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Mobile Home set Up
PERMIT WORKSHtt I �' page i or 4 PERMIT NUMBER /b D%S 7 ' New Home ® Used Home Installer THOMAS GRUNDEL License# IH1025148 Hor; nstalled to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual Address of home NETTLE LVD t-F-7 HMs installed in accordance with Rule 15-C being installed JENSEN BCH18 C) SMide Wind Zone II E] Wind Zone III Manufacturer JACOBSEN Length xwidth 2 ---t D wide ® Installation Decal# TBD N NOTE: if home is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan o TopmAQuad Serial# TBD if home is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home N 0 I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home(new or us d) en where the sidewail ties exceed 5 ft 4 in. PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Installer's initials TG Footer 16 x 16" 18 1/2"x 18 20"x 20" 22"x 22" 24"X 24" 26"x 26" Typical pier spacing size ity (sq in) 1/2"(342) (400) (484)` (576)' (676) e!c el 2' 6' IiDoo ps Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems 1500 ps one udlna (use dark lines to show these locations) 2000 ps ps 3000 ps ps interpolated from Rule 15C-1 pier spacing table. POPULAR PAD SIZES PIER PAD SIZES I-beam pier pad size 17X22.5 Pad Size Sq In X Perimeter pier pad size 16X16 16x18 18.5 x _ Other pier pad sizes 16 x22.5 " (required bythe mfg.) 17 x 22 13 4 x26 114 348 Draw the approximate locations of marriag 20 x20 400 n wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this x 25 3116 441 Li Li L_j Li c C t-1 u•••' symbol to show the piers. x25 d�iiri 2'Mmnd of home p40V 24 x24 FX: List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 fool x and their pier pad sizes below. ANCHORS Li I .� C r.1 C� �Y .� Opening Pier pad size 7�T-r-r-r+NA" T�rOr.. X 5ft 1 1 1 1 i 1 I I , .�� �I+T f I I ! •r , I I 1 I r�y O ft r-f-�-i-1- -7-r-r-r I 1 I--,-i 1 ADT-i-,--r '!r` -, r, 0 - '--'- �� n 1-5 17X22.5 QX _ -L i-1 I . O �+_2:J;11_L_1-J_J_1• ► }!�©© �i_L_L_I_yr. Ira FRAMETIES L_L_I_J_J-�_L_L_L_I- 4 3.6 r 1--1..J-y_� _. •I'Y'f i 9. , , . , I I I I - x I 1 1 `71� - _ within 2'of end of home X r-r-1--, y- -r-r-r-1- -`4.+•t C1 r-r-'1-'1-T, -1 r-r-I- y,/ I I 1 1 1 I I I I ��? L1� 'r' spaced at 5'4"oc X � ��IT��'F'�fr-r-r'r1 1 1 f 1 1 1 I I 1 y_I -1—•I �-' 1 1 I 1_1 4r ,-'1'-,' i OTHERTIFS L �_.1_!_J_1_L �� .C�-'---'_-- i TIEDOWNCOMPONENTS �1 --L: I , I , I Ac�.j`1 ,�a+(�1 I I I� I _lL Number L_L_I_J_J-1�L_L-._- 1 , :Y.'r I 1 �3, 1 !, Ci 1 1 1 I , ���M✓✓ TTT'999 ,t//VV/�111 1 I I 1 -i- Longitudinal Stabilizing Device(LSD) sidewall a_♦ ,- ._I- _ _i_4 -�.` ��_L-1_J_ _ Manufacturer OLIVER Longitudinal -I--1- -;-r-~-I--1--1_ 1-1r ^I1_�/1 1 I I I I I I ,►�"- , I I •C3;��o -r,., �"1 I 1 1 � Longitudinal Stabilizing Device w/Latera/Arms Marriage wall r—r-r-I--1-n-+-r-r-1--r�-�-T• ^r-r-r�-�-®r� �! r-r-�-�-'�Q T -r"Q Manufacturer Shearwall 11^r-I--I-l-l-rf"�-f-1--1-9-T�Pr� T(�-r-i PERMIT WORKSHEtT L' page a or e PERMIT NUMBER � --- rte reparation POCKETP T D is and organic material removed YES The pocket penetrometer tests are rounded down to 1500 psf er drainage: Natural Swale Pad X Other or check here to declare 1000 (b. soil without testing. fiFastening multi wide units X 15ti X 15ti X 15Qj � Or Type Fastener: LAG Length: 6" Spacing: 24" s Type Fastener: LAG Length: 6" — Spacing: 24" POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD Type Fastener. GALV Length: Spacing: For used homes a min. 30 gauge, 8"wide,galvanized metal strip 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. will be centered over the peak of the roof and fastened with galv. roofing nails at 2"on center on both sides of the centerline. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the looter. M ' 0 - a Gasket(weatherproofing requirement) 3. Using 500 lb. increments,take the lowest WE reading and round down to that increment. derstand a properly installed gasket is a requirement of all new and used =: omes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled marriage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being installed. I understand a strip X 15b X 15ti X 151d of tape will not serve as a gasket. Installer's initials TG TORQUE PROBE TEST Type gasket FOAM Installed: The results ofthe torque probe testis 285 inch pounds or check Pg. Between Floors Yes X here if you are declaring 5'anchors without testing . Atest Between Walls Yes X showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. Bottom of ridgebeam Yes X Note: Astate approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. anchors are allowed atthe sidewail locations. I understand 5 ft Weatherproofing anchors are required at all centerline tie points where the torque test reading is 275 or less and where the mobile home manufacturer may The bottomboard will be repaired and/or taped. Yes X Pg. requires anchors with 4000 lb holding capacity. Siding on units is installed to manufacturer's specifications. Yes X TG Installer's initials Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain water. Yes X ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED INSTALLER Miscellaneous Installer Name THOMAS GRUNDEL Skirting to be installed. Yes X No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Yes X_ NIA Date Tested Range downflow vent installed outside of skirting. Yes X N/A Drain lines supported at foot intervals. Yes X__ Electrical crossovers protected. Yes X— Other: ectnca onnect electrical conductors between multi-wide units, but not to the main power Durce. This includes the bonding wire between mult-wide units. Pg. Installer verifies allEation mation given with this permit worksheet Plumbing is ato and true b sed on the onnect all sewer drains to an e>asting sewer tap or septic tank. Pg. manufacturer's in instructi and o Rule 15C-1 & 2 Installer Signature Date onnect all potable water supply piping to an e)asting water meter,water tap, or other ..L,r.c+++rl c�n�w-+Ynr cnnly c .e 4emc Pn �\A) T 43. r------__ 1(Y-6" y —6'_2" ____�I _ _� 18'-5 1/2" _ 5' _w-4 PLAN AS SHOWN . ._..____._.I PROPOSED PLAN M--TNR GRE GORY -CENTRA ZON-- 33D_ 3 i ARE APPROXIMATE Acrylic 26740N �.bN __. Z•bSv ! I 5'UP i S831�DkiwmlmrjV4*)os4a ti I Bedroom# 2 Dryos 1 ; Pantry I jr 00 04 i 4 Ry items l; rr ae f 0 j o • �`. ��i y I - E 6x12 abav � -- ! � csry up Active 30x4 2 s / MOD. `,ti sd, 5�` V i Stack P Broo Bedroom # 1 Prep l Linen' 7 e 4Bx 5 i 6ciow 1.�' � ! csry i t __ Y4 UP /t \. 3 #z wp WH ce v F iE50DN ;� "SOON AC('yIiC i AMN , x650DN f ! 36x1�.a4ye f 38' 3902 ab ; - " GARE 760 sq I'll VERTICAL VINYL SKIRTING ( components £, installation ) WALL �P aACK -r--rAt1tEi:> wtrH tnc#4 5,Crt6wS 16"APAer TOP iROtiT Ft..00R SNAPS i rp Top SACK K'DE9 ScREws AND pA,,EL cvT.3 1J TED PANEL----� BLOCK SuP?ORT 3.9 in4Hcs PER FGo-r SECUR g dF uEMTtLATbN E TO 'MP.6Atfc AMD F3lYTTpM iZhit; Wtf � t_ " SCREw5 (b"Ot: fgLL PANELS 4-Z&A"t 50113&•E $y REt`noVwC, 'tbP r-goNT AfNn pt,u.ty L'P piv PANED, O-F--aivy T AcK A-rTACHCO TO GR0uN6 VUeT1+ '1 tnCtf (3/4t�1/k/Ji2Ep IVAtt I9"OC (IF Shc(- IS SAND�J'T�lEAt Q�tt_"dam, �. "V .� I Page 1 Residential Hest Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 12/82016 In accordance with ACCA Manual J r Report Prepared,By: Systems Inc. For: Gregory 1332 Nettles in[ d t Lucie Cty, Design Cond ns: Fort Pierre — Indoor:( Outdoor: Sumrm r temperature: 70 Summer temperature: 90 Winter I 9,'mpereture: 70 Winter temperature: 42 Relativ humidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 127 Daily temperature rangeMedium Building Cam nent Sensible Latwt Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) Duct 2,353 0 2,353 1,475 Floors 958 0 958 1,702 Walls 1,265 0 1,265 1,500 Ceilings 1,104 _0 1,104 702 People 1,500 1,150 2.650 0 Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc 1,200 0 1,200 0 Windows 6,486_ 0 6,486 2,709 Doors 483 0 483 573 Glassdoors 748 0 748 911 Skylights i 0 0 0 0 Infiltration 1,940 4,017 5,957 6,648 j VHhole House 18,037 5,167 23,204 16,220 (2 tons ) HVAC-Calc R4 widential 4.0 by HVAC Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1101 fond oskY1ehws we esthta Oft seWM loads may very sus to vm&#W&W eons W iOm drrorO M. 6 'd S2096EbT9S zaijaiing Fi WFiZE =6 9Toa 80 oaa Michael G Tomko,P.E. T.R. Arnold and Associates, Inc Phone: 574-264-0745 Fax: 574-264-0740 Dec 7, 2016 Craig Young Jacobsen Homes Mr. Young, Page SU-01-008 in the Jacobsen Homes' HUD set-up manual was based on the 2004 Florida Residential Code. Since Florida has adopted the 2014 Florida residential code, the wind speed map has been changed to represent ultimate wind speed in ASCE7-10 instead of the design wind speed called out in the ASCE7-05 maps The wind pressures calculated from the wind speed map in ASCE7-10 are allowed to be reduced by a factor of 1 2/3 if the structure is designed using Allowable Stress Design. When using a wind design from ASCE7-05,the conversion to an ultimate wind speed is as follows: ASCE7-05 (2004 FBC)VASE: 120 mph exp B=ASCE7-10(2014 FBC)Vm,T: 140 mph exp C ASCE7-05 (2004 FBC)VASD: 140 mph exp B=ASCE7-10(2014 FBC)VuLT: 164 mph exp C G r0 �•`,,�G�V�G E N SF•.��-��i �*•• �No 63802 •• *�: Sincerely, _ '90 ••• STATE OF •:��u Al 04�;' 9/0N Michael G. Tomko 411���n�ee���`