HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 2020 Self Adhered Metal UL product approvalIMome I LnQ IM � UIe1 R=4-SUatiOn Hot TQaPM Submit nundierpe 5Ld.5 & FAcb f;O pr _ kb Rrodud Approval USER: Pdbllt User Prod Wct paro"I u ant_ } Prr%juct Qr .fir R r, ADriicatimm List } ApplkatIOR 13CU II FL # FL25E9-R20 APO ication Type Revi slon Code Version 2024 Appll=iion Stakus Approv&d coal rnents Arch ived rids Building Code Online I ry�i i Nbiicatiorbs Untact tiz MC4 Sim Hop Links 5+ ar,c q PrDduct Mani.Ffaeturer Eoprem,a, Inc. (Canada) A-d dress] Phu nelEmail 1640 rue Haggarty DrUmmondviPer NON -US (I WOO (E119) 478-240 D rrl a mathieu @J5cpmma _ra Authorized Signature Marr.-Etienne Maizhieu memathieu(P-4aPrema,ca 7echnlca I Representative Marc- Etienne Mathieu A,ddressl Rr,-0ile{Ernall 15815 Jean- aemh mans- M Icha u d Dru mrnDndvi lie, iYO N -US 0 01)00 (U19) 47&2440 Ext 331�_f me rnathieu @soprer na . ca QLJ.Rllly Acimirance Representative Jean-Fr-aRCals Cute, Ph.D. Add:ress/Phone)Emal1 1540 rue I1a00aM aru mrrlorldville (M) 911.3145 afwte5QDreM-axa category Roofing Subcategory Underiayment5 Compliance Method Eaaluation Mpart tromp a Florida Registered Arehltect or a Licensed Florloa Professional JEngineer Evaivatiop Rmpiutt - H"ropv lied ivM FltDrida 1=rH�iMeer or Architect Nance wtio developed the Rahert )_ M_ Nieminun Ev-pluntion Repwt Florida License PE-59106 Quality AnsUfance Entity UL LLC Quality A$surance Contract ExpIratlen Date 04110{202�1 Vali listed By 301111 W. Knezevich, PE rtsNcate of ]ndependenrden Rjefe rented Stands rd and Yea r (of Sta ndard) Validation Checklist - Hardcopy R,ecelved YeQr ASTM a 1970 2015 ASTM D4798 2011 ASTM D6163 2015 FM 4474 2011 FR5.ITRI 5jxth Edition 2018 UL1897 2012 htips;lffluridabuilding.orgfprfp-r upp_dg.atipF,?Vararo=wGEV QwlDq:sKQFF-nok,]B1i3BDrxiUd3xYlmjtniBrpDan9H34OGunUi A%3d%3d 1�2 12g21 �-7q Ijlaol price of PredUGk St-an4arCIS czrtii1el� by Klorida gu lding Cade Ci iline Sections from the Cfpde Product Approval Method Datt Subeftittind Data Validated Date FenCli ng F15C Apl3rovaF Fake Appraue4 Datt~ Rcwiscd Method 1 Option 0 0912212020 12f 1 S/ 2020 12f16/2020 SUrnrrla Of Praduellm PL 0 h1-pideS1 Number or Narneu 2569.1 Soprema Roof Underlay meats DesicAption Self adh-oring roof LMdariayM*ntt Limik* of Ll�(-, InigtaGla#ion inri#rut:tionrr. Approved for use in 14YH2: NQ R20 it 2020 09 17 FINAL E13,fL75f9-R20-R20,PA Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Varified -By; Robert Nieminerlr P.E, PE-59166 1M pZktt Ro.9i :;tb rkt: N/A Created by Ind a pendent Th I rd Pa rtY: Yes Design Pressure. +N/N-250 Evalul"-un Repot Other: 1-) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use. 2.) The EL-25W EN AE-.21220 09 17 FINAL ER FL2569-R20,12dF &3igl l pre!SSuVe riotttl hers -in pt_rta i n-s to undt:rlaymcnt systems Craated by Inge pendgnt Th I r-d Party; Yes ilk beniinath adli-ptive-net the systems_ Defer to ER Section .5.6.4 for details. 0 Iq eat The S:arte,r Flcaida LG an.WEEC3 arnploy er. Q r1gl t 2OD?-2Q73 15egtp al Flgrift_ :: Privacy Siatr-nerrt ; ; Accesalbllltw 5tatemeNt :: Fte QMo Statc�nent UrLder Fivida Jaw, email addre&&eg are pubf"t records. If ybu db not want yavr a -mail ad0ni;5s r-cl zised In rc5ponse to & pu4blic'ieeofds tequM 4;�rrok 3errd efectronic "il la thin enLiLy. lr,s ead, tankect C%Q office bw plwane or bu traditional mad. Yynu haver any quiumeirrc, p1as- € ntne.# R5O•49-2 1395. `P�uriw*eit to Saxtir+r FIDEWa Statutosr efroctvrt QiAcoor 1, :441?, fturiE9sS lrciii tA4 under Chapter 455, F.S, Mudtj�rviwkla the aepartrnOert with pn pmgll Dddreks If they have orre. The emails gMVWttl MOO b9 yJ04 f¢r 0MG12iW0WMWkkjitjM with the lieetriee_ frawtver emeal addrewes arc r=rd. It you UG n4kwls+r to SUppl., a PeN real MdrMn, 1510ft# pnMile the 4epartment with an emm address which can be made a%-aila'jle to Cie public. Ta dgtcrmina 'rf you ire a licensee Under Vlapter 455, F.S, please dirk kj=. Product ApprWvM1 A"@pt's: refill; Card Safe https:Pflondebijilding,-orWpripr_app_dtl.,3tpx?param-arGEVXQwtt)gsRQFEFiGkBIO-BErxi Ud�xYlmjtm13rpDan9-A30 GL`rSUKxii%%a0"fo:3d 2-r2 ENGINEER EvAtuATE TEST NEMo I etc. C.Prrifirat-o of A urh r+7etlort 032455 M Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 � 203) 262-9246 CONSULT sop re m a, Inc. Evaluation Report 518010+06.09-R 18 1640 rue Haggerty FL2569-1120 �rummondvilie, Qu6bec J7C 5PS Canada Date of Issuance; OG/15/2009 (819) 478-2400 Revision P 09/ 17/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20.3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of Constru ction mate Gals i R t h e Sta to o f F Io r i da. Tfi e d o cu me n tation s ubmitte d ha s b e en reviewed by Ro be rt Nileml ne n, E.E. for use of the product under the Florida building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein_ DESCRIPTION: Saprema Root Undo rlaymentE. LA aELIN G : Label i ng sh a I I be i n accord a nee vv i th the req u i rem en is of t h e Accred ited Qua I ity Assn ranee Age rtcy n oted harein and FCC'1507.7.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is va li d until such tim a a� t h e named product(s) changes, the fefere n ce d Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Deports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility Iocation(s). NEIVIQ ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTis5m ENT: Th e F I o rid a Prod uct A p prova I N U mber (F L##) p receded by the words "N E PAO I et e_ E+val uatedr' may be displaVed in adv-ertispng literature. [f any portion of t-he Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. IN5PECTION: Upon request, a copy of th;s entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the man ufaaurer or its distf i b u to r-s and shall be avaIIable for inisp-i :Won at the job site atthtie request of the Building Off i cia 1. This E-va lea ti on Repor-t cc n s ists of pages 1 th rough 8. Pre pa recl by' Robe rt J. M. 1 NI emit n en, P. E � r t Vk The Faesi rns le seal ap earir► was authoria24 by Robert � �r';��;��`• ¢• Wcmincn" P.E 4n M27/2020. This does not serya as .Fiorado Reg stra on Mo. 5-9166, F1.90da OCA ANJE 1983 arti tlecrranicallW +,ignpdd4Cur*:enk• CEREIFICATIDNOF INGEPENDE1I-CE: I . NEM 0 Mr t1C cl025 not h ave, nor dares it intend to acqu I re or wl I I It acq wire, a fin a ncia I interest i n ahV COrnpa ny man ufact urin R o r distributing products It a raIuates. 2. NEAVI0 ETC, LLC i5 not owned, operated or -contrallad by.0riy company manufacturing -Dr di&trfbuting prod uctsJt evaluates. 3. R-o beet N ie m i n en, P. E. d oe 5 not have nor wl IJ i)Cq rjiFe, a ffrla n6al i raterest in any compa ny maoufacturl ng cii dI strib ut ing prod ucts for wh ich th a eva I uat ion ro ports are being issu ed. 4. R-o perk N ie m i raven, E, E. Joey not have, nor will acqui re, a fins me ial i me rest in d n yr other en ti ty involved in the approva l process of t he p rodoct_ 5. Th is i s a build Ing -code ova I uat Ion. N eikh er NEM 0 ETC, LLC n o r Ro be rt N i errrineo, E. E. are, i n a ray way, th a Designer of Record for an-r p roje ct o a which th Is Eva I vat Ion Rep o rt., or previa us versi Q ns than reof, is/wa s used for permitting or deli$ n guida nce tJ n less reta i ned sPecifital9v for that purpose. 02019 NEM 0 �TCr LLB fONEMOjek. ROOF I NG CCU Ail p0 N ENT EVALUATION: Product Category'. Roofing Sub -Category: U n d e rl aym a nt compll a nce Staternenin Roof LJ nderlayments, a s p ro d aced by Sopreme, have d ern c n strated corn p I i a n ce wlth the fol [ow 1 n g sect 1 om of the 71"' E dinar (2020) Florid a BU ild inig Cod a th ro u g h test 1 ng i n acco Fd ance with the fo[lor+ri rig Standards. Compllance fs subject to the installation ReQuirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein_ Sprflfl n 1544_3,1 1504.3.1 1507.1,1, 1507. 2. 4, 1507. 2.9. 2 / R905.1.1r R905,2,8,2 1507.13 / R9-05.3.3 1507.11.2 } 11905,11,2 TAS 110 Errtlt ERb (TST6049 ) ERD (TST6049 ) ERD (TST6049� ERa (TST6049 ) M (TST6049 ) MC) (T5T6049) E6 D (TST6049 ) ERD (TST6049 ) E RD {TST6449 ) L RD JTST6049 ) E RD {TST6049 ) ERD (TST6049 ) E RO (TST604% ERD (TST6049 ) E RO [TST6044) M-D (CER1592) ICC-E5 JEVL2396j N E M O (TST6049) N E M O (TST6049) N E MO (TSTG049 M N E MO (T5T6049) N E MO (TST6049) RR I (TST5878) 50prema, lnc. (PDM3511) U L, LLU (QU A952 5) U L, LEC (OU A9�2 5I Prope Standard Year Wl nd resistance F I 1 rt ".1 2011 Wi rid resistance U L 1897 2012 Material sta nd a ref ASTM D1970 2015 Mlaterialstandard FRSAfTRI, 5 Ixth Edition 2018 Material .5ta ndard ASTM D6163 2015 Accelerated Weathering ASTM D47943 2011 Exam [nation Reference Date WPM KE!SI5tarlce 277.8_07.05 07115/2005 }ASTM D2970 / TAS 110 �QC) 531370-03.10-1-RI 04/07/2010 FR SAITR 104 -12 (OH) S11154-05-09_k2 10y05/2010 ASTM D 1 970 {OHM 537210.11.11 11{09011 ASTM D2970 (MS) 537210,12.11 12/0112011 ASTM D1970 (MS) 540540.02.13-1 02/19/2013 FR 5,A/TR 104-12 (MS) 5435 30.02.14-1-ft1 02121/2014 ASTM D1970(BC) 544870_04-14-2 04/02/2014 ASTM D1970 (-CLC) 544870.04.14-3 04/02{2014 ASTM D1970 (01­1� 544870,04.14-1 04�1412014 ASTM D1970 (MS) 544870.04.14,4 04/10/2014 A$TM E)1970 (01-1) 54Ua40.10.14 10/3112014 Tensile Adhes-ran { Long Tei-rri Aging 5OPC-SC7645.02.15 02J13/2015 Accelerated Weathering S K-SC8520.-D4.14 04127/2015 Wind Resistance SOPC-SC14045.05.17-R1 06/07 017 HVHZ Compliance 18-0329.03 06128{2()kA 2015 1 BC Compliance ESR-1524 03}01/2C 17 ASTM 01970 / TM 110 {Q0y SOPC-SC9970,09.15-RI 01 f 25/2018 Wind ResistaeltE� 4-5OPC- 18- 08/27/201:9 ASTM D479SID1970 (Oki & MS) 4S-50RC-1$-002,05-131_A 05/32/2019 Tensile AdhesionI Long Terrn Aging 4p-IOW-19-55LAR41,A,R2 02/10/2020 Peel ad hem n I eX Ming un de rl ayme nt-5j 4j-50 P& 19-550DL-04. A 03/ t 2/2 020 ASTM D1970 (MS) SCAR-064-02.01 12/03/2013 Equivalency Decla ration 5A S e� rrH PLY 40 06}29/2015 Quality Control MLA tile Nu, 112766 5 05/08/2019 Quality Control Seraioe Confirmation 06/29/2020 N WO ETC, LL£ Eaa lust Ion Deport 51$010. �6_R�-f�18 Certificate of A thnfi�pribn #32455 7r" E01TI ON (1010) FIBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-RZD Soprt-ma Roof Underlarymenr5 Revision 1S:109 f 1 F/2,020 page 2of8 M 4A 4.2 43 4.4 4_5 4.6 4.7 C8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4,12 4A3 4.14 4,15 4_16 IIIEMO I etC. Plant Is) D e scriipt io n � Pro duct Material StAndard Lastob-Dnd TU FfT ASTM D1970 and Self -adhering, rnon-woven polVestcr fabric Gulfport MS F RSA/TRI 09-1.8 &urfaced, SBS modified h itumeiri roof u rrd erin yMent Lastobo nd Sh i el d ASTM 02970 Dru m earn dvil Ier QC self-adh Bring, woven pa Iyetliv le rye su rfa eedr SSS rn odif led bltume n roof u nd er I;iyrn an t aaailab le I r, _ two vwidths; 36 and 45 inch sell -adhering, woven polyethVIene 5urfaced, SBS RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY ASTM 01970 l)FkJmmundviilc, QC 40 rrladif}ed biturnen roof underlayment l Fistnhand -f;IiEE5.ld H'r A-STM D1970 Drummondville, QC self adhering WDVCn polyethylones urfaced, high tern pc ra to re, SBS modified bite m an roof underli;iyrnent Lastobond Pro SIT-hl ASTM DH70 Drummondville, QC seIf-ad heririg, woven polyethyl Surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underl@yment av@il-able in two wi dt hs; 36 a rid 45 Inch tastobond Pro FIT-5 ASTIVI D1970 Drummondville, QC self-adher0g, woven polVethylue surfaced, high tL-impprature, SB5 modified bitumen roof Underlayment .EnvirciShielJ ASTM D1970 Drummondville, QC self -adhering, woven poly,,5,thylerte surfaced, high temperature, 5$S m odd ied b it erne n roof urideriayment Lastoba nd 195 ASTM D1970 (ju I f oo rt, MS self-adh ming, S lass • m a t reinforced, sa nd - Wad swo rth, 0H su rfacedr S BS m odi lie d fait umen roof underlayment Lasto bo rid Eaves ASTIVI D1970 Gu Ifpor tr M 5 self -a d hering, glass -mat rye I nto rcedr s-a rid - protectiorG Sheet Wadsworth, OH 5u rfa ced. S BS m odi.fied bitui pert roof underlayrrrent La sta bond Era ASTIVI 01970 Dr urnm 0 ridville, QC self -a d he ri n gr glar.s-rnat re5-i nfa rredr s@ nd -Gulfport, MS surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof adswortbt OH un4erlaymerlt La stobond $m noth Seal ASTIVI 01970 Gulfport, MS see If-�%d be ri rtg, gla-ss-mat lei nforce4, fi I rn- HT Wad5wortftr OH surfaced, S6S modified bitumen roof unde rl ayment Prim-aSource Grip -Rite ASTIVI D1970 Gulfport MS self -adhering, grass -mat reinforced, film - Smooth seal HT WaCISWGrkh, OH surfaced, SRS modified bitonnen roof underlayment RESISTO LB1236 ASTIVI D1,970 Drummondville, QC self -adhering, glass-rn-at reinforced, sarnd- Gulfportr MS Surfaced, 565 modified bitumen TQOf Wads.wofth, OH underlayment Pri m eSource Grip -Rite A4 71 I D1970 Drummondville, QC Self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand - lave & Valley Protector Gulfport, MS surfaced, S135 modified bitumen roof Wadsworth, CH underlayment SkS TopShicld ICE & ASTIVI 01970 Drummond0le. QC self adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand - WATER DEFENDER GvIFpurt, IV1S surfaced, 5BS modified bitumen roof -adsworth, OH underlayMent RESISTO L31744 ASTM D1970 DrummandvHle, QC self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand - Gulfport, MS Surf-acMd.SBS modified bitumen roof W-ad5wurth, OH underlayment NLFOCI ETC, LLE lEwaluatlon Report S1e0M45,05-eta Cerr(F=rrof7F" EVITION (2020) FOC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION f1.25$9-11120 Soprerna Roof dnderlaymems RevIsFon 18- 1)9/17IZ020 Pag-2 1 of 3 4-17 U NEnna I etc. Material J Product Standard Plant(sj Description _ Cokphene FIR -GR T Gulfport, AXIS ASTI!VI 06163 self -adhering, fiberglass minforced, granule- Wndtwert h, 04 s Lrrfaced, SM modified bitumen roof uriderlaent 5.1 ThiS Na hLjilding Cade 9ViflUntion- Wither NEMO ETCX LAC nor Robert Nieminonr in anyway, tho Dpsignpr of Rerxrd for any praj ecton which this Eva Iuation R-eport, or prev lous versiofi-sthereof, is/was)sed for permitting or -design gu I da n ee u n I ess reta i ned specifically fo r that pu rpase, 5-2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i-e-, Broword ;Jnd Miami Dade Counties). 5-3 7 h i s Evaluation Report pert ns to above -deck roof tom po nents, Ro Df decks and s tru ctu ra I members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority H;�uing 1uri5diF-tion, SA This Evaluation Report does not include evaivation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for re quire- rnents and limitations regarding roof as�L r-mbly fire classification. Ref-er to FSC 2603 for requirements and limitations cGncern i ng the u se of foam p I ast i c insula t i on. 5.5 Sop re ma Roor U nclerlayments may be used w iGth any prepared roof cover where the product is s p e ni fica I ly referenced within rBC approval documents If' not listed, a request may be made to the 4uthority Haring JuNsdiction for a:pproval based on thtiis evaIuation ccrnbined with supporting data for the prepo red roof covoring. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers- Uaix l: ROOD COVER OPTIONS Asphalt11507.31 Clakk and Concrete 71le Metal Slate or Wood Slate-TYpe UrLderlayment Shingles - . ----- Shingles MethanIca l Adhwiwe Pinel5 Shin&5 ShingileS i �r ,attach *set (LW7.4j (.1:50.7.5) jJ507,t) 50718) Shake Ii5w.5rJ Y1S ye5 Yes Lastobond TU HT Yes Yts. See 5.6,1 ion Yes ye5 Oirastrips, LW- 1.13 rjWnI strip.%, IWf.1.1.3 .J.14} 1 .1.1.31 Laritobon d 51liel-d1 F ro H r - N ' Yes Yes / RESGTO SA WOOTI I PLY Yes No No No N Yes (joint Ad Ps, ISM. 1.1.3 WflI aria* IM7.1.1.3 e k}M,2.1-* 1 RPM 1.1.31 Lastobond Shield I-IT1 Pia Yes Yes HT-5 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes UDirrtimps, 1507.1.0 LWnxsbIps; IWT. 1.1.3 Yes Ire EnviroShield Yes ?44 No Yes Yr� Yes UOirrt SW pp, 15D7.1.1-3 GWm ArIM 1507.1,1,3 R905.1.13M 13rM.I.1,31 Lastobonct Eaves Protection Yes Yos 511eOt f i_astobon-i 195 Yes No No No N a Yes Ccoir,t strips, 1507.i.i3 �Wrt strlpq, IM-1,1-3 � R505.1,1 �E � M90S.1.Lil Lastaboad ECO I RESISTO L01236, Grip-RIte Eave & Y-05 Yes Valley Protector f TalaSh ieJd yes NO No N-0 N C Yes Jji*nL snips, 1W7.1.]3 (jvinl strips, I M7.1.1,3 JCE & WATER DEFENDER R905.1.13I La bonO Smooth Seal HT f Yes Yes GFip-Rite Smooth Seal HT Val uc, *k3, Yes Yes (I� sr*rpp,19LV,1.i-3 Uvrrrt stOx 1507-1,13 Y23 yes Cglipfiene FR C;R Yes yfs No No Na Ve5 �J r;rri�s, 35a7•l.J (iWem mriM, 1507-1.1.3 i R`J05.1.1 �E � R9fl6.l.fi31 NF-MO EYC, i_LC Ewairtatlan Report 5IK10,06.09•R1$ C#a'romm AFArjftrr Wnln #32455 7"EDITIO N ( FSC NQN-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2559• R20 Sapremim RW Vr4erla"nts Roision is- 0W 1712020 Page 4 of 8 fONEMOJetC. 5,6.E Adhesive -set flee is limited to use of the follow 1ng Approved underlaymentI tile -.adhesive comhinatiorlS. TABLE 1A.- Au_owABtE 1`ILE ADHESIVE fI U NDE RL LYM ENT COMBINATIONS' U ndcrlayment Ad h asive F I o rid a Produ ct Ap p rov2I La sto hens TLl HT Dupont "Tile Bond'" Roof Tile Adhesive" FL2 25 2 5 • - - -- - I CP Adb "'Wo s -n nd S"Ian t; "Pol yrsetO A14-16O" F L633 2 5,7 Allaviable 5ubgrotes- TABLE 2, SU BSTRATE OPTI DN5 fOR ADHE RED U NDE RLAYM ENTS Substrates (design-ed to m ect wl nd loads for project) Vriderlayment Application T- - - Type Primer � "aterial(s) La sto ba nd Sh i el d, tast-Dbafl d Pro ti Opti Dna l) ASTIVI FIT-H, RESI STO SAS MOOTH PLY Deck f s O41r E Iastoeol Stick plyrw�nood� CUSS a r Southern Yellow Pine 40, Lastob on d Sh is Id HTr s heat hi ng Elastoco I Stick Zero (5 � to sta bond Pro HT -Sr ASTFJI D41 structu ra I to nc rete E nvi rDS hield, Lasto bond TL I HT,to sto bored Eaves Protec lon I nsu lation f0ptio mall Elastvcvl Dens Desk Prime or SECU ROCK -Gyps um- 5h eer, La sto bo rid 195, La sto bo nd If- Stick Zero Fiber Roof 6 oard ECO, RESISTO LB1236, Grip -RGtc adhering Eavu & VaHey Protcctor, Top5hield ICE & VAT ER Use Sheet [optional) EIastocol ASTM 0226, Type 11 feIt or Modified Sopra D E FE N DE Rr IR ESISTO L81244, Slia Zero B Lastobond SmQuth Seal HT cr q3ri p-ftite Smooth Seal HT (Optional) ASTIVI Deck/ D41 PI ywood sheathing ASTAA ID41 structural concrete Col herie FIR GR P self hering ad5tick Insulation (Optional) EI a stocol Dens ��ck I'rl me oF �E CU R�] C K C�ypaia m- Zcro Fiber Roof Board bate Sleet (Optional) EI a stocol ASTM D22 6. Type I I fe It or M odifi e d 5opra- St is k Zero Ei PE51STO L67236, Grip -Rite Eaue pelt- Existing RESI TES EXTERIOR Existingsand-surfaced,glas-s-fiber surfaced. i & Vadley Protector or To p5hie Id ad he ri ng substrate PRIMER rni neira I -s urfaeed or fi Im-su ria ccd roof ECE & VVATE FR DEFENDER u nd erlaVrri ant* * rrrral acceptonce of any exlsting sub5Prole in a rerwf freer -off) instollatfon is or the zriser rara of the installer and the Authority Have g Jarisdretion- 5haufd o questiurf arise 0S to the s u toNf ty of an existoing substrate to receive RES6TO L81236, Grip -Rite Eo ve & Valley Protector or TopShield !fit & WATER DEFENDER self odhering anderlayments, contoce RE95TO WhF;icui support. 53.1 5 op re rna re co rn mend s p rims ng wilth Ela stow I Ski nk, Elastocc I BBBr_ or R E S I STO E XTE R I OR P R9 M E R If the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. S. � .2 Sop re ma req u i res to n g u e-a n d -groove h as rd decking he cove red with p I y wood or OS B pric r to instal Iati on of the se I If-adh ering and a rl arm a nt i?ppr to Tile Mangfoctafer's orAdhesive �������[t��er,� Fiorrdo ProdoCtApprmllo( 0verr-urning Uomepr Resi5ronce Performonro. NEMO ETC, UC Evaluation Report S181310-06-09-R18 Cen'dkVte 0fAUth0 'aatXn N32455 '" EL)ITION (2102131 FBE N0N-H'rHZ EVALUATION FL25E9-1120 Svprema R f Underloymerats Rewislon 18; 09f 1712020 pogo S of 8 fONEMOJOC. _ Attachrn ent Lim ita tic ns: 5_8_1 For use under mechanically attached NON-TI LE prepared roof coverings, attachment sha11 be in accordance with the manufeeturer's installation instrurtianr,, but —for mochanicaIIy attached underlayments of base shei2ts - not less than FBC 1507.1.1 o r R905.1. L 5.8.2 For use under the roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufactures inaallation instructions, but— for mechanically attached base sheets - not le�S than; • FASA/TRI fforrdo High Wind Concrere and Flay Roof Tile dnsraflotiorr Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Ta ble I (for Two- PI y Asphalt Ap pl led H of M o p U nderla V ment) or Sect ion 5 , 8.3 here i n (far other u n derlayment system 5). 5.8.3 Wind Resista nce for Q n derhayment 5yste m s i n Tile R oaf AU p 11 ratio n s; The followIng wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not prescfiptive in the FA SAtTAl Florida High Ward Con crete and Clay Rvo f TVe Installation -aaaal, Sixth E diti o n, The M axim u rn Des ig n P res su re is the result of testing for wind Mc -ad reTistarwe used on allowable wired loads, aad reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBt= 1504_q has already bigen appiied)- 5, 8, 3.1 ai rect-to- Desk: The maximum design pressure for the selected assemlaly .5hall meet or exceed that required under FR$A/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Day ftovf Tile best aflo Lion Wan uaf, Six ter Edition, Appendix Ar Table 1 A or t h e cri t i ca I (highest) d es ign press u r e d ete rm i n ed i n acco rd an ce w i t hI F0 C 1609 or FBI; Resid ential Cho pier 3. 91 Maximum Design Pressure = -45.0 Gs#; D Ptk= M i n_ l 5/8 2-i nch plywood to meet In roject requ i rem ents to sat isfa ctio n of Aulb ority Ravi ng J uri sdret ion , F ri m er: � Opti o-n a 1) Elasxaral Stick, Elastoral Stick hero ❑ r RESIM EXTERI OR P RIMER Un do rlaymc! nv Lastob-ond TU HT, self •adhered_ #2 M aximu rn Des i vo Press u re = -57, 5 n 5f; Deck: Structural concrete to rneet project requirements to satWactio n of Authority H a'Ving J urisd i ctGo 11_ P rim er: ElastaWi Stick Zero Un de rlaymenv Lastobon d T U HTr self -adhered_ H3 hliaKimurn Desion Pressure = -120�0 re f: Deck; Min, 15/32-inch APA-rated CDC€ plywood to meet prajeLct requir6ments to satisfaction Qf Authority Having Jurisdiction, Primer, (Optional) RES6TO EXTERIOR PRIMER Base Ply; RESISTO SLA SM-0OTH PLY 40, self-adhered- U nderla yrn ent: La s[a ba nd TU HT, se If -a d hered, #4 Maximum Cestan Pressure = -150.0 asf: Deck: Min. 15 f $ 2 -i nch APA-rated Ba elVW d €ri a y he I hst;aaed C-s id a up) to m eet project requ i remepts to satisfaction of Authorlty Having Jur1wictIon. PIFJr ne r= [0 pt ionalj R E$15TQ ExTERIQ R R R I MER U nd erlaym ent= La sto bo nd TU HT, self.@ dhef-ed. #5 All other direct -deck, adhered u nd a riayme nt systems beneath ti le roof Systems carry a Maximum D e Agn Pressure of -45 psi. NEh+I0 ETC, LLC (valuatlon Report 51$�10.a5.09-RJ` Cer0fra[x of AvthpfJzarrgr1 #324.55 7- EDITION (MO) r:BC PJQ1Y-HVHZ EVALUATION rt2569-RZO SaPrem4i Roof Undedwyments aevlslon 1-8:.09/1712020 Page 6&a fONEMOletc., 52,12 M Pchanically-Aitached Base 5heet; The maximum design pressure for the selactpd assembler shall meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TR1 Florfdo High Wind Garrcrete and Clay ftaf Tire Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, Appendix A, Table 1 A o r t h r. critical (highest) design pressure determined in a000rdance with F8C 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter a - A Iterna tivnly, the m ax 1 m u m dQsEgn p res su ne for the selected a ss-P m hl y shall m e-et or exee e d at lea st th a Zone 1 d e sign pressu re d ete rmi n e d i n accordance wit h FB C 1609 o r F BC Re sli dents I Chapte r I E Wv;�tad p r2ssure zo n o s sho II e m ploy an atta i: h meet d e n sity des ig n e d by a qua I if i ed design professiona I to resist the e I evated p re55u re criteria. Commonly used methods areAN51/5PRI WD1, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and Roofing Applieatlon Standard RAS 137- Assemblies marked with an asterisk* cam} the limitations set forth in Section 2 -2-10 -1 of FM Loss Prevent is n Data Sheet 1- 29 ( February 2020) for -enhancements, #6 Massimum De59Rrk Prn�,sure p�f: a c ck: M i n. 19} 3 2 -i nc h plywood to rn+eek p roject requl-rem ent R to satisfactl o n of Aoth orlty H a vIng J urisd I ction, Ra S,2 5 hl!!Ct= Modified Sop ra -G mechanically attached with nails (F RC 1517, 5,1) and tin caps i F BC 1517-5, 2) Spaced 6- i nc h o, c. at th a 4-i nch I a ps arti d 6-ipch o.c, in th roe (3), eq ualLV s pa cod rows In the cent er of t h e she et, Und-erlaymerat; Lastobond TU HT.self-adhered 5 -M For us-e over in su I atio n o r cove rb oa rd a n d u n der mocha nica lly attached preps red roof coverings, untie rl aym ent attachment shall be in accordance with the manufactureT.5 installation instructions and attachment of toe insulation or coverboard shall be in accordanr.r with the prepared roof Covering manufacturer's product A pprova I, 5,9 Exposuru Ur'nitatiuns: TABLE 3., ExPOSU RE U MITATIC NS Prepared Roof Cover Maximum#Jnderla*merkt Insta I I ation Type Exposure (d a y5) L.astabo nd Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastabarkd 195, La €tuba nd Eco, PE515TQ L131236, Grip- Me ch a nically �0 Rite :Ease & Valley Protector, TopShleld ICE & WATERIDEpE1+tUEk orFIE$15T0 L812-44 attached La rto band TU HT Ad he s iwe-set the roof 3.0 syste rn La sto bond S hield, La sto fro nd Pro f iT- N . RESISTU SA SMOOTH PLC` 40, Lastohond Shield i iT, mech a n iea I lyr 90 La sto bond Pro HT-S, E nvi rash i el d, La 5tobu nd Smoot h Sea I HT or Grip- Rite Smooth E�ea I HT attic Feed Lastobond TU HT or Colphe ne FR G R echa n ica I Iy ISO attache d 5.10 Tile 511apdge 1LirrkitaliUF15-. When luijdirFE roulf liles uiri the and-erlaVmerit in direct -deck the reef assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follo4vs. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using batters during loading of the roof tiles. TABLE 4: TALE SUPPAIaE Uh FTATI0N5 FOR 01'RECT-D.ECK TILE 114STALLATICN5 Undiarlayrnant Tile Pala Stagirkg Method Max. 10-tile stack MaadrnUMSlape Flat --- 6:12 Lugged M a x , 10-tile sta ck 5:1 2 Max. 10,tiie stack (bottom 2-tile stack shall be invert-ed, followed by 8 ti les hi gh on sl o pe, as shown b6!lavu ) 6:12 i 4 LastobQrid TLC HT " Lugged -NEMO ETC, LLB lavaluatlon Re act*�1�3R10.�5.0 •lyi CCFt CCO 4�fAUthZ4MftWkJ'3I-fSS 7TH EVITraiN 12020) FBC NON•HVHZ EVALUATION FL2Mq-A2 I) Soprerns Roof Underlaym entj Rrlfsinrt 18; n/17 f 2020 Page 7 of R OONEMOjetc. TABLE 4: TILE SLIPPAGE LlmrmTIoNS FOR DiRECT-1)ECK TILE IN 5TALLATI ONS and arlav m en t TI I a P rinfl1-a Staging Method maxim urns !sIope I^ lat Max. 10�-ti 1e stack 5.1 Z Lugged Max- 10-tile stack 5=12- 6.1 Soprema Roof U nd'erlayments sha rl be i n sta I led in a ccord a n ce with Sop re m a p u bi fished i nstallatio n i n 5tru ct i arils SUbject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the subst{ate (i( applicable). 6.2.1 Installation of RE515TO L81236F Grip -Rite Eave & VaHey Protector or TopShield ICE & WATER DEFENDER self - adhering underlayment in a reroof (tear -off) application atop an existing underlayment (per Table 2) require5 priming of the eylgting substrate with RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER- Final nccgptnnce of any existing:&uba tr.M in a re roof (tear -off } 'installation is -at the discretion of the installer and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Should a question arlse as to the sultablllty of an existing substrate to recelve RE5I5TO LB1226, Grip -Rite Eave & Valley protector or TopShield ICE & WATER DEFENDER self -adhering underlaymenLS, contact RESIS'[0tech n1caI support. 6�3 Lastohond TLI HT, Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, RESISTO $A SUICOTH PLY 40. Last obood Shield HT, Lastobonci Pro HT-S, Envi roSh iel d, La sto be nd Eaves P rotect io n Sheet' Lastobo nd 195, Lasto bo n d F co, Lasto be rid Smooth Seal HT, Gri p- Rite Smooth Se a l HT, REST STG L B 1236, G rip-R ite Eave & Va Hey Prutecte rr ToRSh ield ICE & WATER DEFENDER, RE51570 LB1144 or Colphene FR GRP 6.3-1 Non-Tilc, Applirations- - - --- 5ha II h r: i nstalled i n eo m pMia nce wit h requirements for a rL a pp rove d self -a dhe ring u n derlaym e rat (ASTM D 19 70) i n FBC 1507.1 �1,1 or 1507.1.1.3 o r FBC Residential RM. 1.1+1 or R905 1.1, 3 for the type of preps re d roof cage ri ng to be i n sta I I ed , an d the ma nufacturerrs i nsta Ila ti on i n struCUO n t. When Installed ove r a mecha pica I IV attached ba se !�h ee t of F BC ApprovQd AST M D2 � 6, Tarp e I I felt the base sheet shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or 11905.1.1. 63.2 TI l e A l icati0 M9: Limited to Lastoband TU HT or Colphene FR GR, 5hal I be i nstailed i n comp I i ance wi th the req u irements fo r Self -Ad tiered fVle m h ra n e Set fort h in F RSA/T RI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tide Iris talyu tJOn MCMUOIr Sixth Edition and the m an u fa cfu re is installation instructions - Refer to Section 5.8-3 herein for attachment Iimitatlons. Refer toTab le 4 herein fortile staging 11mitation5. Ref erto7.R,2 forattachment 11mitation5. Ref e r to Tab I e 4 for t i l e staging III m itati ons. As required by the Building Official or Authorlty Having Jurisdiction to properly evaIuate the insta IIation of this product. Contact the named CLA entity for ma nufact u rine fac i 1 it 1 e s -covered by F.A.C. 'Ru I e 61 G 20-3 CA req u i rem en ts. Refer to 5 ection 4 he re; n fo r products and p rod u ct i on I ovation s h avift met codif i ed ma k-e r ial stand a rds. Ll L, L LC — QUA9625; (B 14) 5 79-S406; k.ch;i nceilo r@ us .0 I .com * END OF EVALUATION REPORT■ NEM0 ETC, LLB I:ual�a#��� Report S1$�1Qi5 ,�.D9-R19- Cerr9iroCe 01 Aufft6ltrfdn #32455 -mUrraON ROM � LC{�QIV-FII HZ EVALUATION FL2S69-R2� 54pmma 9*0 UndedaVinants Aewl510n 1S: 09117{Z02.0 Rage 8 of s