HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs 12/08/2017 17:52 772 469 KSM ENGINEER PAGE 01/01 21F a 1 ff KELLER, SCHLLICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN(772)337-77&5 P.O. SOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SE5ASTIAN(772)s89-a71'2 PALM BEACH(561)646-7445 www.ksmengineedng.net MEMOURNE(321)768-8488 FAX(561)$45-8876 E-Mail:KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NEr ST.LUCIE(772)229-9093 C-A.:5693 FAX(772)589-6469 SOIL COMPACTION REPORT ASTM D 1567 and ASTM A 2922 DATE TESTED December 7, 2017 KSM JOB# : 173691-1 d/SSfjt , PERMIT# 1710-0498 CONTRACTOR Wynne Development JOB LOCATION : 49 Golf Drive Spanish Lakes 1 Port St. Lucie, Florida ITEM TESTED Compacted Foundation Fill TEST LOCATION DEPTH * PEN DRY MAX. DRY PERCENT OF SAMPLE READ DENSITY PROCTOR VALUE COMPACTION 1. S.E. 0" - 12" 39 107.4 112,2 95.7 2. S.W. " 36 106.8 95.2 3. Center " 44 109.2 97.3 4. N.W. 41 108.3 96.5 5. N.E. ;' 41 107.9 96.2 Soil Description: Brown Sand with Clay 113.01 1 1 1 1 1 W I I 1 I I I In Place Moisture: E 1 f I I I I 9.3 Percent , I I I I 1 l G 112,0 — �.- Optimum Moisture: I^ { I 1 l 11.0 Percent T 1 I I I I I 1 I I Max. Dry Density: P 112.2 P-C.F. { I I I I @ Test Locations The I 1 I I I Density & Penetrometer I 1 I I Readings Indicate the 110,0 Degree of-Compac6on Meets I I I 1 I Miniw o, D I 1 I I I fo�.$� 4t +. R I I I I 1 I aj {�,Natural Grade. Y 109.0 — I 8 9 R -ti 'E V 4 ` 3Res$ctfull b ig%d: • w w • Moi 3ture-%of dry Weight DEC • = 11 2017 • •••had..- ' t ,� Permitting Department Fax a ttb 4*L'ucle County Building Department St. Lucie County, FL o: dotty@spanish lakes.com Ronald G.Keller,P.E.:37293/SI Lic,No.:860 / Julie E.Keller, PE_-68366 Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division RECEIVED 2300 Virginia Ave,Rm 201 Fort Pierce,FL 34982 ZQtB 772462-2165 Fax 772462-6143 JUG 3. 71 - - FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE permittin9,Depa�ment Duct Sealing Certification St.Lucie County Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: ?— / 7— / pp Permit#: 1 —7/0 D y lid Lot#: Y Contractor .� �u,`l�`t s Address: y q GQ(� }�r����f l�• Gv�2 Construction: ❑Post Construction Test ❑Rough-in Test Test Conditions: 1-2 Date: -� �7 (r Floor Area(ft2): Time: !b-e)o Primary Location of Supply Ductwork A ��c Indoor Temperature(F): -7 Z- Primary Location of Return Ductwork A Outdoor Temperature(F): SZ Total Leakage Test(Outside) Duct Leakage: %Default ❑Prop.Leak Free ❑Proposed On= Test Pressure: z SS (Pa) Baseline Duct Pressure(optional) r (Pa) Duct Press.(Pa) Flow Ring Fan Press Flow(cfm) Results: ass ❑Fail Installed Pa / Z S Total Leakage(cfm): Total Leakage per 100 sgft: CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA=Duct Leakage CFM1100 sgft. Testing Comoanv Company Name: Pro Duct Services Address: 1915 Rio Vista Dr.,Fort Pierce,Fl. I hereby certify that the above Duct Sealing Leakage results demonstrate compliance with 50 Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R403.2.2. Signature: Printed Name: Michael Faurot LicenselCertificate#: 5059122 I � Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division ! 2300 Virginia Ave,Rm 201 • Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Phone:772-462-2165 Fax:772-462-6443 RECEIVED BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM Jul p 9 mle House Infiltration Test Certification permitting Department St.Lucie County Prescriptive and Performance Method Date: -7—/-7 f Permit#: /-,)i v Contractor: t✓L.z.Arr lob Address: Vf l Construction: (0 New Construction-Complete ( )Existing-After Addition House Infiltration Test Results SLC Climate Zone 2 CFM(50)_ _/ Test Date: 7 7�� Volume= O ACH(50)=CFM(50)x 60/Volume ec anical Ventilation required less than 5 ACH Passing results must be&ACH(50)or less ��1' ass ( )Fail FBC,Energy The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per hour in Climate Zone 1,2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w.g.(50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in' Section 553.993(5)or(7), Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f),(g)or(i)or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. FBC,Residential Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.c.(50.Pa)in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Building Code,Energy Conservation the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole-house mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section M1507.3. Testing Comoanv Company Name: Pro Duct Services Address: 1915 Rio Vista dr., Fort Pierce, fl. 1 hereby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation 'requirements in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2. Signature: Printed Name: Michael Faurot License/Certification#: 5059122 i 1 1 i i I Planning & evelopment Services .VM c, JI '' Building &Code Regulation (Division p 2300 Virginia Ave • (Fort Pierce,FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: P /d -- 0 J B ADDRESS: R P L 3 Y. BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVI -A-BUG TERMITE&PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:J13175775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: -I-)&> _ Chemicals used: DOMINION 2L Percentage of solution: -05% Total gallons used: �J Date of Treatment: Time of Treatment: Footing Slab 1st Treatment Vt Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re-Tr a Re-Treat _Other a rC)e Perimeter fpr Final Inspection 1st treatme Re-Treat lb nature Of Exterminator ate Note., There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on th I job site to be picked up by the,inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled Inspection will fail and a re inspection fee charged. FO Cg04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites A weather resistant jobsite posting board Shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certlficates as each required protective treatment is completed, ; providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit fles The Treatment Certifcate shall provide the product used,Identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment,s/te location, area treateo, d7eMICal used,percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Rcviscd 7/24/2014 I i i RECENED JUL 0 2.1010 Professional Insulators of South Florida FTC Insulation Installation Certificate NI'Mitting Department 8t.Lucie ftmty St Lucie County Date: June 19,2018 Re: Lot/Block: Address: 49 Golf Drive. Project: The rsigned hereby certifies that insulation has been installed in the above described property as follows: I. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with: Spray-on Cellulose Thickness in inches: lFiberglass Blankets Manufacturer. Fi Foil lRock Wool Blankets Density: X Aluminum Foil R-Value: R 4.1 Rigid Board Polystyrene Other 2. Ceilings(level)have been insulated with: Spray-on Cellulose Thickness in inches: 11.1" X Fiberglass Blown Manufacturer: Climatepro Rock Wool Blankets Density: Aluminum Foil R-Value: R-30 Polyurethane Open Cell SPF Ceilings(Inaccessible)insulated with: Spray-on Cellulose Thickness in inches: 9.511 X Fiberglass Blankets Manufacturer: Johns Manville Ignition Barrier Density: Fiberglass Blown R Value: R-30 Cellulose Loose Fill Open Cell SPF 3. Interior kneewaIls have been insulated with: a a to j `'' `' Fi lass Blankets Thickness in inches: Fibe lass Loose Fill Manufacturer: ,, RocQWOol Density: .+v a `" Fibeii1ass Blown R-Value: tvgw, Cei ose Loose Fill n Cell SPF 4. Garage partition walls of A/C living area have X Fiberglass Blankets been insulated with: lRock Wool Thickness in inches: 3.5" Polyurethane Manufacturer: Johns Manville Spray-on Cellulose Density: Open Cell SPF R Value• R-1l 5. The following have been insulated: WYNNE BUILDING CORP. General Contract/Builder CBC1254041 .,�••'•. �• •���� Competency# Professional Insulators of South Florida,Inc. '•a���������.•` Insulation Contractor By: By: i :tea .•u_"•.••:. :,s RECEIVED J UM X 0� 7. 6 • ie� �3iv�"• l 1'V100612*V0 Permitting Departmew :, r.:;,•. St. Lucie Count �Q�i'�'�t�Ilr•F. Fax a 7 -462-6443 Dam: � �z� per-it lgfPbee: THE UNDERSIGNED HS*W REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DES.,.RIBED PROPERTY,FOR A•MUM.N0r F'TQ I p'TFtIR3Y pe)•pAy.s, fop,THe puRPoSE dr-'TemNG sysTEms AM)EQUIPMENT Its PREPARATEO,N.FOR A FMAL..INSP.EMON. IN CONSERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE MQUEST ft-Mff�EBY A&MODE Mb AGf&E'AS FOLLOWS. 1. •this tp r ray powu release is.raquesbad fit r.the abOV9 stated poosa only,and thm WM be no OcWpancy of my tYpd,,over than that pirnjitbed by tofLsttu on during this Ume period. Z. AS wll itess by our stgnati'.es,we•herby agree tb a1 fde by oil%nYs and candibons of this agreement, iri Ndifig Building'DMv ion,Pbli(y.which is M0mporatedd herein by reference. 3. All condi0on,3.and re*quiretfte�tt%�istecf in the au&ed.document envied'Wuiremonts for 30 lay Power fnrVe0ho-7,hi Kwbe�nr fvlfil{ed'and.the promise is ready for compliance inspecUort. 4. A1l rwpmsts for art.e*b'MWCn beyppd 30 days mtisft Lae'made in wr►ft tD the Building Qfflclal stating the reasarf for'the mqugr t, Power maybe is emOVed`from the site andfor e•Stop tN.ork.Ordar issued JT the Finaf�tspe,i16n has not Veen approved wlWn 30'days. A fee of$100.00 vui{I be regiured bo M the Stop Mork Carder. WE HEREBY RELEASE-AND AGREF.TO HOLD HARMSS,ST..LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM � ALL UAMUTIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE:OF NATURE WMCH MAY ARC NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS IS TRANS?I=N, INC.LUMF40 ANY Oi4N1A�E VyI��CFi Me4Y BE'!N( JE'RED•)?UE T70 Yid DEW*.EL�O•N-OP ELEC RTCAt PO'N1'FR IN THE EV`Ei 'OF VIOLATION OP M iI$AdREEM64r- OWMAMI�STG?fv DATE ELECTRICAL CONTkAcCTOk tiG ATUFM DAB i I 96ti-d Z000/Z000d M'i 999L8L8ZLL WM A 9 L=60 K, 8 L-90 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772)337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377 SEBASTIAN FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772)589-0712 PALM BEACH (561)845-7445 www.ksmengineering.net MELBOURNE(321)768-8488 FAX(561)845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE(772)229-9093 C.A.: 5693 FAX(772)589-6469 SOIL COMPACTION REPORT ASTM D 1557 and ASTM D 2922 DATE TESTED December 7, 2017 KSM JOB# : 173691-1 d/SS/it PERMIT# 1710-0498 CONTRACTOR Wynne Development JOB LOCATION 49 Golf Drive Spanish Lakes 1 Port St. Lucie, Florida ITEM TESTED Compacted Foundation Fill TEST LOCATION DEPTH * PEN DRY MAX. DRY PERCENT .OF SAMPLE READ DENSITY PROCTOR VALUE COMPACTION 1. S.E. 0" - 12" 39 107.4 112.2 95.7 2. S.W. 36 106.8 95.2 3. Center 44 109.2 97.3 4. N.W. 41 108.3 96.5 5. N.E. 41 107.9 96.2 Soil Description: - Brown Sand with Clay 113.0 I I I I 1 W I I I I I In Place Moisture: E I I I I I I 9.3 Percent I I I I I I G 112.0 Optimum Moisture: H 11.0 Percent T I I I I I I I I I Max. Dry Density: p I I I I I I 112.2 P.C.F. 111.0 @ Test Locations The I I I I I Density & Penetrometer F I I I I Readings Indicate the 110.0 Degree of Compactjon Meets I I I I I ecec ciao MinimumtiF �eRe , a�e,�e D I I I I I for Stalg% FF. UM y,<� '�� R I I I I I Pen, diV*tolqalbral Grade. y 109.010 Resp'%ectftJll u l���r � 0 8 9 1 1� 1: ° m Moistur - /o of ry V1%ei �• o 10 c 10 ;l—K- JAN 0.9 2018 ear. ,. . ••°• C�� �°` esiderit".;k� NA ,•• Permitting Department ax an I est;2P-116ie County Building Department L St. Lucie County, FL Email to: dotty@spanishlakes.com Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293/SI Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E.:68366 gx Planning &Development Services -' _ - Building &Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave • Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #:17 I - `1 5,PJOB ADDRESS: q1 a01 E Qr• (Pf L , 3y�s BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: elJA/ &/ C-60G(4k .. PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT-A-BU RMITE&PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:JB176776 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated; �� Chemicals used: DOMINION 2L Percentage of solution: .05% Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: / -- 7 Time.of Treatment: Footing Slab 1st Treatment �1at Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway Pools J 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Other ist Treatment P rimeter for Final Ins ion Re-Treat Ignature of Exterminator Date Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled Inspection will fail and are inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prevention of termites A weather resistant jobsite posting board; shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certlfrcates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit tiles The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used,Ident/ty of the applicator, time and date of the treatment,site locatlon, area treated, chemical used,percent concentration and number of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of protective treatment. If the soil chemical baffler method for termite prevention is used, flna/exterlor treatment shall; be completed prior to final bullding approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 7/24/2014 i i