HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT' SERVICES ES Building & Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PE"irr SUB-CONTRACToP AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Indiv the Electric idual Name) - have agreed to be — (Type of Trade) — ""- -- Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — For the project located at � L � (Project Street Address roperty Tax (D _) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to t filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. the Zlz3lz( TftAC'rOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. BryanAdams PRINT NAM_E 29179 COUNTY CERTIFfCAT10N'NUMiftR State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this g daY of , _2@. by w. Bryan Adams who is personally' .'own _or has produced a ��— as identification. C a k NJ Signature Of Natar Ift o y Pubfi Print Namc of Notary PuD1ic SLI&CONTR4CTORSICNATUR� � I E (Qualifier) -' l_ .._ .. PRINTNAAtE ._---- ION NU ljE_R State of Florida, County or5& LLX.;` The foregoing instrument w•as signed before me this 7; g Jay of 20J10by who is personaU y own J__or has produced a as identification. S1'AM11PLM 1gYPLe�4 JAJhlE LFIARNER i atureofNotaryPublic ,r o-'fyC'%AW0N#GG069fZ2 EXPIRES Aeril2.2021 � FQF Z,t 9cnded Thn, 8ji ,el Notary Services n' nt Namo o(Notary Pu be �— ,p gfjl� Notary Public State of Florida Hannah E Moore Reviscd 11 16/2016 It, v MY COmn11S01on HH 017099 7lip Expires 07/01/2o24 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Qe Tax D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 1 7, z3 COO NTR4CTR SIGNATURE (Qualirier) 174 w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie , The foregoing instrumenI was signed before me this Z� day of 1r 201(by W. Bryan Adams who is personaE own Aor has produced a as identification. STAMP �Signature,off N`oottarry'Plunblic �Y LY t�V L Print Name of Notary Public tate of F4Pnda Revised 11/16/20YEE] ore n.HH 017M024 CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualirier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NAME 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of C I The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Z -� � //JJ ay of I�(_tA , 201-, by—l9 . K� 55 l who is personally known X or has produced a as id ntilicatinn. Signature of Notary PublicL a vv hy6 rL0_ Print Name of Notary Pubbc Notary Public State of Flpnda V?Hannah E Moore op w Expires 07 01/2024 017099 STAMP i i ISSUE DATE mw PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ;SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiWvision -- BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT a`ll r" PQ4I j (Comer pany Nance/I C '—�� the � rvidual Nlune) ��_ have agreed to be (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for (Primar �• �1it1�13 For the project located at I Y Contractor) —�`-• v L v Project Street Address or Pr erty Tax 1L) #) It Is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding project, the Buildln a o our participation with the above mentioned g and Code Regulation Division Of St. Luc" C filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SICNATU (Qualilicrl --�— PRINA r,I—I: m CO MYtCE�IF If0\ • NU,,IgER Srarc of Florida, County or The loreCuing instrument spas .� signed bel'nre me 0 this da) of / by whn is persona y "�r has produced a as ideritilicalion. Sim nature of Notary Public �� STA<vIP Q�. Print Name of Nora ry Public -- "''°���; PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 Revised 1111612016 e ounty wlll be advised pursuant to the -C RAPTOR SICN'k1 URE _ /-Z, (Qu:dilicr) PRINT NAMFE O ASS o COUNTY CERTIFICAT ON 'NUMBER -- Slate of Florida, Counry or The Pure^nine instrument' as signed before me Ihis day of ~ —r 2 b ) Delt/I �°h�uSSL u is persoriall / v^ f! ar has produced a as identilication. _ — gnature ul loam Public STANIP Print Name o'aotar y Public r7 PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION At GG137624 EXPIRES September P tuber 26, 2021 PERMIT t# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division (t:unipazry Nalne`Individual Name? the Rooting —(Type of"frttdc) -.--�----- F"or the project located at BUILDING PER1111' SUB-CON"1'RAC.T011 AGI2LE\LENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Project Streel Address (:r I ax It) #j (Prnnary C011fMCt01') It is understood that, if there is any change Of Status regarding ow particij.�ation with file above mentioned project, the Building and Code Rec,�ulation Division of -St filing of a Cban,e of Sub -contractor notice. —:�(Qunlificr) William Bryan Adams cot:vra- cF:k•nf�rcri•i'u>i,; �t:,�u1r•:Ir ---- Sta(c OfF-lorida. C'oanta; of St. Lucie 'rile rorc„+uing instrument was sigued before rile (his d" of 21IZ� I,}, William Bryan Adams__ who is personallJ n�ryn �or has produced a as Identification. — Signatm•c oflntary Fuhlic Print: -Nano nfNutary Politic IIIR L_dIP Nolary Public Staie of Fplda Hannah E MooreMy Commission HH 01,099eisedllNb;=(l16xpues07/01/2024 Lucie County WIII be advised purSuant to the 1 'J suti_cuti�iK;�����---,•ic�n�i%iiJ !�l�rrerl—___2J�IZc CUu��i i`CratTti�ic.nTro�' �u�lJsr� li---�— -- Stall` of I'Inrldn, wanly of St Lucie 'rile foregoing instrumcut "as signed bcl'ure me (his 2 day of ,tJh, 1 u�ia tvbu is personally kffot�n )/ r S _/� _or has produced a as identification. Sig>nnturc of Notdry FuhliEMU At— s,rA!NIP hp- r�C4Yi_o r - Prinl \nnlc of -Notary Fuhlic NEE] State of Flpndaooren HH 017099024