HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application i i All APPI:ICABLE INFO MUST BE CQMPLETEp FOR,APPLICATION'TO 13E ACCEPTED ® Date:, ' ' Per Number: �• I'd' - � 607 Building Permit P0111Cation r Planning-and Development Services Huilding:gnd Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce A 3402• Phone:(772)462.ISS3 Fax:(772)462-1579" Commercial Residential' X PERMITTYPE: RESIDENTIAL .BUILDING (S`M UP TO 2 FLOORS)' PROPOSED (MPROVEM,E,NT LOCATION F ..,. Address: 5165 Armina Place Property Tax ID# . 131.1-700-0189-000-5 Lot No. 45 Site.Plan Narne:.WA,.ERSTONE-PHASE-ONE Blocic No, 3 Project Name: ASPIRE AT WATERSTONE DETAILED DESCRIPTIQNOF WORK NEW CONSTRUCTION PER PLANS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE(SFR) Emerald ES-A-Garage Right 5 Bedroom/3 Bath One 2-car garage :CQNSTRUCTI,ON INFORMATION Additional work to be performed under this permit-check all that apply: Mechanical Gas Tank _Gas Piping ✓Shutters ✓ Windows/Doors` ;/Electric j/P,lumbing �/spr•inklers Generator V Roof 5:12 Pitch. Total Sq, Ft of Construction:. 2863 Sq. Ft.of First floor: 968 Cost of Construction:•$- 135,338 Utilities:' ✓Sewer Septic- Building Height:: 25 9-1/2" OWNER/LESSEE. CONTRACTfl`R _. Name KEVIN BORKENHAGEN Name:JOSEPH SPALT Address.3601 QUANTUM BLVD. Company:.K:HOVNANIAN FLORIDA OPERATIONS,LLG City: BOYNTON BEACH State: FL Address:360:1 QUANTl1M-BEND Zip Code: 33426 Fax: City: BOYNTON BEACH State:FL Phone No.. 561-364-33.16: Zip Cade: 3.426 Fax: E-Maif: KWIRTH:@KHOVCOM- Phone No 661'364-3316 Fill in fee simple Titlel-loIder on next page`Of different E-Mail KWIRTH@KHOV.COM from the Owner listed above). State or County License-CB01263043- If value of`construction is$2 500 or more,a RE£ORDED Notice of'Commencement Is required. Ifualue`of HVACJs$7 500 or more,,a RECORDED.Notice of Commencement is required. ; U�P W1 f ORIVAONLLNOU � DESIGNER ENGINEER: Not A iicable / pp MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ N"of Applicable_ Name: Address: Address: City:. State:_. City: State: Zip:: Phone._, Zip; Phonei, FEE:SIMPLE:TITLE HOLDER:: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not:Applicable: Name: Address; Address: City:, Ctty.; Zip:. .:;Phorie:< Zip P ione OWNER/CONTRA CTOR.AFFIDU.IT:Application i*hereby made to obtain a permit'to do the work.and:instaliatlon:,as indicated." 1''.certify':that no work o"r installation has corn ience'd priorto the"issuance of a permit: St Lucie Count :makes no representation that.is grantinga perm it"will authorize'the permit holderto build these bject structure tructti�e.Please c nsu(t_with your Home:QwnnOwners rs Assoc at on andrreviewyyour.deed f r any restrictions a.y ich,ma'or prohibit such. y pp which,ma' apply. In'con'sideration'of the granting°of this:requested,permit;,l do her..eby agree,thatl'will,fn all,respects,perform-the'work- in"accordance.with the approved'plans,the Florid",, uild.ing.Codes and:St:.Lucie':County Amendments., The following building'permit.appUcatons`are exempt from undergoing.a`full concurrency review:room addition's, accessory structures,swimming pools,'fences;.walls;.signs;screen:-rooms and accessory uses to anothernon-residential_use "WARNING TO OWNER:: YOURFAiLURE'TO RECORD ANOiTICE OF'COMMENCEMENT MAY I2ESULT`IN YOUR PAYING- TWICE FOR, IM'06OVEii'i,ki ,,'TO YOUR::PROPERTY.,A:NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEFIN UST BE. RECORDED AND P;OSTED';ON THE:JOB SITE BEFORE THE:FI(i5T.1111SPECTIOAI.=IF YOU"INJEND TO FINA[UCENG ;CONSULT WITH_YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE REGORDINCYOUR NO ICEOF OCEMEIM" Signature of`O',per/ e de/Goritractor.asAget t for owner Signature of n ra r/License'Hdlder STATE.OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF:PALM13EAcH COUNTY OF PALMBEAcH. The forgoing-instrument-was acknowledged before me. The forgoing,instrument was%acknowledged beforemme tfiis 19th day'of' March ;.20 21 by :this 19th day of March 20: 21 by KEbIN BORKENHAGEN" JOSEPH SPAUT Name of-person makingsta.tement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR Produced,Identification Personally Known x ORpProduced.ldentification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced. Produced (Signat re"of.Notary Public-State �vtN+r>RrN (Sign ture:of Notary,Public=:Scat GGS7767t' � NotityPtalk-StatrafFbA4e Not+ry¢abUc-SsffisafFtori� WWM Commission No. F?eal /tati417671 ommission'No.,GG917671 $e � 6711 aFM1 My dafn,Bpt-Sep 29.. aF Fir y Owded through NaftW Notary Am Banded through Nattatiat Notary Assn. REVIEWS ,FRONT' , ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS, VEGETATION" SEATURTLE:: MANGROVE, ,COUNTER- REVIEW. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW" REVIEW REVIEW' DATE RECEIVED . DATE COMPLETED. ev:2/7/19 L _