HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application All AP.PtaCABLE INFO..-,MU$T'BE COMPLETE6 FOR APPLICATION T.O BE ACCEPTED- Date;; `.� �� " aA Permit Number v Building Permit Appfitofflon PlaRninq.unc('Deyelopment`Services Building and Gode Regulation Dvrsion 23Q0 Vrrgrnia Auenue,.Fort-Pierce Ft 34982 Phone.:(772)462 15S3 Fax:.(772)462-157g CoMmercial Residential: X: PERMIT TYPE., RESIDENT:IAL.BUILQI.NG (SFR UP TO 2 FLOORS) PRQPQSED (1V1PR01/EMENT xOCATIQN Address:. 5138 Armina Place Property Tax ID# 1311-700-0166-000-8 Lot No.. _22 Site.Plan Name:. WATERST.ONE-PHASE ONE Blac(<.No: 3' Project Name:: ASPIRE AT WATERSTONE. DETAILED DESCRIPTION C)F WQRK „r NEW CONSTRUCTION PER PLANS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE(SF.R) ' Emerald,Elev B,Garage Right 5 Bedroom/3 Bath One 2-car garage CONSTRUCTIQN IN',FO"RIVIATION Additional work to':be.performed under this'permit—check all that apply:; f Mechanical Gas Tank _Gas Piping ✓Shutters Vltindows/boors' Electric -ZPlumiiing /Sprinklers _Generator �/ Raof 5:12 Pitch Total.Sq,Ft.of Construction:,.:. 2863 :Sq. Ft. of First Floor 968 Cost of Construction:$135,338 Utilities V Sewer Septic'; Building.Height, 26 s-1/2° ;OWNERJLESSEE CQNTRACTC;R; � . Name KEVIN BORKENHAGEN Name:JOSEPH SPALT Address 3601.`QUANTUM BLVD Company:K.HOVNANIAN,FLORIDA OPERATIJbNS, LLC. City: BOYNTON BEACH. Stater FL Address:3601 QUANTUM B VD. Zip Code 33426 Fax: City: 'BOYNTON BEACH State:FL Phone No 561-364-3316: Zip code:.33426 Fax: `E-Mail: KWIRTH@KH0V:C0M Phone No. 661-36478M6 Fill in fee.simpl.e Title.Holder on next page(.if different,. E-Mail KWIRTH@.KHOV:COM from:the:Owner isted.above) State or CountyLicense"C IC1263043, if value of construction.is$2soo or more,,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of ti CJs$7,500 or.more,a RECORDED Notice-of Commencement is required. 5UPPLEMEN T TA'yCONSTRUCTI0N L IEN LAW (,N;FORNIAl ,DESIGNER/ENGINEER ,Nat Applicable MORTGAGE COIVfPANY: _Not Applicable Name:: _ Narn-e:. . Address: Address: City:;. Stated. City: State: Zip:..- Phone. „ ZIp. .. . Phone:, FEE S[MPLE TITLE HOLDER; Not=Applicable, BONDING COMPANY: _ _IVot Applicable; .,Name: Name:. Address: Address: zip, Phone'.. Zip:= Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR.AFFIDVITs-Application'is'hereby made fio obtain a:.permit'to do the work and,installation.as,indicated; Gcertif'that no work:or:installation'has:comm'enced oriortoi the<issuance of a,permit:. 5t Luete Count;makes no representation thatris gran ting a pertnr Will author'iiethe permit holder to build thesub)ect'structure which is in conflict.with.any'applicable Home,Owners Association.rules;bylaws or•and covenants:that:may restrict or prohibit"such structures Please,consult with your Home Owners"Association,and reviewyour:deed far any restrictions which may apply. In consideratioh.of the.granting.of this,requested permit,,)do.horeby,agree that;I;will,in-all respects,perform th&work. in accordance-with the approved:;plans Ifie Florida Building;.Codes.and St Lucie.Gounty Amendments;' The:follgwing building permit appUcations are exempt from u"ndergoinga fuI[concurrency review;roorti additions; accessory structures,,swimrrting pools;fences,walls,signs;screen:rooms<and accessory usesto a'hother-non residential_use 'VARRlING TO]OWNER YOUtt FAILURE TO:RECORD A.00TICE'OF COMMENCEMENT MAT RESULT IN YOUR PAYING 'TW ICE FOR,IMI3ROVEii9ENTS TO YOUR:OROPERTY..A NOTICE.OF'.COMMENCEMENT UST,BE RECORDED AND POSTED'OAI THE=JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRaT INSPECTION: IF YOU INTEND TO,O IN.FINNCI ANG,:CO_NSULT WITH YOUR:LENDER OR,AWATTORNEY;BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NO ICE OF O,i NCEMENT ' . • Signature.of O+r,er/Le5; a/contractor as.Agent fo�!Owner Signature of n ra r/L`icense`Holder STATE OF FLORIDA_ STATE'OF FLORID.A. GOUNTY OF-eaLM,BEacy CO..UNTY OF PALM'13EACH: The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The fargoing'instrument wasacknowledged before'me this 22nd day,of March 20 21 by this 22nd,day of. March 20 21, by KEYIN BORKENHMEN JOSEPH SPALT 'Name ofperson making;statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known' x OR Produced,Identification Personally.Known X; OR.Produced Identification; Type'of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced (Signat re:of Notary Public;Stat WANYIWH (Sig: tune of Notary.Fublic=5tat IwiNVAM G91767t .NoWYp -Siatea/11ot10� No'WyPubk-State dFbft G Commission No. cal wmntsla++fGG417671 No. GG9 7671' Ile e� EGG417671 as My aaan.E*im Sep 29, aF n, y Does Sep 29.ZM Omded through NaWd NataryAw Banded through Natknal tktayAsut. REVfE--WS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION. SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER: REVIEW REVIEW 'REVIEW REVIEW' REVIEW. REVIEW DATE - RECEIVED: Vev, TE_Ri1PLETED -