HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Update Metal NOA i Certificate of, Author"nation Na. 29824 RE17 17520 Edlnbur ' Dr zh� , K mom* Tampa.. FL 33647 ECHNICALSERVICES' � LLB - EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,' 7T" EDITION i Manufacturer: D R EX E L METALS, INC. Issued August 9., 2020 1234 Gardiner Lane Louisville: KY 40213 - (502) 7143 www.drexmet. com ` Manufacturing : Port St. Lucie FL Quality Assurance: Architectural Testing, Inc. , An Intertelk Company (QUA1844) : SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory* Metal Roofing Code Edition: Florida Building Code, 7tr, Edition 0 0 High-Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) Code Sections, 1 1 . . 1 , 1 f1 , 1 , 1 . ., , 1 . t , . , 1523.6.5.2 .4. 1 Properties: find Resistance REFERENCES E-� Rwort No. Standard Year Architectural Testing (TST1 558) D9330.03-450-18 TA8125 2003 Architectural Testing T T1558) C8008,01 -450-18 T S 125 2003 Architectural Testing T T 1558) C8009.01-450-18 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 83862TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing TT1 58 D041 .01- 0-1 8 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing T T 1 5) E 4 7 i 0 - 0-1 TAB 1 Architectural Testing T T 1 B 4 7.0 1 -4 0-1 8 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing TT 1 13 8 M 0R40-1 8 TAB 125 2003 Architectural Testing T T 1 73784.01 -109-18 TAS 100 1996 Architectural Testing TT 1 73913.01 -109-18 TAS 100 1996 Architectural Testing TT 1 ) D9330.03-450-48 TAS 100 1995 Architectural Testing, Inc an 1 rite rtek Company) (TST1 7) F8 4 .01 -4 0-4 U L! 580 2006 UL: 1897 2012 Architectural Testing, I roc (are 1 ntertek C ompah (TST 1 1 . 1-4 50-18 ULI 580 2006 UL' 17 2012 Architectural Test!rig, Inc (are I nter-te k Com pan (TST 152 7) F0755.01 -450-18 TA 125 2003 Architectural Tests rig, I ro c (are Intertek Company) T T 1 7 F9156.01 -450-18 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Test!n , 1 nc (are I ntertek Company) T T 15 ) F 1 .0 -4 0-1 B T S 125 2003 Architectural Testing, Inc (an I ntcrte pang) T T1 7 0412-1012-06 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing, Inc an Imertek Company) T T1 D4563.01-450-18 T S 100 1995 rchitecturaI Testing, Inc (an I nte rtek Company) T T1 ) D956.03-450-18 TAS 100 1995 rchitecturaI Testing r I nc (are I nte rtek Cora pang) T T1 7 F915&03-450-18 T S 100 1995 Architectural Testing TT1 558) C6413.02-450-18 TS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1 D6207-01 -450-18 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing T T1 0412-0621-07 TAS 100 1995 Architectural Testing (TST1 8) C6413.01 -460-18 TAS 100 1995 F r bau h Engineering (TST1 4 T1 7-07 TAS 100 1995 F rab u h Engineering (TST1654) T -07 TAS 100 1995 Fenestration Testing Lab T T1 7 13-852 TAS 100 1995 Force Engineering Testing T T 7 - 1 TOT-07 UL 580 2006 Force Engineering Testing (T T5328) 72-0314T-06A-C UL 580 2006 L 1897 2012 Force Engineering Testing (TT 72-0313T-06A-C UL580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TSTI 7) 0412-1203.07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory T T15 7 0412-1017-05 TAS 125 2003 DRXI 9003. 1 FL 04- I Image 1 of This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Flute 61 G20-3. The ma:nutacturer shall notify EE Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duraboh for which this report is valid.. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other 'product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. I REEL METALS, I CR K Metal Roofing (HVHZ) TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC En ti wry o, Standard Year Hurri a ne Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0412-01012-06 T S 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory T T1 ) 0412-0305-07 TAS 1 H u rrica ne Test La b o story 1ST 152 7) 0412-0306-06 TAS 1 P FBI Construction Materials Technologies TBT1 7) F -001 -o -01 TAS 100 1995 PFI Construction Materials Technologies TT 1 7) F -00 -0 -01 TAS 100 1995 P I Construction Materials Technologies (TST1657) FM -oo Vo -01 TAS 100 1995 P I Construction Materials Technologies T T 1 7) SFMS-004-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PF I Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) VL -00 - - 1 ASTM B 117 2016 TAS 110 2000 P I Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) VL - -0 -01 ASTM G 155 2013 TAS 110 2000 L LL (TST9628) 02 i I 1243 L 0 2006 ULi1897 2012 L LL (TT ) 03NB13142 UL1580 2006 L: 17 2012 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION _ 1 1 . 5}' Profi I : �1 . -inch mechanical seam; Max.20-inch coverage �� ,..r..„r.,.....,r{,r{_.p_�+_.+_u.....I...............+.�.r.+r.+��,r.+......r.. ,..+. .,.............^......I„r....,..r 1„1„N.14—H, .rl•.a1{rN-I..aI+a1+a,..,a.............+a.+a.....a....,.................,1•.1-11a.{1.1.1...{��+a.+��+�����.��......,..,......a........{Y.1.11.1{aNll laa{�y.a�.a�.�+a�.au.��a��.�+.��^.�,^,.�,r„• e,-F-I+al_u.a�ay_a�.a�.a�..�. ....... a�..��„r ,. Mechanical Description : Non-structural, min. 1 ' mechanical lockstanding seam roof panel, Loci ........... � ...... ........- L u.u....0 .+...r.I-��..�.�+.��.�_�+u+u+ruuuuuuur u.^u,r^r^rF.-F.rhN+Ilal'N+�1+1.+�����.�..�+.auu+��..uaua„r.0...,-�--1.���.,..•�uF.,l l-.• — Material: Miry. a! Fluropon coated ST 7 AZ , or Ti t l F ruin ! i ; Material has demonstrated compliance with; 1518.9 r...................1...r.-.V r.,...1.,F I u 1{F{.1 1 a 1 1-1+1 1 1 r 1 1-..F I.1.1......a......................a.+a.....u...............r..........a......................,r._..+.....+..+........�......r.+......r.,r.,..,..+..+r.,r.,l.,r.{.1 1 r I{I 1 r.y_.+..1 a..a.....a......a,..,.......r,.....,r...r.,.,-.-1,�-F+-.+a.+a a+.....+.a+......................,.r...,1........ R IWO k 2 i 2 1 ! " Nail Strip Profile: 1 . -in h snap lock seam; Max. 1 . -in h coverage ...�.......r.... ...r.,...........,r. a..a....,a.....a.+...a....,............a. 1+................,..........11,1,.11-11{I111I•111�1�11•••{....+.ui...+...a.+.a.....a...u...u......,........,..,...........11+.1,..1.1{I 1111{I••F•+11•••+........+......+..+..,..+..+........,.......N. 1,N+Na11a.{141a•7•• +•1•• .LN,r I-y,•l+y_.+ .NiN,IN..+la.p. ,1111�-•-N-N--1-�{.1.a.la. � Description: Non-structural , snap lock standing seam roof panel; slotted nail strip; i`^-1-r1-1•111F1+................................vrI..n.^.r......a„r.,.l,rI{.11,11.1.iI IrI I.r14I 1 Ir1{rI. EI..1.+1.y.a..a...+..+....a.....a......................r.,......F.r.,r.,-1.-I•rF...+1+.......................,.,..+...r........1...1,..+N-1++1+_a+a.+..+.r.+ra+r.+.......r..r..r..........{r..r.{-•1.1.a..a.+......a.,..+...............,.r.,...r.rr{rr{rI{rI1-11aFI+F1ay.aI..+....+..+.u.r•......... . Material : I Min. 24 9a. RuroponO coated ABTA A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90 steel Fy I miry o f i ! Material has demonstrated compliance with 1518.9 ! iuu.,a...........aw.,..,1.+1._1.+1.1........w.a....w.a.u+.i......................................^u,..,.1a. .{..1.1J1{1111111..1..a1+a.+..,a.+..+........a.+.................r.........u..-^-_1_"1.......ua..a..........................u.u^u...I..h.I-r•I{.I+Na.+1.+.++1..a.uuu.F.+...rw ua.,.....,.hI.,Il........Wh r.,........+..+r.+uu.+.....,...r.i..J LIIN{I IIII IIiN•a1+y! IIIIN{.., r • k • 54-Crimp 1 Profile: I %-inch ribs; Min. 0+ -inch# Max. -inch coverage �_�....ul....,r.+..w u.u.+...r^..+..+..,r^r..rrurl-.h^Iu�-r{{rl+rNaN'F'y Iq..uy.q..a...........L.....a.u.,u+.....,.....,a.,u u.u 1....I.,.. ............ uuu uu.., ...... +a.+a.+..+.a...+.ua.............. ..,rt...,-1,-F•.11_..+..a..+..+..+..+...a.+.....,..+..,I I.I I.I I{11.1.11•••a.,..+aa.a....+rl......,a..a.,a...IJr.II I II•+•1••+11.11�11••+r.+..••1• Description : Non-structural, through fastened roof panel I—................. II 1 IFl 1.. 1 ...... ....., ....+ 1-1{11{1 {1 h.+a. �.,11111.11 J 1 1 N II NI I N .a.+a..r.+ nrn r.,rnrr•r.,�,y--p.... ..+..+..,r.u.u..r^r^.^Ih...IrF'. . ..a.1..,..,a..a.,.u..,u.a.+a...,u+....0.-.,-.1-•1_.+a.u.puu uauuu uu..,..w...,u,.,..,.F..N.F-a 1. a.u.+auaua.+.....+....a,u..u.,.....,....u.,u, . ... Material: ilia. o.o -inch Fiur one coated ASTM B209 aluminum F min, 23 ksi) p E Material has demonstrated compliance with 1518. 9 i. ..........Y.u....a........a..a..r....,r.,......r1,11,1 I,I-rI-•1_•{_I1.y..1....0....................+.........r..^..........1,.1,rN+Y'1{.1+.......uaua............+...a....,..,r........ a__F.uaa._u.a.+.a..a.....a..,..,a.,.....+..+.1.11,11{FI 1FI 1r..1.,a.+.....,............,..,.....,.....,r..-..-..a.{.1{.....+a..a.+a.+...u.u...a...+..,..+..,. 1 3 J • k 0.6" 24.V 0 %qma EW Y.�....,i,�.�..rwNf,.ti ":C.+ryq..,l,.g'"!.*!l4�+k d67u..ar•..vaL..+.r<�ra...�,-Y.�YMf�r...ytis..y•.�Y..�.aati i • I • Df X1 o0 . 1 l=L 0 0 Page 2 of This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule I 0- . The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the durati6n for which this report Is valid . This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other, product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS} INC. CR K Metal Roofing (HH . TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC r Profile: I. PAC-1 50 1 .5-inch mechanical seam ; Max.20-inch coverage ..................... ......... ............. .................................................... ........ ........... ....... ................. .............. .......... ............... j Descriptiow, Non-structural , min. 900 mechanical lock standing seam roof panel; I L­P-hrl. ih­..........1.1 J.I..I I......r........L.—......11 ME- I—I I-PI-1 1-1 ...... ILI Lij.-,riqi­rlmi iqi 1ji 1 11 iqi iqpiHl 11 1 11111 111.111 111 1 1,1 111111 111 II.1,1 Irl 11 11111 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 IILIII I 1 11 11 1 3 i , Min. 0..032-inch Fluropon@ coated ASTM B209 aluminum (Fy min. 22 ksi); 3 Materal- 3 Material has demonstrated compliance with 1518.9 ......­.­­.............. 101 ILI iri ii ill I IF14- ........ ........ Min. 24 ga. Fluropon@ coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ST steel (Fy L L min . 55 ksi)- Material has demonstrated or with'. 1518. 9 l­I1H1rI4rH0I4-I I-I4-HH4.HrHFFIr1 1.1.-1.,1..1­1—.4-1...r.......I...L........L. .1..1L. .—L.ILI .1...1.1......... ........... ......­­I-- ...... ILI F ff rr IV 20" r r Snap-Clad Prof ife : 1 .75-inch snap lock seam ; Max. 18-inch over r...­.... I.I—ILI 1..1..1..1L. 1—1..—A ............III— ............­L.....I..I..ILI 1 11 ILI 11 I+Flj.IIPLI 111.11.1 1F1,1 ql I'HIll Pi III I-F—I vwl m 101 1-1 11 I.HqFlql Ifl 1.1 Description : Non-structural , snap lock standing seam roof panel; 11 "r,",ILI 11 ........r........ ........... ............­1L­....... ....................I........ rial: n(B) Min. 0.032-inch Fluropo coated ASTM B209 aluminum' (Fy min. 25 ksi) Mate I I Material has demonstrated compliance with 1518.9 ................ ........... .............IL.....ur......... IIL........... ........r...........r.a I I................. .......LI.­.......L.—IL.4L.i-iqr- IL-IJLIJFI-1 ILI 11 1 Al Ur Ur A .......... itl PO ............. Sftnlng fft and Opumlfbvt" or new a atbn OpwnaL twin* tam Tice- roc Plus I Profile. 2-inch mechanical seam ; Max. 18-Inch coverage IJI 1,1141141 ....... ........... ­1........ILI ...... : roof panel; 1 Description: Non-structural, min., 180' mechanical lock standing seam , ......... ....... ........... ILI ........ ILI—Ir Material: Min. 24 ga. FluroponQD coated ASTM A7192 AZ50, or T 0 steel (Fy I : 59 min. 60 ksi); Material has demonstrated compliance with : 1 18P I'— Ir.ip.-i­-Fi iri M 11 1 ILIdLI4LI..I ...............L.......Ir........I­FI1II3FI,I...... 3 Min. 0.032-inch Fluropon@ coated ASTM B209 aluminum;- (FY min. 20 ksi); Material has demonstrated compliance with 1518.9 .......... ......... 2Fk krL SnUMNIGHMS AM STRIA13CM CIO AL DRXI 9003.1 FL30304-Ri Page 3 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The mar ufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. I METALS, DREXEL OCR K Motal Roofing (HVHZ) TECHNICAL SE: I , LL C Jacksonville Profile: 1� r ofi l : 1 1 , -i fs s nap lock seam; Max. 1 -I n o rge Beees ■■■r■■t■,+*�i*■F*�#!f!l��1�#1�1F Yr'ii■i■V7■L■■■i■f■■■•i■fIr■■411F!■F14#1iiF■7i■7■■■•■F■■i■■i■■W■■i■■a■■i■■■i■■!**■t'!t*iiF1i#ri O F ii F■#i■1■■J■■■■f■■7■■■■■1■■t■■a■■a■■■■■■ ach Sri � ■t!*t*■}F■#Fi�F■i r■a a■R•■■■a■■a r■ai D ripti n ; 1 Con- tr tur i , snap Io t ndin seam roof panel; 1ott d nail strip* FiM �� �ess !*IFF11 F1�Y■#ii�Fi■■■*■■r■■�■■ia ■■•■■i:■■i■■F*tf��Fli•ti�i#■it■■i■■ ■■r■■■■■rf■ti■■:F■■t■■+l��Odd!!t#!4#Fi#ii'Fliiif■i■■rr■■F■■a F■■woo r■a■■■■ ■■ ■ 111101144■ *f#4t * F* 7 !�!*IF1�F1�FtF1tF1i F■i FY■■■■a■■�■■�■■�■■■a a■ Material : E MinF 24 ga. FI r pon coated TM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90 steel (Fy Ii min. 50 i)} Material has demonstrated compliancewith' 1518.9 E 711 4 iii*Fit■ii■■■■■*■■+■■N■■■aa■a#■+!*4fl4#Fii;di*woo F■■!■■■f■■M■■a■■r■■f■■■ENE r■■ii■■■r*4FRd Fi44 pod F■d add■i■iri■#■■NONE Y■F■■v■■ ■■r■■■•■■■■t■■a■■t!■1i*a}*}!q*tlfflflt#■■•�■ra■ E Miry. -inch Fluropon coated STM B arur rn ni Ty ruin. 21 I r a Material has demonstrated ompli n with 1518.9 f +■■a■r■t*■f!■f#■+Fl4!lfFitlifiiiirri■r■ERNE;■■■■■f■■a■■f■■qa*1f F*I Fi1 Fii■■■%■■M■■*■■■■r■■t■■f■q■■■i■■i■■+■■r■■Eta*■+*■t*A01W4 4,4410114 040140i4k■i Y■rii■ r■r 44f EPA F■*f*014 F1i yi I b I 9 9 ' �• s [ . .......... y{+,.+1 IrN YI IrNrN,r.,1..I,-I,-n-n......+...r.,.+.,r.....,......u...... ...+..+..+, ..I-I I-F.-I..,..F+•f.f.,..I-rI-.I,n-.I--I,-n..,r.,r.,n-r.,r...,..,...r.....r......„........r............ ........................u „..+.....u.+��.��,...rur..r.....r....+...u.r...........uu.....+...,..,+.,+.H Miami Series Profile: 1 . -inch snap lock seam ; Max. 1 -i n h coverage 1 .75 a��+��+FBI IFI II I{FI IrI IF.IFI IrI{.I IFI IF F.F..r..r......r.*r..r....4..+.r..��.r....,........ . . ......... ,r..-.,....... —.r................. r.....r,.r....r..r.....r.......u........ +��+r.+� �........ ..+...�„r....+,�+��.F..y+�,...+„+,�.,++,++�+.,.+a„�.,�.11-11+11+11-N+F+r1,N,•F-rl,r{,rl-rlrrl,.IFN r.r F.r............... snap I Description: Non-structural, n look standing seam roofpanel; F�-F�+1+.,r.......,..,r.,r.....F.,...r.,r.......+r....,...........�.r.,..+r.,....u................,.y......+li"III-N-I,rNrl,rl-rl,.I,rF.r.,r.. ...r.+r..r.+r..r...............+.nu...+....,..+. ..,.�+.�,r.+��,r.u.��...r.......{.....,F.+.1+ I•F�-FI+I.�I +II-II-III�I1{F.-II-I.,I 1.11-FI,I I-I I,..-I.r..,I..F.- -I,-I,nF.,......I............................................................. Loci . E Material: 3 Moat a+ Fiuropon coated STM AZ + or T 0 steel Fy 3 .....................min. 0 i); Material has demonstratedcompliance with! 1518.9 I""NFII-IIH I'N'lIFNFI YirN rhr{,ri,rnr{.run.r+.r.............................. .....u..0.............................I...........III�N-NCI -II-I+-hy--II-hN--F.yrl�� -I.-lur.,F.-1,-F.,h.N.FuF,r.,-h-nrnn,rl.r.Fuh.�,-.,rn.nu,n,n.nu,uu.uru.,r..r.u...........u..r.u.u. I Min. 0.032-inch Fiuropun@ coated ASTM B209 aluminur Fy min. 24 ksl)-, Material has demonstrated �. compliance with 1 ' r ....................+.� .......................- h................n.................nn.......................n ......... n..........................................u. �. MIT lrwirrm r�F.Ihy re'Ir,1r, rtn+yFA1;l mkfs ff . rIfffr-rk7fa9t��iYr'Ar ] ; 14 WOO [ R C ' C ! f � • r i I Palm Beach �. uProfile: I 1, .�,rnr-nrirnun uurhuu mechanical hanical lean ; M . 0-rn era ...........—ru.......................r....... .q+. N ........0 ....... n ........,..+..,.+. ........r .......+ .r +............ ...+.....{..+..+....._ I I.r.....F +.....,......r....,..,................. .. -i i - Description : a Non-structural, miry 0 m ..,.........r........ mechanical lock standing roof panel- 3 11 Mechanical •,uuu.............+Fu F.,F.u.+F.+l l+N{FI{N IN l.l.....ur.+.. F.1-.,r.w.r..........r.........+.u.uu u.uuu u.{..111111{I11.I II NN,1.r..ru.,.r,uu..u,u+u u..uu.u.u.,...r.+..u.uu w.. 1 k ••1�1�1...•-.......,1,r r.r.,..,r r.-..,..+.......r....,r.,..+r.+...r....+..,...r.......+u..+..+.,..µ'•,'+I'{F'i l I+I I{I I r l,-I,r.,rl,n.n,r.,n,r....r.,r.+.,.........u...... 1 Material : Min. ga. FluroponO coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM AE553 G90 steel F y W Seam rain. i ; Material has demon trot .compliance with . 1518, 9 ..........r..............u...u.. .- . r. r.-r.,r.,r......,r............+.u.......u...u.u........,..,r._F+•1,FI-rl,r,.r..r,...r.,r...........r.,...r.,..,r.+r..,r....+.......................,.....,..{..,1.•.1,1.r1r....,..................r....................u.ua..u.... {{I 1'I'rNy,-lir Min. 0. -inch Fluropon@ coated ASTM B209 aluminum (F, min. 24 ksi); k Material has demonstrated ti...._... � o liran pith 1518.9 r •-1,-1,-.,,.,.r,...r..rr,..........a..r.+..+a..r....+..I .. I�f,II-I.+II.F..r...................+r.,..+........+...Ir.+...........,....... ...............u+r......+_IFI IFI{1.Irl...+.....,r..r.+...r...............+.......+..+..+..+...u_1{_1,rF,-1-r.-•,r..r.,rr..r..r..r.........u..u...............a.+u.y+a...,.+y+al-rl-1 IFI IF,r{.r{..1.r,rr..r,r..r.,r.+r.,..+..,.....,r....,...r..,..Irl 1..I...r.... 2 # _ 20" Widths Available I T 3 1 1 � r itf n i n i ion I E (Flat /Clip Belief Shown) fey West Profile: 1 1/2-inch ri Winch coverage ................... `[+��i�' 1,1.1111.1 •..Ig4FI IFI 1.1Ir.i..i.r...+.r.....................+..+...N-N-F.-F.rl,rl.r.,n................, ..�...,.+.1{N,y,FI,r F.rl.r. ri �.F i .......u..a........u, [ u.u+u. ,r.u.r.,r..r.,r..r.+..,r.,..uu+u,..+...r.+r.,..+..,..u..F.al__,__1•-N,..-..-..-.r.+..u.....u.r..r.+..,r.,r.+...r..r.....r..u.r+uu,..+...F.u.+...,.aF+.F+.N•N•F,r{,rt.r{.r.,r{.r.r.{r..r,.r, 3 ■ ription : I Non-structureI , through fastened roof panel ••,+,++F I+F I I I I+r................r E.. rli ■ ■ : ......ur.......+r..........+.+ ` ......+........+.....+..+,....{-.,•.,r.{...r....r......,.....,..,... ...,...r.,..,......r.............,..+r.+.......+....,...1..F.•r....,..,r....r.,r.,r,.r,.rr,rr,..,..+...�..+....+.......u..,+..+.++..+u+,.+.,+.F+•F-F17��I+I�F1-I,rl,..,.1,..,rh..,r..n..v..,.. ......... .......... Cp Notarial : 1 Min, 26 ga. FluroponO coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or Ttl steel Fy - rin. 50 ksi); Material has demonstrated compliance w"th 1518.9 r......................FI I..{.I1•1 IFI IF.1r.I,rI.rI.r.r....,.r,.....i..u...+..+.1+ ..........,.F..,{_F..NrNrF..1,.....................uuu.+u.,+.F-1+-1,-1,rF,-1,...r.,r.,..........+r....+...........u....a,.....{..iI I +F17I I7FNI1IFIJ F.{F..r..............,...r....+..,..+.....,.....,...r.......,...,..+I I{•1{I ....................u.u.......+..+F..,{+,... k E 0 Wximum Net Coverage 04 R ! e e a � I DRX j 9003. 1 FL 0 04- 1 Page 4 of This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 1 0- * The man; ufa turr r Fall notify CREEK Technical erVic r LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report i*s valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other Orodu t attributes that r not specifically addressed herein F DREXEL METALS, INC. CR K Metal Roofing (HVIiZ) TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Stuart Line Profile: I -Inch snap lock seam - Max. 16-inch coverage ........................................................ P ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................... Series V Nail slotted nail strip- Description: Non-structural, snap lock standing seam roof panel, ....................I...L­1­ .................................._­........ ..............­.­............­­........ ........... .......................­­........ ......................... ........ .......................... ........... ............ ........ Strip Materia . in.. 24 ga. Fluropon@ coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90 steel (Fy l min. 50 ksi); Material has demonstrated compliance wLth! 1518.9 ............ ....................__........................... ............................................................ ......... ........... ........... DRX19003.1 FL30304-Rl Page 5 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. L This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attflbL,..es that are not specifically addressed herein. D EX E L METALS,L , INC. C K Metal Roofing (HVHZ) TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC UMITATIONS 1 . Fire classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2. The roof deck and the roof deck attachment information are provided based on t6sting. FBC requirements for the rational design of the roof deck{ including the attachment, are not within the scope of this evaluation . Roof slope shall be 2: 12 or greater. 4. Reroofing shall be in accordance with Section 1521 , . Installation of the evaluated products shall 'Comply with this report, RAS U3; and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these so6rces, the more restrictive and FBC compliant in tall tin etail shall prevail. . All prod u t listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assu ran c program i n compliance with Rule 61 - . COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary C . Priest, P. E. have demonstrated compliance' with the Florida Building cede, 7'h Edition 0 High-Velocity Hurricane Zones H H evidenced in the referenced documents submitted y the named manufacturer. BEN ,9� � ' ?ii4'�' i'J.�1':J.J ry.• :.L}J}.'Yv.'• r:y r� 2020908e09 :.r,.. yr•• k}" .L I', /. I -No 74021 1 ' 5 * 16 * 00 MM � � !� ElI �� ��ixlwF�•EC;Pkek . 04 -10 * M 0 —04 ' 00 ' 110 STATE .F � . go *. .14 0 ,0Zachary R. Priest, P. E. �' FloridaRegistration No. 74021 . NOrganization No. E 1 • CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC doss not have nor will it acquire, a fin ndal interest in any company; manufacturing or di tri outing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical al Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R, Priest, P.E. does not have, nor vAll aquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing product under this evaluation. Zachary F . Priest, PrE. does not have, nor will acquirer a fi n a n da s interest in any other entity in clved in the approval process of the product. Appr:NDICFES 1 ) APPENDIX A — installation pages) 2) APPENDIX P — Approved Roof Systems (7 pages) 3) APPENDIX C -- Design Wind Leads pages) D X1 00 . 1 i=L 0 04- l Pala �f This evaluation report 'I's provided for State of FI crlda product approval under Rule 61 0- . The may ufacturer shall notify C REEK Technical Services, LLC of any product charges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product aftributes that are not specifically addressed herein. FEEL METALS, INC. CR K Metal Roofing (HVHZ) TECHNICAL SIB LLC APPENDIX INSTALLATION Note ^ Refer to the APPRovw RooF SystEms sectionf this report for specific installation details of a selectedsystem., Unless otherwise specified in this report the following installation details sha I I be met for thO named products: _ _ x . .t rt }., rt.rr. t. ...rY,... ... ........ ,. . t._:....t;:':�cx•:•tx�: • :�::•}.:�...: • r� •,:�: _:f.h:�:�;n�:�,r.:�'h'n'r: - .. k �v..Y..v..,...r......h r. .....ti......._.:•:::::':•:•: }.•: ' �k .`i '}:x+.b },r'!:'r;;.•' _ xt•,c t:r .. .. ..._.. . .. ,. ••�� iii�� �� . .!:._ _'}.::::.'.;� ::k!?.:._. "�•k:? �,c ;x,;krt::.k�}�ct:.;::}v;:Jc xx} .r�•Sx }.. _. ,,�,k. .. n .. ... ....._.,,.._...r...... ..,y .... .._. ...�� �•.. .,0'.. Yn��eJ�� �' ¢'' $:: E4;7 . J`�!!.f�11 ^ : s . ! ? x.._...._.... ...........�. ..... ..... ... ....... .._... : .1�. .. i ,;:f:n •::'"' - ::t:Y�•........ ::S!�1:�::t!•:!. :k: �:, t....... :i.! .i r �..:,h...tx}x,Est •t:. ..•ry: .:t.err..,},..5;}.�..,. _ _ :!Jl.. •2 i #9-15 HH wood screw th sealing washer 10 H H wood screw ' th sealing washer 1 0 FAH wood screw 10-11 Eclipse Head Shall penetrate through the sheathing a minimum /8 in. Must be corrosion wood screw v4th dig resistant in accordance with FBC section 1517.5 Fasteners washer #1 0-13 PH wood screw 1 -1 1 PH wood screw #14 WoodZACO HVVH crews #14-13 TH wood screw Shall penetrate through the top rib of the steel deck a minimum 314 in. Must b #14 PH self-drilling screwcorrosion resistant in accordance with F BC section' 1517.5 1 . -inch Sliding ga. top with ga. base galvanized steel, in 1 00 - e lip Clip 24 ga, galvanized or stainless steel in-seam clip 7 4 ga. PAC-1 0 Clip 0 ga. galvanized or stainless steel in-warn clip Clips a. Snap-Clad Clip 0 ga. galvanized or stainless steel in-seam clip 20 a. Snap-Clad Continuous Clip DR XI 9003.1 FL 0 0 -FBI Page 1 of This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule I - , The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other,: product attributes that are not spe itially addressed herein. ; - _.... ...._..... ,.,........_.v... �■ :;c.k,.. :,:.k k::..:..k:.}r_r_t•!.ir:riw:: a` C3 cc wo .¢: :fr::ftir:lk::vi.:.x .A.. . { La + :! :... :.}.. :•}' kv:i rn r::.:.},;Y•r.nnv' Ln rkvn ■' r+nv. a E ''}�:'J:: �'::::.t}Y..;..::t._:.'.:.nti :,c co _.%......v_ +LLJ •h';: 'n�. nn;:v..}•'v:.}�C xn f.,{ �Cv}}�C{h�+C � 4Y<k;• n¢;.}k�n..k}:.r ••vasrn:xs �.13 v 7.�...... i.. •}:};��,. }'}:; 'Li S! 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