HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey I BOUNDARY SURVEIY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i SURVEYORS NOTES: i PARCEL 1: 1 From the Southeast corner of Tract C-1 of Taylors Subdivision, as per Plat thereof 1 • Unless otherwise noted only platted easements ) as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 12, St, Lucie County, Florida, Public Recordsare shown hereon ; thence 2. No underground ut i I i t i es or improvements were run North 13 degrees 16' West along the West line of Old Dixie Highway, 446.5 feel to i located ;unless otherwise shown. the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described: (1) from said Point of; 3. This sit e I i es within Flood Insurance Rate Map Beginning, thence run South 80 degrees 06' West for a distance of 150 feet; !(2) Zone X. thence run North 13 degrees 16' West for a distance of 82.6 feel to the SoNlh line 4. Flood Zone shown' hereon is an interpretation of Taylor Drive; (3) thence Easterly along the South line of Taylor Drive 150.1 feel to by the surveyor-land is provided as a courtesy. the West line of Old Dixie Highway; (4) thence South 13 degrees 1113' East along the The flood zonei shou I d be ver i f i ed by a West line of Old Dixie Highway 100 feel to the Point of Beginning. Said polcel being determination agency. a part of the aforesaid Tract C-1 of Taylor's Subdivision. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the South line of Subject �Parcel as being N80'O6'00"E. and according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denot.es'tPublic Utilities and Drainage PARCEL 2: Easement. The I,Iorlh 28 feel of the following described property. From the Southeast corner of 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless llort C-1 of Taylor's Subdivision, as per flat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, otherwise shown.' Page 12, Sl. Lucie County, Florida, Public Records, thence run North 13 degrees 16' West along the West line of Old Dixie Highway for a distance of 381.5 feet to 'the Paint of Beginning of the parcel herein described: (1) from said Point of Beginning, i thence run South 80 degrees 06' West for a distance of 150 feel; (2) thence'North 1.3 degrees 16' West for a distance of 65 feet; (3) thence North 80 degrees 06' East for a distance of 150 feet to the West line of aforesaid Old Dixie Highway, (4) thence run South 13 degrees 16' along the West line of said Old Dixie Highway for a distance of 65 feel to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel being a part of alore5aid Tract C-1 of Taylor's Subdivision. ALSO KNOWN.AS: The North 2U feel of tract K and all of Tract L, Chamberlain Boulevard tlriyhl5, on unrecorded Plat, all lying and being in Section 28, Township 34 Saulh, Range 40 [asl, St. Lucie County, Florida, Public Records, ���u a� ,to °( p\PAF R\\�� - !RoN 1 C�e�`t ed v+�hMI,��M�e aPa — / — 15� �oP\Qk a\odea FOUND MQ UMENS ,ay'100 o \Ay g9 cONc w 1 �9\(t oS s r,9 E. � oo;1 Fo °; 1 ? r o � ®Y(cll '22.10 OftAVE OWVE i p -.4 nwN ) N g 53 y � sou CPRPORS I t o PUMP $ n T '✓o HOUSE 5. 01. 1 o � To � �o.00 � � � 5$•t36 geo POINT OF BEGINNING ABBREVIATIONS: °o'. SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor with yellow cap marked "PSM 5543" x qo FD=Found 5/8° Iron Rebar S 8006_00" w___ a o,CD N F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation --- 18.1° n�� v Ll� I 1 OH--OH--OH—= Over Head Wires ti 5j0� FD o 0 1 X--X--X—= Chain Link Fence o - R.O.W. = Right of Way w `r 0--0--0-= Wood Fence oi 150.00' FPL Transformer Pad o PL=Va I ue as plotted o" et sN Ek'S -FFtTc�580'06 0011w u 2 R = Radius of curve a �' CEL2 L = Length of curve REMAINDER OF PAR Foal': BEGIA o 1 0= Delta of Curve P ARCEL - MEAS. = Measured 150.00' a CONC. = Concrete 06'00" W C.P.= Concrete Pad F.Ll= Water Meter 1 (F)= Power Pole �= Utility Box POINT OF COMMENCEMENT = We I I S.E.CORNER OF TRACT Cl