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�*WARNING' TALL BEARING POINTS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY TRUSSES! FAILURE *BUILDER"S WARNING* °ORENGdNEERED IY VITCA 1 - 1995. [BRAVING: FOR THE ERECTION BRACING FOLLOW INSTRUCNC I ANALYZED BY ON THE BCSI-B1 SUMMARY SHEETS 2) PERMANENT BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURE IS HE ATION OF TRUSSES ESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. THE SCSI-81 SUMMARY 3) INSTALL WEB BRACING AS STATED ON SEALED NUMBER OF GIRDER AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT APPROVES THEM IN ADVANCE LL HANGERS ARE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE UNLESS NECTION INFORMATION. OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL HANGERS ACCORDING TMENT MUST APPROVE TO THE CURRENT SIMPSON STRONG -TIE CATALOG iR REPAIRS TO TRUSSES IN The Architect-s or Architect's representative's she' drawing approval is NOT a "double check" of the contractor. The contractor shall remaln responsible for checking field VED measurements and other construction criteria. Architect's RECEI(�' approval covers general roof shape, •I review of truss strapping, and loading on structure from B 1 1 12016 FEp gravity and uplift loads and their rse!130111ittive locations. PERMIT-TING Approved - St. Lucie County, FL Date:___ Braden 8 Braden A.I.A. P.A. I Of Truss eering Sheets HEEL 8" 6" - TYP. END DETAIL A C`• n• n� Lu Q 'ease , EAST COAST TRUSS 5285 ST. I UCIF BLVD. FT. PIERCE FI- 34OW OFFICE (MI 466-2480 FAX 02466-5336 )B NAME:Alexander Residence DDRESS:19 Nettles Boulevard ITY/CNTYJensen Beach/St Lucie IODEL [???] ARAGE QFT151 ATE 01/27/16 (LATEST=01/27/16) A ACCORDANCE RTIE THE FLORIDA ADBUNI.STRAT IE CODE 1 61GI53.31.0a3 (3) (c), EAST COAST TRUSS A the "Those Beef gv Engineer" Trasa" ere designed N eaortlaoa With (M1e Merida Bogditg Cede 1 1 I PPROVAL NOTE: — epprovhg me placement plan(s), signalured anywhere on this sheet, the itomer or his represeotl6ve acknowledges that this placement plan comp0e. I v the strucivral intent of the project. I 'he customer also acknowledges that this approval authorizes EAST 1 BAST TRUSS to manufacture mesa truest. and deliver them to the project 1 Icated on this drawing. i The euttomar also acknowledges that he/she accepts Financial ponsibility for any repair, engineering, and labor required due to senors , or than those of EAST COAST TRUSS. BODE =FBC 2014/TPI2007 ASCE 7-1 )ESIGN CRITERIA =MWFRS CCUPANCY CATEGORY = II _XPOSURE = D WF SPEED =170 BUILDING TYPE =ENCLOSED EAN HEIGHT =15.00 GRAVITY LOADS -LOOK: DUR FACTOR= 1.0 SF=TCLL - TCDL- BCLL-BCDL 40.0,10.010.0,5.0 ROOF: DUR FACTOR= 1.25 PSF=TCLL. - TCDI_ - RCLL - RCDI_ 20.0915,010.0910.0 LOADS PEFk_FBG QI FRC 'NON -CONCURRENT BC LL 10psf CONCURRENT ®C %IgDRAGE LL 20.pp_88f -UPLIFT MOST Sl'E.PAB9 FLOOR TRUSSE8 UNLESS SHOWN ON ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING. ALL GIRDERICOLUMN LOADS MUST BY-PASS FLOOR TRUSS UNLESS SHOWN ON ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING. 2x8 EiR6FBACK BRACIN hf Ia11• o. ,, l MCGTiMENOED ON FLOOR TRUSSES SPANNING 20'-0' Oft MORE �CAUTTbR:3`6AF6T3R�fiER TaAl4 3G-0" MUST BE SET WITH A SPREADER BAR. THE SPREADER BAR SHOULD BE AT LEAST V2 TO 2/31N LENGTH AS THE SPAN OF THE TRUSS BEING SET. REFER TO B@1-B1 FOR COMPLETE ERECTION AND SAFETY PROCEDURES. A'CTE: TRUS8 Db_NNNai SUPPORT ANY PLANT SHELVES RE I/�SIONS-- , e t TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN -_�� — -- y_— - Gutter with downspout I 12 6„ 5 SLOP 011 (D L11 [ill FRONT ELEVi4TIOil 0 LEFT �. V T f O l�l E L-f V A I __I U N Florida Building Code Residential: 5th Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading I _ Building Design Is: Enclosed Risk Categorgg: it Wind Speed: 16 mph ultimate Roof Fitch: 6:12 Mean Roof Height: 15'-0" i Internal Pressure Coe icient: ±0.18 Subjectabilitg to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Very Heavu` Width of Roof End Zone: Wind Exposure Classification: C Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and FLAT ROOF To LI20PITCH Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.6WL; O.4DL+0.6WL Exp Height Ad j Factor: 1.21 x Load. Combo Factor 0.6 = 0.126 applied below Components L Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. +20.0/-31.0 psf Roof Zone: 2. +20.0/.-54.Opsf Roof Zone: 3. +20.0/-19.Opsf Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 5'-6" Components L Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4: +34.0/-31.0 psf rr�OF Wall Zone: 5. +34.0/-45.0 psf Components ✓I Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: +29.O/-35.Opsf : Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes LESS GABLE ROOF FROM THAN 1:I2 PITCH 2:12 TO 12:12 PITCH Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes Are Components an Cladding Detail Provided:? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2.500 psi, Presumptive: X By Test: psf F-1 -. Root Zone I = Root Zone 2 = Corner Zones This BuildingShall Have the Following: g wana Zone 4 Walls Zone 5 Roof Zone 3 END ZONE APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BOTH: NEITHER: ;THESE PLANS AI40 ALL PROPOSED WORK 1;. ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY. IN ORDER TOEN COMPLYWITH ALI,'APPLICA91.E CODES,.; tad N 3 c L . o @��C m y LU L L a J C N ALL MANUFACTURES LABLES SHOWING U FACTORS AND SHGC COMPLIANCE WITH FBC ENERGY CODE MUST REMAIN ON ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS UNTIL INSPECTIONS ARE APPROVED with downspout' CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD '8;' thick light textured cco on tgpical concrete block construction I I u L A i LD FOR CO, DING DIVISION rI1 rF; ('(IUNTV R�JIL >i01ERED Y DATE PLANS .i.ND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO LNSPECTION WILL BE MADE. Q� f N N sr L �° O N E_ r cc Q) N N Q +J LL b Z N In o T 1p > (V � � — � o zU a F— -° ITS M Q 0) m �o �o vQLn� �o N" UO II E O4 # v v �i o rr rr8�aCc 1J111Or 4JN���m i C- 'V- W 10 E U_ Q ~IW N W Q Z � X l.l.l IL W Sheet z I, OF 5. Comm # Lll IS-228 iZ Copyright (C), 21'-4'' min. of n on esheathhing 0complanceowthnICC-ESR-1826 ,o bottom inne of roof4 p datid Feb I, 20.12. Instals DC 315 Intumescent coating per section 4.3 2 of ICC test noted om I above to c P y - Southeastern Metals 24 ga. 5V Crimp Metal Roofing(White) installed with Is barrier mni thermal"barr requirements. per product approval F.L# 11115.1 over 'Pol glass self adhered a - roofing underl.agment over 19/32" COX, plywood attached, e' r sheeting attachment diagram on roof to trusses per n O Simpson HETA 20 or equal PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES Meter hurricane anchor at each truss 12 at 24"o.c. TYPICAL O with (10) lod x 1 1/2" nails 24" o.cJ Max. 5 r— (.shop. drawings by manufacturer ) SlidingScreen supporting IBIOIbs. uplift do O xi / Prefabricated alumnium gutter " 5/8" with smooth.finish o shop drawings b'g mfg on 12 .dr9wall 0 // XIu6" h / "on fascia n `_v i� 1/2" drggw'all' over I" x furring I6" R4.2 fgfoil ➢ stripe at' o.c. with insulation on tgprcal 8° Block walls 36 big O , 1/2 thick stucco on 3/.8 hi -rib lath12 attaefied to horizontal and vertical wood All drywall is per PBC 102.3.1 and low wall /, Framing with nails or staples, to provide shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes: P no losethan I-3/4" penetration into Mortar to be Typpe"IT,onlyy: Provide Dur-O—ROck at all. A Y Vault Ceding UP ., .. horizontal wood framing and 3/4" ..penetration into vertical framing -v wood aming members O wet (ex. showers, etc.:.)' areasa tubs „sitI QI a OD IF cell with concrete and I (l) #5 bar vert. (typical). 3'-9" ® 1 cv 5/8" thick light textured Max. spacing shall not exceed stucco on typical concrete 32" unless otherwise noted _... Q ( .. O __.' I_:_.a� I "'Y I 1 Y.V..I' ._ _ ._..- _.. _ _....construction:_ __: __ _._. _. block- .`, _.. _ see foundation plan -notes for Q spocnig at openings I 45 t. w/ 30"ba overlap 1/2" expansionjoint 8,. 6,_8, or I 13`=4"Bit at each filled cell- base I t board. stab with flbevesh OR C)] ---------- ---------- I u on mil isqueen 6"xG" O%IOt over . II II I T=8 clean compacted termite treated fill 5 inn. KITCHEN —_ �., — — o Vault Ced1 g UP l vault Ceiling .UP p — — — — — O 0 o I m - Grade - I Instant . IIII IIII— pI ID'-4" " 3'-4" :'-O" water i III —_ — — - —n 1-- I — —I 11-1 — _ 1' . bend bar to extend min. 32"..rrito slab..' 6 l p i _8„ ., Heater o — _ --IIII-1 N n - - - - = - - ---� r _ --� : .d cv iI — hI I_I �I I _ =—_ T— L.I, : Fill all cells with concrete. and " provioc:(Imexssbar at ... REF J ., ...-ITL111=IIII=IIII IIII IIII 111 2 acirVert. Panal "A LUc Aeussl C with light T T� ►� I I -- —Ia= F—I6S E e Attach door to block wall with _ o : 1/4" dia. x 3" tap -cons with min. bath L I U 11� 0 01�'i S- E. O >�l p o © a I I/2 penetration at 12 o.c. max Scale 1/2 = 1'-5 I-xterior face and 6 o.c. max from each corner thru (I IN.....l �t � 1 1 /� I x 8 PT Buck UjlydOLU Schedul& Mark 31ze t Window Descrl on x 5'-3" SINGLE HUNG 2 -6" x 6'-0" SINGLE HUNG 3 -1' x 4'-2" SINGLE HUNG 4 2'-0' x 6'-4" FIXED GLASS 5 2'-2' x 3'-2" SINGLE HUNG 6 omit omit - ALL Windows to be white ESP aluminum windows with tint. Provide muntin's and structural mullions per elevations. See product approval chart for window manufacturer Information. - ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit Information Box on these plans. in - ALL windowsa bathrooms ooms to be tempered - ALL windows within 18" of finished floor to be tempered unless impact rated. - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. 0 Attach window to block wall with o N O O 02O I x /4'2 d "Ip - tap -cons 3" to p c h min 0 / I I penetration at .c. max H.B and max from each corner thru .. x T x ter or e__ 4 P f Buck O=r4l ® - : Of wa' cv O 52" water s rvice shut; off, Wanes ---- 5'-Io' - 5 . ._ _. _ .3,-10" — 5'-l0„ _. _,_- _ _-Square Footage. Breakdown , _.._- I"x4" P.T. Buck 9_8 Total A/C Space = p 9 6 s ft q. D t 2 etd ! UlndoWS sides & header Covered Porch Total:., _ '46 q. ft. (� 2r-4" = Under Roof Total = 912':sq, ft. NTS FLOCRL1"l l�l TYPICAL MOTES: 15:: All exposed attic insulation materials installed on attic a : floors .shall havei.'-6 critical radiant 'I'�. ALL _ceramic -tile surfaces installed shall .conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.6, SCALE I/4 = 1 -O 11 I. Contractor to verif ALL y notes and di mensions prior aq . flux no less than materials ex osed' 0.12 watt per square' centimeter.. on the underside of the roof deck Exposed foam plastic insulation 0r, on the attic walls shall comply A108:I,: A118,.1; A118.3, A136:1' and A131.1 fiber -cement proceeding with work. p with F.B.C..R316 see ermlt info box of code edition P #.8,..,Cernent, or glass mat ypsum backers in accordance with ASTM g C1288,, .C1325;. OR C11'18 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce Requirements.: ALL OSHA q 16. G� sum' board.'• material ytP shall.: conform to ASTM -C.36; Ci°I, C'f�5, 'C51�f; : G630, C93t shall <be used as. backer for the'the in tub areas and wall panels in shower areas. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc,.. to. have - C9b0, C1002, C1041,C111.1, C1118,-C1218'C13:95;. or. C1396. and shall. be Installed ` ..wall, minimum I 00 P.S.I. fiber a min '� stress. "accordrin to the g followin :.(FBC R"102,3.5) g Iq Insulation inclu; uc.h as retarders or permeable member ding. facings s vapor perm s Installed th floor-cellln assemblies roof-ceilin assemblies wall r I d 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. S. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be mina 2,500 PSI concrete. ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, cont. tie beams etc.. to: shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. ,grout mix 6. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord of trusses with screws per FBC R102 3.5. i. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall' be pressure treated. 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud, dimensions. 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 10, Contractor to Provide Drain at water heater In. accordance with h . the current edition of theFlorida Plumbing Code. 11, Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one . bathroom for handicap accessibility requirements.. 12, Lowest finished floor. to be set by Governing :Building Department," surveyor to set in field. 13, Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread .classification. of..not greater. Drywall Thickness- Location Orientation Framing Member Max. spacing of ' fasteners Nail sizing options for; . dryywall Spacing : installation of into " Nails Screws Maximum wood framing members 2" x min. thickness Ceiling Perpendicular 24' 1" 12,, 13ga 1 3/8" long with, 19/64" head 0.098" diameter x l' 1/4" long annular ringed or 5d cooler nail /2OR - walls Either. i 6 8 I " 6 0:080" dia. 15/8'( long with. Direction 15/64" head - OR Gyypsum board `nail 0.086' dia. . x 15/8" with 9/32' :head, ' Ceiling Perpendicular 24" To 12" 13ga 1 5/8" long with 19/64".head 0.098" diameter x 1 3/8" long.: ' annular -ringed or bd cooler nailOR 5 / 1 walls Either 6" 8" I6" 0.092" dia. X 1 1/8"''long with, . Direction 1/4' head OR Gypsum board :nail 0.0.915" dia. - x I ,/6" with l9/64" head. wi in g.. g caw spaces an atticS shall have a flame s read index. not to exceed 25 with an accom an in smoke P P y g developed index not to exceed .450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. Insulation shall .comply with F.B.C. R316. 20..AL1. materials :used below, base flood elevation must be flood resistant. This is to Include all : wall coverings In : garage 'and elsewhere if applicable. 21; ALL' drawings :and written material herein constitute onginal work of this firm and the same or an art ..thereof MAY. NOT be duplicated, disclosed, distributed or used in an manner without written consent Of :this, firm. Any: user there of, 'without consent, shall be Indebted to this firm for full commission. u Q1 ; N a Ql � 0 U) c > N N �Em � o E a Ln v QL +' O O Q1 LL Q 2 z __; 6- TT N Z3 O y N N m— „ z U nc O c Q1 u m - U-4 q)D � }i C) Ll U Cl J CA w 4JO c' q)O >M J �QNN uU C (1- o 00 M ca Q fa ( p N N # 4-3 i- r- 0- Q ) t r � �t ,, m 4'T 10ELL IL llJ W v 0 a' W QL W Sheet zUJ 2 OF 5. Q Comm # W I5-228 IY Copyright ©_, L.� J LL � CIS Z . C=CIJ 9. cz U ,�E LU 5 y K 3 !� La I I Fln. I II II � I I I4 l l I I � F100f Epoxgg ( A!8 ) MIX Dowel (1) 45 bar w/ 25" min lap and 6" embed pq hj Cont. Concrete Footing Ln i & nts See Foundation plan notes for I 11 spacing at openings 1 F-16 i I. IIII— III—� G rode 7 z I E I �r — 0 o E bend r bar to extendmin.32"`into`slab — E M Fti _ Fill all cells with concrete 1—I^I ICI and : I I ; ( LI I I . provide (1) 45 bar vert. — I. 24 O.C. max, spacing. at _ I I I �------ �----^--� o O r 5 2". Il Water arvice slut ofF` —I I I I ITI �LI— r—r L - F IGS II I 1 I E o E o-r-----�- ---r-r a a E E - F-148 IrII _{Ili,, — — — — - -- � _ .. � II 1 I LL-- 3' -toI TYFIC,4L SECTION � -8"tar9 8 . 21'-4,, Scale 1/2„ min dF o e� aP _ nts FOUNDATION FLAN <SCALE: I . FOUNDATION NOTES: I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the:: architect for approval before roceedin wit construction. .8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be gradie 601 meeting ,AS'TM. A-I6 and h 2. Contractor shall be Tres onsible for verification of ..all. notation and dimensions.. A-35 specifications.. ALL Anchors to . be . A-301 steel. - -� q. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete rotection at footings :and prior to start of construction. I-I/2" concret _ p g e rotect 3: ALL Concrete used for slabs' shall be 3,000 'PSI, concrete .min:, and `: ' p ton at beams for '.ALL reinforcing bars. ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells,. continuous. tie beams etc.. to 10: Contractor to provide the Architect wit.h truss shop..drawIin s including shall be 000 P.S.I. concrete and/or OOCO P.S.I. grout mCX: min. ALL truss cut sheets showin ALL truss reactions prior g c g h 3. 4, g g c prior -to START I i 4. Soil conditions assumed to .be 2500 <psf and stable. This shall be confirmed: O FOUNDATION WORK for strap and . footing size veriflcation.. b soil borings which shall be provided in writing to this firm : bg. owner/contractor Q g Filled Cell Masonry Column With One prior to start of ang construction. Filled Cell' Masonry. Column . With, One nS From Footing To Beam. zt5'From' Footm To Beam Esc S. yerlfg all recess thickness at shower floors; all floorinishe"s; as selected bg Corc. Fill To :Be 3000 PSI h owner, door sills & thresholds etc.... prior to lacing ang slabs. See Floor Plan For Location Con I. 1 c Fill To Be .3000 PSI' 1 P. P See Floor Plan- For Location. 6. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 `45 bar Vert. at •4,8 F It ` o O.C. max. Provide (1)f111ed cell on each side of openings. upp to 5'-11" wide m Provide (2) filled cells on each side 'of openings from 6'-O" to q'-II" _ II 11 11 and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of openings from 10 D: and Contractor to see tans for any other condiit�ion _used. Foundation wall P shall have filled cells at, 24" o.c. unless -otherwise noted (see section) 7. Contractor to provide for Form Board Surve - Form Board 'Sur:ve P y Sin` le Filed. Cell Column Double Filled as C�II Column T M onr Filled Cell Detail to be provided to Truss Company prior to 'truss constr'uctlon NTS yp• � NTS Ts rd cells ypical) 1/2"x 4 f/2" nonry. Inspection Clean Out Hole 30° bend from footing 48 bar. dia. lap in Wall and footing metal metal top plate 5/8" drgwall ceiling on truss bottom cord 1/2" drowall on U 2" x 4' metal studs at 14 o.c 0_ Finish to match existing } F w W a I� /metal bot track 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR Typical baseboard 4"x6" #10/10 WWM on b mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill i Interior Non -Bearing Partition Scale: 1/2" = I'-O Termite Frotectl.on for New Construction as per F.S.C. 1816.1 CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. BUILDING 1816.1 FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention Inside the foundation perimeter shallbe done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established bg the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose -containing materials and shall have a min. wall thickness of 0.010" and shall be sealed within the slab using a non-corrosivewm l clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shall be applied inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 309.1.2 U m rn N � N N N Cr O N Lo C F= IJl N � N W Q) N Q `' v O i J QI L a-) N �9 L11 L3 N cal z U nc qj U �, m I „ cu O4 Q o�-CQ tin G, C 1 fZ i V N N Cr F•-� N N C:J uLZ LLJ Can h w� �x C z N M 4p Qto �o N O O v) ,r Lnn 00 (0O NN vU Z ��°ir()Q (' O 00 00 # QI I v0 N Cl 2 J 110 'nUNN�arO•- r- r � 111 r t v ( f6 tt_ IY � Q LL UJ } Cto X W [IL Q Sheet z W 1� W Comm # W IS-228 W Copyright C PRE—ENGINEERED SCISSOR TRUSSES AT 24"o.c. TYPICAL ( shop drawings bg manufacturer ) SEE SECTION FOR BOTTOM CHORD SLOPE Southeastern Metals Verti-Lok Standing Seam Roofing `° overhang Installed per product approval FLU 11115.1 over Polyygglass.'' with gutter self adhered roofing undperlagment over .19/32" CDX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan. tun LAa \ BI to 6O \ \ \ \ \ I"x cverhang with 6".gutter only' STRAPPING; SCHEDULE .. \ O \ ' 50 Southecistern Metals 2�ga 5vCr1mp Metal. Roofing (White) installed.;: L22B1 \ \ per product approval FLU '11115.1 over Polyy lass :self adhered roofing de \ \ \ ofing un rlayment .over t9/32" CDX plywood :attached BI Slope bottom chord to trusses per sheeting attachment: dlagrarFl on roof plan \. at 2.5". on'12" LB \ \ Simpson H2.5A strap at each stud to plate connection - use (10) 8d nails 6" min. of Icynene LD=C-50 sprag. roam insulation on bottom of roof. sheathing (n coin Nance with ICC-ESR-IB26 \ \ \ p dated Feb. I, 2012. Install DC 315' Intumeacent coating 77 per section 4.3.2 or ICC test noted. above to comply Simpson HTS 20 �/ with 15 min. thermal barrier requirements, hurricane anchor at each. truss '. L40 BI\ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 24' ( o c.). supporting Max 1`f 50 lbs. uplift _ _. _ _. Simpson \ \ \ \ \ \ \ HETA 20 or equalwth f00d x /2" nails 1oa1 truss Prefabricated_ aluminufry `gutter. B2 ( 24181016a.u &plting Max. sho drawinggg7�s by mf on plPt o all-AluC fascia eta drip PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES at 24"o.c. TYPICAL 12 >< shop' drawings by .manufacturer ) Soffit to be two layers of 5/8". thick' densglass fire'gcard X finished' painted: to match body of house BI 5/8" drywall with 'smooth fmish Hang beam on column using 5 SLOPE smpson HUC 26 :hanger B1 h.2 dry�!wall over l" x furring Column to extend u to strips pE I6 o.c, with R4.2 fyfod L22 BI bottom of truss bearing B2 insulation on typical 8 Block walls Alf drywall is per FBC 102.3.1 and 4' x 4" SYP 42 PT wood: post c &hall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. wrapped with Ix and If base. and capital. -mMortar to be Type "f"I" onlgg: BIO rovide Dur-O-Rock at alf wet O a`, i areas 'lex. showers, tube etc...) 6/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete BI Oi block construction w _ Fill cell with concrete and tt5 bar ve^t. (1) 45 bar vert.. (typical). 12 `� 30" overlap Max, spacing shall not :exceed at each filled cell unless `0 l SLOPE 5 ("x cverhang seafoundatonh plan enotes �for L22 BI with 5' gutter only Simpson ABU 44 post. base with base spacing at openings ry (12) IOd a l n i s and (U 5/8 " expansion anchor with min board 411. concrete ll slab with fiberrmesh OR BI 8" embedment G'I xG'I u 10/IOW on 6 Wisqueen over cean`compacted 'termite 'treated fill TRUSS BRACING NOTES' Contractor tobract all i an attain chords m oar end root trusses in the fol}yUIng manner: - install fir -at row at truss bracmg 3G" from exterior walla and spaces 12" o.c. thereafter top and bottom chords - install bracing on any top or bottom chord which is longer than 12" in clear span. All truss bracing to be 2" x 4" wood and shall be attached to top of bottom chord and on bottom of top chord of trusses. Issea spaced per truss wfactures plans acal splice tach bracing to truss chord ig (2) IOd nails in all ationa x 4" wood bracing ROOF SHEETING ATTACHMENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nail Size = 8d ring shank (min, 2" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = tR8 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32", CDX Plywood 4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these pans for zone 3 Ke Area Zone I Edge 6" Field 6" Fastener 8d ring shank Pressure 45 psf Zone 2 4" le" 8d ring shank % psf Zone 3 " 8d ring shank 84 psf ** Zone 3a 6" 6" #8 wood screw 112.5 psf use nails or screws based on pres ure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans ?or zone 3 Additional Precast Lintel tt5 bare Lintel Bar Clear "A" "B" �' '+ Length Length Span Bars B1=17ars r"•+:; +::�:' 2'-10" 2'-8"-6" 2 u3 none CLEAR SFS-OBAT 8F8-I15/1T 8f•8-1B/2T 2'-2" 2,43 none 4'-O" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,143 none Adduael' - ..... a6 bars ..,-.,., 3'-2" 2.tt3 none OLEAI me Raw of 'H" 'i='± 4'-O" 2,93 none Block Above5'-2" , -- -. - none.. � ' Precast Lintel '� r .;+ 6'-41, 5'-4" 2 u4 1 none Additional CLEAN__--1 Is, ---- e l'-6" �'-O" 6'-2" 2,tt5 none BFIL-IB/IT BFIL-IB/2T NOTES: 8'-4" �'-10" l'-O" 2,tt5 none I. min. coverage of steel=1.5' 2. min. bearing required a ea. end-$" ALL reinforcing steel is grade 60. 3. standard for remf. steel=ASTM A615 TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LINTEL SCHEDULE Mark Window or D Unit Lintel Cast -Crete Rows H. Block Above Bottom Top Max. Gravity Max. Uphlt Max. Lateral Width Size Specification Steel size Steel Size Load (PLF) Load (PLF) Load (PLF) L22 7-2' 3'-0 8F8-OBAT a6 3069 I949 1024 L31 2'-L' 2'-a' 4'-0' 8F8-OBAT a5 2561 1343 163 3'-1' L45 4'-6' F-10' 8108-05/IT I s5 1105 909 339 L50 6'-0' L'-L' 8F8-OB/IT 1238 835 121 L60 G'-8' 1'-P 8F8-O!B IT Ell R5 loll 121 534 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, REQUIREMENTS AND SAFE LOAD REQ. OPENING SIZES AND ADJUSTLLINTELS SIZES BASED PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS U � N � � N O O � N 3 N O � Q) 4-) o 0 0 Z d) .g +-) p N I Lll6- O N 0) zU 0� O Q) a 4 �m w Oa--) n3 (] Q s Q W Cl U N m v 4O L > oo t+l N Z C aD 00 E 10 +J I I O Q (' O Op Op B Q v I QNN2# J iaUNN v �a '+ rr Cr �Wrr�et .-r IwF t_ q- _ m E LL Q/ < LL I Ul W s_ C as z L_ M X W I.IL O w Sheet Z w Comm # w I5-228 G/L Copyright n A/C disc. to .rear. switch and fight .\ i wP GFCI / G Meter PG / / / / i to rear flood / 1 I,gh / I Sanitary line BT' Bath Tub "P" trap - - Vent Line Shower "F" trap SH-I Lavatory Trap r"-' Washing Machine Drain ry Sink Trap F- urinal W` Water Closet r"' Water Fountain Drain fD Floor Drain or Grinder Pump. cT Clean Out jtr VTR 2" Vent thru Roof r,Y4-: 2" Vent th.ru wall 2" Pipe Diameter Designation (2" din) NOTES: -'ALL sanitary pipe to be Schedule 40 PVC r Slope hall be no less than 1/8" per foot and no more than:. 1%4" per foot . I/4 x aluminum" 3' x 3".anglea 1 -FLAN ELECTRIC4L i)L4N A/C Compressor Bracket Plan. view SCALE SCALE:. 1/4 1'-0 ELECTRIC MOTES: ; I. Use co er wire onl , no aluminum: pP yy tt plate. 9 diamond SEE TYPICAL 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors. WALL SECTIONS 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service .and provider . 4. ALL addle fans shall be on a rheostat. P S. Recessed cans to be Installed per NFPA requirements. �. ALL Branch Circuits that su I 125v . single phase 15 am or 20 am outlets PPy, 9 P P P shall be protected by Combination -Type AFC[ Circuit Breakers. . 1. Tamper resistant. AFC.I receptacles: to be. installed in ALL rooms 3° x 3° x I/4' aluminum angles Kitchen and Bathrooms. 8. ALL bath and kitchen receptacles.'to be GFCI. rotected. p «) I/2' stainless steel bolts ` 9. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GF.CI. protected. .10. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F B,C. Mechanical 2010 .'ed.`-and:. current version of any supplements to the ` 2010 ed_ - 11. A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved' in PVC 9 " ELEVATION;' 12. ALL A/C Equipment shall be 15 SEER 13. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (Water heater, A/C units, and 3 pp :. r u(re,d b ' N.E.C:) ALL other equipment as eq y. 14. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the `followin locations: 9 a) In each sleeping room. . ommediate v( init of the bedroom b) Outside each separate sleeping area: In the c y A/C Compressor Brackett .Det'ail c) On each additional stor of the .`dwellin yshall SCALE 1/2" 1'-0 ** ALL Smoke Alarms be °interconnected and hardwired` ** - l�ctr�cal S mbOl Legend S Single Pole Switch ® Recessed Can Light S3 Double Pole Switch ® Eyeball Recessed Can Light SD Dimmer Switch Exhaust Fan PB Push Button Switch -¢- Ceding Mounted Light Duplex Outlet Wall Mounted Light -0 Special Receptacle w Light with Pull Chain (attic) ='19 Waterproof, ground fault interrupt4 © Computer Connection Jack ® Floor Duplex Outlet �2 Flood Light ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel QT Thermostat 8 Electrical Meter © Central Vac AC DISC A/C Disconnect ® Smoke Detector Carling Fan T© Television Jack aTelephone Jack ® 2 x 4 Florescent Light ® 1 x 4 Florescent Light Q Intercom SPKR Speaker Hook -Up O Ceiling Mounted Light Dome Style + Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light ) Q Carbon Monoxide Detector PANEL Poles BR Load Wire Description circ# circ# Description Wire Load BR Poles 2 40 tankleas water HTR I 2AHU #10 3.5 kw 30 2 3. 4 5 6 Ran a 46 12.0 kw 50 2 2 40 1.0 kw #8 2.0 Ton A/C comp 1 g 9 1O Dryer #10 5.0 kw 30 2 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Range Hood II 12 .1 20 1.2 kw #12 Clothes Washer 13 _ 14 Dishwasher #12 1.2 kw 20 I I 20.' 1.5 kw 412 Kitchen S.A.C. IS 16 Refrigerator #12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw 412 Kitchen S.A.C. 11 18 Receptacles #12 20 I 1 20 #14 General Lighting 19 20 Receptacles #12 20 I 1 20 #14 General Lighting 21 22 Receptacles #12 20 I 1 20. #14 General Lighting 23 24 Receptacles #12 20 I I 20 #14 General Lighting 25 26 Receptacles #12 20 1 1 20.' 414 General Lighting 21 28 Receptacles #12 20 I I 20. #12 Bathroom GFI 29 30 Receptacles 912 20 I 5 p are 31 32 Bathroom GFI #12' 20 I spare 33 34 Pool Equipment 410 2.8 kw 30 I spare 35 36 spare spare 31 38 spare spare 39 40 spare spare 41 42 spare PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Des crl tion Qt . Watts Total(Watts) Genera( Lighting (3 watts sq, ft.) ......................... Smal.l..A:pPlian.ce, Circuit(s). ... flange . , ... . ........... ... ...... . ... .. ......... ... Rar iga :Hood f2efrlgerator . :............ .... ............. ............... .. .Washer . ..... .... .. Clothes Was e h. r..:. Clothes:,Dr er y Water Heater 916 3 2,148 2 1,500 3,000 1 12,000 12,000 1 1,100 1,100 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,000 1,000 I 1.200 1,200 1 5,000 5,000 I 15,000 15,000 Total Watts 43,448 First 10000 Watts 8100% Remainder' 33.448 $40% 1 I 10,000 10,000 O 13,380 Electric Heat or: A/C 10,000 966% 1 10,000 10,000 Calculated Load Watts 33,380 Voltage 240 Calculated .Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 139.0 Panel Size = 20OAmps U fn � Q1 v ., N � o 0 N _N o � � v N 0 In N� v� v _ L N v0 m QTa - +-) N Ln 6- O > ryNt�l zU � O� v� O� o ooUQ air G' O N in Itr m 't W N N CJ Q o U .r a r �0� U4 c tJ CU;tn Z r- 4O �0 NN UU N 0000 E z t I OQ o Moo Q -t 1 aNN�# J to CA L a� r t- ,0 6- NUlrr�tf 4 r _ �tr v (0 E4L QL q tL I W v Q z X W O lL W Sheet U z E W OE 5. Comm # W I9-228 (V Copyright