HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 03/16/2020 02:55 PH FAX 7727704656 H & H PLUMBING z 0001/0003 ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Z21 Date: 1� I Permit Numl e AMIUMnic V CD MAR 2021 Building Permit APP licatio Planning and Development Services Permitting Department Building and Code Regulation Division St, Lucie County, FL 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pferce FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line ,�• ,t'4Y•:+l •.T•r�n•�:M��. - '�N.Y rt •S I'J�nr y, I'I+ 'Y •P .�'..n 1'aa3 � e• Address: t-1 a•-Y'►� D� �-�• }�[��Gam• [ 1 Legal Description: j dl��31.�,• (q� � -�G�.•r A� �j ram, Property Tax ID#: 115Q O ro• b ' `CC0.8 Lat No. 10 Site Plan Name. Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Frontr _ Back: Right Side: Left Side: ►rU J c�e- .,�, i n'�r-4- .11 LJ 1-k.Po nor :,w:�:ji7"':�' 'Cq!. ,: .�,if;• ..;:r ;,'.l�aliy`�•jeP+�• !:;:�+.. ��ti�it�j�• Cu' °:#>::G• ••::^#°�: •fk`r, ;it''..•• f .F._.P. S,,�! b•.,Sri:1`•`�� :3''=x`�t''F+'`:4",:' •;r"r*M°.`:• '"}f h`„_�. kt<-• -•N f%:t`.0 { {ona wor o e orme uns:H+ lraJr.•>r' er is perms•-c ec a a pp Y� �HVAC Gas Tank OCas Piping _Shutters ❑{Windows/Doors Electric L`�Plumbing Sprinklers []Generator Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ ffco Utilities: Sewer Septic Building Height' t t '.IY i[U7ocSf r 'M •S;f;.yi;'}j „��• �5. :c ,• S': frr't•.. i....: •-t .. tt,,a7iuk •L—� ''�< .4: . :7 <,. � :iLti� - K \4. 1'�9, Ell Name k�- �1{1Gi 5 f-) Name: lu l i S Address: U•-M I,z I���_ Company:_ �-�• i� 1`.• City' �-� �'(G�C State: r 1.,. Address: 'c'I-1C:� 18'r{-�' •�, Zip Code:.?546'115I Fax: City: Ufa State:Vl_ Phone No. -1 aS� 3 e Zip Code: a"I E-Mail: Phone No. -1-1 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(If different E-Mail: �"1 I.�i+'� 1F�✓D F� � I ^�" from the Owner listed above) State or County License: 1) j!2)II Ba . If value of construction Is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 03/16/2020 02:55 PM FAX 7727704858 H & H PLUMBING �0002/0003 DESIGNERANGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: —Not Applicable Name: Name: _ Address: __ Address: City: State: City: _ - __State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: T Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not i ppllcabie Name: _ _ __ _ Name, Address: _ Address: City: _ -_ -- -- City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone- — I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit, St. Lucie County make no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the sub.ect structure which is in conflict w3 any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict c�r prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply, In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted o e jobsite befor rst inspection. If you int d to obtain financing, consult ith lender or a attor y lefore com en work or recor in o Notice of Commen=. I s nature of 0 ner/L se ontrac*r—as for Owner Sign ure of Contr or/L Hol r STATE OF FLORMA j STATE OF FLORIWL-- COUNTYOF :Z CdiQn Qlzn_ COUNTY OF -I/t 1Gl>7 1Y�r The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instru ent was acknowledged before me this LiNay of Imay- Art 20 al by this day of t�lrC 20 a1 by A) P 0"ID (N f person acknowledging me o rson ackno ledging) (Sign re of Notary ublic-State of I ida) (Sign r of Notary P lc-State of Flo Ida) Per onally Known 1,1"OR Produced Identification Per ally Known R produced Identifig:atlon Type of Identificati �. Type of Identificatio r: c„ jENWlFtNRA6AN ry Public-State of Florida nn rrc�ry Public-State of Florida' !!y��aa�C�''�� Commission No.o� i C'Smmissidr6;{f{)095071 Commission Na. ?Q'Jtammisslan( d�b950I1 My Comm,Expires Feb t 8,2025 oFM1.f My Comm,Expires Feb 16,2025 i3onded through National Nota Assn. 9onted thrpuyh National Notary Assn. Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS 03/16/2020 02:56 PM FAX 7727704656 H & H PLUMBING 2 0003/0003 iNDL4X RIVER COUNTY-WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION FEES '13e6.25thAvcnueSWConncctionCostShcet.xlsm e �• q1 Property Owner; HILL DENNIS AND BUFFIE Phone#t 853.801.1804 Preject/Subdivision Name: OSLO PARK SUB NO 713LK I LOT 6 P814-28 Cell M. Requestor: Amber Dancy Fax#: Location/Street Address: 1346 25TH AV SW VERO BEACH,FL 32962 a-Mall:deny 2o1.5@ mil.mm Parcel ID(Is)M. 33392600006001000006.0 property Use Code 0100 CONNECTING TO: TYPE; IV WATER r SEWER r FIRE SPRINKLERS 17 Single Family r-Multi-Family r Commercial WATER: Water Impact Fee: i ERU(s) $2,300.00 per EAU(Can be financed for 5 years 4.75%) $ 1,300.00 f Flrlancod Wager Samcc connection Fop: $ r-1`appfnti Water Deposle 1 ERU(s) $50,00 per EAU a $ SOr00 Inspection Fee S - #of meters Metertnstallation 5/8- i $ 130.00 If Master Planned Line LF $ SEWER: Sewer Impact Fee: ERU(s) $2,796.00 per EAU(Can he financed for 5 years 0 4.75%) = $ - r financed Sewer Sry UPP ns 'SEW E R I S N OT AVA I LA B L E Sewer Deposit: ERU(s) Deposit Q0$50.00 per EAU = $ - Inspection Fee n $ If Master Planned Line LF ■ $ MISCELLANEOUS: New Account charge 1 ■ $ 25.39 Recording Fee ■ Doc Stamp Remarks: — Offidel We by IRCUO Staff only -- Prepared By vote ftg ed Exotg[on Dote Kevin Osthus 12/16/2020 611412021 1 hereby sellnawtad;e that I have been Informed lhet a IRC Service App Provided? parnllt la mquved by the eWldlhg Department far theu Inttallatlanertheservtdellnefrom the meter. 10; , TotalnalaneeDue••• m $ 1,505.39 recommendapraaaureteethsyeur Mating Mumbina Were trandtienlwe from y—pdeate well r►alent to the countp's we ter aemee.peeyure tejtms WIN IUM"ad to ***Charges and fees are estimate*only. awldanyputenaalreeka arbreaks thetnoyoccw due Actual charges are subject to review and tothe Pressure Chemise with your new CovnW water confirmation at time of payment.Service service. iticous is not responslble for leaks or break# thatmayaccufdeetown to the countywattr Avallablllty Fees will accrue at the tlme Customer Signature: 'y"`m connection fees have been paid. Date: Date Pdntect 12/16/2020