HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs, Hometeam boracareA_ I FEB 12 Zozo rssr oars■, ST. Lucie County, Permitting Aeeoma No., THiSAGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR RETREATMENT OF A STRUCTURE AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES USE ONLY CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGAMSMS WrrHIN THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONrtORiNG OF THE SENTRICONO COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section L GENERAL INFORMATION. Name- 4l2fIOK AN-0 M-eAo1Owood SeMceAddress:gW ViAd%lLU City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: 3 y9s 1 Location of1fre maa,stieka.Panel LimirPootaseatsnoeuuc— 210 Billing Address: City:l�� Ja- I.,e State•. Zip Code::3y98G Home Phone: Work Phone: -" i - q''4/'t/ 1 Treatment Type: D Curative 0 Provmtivo Section IL SERVICE COMMITMENT, HmaoTsam Post Drlmse, lac. (talc •Company') vd0. is compitnee wh6 oypticabb fadaml, stare lard toed lawn, mlu cad mgulstiast: A lostaB rho 3antrieoa emsdto bait sasiona (tite'Stlaionsh t it I the pmimdu of the stmemre(s) (ace AMM11e11 gmPh) Iceland d the Service Address ebovo(do'Stnsenre(s)`) forthoitnstelladaa fcoofs,(er B. tAadter starions in accordance with the label dGations taro period of twelve (12) recoils immertbtdr fotlotviag fustaflstian a f the Stations rot an anted fesofs C Total cost for She Tina yea orla wation cad Monitoriag:Zero D. The Anneal Renown! Fee alter the fast year $ 30n.Q0 _ L DeriagShe monitoring pried, add and remove RacmhQtermitoUSImmthe Stations asappropriate; F. During She meoitorbgpalod.maiadaall Stations inwvleeabioeomation; Section HL CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRiCON SYSTEM. Oulaner anderstandsthla: A. The Smtncoa System invalva lnatellstian and modta ft colony elimination with Reendt Weeks boil, cad �subsequout monitoring for eominaoes pmtactioo from now termite colonies; 8, Intarvab of hem a few weeks to mom than a year should be mated bcmcw. L lostdletion ofdeSaaricoa ststiona and suliidcm termite activity m dlowtlarddaiom of Raroit tmaite bah; asul ill. Additimt of Reavit ter mho bait. C. During the interval(:) between Iastdlstim of the Ststioat and complete elimination of eaistiag waft ealomes, termite feoding within the Sauctam, possibly involving additional stmeamaf damage, may omw Additional services sub = spa applications of oomveadoad temtltieida are ave loblo to combat termite activity an localized, short-term bests 1f desired, bra are net ended for and will not wntdbute to termimeelany climiandom D. TTavinative v ) ingodiem in the Seturicon System is ainsect growth rcpWor (Ramio that prevents worker termites hem mal tg. (Monies b critical to colony L to tests that it conducted on Reeralk DowASmSdmoa LLC, the manufaenaer of Rwuit, observed evidence of very low levels of marmnalia toxicity only at veryhighlavebofa:pouaa P. Treatment b provided Mainst the attack of subtma:mart termites (Retieelitomas spp.. Haerotermu spp. end Coptotamas SM (Famosm), This Agreammt does not provide for the Irestmmt of any other pests, pla d, saiaal or oresmism other than such termites Tho Company has act impacted or trotted the stmaare(s) far healtbic aed molds or longi. By law, the Compmy is net qudiliod, smhmixod oricimsW to iropoct for baltbr®latod molds or llmdgi. O. The Company makes no representations regading the mmd location or mmmbrr of any misting termite colonies Section W. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Cwtenta else anderstmkds that: � A. The seaaicon System cad all of tho components of the Scatricoo System ('Cmmpmmts7 have boo doWA by Dow AgroSeicoew LLC. The Components at ad will remainder property of Dow ApoWeacce I.I.C. Customer has no rightswitb rupees to any otthe Components, other then the right m their use is bundled by the Company an die C utontds Premises under thizAttroomem. B. On oxpkaion at termination of this Aam met, the Company and Dow AgroSdeaees LI.0 of their respective representatives tro amberized by Customer to rotdow from Customer's pmmisss the Stations and other Components for appropriate disposition. In addition; if She Company, for whatever reason, ocam to repratem or to be mithorhan! to represent the seariconSystem, I. The Company will: s So nanny Customv, It. OtfaOistamerthe altemolvasofekher using adiffamtfarm ortemdteprotection ofterminating this ASnee mem; e. Credit the Customer fair serviempaid far but aotyet received. ifepproprime, d. Refbnd to the Customer an mom equal to the fen paid for services not yet received if Customer elects to discontinue the rdufowhip, or if the Company annotoffer an cNeelve alternative (cum oftmmito protection. and a. Retrieve, of allow Dow AgroStiemas LLC or its rsprerentotiaas rasaneWa aaats m she premises far the retrieval of** Components; ad a. Customerwill: a. Gram the Company and Dow AgroSciadoes LLC or their respective reprumtativu rsraonablo ocean to the premises for the retrieval of the Compoamts; end b. Either ogeowith the Campany an the use of an dtenmtive farm oftemdto eantrol or taminamtids Agreement. PAYM@R MBTHOD. D Cmh O Check O Credit Cord ifpaylagby credit mud ofrocurting debit from your bank •aoen4 pleawcomplete the attached Aetkmiratim for ho Arrmnged Payments This Agreement eootolas certain limitations, conditions and acashons an Me Comp&Ws obftmk as Phase icod The entire Agreement before stgalay. In consideration for Cho Company performing the services spodflod above aner to subjcthe tam and conditions of this Agaemw. Customer ages to make the payments bdiesmd above. Customer acknowledges too* of a signed copy of this Agra cat. This Agreement is cot binding on do Compay mil signed by an amtmdW resew or executive oniw ortho Company. CUSTOME16-- HOMETEAM PEST DEFENSE, INC. Stgnsnao gigrmtam p,paod N �j printed VOiD/ FOKPRESLAB APPROVAL ONLY Fmdl: el• Go BrceettveDara: NONEFFECTIVE RI ffTOCAN- -I YOU, THECU%T0b5AMAYCAA=TIIf.S7RAA(SACTIONATANYT1MEPRIORTOM1AWOIITOFTHETH/RDBUSINFSS DAYAPMTHEDATEOFTHIS M4MSAC71OM SESTHEATIACHEANOTiCEOFC4N&UU71ONFORANLYPLtNArIONOFTHLSRiGNT THE REMOVAL OF THE BAIT OR BAITING SYSTEM MAY RESULT iN A LACK OF TERMITIC PROTECrrON Soratm4ltarmsttand941abcasrg41modbulcmarks ofo=Ap4dmmLLC. C HaacT um Fina Ddmro, iso.20H (SM SYRI LI2 trateAsetetn t10L'ool•o+mJaOwdm++tAmglo �7'1 +>�ase+tY A++ai� ev+�P+n w+>9� ee e4m1+8 Pm ttoaotl'+ootoeJ4 %=WNW WN011100Y AX sslnaS 0I0o0uu8y 14111 atmJ PotsPP eq of Pw ap og now Vkousd NOILVHMRV +gt Jo AetpN"wql olq=WDJwmt Je PRAM 09 m P=9 a s0!taa Paw18 Masao oseelsd m oelmmouidu %m e a sa ItO posaoad uq—.gm uo &9MoP1ma moll mmnl9m og1 ou petpasd —A- so JI 'NOLLVIingav am Ousand otp as a pp •ae N vaAlnmd 8V qgs Jo rind � ng+ s ptntw q A!togam 000g Rwdme3 je staa90 m tsAoldwa sayte eN'D Jo agHO otondroo o w Pow+ Pw paAaadds q dam Manua a +wont p xnp as pap— oq too A u tt!waq pe- ima-iBV &* Jjee taaa og _jP Pao acre) In tq up as Ma taeta>adi/ +PP NOpP" Ptn Mm n ettpipwa M *uotma An soJ o19+Nmj—m PIIoM'! o9 of PPg q t-=—V gNJo pad Ae Jl •smanw$V q0 ul gtwJ pt AIPl1 Pee r4+m+d+m tea q ssgl tmopm is pro imp"M tumnnal m tuaunauto'aapamd Avon eupku lava mom VMMAV flip supatto in *IV smumbi pas ematta n R +gad ov —oq ma aawlis sap- oqt -III +o gdwe pagaa w 00 pue 1uam009V g91 'AJU718VIiIIASS aNV JNa1V33H0Y 3et1JNa NIX ODOM swagovIVP-1Attt"a'PJogmogejgeasopovcodn•npmtpmRaocodaivamaoAWappapanrugiae!lgos,6uMatro',osip10123 ljoatmnsotite8wpP yP�Y PM UM Pons ogt tmfpa'sj aJtaal a GM* at g8ta egi samou Asidateo aU Aoodmo3 aV qqm waunaft soimtpmm pm uoiMptsul tm can -same A ndmd ov P tmtew nos otp Sig papuoid nappy epwag nip m Few-, l AWdad MPJO savae Moo a et ggenjtean s! maioat8y RU'AJJ'H8VMDMV 'HIX uotla+S at gt app9a Mp Pogo ce!tamtojal opgAsad IRA! 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