HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) the- Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 1 7i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed re me this 2 � 'day or �� z9"1, by W.Bryan Adams who is personally known kor has produced a as identification, M�M��� STAMP Signature of Notary Public hwm"�__ 01 no f'e' Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Fond Revised l 1/16/201 �`� Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 prp Expires 07J01J2024 zZIZ,( CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualifier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NAME 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of %%� Tf Ding i The was signed before me this C��rl' ay of 204, by who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. (sli a ore of Notary Public, I �J�m ". In N �ao�� Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Flpnda Hannah E Moore pW My Commission HH 017099 1 OF Expires 07/01=24 STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ,SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/I iividu;ll Namee-� the have agreed to be (Type of Trade) ----------� Sub -contractor for For the (Prrinary Contractor) project located at Z (Project gli•e�l Ad� or Pro erty Tess and Code ReTax IU It IS understood that, if there is any change of status regard I- project, the Buildinga Ong our participation with the above mentioned gulation Division oi�St. Lucie County will be advise filing of Change ofSub-contractor notice. d pursuant to the CONTRACTOR SIGN ATURE (Qualilicrl C FLA�TOR SICN,17'URE PRINT Nm (Q�� elilicr) 6 PRINT NAME O -�91�9 usso COUNTI' CERTIFICATION• N `. U IBER / Statc of Florida, County nr COU\'T1' 1`�e(i CERTIFICAT O,V i\'UMBER TI'e� I;rr�°ine instrumenl %%as �] / State of Florida, \�_•�n„�^ signed bel'nre me this L�� County of��7inL —` d a) o Imo`' H. _'U by /, .. The Iure uine instrument ills signed helore me this �. whn is persona - of �r has produced a 1 ; b) O as ideutilicalion. svhn is 'J e ({- persona) vn nor has produced a �J _ as identilication. _ — Signature of Notary Public STAhIP Signature or Notary Public — r' —� STAMP Pnnt Name of Notary Public w -- Print Name ofallotar n y Public _ °oc PATRICIA ANN GR!FFIN AMY COMMISSION # GG137624 wPATRICIA„ed 1111612016 !� EXPIRES September 26, 2021 �. �= ANN GFdIFFIN Rey My COMMISSION At .f • GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 �1 O the Rooting —(Tyj)e ol'Tt•ide) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Buildinel g & Code Compliance Division vidwil Na)ne) BUILDING PL;R171T SUB -COY 11,,1C-fY)1Z AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor fol. Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC ,. (1Prinr)ry---"— (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID) It is understood that, if there is any change ofstahts regarding our participation tivith the above Ineruionet] project, thu Building and (:Ode Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised filing ofa Charlac of Sub -contractor notice. purStlant to the - •: , : (Qualifier) sI11I-4ON"1"R;1C'I' - - - - 'IG�A'fUR1 ptaliricr) ----.—..—_-. William Bryan Adams ---- Qf PRINTN,1M1{ —__--_--_-- _— --`�� C'OIfV'rl'Cb:R'I'IF'lC':1'1'tt7ti\1::�113Ek --' State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The foregoing Instrttment it its sigired bcrore me Ihis ar ql,' i�gff z[,I, William Bryan Adams .+ ._------•-------- who is persoonll} nown Xor has produced a ns Id�fNnfan, eenfiificelttionn. SignC��nG V1_wl o0 v.P PrintNantcoCNotar} Public -- ,p' ° Notary Public: Stave of Flprida THannah E Moore '7� = p� My CommiUm HH 017099 Ice isadllrlt,i'_t116 7o,pd" Expires07/01/2024 C'Ql;\"Il' CI;RT'II�IG1TIt]v til3�t)3Ek-------'— —' State of Florida, Counh• of St Lucie 'rhe foregoing instnmietit ua5 signed heforeone [hls ZZd;i}' of Feb b} J V_Q_ _ - GI Y C I �1 P I U w•ho is personally otca-X—or has producetl a as Sitinnfurc ofof N v , v1 --- s,rA:\IP Print stinle dp'� �% �p� an Notary PUbk State o1 Florida Hannah E Moore My Commission HH 017099 Expires,07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I3uildi®g & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electric (Type of Trade) — - — -- -- have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC -j1 (Primary —contra, to — For the project located at � 3S4 San 6enet7e� l l r) (Pr�,^ .t Street Address or Property Tax ID o —_-_ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. .�� iPCi1VTRACtOIi SIGNATURE (Qualifier) �!2 W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM11t3ER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2 y of T1-� zo Z�by W.Bryan Adams who is personally nown _ or has produced a _ as identification. (JSiP lure of Notary Pubic IMONS any movi Print Name of Notary Public S_. �Z1z U8 CONTR4CTOR Slt NATURE ' (Qualifier) - PRINT NAME COUNTY ION NUMBER State of Florida, County of1EA LX_'_;e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 20_qbyN'h!�A persoown orhas produced a _ as identification. — STAMP aoj1�Y?Lai4 JAJAIEIHARNER ti2ture of Notary Public # y MY C-NAMON # GG 089122 �t Fro EXPIRES April 2.2021 F0F to Bonded T` -L 9u&,el Notary Se kes rinl Name of rfotary Pu uc — Notary Public State of F(pode Hannah E Moore RevisW 11 16,12016 '41- MY Commission HH 017099 or pExpires 07/01/2024