HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Product Approval HardiePlank° Lap Siding • For use inside HVHZ: o HardiePlank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Florida NOA 15- 0122.04. Consult the HardiePlank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. • For use outside of HVHZ, o HardiePlank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with Engineering Evaluation Reports RIO-2553-15 or RIO-2557-15. Consult the HardiePlank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. CONCUEAUED FA iIENERS OFF ATTAOIHMtyi, AK THE AESPONSIBU i;OF THE CONTRACTOR Or RE.00RD -: r WED FOR C L ?iCE THEW PL�ANO AND ALL P511015 3MIj Wong, aA1 RUOJEGT TO ANY 00ARICTIOW I EWED BY "QUIRID BY PIRLII INSP ROTORG TNAr c 1 MAY NC,NOUGGAAY IN OR61IR TU ::`;SAND . KNIT MUST BE IaPT ON JOB 901VIKY WITH A4AAP4PARR 04099: ti..O INSPECTION WILL BE MADE. File Copy HHardiePlank- E La Siding JamesHardie ardi a " EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2013 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS- PRIMED&COLORPLUS® PRODUCTS Vsitwww.iameshardie.com for the most recent version. SELECT CEDARMILL°• SMOOTH•CUSTOM COLONIAL-SMOOTH •CUSTOM COLONIAL:'ROUGHSAWN CUSTOM BEADED CEDARMILL®• CUSTOM BEADED SMOOTH•STRAIGHT-EDGE SHINGLE PLANK IMPORTANT:FAILURETO INSTALL AND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY,AFFECTSYSTEM PERFORMANCE,VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES,AND VOIDTHE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY!BEFORE INSTALLATION,CONFIRM THATYOU ARE USING THE CORRECT HARDIEZONETk PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ100 PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ100 LOCATION WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONETm APPLIES TO YOUR LOCATION,VISIT WWW.HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-866-942-7343(866 9HARDIE) STORAGE& HANDLING: © CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Store flat and keep dry and covered prior OUIDOORS INDOORS to installation.Installing siding wet or 1.Position cutting station so thatwind will blow dust away from user 1.Cut only using score and snap,or shears(manual,electric or pneumatic). saturated may result in shrinkage at butt and others in waking area. 2.Position cutting station in well-ventilated area joints.Carry planks on edge. Protect 2.Use one of the following methods a Best- L Score and snap edges and comers from breakage.James ti.Shears(manual,electric or pneumatic) -NEVER use a power saw indoors Hardie is not responsible for damage b.Better. i.Dust reducing circular saw equipped with a NEVER use a circular saw blade that does not carry the HardieBlade saw blade trademark caused by improper storage and handling FlardieBlade'saw blade and HEPAwcuum extraction NEVER dry sweep—Use wet suppression or HEPA Vacuum of the product. c.Good: I.Dust reducing circular sawwb a HardieBlade saw blade (only use for low to moderate cutting) Important Note:For maximum protection(lowest respirable dust production),James Hardie recommends always using"Best"-level cutting methods where feasible. NIOSH-approved respirators can be used in conjunctbn with above cutting practices to further reduce dust exposures.Additional exposure information is available gJ at www.jameshardle.com to help you determine the most appropriate cutting method for your job requirements.If concern sJI exists abort exposure levels or you do not comply with the above practices,you should always consult a qualified industrial hygienist or contact James Hardie for further information. smsiios GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • HardiePlank®lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24"o.c.or directly to minimum 7/16"thick OSB sheathing. See general fastening requirements.Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application. • Information on installing James Hardie products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at www.jamehardie.com • A water-resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements.The water-resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements.James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture HardieWrap®Weather Barrier,a non-woven non-perforated housewrap',which complies with building code requirements. I • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs.3-14 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes- typically a minimum of 6"in the first 10'. Figure 1 Double Wall Single Wall • Do not use HardiePlank lap siding in fascia or trim applications. Construction construction • Do not install James Hardie products,such that they may remain in contact with standing water water-resistive barrier let-in bracing • HardiePlank lap siding may be installed on flat vertical wall applications only. plywood or 24"o.c.max. • For larger projects,including commercial and multi-family projects,where the span of the OSB sheathing wall is significant in length,the designer and/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture movement of the product in their design. These values can be found in the Technical Bulletin"Expansion Characteristics of James Hardie°Siding Products"at www.JamesHardie.com. • DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie®Products. INSTALLATION: JOINTTREATMENT One or more of the following joint treatment options Figure 2 Nail line(If nail are required by code(as referenced 20091RC N line is not od present place R703.3.2) fastener A.Joint Flashing(James Hardie recommended) between 3/4" ° B.Caulking'(Caulking is not recommended water- &1'from top resistive Q N B"fmm of plank) °° for ColorPlus for aesthetic reasons as the barrier edge of plank Caulking and ColorPlus will weather - ° o° differently.For the same reason, flashing ,�,, o watebr-resistive do not caulk nail heads on HardieZone" ° °° ° °$°°° fastener ColorPlus products.} HardePlan siding ° C."H" jointer cover o° a 1 1/4"starter strip to install planks in °°610° ensure a consistent plank angle moderate contact at butt joints ° leave appropriate gap between planks and trim,then caulk."' Note:Feld painting over caulking may produce a sheen difference when compared to the field painted PrimePlus. 'Refer to Caulking section in these instructions. 'For additional information on Hard ieWrapo Weather Barrier,consult James Hardie at 1-866-4Hardie or www.hardiewmp.com WARNING:AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Hardie°products contain respirable crystalline silica,which is known to the State of Carfomia to cause cancer and is considered by[ARC and MOSH to be a cause of cancer from some occupational sources. Breathing excessive amounts of respirable silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called s[Ibosis,and has been linked with other diseases. Some studies suggest smoking may increase these risks. During installation orhandfing(1)work in outdoor areas with angle ventilation;(2)use fiber cement shears for cutting or,where not feasible,use a HardieBlade°saw blade and dust-reducing circularsaw attached to a HEPA vacuum;(3)wain others In the immediate area;(4)wear a properly-fitted,NOSH-approved dust mask or respirator(e.g.N-95)in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. Dudng clean-up,use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods-never dry sweep. For further information,refer to our installation instructions and Material Safety Data Sheet available at www.jameshardie.com or by calling 1-800-9HARDIE(1-800-942-7343). FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARMNGS,MSDS,AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. SM5M HS11119-P1/4 6/13 A OE ME CLEARANCE AND FLASHING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Roof to Wall Horizontal Flashing I(ickout Flashing Slabs,Path,Steps to Siding Z-Flashing Air uired by lRQcode �f. min 4"x4" Min.1/4" Do not caulk t Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Deck to Wall Ground to Siding Gutter to Siding Sheltered Areas Mortar/Masonry -uy s` -Flashing Z-Flashing Z-FI king _ Z-H shing Mi w -2u Min.?/4. 1 ' a / 6 Min. Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Drip Edge Block Penetration Valley/Shingle Extension 'Recommended in HZ10) - �j Min."1/4 D ,caulk. FASTENER REQUIREMENTS ** Blind Nailing is the preferred method of installation for HardiePlank®lap siding products.Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind nailing(Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair).Pin-backed comers may be done for aesthetic purposes Only.Pin-backs shall be done with finish nails only,and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND NAILING FACE NAILING Nails-Wood Framing Nails-Wood Framing •Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221"HD x 2"long) •6d(0.113"shank x 0.267"HD x 2"long) •11 ga.roofing nail(0.121"shank x 0.371"HD x 1.25"long) •Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221"HD x 2"long) Screws-Steel Framing Screws-Steel Framing •Ribbed Wafer-head or equivalent(No.8 x 1 1/4"long x 0.375"HD)Screws must •Ribbed Bugle-head or equivalent(No.8-18 x 1-5/8"long x penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. 0.323"HD)Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails-Steel Framing Nails-Steel Framing •ET&F Panelfast°nails or equivalent(0.10"shank x 0.313"HD x 1-112"long) •ET&F pin or equivalent(0.10"shankx 0.25"HD x 1-1/2"long) Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4"into metal framing. Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4"into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16" OSB minimum 7/16" •11 ga.roofing nail(0.121"shank x 0.371"HD x 1.75"long) •Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221"HD x 1-1/2"long)* •Ribbed Wafer-head or equivalent(No.8 x 1 5/8"long x 0.375"HD). stud 24"� Stud 2,V I I Figure 15 Figure 16 O.C.max. O.C.max _ Minimum overlap 11/4"min. for Both Face — overlap and Blind Nailing I I ! Nall Line O � BGnd Nail 3/4"-1" min.1 1/4" Y o 0 overlap face naG i � I i i I i I Water Resistive I water-resistive 1 1/4"min. Barrier barrier Overlap Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPlus®products. * When face nailing to OSB,planks must be no greater than 91/4"wide and fasteners must be 12"o.c.or less. '*Also see General Fastening Requirements;and when considering altemative fastening options refer to James Hardie's Technical Bulletin USTB 17-Fastening Tips for HardiePlanko Lap Siding. HS11119-P214 6/13 MEMO ME GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS PNEUMATIC FASTENING Fasteners must be corrosion resistant,galvanized,or stainless steel. James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic tool. Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so that the James Hardie recommends the use of quality,hot-dipped galvanized nails. fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding.A flush mount James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardie,, depth the nail is driven.If setting the nail depth proves difficult,choose a products near the ocean,large bodies of water,or in very humid climates. setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer-Does not apply for installation to steel framing). Manufacturers of ACQ and CA preservative-treated wood recommend spacer materials or other physical barriers to prevent direct contact of ACQ or CA preservative treated wood and aluminum products.Fasteners used to attach ® ® countersunk, HardieTrim Tabs to preservative-treated wood shall be of hot dipped fill&add nail zinc-coated galvanized steel or stainless steel and in accordance to 2009 IRC snug flush DO NOT DO NOT R317.3 or 2009 IBC 2304.9.5. FigureA Figure B under drive nails staple • Consult applicable product evaluation or listing for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind loads. PAINTING • NOTE:Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local I DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie® Building Codes have specific jurisdiction.Consult James Hardie Technical Products.James Hardie products must be painted within 180 days for primed Services if you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. product and 90 days for unprimed.100%acrylic topcoats are recommended. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. Do not paint when wet.For application rates refer to paint manufacturers • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding(no air space).(fig.A) specifications.Back-rolling is recommended if the siding is sprayed. • Do not over-drive nail heads or drive nails at an angle. CUT EDGE TREATMENT • If nail is countersunk,fill nail hole and add a nail.(fig.B) • For wood framing,under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a Caulk,paint or prime all field cut edges.James Hardie touch-up kits are hammer(For steel framing,remove and replace nail). required to touch-up ColorPlus products. • NOTE Whenever a structural member is present,HardiePlank should be fastened with even spacing to the structural member.The tables allowing CAULKING direct to OSB or plywood should only be used when traditional framing is For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 not available. Grade NS,Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM • Do not use aluminum fasteners,staples,or clipped head nails. C834.Caulking/Sealant.must be applied in accordance with the caulking/sealant manufacturer's written instructions.Note:OSI Quad as well as some other caulking manufacturers do not allow tooling. COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY CAULKING,TOUCH-UP& LAMINATE •Care should be taken when handling and cutting James Hardie@ ColorPlus@ products.During installation use a wet soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe off any residue or construction dust left on the product,then rinse with a garden hose. •Touch up nicks,scrapes and nail heads using the ColorPlus"Technology touch-up applicator.Touch-up should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up,replace the damaged area with new HardiePlank-lap siding with ColorPlus Technology. •Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. •Terminate non-factory cut edges into trim where possible,and caulk.Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPlus-product dealer. •Treat all other non-factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters,available from your ColorPlus product dealer. Note:James Hardie does not warrant the usage of third parry touch-up or paints used as touch-up on James Hardie ColorPlus products. Problems with appearance or performance arising from use of third party touch-up paints or paints used as touch-up that are not James Hardie touch-up will not be covered under the James Hardie ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. PAINTING JAMES HARDIE@ SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY When repainting ColorPlus products,James Hardie recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: •Ensure the surface is clean,dry,and free of any dust,dirt,or mildew •Repriming is normally not necessary •100%acrylic topcoats are recommended •DO NOT use stain,oil/alkyd base paint,or powder coating on James Hardie®Products. •Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage,application methods,and application temperature •DO NOT caulk nail heads when using ColorPlus products,refer to the ColorPlus touch-up section HS11119-P3/4 6/13 /r,y yoo E Z COVERAGE CHARTIESTIMATING GUIDE Number of 12'planks,does not include waste COVERAGE AREA LESS OPENINGS HARDIEPLANIO LAP SIDING WIDTH SQ 5114 6114 71/4 71/2 8 8114 9114 9112 12 (1 SO=100 sq.ft) (exposure) 4 5 6 61/4 6 3/4 7 8 8114 10 3/4 1 25 20 17 16 15 14 13 13 9 2 50 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 3 75 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 100 80 67 64 59 57 50 50 37 5 125 100 83 80 74 71 63 63 47 6 150 120 100 96 89 86 75 75 56 7 175 140 117 112 104 100 88 88 65 8 200 160 133 128 119 114 100 100 74 9 225 180 150 144 133 129 113 113 84 10 250 200 167 160 148 143 125 125 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157 138 138 102 12 300 240 200 192 178 171 160 150 112 13 325 260 217 208 193 186 163 163 121 14 350 280 233 224 207 200 175 175 130 15 375 300 250 240 222 214 188 188 140 16 400 320 267 256 237 229 200 200 149 17 425 340 283 272 252 243 213 213 158 18 450 360 300 288 267 257 225 225 167 19 475 380 317 304 281 271 238 238 177 20 500 400 333 320 296 286 250 250 186 This coverage chart is meant as a guide.Actual usage is subject to variables such as building design.James Hardie does not assume responsibility for over or under ordering of product. �I IRECOGNITION:In accordance with[CC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2290,HardiePlank®lap siding is recogrized as a suitable alternate to thatspedfied in:the 2006,2009,&2012Internnational Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings,and the 2006,2009,&2012 International Building Cade,.HardePiank lap siding is also recognized for application in the fellraving:City of Los Angeles Research Report No.2486Z State of Florida listing FL#889,Dade County,Florida NOA No.02-0729.02,U.S.Dept.of HUD Materials Release 1263c,Texas Department of Insurance Product Evaluation EC-23,CGty of New York MEA223-93-M,and Califorrnia DSA PA-019.These documents should also be consulted for additional information concerning the suitability of this product for speciftcapplirations. ©2013 James Hardie Building Products.Ali rights reserved. Additional Installation Information, TM, and®denote narks orregistered trademarks of Jameses Hardie Technology gy United. is reglsteredtrademark Warranties,and Warnings are available at JamesHardie of James Hardie Technology United. www.jameshardie.com Panelfast is a registered trademark of ET&F Fastening Systems,Inc. ' HS11119-P4/4 6113 JI PROJECT RIO-2553-15 ENGINEERING EVALUATION.REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE@ BRAND FIBER-CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COVER PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2. EVALUATION PURPOSE 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 3 TABLE 1A and 1B, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 3-4 SUMMARY OF FASENTER DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS 5-6 TABLE 2A THROUGH TABLE 20,ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 7-11 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 12 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 12 TABLE 4,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 13 TABLE 5,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 13 TABLE 6,ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 13 TABLE 7,ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING 14-57 LIMITATIONS OF USE 57 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR,THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7- 10, THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. \\�����tuu►OG '%/ PREPARED BY: 2412 =_ RONALD I. OGAWA&ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 = ST E F .'Q- HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926,19 F''• ' �'� %,�j,�;•.LORD, 714-292-2602 �'' �TFR 714-847-4595 FAX '���u�ED liliffil File copy a. RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES.INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-5427343 info@jameshardie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT HardiePlank®Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covered in this evaluation: HardiePlank®Lap Siding,CemPlankO Siding,PrevalTM Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2014 Florida Building Code 2012 International Building Code® EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysis is to determine the.ma dmum design 3-second gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardiePlank(CemPlank,Prevail Lap)siding fastened to wood or metal framing with nails or screws. REFERENCE REPORTS: 1.Intertek Report 3067913(ASTM C1186)Material properties HardiePlank Siding 2.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 10593-96/1395(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16"Thick by 7.5 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 W-Fir wood studs space at 16 inches on center with a 0.093 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by 2.5 inch long galvanized siding nail 3.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc. Report IC-1034-88(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16'Thick by 9.5 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Hem-Fir wood studs space at 16 inches on center with a Number 11 gauged-3/4 inch long galvanized roofing nail 4.Ramtech,Laboratories,Inc.Report IC-1020-88(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16"Thick by 9.5 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Hem-Fir wood studs space at 16 inches on center with'a 6d common nail 5.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(C)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116"Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug-Fir-Larch wood studs space:at 16.nches on center with an 8d ring shank.box nail,0.1 13 inch.shank by 0.260 inch head diameter by 2.375 inch long 6.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(E)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16"Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Doug-Fr-Larch wood studs space all 6 inches on center with a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by 2.5 inch long galvanized siding nail 7.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report2341-08-06(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5/16"Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding Installed on 2X4 Deug7Fir-Larch wood studs space of 16 inches on center with a 0,092 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter by.2 inch long galvanized siding nail 8.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 2149-07-10(F)(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test,5116"Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 2X4 Spruce-Pine-Fur wood studs space at 16 inches on center with a 0.092 inch shank by 0.222 inch head;diameter by 2.5 inch long galvanized siding nail 9.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 11149/1554,(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 5116'Thick by 6.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 inches on center with ET&F knurled pin fastener 10.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 11149/1554B(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 5116"Thick by 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 inches on center with ET&F knuded pin fastener 11.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report 1114911554A(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 5116"Thick byl2 inch wide HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on.20 gauge metal studs spaced at 16 and 24 inches.on center With ET&F knurled pin fastener 12.Ramtech Laboratories,Inc.Report IG-1035-88(ASTM E330)Transverse Load Test 5/16'•Thickby 9.5 inch HardiePlank Lap Siding installed on 20ga Metal Stud Spaced 16 Inches on:Center With No.8 X 1-1/4'long X 0.375"head diameter ribbed wafer head screws `\\\`\\\\\\\\1111i1111I111!/!7/77',//'/i 2412 ' 3 ST E F 0/'% LORfO, 2 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#1443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-5477343 info@jameshardie.com TEST RESULTS: Table 1A.Results of Transverse Load Testing for Configurations with Steel Framing Report Number 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 11149 IC-1035-88 /1554 11554 11554B /1554B /1554A /1554A Test Agency Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Thickness(in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0:3125 0.3125 0.3125 Width(in.) 6.25 1 6.25 825 8.25 12 12 9.5 20 ga.20 ga 20 ga. . 20 ga.steel 20 ga. 20 ga. 20 ga.steel steel studs Frame Type steel steel steel studs steel studs studs studs studs studs FrameZpacing(in.) 16 24 16 24 16 24 16 ETBF ETBF ET&F No.8 X 1- ET6F ETSF 0A00" �8F 0.100" 0.100" 1/4"long X 0.100" 0.100• 0.100" knurled knurled knurled 0.375" knurled knurled knurled Fastener Type shank shank shank shank shank shank head \ diameter diameter diameter diameter \\\ OGq�t",!�/-��/ 0.250 diameter HD 0250 diameter HD x11 5" 0:3131HD HD'x505° HD x 105° wafer ribbed \\\\��pT 1 F(•�Ql.I/,,��� C��• x 1.5"long x 1.5"long x 1.5"long .•G �:� long long long screw 24'12 Fastening Method Face nail Face nail Blind nail Brind nail Face nail Face nail Blind nail Ultimate Load(psf) 317 173 64 50 151 81 169.2 $T E F Design Load(psf) 105.7 57.7 21.3 16.7 50.3 27.0 56.4 �... Effective7ribu ry (lb/fastener)Fastener Load,as tested oft) 58.7 4813 0 6 68 19.4 60.1 48 4 51.7 ........RI �� s E G o• iuluu nuu 1.Allowable Design Load is the.Ultimate Load divided by a Factor of safety of3. 2.HardieShingle Siding complies with ASTM C1186,Standard Specification for Grade ll"Type A Non-asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheets. 3 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET##443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Table 1 B.Results of Transverse Load Testingfor Configurations with Wood Framing Report Number 10593- IC-1034-88 IC-1020- 214907- 2149-07- 2341-08- 2149-07-10 9611395 88 10(C) 10(E) 06 (F) Test Agency Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Ramtech Thickness(in.). 0.3125 '0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 Width(in.) 7.5 9.5 9.5 815 8.25 8.25 8.25 Frame Type 2X4 wood 2X4 wood 2X4 wood 2X4 wood 2X4 wood 2X4 wood 2X4 wood Hem-Fir Hem-Fir Hem-Fir DFL DFL DFL SPF Frame Spacing(in.) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Bd ring 8d siding 6d siding Sd siding 1-3/4" Bd.siding nail 6d shank box nail, , nail,0.093" No.11 ga, nail,0.092" Fastener Type common nail,0.113-0.092"X 0.092-X X 0.222"X Roofing nail X 0.260"X 0.222"X 0.222"X X 0.222" X 2.5" nail 2.375" . 2.5" 2" 2.5" Fastener Length(in.) 2.5 1.75 2 2.375 2.5 2 2.5 Fastening Method Blind nail Blind nail Face nail Face nail Face nail Face nail Face nail Ultimate Load(psf) 92 146.6 199 296 253 165 168 Design Load(psf) 30.7 4B.9 66.3 98.7 84.3 55.0 56.0 Effective Tributary Area(sqft) 0.694 0.917 0.917 0.778 0:778 0.778 0.778 Fastener Load,as tested (lb/fastener) 21.3 44.8 60.8 76.7 65.6 42.8 43.6 Adjusted withdrawal design load Calculated fastener withdrawal load Is compared with the test result (Iblfastener),W 54.6 46.2 41.6 84.0 67.0 49.1 43.0 and the more conservative one will be used. Net Fastener Penetration(in.),P 2.188 1.438 1.375 1.750 1.875 1.375 1.875 Wood Specific Gravity,G 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.42 Nail Shank'Diameter(in.),.D 0.093 0.120 0.113 0.113 0.092 0.092 0.092 Withdrawal design value per NDS \\\NoIlIIIIIIIIIIfffj777/' 2012 or ESR-1539(Ibfin.penetration), 15.6 20.1 18.9 30.0 22.3 22.3 14.3 \\\\ � OGgtz/.��i''' C �q•' 1.Allowable Design Load is the Ultimate Load divided by a Factor of safety of 3. :•G� TKO�� 2.HardieShingle Siding complies with ASTM C1186,Standard Specification for Grade 11,Type A Non-asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheets. 2412 3.Calculated fastener withdrawal load is compared with the test result and the more conservative one will be used. For all cases in the table,the adjusted withdrawal design value.W',is calculated as W'=Co•W•P ?�.• ST E F .•Qz Where, Co=load duration factor per NDS-2012 Table 2.3.2 for wind/earthquake load=1.6 �i '/S F�0 fi1DG4�:`•� fastenerwi embedment depth,calculated per NOS-2012 or ESR-1539,whichever applicable P= 11 When nail shank,D,t 0.099 inch but 5 0.375 inch for smooth shank nails,NDS-2012 equation(11.2-3)is used to calculate withdrawal design value W=1380•G(")'D Where, G=wood speck gravity per Table 11.3.3A D=nail shank diameter,in. When nail shank,D,is less than 0.099 inch,or in the case of ring shank nails, the withdrawal design values were obtained from ICC-ES ESR-1539 Table 2. 4 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN:STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-202-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:R10-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542=7343 info@jameshardie.com Summary based on Report 10593-96/1395(2.5 in long by 0.093 In shank by 0.222 in.head diameter)siding nails blind nailed into wood studs): Nail withdrawal design load was determined to be 15.6 Iblin.penetration,based on ESR-1539 Table 2,for 0.093"smooth shank nail with 0.43 wood specific gravity. The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value W'=Co'W"P=1.6*15.6*2.188=54.6 lb. The tested design fastener load with a factor of safely 3 applied is 21.3 pounds per fastener,which is less than the adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 54.6 pounds,so to be conservative,the tested fastener load of 21.3 pounds will be used for the calculation. i Calculation for 6d siding nail(2 in.long by 0.093 in.shank by 0.222 in. head diameter)blind nailed into wood studs: Using the same timber,but changing the nail length to a 6d siding nail(2 in.long by 0.093 in.shank by 0.222 in. head diameter)yields an adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 42.0 pounds per fastener Nail withdrawal design value,W=15.61bfin perietration; Net Penetration for a 2"nail through 5/16"fiber cement,P'=1.688'; W"=Ce'W'P=1.6'15.Y1.688=42.0 lb/fastener). Based on the rationale below,a 6d siding nail can be directly substituted for the 8d siding nail: ))The mode of failure for the 2.5.inch long by 0.093 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter siding nails is fastener head pull through the fiber-cement,the head diameter controls the failure,the 6d and 8d siding nail have the same head diameter(0.222"),and 2)The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value for the 2 inch long by 0.093 inch shank_ by 0.222 inch bead diameter siding nail is 42 Ibffastener,this exceeds the test fastener design load of 21.31bsffastener. For the two reasons above,the 6d siding nail blind nailed can directly substitute the 8d siding nail of the same shank and head diameters. Results in Table 2F are used to calculate allowablebasic wind speed for the 6d siding nail(2 inch long by 0.093 inch shank by 0.222 inch head diameter)blind nailed into wood studs. Summary based on Report IC4034-88(No.11ga 1.75"long roofing nail blind nailed Into wood studs): The:adjusted fastener withdrawal design value,W',is calculated per NDS-2012: Specific gravity,G=0.43; Nail shank diameter,D=0.120"; Nail penetration depth for 1.75"nail installed on 5116"fiber cement plank,P=1.438"; Calculated withdrawal design value,W=1380'Glsal•D=1380'0.4325'0.120=20:1 Ib4n penetration; Adjusted withdrawal design value,W=Co'W'P=1 V20.1'1 A38=46.2 lb. The tested design fastener load with a factor of safety 3"applied is 44.8 pounds per fastener,which is less than the NOS adjusted fastener withdrawal design,value of 46.2 pounds. Hence for calculation of allowable basic wind speed,tested fastener load of 44.8 pounds for a No.11 gauge 1.75 inch long roofing nail will be used. In Table 2G below,the fastener load is held constant at 44.8 lbs/fastener for each plank width,the allowable siding design load Is back calculated from the tested fastener design load. Siding design load is equal to fastener design load divided by fastener tributary. Results in Table 2G are used to calculate allowable basic wind speed for the Number 11 gauge 1,75 inch long roofing nail. Calculation for No.11 ga.1.25"long roofing nail blind nailed into wood studs: Report IC-1034-88(1.75"long 11ga.roofing nail)yielded a tested fastener load of 44.79 lb/fastener with the failure,mode being fastener head pull through the fiber-cement. Therefore we know that the fiber-cement fastened blind nailed with a roofing nail is.limited,to 44.79 lb/fastener. Using the same timber as specified in Report IC-1034-88, but changing the nail length to a 1.25 inches long yields an adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 30.1 pounds per fastener. Calculated withdrawal design value,W=20.1 lb/in.penetration; Nail penetration depth for 1.25"nail installed over 5116"fiber cement plank,P=0.938"; Adjusted withdrawal design value,W'=Co'W'P=1.6'20.1'0.938=30.1 lb/fastener. In this case,the adjusted withdrawal design value is the control factor,since its less than the tested design fastener load.Siding design load is equal to fastener design load of 30.1 lb/fastener divided by fastener tributary. See Table 2H below,for the calculated siding design loads for each plank width. Results in Table 2H are used to calculate allowable wind speed for the Number 11 gauge 1.25 inch long roofing nail used in a blind nail application. \o��a+uullflfirur�,,��� ,`���\•\Q`G�O GIFI gttq _ 2412 F: ?9"• ST E F ��Q jS��L� N till 11110\0 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Summary based on Report 1020.98(6d common nail face nailed into wood studs): The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value based on NDS-2012 is 41.6 pounds per fastener. The tested design fastener load With a factor of safety 3 applied is 60.8 pounds per fastener. The NDS adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 41.6 pounds is more conservative when compared against the tested fastener load. Hence for calculation of allowable basic wind speed,the siding design load for a 6d common nail face nailed will be calculated based on the NDS-2012 adjusted fastener withdrawal design value 41.6 Ibs/fastener. See Table 21 below for the calculated siding design loads for each plank width using a 6d common. Results in Table 21 are used to calculate allowable basic wind speed for the 6d common nail,face nailed. Calculation for 8d common nail face nailed into woad studs: We would like to use the ultimate test values obtained in report 1020-88,to do this we propose substituting an 8d common nail for the tested 6d common nail. Doing this substitution resolves the disparity between the NDS and tested values on fasteners. Below are4he rationale for substituting the 8d common for the 6d common nail used in testing report 1020-88 to achieve the stated ultimate test load of 199 psf,a design load of,66.3 psf: I Use the same timber as in the report;but change the nail to a larger 8d common nail(2.5"long x 0.131"shank diameter x 0.281"head diameter); 2)The 8d common yields an NDS adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 65.8 pounds per fastener Speck gravity,G=0.43;Shank diameter,D=0.131 Net Penetration for a,2.5"nail through two layers of 5/16"fiber cement=1.875"; Withdrawal design value,W=1380"Gtwl'D=21.9 lb/in penetration; Adjusted withdrawal design value,W-Cc:W'P=1.6'21.9'1.875=65.8 lb. 3)The mode of failure for the 6d common nail(report 1020:88)is fastener withdrawal from timber. Since the 8d common nail has a larger bearing area under the fastener head than the 6d common,we can anticipate at least the same fastener pul.through capacity from an Bid common nail: '6d common head bearing.area(head diameter=0.266 inches,shank diameter 0.113 inches)=0.0455 sq inches; "8d common head bearing area(head diameter=0.281 inches,shank diameter 0.131 inches)=0.0485 sq.inches; 4)The NDS adjusted fastener withdrawal design value for the 8d common is 65.8 lb/fastener,this exceeds the tested fastener design load of.60.8 Ibs/fastener(for a 6d common in report 1020-88).therefore we can use the ultimate failure pressure of'199 psf to tabulate a design pressure 66.3 psf with an 8d common nail(60.8 Ibstfastener),this will be used to calculate wind design. For the 4 reasons above,the 8d common can be directly substituted for the 6d common used in report 1020-88. See Table 2J for the calculated siding design loads for each plank width. Results in Table 2.1 are used to calculate allowable basic wind'speed for the 8d common nail face nailed into wood studs. Summary based on Report 2149-07-10(C)(8d ring shank box nail face nailed into wood studs):. Nail withdrawal design load was determined to be 30 lb/in.penetration,based on ESR-1539 Table 2,for 0.113'deformed shank nail with 0.50 wood specific gravity. Nall.penetrafion depth for 2.375"long nail through two'layers of 5116'fiber cement planks,P=1.75"; The adjusted fastener withdrawal design value W'=Co•W'P=1.6.30'1.75=84.0 lb. The tested design fastener load with a factor of safety 3 applied is 76.7 pounds per fastener,which is less than the adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 84 pounds. Hence for calculation of allowable basic wind speed,tested fastener load of 76.7 poundsmill be used. In Table 2K below,the fastener load is held constant at 76.7 Ibs/fastener for each plank width,the allowable siding design load is back calculated from the tested fastener design load.. Siding design load is equal to fastener design load divided by fastener tributary.'Results in Table 2K are used to calculate allowable basic wind speed for 8d ring shank box nail face nailed into wood studs. p�(IFI '9 a 2412 ' ST E F �'�rurrr�iEQ t1Ev��`o 6 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN.STREET#443 HUNTINGT.ON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie=rn For Table 2A to 2N the designs loads will be calculated by proportioning the tributary area to each fastener,thereby design load to each fastener will be kept constant. By doing so,the allowable design load for various HardiePlank widit and stud spacing will be determined. Table 2A;Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,ET8F 0.100"knurled shank x 0.250"HD'x 1:5"long,16"OC 20ga Metal Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results using 6.25 inchplank values from Report Number 11149/1554 and 11149/1554A. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-317psf/3=-1.05.7 psf Effective tributary=((plank width.exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((6.25-1.25)X 16)/144=0.556 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-105.67 X 0.556=-58.7 pounds Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated � c � d m O Q p O N a to T L J N a V.a'l0 (n m j ....-. HardiePlank Width ° vC'E o= " 5 N O N� f0 Inches m O C ul'C N m 0 M O ( ) .FUG uJ:� WF-..,. QO... LLJ 5.25 16 0.4444 -132.08 -58.70 6.25 -317 16 0.5556 -105.67 -58.70 7.25 16 0.6667 -88.06 -58.70 7.5 16 0.6944 -84.53 -58.70 8 16 0.7500 -78.27 -58.70 8.25 16 0.7778 -75.48 -58.70 9.25 16 0.8889 -66.04 -58.70 9.5 16 0.9167 -64.04 =58.70 12 -151 1 16 1 1.1944 -50.33 1 -60.12 Table 2B,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,ETBF 0.100"knurled shank x 0.250"HD x 1.5"long,24"OC 20ga Metal Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results:using 6.25inch plank values from Report Number 11149/1554 and 11149/1554A. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=173psf/3=57.67 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/I")=((6.25-1.25)X 24)1144=0.8333 sq.fL Fastener load=design load X tributary area=57.67 X 0.8333=48.06 pounds Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the.conditionto be calculated Q 2 v n c U Q Op N n m > C C'LI m rn m c HardiePlank Width y E c o y °��' 0 (inches) Fe-v 5 6 `W u9 J 5.25 24 0.6667 -72.08 48.06 6.25 -173 24 0.8333 -57.67 -48.06 7.25 24 1.0000 -48.06 -48.06 7.5 24 1.0417 -46.13 -48.06 8 24 1.1250 -42.72 A8.06 8.25 24 1.1667 -41.19 -48.06 9.25 24 1.3333 -36.04 -48.06 9.5 24 1.3750 -34.95 -48:06 12 -81 24 1.7917 -27.00 1 -48.38 Table 2C,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,ETBF 0.100"knurled shank x 0.313"HD x 1:5"long,16"OC 20ga Metal Studs,fasteners concealed,(blind nail) Check far results using 8.25 inch plank values from Report Number 11149/1554B. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-64psf/3=-21.33 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacingp144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16V144=0.778 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-21.33 X 0.778=-16.59 pounds Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary.for the condition to be calculated m U Q C C N m N d v �° (n° >m �^ m \1\Itlillllllli// HardiePlank Width E y r 6 o i 3 A LL v \\ mo= rc i '� � ° mom Mo \`\�\``\� OGIq '/''/ (inches) F c D Co" W F= ¢o t LL J J • �/ 5.25 16 0.4444 -37.33 -16.59 - i 6.25 16 0.5556 -29.87 -16.59 Q:G aS FjC 7.25 16 0.6667 -24.89 -16.59 7.5 16 0.6944 -23.89 -16.59 8 16 0.7500 -22.12 -16.59 8.25 -64 16 0.7778 -21.33 -16.59 $T 9:25 16 0.8889 18.67 16.59 '.• 9.5 16 0.9167 -18.10 -16.59 •••F Q ••�/� 12 16 1.1944 1 -13.89 -16.59 f�;T,LOF110•:G�\��� 7 • RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA,92649 714-292-2602 714.-847-4595 FAX P ROJ E CT:.R I O-25 53-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Table 2D,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,ET&F 0.100"knurled shank x 0.313"HD x 1.5"long,24"OC 20ga Metal Studs,fasteners concealed(blind nail) Check for results using 8.25 inch plank values from Report Number 11149115548. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-50psf/3=A 6.67 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((8.25-1.25)X 24)/144=1.1667 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-16.67 X 1.1667=-19.44 pounds Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated rn d v n U Q U p n O 6 U) y0.-. ,p C C HardiePlank Width w E d�' o° ti (inches) o f in-I w F- a o a tL� 5.25 24 0.6667 -29,17 -19.44 6.25 24 0.8333 -23.33 79.44 7.25 24 1.0000 -19.44 -19.44 7.5 24 1.0417 -18.67 -19.44 8 24 1.1250 -17.28 -19.44 8.25 -50 24 1.1667 -16.67 -19.44 9.25 24 1.3333 -14.58 -19.44 9.5 24 1.3750 -14.14 -19.44 12 24 1.7917 -10.85 -19.44 Table 2E,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.8 X 1-518"long X 0.375"HD ribbed waferhead screw,20ga.Metal Studs,fasteners concealed(blind nail) Check for results using 9.5 inch plank values from Report Number IC-1035-88 Design load=ultimate failure Ioad1FOS=-169.2psf/3=-56.4 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((9.5-1.25)X 16)1144=0.9167 sq.ft. Fastener load=design Ioad.X tributay area=-56.4 X 0.9167=-51.7 pounds Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area utary for the condition to be calculated d o. •o 19 b f0 0 0 v°_E rnm c c c to HardiePlank Width 0 E v L 3 m a W C`. .�.. U N d O N eJ' N 1p y U Ol a O N U) N•O_ C W m ML O C �C'C O' N (inches) �U� �e wF=� ¢❑a u tom wF ¢oa 5.25 16 0.4444 -116.33 -51.70 24 0.6667 -77.55 6.25 16 0.5556 -93.06 -51.70 24 0.8333 -62.04 7.25 16 0.6667 -77.55 -51.70 24 1.0000 -51.70 7.5 16 0.6944 -74.45 -51.70 24 1.0417 -49.63 8 16 0.7500 -68.93 -51.70 24 1.1250 45.96 8.25 16 0.7778 -66.47 -51.70 24 1.1667 44.31 9.25 16 0.8889 -58.16 -51.70 24 1.3333 -38.78 9.5 469.2 16 0.9167 -56.40 -51.70 21 1.3750 -37.60 12 16 1.1944 -43.28 -51.70 24 1.7917 -28.86 Table2F,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,6d siding nail 2.0"L,W-Fir'Studs,fasteners concealed(blind nail) Check for results using 7.5 inch plank values from Report Number 10593-9611395.The following example will demonstrate the basic analysis: Design load=ultimate failure loadlFOS=-92psf/3= 30.7psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((7.5-1.25)X 16)/144=0.694 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-30.7 X 0.694=-21.3 pounds, which will be used for the calculation Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NDS-2012=42.0 lb/fastener,which is larger.than the tested fastener load Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated m m rn m N C C m C n Q m O N U Q m 0 o m o. a c c c n y >m^ 'n c \\\11111111/1f� /// HardiePlank Width v E 9 s s 3°ai v v t 3 C \\\\\\ �L7/g lw�///i y c= c c m.o o N U) ti m o -w a` o N \\ c (inches) ci in `_ w E`-" o aLL m�-� w i= a o o�� \Q 1 FI 5.25 16 0.4444 47.92 -21.30 24 0.6667 -31.94 A C'4T••. 6.25 16 0.5556 -3B.33' -21.30 24 0.8333 -95.56 �•: 7.25 16 0.6667 -31.94 -21.30 24 1.0000 -21.30 c 2412 7.5 -92 16 0.6944 -30.67 -21.30 24 1.0417 -20.44 = 8 16 0.7500 -28AO -21.30 24 1.1250 -18.93 8.25 16 0.7778 -27.38 -21.30 24 1.1667 -18.25 9: $T E F .Q 9.25 16 0.8889 -23.96 -21.30 24 1.3333 -15.97 \\\ 9.5 16 0.9167 -23.23 -21.30 24 1.3750 -15.49 �i •' ` 12 16 1 1.1944 -17.83 -21.30 1 24 1.7917 -11.89 //ulrnw►►IIL\\\\\\ 8 RONALD 1.OGAWAASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA,92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT.RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS;INC.. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Table 2G,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.11ga.Roofing nail 1.3W'L,Hem-Fir Studs,fasteners concealed(blind nail) Check for results using 9.5 inch plank values from Report Number IC-1034-88. Design load=ultimate failure lo2d1FOS=-146.6psf/3=-48.9 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16)1144=0.9167 sq.ft Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-48.9 X.9167=-44.79 pounds,which will be used for the calculation Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NDS-2012=46.2 lb/fastener,which is larger than the tested fastener load Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated n U Q O U Q O O d N2:- .� > @.-. c C v rn pNj N y N C HardiePlank Width E y r �w: 3�'LL °�'c v.c -- 3 P LL a"io�= � c =c & 0 Co � m � � ,a) .omm (inches) F o 9 rn `w o E LL J in` `w it:�s ¢.o 5.25 16 0.4444 -100.79 -44.79 24 0.6667 -67.19 6.25 16 0.5556 -80.63 -44.79 24 0.8333 -53.75 7.25 16 1 0.6667 -67.19 -44.79 24 1 1.0000 44.79 7.5 16 0.6944 -64.50 -44.79 24 1.0417 -43.00 8 16 0:7500 -59.73 -44.79 24 1.1250 -39.82 8.25 16 0.7778 -57.59 -44.79 24 1.1667 -38.40 9.25 16 0.8889 -50.39 -44.79 24 1.3333 -33.60 9.5 -146.6 16 0.9167 48.87 -44.79 24 1.3750 -32.58 12 16 1.1944 -37.50. 1 -44.79 24 1.7917 -25.00 Table 2H,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,No.11ga.Roofing.nail 1-114"L,Hem-Fir Studs,fasteners concealed(blind nail) The design load in this case is limited by both test result of report IC-1034-88 and Adjusted withdrawal load from NDS-2012 Siding design load in this case is equal to the adjusted fastener withdrawal design load(30:1 16/fastener)divided by fastener tributary area. d 0 y m 0 HardiePlank Width v r m 3 m ri m y o r m c 3°IL (inches) me waE` aoa ¢LLJ C5S W l!-- ¢oa 5.25 16 0.4444 -67.73 -30.1 24 1 0.6667 -45.15 6.25 16 0.5556 -54.18 -30.1 24 0.8333 -36.12 7.25 16 0.6667 45.15 30.1 24 1.0000 30.10 7.5 16 0.6944 43.34 -30.1 24 1.0417 -28.90 8. 16 0.7500 -40.13 -30.1 24 1.1250 -26.76 8.25 16 0.7778 -38.70 -30A 24 1.1667 -25.80 9.25 16 0.8889 -33.86 -30.1 24 1.3333 -22.58 9.5 16 0.9167 -32 884 -30.1 24 1.3750 -21.89 12 16 1.1944 -25.20 -30.1 1 24 1.7917 -16.80 Table 21,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,6d common nail 2"L,Hem-Fir Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results using 9.5 inch plank values from Report Number IC-1020-88. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-199psf/3=-66.3 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((9.5-1,25)X 16)/144=0.9167 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-66.33 K0.9167=-60.81 pounds Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NDS-2012=41.6 lb/fastener,in this case it's more conservative and will be used for the calculation Calculated allowable design load=adjusted fastener withdrawal load divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated rn m rn m N C N C 2 a v e?? a w >m c c c HardiePlank Width oE= a c t�1 No dd \m o c \�\�\.G�E•PI:• /i//('nches) c» mec w omE LL I 5.25 16 0.4444 -93.60 41.60 24 0.6667 -62.40 �+ 6.25 16 0.5556 -74.88 -41.60 24 0.8333 -49.92 zz2412 7.25 16 0.6667 -62.40 -41.60 24 1 1.0000 A1.60 7.5 16 0.6944 -59.90 -41.60 24 1.0417 -39.94 - `".�•SIK� `�j 8 16 0.7500 -55.47 -41.60 24 1.1250 -36.98 8.25 16 0.7778 -53.49 -41.60 24 1.1667 -35.66 ST E F .:�? 9.25 16 0.8889 -46.80 -41.60 24 1.3333 -31.20 ��' •Rt P;\��� 9.5 -199 16 0.9167 45.38 -01.60 24 1.3750 30.25 ��i RIQ•�`• \` \N 12 16 1.1944 -34.83 -41.60 24 1.7917 -23.22 /�////jsTFRi�pll�\` \\\��` 9 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-868-542-7343 info@jameshardie.corn Table 2J,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,8d common nail 2.5"L,Hem-Fir Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) The design load in this case is limited by both test resultof report IC-1020-88 and Adjusted withdrawal load from NDS-2012 Siding design load in this case is equal to the adjusted fastener withdrawal design load(30.1 ib/fastener)divided by fastener tributary area. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-199psf/3=-66.3 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((9.5-1.25)X 16)/144=0.9167 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-66.33 X 0.9167=-60.81 pounds,which will be used for the calculation Adjusted fastener withdrawal load from NDS-2012=65.8 lb/fastener,which is larger than the tested fastener load Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated m m N C m C m a C a U Q m p N Q m 00 O m a^ m Z^ L J an d O.^ m J HardiePlank Width °� O E y c._ u to m u m aa. o m rn (inches) Fm 0 in Z_ `ui f ¢o a LL0 6iZ7_ `D ¢0- 5.25 16 0.4444 -136.82 -60.81 24 0.6667 -91.22 6.25 16 0.5556 -109.46 -60.81 24 0.8333 -72.97 7.25 16 0.6667 -91.22 -60.81 24 1.0000 -60.81 7.5 16 0.6944 -87.57 -60.81 24 1.0417 -58.38 8 16 0.7500 -81.08 -60.81 24 1.1250 -54.05 8.25 16 0.7778 -78.18 -60.81 24 1.1667 -52.12 9.25 16 0.8889 -68.41 -60.81 24 1.3333 -45.61 9.5 -199 16 0.9167 -66.33 -60.81 24 1.3750 -44.22 12 1 16 1 1.1944 -50.91 1 -60.81 24 1.7917 1 -33.94 Table 2K,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,8d(2-318"L)ring shank box nail,DFL Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results using 8.25 inch plank values from Report Number 2149-07A0(C). Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-296psf13=-98.7 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16U144=0.778 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-98.7 X 0.T78=-76.74 pounds,which will be used for the calculation Adjusted fastener withdrawal load per ESR-1539=84 lb/fastener,which is larger than the test fastener load Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tr utary for the condition to be calculated m m m m mmy v � ymy v d U Q p O Q m C _ O m� °' mac 3 rnLL m y t u 5 x 3 9)HardiePlank Width E a t (inches) F o s U) W�t ¢off u_ m e w F a o a 5.25 16 0:4444 -172.67 -76,74 24 0.6667 -115.11 6.25 16 0.5556 -138.13 -76.74 24 0.8333 -92.09 7.25 16 1 0.6667 -115.11 -76.74 24 1.0000 -76.74 7.5 16 0.6944 -110.51 -76.74 24 1.0417 -73.67 8 16 0.7500 -102.32 -76.74 24 1.1250 -68.21 8.25 -296 16 0.7778 -98.67 -76.74 24 1.1667 -65.78 9.25 16 0,8889 -86.33 -76.74 24 1.3333 -57.56 9.5 16 0.9167 -83.72 -76.74 24 1.3750 -55.81 12 16 1.1944 -64.25 1 -76.74 24 1.7917 -42.83 Table 2L Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,8d siding nail(0.092"shank),DFL Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for.results using 8.25 inch plank values from Report Number 2149-07-10(E). Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-253psf/3=-84.3 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)1144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16)/144=0.778 sgft Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-84.3 X 0.778=-65.59 pounds,which will be used for the calculation The adjusted nail withdrawal load per ESR-1539=67.0 IbKastener,which is larger than the test fastener load. Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated u C M C m 0 o ' iu a n^ m Z a \\\N11111iI1111/!/�� - HardlePlankWidth °� E v L o w 3 «v y r o ^' 3 ti \\�\CO O� o= c c d ° m rn m m ' " °,�'a d ° m m �\\Q;: �p,Z1FIQ (inches) F 05 Enne wF-� ¢oa LLJ ins `wt=� oa ' 5.25 16 1 0.4444 -147.58 -65.59 24 0.6667 -98.39 6.25 16 0.5556 -118.07 -65.59 24 0.8333 -78.71 24�2 7.25 16 0.6667 -98.39 -65.59 24 1.0000 N47.70 7.5 16 0.6944 -94.45 -65.59 24 1.0417 -65.59 24 1.3750 8 16 0.7500 -87.46 -65.59 24 1.1250 a1 8.25 253 16 0.7778 84.33 65.59 24 1.1667 9 $T E 9.25 16 0.8889 -73.79 65.59 24 1.3333 F P •��� 92 1s s.9s44 sa 167 s 65.59 24 1.791T '%l RED lilt \\\\ 10 RONALD I.OGAWA.ASSOCIATES,-INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@)ameshardie.com Table 2M,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,6d siding nail(0.092"shank),DFL Studs,fasteners exposedi face nail) Check for results using 8:25 inch plank values from Report Number 2341-08-06. Design load=ultimate failure load/FOS=-165psf/3=-55 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)1144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16)1144=0.778 sq.f, Fastener load=.design load X tributary area=-55.0 X 0.778=-42.78 pounds,which will be used for the calculation The adjusted nail withdrawal load per ESR-1539=49.1 Ib/fastener,which is larger than the test fastener load. Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tri utary for the condition to be calculated Q ,ID p O.m .d^ O Z' D-.� N.O d^ m Z, ...� CO HardiePlank Width = E v t 'c 3°a m y v L " '' 3 O1 ri NO � C 9--2 O ](inches) F ❑ Li U) w ❑N a 5.25 16 0.4444 -96.25 -42.78 24 0.6667 -64.17 6.25 16 0.5556 -77.00 -42.78 24 0.8333 -51.33 7.25 16 0.6667 -64.17 -42:78 24 1.0000 42.78 7.5 16 0.6944 -61.60 42.78 24 1.0417 -41.07 8 16 0:7500 -57.04 -42.78 24 1.1250 -38.02 8.25 -165 16 0.7778 -55.00 -42.78 24 1.1667 -36.67 9.25 16 0.8889 -48.13 -42.78 24 1.3333 -32.08 9.5 16 0.9167 -46.67 42.78 24 1.3750 -31.11 12 16 1.1944 -35.81 -42.78 24 1.7917 -23.88 Table 2N,Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load,.8d siding nail(0.092"shank),SPF Studs,fasteners exposed(face nail) Check for results using 8.25 inch plank values from Report Number 2149-07-10(F). Design load=ultimate failure Ioad/FOS=-168psf/3=-56.0 psf Effective tributary=((plank width exposed to weather X stud spacing)/144)=((8.25-1.25)X 16)/144=0.778 sq.ft. Fastener load=design load X tributary area=-56.0 X 0.778=-43.56 pounds The adjusted nail withdrawal load per ESR-1539=43.0 Ib/fastener,which is more conservative and will be.used for the calculation. Calculated allowable design load=fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated Lv m 0 U Q p U Q p am > ' aJ " nm > a-' \\111111I111fill HardiePlank Width m E v QGq/�� m oc� 3 C 0 n o m U? m o c c o' ° ayi co \�\` \•....G, �(/ (inches) ~V to w�� a o a LL J m a w L- ¢o° `�� �' T1FIC•••9 'ii 5:25 16 0.4444 -96.75 -43.00 24 0.6667 -64.50 •G�R qr• 6.25 16 0:5556 77.40 -43.00 24 0.8333 -51.60zz 2412 ' 7.25 16 1 0.6667 -64.50 43.00 24 1.0000 43.00 1 ' 7.5 16 0.6944 -61.92 =43.00 24 1.0417 41.28 8 16 0.7500 -57.33 73.00 24 1.1250 -38.22 8.25 168 16 0.7778 55.29 43.00 24 1.1667 36.86' 9 ST E 9.25 16 0.8889 48.38 -43.00 24 1.3333 -32.25 9.5 16 0.9167 46.91 -43.00. 24 1.3750 -31.27 12 16 1.1944 -36.00 -43.00 24 1.7917 -24.00 11 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN.STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com vcanan vvYnu 1 r%An Fiber-cement siding transverse load capacity(wind load capacity)is determined via compliance testing to transverse load national test standards. Via the transverse load testing an allowable design load is determined based on a factor of safety of 3 applied to the ultimate test load. Since the allowable design load is based on factor of safety of 3,allowable design loads on fiber-cement siding correlate directly to required design pressures for Allowable Stress Design,and therefore should be used with combination loading equations for Allowable Stress Design(ASD). By using the combination loading.equations for Allowable Stress Design(ASD),the tested allowable design loads for fiber-cement siding are aligned with the wind speed requirements in ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5-11A,Figure 26.5-16,and Figure 26.5A C. For this analysis,to calculate the pressures in Tables 4,5,and 6,the load combination will be in accordance with ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4 combining nominal loads using allowable stress design,load combination 7. Load combination 7 uses a load factor of 0.6 applied to the wind velocity pressure. Equation 1, qz=0.00256'K,Kn VVZ (ref.ASCE 7-10 equation 30.3-1) q�,velocity pressure at height z K�,velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height z K,,topographic factor Kd,wind directionality factor V,basic wind speed(3- Equation 2; V=V,% (ref 20121BC 6 2014 FBC Section 1662.1 definitions) V,m design wind speeds(3- Equation 3, p=qz(GCPGCp) (ref.,ASCE 7-10 equation 30.6-11 GCp,product of external pressure coefficient and gust-effect factor GCp,product of internal pressure coefficient and gust-effect factor p,design pressure(PSF)for siding(allowable design load for siding) To determine design pressure,substitute q,into Equation 3, Equation 4, p=0.00256'K.*Kn VV a"(GCP GCp) Allowable Stress Design,ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4.1,load combination 7, Equation 5, 0.6D+0.61111 (ref.ASCE 7-10 section 2.4.1,load'combination 7) D,dead load W,wind load(load due to Wind pressure) To determine the Allowable Stress Design Pressure,apply the load factor for W(wind)from Equation 4 to p(design pressure)determined from equation 4 Equation 6, pad=0.6'(0) Equation 7, pad=0:6'(0.00256'K,*Kn Ka V I2a(GCPGCp)) Equation 7 is used to populate Table 4,5,and 6. To determine the allowable ultimate basic wind speed for Hardie Siding in Table 7,solve Equation 7 for V, Equation 8, V�_(pmd0.6'0.00256•ICjKn'FCd'(GCPGCp))o'§ Applicable to methods specified in Exceptions 1 through 3 of(2012 IBC,2014 FBC]Section 1609.1.1:,_to determine the allowable nominal design wind speed(Vasd)for Hardie Siding in Table 7,apply the conversion formula below, Equation 9, V.=V.*(0.6)05 fret.W 1218C&2014 FBC Section 1609,3.11 V.d,Nominal design wind speed(3-second gust mph) (ref.W 12 IBCA 2614 FBC Section 1602.1) Table 3,Coefficients and Constants used in Determining V and p, Ki Wall Zone 5 \\\\\\I11111111t1//ff��� Height(ft) Exp B Exp C Exp D Ka Kd GC GC \\\ OGq�/f/f/Z 0-15 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 \. .1..... 20 0.7 0.9 7-0-81 0.85 1.4 0.18 \ ` C Q 25 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0•G� 7tC•t, 30 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 _ 2412 35 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 1.4 0.18 $T E F • 50 0.81 1. 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 %9 55 0.83 1.1109 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 �/. i o F1(D,•• CFp cP`•:��.. 00 0.99 1 1.26 11.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 12 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595'FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS;INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Table 4,Allowable Stress Design-Component and Cladding(C&C)Pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category B, Wind Speed(3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height(ft) B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 0-15 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 20 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 25 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 =63.7 30 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 35 1 -15.1 -16.6 -18.2 1 -19.9 -211 1 -25.4 -29.5 -33.9 1 -38.6 -43.5 1 -48.8 -54.4 1 -60.2 -66.4 40 -15.7 -17.3 -19.0 -20.7 -22.6 -26.5 -30.7 -35.3 -40.1 -45.3 -50.8 -56.6 -62.7 -69.1 45 -16.2 -17.9 -19.6 -21.4 -23.3 -27.4 -31.7 -36.4 -41.5 -46.8 -52.5 -58.5 -64.8 -71.4 50 -16.7 -18.4 -20.2 -22.1 -24.1 -28.2 -32.7 -37.6 42.8 -48.3 -54.1 -60.3 -66.8 -73.7 55 -17.1 -18.9 -20.7 -22.6 -24.7 -28.9 -33.6 -38.5 -43.8 -49.5 -55.5 -61.8 -68.5 -75.5 0 - .5 1 21: 23. - .6 - .4 6.8 - 0.1 - .3 100 -25.6 -28.2 -31.0 -33.8 -36.9 -43.3 -50.2 -57.6 -65.5 -74.0 -82.9 -92.4 -102A -112.9 Table 5;Allowable Stress Design-Component and;Cladding(C&C)'Pressures.(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category C, Wind Speed(3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height(ft) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0-15 -17.5 -19.3 -212 -23.2 -25.2 -29.6 -34.4 -39.5 -44.9 -50.7 -56.8 -63.3 -70.1 -77.3 20 -18.6 -20.5 -22.5 -24.6 -26.7 -31.4 -36.4 -41.8 -47.5 -53.7 -60.2 -67.0 -74.3 -81.9 25 -19.4 -21.4 -23.5 -25.6 -27.9 -32.8 -38.0 -43.6 -49.6 -56.0 -62.8 -70.0 -77.6 -85.5 30 -20.2 -22.3 -24.5 -26.7 -29.1 -34.2 -39.6 -45.5 -51.8 -58.4 -65.5 -73.0 -80.9 -89.2 35 -20.8 -23.0 1 -25.2 -27.6 1 -30.0 -35.2 1 -40.8 -46.9 1 -53.3 -60.2 -67.5 1 -75.2 -83.3 1 -91.9 40 -21.5 -23.7 -26.0. -28.4 -30.9 -36.3 -42.0 -48.3 -54.9 -62.0 -69.5 -77.4 -85.8 -94.6 45 -22.0 -24.2 -26.6 -29.1 -31.6 -37.1 -43.1 -49.4 -56.2 -63.5 -71.2 -79.3 -87.9 -96.9 50 -22.5 -24.8 -27.2 -29.7 -32.4 -38.0 -44.1 -50.6 -57.6 -65.0 -72.9 -81.2 �89.9 -99.2 55 -22.9 -25.2 -27.7 -30.3 -33.0 -38.7 -44.9 -51.5 -58.6 -66.2 -74.2 -82.7 -91.6 -101.0 60 -23.3 -25.7 -28.2 -30.8 -33.6 -39.4 -45.7 -52.4 -59.7 -67A -75.5 -84.1 -93.2 -102.8 100 -32.6 -35.9 -39.4 -43.1 -46.9 -55.0 -63.8 -73.3 -83.4 -94.1 -105.5 -117.6 -130.3 -143.6 Table 6,Allowable Stress Design-Component and Cladding(C&C)Pressures(PSF)to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds-Wind Exposure Category D, Wind Speed(3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120, 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height(it) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0-15 -21.2 -23.4 -25.7 -28.1 -30.6 -35.9 -41.6 -47.8 -54.4 -61.4 -68.8 -76.7 -85.0 -93.7 20 -22.3 24- -27A -29.5 -32.1 -37.7 -43.7 -50.1 -57.0 -64.4 -72.2 -80.4 =89.1 -98.2 25 -23.1 -25.5 -2&0 -30.6 -33.3 -39.0 -45.3 -52.0 -59.1 -66.8 -74.9 -83.4 -92.4 -101.9 30 -23.9 -26.4 -29.0 -31.6 -34.5 -40.4 -46.9 -53.8 -61.3 -69.2 -77.5 -86.4 -95.7 -105.5 35 1 -24.5 -27.1 -29.7 1 32.5 -35.3 1 -41.5 -48.1 1 -55.2 -62.8 -70.9 -79.5 1 -88.6 1 -982 -108.3 40 -25.2 -27.7 -30.5 -33.3 -36.2 -42.5 -49.3 -56.6 -64.4 -72.7 -81.5 -90.9 -100.7 -111.0 45 -25.7 -28.3 -31.1 -34.0 -37.0 -43.4 -50.3 -57.8 -65.7 -74.2 -83.2 -92.7 -102.7 -113.3 50 -26.2 -28.9 -31 Y -34.6 -37.7 -44.3 -51.3 -58.9 -67.1 -75.7 -84.9 -94.6 -104.8 -115.5 55 -26.6 -29.3 -32.2 -35.2 -38.3 -45.0 -52.2 -59.9 -68.1 -76.9 - 66.2 -96.1 -106A -117.4 60 - TO 29.8 2. 35.7 38.9 .0 -60.8 -6 . 1 87.6 - 7. -TUFT 7 9.2 100 -37.0 -40.8 -44.7 -4&9 -53.2 -62.5 -72.5 -83.2 -94.6 -106.8 -119:8 -133.4 -147.9 -163.0 Tables 4,5,and 6 are based on ASCE 7-10 and consistent with the 2012 IBC,2012 IRC and the 2014 Florida Building Code. tiiiI III f1/ ,77i, 2412 ST E F • ` 13 i RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGON.QUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON'BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC, 1-886542-7343 info@iameshardie.com Table 7,Allowable Wind Speed(mph)for Hard]ePlank Lap Sidi ng(Analytical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 C&C Part 1 and Part 3) \\" ....... 2012 IBC,"2014 FBC 2012 IBC,"2014 FBC :Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, V 4 V ss W',. V. (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F QQ S Applicable to methods i F p, •�� Applicable to methods specified in[201218C, 16091.1.a14 sdelertSection ed specified 20 through FBC]Section ceptions //``''�srFRIED 12012 IBC;2014 FBC] Figures 1600A,B,or C: 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for Vj& Wind exposure catego Wind exposure categoryl Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height'' B C D B C D Cinches)_ (inches) Type Spacing Type Load ,(Inches) (feet) (P8F) Exp B Fxp C Fxp D IC„ fCa GC, GC, 0-15 182 165 150 141 128 116 -47.9 0.7 0.85 1-03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 182 161 147 141, 124 114 -47.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.15 0.093' 25 182 157 144 141 122 112 47.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank X 30 182 154 142 141 119 110 -47.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 178 152 140 138 117 108 -47.9 0.73 "1.01 T19 1 0.85 -1.4 9.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 175 149 138 135 116 107 -47.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0-18 X 2,0"long Fir 45 172 148 137 133 114 106 -47.9 0.7a5 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 na il Siding 50 169 146 135 131 113 105 47.9 0.81 1.09 127 1'.0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 167 145 134 130 112 104 -47.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 165 143 133 128 Ill 103 -47.9 0-88 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 1.4 0.18 100 137 121 114 106 94 1 88 A7.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 163 1 148 134 126 114 104 3B.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 163 144 131 126 Ill 102 3&3 0.7 1 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0:093" 25 163 141 129 126 109 100 38.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 thank 30 163 138 127 126 107 9B 38.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1-4 0.18 0.222'HD 2X4 35 159 136 125 124 105 97 38.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 156 134 123 121 103 96 -38.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1-4 0.18 X2.0"long Fir 45 154 132 122 119 102 95 38.3 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 gale,Siding 50 151 131 121 117 101 94 38.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 150 1 129 120 116 100 93 -38.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 148 128 1 119 114 99 92 38-3 1 0.85 lA3 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 122 108 102 95 84 79 38.3 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 FIB f-'^•":' - - 0-15 149 135 123 115 105 95 -31.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 1 IrM 1 0.85 4.4 0.18 20 149 131 120 115 102 93 31.9 0.7 0.9 1.08' 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 al 25 14-57 128 118. 99 91 31.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093' 0.09 X ;;;a 30. 57 126 116 44, 97 89 31.9 0.7 0.98 1'16 1 0.85 -1-4 0.18 Yshank" - '2X4 35 146 124 1.14 113 96 0.222"HD 88 31.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 .0.85 -1A 0.18 j HardiePlank' 5116 7-25 Blind nail 'wood W 122 16 40 143 113 1 111 95 87 1 31.9 o-7s 1.Oa 1.22 X 2.0"long t 0.85 -i,4 0.18 i galy-Siding Fir 45 140 121 112 109 93 861-s D.785 1.065 1.245 t D.85 -L4 0:19 3l1 nail 138 119 110` 107 92 86 -31.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Ia - 55 137 118 110 106 91 85 31:9 0.83 1,11 129 .1 0.85 -1.4 12 .tB 60" 135 117 109 105 91 84 -31.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 -1.4 D.1a 100 1i2 99 93 87 77 72 -31.9 0.99 1.26 IA3 h>60 1 0.65 4.8 0:18 - d r'�� 0-15 146 132 120 113 102 93 30.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 146 129 117 113 1 100 91 30.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 0.093' 25 146 126 115 113 97 89 -30.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 30 146 123. 1.13 113 95 88 30.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0 885 -1.4 0.18 0 222"HD 2X4 35 143 121 1.12 111 94 87 30.7 0.73 t.01 1-19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 Blind nail wood W- 16, 40 140 120 110 108 93 86 -30-7 0.76 1,04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 aiv.2.Sidi g Fir 45 138 118 109 107 92 85 -30.7 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 galvnail g 50 135 117 108 105 90 84 -30.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 nail 55 134 116 107 104 90 83 30.7 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 1,15 -1.4 0.18 60 132 115. 107 102 89 83 30.7 0.85 1-13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 100 109 97 91 85 75 71 1 0.7 0.99 126 L43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 140 127 116 109 99 90 -28A 0.7 0.85 1.03 h,560 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 140 124 113 109 96 87 -28A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0-093" 25 140 121 Ill 109 94 86 -28A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 kX 30 140 119 109 109 92 84 -28.4 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 4A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 137 117 108 106 90 113 -28A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -tA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 135 115 106 104 89 82 -28A 0.76 1.04 t:22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X long Fir 45 132 114 105 103 88 81 -28A 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail ng 50 130 112 104 101 87 81 -28A 0.81 1.09 127 1 0,95 -1.4 0.18 ail 55 129 Ill 103 100 86 80 -28A 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 127 110 103 99 85 79 -28:4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.11 100 105 93 88 1 82 72 68 -28.4 0:99 "1.28 1A3 lh>601 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 14 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:.RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 \\111111111111/!/q/ info@jameshard]e.com \�����\ OG 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014FBC = 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Sd (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) (n Applicable to methods Applicable to*thods �'i ••• RI G�` �` specified 2eD14 FBC]In[201 IB specified in Exceptions 20121BC1 ///S� �rulDl►1 16D9:1.Las determined by 2014 FBC]Section 12012 IBC,2014 FBC] 1609:1 1 Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V„tl Wind exposure category Wind exposure.catego Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame. 7 Design Product Thickness Spacing Height'' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (Inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B FjKpC Exp D K. Ka GCp GCp 0-15 138 125 114 107 97 88 -27.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 138 121 111 107 94 86 -27A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.093° 25 138 119 109 107 92 84 -27A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 k X 30 138 116 107 107 90 83 -27A 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 135 115 106 104 89 82 -27.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 132 113 104 102 88 81 -27.4 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0A8 X 2:0"long Fir 45 130 112 103 101 86 80 -27A 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 galy.Siding 50 128 110 102 99 85 79 -27.4 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 126 109 101 98 85 79 -27.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 125 10B 101 97 84 78 -27A 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 103 92 86 80 71 67 27.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0." -1.8 0.16 0-15 1 129 117 106 100 91 82 -24.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1-.4 0.18 20 129 114 104 100 88 80 -24.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 0.093" 25 129 111 102 100 86 79 -24.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 shank 30 129 109 100 100 84 78 -24.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 1 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 126 107 99 98 83 77 -24.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 -1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 925 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 124 106 98 96 82 76 -24.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 t 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 122 104 97 94 81 75 -24.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 galy.Siding 50 120 103 96 93 80 74 -24.0 0.81 t 0.8 og 1.27 t 5 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 118 102 95 92 79 74 -24.0 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 7.18 60 1 117 1 101 94 91 79 73 -24:0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 97 1 86 81 75 66 62 -24.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 127 115 105 98 89 81 -23:2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 127 112 102 98 -87 79 1 -23.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 -1 0.85 -1-.4 0.18 0.093" 25 127 109 100 98 85 78 -23.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 30 127 107 99 98 83 76 -232 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0222"HD 2X4 35 124 106 97 96 82 75 -232 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 . HardiePlank 5116 9.5 Blind nail woad W- 16 40 122 104 96 94 81 74 -23:2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 120 103 95 93 80 74 -232 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 gale.Siding 0 118 102 94 91 79 73 -23.2 081 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail . 55 116 101 93 90 78 72 -23.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 5 r60 115 100 93 89 77 72 -23.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 95 84 79 74 65 61 -23.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 111 101 92 86 78 71 17.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 111 98 89 86 76 69 -17.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093" 25 111 96 88 86 74 68 -17.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 30 111 94 86 86 73 67 -17.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0222"HD 2X4 35 109 93 85 84 72 66 -17.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 Blind nail wood W- 16 40 107 91 84 83 71 65 -17.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 105 90 83 81 70 65 -17.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 gale.Siding 50 103 89 82 80 69 64 -17.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 102 1 88 82 79 68 63 -17.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60 101 1 87 81 78 68 63 -17.8 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 83 74 69 65 57 1 54 -17.8 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.05 -1.8 0.18 0-15 149 135 123 115 105 95 -31.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 tK60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 149 131 120 115 102 93 -31.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 .0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.093' 25 149 128 118 115 99 91 -31.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 4A 10.18 shank X 30 149 126 116 115 97 89 -31.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 146 124 114 113 96 88 -31.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 143 122 113 111 95 87 -31.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 8-5 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 140 121 112 109 93 86 31.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 galy.Siding 50 138 119 110 107 92 86 -31.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 137 118 112 106 91 85 -31.9 0.83 1.t1 1.29 1 0.15 -1.4 0.18 60 135 117 109 105 91 $4 -31.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 112 99 1 93 1 87 1 77 1 72 1 -31.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 M60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 15 yG RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \`���pgti11I111!!//7//7� .�� OG o A �. �•GE j . 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012'IBC,2014 FBC 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 4 5.6 , V.� ST E (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) %�;:,N Vj Applicable to methods �i�/� �O RIDP'���\\S Applicable to methodsrr••.'�ACT� \\\ specified 2014 FBCj[2012 IBC, C stryrougti 3 oExceptions [OP2�BC� ''�7�/ 1609.1.1.as determined by 2014FBC] ction Se [2012 IBC,,2014 FBCI 16BCI Se Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V„„ Wind exposure catego Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame. Spacing Height' B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) load (PSF) Ecp B 5cp C 5cp D K. Ka GCo GCa 0-15 133 121 110 103 94 85 -25.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 133 117 107 103 91 83 -25.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 133 115 105 103 89 81 1 -25.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.851 AA 10.18 0.093" 30 1 133 1 112 103 1 103 87 80 1 -25.6 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 '0.18 shank X 2X4 35 130 111 102 101 86 79 -25.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.0"long HardiePlank 5116 6.25 0.2.0 on Blind nail wood W- 24 40 128 109 101 99 85 78 -25.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 ' g Fir 45 126 108 100 97 84 77 -25.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 gaiv.Siding 50 124 107 99 96 83 77 -25.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 122 106 98 95 82 76 -25:6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 121 105 97 94 81 75 -25.6 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 100 89 83 77 69 64 -25.6 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 11>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 121 1 110 100 1 94 85 78 1 -21.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 1-1.4 0.18 20 121 107 98 94 83 76 1 -21.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093' 25 121 105 96 94 81 74 -21.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 30 121 103 94 94 80 73 -21.3 0.7 .o.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 119 101 93 92 78 72 -21.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 117 100 92 90 77 71 -21.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 115 98 9189 76 71 -21:3 0.785 1.065 T245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 galy.Siding 50 113 97 90 87 75 70 -21.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 112 96 89 86 75. 69 -21.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 11D 96• 89 85 74 .69 -21.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 o.85 -1.4 0.18 100 91 1 81 76 71 63 59 -21.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 1 0.18 0-15 119 108 98 92 84 76 -20A 0.7 0.85 1.03 h1-60 1 '0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 119 105 96 92 81 74 -20A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093' 25 119 103 94 92 80 73 -20.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 shank X 30 119 101 92 92 78 72 1 -20.4 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4. 0.18 0:222"HD 2X4 35 117 99 91 90 77 71 -20.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.5 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 114 98 90 88 76 70 -20A 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 112 96 89 87 75 69 -20.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 gale.Siding 50 111 95 88 86 74 68 -20A 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail P60E 109 94 88 85 73 68 -20.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1A0.18 108 94 87 84 73 67 -20:4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 0 89 79 74 69 61 5B' -20.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 114 104 94 89 80 73 1 -18:9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 114 101 92 69 78 71 -18.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093" 25 114 99 91 89 77 70 -18.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 OAS shank X 30 114 97 89 89 75 69 -18.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 112 95 88 87 74 68 -18.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 110 94 87 85 73 67 -18.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 2.0'long Fir 45 108 93 86 84 72 67 -18.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 gaiv.Siding 50 106 92 85 82 71 66 -18.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 55 105 91 84 81 70 65 -18.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 104 90 84 80 70 65 18.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 86 76 72 67 59 55 -18.9 0.99 1.2 11.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 015 112 102 93 87 79 72 18.3 0:7 0.85 1.03 h�0 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 112 99 91 87 77 70 -18.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093' 25 112 97 89 87 75 69 -18.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 30 112 95 87 87 74 68 -18.3 0.7 0.98 1:16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 110 94 86 85 72 67 -18.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 4A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 108 92 85 84 71 66' -18.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 106 91 84 82 71 65 -18.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 Us -1A 0.11 gaiv.Siding 50 105 90 83 81 70 65 -18.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.a 0.18 nail 55 103 89 83 80 69 64 a8.3 0:83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 60 102 88 82 79 69 64 18.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 84 75 70 65 58 54 -18.3 10.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 jh>60 1 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 16 y RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON'BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 \11111111111111//// info@jameshardie.com q/ `\gyp\ OG /1/% 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC z 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 1 4 s.e (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods specified in[201218C, specifiedbleto methods t odsl �/sl`r cD GL�\,``V 2014 FBC]Section in / �R•••• " 1609.1.1.as determined by- through 3 of[2012 IBC, [201218C,2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609:1.1. 9 Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V"n Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Heights B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C E2 D Km Ka GCo GCq 0-15 105 95 87 81 74 67 -16.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 1c�60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 105 93 85 81 72 66 -16.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093" 25 105 91 83 81 70 64 -16.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank X 30 105 89 82 81 69 63 16.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222" X 2X4 35 103 88 81 80 68 62 -16.0 0.73 1.01 1,19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 101 86 80 78 67 62 -16.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"long Fir 45 99 85 79 77 66 61 -16.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 galy.Siding 50 98 84 78 76 65 60 -16.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 97 84 77 75 65 60 -16.0 0.83 1A1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 95 83 77 74 64 60 -16.0 0.85 '1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 79 70 66 61 54 1 51 1 -16.0 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 104 1 94 85 1 80 73 66 -15.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 104 91 83 80 71 65 -15.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.093" 25 104 89 82 80 69 63 -15.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 shank X 30 104 B8 80 80 68 62 -15.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0251 A A 10.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 101 86 79 79 67 62 -15.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 99 85 78 77 66 61 -15.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 *-M 8 X 2.0"long Fir 45 98 84 78 76 65 60 -15.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 8 galy.Siding 50 96 63 77 75 64 60 -15.5 0.81 1.09 T27 1 18 nail 55 95 82 76 74 64 59 -15.5 0.83 1.11 129 1 8 60 94 82 76 73 63 59 -15.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 8 100 78 69 65 60 53 50 -15.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 91 82 75 70 64 58 -11.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 91 80 73 70 62 57 -11.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.093" 25 91 78 72 70 61 56 -119 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 30 91 77 70 70 59 55 -11.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.222"HD 2X4 35 89 76 70 69 59 54 -11.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 Blind nail wood W- 24 40 87 74 69 67 58 53 -11.9 0.76 1 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.0"Tong Fir 45 86 74 68 66 57 53 -11.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 galV.Siding 50 84 73 67 65 56 52 -11.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail 55 83 72 67 65 56 52 -11.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 82 1 71 66 64 55 51 -11.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 68 1 60 57 53 47 44 -11.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 E18 0-15 264 240 218 205 186 169 -10o.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 264 233 213 205 180 1 165 1 -10o.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 .25 264 228 209 205 177 162 -100.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.18 No.11 ga. 30 264 223 205 1 205 173 159 -100.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3W 2X4 35 259 220 203 200 170 157 -100:8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 254 217 200 196 168 155 -100.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 249 214 198 193 166 153 -100.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail 50 246 212 196 190 164 152 -100.8 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 243 210 195 188 163 151 -100.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 241 208 113 186 161 150 -100.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 4A 0.18 100 198 17fi 165 154 136 128 -100.8 P0.73 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 236 214 195 183 166 151 -80.6 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 236 208 190 183 161 147 -80.6 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 25 236 204 187 183 158 145 80.6 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 236 200 184 183 155 142 -80.6 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 231 197 181 179 152 140 -80.6 1.01 1.19 1 085 -14 018 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 227 194 179 176 150 139 -80.6 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 223 192 177 173 148 137 -80.6 1.065I .2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 220 189 175 170 147 136 -80.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 217 188 174 168 145 135 -80.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 214 186 1 173 166 144 134 -80.6 0.85 IA? 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 177 157 1 148 137 122 114 -80.6 1 0.99 1.26 1.43 1>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 17 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714492-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com OGfljlj/jjj7'/ 2012 ISC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC A '. Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal = Z G Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, V a V s.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ���:- n Applicable to methods �� ^`" P(p R(Q Applicable to methods i Y •1. specified 2014 FBC]Section IBC, speech throughd in 3 o Exceptions202 IBC'1609.1.1.as determined b 2014 FBC]Section 12012 IBC,2014 FBC] Figures 1609A,B,of C. 1609.1.1. 9 Coefficients used.in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Height',' B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches Load (feet) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. Ka GCp GC,; 0-15 216 196 178 167 152 138 -67.2 0.7 0.85 1A3 h:560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 216 190 174 167 147 135 -67.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 216 186 1.71 167 144 132 -67.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 216 182 168 167 141 130 1 -67.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 211 180 165 164 139 128 -67.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1 4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 207 177 163 160 137 127 -67.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 204 175 162 158 135 125 -67.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 201 173 160 155 134 124 -67.2 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 198 171 159 153 133 123 -67.2 0.83 1.11 1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 196 170 158 152 132 122 -67.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 162 1 144 1 135 126 ill 104 -67.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 211 192 174 164 1 149 135 1 -64.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h-<60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 20 211 186 170 164 144 132 -64.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 211 182 167 164 141 129 -64.5 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 211 179 164 164 138 127 -64.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3/4" 2X4 35 207 176 162 160 136 126 -64.5 1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 long Blind nail wood 16 40 203 173 160 157 134 124 -64.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 200 171 158 155 133 123 -64.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 196 1 169 157 152 131 122 -64.5 0.81 1 1.09 1.27 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 55 194 168 156 150 1 130 121 -64.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 192 166 154 149 129 120 -64.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 159 141 132 123 109 102 -64.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 203 185 168 158 143 130 -59.7 0.7 0.85 1:03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 203 179 164 158 139 127 -59.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 203 176 161 1 158 136 125 -59.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 203 172 158 158 133 122 1 -59.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3/4" 2X4 35 199 169 156 154 131 121 -59.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8 long Blind nail wood 16 40 195 167 154 151 129 119 -59.7 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 192 165 153 149 128 118 -59.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail r60 0 189 163 151 146 126 117 -59.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 5 187 162 150 145 125 116 -59.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 185 160 149 143 124 115 59.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 00 153 135 127 118 105 98 -59.7 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0.15 200 181 165 1 155 140 128 1 -57.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 200 176 161 1 155 136 125 1 -57.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 200 172 158 155 133 122 -57.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 No.11 ga. 30 200 169 155 155 131 120 -57.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 196 166 153 151 129 119 -57.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 192 164 151 148 127 117 57.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 189 162 150 146 125 116 -57.6 0.7a5 1.065 1.2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 1 186 160 148 144 124 115 -57.6 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 183 159 147 142 123 114 -57.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 181 157 146 140 122 1 113 1 -57.6 0.e5 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 150 1 133 125 116 103 97 -57.6 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 1 10.851-1.8 1 0.18 0-15 187 170 154 1 145 131 119 -50.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 tK60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 187 165 150 1 145 128 116 -50.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 187 161 148 145 125 114 -50.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 187 158 146 145 122 112 .50.4 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 1-3/4' 2X4 35 183 156 143 142 120 111 -50.4 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 179 153 142 139 119 110 -50.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 176 151 140 137 117 108 50.4 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 174 150 139 135 116 107 -50.4 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 J.�1. 55 172 148 138 133 115 107 50.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 60 170 147 137 131 114 106 50.4 o.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 100 140 124 117 109 96 90 -50.4 0.99 1.26 IAA Ih-601 1 10.851-1.8 10.181 18 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714492-2602 714-847-4595 FAX .PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com 0 G '2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ -X Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, ', vas 5.8 ST E F :QR'`` aWi (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �� •�/ Applicable to methods �ii�f• FL�R�qA'•���� Applicable to methods S• specified 2014 FBC]Section C' s@rrough 9fied no12012 18C Exceptions' 1609.1.1.as determined by rough 3 f Section [2012 16C,2014 FBC] 2014 16BC]S. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V„n Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 7 Design Product Thickness Spacing Height3 B C D B C D (inches). (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) .(feet Load ) (PSF) Ecp B 5cp C Fop D K. Ka I GCp GCa 0-15 184 167 152 142 129 117 48.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 M60 1 0.851 AA 10.18 20 184 162 148 142 126 115 48.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 184 159 145 142 123 113 48.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 No.11 ga. 30 184 1 155 143 1 142 1 120 111 1 48.9 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 180 153 141 140 119 109 -48.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 o.e5 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 long Blind nail wood 16 40 177 151 139 137 117 108 48.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 174 149 138 135 116 107 48.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 171 147 137 132 114 106 -489 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 035 AA 0.18 55 169 146 136 131 113 105 48.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 167 145 134 129 112 104 48.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 138 122 115 107 95 89 -48.9 0.99 1.26 tA3 jh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 161 1 146 133 1 125 1 113 103 1 -37.5 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.851 AA 10.18 20 161 1 142 130 1 125 1 110 100 1 -37.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 161 139 127 125 108 99 -37.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 No.11 ga. 30 161 136 125 125 105 97 -37.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 X 1-3m" 2X4 35 158 134 124 122 104 96 -37.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -114 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 long Blind nail wood 16 40 155 132 122 120 102 95 -37.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 152 131 121 118 101 94 -37.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 150 129 120 116 100 93 -37.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 5.85 -1.4 0.18 55 148 128 119 115 99 92 -37.5 0.83 1 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 146 127 118 113 98 91 -37.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 121 107 101 94 83 78 -37.5 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 1 0.05 -1.8 0.18 0-15 216 196 178 167 152 138 -67.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 M60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 216 190 174 167 147 135 -67.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1-.4 0.18 25 216 186 171 167 144 132 -67.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 216 182 168 167 141 130 -67.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3/4" 2X4 35 211 180 165 164 139 128 -67.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 207 177 163 160 137 127 -67.2 016 1.04 1.22 1 $0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hein-fir 45 204 175 162 158 135 125 -67.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.18 nail 50 201 173 160 155 134 124 -67.2 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.18 55 198 171 159 153 133 123 -67.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.18 60 196 170 158 152 132 122 -67.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.18 100 1 162 1 144 135 126 111 104 -67.2 0.99 1.26 I A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 G-15 193 175 159 149 136 123 -53.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 193 170 155 149 132 120 -53.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 25 193 166 153 149 129 118 -53.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 4.4 10.181 No.11 ga. 30 193 163 150 1 149 126 116 -53.8 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X1-314" 2X4 35 189 161 148 146 124 1 115 1 -53.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 185 158 146 143 123 113 -53.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 182 156 145 141 121 112 -53.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail 50 179 155 143 139 120 111 -53.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 177 153 142 137 119 110 -53.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 .0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 175 152 141 136 118 109 53.8 0.85 1.13 1:31 1 0.95 -1.4 0.78 100 145 128 121 112 100 93 53.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 176 160 145 1 136 124 112 44.8 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 176 155 142 1 136 120 1 110 1 -44.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 176 152 139 136 118 108 44.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1:4 10,18 No.11 ga. 30 176 149 137 136 115 106 44.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 172 147 135 134 114 105 44.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7:25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 169 144 133 131 112 103 -44.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 166 143 132 129 111 102 44.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 164 141 131 127 109 101 -44.8 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 162 140 130 125 108 100 44.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 160 139 129 124 107 100 -44.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 132 117 110 102 91 85 44.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 19 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-2g2-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 ttt{{{Hlllllp info@jameshardie.com �O\\\t QG 'IA�777i� 201218C,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2412 F•' Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, a s,u �� �a� ST E F :Q� (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ���t'•,• �,�k/ Applicable to methods �i�`•'/[� F�0 RIDP•' Q•�` Applicable to methods specified 2014 FBC]Sectio2012 n through specified 3 0Ex 012 Exceptions I 1609.1.1.as determined by 2014 FBC]Section [20127BC,2014 FBC] Figures 1609A,B,or 0. 1609:1.1. Coefficients used,in Table 6 calculations for V„n Wind exposure catego Wind exposure categoryl Siding K, Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design, Product Thickness Spacing Height?.T B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF7 ExP B 5rp C 6cp D K. I(a GC, GCp 0-15 173 157 142 134 121 110 1 -43.0 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 173 152 139 134. 118 108 -43.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 173 149 136 134 115 106 -43.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 1 173 146 134 134 113 104 -43.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 10.181 X 1-3W 2X4 35 169 144 132 131 111 103 -43.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 long Blind nail woad 24 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 -43.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 163 140 129 126 108 100 43.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail 50 160 138 128 1 124 107 99 -43.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 158 137 127 123 106 -98 4&0 1 0.83 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 157 136 126 121 105 98 -43.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 130 115 108 100 89 84 -43.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 166 151 137 129 117 106 -39.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -lAI 0.18 20 166 146 134 129 113 104 -39.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 166 143 131 129 Ill 102 -39.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 10.18 No.11 ga. 30 166 140 129 129 109 100 -39.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 X 1-314" 2X4 35 163 138 127 1 126 107 99 -39.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 -1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 long Blind nail wood 24 40 159 136 126 1 123 106 97 -39.8 0.76 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 157 135 125 121 104 96 -39.8 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.16 nail 50 154 133 123 120 103 1 95 39.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 153 132 122 118 102 1 95 39.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 151 131 121 117 101 94 -39:8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 125 111 104 97 86 80 739.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 163 148 134 126 115 104 38A 0.7 0.85 1A3 h560 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 20 "163 144 131 126 111 102 -38.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 163 141 129 126 109 100 38A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 163 1 138 127 126 107 98 -38.4 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 X 1-314" 2X4 35 160 136 125 124 105 97 -38.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 157 134 124 121 104 1 96 -38.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 154 132 122 119 102 95 38.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 152 131 121 117 101 94 -38.4 1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 150 130 120 116 100 93 -38A 0.83 1.11 1 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 148 128 119 115 99 92 -38.4 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 122 109 102 95 84 79 38A 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.81 0.18 G-15 153 138 126 118 107 97 -33.6 0.7 0.85 1A3 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 153 135 123 118 104 95 -33.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 153 132 121 1 118 102 93 -33.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 153 129 118 118 100 92 -33.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-314' 2X4 35 149 127 117 116 98 91 33.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 146 125 116 113 97 90 -33.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 144 124 114 112 96 89 33.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 1421 122 113 110 95 88 33.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 140 121 112 109 94 87 33.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60 138 120 112 107 93 86 -33.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 115 102 95 1 89 79 74 -33.6 0.99 1.26 1 lA3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 150 136 124 116 106 96 326 0.7 0.85 1,03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 150 132 121 116 103 94 -32.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 035 -1.4 0.18 25 150 130 119 116 100 92 -32.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 150 127 117 116 98 90 -32.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3/4" 2X4 35 147 1 125 115 114 97 89 -326 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5, long Blind nail wood 24 40 144 123 114 112 95 88 32.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 142 122 113 110 94 87 -32.6 0.785 1.065 1.1245 1 0.85 -1t4 0.18 nail 50 140 120 112 108 93 86 32.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 138 119 111 107 92 86 -32:6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 7 1.4 0.18 60 136 118 110 106 92 85 32.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 113 100 1 94 87 77 73 -32.6 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 I 0.85 -1.8 0.18 20 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 4443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847.4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com 0g1111111111I1//7j/Z 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC.2014 FBC _ 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 4 5.6. _l Vw , V. ST E F .•�r P (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) %��. Applicable to rnethods (j �� Q• .\� Apspecified in[2012 plicable to methods '.•�..Q�R���.• \\ 18090141.as determinedct IBC, by specified through 3 of[201218Ctions' [2012 IBC,2014 FBC) 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. 9 Coefficients usedin Table 6 calculations for V„n Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Heights B C D B C D (inches), (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) .(feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. Ka GC• GCS; 0-15 132 119 108 102 92 84 -25.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h!560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 132 116 106 102 90 82 -25.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 25 132 114 104 102 88 81 -25.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 1 132 111 102 1 102 1 86 79 1 -25.0 0.7 0.98 1 lA6 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-3/4" 2X4 35 129 110 101 100 85 78 -25.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 long Blind nail wood 24 40 126 108 100 98 84 77 -25.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 124 107 99 96 83 76 -25.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail 50 122 105 98 95 82 76 -25.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 121 104 97 94 81 75 -25.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 119 104 96 92 80 75 -25.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.16 100 99 88 82 77 68 64 -25.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 217 197 179 168 152 138 -67.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 217 191 174 168 148 135 -67.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 217 187 171 168 145 133 -67.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga- 30 217 183 168 168 142 130 67.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4' 2X4 35 212 180 166 164 140 129 -67.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 208 178 164 161 138 127 -67.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 205 176 162 158 136 1 126 -67.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 201 174 161 1 156 134 125 1 -67.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 55 199 172 160 154 133 124 -67.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 1 "0.65 -1.4 0.18 60 197 170 158 152 132 123 67.7 0:85 '1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 100 163 144 135 126 112 105 -67.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 G-15 194 176 160 150 136 124 -54.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h960 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 194 171 156 150 132 121 -54:2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 194 167 153 150 129 119 54.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 194 164 150 150 1 127 117 -54.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85. -1.4 1 0.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 190 161 149 147 125 115 1 -542 0.73 1 1.01 1:19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 186 159 147 144 123 114 -54.2 0.76 1.04 I.0 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 183 157 145 142 122 113 -54.2 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 1801 155 144 139 120 111 54.2 0.81 1.09 1 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 178 154 143 138 119 111 -54.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 176 152 142 136 118 110 -54.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 146 129 121 113 100 94 -54.2 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 177 160 146 1 137 124 113 -452 0.7 0.85 1.03 IhS60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1E 20 177 156 142 137 121 1 .110 1 45.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 177 153 140 137 118 10B -45.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 177 149 137 137 116 106 -45.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 173 147 136 134 114 105 45.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 170 145 134 131 112 104 45.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 167 143 133 129 111 103 452 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 164 142 131 127 110 102 -45.2 1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 162 140 130 1 126 109 101 45.2 0.83 1 1.11 1.29 1 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 60 160 139 129 124 108 100 1 45.2 0.85 1 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 4A 0.18 100 133 118 Ill 103 91 86 -45.2 0.99 1.26 1 A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 173 157 143 134 122 111 43.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 FK60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 173 153 139 134 118 108 -43.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 173 150 137 134 116 106 -43.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 173 146 135 134 113 104 43.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 170 144 133 131 112 103 -43.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5. long Blind nail wood 16 40 166 142 131 129 110 102 43.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 164 140 130 127 109 101 1 43.3 0.785 1.065 1:245 "0.85,4.4 nail 50 161 139 129 125 108 100 43.3 0.81 1.09 127 55 159 138128123107 99 43.3 0.83 1.11 129 60 157 136 127 122 106 98 43.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 100 130 115 108 101 89 84 43.3 099 1.26 1A3 jh>60 11 10.851-1:8 0.18 21 RONALD I.OGAWAASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com OG •GE 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBCkl Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 4 1.6 • �J Vutl, �esG • '� (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �'• ST E F t:�Q Applicable to methods •• �'. �/ Applicable to methods ��G'j•'•.,CO BID 'C� �N specified in[2012 IBC, ceptions 1i� '� \� 1609011.as deteection rminedby sped h2014 FBAed in C]Section ii//4��'CR�C®111 [►��,\�\`\\\ [2012 IBC,2014 FBCI 1609.1.1. l L Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V„n Wind exposure categoryWind exposure categorySiding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing. Weight' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) .(feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Fop D Kr K4 GC, GCq 0-15 167 151 137 129 117 106 1 40.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 167 147 134 129 114 104 -40.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 25 167 144 132 129 111 102 -40.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 167 1 141 130 1 129 109 100 -40.1 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 1-1/4' 2X4 35 163 139 128 1 126 108 99 -40.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 long Blind nail wood 16 40 160 137 126 124 106 98 40.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 157 135 125 122 105 97 40.1 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail 50 155 134 124 120 103 96 -40.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 153 132 123 119 103 1 95 1 40.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 60 151 131 122 117 102 94 40.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 10!851 1.4 0.18 100 125 Ill 104 97 86 81 40.1 8.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 164 149 135 127 115 105 -38.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 164 144 132 127 112 102 -38.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 164 141 129 127 109 100 38.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 164 136 127 127 107 99 38.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 160 136 126 124 106 97 -38.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 157 134 124 122 104 1 96 1 38.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 155 133 123 120 103 95 -38.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 152 131 122 118 102 94 38.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 150 130 121 116 101 93 38.7 0.83 7:11 1.29 1 0.85 -t.4 0.18 60 149 129 120 115 100 93 38.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0:18 100 1 123 1 109 102 1 95 84 79 -38.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 153 139 126 119 108 98 -33.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 153 135 123 119 105 95 -33.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1-.4 0.18 25 153 132 121 119 102 94 -33.9 0.7 0.94 1:12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 153 129 119 119 100 92 -33.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 4A 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 150 127 117 116 99 91 33.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 long Blind nail wood 16 40 147 126 116 114 97 90 -33.9 0.76 1 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 145 124 115 112 96 89 -319 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 1421 123 114 1 110 95 88 -33.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 141 122 113 109 94 87 33.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 IN 121 112 108 93 87 -33.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 115 102 96 89 79 1 74 1 -33.9 0.99 1.26 1 A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 151 137 124 117 106 96 32.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 151 133 121 117 103 94 -32.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 151 130 119 117 101 92 -32.11 0.7 1 0.94 1.12 t 10.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 151 127 117 117 99 91 32.8 KO.785 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 148 126 116 114 97 90 -32.8 1.01 1.19 �1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 long Blind nail wood 16 40 145 124 114 112 96 88 -32.8 1.04 1.22 1 0.85. -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 142 122 113 110 95 88 -32.8 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 140 121 112 109 94 87 -32.8 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 138 120 111 107 93 86 328 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 137 119 110 106 92 85 -32.8 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 113 100 94 88 78 73 -32.8 . 1 1,26 1A3 h>60 1 0,85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 132 120 109 102 93 84 -252 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 132 117 106 102 90 82 -252 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 25 132 114 104 102 88 81 --25.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 132 112 103 1 102 86 79 -25.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 129 110 101 100 85 1 78 1 -25.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 6.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 long Blind nail wood 16 40 127 108 100 98 84 78 -25.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 125 107 99 97 83 77 -25.2 0785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 nail �6SO 0 123 106 98 95 82 76 -25.2 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85. -1.4 0.18 121 105 97 94 81 75 -25.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 120 104 97 93 81 75 25.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1800 99 88 83 77 68 64 -25.2 0.991 1.26 1 1.43 jh>601 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 22 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 i 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \\\p111IIiIII11///////' OG,q ''- •GAR RTC`:• 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, V a V• s.s \ Wg ST E F (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) %��•.• .!((� Applicableto methodsApplicable to methods �� �•1�F� �4:•(•� v� specified in 12012IBC. specified through 3no Exceptions01218C' / /�////I R' \\\\v�\` 0 2014FBC]Section 77/, FRE6 0 A\ 1609.1.1.as determined by 2014 FBC]Section //IIII If11 [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 1609:17. Figures 1609A,B . ,or C. Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for V„n Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K, Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 7 Design Product Thickness Spacing Height. C D B C D (inches), (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF7 l=xp B 5ip C 6cp D Kn ICd GCp GC,,, 0-15 177 160 146 137 124 113 -45.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h1_60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 177 156 142 137 121 110 A5.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 177 153 140 137 118 108 -45.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.1El No.11 ga. 30 177 149 137 137 116 106 -45.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 173 147 136 134 114 105 -45.2 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 170 145 134 1 13t 112 104. -45.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 $0.185 -1 0.18Roofing Hem-fir 45 167 143 133 129 t11 103 -45.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.18nail 50 164 142 131 127 110 102 --45.2 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.18 55 162 140 130 126 109 101 -45.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 60 160 139 129 124 108 100 -45.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.18 100 133 118 111 103 91 86 -452 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 158 144 130 123 1 111 101 1 -36.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 tu560 1 0.851 AA 0.18 20 1 158 1 139 127 123 108 99 -36.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 1 0.18 25 158 136 125 123 106 97 -36.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.181 No.11 ga. 30 158 134 123 123 104 95 -36.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4' '2X4 35 155 132 121 120 102 94 -36.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 152 130 120 118 101 93 36.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 5.88 Roofing Hem-fir 45 149 128 119 116 99 92 -36.1 0.7851 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail 50 147 127 117 114 98 91 -36.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 145 126 117 113 97 90 -36.1 0.83 1.11 119 1 0.85 -1.4 E18 60 144 124 116 111 96 90 -36.1 0185 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 119 105 99 92 82 77 -36.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 ItP60 1 10.851-1.8 1 0.18 0-15 144 131 119 112 101 92 -30.1 0.7 0.85 1:03 h:560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 144 127 116 112 99 90 -30.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 144 125 114 112 97 88 -30.1 0.7 0.94 1 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 144 122 112 112 95 87 -30.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 141 120 111 110 93 86 -30.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 139 118 109 107 92 85 -30.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 136 117 108 1 106 91 1 84 1 -30.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 4A 0.18 nail 50 134 116 107 1G4 90 83 -30.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 133 115 106 103 89 82 -30.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 131 114 106 101 88 82 -30.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 108 96 90 84 74 70 -30.1 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 G-15 141 128 117 110 99 90 -28.9 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.851 AA 0.18 20 141 125 114 110 97 88 28.9 0.7 0.9. 1.08 1 0.85 1-1.4 0.18 25 141 122 112 110 95 87 -28.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 141 120 110 1 110 93 1 85 1 -28.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 139 118 109 107 91 84 -28.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.5 long Blind nail wood 24 40 136 116 107 105 90 83 -28.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 134 115 106 103 89 82 -28.9 0.785 1.065 1245 1 85 -1.4 0.18 -nail 50 132 1 113 105 102 88 81 -28.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 130 112 104 101 87 81 -28.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 128 111 103 99 86 80 -28.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 106 94 88 82 73 68 -28.9 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 t 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 136 124 112 1 105 96 87 1 -26.8 0.7 0.85 1-.03 hs60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 136 120 110 105 93 85 -26.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 136 117 108 105 91 83 -26.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 136 115 106 105 89 82 -26.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4' 2X4 35 133 113 104 103 88 81 -26.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 long Blind nail wood 24 40 131 112 103 101 87 80 -26.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 129 110 102 100 85 79 -26.8 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 1127 109 101 98 85 78 -26.8 1 0.81 1 1.09 1 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 125 Ell 100 97 84 78 2fi.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -7.4 0.18 60 724 107 100 96 83 77 26.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 102 91 1 85 1 79 70 66 <26.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 23 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#44.3 HUNTINGTON'BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT.RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com `\\1111111I11111111//1 .�` Q; S4FIC '9 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC 24 1 2Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, _ �K V 4 V. 5,6 i, ese $T E F (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) 1- ��•• ,♦•lV� Applicable to methods �i ••F(t7 R10p:•'1v Applicable to methods specified in[2012IBC, 16020 4 FBdete Section b sthro through 3 opecified in Exceptions 021BC' /!J';rl jD 11t,,,,\\\�`\\\` [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for Vw, Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Heights B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) load (PSG 6cp B 6cp C Fop D Kr K. I GC, GCq 0-15 134 121 110 104 94 85 -25.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 134 118 108 104 91 83 -25.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 134 115 106 104 89 82 -25.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 1 134 1 113 104 1 104 1 88 80 1 -25.6 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 131 111 103 101 86 79 -25.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 long Blind nail wood 24 40 128 110 101 99 85 78 -25.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 126 108 100 98 84 78 -25.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0A8 nail 50 124 107 99 96 83 77 -25.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 123 106 98 95 82 76 -25.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 121 105 98 94 81 76 -25.8 0.85 '1.13 1.31 '1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 100 89 84 78 69 65 -25.8 1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 125 113 103 97 1 88 80 -22.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 125 1 110 101 97 85 78 -22.6 0.7 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 25 125 108 99 97 84 77 -22.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 125 106 97 97 82 75 -22.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 122 104 96 95 81 74 -22.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 HardiePlank 5116 0.26 long Blind nail wood 24 40 120 103 95 93 79 73 -22.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 118 101 94 91 79 1 73 -22.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail 50 116 100 93 90 78 72 -22.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 115 99 92 89 77 71 1 -22.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 113 98 91 88 76 71 -22.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 94 83 78 73 64 61 -22.6 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 123 112 102 95 87 79 -21.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 123 109 99 95 84 77 -21.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 25 123 106 97 95 82 75 -21.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 123 104 96 1 95 81 74 -21.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-114" 2X4 35 121 103. 94 93 79 73 -21.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9:5 long Blind nail wood 24 40 118 101 93 92 78 72 -21.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 116 100 92 90 77 72 1 -21.9 10.785 1.0651 1.2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail 50 114 99 91 89 76 71 -21.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -iA 0.18 55 113 98 91 88 76 70 -21.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 112 97 90 87 75 70 -21.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 92 82 77 72 64 60 -21.9 0.99 1.26 .1.43 h>60 1 10.851-1.8 10.18 0-15 108 98 89 1 84 76 69 -16.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 108 95 87 84 74 67 -16.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 108 93 85 84. 72 66 -16.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.11 ga. 30 108 91 84 84 71 65 -16.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 1-1/4" 2X4 35 106 90 83 82 70 64 -16.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.851 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 long Blind nail wood 24 40 104 88 82 80 69 63 -16.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 $0.85 -1 0.18 Roofing Hem-fir 45 102 87 81 79 68 63 -16.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.18 nail 50 100 86 80 78 67 62 -16.8 0.81 1.09 t.27 1 0.18 55 99 86 79 77 66 62 -16.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.18 60 98 85 79 76 66 61 -16.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.18 100 81 72 67 63 56 1 52 1 -16.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 255 231 210 197 179 163 -93.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h:560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 255 225 205 197 174 159 -93.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 255 220 201 197 170 156 -93.6 0.7 0.94 1 1A2 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 255 215 198 197 167 153 -93.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 6.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 249 1 212 195 193 164 151 -93.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 244 209 193 189 162 149 -93.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 240 206 191 186 160 148 -93.6 0.785 1.065 1.2461 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 237 204 189 183 1 158 1 146 1 -93.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 10.85 -1.4 0.18 55 234 202 188 181 157 145 93.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 231 200 186 179 155 1. -93.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 191 170 159 148 131 123 1 -93.6 1 0.99 1 1.26 1.43 lb,50 1 10.851-1.8 10.181 24 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-.847-4595 FAX .PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC- 1-888542-7343 info@jameshardie.com �\\\1l i l l l i I I I I I!I///I// �BOG 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC •; Allowable,Ultimate Alldwable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, a um , Vasa s,s (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ��.n•; ST E F :`Pz Applicahle to methods �� •/C • �� Applicablelomethods ii /•••.�t7FtIQP•••� �� lsosoi�i asde2Section min012 ed b specified m2014 FBC)Section 12 IBC, 1 '��i j Dll �\o� 12012 IBC,2014 FBC] 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for Vw, Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Height'7 B C D B C D Design (inches). (inches) Type Spacing Type (Inches) (feet) Load ) (PSF) 6cp B 5cp C 6cp D Ka Ka GCo GCp 0-15 228 207 188 176 160 145 1 -74.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 228 201 183 176 156 142 -74.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 228 197 180 176 152 139 -74.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 1 228 1 192 177 1 176 149 137 -74.9 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 223 1 190 175 1 173 147 135 -74.9 0.73 1 1.01 1 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 219 187 173 169 145 134 -74.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 215 185 171 167 143 132 -74.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 212 183 169 164 141 131 -74.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 209 181 168 162 140 130 74.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 207 179 166 160 139 129 -74.9 0.85 '1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 171 152 142 133 117 110 -74.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 208 189 171 161 146 133 -62.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 208 1 183 167 1 161 142 130 -62.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 208 1 179 164 1 161 139 127 -62.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 30 208 176 161 161 136 125 -62A 0.7 0.98 IA6 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 204 173 159 15B 134 123 -62A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 200 171 157 155 132 1 122 -62.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 196 169 156 152 131 121 -62.4 0.785 11.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 193 167 154 150 129 120 -62A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 191 165 153 148 128 119 -62.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 189 164 152 146 127 118 -62A 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 100 1 156 1 138 130 121 107 101 -62.4 0.99 126 1A3 hv60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 204 185 168• 158 143 130 59.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 204 180 164 1 158 139 .127 -59.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 204 176 161 158 136 125 59.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 204 172 158 158 133 123 1 -59.9 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 6d 2X4 35 199 170 156 154 131 121 -59.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 common Face nail wood 16 40 195 167 154 151 129 120 -59.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 192 165 153. 149 128 118 -59.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 189 163 151 147 126 117 -59.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 187 162 150 145 125 116 -59.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 185 160 149 1 143 124 115 - -59.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 153 136 127 119 105 99 -59.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 1 025 -1.8 0.18 0-15 196 178 162 152 138 1 125 1 -55.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 196 173 158 152 134 122 -55.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 196 169 155 152 131 120 -55.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 196 166 152 152 128 118 -55.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d -2X4 35 192 163 150 149 126 116 -55.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 common Face nail wood 16 40 188 161 149 146 125 115 -55.5 0.76 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 185 159 1 147 143 123 114 -55.5 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 182 157 146 141 122 113 -55.5 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 180 156 144 139 121 1 112 1 -55.5 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 178 154 143 138 120 Ill -55.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.851-1.4 0.18 100 147 131 123 11.4 101 95 -55.5 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h�60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 192 175 159 149 135 123 -53.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.851 AA 10.18 20 192 170 155 149 131 120 -53.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.65 -1.4 10.18 25 1 192 1 166 152 1 149 129 118 -53.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 192 163 150 149 126 116 -53.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 6d 2X4 35 188 160 148 146 124 114 -53.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 185 158 146 143 122 1 113 1 -53.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 182 156 144 141 121 112 53.5 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 179 154 143 139 119 111 53.5 081 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 177 153 142 137 118 110 -53.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 175 151 141 135 117 109 -53.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 145 1 128 1 120 112 99 93 -53.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>601 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 25 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \\\\\�`111111 I 1[III►//I///j7j 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC tc'; Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, V.4, V. 5.6 :a (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F •:�Q Applicable to methods •F \ Applicable:to methods spedfieCin[2012IBC, ���L'/�f�. �OFtt�?:•��`��� 1609.01.1.asde ertnlned by specified 3 of[012IBC, // 1111111 lilt 11����``\`\` '� ection [20121eC,2014 FBC) Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V,, Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness ) Spacing Height'• B C D B C D 9 (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load (PSF) 6cp B Exp C 6cp D Kn Ke I GCp GC,, 0-15 180 163 148 139 127 115 1 -46.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 180 159 145 139 123 112 -46.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 0.18 25 180 155 142 139 120 110 -46.8 0.7 0.94. 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 1 180 1 152 140 1 139 118 108 -46.8 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 176 150 138 137 116 107 -06.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5l16 9:25 common Face nail wood 16 40 173 148 136 134. 114 106 -46.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 170 146 135 132 113 105 46.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 167 144 134 130 112 104 46.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 165 143 133 128 111 1 103 1 -46.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 163 142 132 127 110 102 -46.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85 AA 0.18 100 135 120 113 105 93 87 46.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 177 161 146 137 125 113 -45A 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 177 156 143 137 121 111 45.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 177 153 140 137 119 109 -45A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 177 150 138 137 116 107 -45.4 0.7 0.98 1:16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 6d 2X4 35 174 148 136 134 114 105 -45.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9:5 common Facenail wood 16 40 170 145 134 132 113 1 104 1 46A 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 167 144 133 130 111 103 -45A 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 165 142 132 128 110 102 -45A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 16 141 131 126 109 101 45A 0.83 0.1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 18 66 1613 140 130 125 108 100 45.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 133 118 111 103 91 86 45A 0.99 1.26 1A3 lh>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 155 141 128 120 109 99 -34.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 155 137 125 120 106 97 -34.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 25 155 134 123 120 1 104 95 1 34.8 0.7' 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 30 155 131 121 120 102 93 -34.8 0.7 0.98 1.16. 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 6d 2X4 35 152 129 119 118 100 92 34.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 common Face nail wood 16 40 149 127 118 115 99 91 -34.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 *-1.48nail Hem-fir 45 147 126 116 114 97 90 -34.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 850 144 124 115 112 96 89 -34.8 0.81 1.09 127 1 855 143 123 114 110 95. 89 -34.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 860 141 122 113 109 95 88 -34.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 18 100 117 103 97 90 80 75 -34.8 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 1-1.8 0.18 0-15 208 189 171 161 146 133 -62.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 1560 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 20 208 183 167 161 142 130 -62A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 208 1 179 164 1 161 139 127 -62A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 208 176 161 161 136 125 -62.4 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 204 173 159. 158 134 123 -62.4 0.73 1.01 1.49 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 200 171 157 155 132 122 -62.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 196 169 156 152 131 121 -62.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 193 167 154 150 129 120 -62.4 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 191 165 153 148 128 119 -6Z4 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 189 164 152 146 127 118 -62.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 156 138 130 121 107 101 -62.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 186 169 153 144 131 119. -49.9 0.7 1 0.85 1 1.03 hS<60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 186 164 150 144 127 116 -49.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 25 186 160 147 144 124 114 -49.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 O.B5 4A 0.18 30 186 157 144 144 122 112 -49.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 182 155 143 141 120 110 -49.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 178 153 141 138 118 109 49.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 176 151 139 136 117 108 -09.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 50 1 173 1 149 138 134 115 107 -49.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 171 148 137 132 114 106 -49.9 0.83 111 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 169 146 136 131 113 105 -49.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 140 124 116 108 96 90 -49.9 1 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 1 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 26 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. ' 16835.ALGONQUIN STREET#443 <� HUNTINGTON-BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com �101111 U It I I I I!!!/k,/ 201218C,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,.2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal = 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, V.4 5.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods y • F .•�v Applicable to methods specified in[201218C, specified in i� /'•'•. R11 0� C]Section 1609011.as determined by through ][2012onCxcepflons l ���'''�s�i,R,EpI,E [2012 IBC,2014 Fl3q 1fiDq Se Figures 1609A,B,of C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Heights i B C D B C D Design (inches), (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF). Exp B 6cp C Exp D Kn {Cd GC• GCy 0-15 170 154 140 131 119 108 -41.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 170 150 137 131 116 106 -41.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 170 146 134 131 113 104 -41.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 170 1 143 132 131 111 102 -41.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 6d 2X4 35 166 141 130 129 109 101 -41.6 033 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 163 139 129 126 108 100 41.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 t $0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 160 138 127 124 107 99 -41.6 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0A8 50 158 136 126 122 105 98 41.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.18 55 156 135 125 121 104 97 -41.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.18 60 154 134 124 119 103 96 -41.6 0.85 '1.13 1.31 1 0.18 100 127 113 106 1 99 88 82 -41.6 0.99 1.28 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8. 0.18 0-15 166 151 137 129 117 106 39.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 166 147 134 129 114 104 -39.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 '1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 25 - 166 143 131 129 111 102 -39.9 0.7 0.94 1A2 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 166 140 129 129 109 100 -39.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 163 138 127 126 107 99 -39.9 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.5 common Facenail wood 24 40 160 136 126 124 106 98 -39.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 157 135 125 122 104 1 97 1 -39.9 0.785 1.065 .1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 155 133 123 1 120 103 96 -39.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 55 153 132 122 118 102 95 -39.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 151 131 122 117 101 94 -39.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.05 -1.4 10.18 100 125 111 104 97 86 80 -39.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0-18 0-15 160 145 132 124 113 102 -37.0 0.7 0.85 1A3 W60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 160 141 129 124 109 100 37.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 160 138 127 124 107 98 -37.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 160 135 124 124 105 1 96 1 .-37.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 157 133 123 121 103 1 95 1 -37:0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 common Facenail wood 24 40 154 131 121 119 102 1 94 1 -37.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 151 130 120 117 101 1 93 37.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 r50 149 1 128 119 115 99 92 37.0 0.81 1 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -7.4 0.18 55 147 127 118 114 98 91 -37.0 0.83 1A1 1.29 1 015 -1.4 1 M. 60 140 126 117 113 98 91 -37.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -P4 0.18 100 120 107 100 93 83 77 -37.0 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 10.851-1.8 10.18 0-15 157 143 130 122 Ill 100 35.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 157 139 127 122 107 98 -35.7 0.7 0:9 1.08 1 .0.85 -1.4 10.181 25 157 136 124 122 105 96 -35.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 30 157 133 122 122 103 1 95 -35.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 154 131 121 119 101 93 -35.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 151 129 119 117 100 92 -35.7 0.75 1 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4. 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 - 148 127 118 115 99 91 -35.7 0.7951 1.065 1 1245 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 1461 126 117 113 98 90 351 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 144 125 116 112 97 90 35.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 143 124 115 111 96 89 35.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 118 105 98 91 81 76 1 35.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.851 A.8 1 0.18 0-15 147 133 121 114 103 94 -312 0.7 0.85 1.03 h:960 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 147 130 118 114 100 92 312 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 147 127 116 114 98 90 -312 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 .30 147 124 114 114 96 88 31.2 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 6d 2X4 35 1 144 1 122 113 Ill 95 87 -312 0.73 1.01 1 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 OAT HardiePlank 5116 9.25 common Facenail wood 24 40 141 121 111 109 93 86 -31.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 139 119 110 108 92 85 31.2 0.785 1.065 .2451 1 0.85 �14 14 0.18 50 137 118 109 106 91 85 3t.2 0.87 1.09 127 1 0.85 0.1855 135 117 108 105 9084 -31.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 0.18 60 133 116 107 103 90 83 -31.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 D.18 100 110 98 92 86 76 71 31.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 h�60 1 1 10.851-1.8 0.18 27 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. ' 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 • HUNTINGTON-BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888542-7343 info@jameshardie.com 11IIIIIIIII///// 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC '•G� ATF�. Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, C 5,6 uw, Va:o ; (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F .Q Applicable to methods % R IN Applicable to methods %G/''•.,[0 RID,.• �'�• specified in[2612 IBC, specified 201' h ceptions 1.asdetenninedb 4 ec on th 3o 204f l Section 160 1I111 1 f,1l""``\`\\\\ 12012 1BC,2014 FBC] 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for VW, Wind exposure category Wind exposure category] Siding K, Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height3 B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B £xp C Exp D Ka Ka GC, GC, G-15 145 131 119 112 102 93 -30.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.05 -1.4 10.18 20 145 128 117 112 99 90 -30.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1:4 10.18 25 145 125 115 112 97 89 -30.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 30 145 122 113 112 95 87 -30.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 142 121 111 110 93 86 -30.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 OAS -1.4 0AB HardiePlank 5116 9.5 common Face nail wood 24 40 139 119 110 108 92 85 -30.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 137 117 109 106 91 84 -30.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 .0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 135 116 108 104 90 83 -30.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 133 115 107 103 89 83 -30.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 131 114 106 102 88 82 -30.3 0.85 '1.13 1.31 1 1 .71 AA 0.18 100 109 .96 91 84 75 70 -30.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 127 1 115 104 1 98 1 89 81 -232 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 127 112 102 98 87 79 1 -23.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 127 109 100 98 85 78 -23.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 127 107 98 98 83 76 -23.20.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 6d 2X4 35 124 106 97 96 82 75 -232 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 common Face nail .wood 24 40 122 104 96 94 81 74 -23.2 0.76 1.04N1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 120 103 95 93 80 74 -23.2 0.785 1.065 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 118 102 94 91 79 73 -23.2 0.81 1.09 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 116 101 93 90 78 72 23.2 0.83 1.11 10.85 -1.4 0.186011510093 89 77 72 -23.2 0.85 1.13 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 95 84 79 74 65 61 -23.2 0.99 126h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 308 279 254 238 216 197 -136.8 0.7 0.85h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 308 271 248 238 210 192 -136.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 308 266 243- 238 206 188 -136.B 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 308 260 239 238 201 185 -13618 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 301 256 236 233 198 183 -136.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 295 253 233 1 229 196 181 -136.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 4A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 291 250 231 225 193 179 -136.8 0.785 1.065 1.2451 1 0815 -1.4 0.18 50 286 247 229 222 191 177 -136.8 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 283 244 227 219 189 176 -136.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 2 .B5 -1.4 0.11 60 279 242 225 216 188 174 -136.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 231 205 192 179 159 149 -136.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 275 250 227 213 194 176 -109.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20- 275 243 222 213 188 172 -109.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 275 238 216 j 213 184 169 -109.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 275 233 214 213 180 166 -109.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 270 229 211 209 178 164 -109.5 0.73 1 1.01 11.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 264 226 209 205 175 162 -109.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 260 223 206 201 173 160 -109.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 2561 221 204 198 171 158 -109.5 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.05 4A 0.18 55 253 219 203 196 169 157 -109.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 250 217 201 194 168 156 -109.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 207 183 172 160 142 133 -109.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15. 251 228 207 195 177 160 -91.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 251 222 202 195 172 157 91.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 251 217 199 195 168 154 -912 0.7 .0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 251 212 195 195 165 151 -912 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 246 209 193 191 162 149 -912 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 241 206 190 187 160 14 --91.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 237 204 188 184 158 146 -912 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 50 234 201 187 181 156 145 91.2 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 231 200 185 179 155 143 91.2 0.83 1:11 129 1 0.85: -1.4 0.18 60 228 198 184 177 153 142 91.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 189 167 157 146 130 1 122 1 IAA 1h,60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 28 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847.4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888542-7343 info@jameshardie.com `\���111111[Illlfl////7j7/ 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC.2014 FBC A Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal = 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, = `� 4 5.8 v. , V. F (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) l��• ST E• �� Applicable to methods i RP Applicable to methods ��i� /•'•..{IID.:'������� specified in[2012 IBC, stheoufied in gh 3 oExceptions [01218C' ® 2014FBC]Section 1609.1.1.as determined by 11/Ipllll 10UU [2012 IBC,.2014 FBCj 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609:1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V,, Wind exposure category Wind exposure categDryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Height' B C D B C D Design (inches). (inches) Type Spacing Type Load (inches) (feet) (PSF) Exp B Exp C 6cp D Ka Ka GC, GCi; 0-15 246 224 203 191 173 157 -87.6 0.7 0.85 IM h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 246 217 198 191 168 154 -87.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 25 246 213 195 191 165 151 -87.6 0.7 0.94. 1.12 1 0.85 -IA E18 30 1 246 208 191 191 161 148 1 -87.6 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 241 205 189 187 159 146 -87.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 common Facenail wood 16 40 236 202 187 183 157 145 -87.6 0.76 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 233 200 185 180 155 143 -87.6 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 4A 0.18 50 229 197 183 177 153 142 -87.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1 A 0.16 55 226 196 181 175 152 141 -87.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 224 194 180 173 150 139 -87.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 185 164 154 143 127 119 -87.6 0.99 1.26 1A3 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 237 215 195 184 167 151 -81.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 237 1 209 191 184 162 148 -81.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 1018 25 237 205 187 184 158 145 -81.1 0.7 0.94. 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 237 200 184 184. 155 143 -81.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 8d 2X4 35 232 197 182 180 153 141 -81.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 common Facenail wood 16 40 227 194 180 176 151 139 -81.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 224 192 178 173 149 138 -81.1 0.795 t.os5 1:245 1 .0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 220 190 176 171 147 136 -81.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 4A 0.18 55 218 188 175 169 146 135 -81.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60' 215 187 173 167 144 134 -81.1 0.85 1.13 1:31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 178 158 148 138 122 115 -81.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 233 211 192 1 180 164 14g -78.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 20 233 205 187 180 159 145 -78.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 233 201 184 180 156 143 1 -78.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 233 197 181 180 152 140 -78:2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 4A 0.18 8d 2X4 35 228 194 178 177 150 138 -78.2 0.73 1.01 1:19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 common Face nail wood 16 40 223 191 176 173 148 137 -78.2 0176 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 220 189 174 170 146 135 -78.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 r 216 186 173 168 144 134 -782 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 4A 0.18 214 185 171 166 143 133 -78.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.05 -1.4 0.18 211 183 170 164 142 132 -78.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 175 155 145 135 120 113 -78.2 0.99 1.26 1:43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 218 198 179 169 153 139 -68.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 218 192 175 169 149 136 -68.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 218 188 172 169 145 133 -68.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 218 184 169 169 142 131 -68.4 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 .0.85 1-1A 0.18 8d 2X4 35 213 181 167 165 140 129 -68.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 common Face hail wood 16 40 209 1 179 165 162 138 128 -68.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 206 176 163 159 137 126 -68.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 202 174 162 1 157 135 1 125 1 -68A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 6.85 4A 0.18 55 200 173 160 155 134 124 -68.4 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 60 198 171 159 153 133 123 -68A 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 163 145 136 127 112 105 -68A 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 214 194 177 166 151 137 -66.3 0.7 -0.85 1.03 h!560 '1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 214 189 173 166 146 134 -66.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 1 214 1 185 169 166 143 131 -66.3 0.7 0.94 1:72 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 30 214 181 166 166 140 129 66.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 5.18 8d 2X4 35 210 178 164 163 138 127 66.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 common Face hail wood 16 40 206 176 162 159 136 126 -66.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 4A 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 202 174 161 157 135 124 -66.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 199 172 159 154 133 123 -66.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 6.18 55 197 170 158 152 132 122 -66.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 60 194 169 157 151 131 121 -66.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 161 143 134 125 111 104 -66.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1:8 0.18 29 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com `\`\,\`�,�tltiilillp►Il�,,'/ IF 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC y Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal - 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, = -X l 5.6 V.44. W, Vasd ?l (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods F Q.•.\V Applicable to methods 0 ••.,LQR►.... specified F In]Section . specified i� 1609.1.i1.as determined through 2014 FBC] ction SeCt '�,•,,' �Ep 12012 IBC,2014 FBC] 2014 Se Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure catego Wind exposure category, Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Heighe3 7 B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Kn Ka GC, GC, 0-15 188 170 155 145 132 120 -50.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 188 166 151 145 128 117 -50.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 25 188 162 148 145 125 115 50.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 1 188 159 146 145 123 113 -50.9 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 8d 2X4 35 184 156 144 142 121 112 -50.9 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 common Face nail wood 16 40 180 154 142 140 119 110 -50.9 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 *1A 8 nail Hem-fir 45 177 152 141 137 118 109 50.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 8 50 175 150 139 135 117 108 50.9 0.81 1.09 1-27 1 855 172 149 138 134 115 107 -50.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 860 170 148 137 132 114 106 50.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 8 100 141 125 117 109 97 91 -50.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18, 0-15 251 228 207 195 t 77 160 -91.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 hnsW 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 251 222 202 195 172 157 -912 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 251 217 199 195 168 154 -91.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 30 251 212 195 195 165 151 -912 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 8d 2X4 35 246 209 193 191 162 149 -912 on 1.o1 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 241 206 190 187 160 147 -91.20.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 237 204 188 184 158 146 -912 0.7851 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 50 234 201 187 181 156 1 145 -91.2 0.81 1.09 127 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 231 200 185 179 155 143 -91.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 60 228 19B 184 177 153 142 -91.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 189 167 157 146 130 122 -912 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 225 204 185 174 158 144 -73.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 225 198 181 174 154 140 -73.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 225 194 178 174 150 138 -73.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 225 190 175 174 147 135 -73.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 8d 2X4 35 220 187 172 171 145 134 -73.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 216 184 170 167 143 132 -73.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.78 nail Hem-fir 45 212 182 169 164 141 1 131 1 -73.0 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -7.4 0.18 50 209 180 167 162 140 129 -73.0 0.87 1.09 .127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 206 179 166 160 138 128 -73.0 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 204 177 164 158 137 127 73.0 0.85 1.13 1.37 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 100 169 150 141 131 116 109 -73.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 t 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 205 186 169 1 159 144 131 -60.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h5N 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 1 205 181 165 159 140 128 -60.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 205 177 162 159 137 126 -60.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -tA 0.18 30 205 173 159 159 134 123 -60.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 201 171 157 156 132 122 -60.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 197 168 155 153 130 120 -60.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.88 nail Hem-fir 45 194 166 154 150 129 119 1 -60.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 50 191 164 152 148 127 118 1 -60.8 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 188 163 151 146 126 117 -60.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 186 162 150 144 125 116 -60.8 0.85 1.13 1.311 1 10.851-1.4 10.18 100 154 137 128 119 106 99 -60.8 0.99 1.26 1 tA3 h>60 1 I o.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 201 183 166 156 141 128 -58A 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -7.4 I 0.18 20 201 177 162 156 137 125 -58A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 10.18 25 201 174 159 156 134 123 -58A 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 201 170 156 156 132 121 -58.4 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 Ill0.18 8d 2X4 35 197 167 154 153 130 1 119 1 -58.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 common Face nail wood 24 40 193 165 152 150 128 118 -58.4 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 190 163 151 147 126 117 58.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 187 161 149 145 125 116 58A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 185 160 148 143 124 115 58.4 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 183 15B 147 141 123 114 -58.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 151 134 126 117 1 tl4 97 56.4 0 99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 30 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com ` \\\\U111111111111f/////// ' 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC Z' Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vint, V8d5.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E Applicable to methods specified in[201218C, Applicable to methods iy�•'T.c•R.p.. ...��•�`�� 1609114 FBC]Section ..1.as determined b specified 2014 FBC]ceptions l 2012IBC U20121BC,2014 FBC] 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Load Width Fastener Fastener Frame g Product Thickness Spacing Height'' B C D B C D L n e Spacing Type (inches) (inches) Type (inches) (feet) Loa (PSF) Exp B Fop C Fxp D K. Ka GC, GC,, 0-15 194 176 160 150 136 124 -54.1 0.7 0.05 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 20 194 171 156 150 132 121 54.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 25 194 167 153 150 129 119 -54.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 1 194 164 150 150 127 116 1 54.1 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 190 161 148 147 125 115 54.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 common Face nail wood 24 40 186 159 147 144 123 114 -54.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 183 157 145 142 122 112 -54.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 180 155 144 1 139 120 111 54.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 178 154 143 138 119 110 54.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 176 152 141 136 118 110 54.1 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 145 129 121 113 1 100 94 54.1 0.99 126 1A3 h-W 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 190 172 157 147 134 121 52.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 1 190 168 153 147 130 118 52.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 190 164 150 147 127 116 -52.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 30 190 161 148 147 124 114 52.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 186 158 146 1 144 122 113 52.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 182 156 144 141 121 111 -52.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 179 154 142 139 119 110 52.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 177 152 141 137 118 1 109 -52.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 174 151 140 135 117 1 108 -52.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 172 150 139 134 116 108 -52.1 0.85 1.13 1,31 1 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 143 126 119 111 98 92 52.1 0.99 126 1.43 h1W 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 178 161 146 138 125 113 45.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 t!560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 178 157 143 1 138 121 111 -45.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 178 153 140 138 119 109 -45.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 30 178 150 138 138 116 107 45.6 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 174 148 136 135 115 106 45.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 common Face nail wood 24 40 171 146 135 132 113 1 104 1 45.6 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 168 144 133 130 112 103 45.6 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.88 50 165 142 132 128 110 102 45.6 0.61 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 163 141 1 131 126 109 101 45.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 60 161 140 130 1 125 108 101 45.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 133 118 111 1 103 92 86 45.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 10.851-1.8 10.18 0-15 175 159 144 136 123 112 44.2 0.7 1 0.85 1 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 175 154 141 136 120 109 44.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 175 151 138 136 117 1 107 1 442 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 175 148 136 136 115 105 442 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 171 146 134 133 113 104 -442 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.5 common Face nail wood 24 40 168 144 133 130 111 103 44.2 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 165 142 131 128 110 102 -442 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 163 140 130 126 109 101 442 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 161 139 129 124 108 100 -44.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 159 138 128 123 107 99 442 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 131 116 109 102 90 85 442 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.9 0.18 0-15 153 139 126 119 10B 98 -33.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 153 135 123 119 105 96 -33.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 153 132 121 119 102 94 -33.9 0.7 0.94 1 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 30 153 129 119 119 100 92 -33.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d 2X4 35 150 12B 118 116 99 91 -33.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 common Face nail wood 24 40 147 126 116 114 97 90 -33.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail Hem-fir 45 145 124 115 112 96 89 -33.9 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 74 0.18 50 142 123 114 110 95 88 -33.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 141 122 113 109 94 87 J3.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 139 121 112 108 93 87 53.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 100 115 102 96 89 79 74 �3.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 31 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com ROG IFIC4 % % 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC ° Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 ° Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, v,ii4. vim,gust = S7 E IF °�'� (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �1�•• Applicable to methods �i��/•••'�LOR1D�:'•���� Applicable to methodsspe \ �� 1609ions 014 FBCIas a ction by sthro gh 3 of[01fied in[2012 IBCI in 2 IIBC' lED u� [2012 IBC.2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for Vs Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 1 Design Product Thickness Spacing Height3• B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) oad (asF) Exp a Exp C Exp D Ka K. GC, GC, 0-15 1 346 314 285 268 243 221 -172.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 ad ring 20 346 305 278 268 236 216 -172.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 shank box 25 346 298 273 268 231 212 -172-7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 4A 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 346 292 .269 268 226 208 1 -172.7 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 339 288 265 262 223 205 -172.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 Face nail wood 16 40 332 1 284 262 257 220 203 -172.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0260° DFL 45 327 280 259 253 217 201 -172.7 0.785 1.065 Head 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 75 50 321 277 257 249 215 199 -172.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 X Long 55 318 275 255 246 213 197 -172.7 0.a3 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 lAng 60 314 272 253 243 211 196 -172-7 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 100 260 230 216 201 178 167 -1729 0.99 126 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 309 281 255 240 217 198 -138.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h5W 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 309 273 249 240 211 193 -138.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 25 309 267 245 240 207 189 -138.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 30 309 261 240 240 202 186 -138.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0 2X4 35 303 257 237 235 199 184 -138-1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 shankk X X Face nail wood 16 40 297 254 234 230 197 181 -138.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0260°Head Dia. DFL 45 292 251 232 226 194 180 -138.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 _ X 2.375" 50 288 248 230 223 192 178 -138.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 Long 55 284 246 228 220 190 176 -138.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 281 243 226 217 189 175 -138.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 4.4 10.18 100 1 232 1 206 193 180 160 150 -138.1 0.99 1.26 IAA jh>60 1 I 0.a5 -1.8 10.18 0-15 282 256 233 219 198 180 -115.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 F!60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 282 249= 227 1 219 193 176 -115.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank box 25 282 244 223 219 189 173 -115.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 282 239 219 219 185 170 -115.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 276 235 217 214 182 168 -115.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.65 4 A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 Face nail wood 16 40 271 232 214 210 179 166 -115.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 026 1. DFL 45 267 229 212 207 177 164 -115.1 0.785 1.065 245 Di Head Dia. 1 0.85 -1.4 F. 50 262 226 210 203 175 162 -115.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375° 55 259 224 208 201 174 161 -115.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 60 256 222 206 198 172 160 -115.1 0.85 1 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 212 188 176 164 146 137 -115.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.88 0-15 277 251 228 1 214 194 177 -110.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 tr560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 ad ring 20 277 244 223 214 189 173 -110.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 4.4 10.181 shank box 25 277 239 219 214 185 1 169 -110.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 4A 10.18 nail,0.113" 30 277 234 215 214 181 166 -110.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 271 230 212 210 178 164 -110.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 0260' Face nail wood 16 40 265 227 210 206 176 162 -110.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 261 224 207 202 174 161 -110.5 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.376' 50 257 222 205 199 172 159 -110.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 254 1 220 204 1 197 170 158 1 -1105 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 251 218 202 194 169 157 -110.5 D.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0-18 100 208 184 173 161 143 134 -110.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 266 242 219 206 187 170 -102.3 0.7 1 0.85 1 1.03 h--W 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 266 235 214 206 182 166 -102.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 25 266 230 210 206 178 163 -102-3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 4.a 0.18 shank box 30 266 225 207 206 174 160 -102.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail,0.113° 2X4 35 261 222 204 202 172 158 -102-3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 shank X Face nail wood 16 40 255 218 202 198 169 1 156 -102.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0260' DFL 45 251 216 200 195 167 .155 -102-3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 4A 0.18 Head Dia. 50 247 213 198 192 165 153 -102.3 0.61 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375' 55 244 211 196 189 164 152 102 3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 60 242 210 195 187 162 151 1023 D.65 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 4A 0.18 100 200 177 166 155 137 129 1 -102 3 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 jh>60 1 1 j 0.851 4.8 1 0.18 32 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com //7j ,BOG q�,y�.,,,,,,, 2012IBC,2014 FBC 2012IBC,2014 FBC :"G� rF% Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal - 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, uR, V.W5.6, 1 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �'. ST E F "4tzz Applinble to methods ••• F ,��� Applicable to methods specified in[20121BC, specified in Exceptions 1 , s' RID .•��``��� 2014 FBC]Section through 3 of[20121BC, ............`C> 1609.1.1.as determined by [2012 IBC,2014 FB p014 FBC]Section FBC] 2014 1 Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V, Wind exposure category Wind exposure category] Siding K Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height'' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Kn Ka GC, GC,, 0-15 261 237 215 202 184 167 -98.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 I!60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 261 231 210 202 179 163 -98.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank box 25 261 226 207 202 175 160 -98.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 261 221 203 202 171 157 -98.7 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 256 218 200 198 169 155 -98.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 Face nail wood 16 40 251 214 198 194 166 153 -98.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85+-1.40.180260• DFL 45 247 212 196 191 164 152 -98.7 0.785 1.065 1.2451 0.85 Head Dia. 50 243 209 194 188 162 150 -98.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 X ong 55 240 208 193 186 161 149 -98.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.65 Lang 60 237 206 191 184 159 148 -98.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.65 100 196 174 163 152 135 127 -98.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.16 0-15 1 245 222 202 189 172 156 1 -86.3 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 t 10.851-1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 245 216 197 189 167 152 -86.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 25 245 211 193 189 163 150 -86.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 245 207 190 189 160 147 -86.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 239 204 188 185 158 145 -86.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 0260' Face nail wood 16 40 235 201 185 182 155 143 -86.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 231 198 183 179 154 142 -86.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 2.375" 50 227 196 182 176 152 141 -86.3 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 225 194 180 174 150 1 140 1 -86.3 0.83 1 1.11 1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 222 192 179 172 149 138 -86.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 184 163 153 142 126 118 -86.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 241 219 199 1 187 169 154 -83.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 241 212 194 1 187 164 150 -83.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank box 25 241 208 190 187 161 147 -83.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 241 204 187 187 158 145 -83.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 236 200 185 183 155 143 -83.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.5 0260" Face nail wood 16 40 231 198 182 179 153 1 141 -83.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 227 195 181 176 151 1 140 -83.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375" 50 224 193 179 173 149 138 -83.7 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 221 191 177 171 148 137 -83.7 0.83 1 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 219 190 1 176 169 147 136 -83.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 181 160 150 140 124 117 -83.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 211 191 174 163 148 135 -64.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 8d ring 20 211 186 170 163 144 132 -64.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 shank box 25 211 182 167 1 163 141 129 -64.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 211 178 164 163 138 127 -64.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 207 176 162 160 136 125 -64.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0260" Face nail wood 16 40 202 173 160 157 134 124 -64.3 0.76 1 1.04 TM 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 199 171 158 154 132 123 -64.3 0.785 1.0651 1.2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375" 50 196 169 157 152 131 121 -64.3 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 Long 55 194 168 155 150 130 120 -64.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 fi0 191 166 154 148 129 119 -64.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85,-1.4 1 0A8 100 158 1 140 132 1 123 109 102 -64.3 0.99 1.26 IA3 h>60 1 1 0X5 1-1.81 0.18 0-15 282 256 233 219 198 180 -115.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 N560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 8d ring 20 282 249 227 219 193 176 -115.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 1-1.4 0.18 shank box ZS 282 244 223 219 189 173 -115.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1:4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 282 239 219 219 185 170 -115.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 276 235 217 214 182 168 -115.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 Face nail woad 24 40 271 232 214 210 179 166 -115.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 D260' DFL 45 267 229 212 207 177 164 -115.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. 50 262 226 210 203 175 162 -115.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X Long 55 259 224 208 201 174 161 -115.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 60 256 222 206 198 172 160 -115.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 .0.85.-1.4 0.18 100 1 212 188 176 1 164 146 1 137 1 -115.1 1 0.99 1 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 10.851-1.8 0.18 33 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT-RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \0U71t[ul°rnq/iq 20121BC,2014 FBC 2012/BC,2014 FBC ��`\\\ p�RS 1 Fl CgT�•q"•• /�' Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed,V.1. (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F •:* Applicable to methods9••' ♦� specified in 201216C, Applicable to methods �,� IRI 160.1zi14 FBCI Section specified in Exceptions 1 6caz04PBc]by thro oia FBC][012Section IBC, •,,j'''�v����`D[,��v�\``\• Figures 1609 1609.1.1. A.B or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame gn Product Thickness Spacing HeighP r B C D B C D Desi (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Ka Ko C'Ca GC,, 0-15 253 229 208 196 178 161 -92-1 0.7 0.85 1.03 1L60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 253 223 203 196 173 157 -92.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 25 1 253 218 200 196 169 155 -92.1 07 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail,0.113' 30 253 1 213 196 1 196 165 1 152 1 -92.1 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shankX 2X4 35 247 210 194 192 163 150 -92.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 0260° Face nail wood 24 40 242 207 191 188 160 148 -921 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 238 205 189 185 159 147 -92.1 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375" 50 235 202 187 182 157 145 -92A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Lang 55 232 201 1 B6 180 155 144 -92.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 229 199 185 178 154 143 -92-1 0.05 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 190 168 158 147 1 130 122 -92.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 231 1 209 190 179 162 147 -76.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 hS60 1 0.851 A A 0.18 8d ring 20 .231 203 186 179 157 144 -76.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 shank box 25 231 199 182 179 154 141 -76.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 231 195 179 179 151 139 -76.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 4A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 226 192 177 175 149 137 -76.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 0260° Face nail wood 24 40 221 189 175 171 146 135 -76.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 218 187 173 169 145 134 -76.7 0.785 1.065 1.2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2375° 50 214 185 171 166 143 133 1 -76.7 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 212 183 170 164 142 132 -76.7 o.B3 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 209 181 169 162 141 131 -76.7 0.85 1.131 1.31 1 0.85 4A 0.18 100 173 153 144 134 119 112 -76.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 D-15 226 205 186 175 159 144 -73.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 226 199 182 175 154 141 -73.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 4A 0.18 8d ring 25 226 195 179 175 151 138 -73.7 0-7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank box 30 226 191 175 175 148 136 -73.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0-18 nail,0.113' 2X4 35 221 188 173 171 146 1 134 -73.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 shank X Face nail wood 24 40 217 185 171 168 144 133 -73.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0. DFL 45 213 183 169 165 142 131 -73.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 Headd Dia.X 2.375° 50 210 181 16B 163 140 130 -73.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 207 179 166 161 139 129 -73.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 205 178 165 159 138 128 -73.7 025 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 170 150 141 131 116 109 -73.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 D.B5 -1.8 0.18 D-15 217 197 17R 168 153 139 -682 0.7 0.85 1.03 1L60 1 0.85 -1A 10.18 8d ring 20 217 192 175 168 148 1 136 -68.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 shank box 25 217 188 172 168 145 1 133 -68.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.851 A.4 1 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 217 184 169 168 142 131 -6B2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 213 181 167 165 140 129 1 -6B2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 Dia. Face nail wood 24 40 209 178 165 162 138 128 -682 0.76 1.04 2 1 5 -1.4 0.18 Head D 026 DFL 45 205 176 163 159 12 0.8136 126 -68.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.375" 50 202 174 161 157 135 125 -682 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 200 173 160 155 134 124 -682 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 197 171 159 153 133 123 -682 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0is -1.4 0.18 100 163 145 136 126 112 105 -682 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.10 0-15 213 194 176 165 150 136 -65.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 8d ring 20 213 188 172 165 146 133 -65.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 25 213 184 169 165 143 131 -65.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.05 -1 A 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 213 180 1 166 1 165 140 128 -65.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 209 178 164 162 138 127 -65.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 s HardiePlank 5116 8.25 hank Face nail wood 24 40 205 175 162 159 136 125 -65.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 202 173 160 156 134 124 -65.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2375' 50 198 171 158 154 132 123 -65.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 196 169 157 152 131 122 -65.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 194 168 156 150 130 121 -65.8 0.B5 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 160 142 133 124 110 1 103 1 -65.8 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 1 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 34 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888542-7343 info@jameshardie.com . 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC '•G(GP r�••l Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vwi, Vese 5.11 gust (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods •R Q` ���� Applicable to methods 1i specified in j 012 Section ecti n Ispecified in 16091.i asdete�ned b through FecjSectionc' 120121BC•2014 FBCI 16BC] . Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coeffieierrts used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product WidthStud Building Allowable Fastener Fastener Frame i Design Product Thickness Spacing Height B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) 6cp B 5cp C 6cp D K. Ka GC, GC, 0-15 1 200 181 165 155 140 127 -57.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 t!;60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 200 176 161 155 136 125 -57.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Bd ring 25 200 172 158 155 133 122 -57.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 30 200 169 155 155 131 120 57.6 0.7 0.96 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank nail,0 X 2X4 35 196 166 153 151 129 119 57.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 0.26' Face nail wood 24 40 192 164 151 148 127 117 -57.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 189 162 150 146 125 116 -57.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.65 AA 0.18 X 2.375" 50 186 160 148 1 144 124 1.15 57.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 183 159 147 142 123 114 57.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 U.85 -1.4 0.18 60 181 157 146 140 122 113 57.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 150 133 125 116 103 97 -57.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 197 178 162 152 1 138 126 1 -55.8 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 197 173 158 152 134 123 55.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.05 -1.4 0.18 shank box 25 197 170 155 152 131 120 55.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 197 166 153 152 129 118 -55.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 193 1 164 151 1 149 127 117 55.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 0.260' Face nail wood 24 40 189 161 149 146 125 115 -55.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 186 159 147 144 123 114 -55.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.375" 50 183 158 146 142 122 113 -55.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.851 A A 1 0.18 Lang 55 181 156 145 140 1 121 112 1 -55.8 0.83 1 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 178 155 144 138 120 111 -55.8 025 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 148 131 123 114 101 95 -55.8 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 t 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 172 156 142 133 121 110 42.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8d ring 20 1 172 1 152 139 1 133 118 107 42.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank box 25 172 149 136 133 115 105 428 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 nail,0.113" 30 172 146 134 133 113 104 428 0.7 0.98 1.16 10.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 169 143 132 131 111 102 42.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0.260" Face nail wood 24 40 165 141 130 128 109 101 42.8 0.76 1.04 722 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Head Dia. DFL 45 163 140 129 126 108 100 42.8 0.785 1.065 1-245 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 X 2375" 50 160 138 128 124 107 99 428 0.87 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Long 55 158 137 127 123 106 98 42.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60 156 1 136 126 121 105 98 42-8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 100 129 115 108 100 89 83 42.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 320 290 264 248 225 204 -147.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 320 282 257 248 218 199 -147.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 320 276 253 1 248 214 1 196 1 -147.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 320 270 248 248 209 192 -147.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 313 266 245 242 206 190 -147.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0B5 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 307 262 242 238 203 188 -147.6 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 302 1 259 240 234 201 186 -147.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 297 256 237 230 198 184 -147.6 0.81 1.09 1271 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 294 254 235 227 197 182 -147.6 0.83 1.11 1290.85 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 290 252 234 225 195 181 -147.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 240 213 200 1 186 165 155 1 -147.6 0.99 1.26 1,43 h>60 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 286 259 .236 221 201 183 -118.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 285 252 230 221 195 178 -118.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 286 247 226 221 191 175 -118.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 1 286 242 222 221 187 172 -118.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.1B shank X 2X4 35 280 238 219 217 184 170 -118.1 1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 0.222'HD Face nail wood 16 40 274 235 217 213 182 168 -118.1 0.76 1.04 1221 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 270 232 214 209 180 166 -118.1 0.785 1.065 11.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 Siding nail 50 266 229 212 206 178 164 -118.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 263 227 211 203 176 163 -118.1 0.13 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 259 225 209 201 174 162 -118.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 215 190 179 166 147 138 118.1 0 99 126 t.43 h>60 1 0.65 -1.8 0.18 35 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \\\\\11U11111111p////// 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal zz _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 4 5.6 V�. astl . i (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ; Applicable to methods % F•'. F P ` Applicable to methods specified in 12012 IBC, pp 1sr Exceptions 1 /;;•F•R�OE p1609 ..1.a determined by � 1BC [20121BC,2014 FBCI 204 FBqSect' Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. RitDtE"w.✓G�\\��..\��� Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable g Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Height3 7 B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Ka Ka GCo GCP 0-15 261 237 215 202 183 167 -98.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 261 230 210 202 178 163 -98.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 261 225 206 202 174 160 -98.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 261 1 221 203 202 1 171 157 1 -98.4 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 256 217 200 198 168 155 -98.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 251 214 198 194 166 153, -98.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 4.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 246 212 196 191 164 152 -98.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 243 209 194 188 162 150 -98.4 0.81 1.09 1,27 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 240 207 192 186 161 149 -98.4 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60 237 205 191 183 159 148 -90.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 100 196 174 163 152 135 126 -98.4 1 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 1 0.18 0-15 256 1 232 211 198 1 180 163 -94.5 0.7 0,85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 256 226 206 198 175 159 -94.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 256 221 202 198 171 157 -94.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 256 216 199 198 167 154 -94.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 250 213 196 194 165 152 -94.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 245 210 194 190 163 150 -94.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 242 207 192 187 161 149 -94.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 Siding nail 50 238 205 190 184 159 1 147 -94.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 235 203 188 1 182 157 146 -94.5 0.83 1 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 232 201 187 180 156 145 -94.5 0.85 1.13 Tit 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 192 170 160 149 132 124 -94.5 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 4.8 10.18 0-15 246 223 203 191 173 157 -87.5- 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.8514.41 0.18 20 246 217 198 191 16B 153 -87.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 25 246 212 195 191 165 151 j -87.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -11A 10.18 0.092' 30 246 208 191 191 161 148 -87.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank 2X4 35 241 205 189 187 159 1 146 -87.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 0.222'HD Face nail wood 16 40 236 202 186 183 156 144 -87.5 0.76 1 1.04 1 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 232 200 185 180 155 143 -8T5 0.7851 1.065 11.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 Siding nail 50 2291 197 183 177 153 142 -87.5 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 226 195 181 175 151 140 -87.5 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 60 223 194 180 173 150 139 -87.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 185 164 154 143 127 119 -87.5 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 242 219 199 187 1 170 154 -84.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -11A 0.18 20 242 213 195 187 165 151 -84.3 0.7 0.9 1 M 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 242 209 191 187 162 148 -84.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0.092' 30 242 204 188 187 158 145 -84.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 237 201 185 183 156 144 -84.3 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 232 198 183 180 154 142 -84.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 228 196 181 177 152 140 1 -84.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 225 194 179 174 150 139 -84.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 222 192 178 172 149 138 -84.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 219 190 177 170 147 137 -84.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 182 161 151 141 125 117 -84.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 226 205 186 1 175 159 144 -73.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 ILs60 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 20 226 199 182 175 154 141 -73.8 0.7 1 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 226 195 179 175 151 1 138 -73.8 0.7 1 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 0.092" 30 226 191 176 175 148 136 -73.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 221 188 173 171 146 134 -73.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 0.222'HD Face nag wood 16 40 217 185 171 168 144 133 -73.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 213 183 170 165 142 131 73.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 210 181 168 163 140 130 -73.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 208 180 167 161 139 129 -73.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 205 178 165 159 138 128 73.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 170 151 141 1 132 117 1 109 1 -73.1 0.99 1 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 36 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com �. OGq�// �;:•ASIFICq�:9 �i 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC F Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, VWA 5.6 I, aSd (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods specified in[2012 IBC, Applicable to methods ,F O t'ttOQ;: G". L 2014 FBC]Section specified in Exceptions 1 i� s ........ " 1609.1.1.as determined by rough 3 of[201218C, •-• 1201218C,2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section ,,FRIED ttE \� 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. CoefficierMs used in Table 6 calculations for V_ Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Product Thickness Spacing Heighti3 r B g C D B C D Lo n (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) Load (feet) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. K, GC,, GCy 0-15 223 202 184 172 156 142 -71.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs6O 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 223 196 179 172 152 139 -71.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 223 192 176 172 149 136 -71.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 223 188 173 172 146 134 -71.6 1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1 e shank X 2X4 35 218 185 171 169 144 132 -71.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 0.222'HD Face nail wood 16 40 214 183 169 165 141 131 -71.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 210 180 167 163 140 129 -71.6 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 207 178 165 160 138 128 -71.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 204 177 164 158 137 127 -71.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 202 175 163 156 136 126 -71.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 100 167 1 148 1 139 130 115 108 -71.6 0.99 1.26 1 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 195 177 161 151 137 125 -54.9 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 1!560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 195 172 157 151 133 122 -54.9 0.7 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 25 195 168 154 151 130 119 -54.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.092' 30 195 165 151 151 120 117 -54.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 191 162 150 148 126 116 -54.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 187 160 148 145 124 114 -54.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 184 158 146 143 122 113 54.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 Siding nail 50 181 156 145 140 121 1 112 54.9 0.81 1.09 1271 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 179 155 144 139 120 111 -54.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 177 153 143 137 119 110 -54.9 0.85 1 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 146 130 122 113 101 94 -54.9 0.99 1 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 261 237 215 202 183 167 -98.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 261 230 210 202 178 163 -98.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 261 225 206 202 174 160 -98A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.092' 30 261 221 203 202 171 157 -98A 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 256 217 200 198 1 168 1 155 -98A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 251 214 198 194 166 153 -98.4 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 246 1 212 196 191 164 152 -98.4 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Siding nail 50 243 209 194 188 162 150 -98.4 1 0.81 1.09 127 r1l 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 240 207 192 186 161 149 -98.4 0.83 1.11 129 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 237 205 191 183 159 148 -98A 0.85 1.13 1.31 O.B5 -1.4 0.18 100 196 174 163 152 135 126 98.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.05 -1.8 0.18 0-15 233 212 192 181 164 149 -78.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 233 206 188 181 159 146 -78.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 233 201 185 181 156 143 -78.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 233 197 181 181 153 140 -78.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 229 194 179 177 151 139 1 -78.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 0.222'HD Face nail wood 24 40 224 192 177 174 148 137 -78.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 220 189 175 171 147 136 -78.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 217 187 173 168 145 134 -78.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 214 185 172 1 166 144 133 -78.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 212 184 171 164 142 132 -78.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 175 155 146 136 120 113 -78.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 213 193 176 165 150 136 -65.6 0.7 0.85. 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.10 20 1 213 188 172 165 146 133 1 -65.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 213 184 168 165 142 131 -65.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 213 180 166 165 140 128 -65.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 209 177 163 162 137 127 -65.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 0222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 205 175 161 158 135 125 -65.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 201 173 160 156 134 124 -65.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 198 171 158 153 132 123 -65.6 0.81 1.09 t27 1 0.85 A 4 0.18 55 196 169 157 152 131 122 -65.6 083 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 193 168 156 150 130 121 65.s 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 160 149 133 124 110 103 -65.6 0.99 126 1-43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 37 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com ���1111111111111 l!!//j// 20121BC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC •G� �r�tl Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 ; Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, _ ry-TIC uW4 5.6 • `✓ t, VasG \y (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST F •Q Applicable to methods Applicable to methods �C .•� specified in[2012 IBC, 2014 FBC]Section specified in Exceptions 1 �/s••••. =RI�•�\,`�'� `�� 1 [20121Bs determined by �2014 FBC]SectioBC !/ ///,"R jD tl%`1\G Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure CategOryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing HeighP B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF7 Ecp B 5cp C EXP D Ka fCe GCp GCp 0-15 209 190 172 162 147 133 -63.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 tr:60 1 0,851 AA 10.18 20 209 184 168 162 143 130 -63.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 1 AA 10.18 25 209 180 165 162 140 128 -63.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092• 30 209 176 162 162 137 126 1 -63.0 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -tA 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 204 174. 160 158 135 124 -63.0 0.73 1 1.01 1 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.5 OM"HD Face nail wood 24 40 200 171 158 155 133 123 -63.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 25"long DFL 45 197 169 157 153 131 121 -63.0 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.10 Siding nail 50 194 167 155 150 130 120 53.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 192 166 154 149 128 119 -63.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 190 164 153 147 127 118 -63.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 157 1 139 131 122 108 101 -63.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh,60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 201 182 166 156 1 141 128 1 58.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 1-1 A 0.18 20 201 177 162 156 137 125 58.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 201 173 159 156 134 123 -58.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.092' 30 201 170 156 156 132 121 -58.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 shank X 2X4 35 197 167 154 152 130 119 58.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 0.222'HD Face nail wood 24 40 193 165 152 149 128 118 58.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 025 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 190 163 151 147 126 117 58.3 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 187 161 149 145 125 116 58.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 185 160 148 143 124 115 58.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 182 158 147 141 123 114 -58.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 100 1 151 1134 126 117 104 97 -58.3 0.99 1.26 1 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 197 179 163 153 139 126 562 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 197 174 159 153 135 123 -562 0.7 0.9 1.08- 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 197 170 156 153 132 121 56.2 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.851 AA 10.18 0.092' 30 197 167 153 153 129 119 562 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 193 164 151 150 127 117 562 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 189 162 149 147 125 1 116 1 562 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 186 160 148 144 124 115 -56.2 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 Siding nail 50 183 158 146 142 122 113 -562 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 181 157 145 140 121 113 -56.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 60 179 155 144 139 120 112 -562 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 148 131 123 115 102 96 -562 0.99 126 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 185 167 152 143 130 118 -192 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1A 0.88 20 185 163 149 143 126 115 -49.2 0.7 0.9 1.OE 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 185 159 146 143 123 113 1 -492 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 185 156 143 143 121 111 -49.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 18l 154 142 140 119 110 -492 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 085 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 0.222'HD Face nail wood 24 40 177 151 140 137 117 108 -49.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 174 150 138 135 116 107 -492 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 1721 148 137 133 115 106 -492 0.81 1.09 127 1 085 AA 0.18 55 169 147 136 131 114 105 -49.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 r16000 167 145 135 130 113 105 as.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 139 123 115 107 95 89 1 -49.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 182 165 150 141 128 116 .47.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 182 160 146 141 124 113 -47.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 25 182 157 144 141 121 111 -47.7 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 182 154 141 141 119 109 -47.7 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank 2X4 35 178 1 151 139 13B 117 108 -47.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 174 149 138 135 116 107 -47.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 172 147 1 136 1 133 114 106 -47.7 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 169 146 135 131 113 105 -47.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 167 144 134 129 112 104 -47.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 165 143 133 128 111 103 -47.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 137 191 114 106 94 88 -47.7 099 126 1A3 h>60 1 1 10.851 A.8 0.18 38 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com `0N%%III II IIIIf1///�7 °° OGgly°o,% 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC •V F% Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Va Vas.6 �1 we, sd (3-second gust mph) (3 second gust mph) ST E F �:Q Applicable to methods specified in[20121BC, APPlicable to methods �i� /S+ RID.•'�\\���` on specified in Exceptions 1 16091.I1.aBde ermined by throng 3 of�e�i�D' ''%.�TFR,ED,►E °��`°. [2012 IBC,2014 FBC) 1609 1 1 Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 7 Design Product Thickness Spacing Height' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) I (PSG 6xp B Ecp C Ecp D K. Ka GC, GCp 0-15 159 144 131 123 112 102 -36.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 1 AA 0.18 20 159 140 128 123 109 99 -36.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 159 137 126 123 106 98 36.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 1 159 135 124 123 1 104 96 1 -36.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 156 133 122 121 103 95 36.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 153 131 121 118 101 93 36.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long DFL 45 150 129 119 116 100 92 -36.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 148 128 118 1 115 99 92 36.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 146 126 117 113 98 91 36.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 144 125 116 112 97 90 36.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 100 120 106 100 93 82 77 36.6 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 258 1 234 213 200 1 181 165 1 -96.3 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 hfW 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 258 228 208 200 176 161 -96.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 25 258 223 204 200 173 158 -96.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.092' 30 258 218 201 200 169 155 -96.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 10.18 shank X 2X4 35 253 215 198 1 196 166 153 -96.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 248 212 196 192 164 151 -96.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 6.85 AA 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 244 209 194 189 162 150 -96.3 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Siding nail 50 240 207 192 186 160 148 -96.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 237 1 205 190 184 1 159 147 1 -96.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 t25 234 203 189 181 157 146 -96.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 194 172 161 150 133 125 -96.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 231 210 190 179 162 147 -77.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 231 204 186 179 158 144 -77.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.a5 -1.4 0.18 231 199 183 179 154 141 -77.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 231 195 179 179 151 139 -77.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shankX 2X4 226 192 177 175 149 137 -77.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.851 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 222 1 189 175 172 147 1 135 1 -77.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 218 187 173 169 145 1 134 -77.0 0.7115 1 1.065 1 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 Siding nail 50 215 185 171 166 143 133 -77.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 212 183 170 164 142 132 27.0 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 60 210 182 169 162 141 131 -77.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 100 173 154 144 134 119 112 -77.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 211 191 174 163 148 135 -642 0.7 0.85 1.03 1M60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 211 186 170 163 144 131 -64.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 1 211 1 182 167 1 163 141 129 -642 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 4.4 1 0.18 0.092' 30 211 178 164 163 138 127 -642 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 206 175 162 160 136 125 -642 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 725 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 202 173 160 157 134 124 -642 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 199 171 158 154 132 122 -642 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 196 169 157 152 131 121 -642 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 194 167 155 150 130 120 -642 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 191 166 154 148 129 119 -64.2 0.135 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 158 1 140 1 132 123 109 102 -64.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 207 187 170 160 145 132 -61.6 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 207 182 166 160 141 129 -61.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 207 178 163 160 138 126 -61.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 207 175 160 160 135 124 -61.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 A A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 202 172 158 157 133 123 -61.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 198 169 156 154 131 121 -61.6 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"Icng DFL 45 195 167 155 151 130 120 -61.6 0.785 1.065 1.5 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 Siding nail 50 192 1 166 153 149 128 119 -61.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 190 164 152 147 127 118 61.E 0.93 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 187 163 151 145 126 117 61.E O.ES 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 155 138 129 120 107 100 37.E 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.6 0.18 39 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES.INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com '% Q i 1 FI C4 2012 IBC,.2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, _ V x. .W 5. (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F Applicable to methods Applicable to methods F P specified in 120121BC, i�G1j•• Cp F(10, Gj Section specified in Exceptions 1 i 4r '••.,.. •\``��� 1609.1.11.as determined b thm h 3 ofj 2012ISectiorBiC• i���FAED [20121BC,2014 FBC] 1609.1.1. /l1N111 11111\\ Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (Inches) (feet) Load (PSF) 5rp B Exp C Ezp D Ka Ka GCo GCp 0-15 199 180 164 154 140 127 -57.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 W0 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 199 175 160 154 136 124 S7.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 199 172 157 154 133 122 57.0 0.7 1 0.94 .1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 199 1 168 154 154 130 120 1 -57.0 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 195 165 152 151 128 118 57.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 191 163 151 148 126 117 57.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 188 161 149 145 125 115 57.0 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 185 159 148 1 143 123 114 57.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.111 55 183 158 146 141 122 113 57.0 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 180 156 145 140 121 113 57.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 100 149 132 124 116 103 96 -57.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 195 1 177 161 151 137 1 125 1 55.0 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 t660 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 195 172 157 151 133 122 -55.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 195 168 154 151 130 120 55.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 195 165 152 151 128 117 -55.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 191 162 150 14B 126 116 -55.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 0="HD Face nail wood 16 40 187 160 148 145 124 115 55.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2'long DFL 45 104 158 146 143 123 113 55.0 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Siding nail 50 181 156 145 141 121 112 55.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 55 179 1 155 144 1 139 120 Ill 1 55.0 0.83 1 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 -1.4 F.,18 60 177 154 143 1 137 119 111 -55.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.851-1AI 0.18 100 147 130 122 114 101 94 55.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 183 166 151 141 128 117 48.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 f-1.4 10.18 20 183 161 147 141 125 114 48.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 183 158 144 141 122 112 48.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 183 154 142 141 120 110 -48.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 08514 0.1e shank 2X4 35 179 152 140 138 118 108 ABA 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 0222'HD Face nail wood 16 40 175 150 138 136 116 1 107 1 48.1 0.76 1 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 172 148 137 1 134 115 106 -48.1 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.16 Siding nail 50 170 146 136 131 113 105 48.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 168 145 134 130 112 104 48.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 166 144 133 128 111 103 48.1 0.85 t.13 t.3t1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 137 122 114 106 94 88 48.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 180 163 148 139 126 115 46.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 180 159 145 139 1 123 112 46.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 180 155 142 139 120 110 1 46.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092• 30 1 180 152 140 139 118 108 46.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 shank 2X4 35 176 150 138 136 116 107 46.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 OM"HD Face nail wood 16 40 173 147 136 134 114 105 46.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85+AO.X 2"long DFL 45 170 146 135 132 113 104 46.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 Siding nal 50 167 144 133 129 112 103 46.7 0.81 109 127 1 0.85 55 165 143 132 128 Ill 103 46.7 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 60 163 141 131 126 110 102 46.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 100 135 120 112 105 1 93 87 46.7 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 157 143 130 122 Ill 101 35.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h1-60 1 0.85. -1.4 0.18 20 157 1 139 127 122 108 98 35.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 157 136 124 122 105 96 35.8 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0.092' 30 157 133 122 122 103 95 35.8 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 shank 2X4 35 154 131 121 119 102 94 -35.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 151 129 119 117 100 92 -35.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 149 128 118 115 99 91 35.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1e Siding nail 50 146 126 117 113 98 1 91 35.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1a 55 145 125 116 112 97 90 35.8 0.83 1.11 129 ]1 D.85 -1.4 0.18 60 143 124 115 Ill 96 a9 35.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 D.85 4A 0.18 100 118 105 98 92 81 76 35.8 0.99 126 1 1.43 jh>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 40 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. " 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 A HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com t1pilltllU11111 41 20121BC,2014FBC 20121BC,2014FBC '•G �• Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, = �A 1 V.44. V 6 \� (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E Applicable to methods % F Q.p•�t/!$ \ Applicable to methodsspecifi �/� ��R��,. 7609. d In[2012 IBC. D teagdeS rtnined by thro gh 3 of[0121BCtions, ���''%.sTFRED 111111 �tti \\-O"�• [201216C,2014 FBC) 2014 FBC.section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.t.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure catego Wind exposure catego Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 1 Design Product Thickness Spacing Heigh t3 B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load ) (PSF) F�cp B F�cp C Fxp D Ka Ka GCo GCq 0-15 211 191 174 163 148 135 -642 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 211 186. 170 163 444 131 -642 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 211 182 167 163 141 129 -64.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 211 178 164 163 138 127 -64.2 0.7 0.99 1.16 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 206 175 162 160 136 125 -64.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 202 173 160 157 134 124 -64.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 199 171 158 154 132 122 -642 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 196 169 157 152 131 121 -642 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 194 167 155 150 130 120 -642 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 191 166 154 148 129 119 -642 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 158 140 132 1 123 109 102 1 -64.2 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 lh,60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 1 189 1 171 155 146 133 120 51.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ZO 189 166 152 146 129 118 51.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1:4 0.16 25 189 163 149 146 126 115 51.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092° 30 189 159 146 146 123 113 51.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 185 157 145 143 122 112 51.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 181 155 143 140 120 111 51.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -7.4 0.18 X 2'long DFL 45 178 153 141 138 118 110 51.3 0.785 1.065 1245 11085 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 175 151 140 136 117 108 51.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 4.4 0.18 55 173 150 139 134 116 108 51.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 -I A 0.18 60 171 148 138 133 115 107 -51.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 -1.4 0.18 100 142 126 118 110 97 91 -51.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 -1.8 0.18 0-15 172 156 142 133 121 110 -026 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 -1.4 0.18 20 172 152 139 133 118 107 42.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 -1.4 0.18 25 172 149 136 133 115 105 -42.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 . -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 172 145 134 133 113 104 -42.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 169 143 132 131 111 102 -428 0.73 1.01 1.19 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 0:222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 165 141 130 128 109 101 -428 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X2"long DFL 45 163 1 140 129 126 108 100 -42.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 Eta Siding nail 50 160 138 128 124 107 99 -42.8 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 158 137 127 122 106 98 -42.8 0.83 1 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 4.4 0.18 60 156 135 126 121 105 97 -42.8 0.85 1 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 129 115 108 100 89 83 -428 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 169 153 139 131 1 119 108 -11.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0,85 -1.4 1 0.18 20 169 149 136 131 115 105 -41.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1 A 10.18 25 169 146 133 131 113 103 -41.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 1 169 1 143 131 131 110 101 -41.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 165 140 129 128 109 100 -41.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 162 138 128 125 107 99 -41.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 159 137 126 123 106 98 -41.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 157 135 125 121 105 97 41.1 0.81 1 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 155 134 124 120 104 96 -41.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 153 133 123 119 103 95 -41.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85,-1.4 0.18 100 127 112 105 98 87 82 41.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 162 1 147 134 126 114 104 38.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 20 162 143 131 126 111 101 -38.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 4 A 0.18 25 162 140 128 126 108 1 99 38.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 0.092" 30 162 137 126 126 106 98 -38.0 0.7 0.98 1A6 t 0.85 A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 159 135 124 123 105 96 -38.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 156 133 123 121 103 95 38.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 153 132 122 119 102 94 38.0 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 A4�40.18 . Siding nail 50 151 130 120 117 101 93 38.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 55149129 120 115 100 93 38.0 0.83 1.11 7.29 1 0.85 60 147 128 119 114 99 92 38.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 100 122 108 101 94 1 84 1 79 -38.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>60 1 1 1 0.85 1-1.8 10.18 41 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. +li - 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 ` 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com NO 0 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20 IBC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, VW4 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F .Q Applicable to methods F P \�� Applicable to methods , cs• c o RID,"G,\\\\ specified in[2012 IBC, ified in 'C]section Spec �i T,�Rc ,`�;y� \ 1609.1.1.a2014 s determined by through FBC]SectionIBC,1 ,//,/' �IIJ„D,]�t`�``\`,\\\ [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Heights' B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B 6rp C 6tp D Kn 1C4 I GCo GCy 0-15 159 145 131 123 112 102 36.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.65 -1.4 10.18 20 159 141 128 123 109 99 -36.7 1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 159 138 126 123 107 98 -36.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 1 159 135 124 1 123 104 96 -36.7 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 156 133 122 121 103 95 -36.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 0222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 153 131 121 118 101 94 -36.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 150 129 119 117 100 93 -36.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 Siding nail 50 148 128 118 115 99 92 36.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 146 127 117 113 98 1 91 1 -36.7 0.83 1.11 129 10.85 -1.4 0.18 60 145 125 116 112 97 90 -36.7 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 120 106 100 93 82 77 -36.7 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 11h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 149 135 123 1 115 105 95 32.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 149 131 120 115 102 93 -32.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 25 149 129 118 115 100 91 32.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.092" 30 149 126 116 115 98 90 -32A 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 146 124 114 113 96 89 32.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 143 122 113 111 95 1 87 -321 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 141 121 112 109 94 87 -32.1 0.71151 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 139 119 111 107 93 86 32.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 137 118 110 106 92 85 32.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 135 117 109 105 91 84 -32.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 112 1 99 93 87 77 72 32-1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 147 133 121 114 103 94 -31.1 0.7 0A5 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 147 129 118 114 100 92 -31.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 147 127 116 114 98 90 -31.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.092, 30 147 124 114 114 96 88 -31.1 0.7 1 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 144 122 113 111 95 87 31.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 141 120 111 109 93 86 -31.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2"long DFL 45 139 119 110 107 92 85 31.1 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 136 118 109 106 91 84 31.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 55 135 117 108 104 90 84 31.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 133 116 107 103 89 83 31.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 110 98 92 85 76 71 -31.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 129 117 106 100 90 82 -23.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 129 113 104 100 88 80 -23.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 129 111 102 100 86 79 -23.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 129 109 100 100 84 77 -23.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 126 107 99 98 83 76 -23.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.16 HardiePlank 5/16 12 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 123 106 97 96 82 75 -23.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 74 0.18 X 2'long DFL 45 121 104 96 94 81 75 -23.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 120 103 95 93 80 74 -23.9 0.81 1.69 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 118 102 95 91 79 1 73 1 -23.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 117 101 94 90 78 73 -23.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 97 86 80 75 66 62 -23.9 1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 1 0.18 0-15 259 235 213 1 201 182 165 -96.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 11560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 259 228 208 201 177 161 -96.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 259 223 205 201 173 159 -96.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.851 4.4 10.18 0.092' 30 259 219 201 201 169 156 -96.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 254 216 199 196 1 167 154 -96.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 248 212 196 192 165 152 -96.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.5'long SPF 45 244 210 194 189 163 150 -96.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 A Siding nail 50 241 207 192 186 161 149 96:8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 55 238 206 191 184 159 148 96.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 60 235 204 189 182 158 147 968 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 100 194 172 162 151 134 125 -96.8 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 42 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com �SIFICq••% 2012/BC,2014 FBC 2012IBC,2014 FBC :•G� T� L Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vun a, Vasa s.s - ff.•�6 �`� (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �': ST E F Q Applicable to methods (��•. F` • <(/ Applicable to methods P. specified in 12012 18C, i /'••.• 4 FBC]Section specified in Exceptions 1 �i S 1609.011.as deermined by through Fecj �ioBC, ��'''•,,�Ff?IEDt1� ����```• [20121BC,2014 FBC] Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used In Table 6 calcula8ons for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame 7 Design Product Thickness Spacing HelghO B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Fop B Exp C ExP D Ka ICa GCe GCq 0-15 232 210 191 179 163 148 -77.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 232 204 186 179 158 144 -77.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 25 232 200 183 179 155 142 -77.4 1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 1 232 196 180 1 179 152 139 -77.4 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 1 0.851 AA 10.18 shank X 2X4 35 227 193 178 176 149 138 -77.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 222 190 175 172 147 136 -77.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0,85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5'long SPF 45 219 188 174 169 145 134 -77A 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 215 186 172 167 144 133 -77.4 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 213 184 171 165 142 132 -77A 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 210 182 169 163 141 131 -77.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 174 154 145 135 119 112 -77.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 211 192 174 1 164 149 135 -64.5 1 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 IWO 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 211 186 170 164 144 132 -64.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 211 182 167 164 141 129 -64.5 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 211 179 164 164 138 127 -64.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 207 176 162 160 136 126 -64.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 203 173 160 157 134 124 -64.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5'long SPF 45 200 171 158 155 133 123 -64:5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 OAS -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 196 169 157 152 131 122 -64.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 194 16B 156 150 130 121 -64.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 192 166 154 149 129 120 -64.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 159 141 132 123 109 102 -64.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 207 188 171 160 146 132 -61.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 20 207 183 167 160 141 129 -61.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 207 179 164 160 138 127 -61.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 207 175 161 160 136 125 -61.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 203 172 159 157 1 134 1 123 -61.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 199 170 157 154 132 121 -61.9 0.76 1.04 1 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 196 168 155 151 130 120 -61.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 Siding nail 50 W1563 154 149 129 119 -61.9 0.01 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 153 147 127 118 -61.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 151 146 126 117 -61.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 129 120 107 100 -61.9 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 199 181 164 154 140 127 1 57.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 199 176 160 154 136 124 -57.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 0.18 25 199 172 157 154 133 122 -57.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 199 168 155 154 130 120 -57.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 195 166 153 151 128 118 -57.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 191 163 151 148 127 117 57.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 188 161 149 146 125 116 -57.3 0.7a5 1.066 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 185 1 160 148 143 124 115 -57.3 1 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 183 15B 147 142 1 123 114 1 57.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 181 157 146 140 121 113 -57.3 0.85 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 150 133 125 116 103 96 -57.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.88 0-15 196 178 161 152 138 125 55.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 196 173 158 152 134 122 55.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 196 169 155 152 131 120 55.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 1 0.18 0.092' 30 196 165 152 152 128 118 -55.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 shank 2X4 35 192 1 163 150 148 126 116 -55.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 188 161 148 145 124 115 -55.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.650.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 185 159 147 143 123 114 55.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 182 157 145 141 121 113 55.3 0.81 1 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 180 155 144 139 120 112 -55.3 0.83 1 1.11 1 129 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 178 154 143 138 119 111 -55.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 147 130 122 114 101 95 55.3 0.99 1 1.26 t.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 43 RONALD I.OGAWAASSOCIATES,INC. -A 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie-com «WO 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC :'G� ��(`.•: Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Z 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vai, V.05.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) $j E F .•Q Y Applicable to methods % •♦� Applicable to methods specified In[2012IBC, specified in �,,�/ LO RIO,.�� �. 2014 FBCj Section through 3 of[012 BC, � sT ....... 16[20121 as determined by 2014 FBC]Section '���nrlrnrl[[t►►�������` [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 1609 1 1 Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame T Design Product Thickness Spacing Heighe B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. I<a GCo GCp 0-15 183 166 151 142 129 117 48.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 NEW 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 183 161 147 142 125 114 48.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 183 158 145 142 122 112 1 48.4 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.092" 30 183 155 142 142 120 1 110 1 -48.4 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 179 152 140 139 118 109 48A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 176 150 139 136 116 107 48A 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 173 148 137 134 115 106 48.4 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 170 147 136 132 114 105 48A 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 168 145 135 130 113 104 48A 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 166 144 134 129 112 104 48.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 138 1 122 114 107 94 89 48.4 0.99 1.26 lA3 h>60 1 0.851 4.8 0.18 0-15 180 164 149 1 140 127 115 1 46.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 180 159 145 140 123 112 46.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 180 156 142 140 120 110 46.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 1-1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 180 152 140 140 118 108 46.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 176 150 138 137 116 107 46.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 173 148 137 134 115 106 46.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 170 146 135 132 113 105 46.9 10.785 11.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 168 144 134 130 112 104 46.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 65 166 143 133 128 111 103 46.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 164 142 132 127 110 102 46.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -11 A 0.18 100 135 120 113 105 93 87 46.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.9 10.18 0-15 15B 143 130 122 111 101 -36.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 IhS60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1B 20 158 139 127 122 108 98 -36.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 25 158 136 125 122 106 97 1 -36.0 0.7 0.94 1 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 15B 133 123 122 103 95 -36.0 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 155 131 121 120 102 94 -36.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 0.222"HD Face nail wood 16 40 152 130 120 117 100 93 -36.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 149 128 118 115 99 92 -36.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 147 127 117 114 98 91 -36.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 145 125 116 112 97 90 -36.0 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 60 143 124 115 111 96 89 -36.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 119 105 99 92 81 1 76 1 -36.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 211 192 174 164 149 135 -64.5 1 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 211 186 170 164 144 132 -64.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 211 182 167 1 164 141 129 -64.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 0.092' 30 211 179 164 164 138 127 -64.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 207 176 162 160 136 126 -64.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 203 173 160 157 134 124 -64.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1-A 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 200 171 158 155 1 133 123 -64.5 o.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 196 169 157 152 131 122 1 -64.5 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -lA 0.19 55 194 168 156 150 130 121 64.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 6.18 60 192 166 154 149 129 120 -64.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 159 1 141 132 1 123 109 102 -64.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 189 172 156 146 133 121 -51.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 F.88 20 189 167 152 146 129 118 51.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 189 163 149 146 126 116 -51.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 189 160 147 146 124 114 51.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 185 157 145 143 122 1 112 1 51.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 0.222"HD Face nail woad 24 40 181 155 143 141 120 111 51.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 179 153 142 138 119 110 51.6 0.785 1.065 1:245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 176 151 140 136 117 109 -51.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 174 150 139 134 116 108 -51.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 172 149 138 133 115 107 -51.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.88 100 142 126 118 110 97 92 51.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>6o 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 44 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com `\\\\\\tUttOG ttlgitii ' 20121BC,2014 FBC 201218C,2014 FBC •GE ��:% Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, VWa Va46.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) SS'. $T E F .Q; A Applicable to methods Applicable to methods ('1j F( Q� 16Dsperilied In[2012 IBC, 2014 FEC]as Section ��d b speechthrough 3 of[2012ons 1 / �RID, FRED E� [ 201219C 2014 FBC 2014 FBC]Section lllll liltlll\\\ 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. 9 Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K, Product Stud Building I Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing HeighP r B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. Ka I GCp GCp 0-15 173 157 142 134 121 110 43.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 li:M 1 0.851 A A 0.18 20 173 152 139 134 118 108 -43.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 173 149 136 134 115 106 43.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 4.4 0.18 0.092' 30 173 146 134 134 113 104 43.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank 2X4 35 169 144 132 131 111 103 43.0 E0.77a5 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 43.0 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 163 140 129 126 108 100 43.0 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 160 138 128 124 107 99 -43.0 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 158 137 127 123 106 98 43.0 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 157 136 126 121 105 98 43.0 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 100 130 115 108 100 89 84 43.0 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 169 153 139 131 119 108 41.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 169 149 136 131 116 105 41.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 169 146 134 131 113 104 -41.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092" 30 169 143 131 131 111 102 41.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 166 141 130 128 109 100 41.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.5 0.222'HD Face nail wood 24 40 162 139 128 126 107 1 99 41.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 160 137 127 1 124 106 98 41.3 0.7a5l 1.0651 1.245 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 1 157 1 136 126 122 105 97 41.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 155 134 125 120 104 96 41.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 153 133 124 119 103 96 41.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 127 113 106 98 87 82 41.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 F1-8 0-15 163 148 134 126 114 104 -382 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 163 143 131 126 111 101 1 -382 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 163 140 129 126 109 100 38.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092• 30 163 137 126 1 126 106 98 -382 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 159 135 125 123 105 97 382 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 156 133 123 121 103 95 -382 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 154 132 122 119 102 94 -38.2 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 AT 0.18 Siding nail 50 151 130 121 117 101 94 382 0.81 1.09 727 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 149 129 120 116 100 93 -382 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 148 128 119 114 99 1 92 1 -382 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 122 108 102 95 84 79 -38.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 160 145 132 1 124 112 102 36.9 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 160 141 129 124 109 100 -36.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 160 138 126 124 107 98 -36.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 160 135 124 124 105 96 -36.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 157 133 123 121 103 95 -36.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 153 131 121 119 102 94 36.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 151 130 120 117 100 1 93 1 -36.9 0.7851 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 149 128 119 115 99 92 -36.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 147 127 118 1 114 98 91 36.9 0.83 1.11 1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 145 126 117 112 97 91 36.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 D.18 100 1 120 1 106 100 93 82 77 -36.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 1-1.8 0.18 0-15 150 136 123 116 105 96 32.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 20 150 132 120 116 102 93 32.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 150 129 118 116 100 92 32.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 0.092' 30 150 126 116 116 98 90 1 323 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 146 125 115 113 96 89 32.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 144 123 1 113 1 111 95 88 32.3 0.76 1.04 1 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 141 121 1 112 109 94 87 32.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 1 139 120 111 108 93 86 32.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 131 119 110 106 92 85 323 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 136 118 109 105 91 85 32.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 10D 112 100 93 87 77 72 -323 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 45 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com . OG.... 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC F Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal = 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Va 5,6 wc, Va:a , 3 second gust mph) 3-second gust mph) ST E F :CC a ( 9 P ) ( 9 Applicable to methods Applicable to methods ii n?��'•.LORIDPG� �� specined in[2012 IBC, i 1609.01.1.14 as determined by s 20 4 FB f[012IBCl /���''�ii�FRIED u�► \���``\`\ [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 160q Se ction Figures 1609A,B.or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl siding K, Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing HeighP B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Kr Ka GCp GCq 0-15 147 134 121 114 103 94 -31.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h!560 1 0.851 AA 10.18 20 147 130 119 114 101 92 -31.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 147 127 116 114 98 90 31.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.092' 30 1 147 1 124 114 114 96 89 -31.3 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 144 123 113 112 95 87 31.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5I16 9.5 0.222"HD Face nail wood 24 40 141 121 112 109 94 86 31.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2-5"long SPF 45 139 119 110 108 92 86 31.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 137 118 109 106 91 85 31.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 135 117 108 105 91 84 31.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 134 116 108 103 90 83 31.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 111 98 92 86 76 71 31.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 129 1 117 106 100 91 82 -24.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 20 129 114 104 100 88 80 -24.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 129 111 102 100 86 79 -24.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.092' 30 129 109 100 100 1 84 78 -24.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 shank X 2X4 35 126 107 99 98 83 77 -24.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 0.222'HD Face nail wood 24 40 124 106 98 96 82 76 -24.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 2.5"long SPF 45 122 105 97 94 81 75 -24.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Siding nail 50 120 103 96 93 80 74 -24.0 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 118 102 95 92 79 74 -24.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 117 101 94 91 79 73 -24.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 1 0.18 100 1 97 1 86 81 1 75 66 62 -24.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 302 274 249 234 213 193 -132.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 20 302 267 243 234 207 189 -132.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 10.18 ET&F. 25 302 261 239 234 202 185 -132-1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.18 0.100, 30 302 256 235 234 198 182 -132.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knuded 2X4 35 296 252 232 229 195 180 -132-1 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 290 248 229 225 192 177 -132.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 286 245 227 221 190 176 -132.1 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -11A 0.18 0.250'HD W5O261 242 225 218 188 174 -t32.1 O.Bt 1.09 127 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5'long 278 240 223 215 186 173 -132.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 274 23B 221 213 184 171 -132.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 227 201 189 176 156 146 -132.1 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 271 245 223 210 190 173 -105.7 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 20 271 239 218 210 185 169 -1053 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 ET&F 25 271 233 214 210 181 1 166 1 -105.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.100' 30 271 229 1 210 210 177 1 163 -105.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 1 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 265 225 207 205 174 161 -105.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 260 222 205 201 172 159 -105.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 255 219 203 198 170 157 -105.7 0.795 1.065 1.2451 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 251 1 217 201 195 168 156 -1051 [0.7 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 248 215 199 192 166 154 -105.7 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 245 213 198 190 165 153 -105.7 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 203 180 169 157 140 131 -105.7 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 247 224 204 191 174 158 -88.1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1820 247 218 199 191 169 154 -88.1 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18ET&F 25 247 213 195 191 165 151 -88.1 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.180.100" 30 247 209 192 191 162 149 -88.1 . 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 242 206 189 187 159 147 -88.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 237 203 187 184 157 145 -88.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0. 55 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 233 200 185 181 1 155 143 -88.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 12301 198 183 178 153 142 -88.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 227 196 182 176 152 141 11-1 0.83 1.t1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 A. 60 224 194 181 174 151 140 88-1 0.851.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 185 164 154 144 127 120 -88.1 o.i 1.26 1.43 Iu60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 46 i RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \\�\\\\111111I l I I]►111///1/17j ,0Ggyi 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal z 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, 6 SA - �{ (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) �1 ST E F Applicable to methods i r�••• Applicable to methods2014 FBC] specified In(0 coon ��v/�••• . specified in Exceptions 1 � �.�pC cy� 1609.[201.1.as determined by14 FBC] 014FBC]through 3 of(SectioBC' ' fill,iDtl""'\�````\`` Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure categoD Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height' B C D B C D (inches) (Inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B Ecp C Exp D K. K. I GC, GCq 0-15 242 220 199 187 170 155 -84.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 t660 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 242 213 195 187 165 151 -84.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 242 209 191 187 162 148 -84.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100• 30 1 242 204 188 187 158 146 1 84.5 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 237 201 186 184 156 144 -84.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.5 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 232 198 183 180 154 142 -84.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 228 196 181 177 152 141 -84.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 0.250"HD 50 225 194 180 1 174 150 139 -84.5 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 222 192 178 172 149 138 -84.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 4 A 0.18 60 220 190 177 170 148 137 -84.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 182 161 151 141 125 117 -84.5 0.99 1.26 l A3 h>60 1 10.851-1.8 0.18 0-15 233 211 192 180 1 164 149 1 -78.3 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0,85 -1.4 10.18 20 1 233 1 205 187 180 1 159 145 -78.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 233 201 184 180 156 143 -78.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.100, 30 233 197 181 180 152 140 -78.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 knurled 2X4 35 228 194 179 1 177 150 138 -78.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 223 191 176 173 148 137 -78.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 $0.85 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 220 189 175 170 146 135 -78.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.18 0.250"HD 50 216 187 173 168 145 134 -78.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 214 185 172 166 143 133 -78.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 60 211 183 170 164 142 132 -78.3 0.85 1.13 t.31 1 0.18 100 175 155 146 135 120 113 -78.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 229 207 188 177 161 146 -75.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 Ih5W 1 0.85 -1 A 718 20 229 1 202 184 1 177 156 143 -75.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Ef&F 25 229 197 181 177 153 140 -75.5 0.7 0.94 1 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.100, 30 229 193 178 177 150 138 -75.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 224 190 175 173 147 136 -75.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 219 188 173 170 145 1 134 1 -75.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 216 185 171 167 144 133 -75.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 213 183 170 165 142 131 -75.5 0.81 1'.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 210 182 168 163 141 130 -75.5 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 207 180 167 161 139 129 -75.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 172 152 143 133 118 111 -75.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 214 194 176 166 150 137 -66.0 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 214 189 172 166 146 133 -66.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 4.4 1 0.18 ET&F 25 214 185 169 166 143 1 131 1 -66.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.18 0.100" 30 214 181 166 166 140 129 -66.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 knurled 2X4 35 209 178 164 162 138 127 -66.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 205 175 162 159 136 125 -66.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 202 173 160 1 156 134 124 -66.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 199 171 159 154 133 123 -66.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 196 170 15B 152 132 122 -66.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 194 168 156 150 130 121 -66.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 161 142 134 124 110 1 104 -66.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 211 191 174 163 148• 134 -64.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 NEW 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 211 186 170 163 144 131 -64.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 ET&F 25 211 182 166 163 141 129 -64.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 1-1.4 10.18 0.100" 30 211 178 164 1 163 138 127 -64.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 A A 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 206 175 162 160 136 125 -64.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 202 173 160 157 134 124 1 -64.0 0.76 1 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameterx Metal 45 199 171 158 154 132 122 -64.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 0.250"HD 50 196 169 156 152 131 121 -64.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5'long 55 193 167 155 150 130 120 -A 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 191 162 154 148 128 119 -64.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 158 140 132 123 109 102 -84.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60. 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 47 1 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. b 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshard[e.com \`\\`ONIIIIIIIIIIp///„/i,,, 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC t•O� TF'� Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vmi. Va s.e (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) $T E F •:�Q Applicable to methods F hrable to methods •• specified in][2012 Section APP �i� �i�. 1609.014 1..1.as determined b specified t 2014 FBC]Section ceptions ,/`'''•,,,/ RED111;,;`\��.��• [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 160q Se Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame � Design Product Thickness Spacing Heights B C D B C D (inches), (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B 6cp C 6cp D K. Ka GCo GCS 0-15 187 169 154 145 131 119 50.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 t660 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 187 165 150 145 128 116 50.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 187 161 148 145 125 114 50.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 187 158 145 145 122 112 -50.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 183 155 143 142 120 111 50.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 shank Face nail 20ga. 16 40 179 153 141 139 119 110 -50.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 176 151 140 137 117 108 50.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 0.250"HD 50 174 150 139 134 116 107 50.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 171 148 138 133 115 107 50.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 169 147 136 131 114 106 50.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 140 124 117 109 96 90 50.3 0.99 1.26 IA3 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 G-15 223 203 184 173 157 143 -72.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 1�60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 223 197 180 173 153 139 -72.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 ET&F 25 223 193 177 173 149 137 -72.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.100, 30 223 189 174 173 146 134 -72.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 219 186 171 169 144 133 -72.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 214 1B3 169 166 142 131 -72.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 211 181 168 163 140 130 -72.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 208 179 166 161 139 128 -72.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 205 177 165 159 137 127 -72.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 203 176 163 157 136 127 -72.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 o.1a 100 168 149 140 130 115 108 -72-1 0.99 1.26 IA3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.88 0-15 200 181 165 155 140 128 -57.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 1�60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 200 176 161 155 137 125 -57.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 200 172 158 155 134 122 -57.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 0.100• 30 200 169 155 155 131 120 -57J 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.16 knurled 2X4 35 196 166 153 152 129 119 57.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 192 164 151 149 127 117 -57.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 189 162 150 146 125 116 57.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 0.250"HD 50 186 160 148 144 124 115 -57.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.65 AA 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 184 159 147 142 123 114 57.7 0.B3 1.11 129 1 6.85 -1 A 0.18 60 181 157 146 140 122 113 -57.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 150 133 125 116 103 97 573 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 182 166 150 141 128 116 -48.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 trM 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 182 161 147 141 125 114 -48.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 182 157 144 141 122 112 -48.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100' 30 182 154 142 14l 119 110 48.1 0.7 0.9B 1.16 1 0,85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 179 152 140 138 118 108 -48.1 0.73 1.01 1A9 1 0.85 4A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 175 150 138 136 116 107 48.1 0.76 1.04 1-2 1 0.85 AA 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 172 148 137 133 115 106 48.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 170 146 135 131 113 105 48.1 0.81 1 1.09 127 1 0.85 -lA 0.1B x 15'long 55 168 145 134 130 112 104 -48.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 166 144 133 128 Ill 103 48.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 -Too-- 137 121 114 1 106 94 1 88 -48.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 179 162 147 138 126 114 -46.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h4560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 179 15B 144 138 122 111 46.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 179 154 141 138 119 109 46.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 179 151 139 138 117 108 -46.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 175 1 149 137 136 115 106 46.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 172 147 135 133 114 105 46.1 1 0.76 1 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 169 145 134 131 112 104 46.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 166 143 133 129 ill 103 -46.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 x 1.5"long 55 164 142 132 127 110 102 -46.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 60 162 141 131 126 109 101 -46.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 100 134 119 112 104 92 87 46.1 0.99 1 1.26 1.43 1 h>60 1 0.85 48 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com @1 01111111111111l1/j//q OGgjy'%.,,�, ptIIFIC4 :9 20121BC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 i Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vult4. Va 5.6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) 9:• $T E F Applicable to methods Applicable to methods specified in 12012 IBC, specified in Exceptions 1 �i, �sT''•RO RID. \`��� 1609.D.1.as 14 FBC]Section through determined by 201 C 4 FBq SectioB [20121BC,2014 FBC) 1609.1.1. Figures 1609A,B,or C. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing HeighP B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. K4 GC• GC, 0-15 172 156 142 133 121 110 42.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 172 152 138 133 117 107 42.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 1 172 148 136 133 115 105 42.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.100" 30 172 1 145 134 133 1 113 103 1 -42.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 168 143 132 130 111 102 42.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 165 141 130 128 109 101 42.7 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 162 139 129 126 108 100 42.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 160 138 128 1 124 107 99 42.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 158 137 127 122 106 98 42.7 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 156 135 126 121 105 97 42.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 129 115 108 100 89 83 42.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 169 1 153 139 131 119 1 108 1 412 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 20 169 149 136 131 115 105 412 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 ET&F 25 169 146 134 131 113 103 41.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0.100• 30 169 143 131 131 111 102 41.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 165 141 130 1 128 109 100 412 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 162 139 128 126 107 99 41.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 159 137 127 124 106 98 412 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.250"HD 50 157 135 125 122 105 97 41.2 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 155 1 134 124 120 104 96 1 41.2 0.83 1.11 729 1 F85 -1.4 0.18 60 153 133 123 119 103 96 412 0.85 1.13 1.31 t 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 127 112 106 98 87 82 41.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 15B 143 130 122 111 101 -36.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 15B 139 127 1 122 108 99 -36.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 158 136 125 122 106 97 -36.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.100" 30 158 134 123 122 103 95 -36.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 knurled 2X4 35 155 132 121 120 102 94 -36.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 1 152 1 130 120 117 100 93 -36.0 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 149 128 118 116 99 92 -36.0 0.785 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 147 127 117 114 98 91 -36.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 145 125 116 112 97 90 -36.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 143 124 115 1 111 96 89 -36.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 119 105 99 92 81 76 -36.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 156 141 128 121 109 99 -35.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 156 137 125 121 106 1 97 -35.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 1 156 134 123 121 104 95 -35.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 156 131 121 121 102 94 35.0 0.7 0.98 1A6 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 152 130 119 118 100 92 -35.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 149 128 118 116 99 91 -35.0 0.76 1.04 : 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 147 1 126 117 114 98 90 1 -35.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.250"HD 50 145 125 116 112 97 89 -35.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 143 124 115 111 96 89 -35.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 141 122 114 109 95 8B -35.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 117 104 97 91 80 75 -35.0 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 137 124 113 106 96 87 -27.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 NM 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 137 121 110 106 93 85 -27.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 ET&F 25 137 118 108 106 91 84 -27.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.18 0.100" 30 137 116 106 106 90 82 1 -27.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 [0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 134 114 105 104 88 81 -27.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 shank Face nail 20ga. 24 40 131 112 104 102 87 80 27.0 OJ6 1.04 122 1 AA 0.18 diameterx Metal 45 129 111 103 100 86 79 -27.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 -1.4 0180.250"HD 50 127 110 102 98 85 79 -27.0 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 -1.4 0.18x 1.5"tong 55 126 109 101 97 84 78 .83111 -1.4 0.1860 124 108 100 96 83 77 -27.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 -1.4B100 103 91 85 80 71 66 -27.0 0.99 1.26 143 h>60 1 0.8 -1.8 0.18 49 4 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC ;•G� T�:: '� Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 241 2 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, VWt. V. 5'6. (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) $T E F ;•Q �1� Applicable to methods 'P� F •;t�C/ Applicable to methods V specified in[2012 IBC, �i 2014 FBC]Section specified in Exceptions 1 i��i//s�•.�0 RID�r\\`��1� 1609.1.1,as determined by through 3 of[2012 IBC, / 4C V [2012 BC.2014 FBC) 2014 FBC]Section /411111 E 1 tttl\\o 1609 Figures 1609A,B.or C. .1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure rategoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Product Thickness Width Fastener Fastener Frame Spacing Height'' B C D B C D Design (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B 5cp C Fop D Ka {Ca GC, GC, 0-15 161 146 133 125 113 103 -37.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 161 142 129 125 116 100 -37.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 161 139 127 125 107 98 -37.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100• 30 161 136 125 125 105 97 -37.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 157 134 123 122 104 96 -37.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 154 132 122 120 102 94 -37.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 152 130 121 118 101 93 -37.3 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 149 129 119 116 100 92 -37.3 0.81 1 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 148 128 118 114 99 92 -37.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 146 127 118 113 98 91 -37.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 121 107 100 94 83 78 -37.3 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 144 131 119 111 101 92 -29.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 144 127 116 Ill 98 90 -29.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 ET&F 25 144 124 114 111 96 88 -29.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100• 30 144 122 112 111 94 87 -29.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 0.18 knurled -2X4 35 141 120 110 109 93 85 -29.9 0.73 1 1.01 1 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 138 118 109 107 91 84 -29.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 AA 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 136 117 108 105 90 84 -29.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 134 115 1 107 104 89 83 -29.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 132 114 106 102 88 82 -29.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 131 113 105 101 88 81 -29.9 0.85 1.13 T3-1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 108 96 90 84 74 70 -29.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 131 119 108 102 92 84 -24.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 131 116 106 102 90 82 -24.9 0.7 1 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 131 113 104 102 88 80 -24.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100• 30 131 111 102 1 102 86 79 1 -24.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knuded 2X4 35 129 109 101 100 85 78 24.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 2.18 HardiePlank 5/16 7.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 126 108 99 98 83 77 -24.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameterx Metal 45 124 106 98 96 82 76 -24.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 122 105 97 95 81 76 -24.9 0.81 1.08 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 D.18 x 1.5"long 55 121 104 97 93 81 75 -24.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 119 103 96 92 80 74 -24.9 0.85 1 1.13 1.31 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 100 99 87 82 76 68 64 -24.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 t 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 129 117 106 1 100 1 90 82 1 -23.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h:560 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 129 113 104 100 88 80 -23.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 129 111 102 100 86 79 -23.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100• 30 129 109 100 100 84 77 -23.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 126 107 99 98 83 76 -23.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 shank Blind Nat 20ga. 16 40 123 106 97 96 82 75 23.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 121 104 96 94 81 75 -23.9 0.7851 1.0651 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD r6l) 0 120 103 95 93 80 74 -23.9 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 5 118 102 95 91 79 73 23.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 117 101 94 90 78 73 -23.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0 97 86 80 75 66 62 -23.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 124 112 102 96 87 79 -22.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 124 109 100 96 85 77 -22.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 Ef&F 25 124 107 98 96 83 76 -22-1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 0.100• 30 124 105 96 96 81 74 -22-1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 121 1 103 95 1 94 80 74 -22.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 119 102 94 92 1 79 73 1 -22.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 117 100 93 91 78 72 -22-1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.313"HD 50 115 99 92 89 77 71 -22.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -tA 0.16 x 1.5"long 55 114 98 91 88 76 71 -22.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 112 97 90 87 75 70 -22-1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 93 82 77 72 64 60 -22-1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 50 \ RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \0Illtlllllllll////////i ' \\��o•��.BOG q�9.,,����i 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC :•G� T�`'S Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal - 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Von a, Va:d 5.6 •, (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) $T E F .Q Applicable to methods ���(�•- Applicable to methods specified In]12012 Section BC, % �n•'••LO F.... •°>JJ �. specified in Exceptions 1 �j/V � . 2014 FBC]Section •••" � ts09.1.1.as[20121BCa2014FBCletermined� �20/ I4FBc]s Secti2012 on Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V, Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame g Product Thickness Spacing Height'-' B C D B C D Loa n (inches), (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) nad (feet) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D j Ka GCo GCa 0-15 122 110 100 94 85 78 -21.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 trt60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 122 107 98 94 83 76 -21.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Ef&F 25 1 122 105 96 94 81 74 -21.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 122 103 94 94 1 80 73 1 -21.3 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 119 101 93 92 78 72 -21.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 117 100 92 90 77 71 -21.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 115 99 91 89 76 71 -21.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 0.313"HD 50 113 97 90 88 75 70 -21.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 112 97 90 86 75 69 -21.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 110 96 89 85 74 69 -21.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 91 1 81 76 71 63 59 -21.3 0.99 1.26 IAA lh>60 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 114 103 94 88 1 80 73 1 -18.7 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 114 100 92 88 78 71 -18.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 114 98 90 88 76 70 -18.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 114 96 88 88 74 68 -18.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 111 95 87 86 73 68 -18.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 109 93 86 85 72 67 -18.7 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 diameterx Metal 45 107 92 85 83 71 66 -18.7 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 106 1 91 84 82 71 65 -18.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long r55::::: 104 90 84 81 70 65 -18.7 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 103 89 83 80 69 64 -18.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 85 76 71 66 59 55 -18.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h160 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 112 102 92 87 79 71 -18.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 112 99 90 87 76 70 -18.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 112 97 89 87 75 69 -18.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0.100" 30 112 95 87 87 73 67 -18.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 110 93 86 85 72 67 -18.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 107 92 85 83 71 66 -18.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 106 91 84 82 70 65 -18.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 104 90 83 81 69 64 -18.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 103 89 82 80 69 64 -18.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 102 88 82 79 68 63 -18.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 84 75 70 65 58 54 -18.1 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 1 10.851-1.8 0.18 0-15 9B 89 81 1 76 69 63 1 -13.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h!;60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 98 86 79 76 67 61 -13:9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 4.4 0.18 ET&F 25 1 98 1 85 78 76 66 60 -13.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 98 83 76 76 64 59 -13.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 96 82 75 74 63 58 -13.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 94 80 74 73 62 58 -13.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 93 80 74 72 62 57 -13.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 t 0.85 -1.4 0.16 0.313"HD 50 91 79 73 71 61 56 -13.9 1 0.81 1.09 1 127 1 0.85 71A 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 90 78 72 1 70 60 56 1 -13.9 0.83 1.11 1 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 89 77K72 69 60 56 -13.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 74 65 57 51 47 -13.9 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 G-15 143 130 111 101 92 -29.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 143 126 111 98 89 -29.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 143 124 111 96 88 -29.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0-100" 30 143 121 111 94 86 -29.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 140 119 109 92 85 -29.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 138 118 107 91 84 1 -29.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 135 116 108 105 90 83 -29.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 0.313"HD 50 1 133 115 1-06-1 103 89 82 -29.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 132 114 106 102 88 82 29.7 0.83 1.11 t29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 130 113 105 101 87 81 -29.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 108 95 90 83 74 69 1 -29.7 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 jh>601 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 51 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \��\\\t11t1111I1111!////!7i 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC •GAR CqT�:• �� Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, a as - Vwc, Va:d (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) � Applicable to methods $T E F •x�� specified in[2012 IBC, Applicable to methods 2014 FBC]Section specified in Exceptions 1 •'••.o}���.• 160 0121BC 2014 FBC]b �20/4 FBC]Section �///// 'rIIED[I� `v��``\` Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing HeighP• B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K4 Ka GCp GCS 0-15 127 115 105 98 89 81 -23.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 127 112 102 98 87 79 -23.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 127 110 100 98 85 78 -23.3, 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100' 30 127 107 99 98 83 76 -23.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 124 106 97 96 82 76 -23.3 1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 122 104 96 94 81 75 -23.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 120 103 95 93 80 74 -232 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 118 102 94 92 79 73 -23.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5•long 55 117 101 94 90 78 73 -23.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 115 100 93 89 77 72 -23.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 95 85 79 74 66 62 -23.3 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 116 105 96 90 82 74 -19.4 0.7 0.85 1.03 ti�60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 116 102 93 90 79 72 1 -19A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 116 100 92 90 78 71 -19A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 0.100' 30 116 98 90 90 76 70 -19.4 07 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 114 97 89 88 75 69 -19A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 'US -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 111 95 86 86 74 68 -19.4 0.76 1,04 122 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 110 94 87 85 73 67 -19.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 108 93 86 84 72 67 -19.4 0.81 1 1.09 1 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 107 92 85 83 71 66 -19.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -11 0." 60 105 91 85 82 71 66 -19.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.1 0.18 100 1 87 77 73 68 60 56 -19.4 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 t 0.85 -1.8 10.18 0-15 114 103 94 1 88 80 73 -181 0.7 0.85 1.03 h5130 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 114 100 92 1 88 78 71 -181 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 ET&F 25 114 98 90 88 76 70 -18.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 0.100' 30 114 96 88 88 74 68 -18.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 knurled 2X4 35 111 95 87 86 73 68 -18.7 0.73 1.01 1 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePiank 5116 7.5 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 109 93 86 85 1 72 67 -18.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 107 92 85 83 71 1 66 -18.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 0.313'HD 50 106 91 84 82 71 65 -18.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 104 90 84 Bl 70 65 -18.7 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 103 89 83 80 69 64 18.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 85 76 71 66 59 55 -18.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 109 99 90 85 77 70 -17.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 20 109 96 88 85 75 68 -17.3 0.7 0.9 1 1.08 1 0.05 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 109 94 86 1 85 73 67 1 -17.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100' 30 109 92 85 85 72 66 -17.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 107 91 84 83 71 65 -17.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 105 90 83 81 70 64 -17.3 0.76 1.04 t22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 103 89 82 80 69 64 -17.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD r160 102 88 81 79 68 63 -17.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 6.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 100 87 81 78 67 62 -17.3 o.B3 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 99 86 80 77 67 62 -17.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0 r, -1.4 0.18 82 73 68 1 64 56 53 1 -17.3 0.99 1.26 1 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 107 98 89 83 76 69 -16.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 107 95 87 83 73 67 -16.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 107 93 85 83 72 66 -16.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100" 30 107 91 83 83 70 65 -16.7 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 105 1 89 82 81 69 64 -16.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 825 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 103 88 81 80 68 63 -16.7 0.76 1,04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 101 87 81 79 67 62 -16.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 100 86 80 77 67 62 -16.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5'long 55 99 85 79 76 66 61 -16.7 0.83 1,11 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 98 85 79 76 66- 61 -16.7 M. 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 81 72 67 63 55 52 -16.7 0.99 1.26 1A3 I h>601 1 0.85 4.8 0.18 52 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com ////// GAi 2012113C,2014 FBC 2012113C,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, a VmI Vag5,6 (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) $T E F •Q Applicable to methods A specified in[2012 IBC, Applicable to methods �i� /,S,' �RID Q:G� 2014 FBC]Section eedin Exceptions 1 ,i/ �•••• ••• C•••• �\,`` 1609.1.1.as determined through .by [2012 IBC,2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height'• B C D B C D Load (inches) (Inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) (PSF) 6cp B Exp C 6cp D K. Ka GCp GC, 0-15 100 91 83 78 71 64 -14.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 t-<60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 100 89 81 78R65 63 -14.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 100 87 79 78 62 -14.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 t 0.85 AA 0.18 0.100" 30 100 85 78 78 60 -14.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.B5 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 98 84 77 76 60 -14.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 96 82 76 75 59 -14.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 95 81 75 73 58 -14.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313"HD 50 93 81 75 72 58 -14.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 x 1.5'long 55 92 80 74 71 62 57 -14.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 91 79 73 71 61 1 57 -14.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 75 67 63 58 52 49 -14.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 1 99 90 82 77 70 63 -14.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 99 87 80 77 68 62 -14.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ET&F 25 99 85 78 77 66 61 -14.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.100' 30 99 84 77 77 65 60 -14.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 97 82 76 75 64 59 -14.1 0J3 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 95 81 75 74 63 58 -14.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter x Metal 45 93 80 74 72 62 57 -14.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.41 0.18 0.313"HD 50 92 79 73 71 1 61 1 57 -14.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 91 79 73 70 61 56 -14.1 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 90 78 72 70 60 56 -14.1 0.85 1 1.13 1 1.31 1 0.85 --1.4 0.18 100 74 66 62 58 51 48 -14.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 87 79 71 67 61 55 -10.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 20 87 76 70 67 59 54 -10.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.851 AA 0.18 ET&F 25 87 75 69 67 58 53 -10.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 0.18 0-100" 30 87 73 67 67 57 52 1 -10.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 knurled 2X4 35 85 72 66 66 56 51 -10.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 shank Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 83 71 66 64 55 51 -10.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameterx Metal 45 82 70 65 63 54 50 -10.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 0.313'HD 50 81 69 64 62 54 50 -10.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 x 1.5"long 55 80 69 64 62 53 49 -10.9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1 A 0.18 60 79 68 63 61 53 49 -10.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 65 58 54 50 45 42 -10.9 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 284 258 234 1 220 1 200 181 1 -116.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8X 20 284 250 229 220 194 177 -116.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 No. 25 284 245 224 220 190 174 -116.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 1.25"No.long X 0.375" 30 284 240 220 220 186 171 -116.3 0.7 0.98 i.16 1 0.E5 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 35 278 236 218 215 163 169 -116.3 1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 5.25 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 272 233 215 211 180 167 -116.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 268 230 213 208 178 165 -116.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 264 227 211 204 176 163 -116.3 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 261 225 209 1 202 175 1 162 -111.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 258 223 207 200 173 161 116.3 025 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 213 189 177 165 146 137 -116.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 254 230 209 197 178 162 1 -93.1 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 20 254 1 224 204 197 173 158 -93.1 0:7 0.9 1.08 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long K40 254 219 201 197 170 155 -93.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0"ton 254 215 197 197 166 153 -93.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 249 211 195 193 164 151 -93.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4. 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 Blind Nail 20ga. 16244 208 192 189 161 149 -93.1 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 240 206 190 186 159 147 -93.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 236 203 188 183 158 146 -9310.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 233 202 187 181 156 145 -93.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 230 200 186 178 155 144 .93.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 O.te 100 191 169 159 148 131 123 93.1 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 53 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com \�1011111Iii111)III///Z 0Ggc� I FI CqT;9 •% 20121BC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC = 2 412 Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal 410 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, umg V,s. ST E F Q (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) <C/ Applicable to methodsspecified In 12012 IBC. �i���••.,�Q RIQP'-� Applicable to methods 1609.011 1.aBdele ction b Sthro 9 3 0 2IBC' ��''''•�T RIED IE;�G�``�• 12012 IBC,2014 FBC) 2014 FBC]Section Figures 1609A,B.or C. 1609.1.1. 9 Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K. Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height17 B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSF) Exp B 6cp C Fop D I Ka fCa GCp GCa 0-15 232 210 191 180 163 148 -77.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 20 232 204 187 180 158 145 -7T6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 25 1 232 200 183 180 155 142 -77.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X0.375' 30 232 196 180 180 152 139 1 -77.6 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -11A 0.18 head 2X4 35 227 193 178 176 149 138 -77.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.25 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 222 190 176 172 147 136 -77.6 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 219 188 174 170 146 135 -77.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 215 186 172 167 144 133 -77.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 213 184 171 165 143 132 -77.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 210 182 169. 163 141 131 -77.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 174 1 154 1 145 135 120 112 -77.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 11>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 N40 227 206 187 176 160 145 -74.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.B X 227 200 183 176 155 142 -74.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 125"long 227 196 180 176 152 139 -74.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 227 192 176 176 149 137 -74.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 222 189 174 172 146 135 -74.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 Blind Nail 20ga. 16218 186 172 169 144 133 -74.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 214 184 170 166 143 132 -74.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18ribbed 211 182 169 164 141 131 -74.5 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head screw 55 209 180 167 162 140 130 1 -74.5 0.83 1 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 206 179 166 160 138 129 - -74.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 It0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 171 151 142 132 117 110 -74.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 111160 1 0.05 -1.8 D.18 0-15 218 198 180 169 154 140 -68.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8 X 20 218 193 176 169 149 136 -68.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No. 1No.long 25 218 189 173 169 146 134 -68.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 30 218 185 170 169 143 131 -68.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 35 214 182 168 166 141 130 -68.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 210 179 165 162 1 139 128 1 -68.9 0.76 1 1.04 1 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 206 177 164 160 137 127 -68.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 ribbed 50 203 175 162 157 136 126 -68.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 201 174 161 155 134 125 -68.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 198 172 160 154 133 124 -68.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 164 145 137 127 113 106 -68.9 0.99 1.26 IA3 jh>601 1 10.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 215 195 177 1 166 151 137 -66.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 20 1 215 1 189 173 166 147 134 -66.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 25 1 215 1 185 170 166 143 1 131 1 -66.5 0.7 1 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 X 0.375" 30 215 181 167 166 140 1 129 -66.5 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 35 210 179 165 163 138 127 -66.5 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0:18 HardiePlank 5116 8.25 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 206 176 163 159 136 126 -66.5 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 203 174 161 157 135 125 -66.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 199 172 159 154 133 123 -66.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 waferr head 55 197 170 158 153 132 122 -66.5 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 195 169 157 151 131 121 -66.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 1 161 1 143 134 125 111 104 1 -66.5 0.99 1.26 IIA3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 201 182 165 1 155 1 141 128 58.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8 X 20 201 177 162 155 137 125 -58.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No. long 25 201 173 159 155 134 123 -58.2 0.7 0.94 1-12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 1No. X 0.3lon 30 201 170 156 155 131 121 -58.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 35 197 167 154 152 129 119 -58.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.25 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 193 165 152 149 128 118 582 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 190 163 150 147 126 117 -58.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 187 161 149 145 125 115 58.2 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85. -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 184 159 148 143 123 115 58.2 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 182 158 147 141 122 114 -58.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 151 134 125 1171 104 97 1 562 1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 54 RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshandie.com \\\11111 I I I I I I l!!I/ e, 2012 IBC,2014 Fec 20121f3c,2014 Fec Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal _ 2412 Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Vuit4 Vass (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods �' Q.:�� Applicable to methods �i G/•• LQR19,• �� specified in 12012 IBC, i� \ � 16090.1.a14 s determined by CI Section sera through 3 of[0pecified In 12o1BCns' � (20121BC,2014 FBC) 2014 FBq Section Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. 9 Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing Height3 B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet Load ) (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. i(a GCp GC,, 0-15 198 179 163 153 139 126 56A 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8 X 20 198 174 159 153 135 123 -56A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 .25 No. 1No.long 25 198 171 156 153 132 121 -56A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 30 198 167 154 153 129 1 119 -56.4 0.7 0.98 1 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 head 2X4 35 194 165 152 150 127 117 -56A 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 190 162 150 147 126 116 -56.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 AA 0.18 diameter Metal 45 187 160 148 145 124 115 -56.4 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA o.18 ribbed 50 184 158 147 142 123 114 56.4 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 wafer head 55 181 157 146 141 122 113 -56.4 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 SCfeW 60 179 156 144 139 120 112 56.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 148 1 132 124 115 102 96 -56.4 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 173 157 143 134 122 111 -43.3 0.7 0.85- 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8X 20 173 153 139 134 118 108 1 A3.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 AA 0.18 "long 25 173 149 137 134 116 106 -43.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25 IN 173 146 134 134 113 1 43.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0 loon head 2X4 35 170 144 133 131 112 103 -43.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 12 Blind Nail 20ga. 16 40 166 142 131 129 110 102 -43.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 163 140 130 127 109 101 -43.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 161 139 129 125 107 100 -43.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 159 137 128 123 106 99 -43.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 o.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 157 136 127 122 106 98 -43.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 130 115 108 101 89 84 -43.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 232 210 191 180 163 148 -77.6 o.7 o.a5 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 No.8 X 20 232 204 187 180 158 145 -77.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 232 200 183 180 155 142 -77.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 30 232 196 180 180 152 139 -77.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 2X4 35 227 193 178 176 149 138 -77.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 222 190 176 172 147 136 -77.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 219 188 174 170 146 135 -77.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 215 186 172 167 144 133 -77.6 0.81 1.09 i.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 wafer head 55 213 184 171 165 143 132 -77.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 AA 0.18 screw 60 210 182 169 163 141 131 -77.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 174 154 145 135 120 112 -77.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 207 188 171 161 146 132 -62.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 207 183 167 161 142 129 -62.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 25 207 179 164 161 139 127 -62.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 A.4 0.18 1.25"long 30 207 175 161 161 136 125 -62.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X0.375" 2X4 35 203 173 159 157 134 123 -62.0 0.73 1.01 1A9 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 6.25 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 199 170 157 154 132 122 -62.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter ribbed Metal 45 196 168 155 152 130 120 52.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 50 193 166 154 149 129 119 -62.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 4A 0.18 55 190 165 153 147 128 118 52.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 188 163 152 146 126 117 -62.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0,85 AA 0.18 100 156 138 130 121 107 100 -62.0 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 189 172 156 147 133 121 -51.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<_60 1 0.85 -1.4. 0.18 No.8X 20 189 167 152 147 129 118 -51.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 189 163 150 147 126 116 51.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 30 189 160 147 147 124 114 5117 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.851 AA 10.101 X 0.375" 2X4 35 185 158 145 144 122 112 -51.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 725 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 182 155 143 141 120 111 51.7 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 179 153 142 138 119 110 51.7 10.785,1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 176 152 140 136 117 109 -51.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 174 150 139 135 116 108 -51.7 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 screw 60 172 149 138 133 115 107 51.7 0.E 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 142 126 118 110 98 92 51.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 55 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com ** 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 20121BC,2014 FBC F�CqT �i Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, Via 56, m, V-d (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) ST E F ;•Q 1 �` Applicable to methods �� Applicable to methods �i F specified in[2012 IBC, �i •-,•( Q;:1 �� specified in Exceptions 1 i� /• ��� \\�� 2014 FBC]Section /j through 3 of[2012 IBC, 1609.1.1.as determined b //7/ TFRE����?��`•`` [20121BC,2014 FBC] 2014 FBC]Section ,'lll/l/llllll 11111\\\\\, Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K� Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing.HeighP B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) load (PSF) Fop B 6cp C Exp D K. Ke GCo GCS 0-15 185 168 153 144 130 118 -49.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 No.8 X 20 185 163 149 144 127 116 49.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 25 185 160 147 144 124 114 49.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 AA 0.18 X 0.375" 30 1 185 157 144 144 121 112 1 49.6 0.7 1 0.98 f 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 D.18 head 2X4 35 182 154 142 141 120 110 49.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 7.5 Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 178 152 140 138 118 109 -49.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 diameter Metal 45 175 150 139 136 116 108 49.6 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 172 149 138 133 115 107 49.6 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 170 147 137 132 114 106 49.6 1.83 1.11 t29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 Screw 60 168 146 136 130 113 105 49.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 139 123 116, 108 96 90 49.6 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 178 1 162 147 1 138 125 114 46.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 8 X 20 178 157 144 138 122 Ill 46.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.long 25 178 154 141 138 119 109 46.0 0.7 6.94 172 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1No."loon 30 178 151 139 138 117 107 46.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.88 X 0 head 2X4 35 175 149 137 135 115 106 46.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 8 Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 171 146 135 133 113 105 46.0 0.76 1.04, 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 168 145 134 130 112 104 46.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ribbed 50 166 143 132 128 111 103 46.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 wafer head 55 164 142 131 127 110 102 46.0 0.83 1.17 1.. 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 162 140 130 1 125 109 101 46.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 10.85,-1.41 0.18 100 134 119 112 104 92 86 46.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 175 159 144 136' 123 112 44.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 20 175 154 141 136 120 109 44.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 175 151 138 136V11 107 44.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 X1.0. long 30 175 148 136 136 105 44.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 2X4 35 172 146 134 133 104 44.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0A8 HardiePlank 5l16 g25 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 168 144 133 130 103 44.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18diameter Metal 45 165 142 131 128 102 44.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ritibed 50 163 140 130 126 101 44.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 1.4 078wafer head 55 161 139 129 125 100 44.3 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw60 159 138 128 123 99 44.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 132 117 109 102 90 85 44.3 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 164 149 135 127 115 105 -38.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 hS60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 164 145 132 127 112 102 -38.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 No.8 X 25 164 141 130 127 110 100 -38.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 1.25"long 30 164 139 127 127 107 99 -38.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 2X4 35 160 136 126 124 106 97 -38.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 157 134 124 122 104 96 -38.8 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 155 133 123 120 103 95 -38.8 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 D.B5 -1.4 0.18 ribbed r60 152 131 122 118 102 94 -38.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 150 130 121 117 101 94 -38.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 149 129 120 115 100 93 -38.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 123 109 102 95 85 79 -38.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 mho 1 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 0-15 161 146 133 125 113 103 -37.6 07 0.85 1.03 NM 1 0.85, -1.4 10.18, No.8 X 20 161 142 130 125 110 101 -37.6 0.7 0.9 Ull 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 161 139 128 - 125 108 99 -37.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 1.25"long 30 161 136 125 125 106 1 97 -37.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 2X4 35 158 134 124 122 104 96 -37.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5116 9.5 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 155 132 122 120 103 95 -37.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 152 131 121 118 101 94 -37.6 0.785 1.065 . 1 0.85 AA 0.18 ribbed 50 150 129 120 116 100 93 -37.6 *0.85 09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 wafer head 55 148 128 119 115 99 92 -3T611 129 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 screw 60 146 127 118 113 98 91 -37.613 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 121 107 101 94 83 78 -37.6 .26 1.43 jh>60 1 1 0.85 -1.8 10.18 56 y RONALD 1.OGAWA ASSOCIATES,INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT:RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com 2012 IBC,2014 FBC 2012 IBC,2014 FBC Allowable,Ultimate Allowable,Nominal Design Wind,Speed, Design Wind,Speed, a ' V,e, Vew s.s (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods APPlicable to methods specified in 12012 IBC, specified In Exceptions 1 2014 FBC]Section ermine through 3 of[2012 IBC, 1609.1.1.asas determined by 2014 FBC]Section [2012 IBC.2014 FBC] Figures 1609A,B,or C. 1609.1.1. Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V. Wind exposure category Wind exposure categoryl Siding K, Product Stud Building Allowable Width Fastener Fastener Frame Design Product Thickness Spacing HeIghe-1 B C D B C D (inches) (inches) Type Spacing Type (inches) (feet) Load (PSG Exp B Fxp C Ecp D K. Ka GCe GCp 0-15 141 128 117 110' 99 90 -28.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 No.8 X 20 141 125 114 110 97 88 -28.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 1.25"long 25 141 122 112 110 94 87 -28.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 X 0.375" 30 141 1 119 110 110 93 1 85 -28.9 1 0.7 0.99 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 2X4 35 138 118 108 107 91 84 -28.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 5I16 12 head Blind Nail 20ga. 24 40 136 116 107 105 90 83 -28.9 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 diameter Metal 45 133 115 106 103 89 82 -28:9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 wafer he ribbedhead 5o 131 113 105 1 102 88 81 -28.9 0.81 1 .09 127 1 1 10.85 -1.4 0.18 55 130 112 104 101 87 81 -28.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 screw 60 128 111 103 99 86 80 -28.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 106 94 88 82 73 68 -28.9 0.99 1 1.26 1 1.43 1 h>60 1 1 10.851-1.8 10.18 1.Screws shall penetrate the metal framing at least three full threads. 2.Knurled shank pins shall penetrate the metal framing at least 1/4 inch. 3.Building height=mean roof height(in feet)of a building,except that eave height shall be used for roof angle O less than or equal to 10"(2-12 roof slope). 4.Vult=the ultimate design wind speed(3-second gust mph)as determined by[2012 IBC,2014 FBC]Figures 1609A,1609B,or 160913;ASCE 7-10 Figures 26.5-1A,26.5-1 B,or 26.5-1C. 5.Vasd=the nominal design wind speed applicable to methods specified in Exceptions 1 through 3 of[2012 IBC,2014 FBC]Section 1609.1.1. 6.The wind speeds in 12012 IBC,2014 FBC]Figures 1609A,1609B and 1609C are ultimate design wind speeds,Vult,and shall be converted in accordance with [2012 IBC,2014 FBC]Section 1609.3.1 to nominal design wind speeds,Vasd,when the provisions of the standards referenced in[2012 IBC,2014 FBC]Section 1609.1.1.Exceptions 1 through 3 are used. 7.Linear interpolation of building height and wind speed is permitted. 8.Wind speed design assumptions per Analytical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 C&C Part 1 and Part 3:1<4=1,Kd=0.85,GCp=1.4(h<-60),GCP=1.8(h>60),GCp,-0.18. LIMITATIONS OF USE: \\\�011MIllI1111rfj//7�7,, 2)naHehVeloc pullout HurricaneZones evaluated HVHZ InstalleaMameDade studs FlondarNOA than 15-012204.was tested. \\���� OGq� i/��i' 9 Velocity ( ) P County Q;G ptSIFIC T'9 A 2412 E F .:�fQ; ` 57 it