HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Plans13' 1 SET OF INDIVIDUAL ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS WITH LED LIGHTING 68' STOREFRONT 24 S.F. ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA: STORE = 13' X 68' = 884 S.F. 884 X 20 % = 176.8 S.F. SIGN = 2' X 12' = 24 S.F. FILE Cui,il,�r REVIF-WEU vrUh CODE COMPLIANCE STo L. CIE COUNTY 5 �;G, 2142,i JOB TITLSWEIMCKFARM ADDRESS FTFMtCE OAPPROVED 4444S.E.COMMERCE AVE. Thbdranl -.darinp8e= NOTE: ALL ARTWORK COLORS MUST BE SIGNED OFF BEFORE ANY WORK IS TO BEGIN Q APPROVED W/ CHANGESes STUART, FL.34997 772.220.7788 are the oxdwhe proppeergr of Raminpo Blpna AM mynotWshowntoaypanon orco,poranon cutet r dlerdsoryanixatlon IF EXACT COLORS ARE REQUIRED OR MORE DETAILS PLEASE NOTE. CUSTOMER 15 O NOT APPROVED Nor am they to he reproduced In anyway. she" or form wlhoutthe expressed wrlttenconsent RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES ONCE WORK BEGINS. RESUBMIT W/ CHANGESflamingosigns@aol.com J.� INDIVIDUAL ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAY Letters to be fabricated of .063 aluminum backs with .040 black returns. Interior of letters to be gloss white. Faces to be 3/16" 7328 white acrylic with 1" black Gemini 2025 trimcaps. Lighting to be bright white Hanley led modules attached with 3M VHB tape. Power supples to be Hanley 120 / 12 v. 1.1a premium power supplies. Letters mounted to EMS aluminum extruded raceway minimum 4 per letter #8 tech screws. Raceway fabricated of .125 aluminum to meet UL standards. Backs have inset track to accept 2" mounting clips. Clips to be spaced no more than 48" max. 1 top & 1 bottom with minimum 2 pair per raceway. Raceway painted to match wall section. UL Rated disconnect mounted to end of raceway Primary electrical feed in UL conduit connected to existing power supply to be provided. Wall section to be determined. Sign mounted to wall section with 3/8" hardware to be determined by wall type with minumum 2" embedment. (1) 20 amp 120V Circuit Req. This sign is to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code. 1) Grounded and bonded per NEC 600.7/NEC 250 2) Existing branch circuit in compliance with NEC 600.5, not to exceed 20 amps 3) Sign is to be UL listed per NEC 600.3 4) UL disconnect switch per NEC 600.6- required per sign component before leaving manufacturer* *For multiple signs, a disconnect is permitted but not required for each section LISTED N _ 4C it% isSIGN TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO 2017 NEC (N.F.P.A. 70) 600.5 ULTIMATE WIND VELOCITY = 170 MPH R15K CATEGORY II EXP05URE "C" 7th EDITION "2020 FBC" -,/ -,WIVR w . JOB TITLE ELITE TRUCK PAKT5 ADDRESS FT PIERCE G73�J�0lc%l 4444S.E.COM%LII�OEIML t��� `, NOTE: ALL ARTWORK i£ COLORS MUST DE SIGNED OFF BEFORE ANY WORK 15 TO BEGIN I (► � STUAKT, FL. 34997 JAMES E. PAIT, P.E. PEG # 25497 IF EXACT COLORS ARE REQUIRED OR MORE DETAILS PLEASE NOTE. CUSTOMER 15 772 22 0 7577 1963 5 E PALM CITY RI) 5TU AIRT FL 34994 RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES ONCE WORK BEGIN5. FAX 772 22 0 7768 PHONE 263-2677