HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land Affidavit RECE1`:-D OCT 19-207 $T. ]LUCIIE COYTNTY UELDING &'ZONING 2300'V'IR61NI AVENUE 'FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-3652 x 772-462-1553 • e 1, the undersigned, am the ownez of the following described property: S0.\o&qNX� Part of 3414-301'-1701=000/9- -Section 26, ' township 36s &• Range 40E (Tax 1I)LegaJ desciiptioNAddress) for which I have applied to St.Lucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development.Pemit, BP Number Z acknowledge that as owner of the above described property, and in accordance.with.Section 7.04.01(D), St.Lucie Codnty Land Development Code, I shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage to that the immediate community WML.-NOT be adversely affected. I further acknowledge that in granting this permit for the development of this property,St.Lucie County is neid ier obliged )nor liable to provide for, or-nxairitain in any fort-, adequate:drainage off ray property which will not adversely affect the 1M' 'Mediate comthiihity. Matthew Lyle Wynne Property Owner Name Property Owner Sign kure Date STATE OF FLORIDA.COUNTY OF S t. L u-t i e 4 ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS !- �DAY OF D �� ,20 l? BY Matthew Lyle Mynne WHO ISP6RSONAL'GY KNOWN TOMEOItV/HOHASPR00'UCCO AS I6ENT71CATION. �a/Yln�i �oz i; y Alyoj �i4SG<c� SIGNATLTRJB OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY " 1 (SEAL) NOTARY PUB-LTC T)TLE COlu1 nst��f i 'yg,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN ' MY COAIt'11SSION#GG 030145 EXPIRES!october 2,2020 Bonded ThN Notary Public Underwriters