HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED - Truss Layout [ds] 2.18.2021TG/RW2/1/21Lot 41Emerald-BK.Hovanian HomesBuildersFirstSourceA/C Closet26218762627249MJT/JAI068-1905102/18/2021 SUBMITTAL #: 1 2 3 4 Shop drawing review is for general conformance with plans,specifications and the design concept of the Project asexpressed in the Contract Documents. The corrections orcomments made on submittals shall not relieve theContractor from any obligation contained in the ContractDocuments. Review and approval is not for the purpose ofdetermining the completeness, accuracy or correctness ofdimensions, quantities or other details. Approval assumesno responsibility whatsoever for the correctness, nor does itimply authorization of additional work. The StructuralEngineer's review shall not constitute approval of anyfabrication or construction means, methods, techniques, orsequences; or any safety precautions or procedures.REVIEWED BY:____________________________M+K PROJECT #:____________DATE:_________ NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN REVISE AND RESUBMIT APPROVED AS NOTED REJECTED - RESUBMIT REVIEWED ONLY NOT REVIEWED RESUBMIT FOR RECORD TYPICAL - U.N.O. FOR RECORD ________________