HomeMy WebLinkAboutOC WTHLK G FL# ver 2020i Business & Professional Regulation Bc15 Nma = ' Le91n UserRMMRUon Not Topes Submit su,diarye sta¢aFiv puvmrons <ontett a mh ... LrnU d pr Rroda hIc U"I val PnaA FLEIIc Ux, rn.n>PL9111t51Pf ARNK041W!SUSn> a..Yun >aPNblbn MsaN FLY APPllcabon Type F1.9JJJ-R33 R Cade Version 2020020 APPIk .5tffius Approved Comments Archived Produd ManU(aCh1Rr Owens Coming Addrese/Phone/Emall One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 (740)404-7829 greg.keeler®Owensmrniog.wn, Aatborlaed Signature Greg Keeler greg.keelcreaowensmming.com Technical Representathre ABdress/Phone/Emall Quality Assurance Representative AddneWPhone/Emall Category Roofing Subnategmy Underlaymanm Compliance Method EvaWaUan report Rom a Florida Registered Archltanr m a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer EvaluaWn Report - HeMCopy Retelved FlarWa Engineer ar A ftaR Name whP developed Urn Zachary R. Prins[ EvaWation Report FlOHde License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Consrmction Materials Teonnegiee, LLC Quality Assurance ContraOt Expiration Date 12/31/2D24 Validated By Steven M. UHch, PE Validation MmMist - Herecopy Received Cerbfirate of lnd.p Mane FL9777 R13 COI OQ14002.10e 7220 FBC Ev Ggel.Rd Referenced Standard and Year (Of Standard) ftand,rs Yeas ASiM D 1070 2015 ASTM D 226 20" AS1 G 155 2013 TAS 103 W20 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Plodud Standard; Cerofim By Sec0ons fmm the Code L] ProtluR Approval Manned Method 1 Opbon D Data Submitted 10/22/2020 Date Validated 10/2W2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/28/2020 Data Apmoved 12/15/2020 Date ReAsed 12/17/2020 emlurtar�pf ProdpetO MCCalr NuaWrar Nape paaurfpum all tm lodt G Weathe0voofing Untlniayment Usafts 0Use Approved for use in HVHI• No InaWletbo InotruWgla Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yea Nan-HVHZ n IResistant: N/A Design enure: ompen verified BY: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Otltar: Seeee evaluation ion report for limits a use. Created by Independent Third Party: Yee Evaluation Reports Non-HVHZ floe adf Created by Independent Third Perry: yes 9777.2 WeaMeMrk G (High Tear) , WeaMeryrooflng UndeaaymeM lamfts Use Imtsllatlon Instructions,Approved a for use In HVHZ! Na FL9DJ Rt�II OfRtc^^2m n^^^ f Approved for use outside XVHZ: Yes Non-HVHZ R.I.na Impact Resisures N/A evalua N/A Verified By: Zachary IL Navy PE-74021 Created by independe t Third Parry: Yes Mar:Obasign eaPre Other. See evaluation report for limits cruse. EvaNation Reports j _FL0777 RI AF W91400 Y^ 2010 FBC Eval l Np Oated b Ind pM ' Geared by Independent ThIM Pony: Yea 9]>J 3 Weatlneaock _.._ MAT Water Untlerlayme_ omits of U.No Approved fe Use in HVHZ: Yes Inaleallatbn Inelwcarom AMP N for use outside NVXZ: No » HVHZ final Impen R lsure: N/A edf Verified By: Zachary R. Priest Pressure: N/A 74021 1 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes MarDwig Mar; See evaluation report for limits of use. j Evaluaton "Posts j fl o>J] R13 AL O R3400 0b ID20 F& lEval HVHZ final m Created by lndepentlent Third Party; Yea 97774 Weafnerlpck NAT _ Wete-UsaaNq UrMerieyrneat Urnits Of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No lon" "He" Irletruebea Pt e» a I CR14002 SO- Approve"I for use outside "Na: yes O FB'- l -HVH> 1 Rdf Impaet Resistant: N/A poipn Pressure: N/A VeHOed By: Zachary R. Meat 74021 Meet.See evaluation report for limits of use. Created by Independent Third Pang; Yea Evaluation Reports FL.9777 0. A On 1010 N GTastedeared > fl tlf by [MepentleM Third Party: Yes ' Sn).5 1 Weathertnck Metal Limits a Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Resign Presauro: N/A Mar: See evaluation report far limits of use. 9777.6 1 Weatrarta* Umits a Use Approved toy use in HVHZ• Year Approved far use outside HVHZ: No Impen Roalstane N/A Weatherproofing Undedayment vennas ay: "Chary R Pdast PE74021 Created! by Independent ThIM Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 400 020 FR Eva[ Crustal o Onai odf reatetl by Independent Thba PaM: Yea Verified BY: Zachary R often PE•74021 Created by Indepeacgot Third Party: Yes paeign Preeaure: WA Man See eveluation on nn, for limits of use. WeattleMrk SWatty T7k & HMmi Approved Nor use in HVH2t No u_gJ]] ^=+ano Approved for use..Wft HVHD Yes R13 n 10 020 FB Hon-HVH]flna Impact Resistant: N/A01- Cesipn pressure: +0/-143.5 od/ VeMIad By: Z ary R. Meet 74021 HMer. See evaluatlon reort pfar limits pP use. Created by Independent TMn1 patty; Yea -- oe__— Patty: Yes meseete efrwna. iam4vtred mminrv,'a,.mae 4m1-201+ _ _:: �. ,�. .. �ese:.m� enneadw me Pu .2E My M yOu an a leene,e no, Pmb:[t Appmvalwaapb: nm®id 9;0�® Credit Card Sale CREEK Certificate o/Aufhai2 n bur 29824 17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33847 TECHNICAL 5ERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, r EOITIDN (2020) Manufacturer. OWENS CORNING Issued October 23, 2020 1 Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, OH 43657 (800)438-7465 T Yw wan Manufacturing Location: Brace od, NH Houston, TX Quallty Assurance: PRI Construction Matanais Technologies, LLC (QUASI10)) Category: Roofing Subcategory: Undedaymems Code Sections: 1504.3.1, 1507.1.1 Properties: Physical properties Emily Report PRI Construction Materiels Technologies (TST5878) No. NEI 31"41 Standard ASTM D 1970 you 2015a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) NEI-042-02-01REW ASTM D 1970 miss PRI Corennation Meamitis Technologies (TST5878) NEI-0454241 ASTM G 156 M13 PRI Conebuctlon Materials Technoiogles (T Srfr8) NEI-D 3-0 l ASTM G 155 M13 PRI Corebuition Matmlals Techrrobgies(TST5878) NEI-093.02-02 ASTM 01970 2016e PRI Coornuctbn Materials Technologies (TSTSS78) OCF.213-0241 ASTM D 1623 2009 PRI Construction Materials Tmhrologies (TST6878) OCF-237-02-01 UL 18V 2012 PRI Construction Materials Techrmlogies (TST5876) OCF@52-0 411 ASTM D 4798 2011 PRI Construction Minerals Techmlocas (TST6878) OCF-252-02-0i ASTM D 1970 2016a PRI Construction Minerals Teohro logles (TST5878) OCF-253-024# ASTM D 1970 2016a PRI Construction Mebriels Tectmob91es (TST5878) 0CF-293-02-01 ASTM D 1970 2015a PRI Construction itinerate Techrobgim (TSTWM) 0CF49602-02 ICC-ES AC 18W 2012 PRI ComWdion Materials TeNvologles (TST5878) OCF-297-0 411A ICC-ES AC 46 MTi4 D 1970 2012 2015a PRI CanaWCllon Materials Technologies OCF-318-02-01 ASTM D 1970 wife OWW78) PRI Consduclbn MateriaN Technologies (TST5578) OCFJ -Dl ASTM O 156 MIW013 (TSTe8]8) PRI Construction Mate,ial. Techrd,te OCFd 1-02-01 A8TM D 1623 2009 PRI Constuoton Materials Technologies (TST5878) i CCF-322-02-0i UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Mismala Technologies (TST5878) OCF-356�02-01 11L IN7 2012 PRI Construction Materials Teohnolo9ies (TSTS878) 1378TO120 TAS 103 2020 PRI Consbuction Melarlefs Tetlmobgiea (T3T5878) 137OM121 ASTM D 1823 M19 'Datenninetl to be equivalent to ASTM D 226-09, Type I and 11 TM 103 2020 mnreol aemcac, LLU Or any proouct ohargaa or quality asirre. changoc throughout the curator lorwhidr this report Is valid. This evaluation report does not eglreas nor imply warranty, instillation, recommended use, or other proeu s altrmutea that are rot spae fically addressed! herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC OWENS CORNING ROOFING MO ASPHALT LLC Wesmerl.ock® Undedaymsnfs (Non.HVML) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITS OF USE WaatherLoclr® G Weathei Lock® G Is an ASTM 0 1970 self -adhered und0daym nit Constructed from SRS (Brentwood, NH or modified asphalt, a fiberglass mat reinforcement and surfaced with granules, The Houston, T)() product is supplied In 2-sq, rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-11 x 66.7-ft. Weamert-ock® G is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roofing coverings. Exposure on the mot deck Shall be limited to a maximum 30 days. WeatherLock@ Mat (Brentwood, NH Weatherl-ocM Mat is an ASTM 0 1970 selfadhered uderlaynmm constructed from or Houston, TX) SBS Modified asphalt with a fibergiasa mat reinforcement. The product Is supplied in 1-sq. mils with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 33.3-ft and 2 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 86.7$. Weremd-ock® Mat is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1607.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 her mechanically attached root coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shad be limited to a maximum 30 days. Weatherl-ockS Metal Weathercock® Metal is an ASTM D 1970 self -adhered underlayment constructed from (Brentwood NH) SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat reinforcement and plastic film sulfate. The product is supplied In 2.0 sq, rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-t x 66.7-ft. Weatherl-ock® Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507,1.1.1 for mechanically atached roof coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days, Waatherlock® Specialty Tile & Metal WeatherLoch® Specialty Tile & Metal is an ASTM D 1970, TAS 103 and FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile installaaon Missile, Sixth Edition compliant (Brentwood, NHJ self -adhered underlayment constructed from SBS modified asphalt and surfaced with a non -woven poyestar fabric. The product is supplied In 2.14 sq. roils with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 71.3-ft. WeatherLgck® Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in F8C Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1. Waatherlock® Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used with adhered day or concrete Ile roofing using Dupont TILE BOND Roof The Adhesive. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days. The maximum roof slope shall be 6:12 when used with day or concrete tile installations without bad... Tile shall be stored on battens for -of Slope, greater than 6:12, Thee shall not be stacked greater 10 ties per stack. Weatherlock®G Weather-ock® G (High Tear) Is an ASTM D 1970 set -adhered underlayment used as an (High Tear) alternative to ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt. The undedayment is composed or $BS (Houston, T)Q modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat internal raMfomemenl and Is surfaced with granules. The productis supplied with a nominal thickness of 50 mile in 1.95aq rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 6". Weatherl-ockp G (High Test) Is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shell be limited to a maximum 30 days. Technical Services, LLC of any protlud changes or quality assurance charges throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not sores, nm imply warranty, inet coon, io,armarded use, or other pmduot altributi a that are Nor specifically addreesed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCTAPPLICATIDN OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC Weathartacklis Undalaymente (Non4fyR7.) Min. Roof Slope: 2:12 in SOMI'darCe, with the FBC Application: All undedayments shell be Installed in accordance with the FRO, Deck substrates shall be clash, dry, and free flom any imNulanWes and debris. Ad fasteners in the deck shall be checked for prohusfon and corrected prior to undenayment application. Prior to beginning installation, the undedeyment shaft be parched and allowed M relax fora minimum of 3-5 minutes. The undedayment shall be Installed with the release backer removed and pressed firmly into place to ensure complete contact with the deck. The undedaym nit shall be Installed with the roll length parallel to the saws, starling at the eave, and with minimum X side laps end minimum 6' end laps staggered min. 6A.from preceding course. Additionally, if applying WeatheILOG O Specialty Tile & Metal, end Iva shall be primed with ASTM O 41 primer or sealed with asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3A inches aaoss the width of the lap. It is permissible to back nail the undedayment 12-inches on -canter as needed (nails shall be Installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the tap surface or the underlayment). Additionally, Weather-ockNJ Specialty Tile & Metal shall be back nailed when installed on root slopes greater than 3:12. Min. Application 40'F; Comae the menufacturerwhen Installing at temperatures below the minimum Temperature: application temperature. WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum Design Pressures shown below ware calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. Und da ma t Svste No 1 Weameri k < Tge 8 Met 1 Only Roof Dsck: Min. 15f324nth COX plywood attached to wood supports spaced a maximum 24, o.c. Unde laymerd: Weatheri-oclk® Speelaity Tile & Metal shell be applied in accortlance vnm manufacturers installation induction to the fastened deck and backneiled along me selvage with minimum 129a., 1-1/4-Inch galvanized ring shank roofing nails through optionally primed,, 32ga. x 1-5/8-Inch 0 On caps spaced 12- ox. The applied underlayment shall be rolled with a minimum 751b steel roller immediately following application. Maximum Design -142.5 pal Pressure: Technical Services, LLC of my product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluelfon repoR aces nor ayress nor imply wananty. Instalatbn, eeconn:larded use, Or ether product aanMaes mat are not spec" addressed herein. ■ CREEK OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC WOettsi Lsek® 0ntladaystenh (N0.0 Hta 2) TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC GENERA. LIMITATIONS 1) This evaluation report is not use in the HVHZ. 2) Fire Classification is not w0hin the scope of this evaluation. 3) Installation of the evaluated Product shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the menufacturefs published application instructions. Where discrepancies assbatsman Vm ase sources, the more restrictive end FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 4) The roof deck shall be cor stmcted of Closely fitted plywood sheathing for new or azisting construction. 8) The space under the deck area shall be property ventilated in accordance with the FBC requirements. e) All side lap seems shall be insulted to shed water from the such. 7) The wgedaymeat may be used as described In other current FBC product approval documents. 8) Design wind bad pressures shall be determined for components and cladding in accordance wdh FBC 1609. 9) The root deck shall be designed by omers In accordance with FBC requirements to teem the design wind load pressures for components and deciding. 10) Maximum Des/an Pressures for a given urMedayment shall meet or exceed the design wind loads determined for the roof assembly. 11) At products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule S1G2P3. COMPLIANCE The Products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Pried. P.E. have demonstrated compirance with the Florida Building Code r Edition (2020) as evidenced in the refereced documents Submitted by the named manufacturer. "Y R 2020.10.23 . `:. 09:42:37 we 74D2i w-04'00' STATE OF O •'�N ` Zachary R. Priest, P.E. ........ Florida RegismaJon No. 74021 �yONA4Erad OrganiMtion No. ANE9641 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK TacMical SWoas, LLC time not have, nor wit k acquire, a financial mrareat a any ednpam/ menufacaain9 ortleMDUWg produces under this evaluation. CREEK Tedmkel Service& LLC le not owned, clu eisd, or controlled by any company manuf stung or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Pdesi P.E. does not have, nm M" solid"', a financial inam et in my oompenY manufectunng or distributing products urMm the evaluation. Zechary R. Prat, P.E. does not have, nor vdli a cka, a financial Ir%ense In any other entry invotwd! in the approval Process of the Product. END OF REPORT Tecnnlcal Servlces, LLC of an _.__.__..... ..._... —..r ......,... y product cfmrgas or quality assurance chcgas ItaoughouI the dumilon far which this report 6 read. This Swamtbn MPW data W efPrws nm imPly warranty, Inatallstion, recommended use, m other Product attributes Net are not si cf"MY addressed herein.