HomeMy WebLinkAboutHayskar NOC RecordedMICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE FILE # 4827790 OR BOOK 4566 PAGE 1559, Recorded 03/07/2021 COUNTY 11:46:40 AM i'e malt. No. �taate of Florida. county of .St. Lucie Property Tax ll3 Ne. The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of �onanaeaace crag. Legal Description of lba€aperty and address it availltbia= of improveraaents Owns-Hesseae Interest in property: fee simple 'I'Me holder (if Other thaw owner) -I ddress Address L,r^aacle*�° Address Phone # 7+Z 04 ' w 2lo ' Fax Phone .# Fax # Phone 9 Fax # Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe served as provided by Seetion 713.13 (1) 7^, Florida Staatues: i¢r'Y"a b.'. platane :address In addition to himself, owner designates Fax # 11aaI to revehlf� as Copy of the Lien Notice as pro'a'ided in Secti(¢xa'113.;13 ( I ) (h), Floridet StsaWIes- F:xfriratiesaa bate rbx noiie-e (f commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a different elate is specified. WARNING TOOWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER 'T14E EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.13_ F.S.. AND CAN RESULT FN YOUR PrAY1NC 1VTCF. FOR IMPR{}' ENIFNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, A NOTICTE OF �toi�I\!I?'VC['4iI;�;'4'SICi�iTInB�Iti:Ce1Ri1E:C)A�l9t'�`)5"C`L:I�{D"v'a`iia�;deBI3SiI'F:s`If;FCi7;I�'I'}I7^ Clt2;ti't''a�ST'f;4;'t'kf3'�, 1I:5'(�U1NI�Ii'111"dt)C713'T.�IN HNAi^NCINt;, iON) UI;T IMTH YOUR 1.7::1IDi-':P OR <W AT'I'ONNLY RER)RI C0IVIIv1[-NC1N(1;. WORK OKI i r.l'diRl)I,1C/ YOUR Nt)TUH OF COMMENCMENT. w. Oil or'lf s�'s A udkerifed € 11Iweer/Direefw'/Partoci/>Ianae e � Si�3aa�iva•<= Title/Office State of Florida, County of a'I aa() ,t°ct1eGl before wawa t.lsis!31!d—_, tfaY of ?ab 4 ,lay taco is fge° 5aataa€Ij� a atc+raa'a t<a aataa caw walrss has lard<:laaae a -- -��t— igazature of N `tary Type or Print Name of Notary �i'ael+' it^ieb�;°➢'�' �a5l�iita �:oataa'aaissioAa t�e`&➢61lliea" _ � 6Y l� ���� z� as adea3tal7C°ai tk4rfi, Notary Ptill is State of Florida Pamela Jones My Commassaon GG 985470 Expires o8/1512024