HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementl PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT ' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT! S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) e__ELEC7RICIAN _ — __--Sub-contractor-: for -=DIVE- pEY-F-LOP-MEN.LGDRE,.. -- (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County -of- ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this �day of 26�0,by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known ILor has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary c DO.ROTHY ANN 'BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public ?g ` �,•: DOROTHYANN OANN aAMYCOMMISSION#HH04544g Q; EXPIRES:Oc4ober2,2024 Bonded 71tm Notaiy pu60o UndsMitera ev[ . SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) • LAWRENCE!,STUBBS PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER --State of°Floridan Countyof ST, LU,CIE_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this. No ay f C__ Any LAWRENCE STUBBS- who is personally !mown 9L or bar. produced a as identification. '-Sign9ture of Notary Public V i UALKa Print Name of Notary Public i a•�I;'r,�"••,, LAURAR-CUBBEDGE Commission # HH MOM o� -w� Ex ires October 21, 2024 :T'' Bonded Ttuu Troy Fafn Insurance 900$B,r7019 STAMP J PLANNING, &bZVMPA9NT SERVICES Building & Code Division -BUILD1Nf.,,PERM1T -SUB-CONTRACTOR-AGREEMENT, AQUA DIMENSIONS have -agreed-to be (Conipaixy.14ameandtoldual Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contractoi::for WYNNE - -DEVELOPMENT'CORP.. (Type of Trade)' For the project located. at Tax .ID It is -understood that, of -status regarding our participation with -the above mentioned project, the Building. and Code- Regulation 1)iAdsion:ofSt. Lucie -county willbe--advised 'Dursuant to the filing: of a Chang6 of$ub=contradtor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATTIRE(Qualifier) MATTHEW- LYLE- WYNNE PRINT'NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIOKKUMBER .. ST LUCIE. State of Florida, County of The foregwu91 &u'r4-e­n:t`was,sJgin'4'- signed-this._d4y,of . NZ��.C­ 2iS .who is personagy.known �& has. produced' a. 'as-identifidtion. zo_-61c,., Signaure-of Notary &Hd DOROTHY AW -BASKIN Print Name of NotaryPublic )ROT.HY. ,.04014' In COMMISSION #M 045M vx IREP; EXPO W-420 ­ 24 10Z d SIGNATURE (Odamir) ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME i T8628 COUNTY'CERTMCATIONNUMEBER State of Florida, Con I nty f LUCIE Theibregoin instrument was -signed Vefore:%e'thi'QL\2 ftyiof who is persona4y known%Lot has: roduced a STAMP J STAMP Sigilihire bfNotaq P ublic i RHON,DA 'LAFFERTY Print Name of Notary Public W,A RHONDA LAFFERTY MY COMMISSION # G(3058720 EXPIRES January 08,2021 nn _J PERMIT# ISSUE DATE Cou F L O I* D TYN PLANN'YNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Duildiing & Code Compiiauce Division WILDING. PERMIT SU'B-CONTRACTOR AGREEWNT • I ' Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County_, Isic. have agreed- to'be (Company Nhme 1ndividttal N=e) the HVAC Sub -contractor for Wynne! Development Cora. (Type of Trade) 0himMy ;Contractor) - - For the project located at _ -� ��. �-e�� , '• (Project Street Addressor property Tax In #E) It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuan'ttei the filing of a Change of'Sub-contractor notice. CONTItACrOR SIGNATURE (Quanfier). Matthew Life Wynne PRIIVT NAME �Iti•Z COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM\IIER $fate of Florida, Coumtyof� The foregoing Idstrun lent was dgued Lefdre me this day of W_ C i. .a by r e-_:_,�•�'�� v-�l��v� who is personally known v or has produced a as identification 0_,t�J_m A.O I..� STAMP - Signature ofNouwyp c COUNTY CERTWCATIONNNNUMBER State of Florida. Cotinty of •�"'s - ��- TLe foregoing instrument was signed before me this ' day of xlo� aV�A c� � who is personally known or has produced A as identification. C� ��' • STA1V Signature ofNotery ',—DO .n Imo v2O� N EXPIRES, OctoberZ2024 +1• , L66-d Z0061Z4U6d tL4-1 I 999L8L83LL da oo 6u i I n l auuAS pl, 8� M -W4d.j 9 L: U OI C 64-U . . . . . . . . . . . yle. cp"WCERTIF757 :84 Awl A) DOROTWANN BMIKON MY COMMISSION# HH 04644S EXPIRES: October2,2024. AVEMOMM-SE I R*'*'**' e tbkb.*Oto� d SU ...nar- Allie advsed':pursuan:to° MO. a 4, a ON 0wW--,.or. a W pro. aced 3TAi4TP a? STAMP -)D Ye 07) )4 AVAI A4 -s je., "ONWANN �BARJN My COMMISSION HN 045443 EXPIRES: O*W2,2024