HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES M Building & Code Compliance Division o _ - - BUILDING PER.Nwr SUB-C®NTRACTOP AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) — -- have agreed to be the Electric (Type OFTrade) — - --- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) .. — For the project located at �S Z ( �J0.��S6ru _� 1 VC (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID g) — —_-_ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with t he b project, the Building and Code regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised Pursue mentioned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. P ant to the TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIF[CATION'NUN1ff R State of Florida, County of .St Lucie The forgoing instrument was signed bcfarc me this L/ day of 202�, by W. Bryan Adams who is personally known _.or has produced a — I as identification. ( a Sigp lure of Nolar I mom O� y Pubic LnYY mfj Priame Notary Public SU13 CONY ---- R4CTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier)..,_ .. PRINT NAM17E — --.... ....... __- CvV� rY CERTtF�CgTION N�gER — --- State of Florida, County ofEA LL;e The for ping instrument w•as signed before me this ar�a�by day-af srho is personalknown Nl_�_or has produced as identification. STAMPTQA 1plt'RY!Xll JPJAIFLRARNER i afure of Notary Public # o- Uy 1361AAMON Al GG 069122 yl o< EXPIRES WI 2, 2021 EaF inF B-ded T ,L Bu&AI Notary Services tint Name 0(�rOtary Pu be �— i g4jj� Notary Public State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore Revised 11 16/2016 ' MY Commission HA 017099 �'►q w Expires 07/012024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & D ERVICES ;�j i DEVELOPMENT S - Building & Code Compliance Division o BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type of Trade) have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC For the project located at O g--Z. I ( Ia j e ,% �7 (Project!Street Address or Property Tax ID #) (Primary IContractor) (W It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 1 "l CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The oregoing instrument was signed before me this day of a 20, by W.Bryan Adams Who is personally known kor has produced a as identification. (Sih�.,e of Notary Public fqr�Uo r int Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Fonda Pilot P(6 Revised 11/16/201 Hannah E Moore Mp, i My Commisstrm HH 017099 Expires 07101/2024 CONTRAC GNATURE ZI (Qualifier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NAME 19-15354 COUNTY CERTlF1CATI0N NUMBER State of Florida, County, fIr 1 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 S day of Mar , 202t by _G , 1(C:iz VN who is personally known X or has produced a as id �nfificatiiin. STAMPffl otarySnaofNPublic 06 o rrttit Name of Notary Public ON Notary Public State of Fp,da Hannah E Moore % My COmmI63ron HH 017099 7apr� Expires07101/2024 STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE =-W— PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ,SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 1 — 1Tl rPcQ � j � �� C fp (Company Name/l the ividual Name) —� have agreed to be M (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for For the (Pr nary onlractot) project located at (Project Slrect Address •r Pro erty Tax lU #) It Is understood that, if there is any change ofstatus regarding ou Project, the Buildin a o r pal7lclpation with the above ntentionerl g and Code Regulation Division of St filing of Change ofSub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE�!_z-I (Qua�linlie/r►).� � PRINT N4r1IE CO C'-RTIFICAl10\ NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foreeoine instntrnent star zdibel'nre rd.) of me this 'U by �yhn is persona y � m !'or has produced a as identilicatinnn�n. II 5" Signature of Notary Public STAhIP Print Name of Nota � 1� ry Public -- , PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN _ My COMMISSION # GG137624 Rev..;ed 11/16/2016 f EXPIRES September 26, 2021 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the C RALTORSICN,17'URE (Qu:dilicr) PRINT NAN'IE COUNT I'CF.RTIFICAT o'N-NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of Q I'urr�uine instrument (t�{ The � • ment ss as signed before me tltisday Qitr/ b) syho is personal) in (/ or has produced a as identification. Si gnature of Notary Public ----- STAiYfP me o(a o�r Print Na y Public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN : My COMMISSION # GG137624 M, •f• '+oiiC EXPIRES S e to P mber 26, 2021 PERMIT l# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division 3 Vi BUr1.DING PERnitl' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEiNIEN7' � 1 C'� have agreed to be (�'oll3panv Ntune'►i�dividual NWITIC-V------ i ---- tlte Roofing (Type oPTrade} —�� --"" --`' Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Prinru'y (onlractbr) For the project located at (Project.• Street Address or Pr()perty Tax►ID #) It is Understood that, if there is any change ufstatus regarding our participation with tile. above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulatiolt Division of St_ Lucie County Will be advised Pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor ilotjc.e. tQu:Jitier) ti(113-CU\TR. C-[' IG\A 'URI )ualifier) William Bryan Adams ------ --- -- -- - - - CUl!V'rYCM:R'rII'IC:1'L'IUN VC�113012 ---` State or Florida, ('oati(y of St. Lucie / The foregoill-) 111s`trunicnt eras signed before tnc rids -I `"_ da of ✓v1S 20u b•t• William Bryan Adams who is persannllrhn0Wn -)(-or bas produced a as Identification. Si>;natar'e ol'Nofary Puhlie 100 YP Erin[ Ka nu• irf \()tar} Public -"— Notary Public State of Flprrda T� Hannah E Moore 1� My CommrsSM HH 017099 IteriscJlJrlb?_Olr, �l11 Expires0710irM24 CUL`\"1'1'�Cl+'.RT)FIC:1TfU\° Stale of Florida, Coung• ()r St LucieLog potq The foregoing instrument wis sigacd herure ine rtits �J r(:ft• ol• Qv Who is personally knos.n_) or has produced a as identification, msia.,furc of N `'1--- STAMP than► ►tit U v o r .� Print Name or\ulna' Public -' — ip'�� NoterY Public State of ':ride Hannah E Moore �" MY Commission HH 017099 W wdi Expires 07/01/2024