---- South Line of the N 1/2 of the S I/2 of Government �m `' `'� %%%J 0• / \J Lot 4, Section 2, Twp. 37S, Rge. 41 E MMM ( �' b a `3 \m See Detail O NOTE; ACREAGE TABULATION South Line of the NI/2 of the SI/2 of Government � � 1` Elevations are in feet, based on M.S L as 9? Lot 4, Section 2, Twp. 37 S , Rge 41 E 1) Approximate area of mosquito ditches = 0.514 Ac. referenced to USCaGS.Bench Mark FRANZ ' haven an Elevation of 12.66interior 54 I 41T_ —__ 13052'19"E 9 2) Approximate area of inl erior lands South Line Government Lot 4 S 2272. 24' — . naturallybelow MHW (elev. 0.60 as ' 1� M proyidedby HUTCHELON ENGINEERS 1.4_ `I + T' Twp. 37S, Rge. 41 E D.N.R. Mon., A-03 Y` wi zl G:p F h, X :N ''Y 'Y"a S 'Sfki _ •'t XF t r'1 N°r kfY•.. iA f �w.,'S`%rA.1" ,i 4t "V6S•°'s { ri" P &. .m r T aTIT,#EBY CER*II1 1Y`at ti a ea� `in SURVEY FOR: shown above is correct to the best of my knowledge CERTIFICATION (NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH and belief. BELLA VISTA AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. SCALE 1 • DATE • � Au^` �. 'qP • Y?, Sa 9 P F y(9Rhu a }�!.. F DESIGNEE) ENGINEERSHUTCHEON P� �-t NBy 4 l u I i1 S A s , 80 a, ' t � t ., b r�s4, i r' � E N� I► C' � afl' I {U u,. , CHECKED BY CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS BELLE GLADE STUART _ w .*f#.5- ., BP ,..— ,..-.� .+� '` y��.n,u`+—., ;'' .a-"X F I IT, I � I I I , I I'," V T il 1, 7, T, Ti 51, z W i 0 MIT it Tg OX t'' IT IT e T: i IT ... ... I it f TtI 1-11 III ITT "Il AT it Ai 'A_8� TT TM Iii X tYl � 1114 "1 .1 1 1 T'i " 1 1 1 ,1, " , I, , 1I, ,, I I I I ��q i i� I I, -I , -I �, It, it� 1— 11 1- "" , i,� I , Ii V , , T�it,,­, III l -, "T"i", � II, -r WE ,,, " I " , ­1 TIT, A iZl ,j I IV, It' i ITT, MIR 'Iii IT Wall, 4 -It ITT , , , , I I c� 11.1, 1 ZiI v T` It T MM Im 91 a R11, m -iii t, 1 1; ITT IM ItIR H E I1tItitItIT.. ... I ... 1ITov TititIIITITTTIitIIIitLo tI'1 '14 ITItItTt I itItitITITI I N E IT............ . HU II1I.... ..... . tIT Iil P1 IitI. ... .. ... itITIIIIITIITtI ... ...... it '�4 F NORTH ELEV. ENTRANCE CA 0 P 'OL4 e ?y TM a ' 4 i S� s a i. i a I [s 9 f y i9 ELVAwa r, RR N, }, ,' ti w 'llm >" ata§k i a IL I I I I I . � ?, , .1 �i, - I I I I ;,� � , + rT11 m. w I��I!�11I:1���I-IiIJ�­,,�V�,tPft--I�i1�il�Cft�—�'�f"i, i J ..` -i 4 x $. i t CI "O' ' y fi Y Y- ; ,I, 1 I �', l k.e S. t y} y £... 1 k7 W .VN.a V t i M W`' _ >, i, Ya?;' xi r, r' - . �"M, 7; ��l,�1, Y II -, ^e' Y 4 l \ } R 'R C T Li' Y '�1 ly ,1 -,L� Si '.` ' 1,�, .�I,-Ii' .: "r y . , °, sg , ` i` -... 4 ;- l,,,I,,,�i s .) , " ,,I a P l ,� i��Ii� e w E II -L,� h Y ", i V'3 .^.2 A ` F4 '' N 4 - f u Ay 4 vi 51N{,}yCe a ki..% !! ,"" ��,ik�,,- i2 al K 4' yP iI,' LLh V NI t. ' N Y1 b F.� I��,��---� 5 ". e✓, i ,;J g 1.11 � ,�, �,, ` ix "" T i '� ,` ,,l,I . i A,. 'S P 1 ` I , 'ti - , I 5 ,(,, v - ,, l ' `n -,. a ) h! + .kT ! y `�X 1# =v S P .S 5 i W . 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Pr 1 Yt✓ C i4fl 5 low �Y 5 w E s d` � 15 1 J R Ni 9 y r ' t 7b.cY # r. ," .w, , , I , . i llllu�'l _ n `` PASSAGET ", I y^ ; ,4 , f t t t •, a „ ;, 'ti a, t y 1 x e f i. 0Y A i \s, ` Y �tti4 £ �, ° ' ill I - F r, J .F v 9 [ h6 t 1 Y 'k 1SII ✓t '(Pt( . fps < 11,1 q y ',,I t _ n .I x t 3 Sy' k L.. 1 -11 x' 1 H' a i jr . fi r. ,.r`= £ tS t i. a% ` ` _ 1.Y w �� ' ,Ji �± �` s ; i y k �+. 1 t } i� R.it j it ti �'. 4 iit_ i , ,v ,,. iw,+ i Yill I 4 R,, xllw V P ' i *I , c 11 iJ' , j ' ` 'its rc kll wk , ,i, k [ ,:. .j ' ',. w n al , 1 {+LL '� t a p S `v, ,. ,� £ z wxf v b Y t4 - y il Rom. �, i", : ttts k T. , t * wI ! � � � £ i ., t. v F p F, ,,' ; �a�a , e,� 1 t A 1 v M I 't 't I�2 k A £ 6 c y ',£ f. i ,�"'v YI- I'llil #s.f 3 A 2; 'pxS sal S,I�IQ ,. ..t. • h ry i s8 i� 4 r c_ * ii, t{ .. P K i 1� , s• S } i ... ,3 P I I ' t �.. # , 4'�RR P , .W, 'u'f'� l '' 7 £ t Yiti� v a<'�Y Fx:,� �i;'G r N { A Y� v qp < f ^t - iy n £ 1 y, 1 o n£ { .. e x x r £ i Ott ry £..i. k bpi Y .� N. £ �J .,it .. . 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IVA IItIInAm 1 IIIItIaIIIItoy itIIttIINEI' IIIIaIIItNow IIIIja - NIN-Ad p ------- ITIaIIitIIIIIIIts IIIIIWit 4 jA1 I 1 IItoto in 1 top " = th IItgal ZY Pop- 1,0 a --- . ' &P, son itIIttatit.0 now No itIMAE, n1l IIIS lb its by? IaIIIIIIIIitNItIntr IaAMA 0 IIaIumt, OMAN e 1,7 III IIIIIIIaIIIsaw IIIIIIIitIIIIIlt. .. ....... IIIIIIM IIMod, itImom aIV watmg,; g to 1 moo al.mm,opoa Of owl To IIIIaItIIIITIINN ItIITI ItIIQ qw- Ipoll, IIIIIItIIIair nv� IIIIIIaIIaH 0 U itItIS E DETAIL IIIImop ...... twill too nIItIItIIIIIItIIIIIIIaIIIIIIIIazoo., III t t11014 - A his N 4 IIIIiIIIIIIaIIItIItoIaRk own V, 0 %. owl to 11A , V I " , " , , "M '' ;lV aj IIIlJohn" ittIIIIIIoIIItIitItIIl"; ItItoIaIIItIIII -low gu,w,, IIIIIINo IWoo N IIwait r, Ith" itIIIITTItIIIIMIN tIIitIIIIaIItIIIIIITIIV, IIItIItIIIIII5QTW Kt' I, IItIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIitIIItog ItIIaOF AIIItttZK IIIIaIUTH ELEVATIOW K woman lAll 2 IELEVATIO N A 1 14 IIIaIIIllI77� IIIIIIIitIIIIIIIIIliIIIIIIIIIaIIotIIjx aatowit PTAT� IIIIII= vi" atI_b tIIItIaITIIIIIIIlItIIItIIIIIIIIVIlIIItIIIitItIItIIIIINIlIINIIIItIIIasItIIIIIIIITVItINot. IItku A IIIIT"NO KS vivo", tIIItIIitITIIaIIj mIIIItII will III -Am P IiK-W IIIIIIIatItIl1001 UAW n 1; IIN4 IIItIIItW, . ...... 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Y' ..., y`' .. ... ..:. r, ,. .,: ,a ., ., .. R�..,• .s 4 sa...r•+„+ n �>4.: Y x'S 9.v<�.... a• ,._a,.,aS2:: ,. ,.. .. ,. .+ ,. ,a.. _, V?.Vg� ,- 4.., h. ..,, .,:.. PF<u"ul S Y.':'?�ggpp'++V .c^ '1 �1€�"'bi .... :r -.... ,i. t .4 t F�'.- 4,5 1 .�. b €.. .tl ,. ,•. ..i„.,. x': r x.;hr «x „.x Y... 1 a.:•.,. ins,. r ++ a• �r, .e�;,....,$'-u �+nis ; p 4.� .:.. .i ';.ly L. a.r. �a- *'� xc` 0 .Y.'?s+� Y �'& ,4k'4 r .,. ... .s v..ry A'. y,-�, ., , +'� .. �-^'v � v i '.v . Z .:vt: its .r i. ... .V M.3rF..e r I, is . ..eii I.. it . V:_, - c %^✓'Y'3[m, 11:4. '�.". ., ,. a.. -. s . —�_�,— . ROOF 84 PENTHOUSE BEAM SCHEDULE REINFORCEMENT MARK ELEV SIZE REMARKS 8OT. TOP #5 STIRRUPS pal t 187 -I" 8 x 25" 2 #5 'L- 'S p-ICn'oc.THaUoUT ,#5 ccN"r. AT MtO1 c2eI'7'94 P62 + 16 7'-I'� & X109,r 2-*5 2 -#-5 i212',,:`THRUouT F'51 2EINF, GONT, TP U F&Z Pt53 I + 185'-9'' g x 23 2 -#5 .L _' 5 e 12°oc-.THRUouT -- -- -- 10154 + 17rp'-2'I I 8 %21 " z 2 -' "5 (2 ICo"x.THRU cuT FEE STCai 2 S�GT►QN P�5 I-176p'-2" l2 x Ia' 2- � 'L -#5 e l2`I�G,T>•1(ZUoUT P1 � +f7�,-2" 8X21" 2-#'5 2-45 @1T14IZU007 PacKET )IL i�OfZ 4"FLz, 5LAI5, QC3"1 +(1-7=&it 0x2lfA 2-�5 I 2-�5 aICo"<p,-:THr9UoUT . UP;z;�ET 5M. FbUR WITH 15L-4&. AT M 10-79E7®TH + 17�-2 '5 x21 # 2 - 5 2 - 5 c 1� TNtzuot�T , cN r=cF? FrzoM L Pe�G1�E.T t1z Fafz 4 FLR. sr.ab. PFa�'7 + (7Co -'L 8 x 21 2 - % I "G' 7 PP�10 -I- 17& - Z" 8 2i 2 -*7 j 2 47 a 0(",�;c,THrzucUT +'17729 2-45 t.-2-�W5 @ IG'� THrZUOUT- 12r-PEA7 Pb-7 NoTEs. 10511 pe)Ilz +176'-1Z g X1248 — 2-#c '2 fir SkP"00THRUOUT t i �'l�o;oa.TW2U0UT R5l +X1°T� 2.iF 2- n ''t'Co 2 r 12' cc TN Rl.IoUT SEE STA! R 'Siffi P,E!7 5 6 X'zs" 2-*(S 2.-11-5 L' 1!o"oc 7HP,u0UT ail 1264 8 >< 2✓° 2-#•9 2-illCra 10"oc.i'HI2UoUT EX7�ND -roe 1!5AR5 46 PAsT RPy:5 7' 2-` 2-#5 e 12"�-T�11ZUoUT x ifIt SECTION A — S7 1/2"= I'-O" g�, III #4 c 12"mac. CONT. — #4 CwLs.c.- 12'�.( ) k¢c IQ'cc x 1"-G 1kS�GLL"dam--, # 4 e I rZ-- SECTION B — S7 1/2"= I'-O" x d) N N `x N N J1 U _ = N dJ N Y N ch X X _ x ., X - o T o x u � 6 0 N 6 12'ec. r 15e-7'oc.' , r 15e-I' &a 12' w ttl 111 � V b 0 s 115 cra 12-51 '1 IS ro'a. J ) „ (ox8-o 7Xg_a j j I r � 22 #fJ ei2'�, �, �� i j i j I `\', -- <' 22- 5 J, Is' . 2 noc. -i11211 . ,i I 11 O 8�I0' , _ = I X I'0' .X �'• -: 21 C12 OG.X JI G" 21 c' 12 a I /y - — 7 {. -7 q o '7r o_ d xlo o° L i"l 9aloo�� 0 x a< f0'• o° x N \ A- v'7 � --- � .n _ G'�IZ Udc.X-lcl'•te° '� " Nx 11 n y °p x 3w`�'o 2rl eI'Lx R- 6 0 Lj eiOce, -p I x `? x 'A x j.l 21� 5 a.xIG'-o" yF x i G• a °l I c, IQ •� - x all - l�► — J G<I'Z o'aIF Gi'1 jxq'o" x'o'' I ,I 20 C 5 00,— x d 0 :�OCOO !%� 7x x �; (3 e% o„ N x O O O �_ 0 rl o 5', _ 0 %ICooil AE " '0"130 U X _.�'iJ E... -� ,17. r+l2z-. w \ ' . ., 4 5x12O�IE \ � a 4X8•� �C�II xf0'-o I. o r � •(,,. 8' oll 5 12 • •jk' - L Al2-'o" l'— 16 -*5 e 12"co, f' _r1 MAIN ROOF - rELEV.+ 167'_1" • -�# D 0 r-- 5GE PLl,N Fort 0 5 x 1'2 O" s e — 14e 12K --- k 1L ^ x 81 OII .A O' / x n .xll-o' Q — �oe7,l—ID-o„ / II x ICo'•o" `g' `7 x I 1 : x q 'j "sue x 12'• o " � � - a,<4'o.r I;<B-o. 5 q-o • -1 � '° O 4.0�• \'"J j.�j.l sU — 1st., I rya p'N :bo „O N t` �� _p 5K12•v'�E 15 e G ec.` " I 1 15 ¢ 6'ec 1S 6 15,z 7 . I x r pq' I 5 "c x < x :° ,�J x 25' c' X', 1 x Iq o lCo' o" �E r I by INDICATES 10" THICK 8K8•o' �� 4 8x8=oM xq' a" ROOF SLAB SEE SECTIONS 10 4 .l1 18 - 5 � 1.2 "va, , .:,�, DI I ol, QI a Lroa 12ap X 3•!a // nrp•, 1 x 10' o` q�711w_G I I e Goal 1 11 ¢GoG Q`11Z'oo M O'o f 1 MCGLINCHY & PUNDT CONSULTING ENGINEERS 5901 SW 74TH STREET • SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 -toil 1 C r, t6a Adft in wo Ci uj n O OPEN lJ m ut N MINE Q M Z� n �a S HE E T LUMR 3 i Tl V' J` ✓ F I.... .. y.. ... .r , �'. n: . ✓. i ,. , :...... , 5. .v A "`4 _ ...,.. x f ... 3 � n:.r ........._,.-'�r�,..m_.x�:iX.... ... .4.xn.a..e, . .. e,>a, :_.r ,. :...r..i _. .. n 1 v. I., i�. ,.. ,.I♦ .:: v....... . _.. .._. tl_,. .....,: r .: Y. i. __ k:'., . .. .:. .k. . ,.. d^ .�. _... , ,. ,.. r. .,.. . .... ... ri`i. ... <.. .. ,.. .._. E,.. i.r. ,..._. S, 4.. _...3 ,..a..5._..a..-x. .... ... .,.... �,.. ......... a. .. �.. .... .... Y , Nr. .. .. .. r . .-: :>..r r ......t. a _. s.. _... i"a e.,.-. .., .,, �...w.. .-.—.�..a�..,.,..,--.-..rim--=m.-wt•-.,..,..,.«—....w.,�..n....,,.-,. ,��.4-.« ,..-:, _,..H.—R,.�. r�� is a x..,, i r SLA We i;4'� �np-,WNg g �CAk-a- Oe -,W, tg AIX io, 121, A0111A g"y", sT Wire'. -V Iv i's 10� 1, 4 ZA, ..... .. r.MM TI, om -AS AM 7el'ff W1eegt" +?=a3; I p— l �p�•c `z -..,,fir ae5 „ro*y,5ss ;uc. e Vie. 3 F' J., N { ROOF PL CANOPY �i scale: t s:. s a, I` F :•, GROUND FLOOR .,•. • lr 9f °: ti'£ q�. M sc 01 x. j Y a 5 S? y y b Fk r r , N. v: r , drw�ki. ! P 1 d wo 4 } w !� 5 1. Ze wu Av i £ 1 IN, 1 nti s ... ..-_.3. i �. ,,... .. ., r a# &.c,. ,rY.. n.. .: ,r.: •.. ..; .. •-� .- .. .�-.-, ,. ,;. rid--• ,-�:� -.,��:. ",. i�r t"'�a •a R•` ri- �,_ _amR"tt+ }3 �1' r��'✓^^"�"4 ynu m a v .�' �� ,im' ft _ O I V r V vi r m s. , . I. e:-r •$e. w . :. x i... ... , 'C .. .�.. e.... a ... ... _ , n. -: ;, . '....i... .,. ai ., :, ,r{ a.rf L n a.. :..v i. x:i S a.. nm • u : , ,.&.. , 'M' ✓. I .'c.. �.... .. t �i , ,..3`' , [,. .. .�..... 1. Tl_ SAWM e AA n i e, '� -r. ., , is r. .,:< = 5 +ua.,, ,.a .. .. ',,:,, ,^`+;,G ❑� e t i T t con ■ RIX✓l�B4 t „ , 'rG PROTECTION LEGEND --------COURSING CONDUCTOR 1/0-COPPER r__-- GROUND ROD 20' AND GND CONDUCTOR IN 1" PVC AIR TERMINAL 24" COPPER — ONE—HALF INCH DIAMETER • CONNECTION — APPROVED TYPE COLUMN WITH ONE INCH DOWN TO GROUND ROD WITH 1/0 DOWN CONDUCTOR --------- r4 BONDING CONDUCTOR PROTECTION NOTES L' :".INING 1. DOWN CONDUCTORS ARE TO BE RUN IN PVC CONDUITS CAST IN CONCRETE, EXITING ABOVE PILE CAPS. GROUND PODS ARE TO BE 20' COPPERCLAD. i C�NDUCTOP.S SHALL CONNECT TO GRDU'u) RODS USING THERMAL WELDS. RODS SHALL BE BELOW GRADE IN ACCESSIBLE LAWNS. a. r 10 CONDUCTORS TO CONNECT TO ALL METALLIC IIEMS THAT RISE 12" OR --- ABOVE ROOF. r SHALL COMPLY WITH REQU]Pft'l ;TS OF 4. Ir;`IALLATION OF ALL COMPONENTS N'VA 78 TO PROVIDE SYSTEM U/L MASTER LABEL. 5. ALL ROOF CONDUCTORS ARE TO BE SUPPORTED EVERY FIVE FEET USING APPROVED ON PARAPETS AND USING PITCH PANS ACROSS ROOF. r^`TENERS 6 C^tR Itt•5 OR DOWN CONDUCTORS ARE TO TURN DOWN THEN U^ 'XL,r', ;ARE ' —" — ,.UUI?', IOR GOES DIRECTLY TO GROUND. JitiATE ALL WORK WITH ROOFER. r aF M g'��F.r��Lrq aJli aea.„ z &F^ ,G iltl: P !.4 J mil% ,e . w P till, 1, r AIN k­, Q ip, lYi,% l", ­V, r % 41 �, I i ,, , II, , , � I , , ., , ­,V ­ Ir"V ? , �,­, e Will iq It, q z P M� XN W1 i"'V "i3g gw� ­4 A ji� l,x t V,I­T'�O illi� ",T�V 7 1W, it, 51 zi A Mil RN ;V d 1 01 '4"1 "Z, F A, VI '77 V I,`,� Al el� VK 4" I I3_ I �j IT it I'M VA, "Z it. V R iI I T 4 WIT", .1TR1 0". 'l li­ A m JI� It_ it "V Ap wl� , "T IT WTO _p Ni IV6 lT Igt, pl, Vi� t 41V '1� j, W111 o 30 574SlA 5 1 AIN "I'sit IV - - A' - 'W"; 11�11 " 11 " - _­ 'i 1 1, l' � , �, ,,, Z­ , ;­ �,,, " ­ 7V r I F R,� rift IV P, illZ V;, 'y Vit, lz:il 01 VQ'm 2""l, IV, lei' �4,ql k,I Vl-t Lk' IVI .......... ii� , lit M, t,',e ""Pti Vf" 0�1,,,121 A ig i,, In, ir t . ..... iilit� AiX C.1 _.K 91 it, '­V- Y­ I IN Vl, N"I A, l""IltiI v I;4RV', t 4k­ t 0A t1li I,'. 17 zm IV,V -go VV MA *v, V�� J .4­ l',`,',�Jitil�rtlIo'I'l �12 iiqk N, VO lll' z'­ "17 Tl l, gill iz, a I IF, ...... Ne� KAI ­', % It" 41"'1 till ...... I . I .. I . ­P P fl "4 gq t"I, �Wo j �4­ , 11, , , , 11 , Vi� 101 �V A 21 '4V 71 N V V'qi l %,�,VV" V V VI 'V� Iry V ; 1, -,,1' ­, li I— ""e il""i" 41 0- .v X M""M F 2P �V- V, 6 VI t zw�i_ �_I­ V I ..... A V o "It ­Yi iV, i"Zill, I lit" C , " ­­ ­ I. iV ­17 ltr 1. IV 0, "V� 'j"': Wit, :i"O I ti lk�V ij It" _.,P "W" (41 'lii1—,VB W, Will, N 'j, '40 IM er 61 _44.'� bowl t_ 'N ';,­V 'A , .. . .......... a it, s V 'Pit A Ig , V, 1'r it, iiii, pL ill '� l­ iy V top le f it "A" m p IV, is W If" li, l" ILI' �Z; i, I 'i V M., � . ..... ? ..... . I l l till . ...... 'it IQ Mi �77Qk V, , jk_:t�� V, P, 1� l�l'­ i l, , p �4 _l;j V' I Nil� , T""g, �V l 3" "blo V WON& ; IV .... .. V, �12 it ti� 'T IV, N Uld ­M1, 6 IV ...... ...... AW 'k it_ tY SP it "'i, VN 3�. z;R", ",'I 46, lii� , ml ,I� IV Ni4 .1 V, iiit� ry '4b K is A' V"' It 7 -V tt. .. ..... "A It'li, _ -1 - I R� . ........ . IV- V N u _V, 4 " 4r ee, ee ij, 14� I I ;I" ' "" jL "j, , -I LJj 'ViV'V ii "ti , 'k _VIIl­ VIM Mi `tP "J ll;i A SAI 011 a 1 1101 w a Box 1 4,11 Mill Via itI, VL,l­ 61 "t'ie "I W7 _i 'V i' will J V y t,!'kk . I , K jk' 7M V Y'l' V P,,, ij, I, li t74�I ..... . . Vil _""e 1, - , , k� ip, ,_.V "I � ' "I " i ' It 14 `Zv PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE DOLE r- PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE bus amps LOAD Poles amps bus ABC imps poles LOAD bus amps A B C A B C 1 3 7 9 I1 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 O 32 3 36 38 4 4 -- _ _ - _ - - _ �•' - T %' C Branch poles ❑ 12 ❑ 20 ❑ 30 E342 Rated voltage: 120/ 208 ❑ 277/480v 3phase , 4 wire Rated amps: C1100 0225 ❑400 8 Cabinet ISSurface ❑Flush Full neutral bus O Ground bus CHinged door Keyed door latch ❑ Fused [ICircuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be ❑ bottom ❑ top IMMain lugs only Main amp ❑ breaker ❑ fused switch ❑_ to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Isc of 1000 amps symmetrical Approved Mfrs Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE ONLY Main tugs aet(sDsixe: Total Amps: Bus A •us B Bus C i Connected KVA .M .. .u..u:-'- v.. .• ,.. -... .. -lay .,..- ... ,...-e .a .v s� .•,mz... y PANEL BOARD 1 SCHEDULE .. � • r� •. � 11111111111111111'�r IIIIIIII1 �. log 21 Io �II�-�� ;--IIIIIIII! II r neutral bus 13Ground bus 0114inged door ElKeyed door latch FusedFull El 13Circuitbreaker(bolt-in)branch devices1 to be ■ bottom ■ top OMain lugs only Maini�7,_j amp 05 breaker C3 fused switch Cl to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Isc of 000 amps symmetrical Approved Mf rs: Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE ONLY Main lugs setti size: Total , us B Bus C Connected KVA PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE • I Full neutral fi 0114ingeddoor, ■ 1 . . . • D Fused E]Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be 0 bottom 0 top a rr�l p 1011 breaker El fused switch 10 to be GFI breakers All breakers must .e rated t • interrupt a shortof 1000 amps symmetrical Approved Mfrs: Westinghouse, ITE, Square ia, GE ONLY Main Total Ais Connected PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE neutralFull bus Groundbus E1111inged door E]Keyed(11. latch (3 Fused 0Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be 0 bottom 0 top 13Moin lugs ant Main amp 0 breaker El fused switch to be GF] breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit l3c of 1C, 000 amps symmetrical ApprovedWestinghouse, Square •ONLY Main lugs setW size ilik jilt Total Amps: Bus A � rr ;; •• -��.. IIIII,IIIII,� �... III ® Rated .• ■ e• 0225 ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ Full neutral bus IDGround bus 011inged door 0 Keyed door y; t D Fused El Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be [-I bottom [_)top l' C]Moin lugs only Iiiii amp Pr breaker 0 fused switch to be breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Isc of _,OOO amps symmetrical Approved Mf rs* Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE ON Y LLCI I n lugs sells) size Total Amps: Bus A Bus B Bus C Connected KVA PANEL. SCHEDULE.:: IIBOARD IIIII� �IIIII� ;; IIIIIIII,IIIIIII, r Wifj6i i IIN Rated voltage: M120/208 0277/480v 3phase, 4 wire Branch poles 012 20 030 042 Rated amps: 0100 0225 ❑400 ❑ Cabinet: OSurface ❑Flush Full neutral bus ❑ Ground bus ❑ Hinged door ❑ Keyed door latch ❑ Fused ❑Circuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices g Feed is to be ❑ bottom ❑ top ❑ Main lugs only Main amp ® breaker ❑ fused switch O to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Isc of `_1000 amps symmetrical Approved Mfrs: Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE ONLYMain lugs— sets) size: _ Total Amps: Bus A i i Bus B _ i`7 Bus C ; ' Connected KVA LOAD•1 - a • : r1 it � �Vr, r �i�■ =. �� j� Full neutral bus a Total Amps: Bus A Bus B f . 4 IIIII._� Bus C - Connected KVA f' 1 �r �i Is • bus amps LOAD A B-T C Rated voltage:/3120/208 ❑277/480v 3phase, 4 wire Branch poles E312 ❑20 030 ❑42 Rated amps: G 100 ❑225 0400 ❑ Cabinet: (MSurfa=;;e []Flush Full neutral bus ®Ground bus 3rfinged door ®Keyed door to i ❑ Fused ElCircuit breaker (bolt -in) branch devices Feed is to be ❑ bottom ❑ top ❑ Main lugs only Main amp ® breaker ❑ fused switch ❑ to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Ise of ,000 amps symmetrical Approved Mfrs:Westinghouse, ITE, Square D, GE ONLY Main lugs ast(s)size:, Total Amps: Bus A Bus B Bus C ka Connected K VA •. ALI -LECTRICAL SCHEDULES bhabham kuhns CO,Jtmo engine.,, r "' " ''e" '1' mast palm beacli 3' II IN ❑ —o Oa LLM t^ ygy UJ 6 �- O LL V J m �n >- m I 1 < 0 z1 <� Z, Z rat I..m 0 , Or — SHE E T .s NUMBER r- ., 1 ! OF j BOARD PANEL FIXTURE SCHEDULE TYPE MANUFACTURE _ CATALOG NO. �� LAMPS VOLTS MOUNTING— a-- REMARKS ` I ELECTRICAL LEGEND NOTE: THESE SYMBOLS ARE STANDARD AND DO NOT NECESSARILY APPEAR ON THE DRAWINGS FLUORESCENT FIXTURE -CROSS HATCH INDICATES EMERGENCY CIRCUIT -� FLUORESCENT FIXTURE -SINGLE LAMP CHANNEL INCANDESCENT OR HID FIXTURE -CROSS HATCH INDICATES EMERGENCY CIRCUIT ®t EXIT SIGN FIXTURE -DIRECTION ARROWS AS INDICATED �A LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE DESIGNATION — SEE SCHEDULE TOGGLE SWITCH-SPST,- UP 44" OR AS NOTED 3 TOGGLE SWITCH -SWAY, -UP 44" OR AS NOTED $4 TOGGLE SWITCH-4WAY,-UP 44" OR AS NOTED $P TOGGLE SWITCH-W/RED PILOT LIGHT INDICATING SWITCH'ON-UP 44" $M TOGGLE SWITCH -MANUAL MOTOR RATED WITH THERMAL O.L. $D TOGGLE SWITCH - W/DIMMER CONTROL - UP 44" OR AS NOTED $2 TOGGLE SWITCH -DPST - UP 44" OR AS NOTED tD-1 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE-120V-UP 12" OR AS NOTED t='J DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - 12OV-TOP HALF SWITCHED -UP 12" OR AS NOTED SINGLE RECEPTACLE-120V-UP 12" OR AS NOTED SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET-NEMA TYPE SHOWN (j) FLOOR OUTLET -FLUSH W/SINGLE RECEPTACLE 15 A. 120V FLOOR OUTLET -SURFACE W/DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 13 A. 120V ©a CLOCK HANGER RECEPTACLE -UP 8'-0" OR AS NOTED OT-a THERMOSTAT OUTLET -DEVICE FURN BY MECH CONTR °v TELEVISION ANTENNA SYSTEM WALL OUTLET -UP OR AS NOTED ®No TELEPHONE WALL OR FLOOR OUTLET -WALL OUTLET UP OR AS NOTED §3D SAFETY SWITCH (3) NO. POLES, (30)FRAME SIZE, (15) FUSE SIZE ®2 MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER OR CONTACTOR - (2) NEMA SIZE ELECTRIC MOTOR- iIs VOLTS, 10 FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER ELECTRIC MOTOR- SIZE AS SHOWN e� PUSHBUTTON SWITCH (ES) ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND/OR APPLIANCE PANELBOARD ® ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT— DESIGNATED AS SHOWN -- CONDUIT RUN CONCEALED IN FLOOR, WALL OR CEILING —U— CONDUIT RUN CONCEALED IN FLOOR OR UNDERGROUND -- CONDUIT RUN EXPOSED PARALLEL TO BUILDING LINE `go#— HOMERUN TO PANEL LINES INDICATE NO. OF CIRCUITS W.P. INDICATES WEATHER PROOF ENCLOSURE OR COVER AS REQUIRED GFI DENOTES GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER PHOTO ELECTRIC CELL P. C. PULL CHAIN ® TIME CLOCK ❑J JUNCTION BOX ELECTRIC STRIP HEATER ■ 1 Total Amps: B u a A Bus 11 'Rated voltage: 11120/240 13, 1 phase, 3w1re _T I Branch poles 012 020 030 [142 Rated amps: 0100 0150 B200 0 Cabinet: DSurface []Flush Full neutral bus 3 bus 'a� ; . ■ door 3i . ■ . Y G.S to be GFI breakers. 4d •nly All breakers .. rated r•-r amps Approved Westinghouse, ITE, Square• G Ele r In lugs sets size: PANELBOARD -C �i 1I1 I _ : L Full neutral I ,. ■ .. ■ ..., latch Emain lugs only Main —amp Obrooker Oftesed switch I-E] -to be GFI breakers, IPIM11110MI � Connected KVA,... voltage:MCI Rated ■ 20r aH 1 phase,. ■ 't ■ • 030 [142 Rated amps: 0100 ■ 150 ■ 200 Cabinet:C]Surfaco 4 Flush rs . r DK*yed di Cl .. r ■•. , amp 0breaker Ira ■ El to be GFI bt*ak*rs All breakers must be rated to Interrupt a short cire6li Isc r*•symm*trical. Ap proved Westinghouse, ITE, Square • ;sets size: PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE ' " Total Amps'. Bus A Bus B Bus C Connected KVF1 PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE ? LOAD K K u I� �.. Total Amps: Bus A — Bus B Connected KVA _ Rated voltage: 0120/240 E3 _- 1 phase, 3wlee Brallneh poles 012 020 030 ❑42 Rated amps: 0100 0150 0200 Full n®utral bus 1 WGround bus ❑ Cabinet: ❑Surfaice ®Hinged door ❑Keyed door 6 Fluah latch ❑Fused 0Clrcult breaker(bolt -in) branch devices — Feed is to be ®bottom Eltop 0I11aln (lugs only Maln amp ❑breaker ❑fused switch El to be GFI breakers All breakers must be rated to interrupt a short circuit Isc of _,.,000 amps symmetrical, AnnrnwInd Mf'rn• Wantin®house. ITE. Square D. G E ONLY In lugs sets size: ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES & DE AIL IDrabham. �cuhns de ay 1. 1 e 9 veer Y Z i.. O J LL- > l q to 3 s mar'; r. I� SHEET NUMBER E-13 OF t.s. b.VA. IF rLEX Gr N N rc,Tlo ->LJPPfVT 0 juY: i.A UG cVT Lc��gTlot` P ROOF MECHANICAL PLAN scale: 1 /8" 1 t-0" a p ^ h m4 axa a "` °.. -J''(FI(-AL �14 {, dRYVV EKHAU`"T LN SOLDER TO DU �Ec.U�ZE buc-T To AWOL5 ''W//':HEET MF--fAL `,'VFW'�k -i/tie[)[ O4AT[ tfl7N yt # ANCHOR OOLT h tl... `Le T3 ._.�. 11pf NhV (Q •untT rLAP I yj A 3/16' .5 i Trr a . 4 t e Ohl v (TR girt I r •u�MT CtNTCR:IL t i 6 RIGID MVLATIO0 ' f—ROOF iLA• HOT-*1TyNtw IIL6' SUSPENDELI pl'PE: ., n.t.s.....,._,._„ - F DtT i 6' } CAcLv. 57�. rtntN map 61 NT i BIRDSCREEN — — --- — 4' CANT„A > b r a b h a 305 632 5579 kuhns debay r z. ca.pn.vnen x" cotes '..erg engineers v+evi palm bead, f lo,o6 1.1 a 0 _a o[ N O d' q J � LL v W �✓ 6 N O T� 70 V m wN Za 7 O N � N o O O c0 N r SHE E T NUMBER !1M - 3 Of a I ■: 8" I"FOR pooL 4h, � 23r�F D WATER RISER DIAGRAM "C" w -fat vj r 4i Pz / WASTE RISER DIAGRAM "D Af�,ovE rgrt_i IMP WATER RISER "B" y' i � r RISER "A" L �uoEr� �enu�tt p,Nc Th E VQWLr N Q. A �® Q Q p'N Oa J N W M a � O W ■ Y � m N N � r Q ulZ N V N r N po SHEET NUMBER P-1 OF .::' ,.. .. ..k, .r.t n.., 3, •, .,. Ar Y _.p 3f _, kSv... ,4n,. .. +.C!"_.Tw._ ; e1Y mms:A..v'.._ ,.x. y...xv,:.'. .......v....-..d ',..3..'f:�ti. Y.^S. _..'rv.ir.-'i..•. ,.^°... . �.. ' L.,_.... rr3t'4a''iS2'i.._�' >F, "^ai. �..�_. ': a�La�U=" SY ��'IS, ^. �Nr."..•`.i.�...'...L ..5!,.,�... dx5f,`x. :. rvw x'f.{�w'. F:w d , ,,,;C!:: n.-...,..i9 ....L ,'f M1 k. ., a A- x. C m:1.L........, _.r .>. .. u'r°f!`. .'�.. .. . TM,. Td�.,WRpi;_ .... .. -ry .....,';-..... ..�:�d... .....n . .%.3.. .n . t...'i^.G. .v,IA.. .. ,:..._ .+-......r1 ar:- �` Jy�,.�k. Y.. ' .v .r ;.. "'.i...'vY. x..,,a, . r�. .4.m...... e..4. M'" .r a! v . ,�'lo-rlv1. ..T:,,' .. ..A ....... .. _:r... r ...,. ,.. I „l "_�I •ep a <.k. 'ee;. :. s. I i MuF. .. nn^t .• Sr s. :..,.. .,�.,. .?". r .:3.tk , ^,..�an ,e. ,. ..;, ri,. rv:.e!Ixr v',.r. . ..__ . .. CX rd uu.vi.. b x.. v-h. x •. ,`].r,..:.. .f.. '. .E r iaj- ia��� SUPPLIES TRAP ELEVATOR PIT r SUMS. {MtK.S:ZE" IF"z r MICRO S4ViTCH SLEEVE PIPE THFOUGH WALL AND CAULK WATEP. TIGHT y 2" LINE -O SANITAR S EA EF. GATE VtLYE CHECK VALVE SUMP PUMP 20 G. P M. AT 20/TDH 115 V., 10,60HZ,, 1/3HP HYDROMATIC SP33A APT. C P WASHER 4, r� • � P Lr 10 / 5 P-1 P-'L l APT. o 11! i1 5 P-& 1LO ° ° t �I r = r 3 12WL p Ii� P-7 r LAN (EAST) --- --,- -- � A' Z �b r a b h a m 305 8325579 kuhns SHEET JeLay NUMBER _ opooeo� P 3 rsutling engineers 2725 north Australian avenue Q F west palm beach, flonda 33407 r_ . .,,. .. ..,.-.R «,�u...,. ..,. «,w ....,,...._.««..._..,._,...._..A..,.,,...�,,,-.:.........�..,......,,,...x„...,,,.�....,_..>..........«..-x..�..>....,,.,..,.R..:�.��....�...,,.a«.,..,,.,...m-...�,....,�.,,..�.....,....�,,..,.w..�,..�...,,,,� .. .. rrr.�.o�.Fa�,. _ .,�„- ...a.,..,•... �.-; w.. ._ _ .... .a mn-Rrxc�c-n++-.naxn+cmeve..x.,�a�r�m�.-.r..—.-.+» -rypIc.AL INjE{ �ti>>:GI 4'' vT V- 4Vj12 311 VTV- p_I r-_ p-4�' 3"(?ELEF Vrtij 0 IOTH FLOOk: p-I F.. I (5, FU.) (,26PF.U) , I i4 GATE VALVE 71 i F r �Yf t I WA,=,H e I NG AT T�' p I -F TI-A�N GNUTI-. 1. VALVE W/pU';y �_ 1 C „ IP! G�C3tJI�b FLOOj� { 1 -wAhuf�E STANbp1pE 3r� 4 (S7 F. U.) JIL n� A/(, UNIT G 3/4' pIZAIN \Al' INhULATEp, ,Lu _To P rzyw E LL i I r° p F. L r�T VQLVI /� H r-AT r tV ,- e vEV LUW P2AN �t G'V4L i LINT 2' 5" VTV 1 LaNNEcj Tc � ., VENT r - /4VT V 4„ Ip4j I p-4 I� iijLUMBING RISER DIAGRAMS I 2° 4._ 3l -� j �n FIN Fwv2 1 '.C' 4� brabbam kUhns �pT�� debar so,hng engineers 305 832-5579 2725 north australian avenue west palm beach. florida 33407 SHEET (NUMBER P-4 I OF r TIC UOMES � t� E'uAf�F'S W VALVE f JQGJdEY _ cp To WAT Erb , � 7 NF-AIL <? C TO GJDEV1AE �' -FIRE PUP.RP CONTROLLER � PARTIAL PLAN - PUMP ROOM scale: 1 /4" 1'0" l t', I0C TC�; TO FIxTuVZe1;, , TO rIe�EV ° W/C4ATe ' h f K `T," !f F�4a , ' <_ �.. ESSUI,. VA VE ;�. ' I r 1 p,4hIEL AL JOIIJT- A�>GVE — 1 v �, i) D G> L-A t-' „� + ,.+- z u< -- �-.�LA� G01`1T1 0 n U LoPFr--Ef IN 2 p: I r ��HY�N st�trl UATE VAI,v15, (TfF DOMESTIC PUMP PIPING DIAGRAM n.It. s. n F-7 � �I�HWQ'iNEt? \=4 31e ICEmAk.F-R i WAHEI? m 314+ r v GIgAIt- A'`TYp. ALL 1-0"TION=), R RISER APT. A F Y 'D F, T F _.._D SY'- ,IIrT- I " Y �.. 1 .. I... '. � \ ''l v. '[ ', iND, Trr :_lY_] .� „� _TA,rz7 �r SHAR. AF. TDRti _.�, SHOD BY ,„t� LTER- IOP. E') A NATI_ .S TO FACiL:C i iTJ", 'UMF r: R AN N FAIL 7Aa C' ,^ ° TIR tFTRICALLY TN RT n N _SE IND DE A"70O,IAT.tiAL LY TO SAT: G 'lli SYSTEM TO F IXTU V f- Ca A VA 11 ulJtoN( WATT r HTl? 4.O6.%AL.TA0K A' Hr-E �0-7 GIAW, pV, FAN 1/2 ��IcxNT UL,A�� WATER HEATER DETAIL n.t.s. Il 1/2 0T �> „ p-7 >HWA6"EV � y2 3/3" TO ICFN i KE=R W '21 41 WATEKImATe -1 ►`�'� E� �p I �nn / WATER RISER APT. B n.t.s. IT, `, t VVATF n WAHEV. -- � (I �-- �..-N"T' �, ! I^;'� il� + r Try b f✓ C.O�TIiJI�OU�i r-7 r . l I : _ j ; [ v; WIT WO %i'4! r IN paLYF I (LENS 3i�TCJ WATER RISER APT.0 n.t.s. PLUMBING DEI-AIL'!-q brabham kuhrs debay. m�pomnon _ ..,' �, u +r- y engineers 0b 832-5574 2725 north oustrallan avenue west palm ne(lcr fbriao 33407 o = k �:S�4oNP �L t f.� JAP! ;F?In.gv i RM 3 r_ ! �4 AI C INTAKE 12Ka Ex HAu T 1-oUvEv F,IV-rsr?e�N \ lox(a ExH. A LoUvEv— t _ W/GIIzp�G��l ' Il _ E1 i l I G r---.._.. r FM --- $— T Et L ocFN� � lvxto c.,p (pxlo 6,12Ax4 5o GFrt �. 8x4 - T �, 12x12 Gb 2¢O GFM -I(OKs � =FM �yapTl�Ic�N� 12 f� CFr`'ET. GEI Vol_ g I ---, � —"mil � ,• - AG /7 �� 12X12L= p 2 �o�.FNI PARTIAL scale: 1 /4" X-0" E- k --> 1q(v IZX12 Gp 300 (,FM 1 I2x 12 Gp 3voc,�N I 12X1'L GCi I� L=1 T Y 12,�12 LD `°io �00 GrM Y E0X 'K -► 245 GFM ell A a k � � t> k f4<24 V6, �. 2q�lo 4110 12xa �tax Co Z45 GFM 3 G� IJf✓. r'IC� I N -- `1Xc) 10x(' J 24x8 I - - GROUND FLOOR PLAN AIR CONDITIONING (EAST PART) I¢x14 LoUvEV fr ,' W��I�C�SGCzI Div br(Abr)am kuhns debaro,Po,o,:o consulting engineers 305 832-5579 2725 north ousrralian avenue west palm beach, Oorido 33407 4 1 a p K N 0 `i' of LL � LJ a a V o I m i N N M � I O an �5HEET�, NUMBER AC-2 OF AJ'T A oproe,ITE KeFeZ10 AFT A THIS `2HE.ET FOV .4 l,&Y0uT � � �vU6'T �EF-�I 3 a I$x4 IZAGT AT LEILINU SHEET MT 145 K20 e-F M ilox¢ MA�,o'NA�Y opENIWA A�oVE �EILIUU wITH ilk PARTIAL TYPICAL FLOOR AIR CONDITION scale: 1 /4" : 1'-0"4AW ., ( ) DENOTES UNIT, CFM, SAR, OR DUCT SIZE AT 19TH FLOOR ONLY � VF ISxB 330 sAl2 e� — ` :.4�-ter 14x6 C/ 4o 4. FM a ING PLAN (WEST) r Q 0 N p f07, k 0 p J � � v i fin N � i Z TT e� Q � VJ k Q J J W m CO t� a' z y Cr sad sa z 0 ' iA z; , O U �! 0 z 305 832-5579 2725 north australion avenue west palm beach, tlorido 33407 AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE FL- 12 7, Oo 0 ell/ 4 'Z700 F L vf,. .50 v- WAT r 1 F-R A I P, ro7 IV G r F_ L 5FQVI: i r, v I F_ L L r- t�,L SERVICE v4LVr_ C__ L. VA L 90 GPM) PARTIAL 20TH FLOOR & ROOF PLAN scale: 1 /4": V-0" ROOF AAANIFOLL, -PfPr- I E 6,u??oQ-,v GENERAL FAN SCHEDULE C, F P I Ex E_ 5FE AG-4 _J t,J F -10 1/90 AC- F - 4 f�? 24 0 114- 4 W:S SHT C F ­5 car,- 340 12 5 F 7 -rk W 71 f3 L E, Z 4-oo �rE A r- -1 F-2 12- v E ST I It- V,- Z, 4 -T'6TNT1 TIZ-0 1,, PUMP SCHEDULE ILI i A F-I 6100L�)- WATe-v- r;> 0 0 (of- 17 0 TkIND - by NOT WATT 50 1 17rg0 c­r,LIw,-7 TnWF-P- AR CONDITIONING DETAILS 197-P F100P, CA rz r;` mi NI P FLOOV_ Al" FA 5 S L) p;� iv 340 crw' V {-T Y P. 1,3x E i E 5) C1445Y (SEZ A!' T A, -ryr. (,In Tr- (D V, STAIR VESTIBULE DIAGRAM N07-, 10 c-,UF-FILY AIR SEWm.L �tIE_ k-, 5- 5 H r'�U i!!-Z L O'La6,7, E D C r! LI Q - ( T'f -- ) rxlmuDKD PL`69(P 180L.TOR kwW"6 110-LINE FAN SUPPORT DETAIL ra a m 0 ay I neers 105 8325579 If 0EMI LLJ 2 Wo u. I 5 H E E T Wj PAI 3 E R AC-5 OF I r it4' H LIA, A, Tl' �)T-OFF 0"l T 'C'14;W�� --;r ROOF I lo! 4 62' C, H \N5 2 _7_T_� 6,' 1 9 t h 3 H W_L Ile I C rl W Vr. F 1 8th e 14 c- V+;Z_ J, T CH \N'_­ 1 7 t h 11211/2 '1 1 6 t h 3Nc' vz Lr H \N I? Le.4v I m 6 1 5 t h 1 3" Hwy; TO AC, UNITe, 1 4 It h AL LiQl' 6, H VtV- 1 3 t h _7f ,�� AL�f,vr 3 AC, UNIT 4— 3/4 1 2 It h ?/i"Hvv - X2 z 1 1 th 2 L t I V� 1 LH\N6 10 t h w ' 777 Z_ 2 9 h I.J7 4 8 t h 2 /Zll 4 '2 _71 7 t h t 6th z" o j �; ; T C-H V\j -4 Sth Z!' C H 4th 3 r d 4' H W -5 ?) I t I 2nd I L GROUND c V\e vc Ic' 5 Kc-vrll rcw AIR CONDITIONING UNIT RISER DIAGRA -IMPIR7­ llwwl ARIMSCV-'. ­7 �_-TVANIAlf VANtS OFF PAN DISCHAROL ITYPICAL) MdXE UP WATERSUPPLY DUCT F_ R ---POLY fO" RU111101 A C UNIT PROVIDE 1/4'T%K.KORFUND ILAVIO-Xjt ISOLATORS SRTWjtK A.C. MIT AND lFj'jEa'TIow PD10 SUPPOAT FRANK. MAINTAIN CLSARAMCC 09TINtap RAMS AN, ALL ADJACKHT o PANTITIONIA A ! HIM 1098SUAC FILAVILA VITM DOCISLA CLAMPS RACM SAN T eA Lo frz \1 10-1 CGOADINATE THIESS DI.I.IUD 15W IT Col CONTRACTOR TO To 56 41 LPAU�b,4 AlCOMODATA WA79A HKAIER lieCONCINIT9 FLOW SLAN - 0 4- I. p T GOFAT Q 0 L_ -VAll Ciou.ppea 'A IILL $LAD HOL94 ViyK j i.'UL4TI.S u"Xi'T aA f<l 7 4 *4199 SUPKY A\ F6. AVTC0 Cr 100-P __QaCOINVATI DAMS "A'5q e L (L�2A? AI PVC',12 Vc',O Ea "A I 'T po Ly 516114 F o/vE, r'&4 R5 5 u AIL Y TYPICAL A/C UNIT COOLING TOW TREATYI-NT nALS. b.k,d, _�SYSTEM__. 00T; r4 -AL'Tj' 0 F AM4L[ IRON Ali.10RICI-S w. rmr afoul"to *CREEN L4 K N r Lf �', t�/ I He-p\T PIPING SCHEMATIC n. t. s. CORIZI0012 A c SoppLy DUCT 61TOJL�T F-KI4, Sf4kSE T 0 4T H FL 11 klFPA CORRIDOR A/C RISER DIAGRAM SEF. rypir-AL APT, "A") AIR CONDITIONING RISERS & SCHEDULES 957, F-FF Vlf-�'RATlna4 ISoLATOR PLATED WATER MF—Tt MlTcO sY5Tt­' ALI"AT! IL,Il- Ml.'L 1* 61 1 ","IFO OP PDT WELDIF I,As IF WIRED 1/2" SCREEN 135. MUN gzl CLITSIDE AIR GOOSENECK DETAIL 6rabkam 305 832 557Q kuhns e6'()y plrOn v'ltmq eriqlrieer 2725 I I • ri HE E T J M, 8 E R C - 6 A OF lbZ' ...l r' rt, I k- c� r r r m m ° 3 u a W m x ° v APT.S SEA SHEET FF- r,;� SIZIf�IG l t � I TRASH FIVESUF L-y l�lAlll �' ' 2 �� !'fZ— �, Fisc 0 LOBBY MAIL., p'IiILE: I l _ VAULT ,I i C,HE�-,,V- va.Lve �-r r<IG�ir4lc.i�9c. S(Ah1E2� Nojf :.( IZUQ tNr� 'EGT�E~�,7�y7 GolJNEITI �I ANG' PZAIN LIN57 TO �>TcLFM bi?AIM. i t SHEET p-1 F-V L-CcATI,--H brabham k u h n s debay' o mmamnon consulting engineers 305 8325579 2725 north australian avenue west palm beach, florida 33407 f� Q O M 3l�O9 CAI q mA W 1 0 VIMED R m yip 6ri W � N h OG Z O � N N , N � Q Q fh SHiET NUMBER FP-1 OF v 14 T07S, EMIR,= APT. A jZeveZSr= -5aa- ISp-T *i-,� T%A5 5Nep-1 FflrZ P�QE 9P-CrTEC7k0Q LNNOQ-� I FP-4 -rr--6,T Vp-N%t4 n(wkoc- CQ 5A.G4. OF: I IN 'JOIN Li PARTIAL TYPICAL FLOOR FIRE PROTECTION PLAN (WEST rz k, , H6ra6kam kuhns l, J e 6 r9y oc"om�o consulting engineers 305 832 5579 2725 avenue mess palm Leac�, 33407 Z 1 0 O s2, ep K1, v 'Q jj ry r SHEET NUMBER F P — 2 OF In FLOOR -- VOLUME EXTRACTOR SUPPLY AIR RE^SISTER m--�- -_� v FIBROUS GL. DUCT DEFLECTION VANES—\ (DOUBLE) OPPOSED *BLADE DAMPERS ELEC. CONDUITS --- - CEILING _. FIRE SPRINKLER CROSS MAIN W ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS APPROVAL, AND TRADE COORDINATION, PRIOR TO PROCEEDING INTO OTHER UNITS. 2 FIRE SPRINKLER, FIRE PUMP, HYDR CALCULATIONS, MITTED TO THE ENGINEER ALONG WI OP DRAWINGS BY CONTRACTOR. OBTENTION OR' UND TER APPRO RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FI C OR 3 FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR SHALL ,OU ATE ALL PIPES R GI' HEADS WITH THE LOCATION OF A/C E UIPMENT AND FIX BEFORE SUBMITTING BIDS. R>` s' 4 ALL GATE AND SHUTOFF VALV V 5 SEE ROOF DRAWING FOR TYPE AND LOCATION OF ROOF MANIFOLD 6 PROVIDE THRUST BLOCKS ON ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING AT ANY CHANGE OF R`RFCiTC 7 FIRE PUMP - ALLIS CHALMERS MODEL 5 x 4 SKHF 500 GPM AT 275 FEET, TDH, 60 HP, 3550 RPM. 8 JOCKEY PUMP - ALLIS CHALMERS MODEL 7H4A-26, 6 GPM AT 150 PSI, 3/4 HP. 9 ALL EXPOSED SPRINKLER PIPE SHALL BE P WITH RUSTONIC PAINT AND PAINTE PER ARCHITECT IN FIELD. REFER TO P4 ECTION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. 10 F SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY 13 AND ALL LOCAL CODE 0 NCES. 11 P RICTING DISC AT HOSE CONNECT #IN ALL VALVE CABINS P' ;OVER PRESSURE. I 12 P' LED OVER LUMINOUS C HELD TIGHT TO SLAB AND B ITE. 13 S ER. DS IN 7'0" CEILING'S -R r sn—► &0 wilh hale r(_7 1 equal sD loch ae ge from a or iTodrm,,,� INSPECTORS TEST —GATE VALVE, a, —CHECK VALVE —PIPE SPRING HANGERS FOR OPERATING LOADS WITH FROM AND CHECROM JOCKEY PUMP AM 4 �Il K VALVE m m W W , La0C. gmmM" I IMP" TO JOCKEY PUMP - WITH GATE VALVE — AUTO.. AIR VALVE— _FI ' PUMP DETAIL n.t.s. b.k.1 PUMP ANCHOR CONCRETE SLAB - 1/2"NEOPRENE PA i Y. R 'P,. 4,`Y � fi VA1 R � Yy L `�, S 4 � 4'i, R:'r« �� � A %�:, • " .�' .r — aR 3 -' tl ASE DETAI �. '4- E � w I* THREADED ROD WELDED T0..401 4"x 3/8" BASE. PL PIPE STAND DETAIL '' b.k.d. a� 13 a -o O pa Vf �' N W V W a c � N — o Z= _ V o J m W N N N W Q � O( : Z" =a v N , N On N 0 (� .J i j Q �_ J