HomeMy WebLinkAboutpool plans (2)General The swimming pools and spas consist of one-piece fiberglass construction shop -formed over a mold. The material is fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), a minimum of 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick, composed of isophtalic resin, vinyl ester resin, and fiberglass. The surface finish is a neo pentyl glycol gel coat. Viking Pools produces various styles of swimming pools and spas. When installed in accordance to Viking Pools installation procedures, the pools and spas comply with applicable requirements of the following codes: 2018 International Building Code® (IBC) 2018 International Residential Code (IRC) 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) BOCAO National Building Code/2003 (BNBC) 2018 International Plumbing Code® (IPC) 2012/20151APMO Uniform Plumbing Code (IAPMO UPC) 2003 ANSI/NSPI-5 Residential Inground Swimming Pools 2012 ANSI/APSP/ICC Sa Residential Inground Swimming Pools 2014 ANSI/APSP/ICC-3 Permanently Installed Residential Spas and Swim Spas 2017 Florida Building Code 6th Edition 2017 Florida Plumbing Code 6th Edition 2017 Florida Fuel/Gas Code 6th Edition 2017 Florida Mechanical Code Ban Edition 2017 Florida Residential Code 6th Edition 2006 ANSI/APSP-7 2013 ANSI/APSP/ICC-7 Suction Entrapment Avoidance 2011 ANSI/APSP-16 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code - (ISPSC-ICC) 2007 ANSI/ASME-Al12.19.8 2017 National Electric Code (NEC) 2015 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot tub Code (IAPMO) The overall pool dimensions, depths and capacities are shown in Table 1 and Table 4. The units comply with ANSIRJSPI-5, specified in Section AG103.1 of the IRC, and IAPMO IGC-2000', specified in the UPC. Models described in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 can be placed up to 19-1/2 inches (49.5mm) above ground. These pools and spas may be placed with or without concrete or wood decking. Unless elevated portions of the units are protected from sunlight by soil berms, decking, etc., these portions must be coated with a UV-inhibfting opaque paint that is compatible with the laminate. All plumbing must comply with the IPC or UPC. Electrical work must comply with the code in effect at the construction site. The pool and spa must remain full of water at all times. A permanent sign, bearing the following statement, must be attached to the pumping equipment: Notice -The pool or spa is designed to remain full of water at all times. The pool shell may be damaged if the water level is allowed to drop below the skimmer. When appreciable draw -down is noticed or if it becomes necessary to drain the pool or spa, contact Viking Pools or its dealers for instructions. A permanent label must be installed adjacent to the above sign indicating the Viking Pools dealer's name, address and telephone number. Installation Procedure: Viking pools and spas may be installed without a soil investigation by a registered design professional(RDP), subject to the building official's approval, provided none of the following conditions are encountered at the site: 1. The existence of uncontrollable groundwater within the depth of the pool or spa excavation. 2. The existence of an uncompacted fill in contact with any portion of the pool or spa. 3. The existence of any soil types with an angle of repose that will not support the walls of the excavation at desired slopes. 4. Danger to adjacent structures posed by the proposed pool or spa location. 5. The existence of any cracks or openings in soil that would not confine send or 1/2" clean gravel bedding. If any of the conditions above is encountered, excavation must cease immediately. The specified conditions at the site must then be General Notes reviewed and recommendations made by the RDP. The building official must approve the RDP's report before work is completed. The pool or spa excavation profile must coincide with the contours of the pool. The over excavation is minimum 6 inches (152mm) on the sides and ends. The over excavation at the pool bottom is minimum 4 inches (102mm). The backfill for the pool or spa bottom is a layer of 3-inch-thick (76mm) bedding sand matching the pool or spa profile. This sand layer is compacted using a manual tamper and water. The pool or spa is then set into place using a crane, excavator or manually and be within 1 inch (25mm) of level. Simultaneous waterfill and sand backfill operations then commence. The sand is compacted with a tamper and water. The installer must ensure that the backfill level and water level are approximately the same throughout this procedure. After completion of the backfill and plumbing, the decking is placed. Decks are prepared as indicated in Figures 1 though 4: 1. Cantilevered concrete decks are constructed as noted in Figure 1 In all cases. 2. Cantilevered decks are constructed with brick or stone as noted Figure 2 in all cases. 3. Raised bond beams are constructed as noted in Figure 3 in all cases. 4. Aboveground Installations are constructed as noted in Figure 4 in all cases. Barriers are required where pools are on premises of UBC Group R, Division 3, Occupancies or IBC Group R Occupancies. The barriers must comply with Appendix Chapter 4, Division 1, of the UBC or Section 3109.4 of the IBC Expansive soils: For installation of pools or spas in expansive soils, the following additional installation details must be followed subject to code official's approval: 1. All surfaces adjacent to the pool or spas must be excavated to a minimum depth of 12 inches (305 mm) beneath the pool bottom and minimum 6 inches (152 mm) behind the pool walls. 2. Any soft or loose soils exposed by step 1 must be removed until exposed material is solid. If the soil is still soft and loose, the upper 6 inches (152 mm) of all horizontal excavation surfaces must be scarified and compacted with mechanical equipment. The compacted surfaces and the excavated wall surfaces must be maintained in a moist condition until the first lift of backfill or fill is placed against the surface. The term compaction implies any method necessary to consolidate the native and fill materials to keep the pool or structure from settling. 3. The excavated bottom area of the pool or spa must be backflled with granular import material to approximately 6 inches (152 mm) below the bottom of the pool or spa, wetted and compacted. 4. The remaining 6 inches (152 mm) must be backfilled beneath the pool or spa and outside the pool walls with compacted clean sand. The pool or spa must be filled with water as backfilling progresses to a level equivalent to that of the backfill. The backfill must be placed in compacted layers of approximately 6 inches (152 mm) while a uniform height of backfill is maintained around the pool or spa. 5. Positive surface drainage away from the perimeter of the pool and surrounding deck is required and critical to installations in highly expansive soils. Surface area drains and surface drainage swales or subdrams must be placed as needed to prevent ponding or saturation of the soil around the perimeter andvicinityof the pool to prevent excessive shrink -swell or volume changes in the soil. Identification: Viking pools and spas are identified by the following information imprinted on the top step of the pool or spa: manufacturers name (Viking Pools) and address, pool or spa model designation, a coded serial number and the evaluation report number (ESR-2014). The units also bear the label of the quality control agency, Columbia Research & Testing Corporation (AA-527). Findings: That the fiberglass one piece swimming pools and spas are in compliance with the above listed codes as noted In ESR-2014 subject to the following conditions. 1. The construction and poollspa installation comply with this report and the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Electrical and plumbing installation comply with the respective codes in effect at the construction site. 3.That all pools are installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 4. The pools and spas produced po p s p duced by Viking Pools Northeast, Inc. 176 Viking Drive Industrial Park, Jane Lew, West Virginia; Viking Pools Central, Inc., 10600 West Interstate 20 East, Midland, Texas; and Viking Pools, Inc., 121 Crawford Road, Williams,Califomia; Viking Pools Southeast,40119 Country Road 54E, Zephymills, FL are manufactured under a quality control program with inspections by Columbia Research &Testing Corporation (AA-527). ` IEKIN QCIL5 Tilt MEAN 15A RP3 v/' RISEaC', LA.JS Table of Contents iG`ddBral Notes Expansne Soils Page;2 > ,•>�+ ram, ,, �;>•r�-:bTablest4 Page 3 Figures 1-4 Page 5 Pool Models Continued r`.' r r :: ,Hydrq)Zaha )Ulodels Page 6 Spa Models Paged ,AltematlW,RecimOlati0kaystillos Length, width and depth may vary up to 3%- all dimensions are to outside edge of coping, measured from parallel lines. ST. LUCT7 COtiNT4r FT-91D ' T1 SION REVTF6N'ED FOR COS:PLLA REVIEWED BY DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST B KEPT ON JOB OR NO MSPECTION WILL BE MADE. I HESE PLANS AND ALL PROPO^ED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN OROCK TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE 00019, " CONCIALEDrgrF,hiE� 6RA ifi N N ARE tilERESPONS161Llr'I CIF NE CONrpq rc, C�a CCCIfell FILE Loury Reviewed by: / Seal: James A. Marx, JR. FL Professional Engineer Lic. 45024 � d L G Q C ro I n E f0 Z o o U 20 W U U T }i U m � � L9 m cn Iv _ N N L M X M O O M M LL N N LL M In -2C \ aaMg�'o / N } Z Of 8 ° c o ^O LL m 0 M a. J 0 CISBULL N J (DD N > J C �_!_T E ` CL D •r•r U_ co J of 7 �-+O o-, ` N TABLE 1- POOLS POOL Acapulco CODE AC SIZE WIDTH x LENGTH 1139' DEPTHS SHALLOW, DEEP 3-16' GALLONS APPROX. 16700 SQUARE FEET Soo PAGE NUMBER 4 POOL TYPE Type 0 Zaa_ SIFF 11!-10" x 25' 3'-8', 5'-6- 9000 229 5 9� Type 0 hAL al wl a. 00� 77�5 = WW Bermuda AL 12' x 26' 3'-6", 5'-6' 7000 226 5 Type 0 C;�Wi'd Elm �ffimml Cancun CC .16' x 35' T-i 1 140001 3971 4 Type 0 Ca lux av„ft6W mom im, Caribbean MR 16' x 40' 3'-16" - 6'-6" 17000 468 4 Type 0 Em �" I°I : 5Mm Chesapeake CP 12'x 31' T-7', 5' 10500 292 5 Type 0 7-- �q,� Clearwater SP 10'-11" x 20' 3'-5% 5' 3600 165 5 Type 0 Delray )WWI B 11'-10" x 25'-5" 4'-6" J 8100 264 5 Type 0 III �: NNAII'l mwffiwll� Fiji FJI 15'x W T-I 6' 12000 375 4 74 Type 0 *�' 9 Nud e '0 am Imm - " ' �Tr I&' I III:: V Gulf Coast GC 15'10"x39l T-5- 7-11- 19600 506 Type 1 Island Breeze 11 BN 16 x 40' 3' 6' 8' 22000 585 4 Type I Key West BFF 12'x 25'-7' 3'-7", 6' ftl[ 9000 E I l; Illigg i I 230 5 §WL Type 0 Laguna LG 14 x 30' T-I 6 10000 310 5 Type 0 Jill 11lIlu.sli :III; Lake �o C 16' x 33' 3'-7", 5'-5� 15000 480 4 Type 0 J mom I �:110111 MShoreD Malibu CRUD 12'x 26' Tx 4!-7" 4400 209 5 Type 0 Mediterranean BP 15'-8" x 38' T-7", V-11" 17000 5121 4 Type 0 Montego IVIT 14' x 35' 3!-7", 5'-7" 12400 388 dill 4 WW Type 0 *��"Bll M �ffimm: Oceania BHGI 16'x 42' 311 F 19300 516 5 Type 0 7=- Panama I BL 12'x (35'- 39') 4!-6", 4'-1 Varies Varies 4 Type 0 Poseidon PIS W&I(SY-timsi�7''15 V0N 16 x 40' l 3'-17' mBL 17500 538 4 Wpm Type 0 3;_ 17 541". `7 Santa Barbara IRS 14! x 30' 3'-1 6'-6" 12500 326 4 Type 0 #T 4 g T ' ype 0' St. Lucia CM 12'-3" x 23-11" T-15", 5' 6000 211 5 Type 0 tAMMMA S: Trinidad TND 16' x 44! 3-6", 7' 0 19300 562 4 Type 0 RM "o Kii iffi—M VW Tropicana MP 9'-6" x 14'-6" 4, 4' 2500 115 5 Type 0 Venice M TGEN 11 3'-10",81-611 JHT��s 160001 5531 W 5 WW Type I TABLE 3- SPAS SPAS CODE SIZE DEPTHS GALLONS SQUARE PAGE WIDTH x LENGTH SHALLOW, DEEP APPROX. FEET NUMBER Mystic M 10' x 10' T-4o' 550 64 6 Placid BOS 8'-4" x Si S 475 45 6 Regal RG x 10' T-4" 600 52 6 Royal RY 8! x 10! 3'-4" 600 63 6 X: Shasta LRS Tx 7 3' 420 31 6 ! M 1 Superior CS 8' x 12'-5" 31 700 73 6 VNI Ron IM, Tahoe LOS 7'-6"x 7-6" N 450 37 6 IHermosa VFTL V-10" x 10'-7" lorp 2001 50 6 "92 TABLE 4- POOLS TABLE 2- POOLS ABOVE GROUND CODES INSTALLATION CODES Reviewed by: Seal: I C4 4-1 Of Acs 'W 0 co r; mo 75 0 0 .0 MW LL L-LL rn IL E gt. =0S0I? 2—q co Z 0 o R O > a) >- alf Z 00 0 < c: E� aEEL 0 CU a S-Z C" CU E E _J U) E.Lu > >1 ICU W CU aQi .C: N L) .J =0 FIG.1 TYPICAL CANTILEVER CONCRETE DECK 6"X6"-W1.4XW1A 3' MIN. WIRE MESH REBAR NO. 3,, ON 2' O.C. 9„ EACH WAY. T SLOPED 1/4"=1' i Il r 1=� rTi all 1 16„ k BRICK, FILLED BLOCK, OR POURED CONCRETE 7- m LL z W a d J 1/4"GALVANIZED FOR CLAY CHAIN (ADOBE) 3" THICK COMPACTED SOIL ONLY. SAND (TYPICAL) 4" MIN. THICK COMPACTED GRAVEL FOR CLAY (ADOBE) SOIL ONLY. SAND OR 1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL FIBERGLASS POOL SHELL FIG. 3 TYPICAL BOND BEAM CONSTRUCTION 3' MIN. 8 BACKFILLED DIRT BRICK OR NATURAL STONE DEC 6"X6" - W1.4 X W1.4 WIRE MESH OR REBAR NO. 3, ON 2' O.C. AY. 3" THICK w COMPACTEDSAND (TYPICAL) K COMPACTED • - CLAY SAND. OR 1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL FIBERGLASS 6" E` POOL SHELL Length, Length, width and depth may vary up to 3%- all dimensions are to outside edge of coping, measured from parallel lines. FIG.2 CONCRETE DECK WITH BRICK OR STONE 6"X6"-W1.4X W1.4 3' MIN. WIRE MESH OR REBAR NO. 3, ON 2' O.C. EACH WAY. FOR CLAY 1/4"GALVANIZED (ADOBE) CHAIN SOIL ONLY. 3" THICK COMPACTED SAND (TYPICAL) 4" MIN. THICK COMPACTED GRAVEL FOR CLAY (ADOBE) SOIL ONLY. SAND OR 1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL FIBERGLASS POOL SHELL FIG. 4 TYPICAL ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION MAXIMUM 1J 1/2" OPTIONAL DIRT WOOD DECK POOL J;LAROUND X. 6" Seal: by: U) LU O Z T U cn O 0 - LL ^ C QD LL LL T Z S 4 c rn N A C 6 2 G ti 7r Cc u,a� Y_ Q a M M N pp 0>�Z d O c c Q C E a a E a 63 J m oL LL cc � L) 7J 3� vi M -j ` E E > `co ca cV C.) a) 4-+ U_ co J Page N LL TRINIDAD - TND 19,300 gal. approx. 40' rm 3'-6" ISLAND BREEZE II- N 22,000 gal. approx. m 0, E ` w n � Z8 j m E m E ma� 38 a " CARIBBEAN - MR 17,000 gal. approx. and 5 c F E E 30' m9g v �4 T SANTA BARBARA - RS 12,500 gal. approx. - FJI m LL .. 18,600 ga1.•approz MEDITERRANEAN - BP 17,000 gal. approx. 15,000 gal. approx. ^ 3'-T- ST.THOMAS-L 13,700 gal. approx. 33' im m I GKF CHfIRF _ 1:r1 v Monaco - AT 21,000 Gal. Approx. CANCUN-CC 14,000 gal. approx. IVIUIV 1 ruu - IVI I 12,400 gal. approx. TRITON - TN 13,500 gal. approx. OCEAN BREEZE -OB 18,900 gal. approx. e N 3'5"jl SEA BREEZE -K 16,000 gal, approx. rr• nvvr.r vn� ro.- 12,800 gal. approx. 5e 27'-7" � 16 T 3 8' � VALENCIA - ST 40' POSEIDON - PS 17,500 gal. approx. ACAPULCO - AC 16,700 gal. approx. AVAILABLE TO 39' IN LENGTH 0 w a PANAMAI-BL Gallons Vary Reviewed by: Seal: 1n W O Z V r 0 N v rn ao U) Lu m■l�l�V VJ v OO O N C6 .[� LL N N N W L aE = N on m C: m n O\ CL } amNm / Z c u c O O C c 0 ^ LL @ 01- L x Q J -1 ILL ❑ CU J U T � 3 U C E fu > J >1 m a - £ t CL U .� U_ cc J Page 4 31' 25'-1" fV � CHESAPEAKE-CP 10,500 gal. approx. 23'-11" E nE Apw E 0 Ev_ _ n!3 3,-6 2 9 Q ffi ST. LUCIA - CM aw — 6,000 gal. approx. N � 3 ii@ n rnEE E yk 7-1 CLEARWATER-SP 3,600 gal. approx. AVAILABLE TO 46' IN LENGTH b a PANAMAII -BL Gallons Vary FREEPORT-FP 6,000 gal. approx. MALIBU - CRUD 4,400 Gal. Approx. 26' IV BERMUDA-AL 7,000 gal. approx. 25'-7" KEY WEST - BFF 9,000 gal. approx. 36' l� TROPICANA - MP a-6 2,500 gal. approx. CAMBRIDGE - LN 18,000 9a1. approx. 30' e LAGUNA-LG 10,000 gal. approx. 3'ti"' M-1 3' 6"� 6a —�— —� OLYMPIA - FR16 15,250 gal. approx. ,1W —�3'4" MAUI - MTK 2,300 gal. approx. 9,000 gal. approx. 30' CARMEL-FF 12,000 gal. approx. -� 3 "8 Aruba - ARU Barcelona - BAR 5,200 Gal. Approx. 18,500 gal. approx. —26' 3 6� '58„ EMPRESS -FR12 7,600 gal. approx. 34' m 5 S G 0 3'-6' E 3 T 6,_6„ N g 7' 3,-10„ co 35'� iD 1 6' 6 CANCUN DELUXE- CCX 11,500 gal. approx. FR14 —T UCLrWT -D 8,100 gal. approx. JAMAICA - LD 3,750 gal. approx. L.LAI[CIVIVIV I - V 11,700 Gal. Approx. Reviewed by: Seal: V) w 0 Z U r U W N O N m ni OQ 00 LL00 - LL 0) Z m N rn 0 co G n r o v a m Y NQamM�� } OLL Z 0 C Q C E a a a s J � M L) J N 3 0 E N ��S� /� 1 � = @ \V T 0) C7 L U LU fO�� ) a-+ U_ co J � � V m n VcUdl na - Dnvr Venice - I bCIV VUI ui iauu - Dnwi 0 m 19,300 Gal. Approx. 16,000 gal. approx. 13,000 Gal. Approx. V_ PLACID - BOS 475 Gal. Approx. �y N ROYAL-RY 600 Gal. Approx. REGAL-RG 600 Gal. Approx. 7'-6" 7' TAHOE-LOS SUPERIOR - CS SHASTA-LRS MYSTIC -M 450 Gal. Approx. 700 Gal. Approx. 420 Gal. Approx. 550 Gal. Approx. 7,$„ 0' 3. 2 $„ Y M PLACID SPILLWAY- BOSSW ROYAL SPILLWAY- RSW REGAL SPILLWAY- RGSW TAHOE SPILLWAY- LOSSW SUPERIOR SPILLWAY- CSSW SHASTA SPILLWAY - LRSSW MYSIC SPILLWAY- MSW 475 Gal. Approx. 600 Gal. Approx. 600 Gal. Approx. 450 Gal. Approx. 700 Gal. Approx. 420 Gal. Approx. 550 Gal. Approx. I .�x uu i nm T POOL-HZE POOL-HZDXS 3,600 gal. approx. 2,800 gal. approx. SEMI CIRCLE TANNING LEDGE -TSCT 400 Gal. Approx. L�r 10"r HERMOSA-VFTL 200 Gal. Approx. Reviewed by: Seal: W O Z m� Lu moo V! L M M O N K a i u w OI^SO LL cm C o rn m rn 4 m m r O m v `YJ Q. a M N M O I N Z aj c V N C LL E L 0 O L ^O Caaaa � J L� N ro J E U w 3 C y E > J —_° T (D O - _° _ cL a_j U co Page 6of 7 MAY 1Y'O VENT ELBOWS ATMOSPHERIC VENT PIPE LENGTH MINIMUM =16' MAXIMUM =30' DEBRIS REMOVAL SYSTEM SUCTION OUTLETS IN SERIES WATER LINE 2N66RAIN LOOR DRAIN (SUCTION OUTLET) SUCTION OUTLET) 18°MIN 2V MAX rO OR LARGER CIRCULATION LINE GENERALNOTES 1. THE DEBRIS REMOVAL SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAIN MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL VACUUM RELIEF BACKUP SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4242.6.6 FBC-BUILDING 2007 AND SECTION R4101.6.6 FBC-RESIDENTIAL 2007, INCLUDING 2009 SUPPLEMENT AND 2017 FBC-BUILDING AND RESIDENTIAL. 3. ALL PIPING TO BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC BEARING NSF APPROVAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THE FLOOR DRAIN MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANSIASME Al12.19.8-2007 AND DRAIN COVERS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANSVASME Al 12.19.8-2007 FOR ANTI -HAIR AND BODY ENTRAPMENT AND ANSVAPSPIICC-72013 STANDARD. S. THIS DRAWING WILL SUPPLEMENT CONTRACTOR'S SPECIFICATION DRAWING ON FILE. FOR METHODS AND MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION, REFER TO CONTRACTOR'S ENGINEERED AND SEALED SPECIFICATION DRAWING ON FILE WITH THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 6. ATTACH PLACARD WHICH STATES THAT VENT IS A SWIMMING POOL SAFETY DEVICE AND SHOULD NOT BE TAMPERED WITH. 7. THE MAXIMUM VACUUM WITH ONE SUMP PLUGGED AND TO RELEASE A BODY ENTRAPMENT ON THE OTHER SUMP WILL NOT EXCEED 4.5 INCHES OF MERCURY IN 3 SECONDS 8. MAXIMUM SUCTION PIPE VELOCITY SIX (6) FPS OR 59 GPM 9. AN APPROVED VACUUM RELEASE SYSTEM SUCH AS THE VAC -ALERT SVRS SYSTEM IS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE OTHER SYSTEMS SHOWN. SUCTION SUCTIONOUTLET (MAIN GRAIN) NOTES: ALTERNATIVE SUCTION OUTLWELLS� MAY INCLUDE 1 ON THE BOTTTHE VERTICAL WALL OR ONE TWO (2) SEPARATE VERTICAL INSECT INFESTATION. OR MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION G VENT COVER MAYBE GUTTER DRAIN SUCH AS HAYWARD MODELSP-1019 DUAL SUCTION OUTLETS IN PARALLEL WITH OPTIONAL ATMOSPHERIC VENT SYSTEM .,.s TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORD WITH SECT 424.2.6.6 2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE: BUILDING -90" ELBOWS FINISHED GRADE SWIMMING POOL WITHOUT RECIRCULATION MAIN DRAINS OUT TO OPTIONAL WATER FEATURES) OR SPA STANDARD NOTES: 1. USE 2'SCHEDUlE40 PIPE. 2. W NOT USE Be DEGREE ELBOWS ON SUCTION SIDE, 3. CHECK VALVES MAY BE NEEDED IF EQUIPMENT IS MORE THAN IS -ABOVE WATERLINE. J� 4. KEEP VALVES WITHIN 3' OF THE PUMP ANI OR FLIER M LEGEND FIBER OPTIC LIGHT n TJOINT SKIMMER ryr, 3' MAIN GRAIN RETURN l 3'WAYVALVE *x= PLUMBING SPILLOVER Seal: by: r '^ V V, N rnGODN }/ r G3 M�'i DO DO UOR Wmo cnO V! $ Lvt Ly m L ao O Eo�M�O M Z m V_ p m �' N DAD Ip r ``'' L UT a Q d M M i N i v v OL.L Z mO 2 C G Q C a a a a 00 O L x Q LL N �U J 0) CNC N J C C /� @ @ i1 �V N __ L V �CL U_ co J Page 7of 7 W13 ANSIIAPSPACC-7 Suolion entrapment Avoidance