HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction Plans, TDH Paperwork, & Spec Sheets (2)G v S f E JOB NAME MACK LOCATION MAP JOB, # HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES: PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION ALI_LANDSCAPING, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, AND ANY UNFORESEEN STUMPS IN AREAS OF ACCESS AND POOL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE REMOVED 8Y HOMEOWNER...IF POOL IS TO HAVE A GAS HEATER OFANYTYPE, ARRANGE FOR DELIVERY OF STORAGE TANKAND OR HOOKUP IS THE RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE OF THE HOMEOWNER...AS IS ANY RESODDING OR LANDSCAPING. AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT COMPLETES AN INSPECTION AND ASSESSES THE SITE, SOME CHANGES MAY BE REQUIRED. (I.E. RETAINING WALL DUE TO SLOPE OF YARD, HOUSE SETBACKS, AND UTILITY EASEMENTS). POOL CONTRACT PRICE WILL THEN BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY IF ANY ADDITIONAL IS REQUIRED. HOMEOWNER/HOME BUILDER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING DECK TREATED FOR TERMITE PROTECTION AFTER DECK HAS BEEN FORMED. FINAL PLACEMENT OF MAIN DRAINS, SKIMMER, RETURNS, DECK-O-DRAIN, AND EQUIPMENTTBD BY ATLAS POOLS. ANY PREVIOUS DRAWINGS, SKETCHES, PICTURES OR 3-D RENDERINGS SHOWING POTENTIAL POOL PROJECTS ARE VOID, vAS�� 3���,�2� IT IS UNDERSTOOD BY THE HOMEOWNERS THAT WHEN PURCHASING BOTH A:�PAAND A SEPARATE WATER FEATURE FOR THE POOL, THAT BOTH OF THESE ITEMS WILL NOT RUN AT THE SAME TIME UNLESS YOU PURCHASE A SECOND PUMP/MAIN DRAIN SYSTEM TO OPERATE THEM INDEPENDENTLY. IT IS UNDERSTOOD BYTHE HOMEOWNERS THAT WHEN YOUARE INSTALLING YOUR OWN WINDOW/DOOR ALARMS, CHILD SAFETY FENCING, OR YARD FENCE FOR THE CHILD SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, THAT THESE MUST BE DONE TO CODE AND PRIOR TO THE POOL COMPANYAPPLYING THE POOL FINISH TO YOUR POOL. ATLAS POOLS NOT TO BE LIABLE FOR THESE ITEMS. � / , • /. ] / / � ATLAS POOLS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. 3028 KANANWOOD CT., SUITE 1016, OVIEDQ FL 32765 (407) 273-4600 (407) 366-4600 Fax (407) 366-5023 WEB SITE: http://www.atlaspoolsofcentralfl.com CPC145T252 POOL: MAX. WIDTH: 3�'2" FT. MAX. LENGTH: a5's^ FT. DEPTH 3 TO? POOL: SURFACE AREA: 1D2o SQFT. PERIMETER: 1sz LF SPA: SURFACE AREA: °� SQFT. PERIMETER: 2° LF PREP WORK EXCAVATION TYPE: NORMAL 10' REMOVAL OF DIRT: DIG AND DROP MISC: N/A REMOVALOF STUMPS: # WA SIZE: NIA REMOVAL OF CONCRETE: WA SF LOADS: NIA FENCE TO BE REMOVED BY: r'VA FENCE TO BE REPLACED BY: wA 3i 7ZII.71711i11f'� [ 77: • �• e DECKING TYPE: TRAVERTINE FRENCH PATTERN 5500 SF TOP EXISTING: N!A WA SF OTHER: WA -N/A SF DECK-O-DRAIN: 150 LF FOOTERS: YES � NO� SIZE: trxts t2t � TURNDOWN: 8" ""—LF 12" "'"'=LF 18" WA LF 24" NIA LF STEP RISERS: 6" WA LF 12" 16 LF .,�� NIA .�, WA RAISED BEAMS 6' r°" LF 112" t� LF I18" wn LF � 24" ron LF CANTILEVER (TOTAL): RtA LF SUNSHELF SHALLOW END:1"STEP: 12t 2"O STEP: WA BUBBLER? 3 ANCHOR? � OTHER LOCATION ANU DEPTH: °ll^ STEPS/SWIMOUT OVER 30lF: IJIA LF ADDITIONAL BENCH: YEB TILE: STO WATERDNE Ia"%6°I EDGETILE: YES � NO_ DECO TILES: GLASS TLE SPA BEAM AND RISER THERAPY SPA INSIDE 28 OUTSIDE— SIZE °3 SF INCLUDES: BENCH, & # ° JETS RETURN FOR SPA: FLOOR: �8 WALL• ND LIGHT: # � BRAND: PENraR TYPE: OLocoLOR DAM WALL:_ FT. SPILLWAY t2 "WIDE POODSPA CONTROL PFNfAri INrELUCFNrER HEATER: PROPANE YES 8TU5 400K NAT. GAS WA BTUS NIA PLUMBING RUN: POOL 40 /SPA 60 ELECTRIC RUN (METER TO EQUIP) 80 LF OTHER EDGE: IHAVhHIINE WPING 180 LF COLOR BAND: YES NO � EQUIPMENT &ACCESSORIES FILTER: Pentair CCRP(3% SIZE: 200 MAIN PUMP: Pentair mt•InFIo VSF � 3 HP ADDT'L PUMPS: LIGHTS: # lb TYPE PEMAIR OLOSRIIE COLOR LED CHLORINATOR CLEANER: PLUMB DNLY HEAT PUMP PelraauLTRATEMP ua SOLAR PANEL5 # N'" SIZE N'A AUTO N/n WATER FEATURES: (3)STANDARD BUBBLERS (5) 3TANDARO DECK JETS SAFETY FENCE: "'" lF FENCEIS: PAVERS DIRT_AUTO GATE: YES NO_ WINDOWIDOOR ALARMS # 20 TOTAL GALLONAGE�POOL APPROX:�I J C� TOTAL GALLONAGE -SPA APPROX: e7o MISC: bRA1NAGE LINES FOR PLANTER BUYER PLEASE INITIAL: BUYERS APPROVE THEA80VE SPECIFICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT LOCATION: PREPARED BY: MICHAEL HAYDEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR: NAME: SANDY MACK SR. ADDRESS: 7840 SADDLEBROOK DR CITY: PORT ST LUCIE ZIP 34986 HOME PHONE: 305-922-3322 WORK: CELL EMAIL: Lrobinson@themanagementu.com PERMIT TO BE SECURED FROM: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY LOT: 11 BLOCK; SUBDIVISION: SABALCREEK PLAT BOOK: PAGES: PR OF 1/B"'= 1'0"I 9]'(r'S'X t}]'$" Iva MANSARornoaronv � BRONZE WALL HGT DOORS DOOR PADS INSERTS FOOTER ELITE ROOF FA APPROX 22' (2) 48" DOORS N/A 19TAN02NOEXTERIDR 12"x16" N/A N/A CUSTOMERS SIGNATUFIE: CUSTOMERS / , , � 1, ` , Equipment Location D 3 DRAINAGE LII FOR PLANTER DECK JET 6"X12" TUMBLED TRAVERTINE COPING POOLS EDGE LWR ssory xree� w�u :I,�e�ra DRAINAGE LINE FOR PLANTER (a) THERAPY 7ET5 = X UNDER GROTTO �'i g'I \� MINI PEBBLE INTERZOR DRAINAGE LINE ,\�J/ FOR PLANTER C O 2 C Z a 2F� U~ DECK 6"X6" WAT�RLINE / n T GLASS SPILL - (2) 3HP Variable Speed Pump -(1) 3HP XF Variable speed pump - (�) IC40 Salt System - (3)CC200 Filter -(1)Pentair Intellicenter -(1) ihp air blower for spa jets -(1) indoor wireless controller - Multiple auto valves for features -(1) Mastertemp 400k gas heater -(1) pentair ultratemp 140 heat pump �. Sk;Ew.Lvr (])12'BA0.TSOULS �I WITH TRAVERTINE \\ OPS O 1' QIy e ;� 1 C ry $ICLIm'�e! all lights globrite COLOR LED TRAVERTINE DECKING STANDARD COLOR FRENCH PATTERN 2°- z1' 1^- / SPA NOTES: -RAISED +12" -GLASS TILE ON INTERIOR + WATERLINE,EXTERIOR RAISED BEAM AND RISERS -TRAVERTINE COPING ON TOP -1HP AIR BLOWER DECK lET - - 1 COLOR LED LIGHT -1 PERISCOPING BUBBLER CENTERED -B THERAPY 7ET5 X DECK 7ET X DECK JET SUNSHELF NOTES - in sQFr -35TANDARD BU88LER5 -1 UMBRELLA ANCHOR TRAVERTINE DECKING STANDARD COLOR FRENCH PATTERN TRAVERTINE DECKING STANDARD COLOR FRENCH PATTERN ON COVERED PORCH Scale: 1/8" = 1 ft. Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 ON Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 oP 2 1 TDH CALCULATOR Pool Information Pool Volume: 16500 Gai Total Piping Lengths: Turn Over Time: 6.00 Hrs Inlet Side: 26 Ft Suction Llfl: 0 Ft Discharge Side: 25 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 3.043 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2A46 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec piping Head Loss at A3,OBGaIIMin: Discharge Piping: 10 FVSec (not Incuding Wings or valves) Inlet Piping: 0.20 Ft Discharge Piping: 0.68 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program Is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 43.08 GallMlIt Branch Piping: 2,0 In Your Head Loss: 30,91 Ft Inlet Piping: 14 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum RPM: 9,0.07 GallMln Ensure the drain cover max flow rating Is not exceeded. Head Loss at 77,66 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve i I Flhtean lhtelliFloVa Speed, I VS+SVRS, VF, or stem I Desired Operation, Palnl Selected Components Components Name InIeIIlChior IC - 40 3 way valve Main Drain Clean and Clear RP llitraTemp MasterTemp 3f4lnch Ralum Skimmer 2" Piping Name 90 degree elbow Tee Through Tee Branch Pumps Name InteIllFlo Variable Speed, VS+SVRS, VF or VSF Head Loss el Quantity 43.OSGallMin 1 1.03 2 0,39 1 0,60 1 Oils 1 12,91 1 12,49 3 1,71 1 -0,01 Inlet Discharge Head Loss et quanOty Quantity 43,O6Ga11Min 8 6 0,75 0 2 0.13 1 a 0,07 quantity 1 AIf Penfalrtredemarks and logos ere owned by Peritalr, Inc. lntelllFlo� IntellfComm� EasyTouch� lntelllTouch� Sun7ouch� and Eco SelectTa ere reglatered trademarks end/ortradamarks ofPentatrWaterPoof and Spa, Ihc. and/orlts allllleted companies fn the Unitad States and/or other countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third parties that maybe used In this document are not used to Indicate an aglllatlon or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and PentelrWater Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those thlyd parties. Because we are continuously Improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the dght fo change specifications without prior noUee. Pentair Is an equal opportunity employer. 0 20 4u nu Volumetric Flow Rale (GPM) Swimming Pool Energy Efficiency Compliance Information Note: These Requirements apply ONLY to the Filtration Pump ANSI 1 ASPC 1 ICC-15 2011 Flow Calculations: Pool water volume I SfSIO 1360 = 43.06 gpm -this is the calculated flow rate Note: for pools under 13,000 gals, the calculated flow rate or 36 gpm whichever is g�reaatter = the filtration flow rate Note: Is there an Auxiliary load on the filtration pump? ❑ Yes I X I No If so, what is the calculated auxilliary flow rate� gpm Flow rate (low speed) 43. c�o gpm @ 2 ,ZM rpm Minimum suction side pipe size @ 6 fps Z in. Minimum suction side branch pipe size @ 6 fps Z in. Minimum return side pipe size @ 8 fps I S in. Minimum return sitle branch pipe size @ 8 fps I • S In. Determine Filter Size; Filter Factors (GPMISF): � Cartridge (0.375) ❑ D E (2.0) ❑Sand (15) FilterSlze: 43•o(p •375 = IIl-i.83 /21 (Flow Rat¢) ' (Fllerpad) (Eller SlzeJ \ / Pen�a;r CCRP 2� (Filler Make and Model ) Pump Controls: Filtration pump has no auxiliary load- standard lima clock Filtration pump with auxiliary load -Control model for low speed default within 24 hrs Heater Model• PP�ia"/MI•SiFT 400k / ulir4�r o (Makpe,Mo�tlelan�tl 6lZ) Gas Heater Efficiency Rating 84 °� (No Pilot Light) Healer Pump Efflclency C.O.P 5 •$ ANSI 5 &ANSI 7 Compliance Work Sheet Determine Sim lifted TDH: Distance from pool to pump In feet: '---" 2' Friction loss (in suction pipe) In ------ inch pipe per 1 tt. @ 3' Friction loss (In miurn pipe) in ----- inch pipe per 1 fl. @ Determine Simplified TDH (CONTINUED): (LengN otSual, %pe) (FI o1M1eaN16orPlpe) poH SUG. PIpe) (LermN ofRelum Pipe) (Fl at heaNlftolPlpe) (TDH Remm Pipe) ------ ----- gpm = (from pipe flowlfricflon loss chart) ------ gpm =------- (from pipe flowlfricfion loss Chad) TDH In Piping: Filterl Heater loss In TDH All other lasses Determine Pipe Sizes: Branch Piping to be 3 inch to keep velocity @ Trunk, Skimmer & Suction Piping to be 2 • S inch to keep velocity Return Piping to be 2 • S Inch to keep velocity @ Pump Selection: as Listed on Curve A or CO(circle one) 6 fps max. at 9Q,p7 gpm System Flow Rate. 8 fps max. at 90, 0% 9Pm System Flow Rate. 10 fps max, at gQ,O'1 gpm System Flow Rate. Filtration Pump ��/Sn}elli FLo USF Maximum Flow Rate I �. �� gpm Main Drain Cover Determine the Number and Tvoe of Reouired In-Flopr Suction Outlets: Check all that apply, r'Jo 3-0„ t�Q 2 ���;�+ suction outlets @ � Qo Qo �0 3 � suction outlets @ O 0 � channel drain @ Total Head In Feet Conversion Chart Inches Mercury (Vacuum Gauge) D z a s a 1a 1z 1a 1s 1e 0 0.0 2.3 4.6 6.8 8.0 11.3 13.6 15.8 18.i 20.3 7 23 4.6 6:8 9.1 11:4 13.6 15.9 18.1 20.4 227 2 4.8 8.9 9.1 11.4 13.7 13.9 10.2 20,4 22.7 25:0 3 6.9 9.2 71.5 13.7 16,0 18.2 20.5 22.0 25.0 27.3 4 92 11.5 13.8 16.0 18.3 Z0.5 22:8 25.1 Z7,3 29.6 5 11.5 13.8 16.1 18.3 20.6 22.0 25.1 27,4 29.6 31.9 6 13:8 16.1 10.4 20:6 22.9 25.2 27.4 28,7 31.9 34:2 7 16.2 18.4 20.7 23.0 26.2 2T,5 29.7 320 34.3 38.5 8 18.5 20.7 23.0 25.3 2T.5 29.8 32.0 34.3 36.6 30.8 9 20.8 23.1 25,3 27.6 288 32.1 34.3 36.6 38.8 41.1 10 23.1 25.4 27.6 29.9 32.1 34.4 36.7 38.9 41,2 43.4 11 35:4 Z7.7 29.9 32.2 34.5 36.T 38.0 41.2 43.5 45.8 12 27.7 30,0 32.2 34.5 36.8 39.0 41.3 43.5. 45.8 40,1 � 13 30.0 32.3 3M1.6 36.8 39.1 41.3 43.6 45.9: 40.1 60.4 rn 14 323 39.6 36.9 39.7 41.4 43.8 45.9 48.2 50.4 627 � 15 34.6 36.8 39.2 41.9 43,7 45.9 40.2 50.5 53.7 55.0 16 37.D 39.2 41.5 43.7 46.0 48.3 50.5 52.8 55.0 57.3 j. y 1T 39.3 41.6 43,0 46:1 40.3 50.6 52.0 55.1 67.4 59.6 m 1B 41.8 43.0 46.1 48.d 50.6 52,9 55.1 57.4 69.7 fi1.9 d 79. 43.9 462 48.4 50.7 52.8 55.2 57.4 58.7 62.0 64.2 � 20 46.2 46.b 50.7 53.0 55.2 57.5 59.0 62.0 84.3 fi6.5 tl 21 48.5 50.8 51.0 55.3 57.8 59.8 62.1 64.3 fi6.6 60.9 22 50:8 53.1 55.3 5T.fi 59.8 62.1 fi4.9 86.8. 68.9 71.2 23 53.1 65.4 57.T 59.9 62.2 64.4 66.7 69.0 71.2 73.6 24 55.4 57.7 60.0 622 fi4.5 66.7 fi9.0 71.3 73.5 75.8 25 6T8 60.0 62.3 64.5 fi6.8 69.7 71.3 73.6 75.8 78.1 26 611.1 62.3 64.6 fi6.8 89.1 71.4 73,8 75.9 78.1 80.4 27 62,4 fi4.6 66.9 692 71.4 73,7 75:9 78.2 80.5 82.7 28 BM1:T 66.9 69.2 71.5 73.7 76.0 782 80.5 82.8 85.0 29 67.0 69.3 71.5 73.8 76.0 70.3 80.5 82.8 B5.1 87.3 30 89.3 71.6 73.8 76,1 78.3 80.8 B2.8 85.1 87.4 89.8 31 71.6 73.9 7fi.t 70.4 80.7 82.9 85.2 87.4 09,7 92.0 32 73.8 76.2 78.4 00.7 83.0 85.2 87.5 B9.T 92.0 84.3 33 762 70.6 80.T 83.0 05.3 87,5 89.8 92.0 94.3 96.6 34 78.5 80.8 03.1 85'A B7.fi 89.8 92.1 84,4 9fi.6 98.9 35 80.9 83.1 85.4 87.6 88.8 92,2 94.4 98.7 98.9 101.2 I?cuam W SDX lA" (Mekean6 Model) l9i�I gpm max. flow F143o� gpm max. flow gpm wl ports Flow and Friction Schedule 40 PVC Loss Per Plpe Foot 4ebdty-Feet PerSecaed Plceslre srps erpa 1Dfps 1' t6gpm 0.14' 21 gpm 0.23' 2fi 8Pm 0.35' 1.5' 3Tgpm 0.08' SO gpm 0.14' 62gpm 0.21' Y 62 gpm 0.06' 82 gpm 0.10' 1039Pm 0.16' 25' BB gPm 0.05' 117 gpm 0.09' 146 gpm 0.13' 3' 136 gpm 0.04' 781 gpm O.OT 227 gpm 0.10' 4' 234 gpm 0.03' 313 gpm 0.05 392gpm 0.07' B' 634 gpm 0.02' 712 gpm D.03' TDH Calculation Options For each pump Check one. Simplified Total Dynamic Head (STDH) Complete STDH Worksheet -Fill In all blanks. Total Dynamic Head (TDH) Complete Program or other talcs. Fill in required blanks on Worksheet &attach calculations. � Maximum Flow Capaelty of fhe new or replacement pump. I 2l �rLbnlrae a3�5T CPC1457252 Contractors CerL No: owner MacL� Pa-1-Sa;,.k luc;er FL Total Dynamic Head (TDH): "� "� , S(p r INOTE: FIELD TDH MUST BE EQUAL TO OR HIGHER THAN THE CALCULATED TDH. 407-366-4600 Conlmclom To ap one No. Scale: one Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 Pentair TDH Calculator Page 2 of 2 PENTAIR TDH CALCULATOR Pool Information Pool Volume: 15500 Gal Turn Over Time: 6,00 Hrs Suction Lift: 0 Ft Total Piping Lengths; Inlet Side: 25 Ft Discharge Side: 25 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Plpinfl Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 3,043 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2,445 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 10 FUSec piping Head Loss at 36.00GaIIMin: (not Incuding Filings or valves) Inlet Piping: 0.08 Ft Discharge Piping: 0,23 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be Inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems With a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Plpe Sizes: Flow Rate: 43.08 GaIIMIn Branch Piping: 2.0 In Your Head Loss: 2.04 Fl Intel Piping: 1.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum RPM: 140.00 Gal/Min Ensurethe drain cover max flow rating Is not exceeded. Head Loss at 22,21 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: 5 Z 2.0 1.6 0.6 System Head Pressure Curve InteIllFlo Varia le Speed, VS+SVRS, VF, or VSF - 000 rpm System _ IClean Desired Openellion Point Pwn�p �2 Selected Components Components Name Main Oraln Clean and Clear RP Piping Name fl0 degree elbow Tee Through Tee Branch Pumps Namo InteIllFlo Variable Speed, VS+SVRS, VF or VSF Head Loss at quantity 36,00GaI1Min 7 0,39 1 0,65 Inlet Discharge Head Loss at Quantity Quantity 36.00GaI/Mtn 6 6 0.54 0 2 0.09 1 0 0,05 Quantity 1 All Pentair trademark and logos are owned by Pentair, Inc. InteIllFlo®, Inte111Comm0, EesyTouch®, InfelliTouchO, SunTouch®, and Eco Select'"' era registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool arid Spa, Inc. and/orlts affiliated companies In lire United States and/orother countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to Indicate an of illation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the fmdemarks or registered trademarks of those third parties. Because we are continuously Improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair Is an equal opportunity employer. 10 20 30 Volumetric Flow Rate (GPM) Swimming Pool Energy Efficiency Compliance Information Note: These Requirements apply ONLY to the Filtration Pump ANSI 1 ASPC i ICC-15 2011 �VIM� Flow Calculations: Pool water volume I S lS� 1360 = 3.Oip gpm -this is the calculated flow rate Note: for pools under 13,000 gals. the calculated flow rate or 36 gpm whichever is greater= the filtration flow rate Note: Is there an Auxiliary load on the fllfratlon pump? ❑Yes ®No If so, what is the calculated auxllliary flow rate /'� 9Pm Flow rate (low speed) `'� 9Pm @ �� rpm Minimum suction side pipe size @ 6 fps 1 Z- in. Minimum suction side branch pipe size @ 6 fps Z in. Minimum return side pipe size @ B fps i • S in. Minimum return side branch pipe size @ 8 fps. I • S in. Determine Filter Size: Filter Factors ('G1PMISF): X❑ Cartridge (0.375) ❑ D E (2.0) ❑Sand (15) FllterSize: 43.0(0 � .375 = II�k•83 Pei+�� �l2-P 2AO (Floe Rale) (Filler Facq (Filler fits) 1 (Filler Make antl Motlel ) Pump Controls: Filtration pump has no auxiliary load- standard time clock Filtration pump with auxiliary load -Control model for low speed default within 24 hrs Healer Model: (MaYs,Model and Site) Gas Heater Efficiency Rating X (No Pilot Light) Heater Pump Efficiency C.O.P ANSI 5 &ANSI 7 Compliance Work Sheet Determine Simplified TDH: Distanc�ump In feet: 2' Friction loss (in suction pipe) in 3' Friction loss (in velum pipe) ih DelermineSimphfiedTDH (CONTINUED): ----- inch pipe per 1 fl. @ (LengW of SucL Pipe) (Ft ofheeNl9orPlpe) (TDH Buct. Pipe) (LaigO ofRemm Pipe) (Flat heaNl BolPipe) rraHReWm Pipe) Pe+r�a��Trr1-ells ce.r(-e� gpm - (from pipe flowlkicflon loss chart) ------ gpm = ------- (from pipe flowlfriction loss chart) TDH in Piping: Filler) Healer loss in TDH All other losses Total Dynamic Head (TDH): 2.2 Z I Determine Pipe Sizes: Branch Plping to be � Inch to keep velocity @ Tmnk, Skimmer & Suction Piping to be inch to keep velocity Return Piping to tie 2 ,S Inch tc keep velocity @ Pump Selection: as Listed on Curve A or CO(circle one) 5 fps max, at I L o gpm System Flow Rate. 8 fps max. at I40 gpm System Flow Rate. 10 fps max. at 14'O gpm System Flow Rate, Filtration Pump PYY)1'1� f Ti'f}�I I �(,� V� Maximum Flow Rate � 4 D gpm Main Drain Cover Determine. the Number and Tvae of Required In -Floor Suction Outlets Check all that apply. � QQ t�Q QQ & � suction outlets @ O 0 � channel drain @ Total Head In Feet Conversion Ghart Inches Mercury (Vacuum Gauge) 0 2 4 8 B 10 12 14 16 18 0 0.0 2.3 4.5 8.6 9.0 11.3 13.6 15.8 18.1 20.3 t 23 4,6 fi.8 8.1 11.4 13.8 15.9 18.1 20.4 12,7 2 4.6 6.9 9.1 11.4 13.7 ifi.9 18.2 20.4 22.7 25.0 3 6.9 9.2 11.5 13.7 10.0 18,2 20.5 22.0 25.0 27.3 4 9.2 11.5 13.0 16.0 18.3 20.5 22.0 25.7 27A 29.6 5 11.5 13.8 16.1 10.3 20.6 22.0 25.1 2T.4 29.6 31.9 6 13.9 16.7 18.4 20.6 22.9 25.2 27.4 29:7 31.9 34.2 ] 162 78.4 20.7 23.0 25.2 27.6 29.7 32.0 34.3 38.5 B 18.5 20.7 23.0 25.3 27,5 29,8 32.0 34.3 36.6 38.8 9 20.8 23.1 25.3 27.6 29,0 32.1 34.3 36.8 30.8 41.7 10 23.1 25.4 27.6 29.9 321 34.4 30.7 36:9 41.2 43.4 11 25.4 27.7 29.9 32.2 34.5 36.7 3B.0 412 ' 43,5 45.0. 12 27.7 30.0 322 34.5 38:8 39.0 41.3 43.5 45.8 40.1 m 13 30.0 32:3 34.6 36.8 39.1 41.3 43:4 45.9 48.1 50.4 rn 14 323 34.6 38.9 39.1 47.4 43.fi 45.9 482 50.4 52.7 15 34.fi 36.9 39.2 41.4 43.7 45.9. 48.2 50.5 52.7 55.0 m 16 37.0 392 41.5 43.7 48.0 40,3 50.5 52.0 55.0 5i.3 � 17 39,3 41.5 43.0 48.1 48.3 50,fi 52.8 5fi.1 57.4 59.6 16 41.fi 43.8 48.1 40.4 50.6 52.9 55.1 67.4 68.T 61.9 d 18 43.9 46:2 46.4 50.T 529 55.2 57.4 59.7 62.0 64.2 � 20 482 40.5 50.7 53.0 55.2 57.5 59.0 620 84.3 68.5 n- 27 46.5 50.8 53.0 55.3 57.6 59.0 82,1 B4.3 66,6 60.9 22 50.8 53.1 55.3 57.8 fi9.9 fi2.1 fi4.4 fi6:8 66.9 71.2 23 53,7 55.4 57.7 59.9 622 64.4 66.7 fi9:0 71.2 73.5 24 55.4 57.7 80.0 62.2 84.5 66.7 69.0 71.3 73.5 75.8 25 57,6 fi0.0 62.3 fi4.5 fifi.8 69.1 71.3 73:8 75.8 78.1 2fi 60.1 62.3 B4.8 BB.B 69.1 71.4 73.6 7fi.9 78.1 80.4 27 62.4 fi4,6 86.9 69.2 71.4 73.7 76.9 78.2 eo.s 82.7 26 64.7 8fi:9 fi8.2 71.5 73,7 76.0 782 60:5 82.8 85.0 29 67.0 69.3 71.5 73.6 76.0 78.3 60.5 626 05,1 87.3 30 fi8.3 7f.6 73:0 78.1 78.3 B0.6 82.9 85.1 87.4 89.6 31 7i.8 73:9 76.1 78.4 80.7 82.9 85.2 67.4 89.7 92,0 32 73.9 762 78.4 80.7 83.0 85,2 87.5 89.T 82,0 94.3 33 76.2 78.6 60.7 63.0 8fi.3 67.5 89.8 920 94.3 86.6 39 78.5 80.8 83,1 85.3 87.8 Bg.B 921 94.4 96.6 98.9 35 00.9 63:1 85.4 B7.6 89.9 92.2 94.4 98.7 B8.8 1012 'NOTE: FIELD TDH MUST BE EQUAL TO OR HIGHER THAN THE CALCULATED TDH. Pa�arn00n+Spx tic) (Make and Model) Fgpm max. flow gpm max, flow �gpmwl Pons Flow and Friction Loss Per Foot Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Velocity -Fee[ Per Second Pipe She 8 0(ps tO rps 1' t6gpm 0.14' 21 gpm 0,23' 28 gpm 0.35' 1.S 37gpiil 0.00' SO gpm 0.14' 62 gpm 0.21' 2' 629Pm 0.0fi' 02 gpm 0.10' 103 gpm 0.16' 2.5" BBg m 0.05' 117 gpm 0.09' 146 gpm 0.13' 3' f36 gpm 0.04' iBt gpm 0.07' 227 gpm 0.10' 4' 234 gpm 0.03' 313 gpm 0.05' 392 gpm O.OT 6' 634 gpm 0.02' 712 gpm 0.03' TDH Calculation 0 lions For etac pump Check one. Simplified Tohal Dynamic Head (STDH) Complete STDH Worksheet- FIII In all blanks. Total DynamioHead (TDH) Complete Program or other talcs. FIII In required blanks on worksheet &attach calculations. � Maximum Flpw Capacity of the new or replacement pump. Dale on ace gna we CPC1457252 Conheclom Ce4. No. owner Mtul,� rori $LLn� I,.uCrP t Fl 3498to 407-366-4ti00 an ac m e ap ne No. Scale: None Swimming Pool Energy Efficiency Compliance Information I Len These Requirements apply ONLY to the Filtration Pump ANSI 1 ASPC 1 ICC-15 4v I I Flow Calculations: \ Pool water volume 1360 = gpm - this is the calculated flow rate Note: for pools under 13,000 ga a calculated flo ate �11136 gpm whichever isgreater = the filtr flow rate Note: Is there an Auxiliary load o fillratio Yes No If so, what is the calculated auxilliary flow gpm Flow rate (low speed) gpm rpm Minimum suction side pipe size @ 6 fps in. i suction side branch pipe size @ 6 fps Minimum return side pipe size @ 8 fps In�linlmLll�turnside branch pipe size @ B fps Determine Filter Size: ' Filter Factors (GPMISF): X❑ Cartridge 5) ❑ D E (2.0) ❑ Filler Size: � (Flow Rate) I (F act) (FOter She) Pump Controls:/xiliary ' , Filtration pump hastandard time clock Filtration pump witrol model for lowspeed default within 24 hrs (Make;Model and She) Efficiency Rating (No Pilot Light) Pump Efficiency C.O.P ANSI 5 &ANSI 7 Compliance Work Sheet Determine Simplified TDH: '' Distan�o pump in feel: 2' Friction loss (in suction pipe) in 3' Friction loss (in return pipe) in Determine Simplified TDH (CONTINUED): (Length of$not. Pipe) (Ftofheadll 9 of Plpe) (rDH$ucl. Pipe) 5. ---- --- x -- -- - - - (LengmefRelumPipe) (Ft of house it of Pipe) (TDH Return Pipe) Determine Pipe Sizes: Branch Piping to be lu Inch to keep velocity @Skimmer &Piping to be inch to keep velocityPiping to be Inch to keep velocity @ 6 NO fps max. fps max, fps max, at at at gpm gpm gpm System System System Flow Rate. Flow Rate, Flow Rate. EZZ Pump Selection: as Listed on Curve A orc (circle one) Filtration Pump 1V&Ao;tT;AeAItFt0XFV5Fj Maximum Flow Rate Main Drain Cover Determine the Number and TVPe of Required In -Floor Suction Outlets: o' F Check all that apply. EQ Q M suction outlets @ ftoQo Q Qo 3 suction outlets @ I � channel drain @ ------ gpm =------- (from pipe flowlfriction loss chart) - - gpm pipe flowlfricfion loss chart) TDH In Piping: Filled Heater loss in TDH All other losses Total Dynamic Head (TDH): l Total Head In Feet Conversion Chart 11111011111111 Inches Mercury (Vacuum Gauge) 0 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 0.0 23 4.5 6.8 910 11.3 13.6 1518 18.1 20.3 1 2.3 4.6 6.6 9.1 11.4 13,6 15,9 18.1 20.4 22.7 2 4.6 6.9 9.1 11A 13,7 15.9 182 20A 22,7 25.0 3 6.9 9.2 11.5 13.7 %0 18.2 20.5 225 25.0 27.0 4 9.2 11.5 13.6 16.0 18.3 20.5 22.8 2511 27.3 29.6 5 11.5 13.8 16.1 16.3 20.6 22.8 25.1 27.4 29,6 31.9 8 13.9 16A 16.4 20.6 22.9 25.2 27.4 29.7 31.9 34.2 7 16.2 10.4 20.7 2310 252 27.5 29.7 320 34.3 36.5 8 18.5 20J 23.0 25.3 2T.5 29.8 32.0 34.3 36.6 38.8 9 20.8 23.1 25.3 27.6 29.8 32.1 34.3 36.6 38.9 41.7 10 23A 25A 21,8 29.9 32.1 34.4 36.7 38:9 41.2 434 11 25.4 2T.7 29,9 32.2 34.6 36.7 39.0 41.2 43.5 45.8 12 27,7 30,0 32.2 34.5 36.8 39.0 02 43.5 45.8 4111 13 30,0 32.3 346 36.8 39.1 41.3 43.6 45.9 48.1 50A w 14 32,3 34,6 36.9 39.1 41.4 43.6 45s 482 50.4 52.7 15 34.6 36,9 39.2 41.4 43.7 45.9 48,2 50.5 52.7 55.0 N 16 37.0 392 41.5 43.7 46.0 48.3 50,5 52.8 55.0 57.3 17 39.3 41.6 43.8 46.1 48.3 50.6 52.8 55A 57A 59.6 18 41.8 438 46.1 48.4 50.6 52.9 55.1 57A 59.7 61.9 a 19 43.9 46.2 W 50,7 52.9 55.E 57A 59.7 62.0 642 20 46.2 48.5 507 53.0 552 57,5 59.8 62.0 643 66,5 �- 21 48.5 60.0 53.0 65.3 57.6 59.8 62.1 64.3 88.6 68.9 22 50.8 6311 55.3 67,6 59.9 62A 64A 60.6 68.8 71,2 23 53.1 65A 57.7 59.9 622 64A 66.7 69.0 T1.2 73.5 24 55.4 1 60.0 62.2 64.5 66.7 69.0 71.3 73.5 75.8 25 57.8 60.0 62.3 64.5 66.8 69.1 71.3 73.6 15.8 78.1 26 60.1 623 94.6 66.8 69.1 71A 73,6 75.9 78.1 80.4 27 62.4 64.6 66.9 69.2 71.4 73,7 75,9 782 80.5 82.7 28 64.7 66,9 69.2 71.5 73.7 76.0 78.2 80.5 82.8 85.0 29 67.0 69.3 715 73.8 76.0 78.3 80.5 82A 85.1 87.3 30 693 T1.6 73.8 76.1 78.3 80.6 829 85.1 B7A 89,8 31 71,6 73.9 76.1 78.4 80.7 12.1 85.2 87.4 89.7 92,0 32 73.9 ]fi.2 78.4 80.7 03.0 85.2 87.5 89.7 92.0 94.3 33 76,2 78.5 80.7 83.0 85.3 B7.5 89,0 02.0 94.3 86.1 34 78.5 80.885.3 87.8 09.8 92.1 94.4 96.6 90.9 35 80.8 83.1 85.4 ST.6 88.9 82.2 94.4 987 98.9 101.2 t'NOTE: FIELD TDH MUST BE EQUAL TO OR RICHER THAN THE CALCULATED TDH 22 3 gpm (�uamWe 4 SDX UJ71 (Make and Model) I wal l gpm max, flow gpm max. flow gpm wl ports Flow and Friction Loss Per Foot Schedule 40 PVC Pipe Velocity - Feet Per Second Pipe She 6fps 8fps 10 fps 1' 16 gpm 0.14' 219pm 0.23' 26 gpm 0.35 1.5' 37 gpm 0.08, 50 gpm 0.14' fit gpm 0.21' 2' 62 gpm 0.06, 82 gPm 0.19 103 gpm 0.16' 2.5° BB gPm 0.05, 117gpm 0.09 146 gpm 0.13, 3' 136 gpm 0.04' 181 gpm 0.07' 227 gpm 0.10' 4' 234 gpm 0.03' 313 gpm 0.05' 392 gpm 0.0P 8" 534 gpm 0.02' 712 gpm 0.03' TDH Calculation Options For eac ph ump "�M Check one. Jil Simplified Total Dynamic Head (STDH) Complete STDH Worksheet - Fill In all blanks. Total Dynamic Head (TDH) Complete Program or other calcs. Fill in required blanks on worksheet & attach calculations. Maximum Flow Capacity of the new or replacement pump. l (0 2l Dale AA onlrac om gna ure CPC1457252 Conlrecbm Gel. No. owner M� 407-366-4600 onlmcWrs TB ephone o. Scale: None 1�9`V'LLLV�L®° vSF HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMP • Select •Eight programmable speedorflow settings and built-in timer _ ' • Rotatable keypad with optional wall mount kit (sold separately)•Top-mounted field wiring compartment is easier to access and connect -� • Totally enclosed fan -cooled design for increased ' performance and long life pP. .6 •Menus are easier than ever to use -.. EfIIt:Gil 1�1C 12 • Precisely maintains system Flow requirements IhteIllFlo VSF •Compatible with Pentair Automation Pump • WEF 61 THP 3.95 This product may be protected by one or more of the fallowing US Patents and all corresponding foreign counterparts: 7,688,5fi7; 7,954,587; 81043,070; 8,4681675; 8,573,052; D568,340; D606,562; D611,430 IntelliFlo VSF pump is the first variable speed and flow pump that adjusts to changes In flow conditions to maintain its preprogrammed flow rate to run optimally throughout the entire filtration cycle. It's like having cruise control for your pump. ®rdering Information CALIFORNIAPROPOSmON fi5WARNING ®WANNING: Cenpefand Reproducfive Harm. ®AVEflTISSEMENR Peul Causer le Gancer et des Oommages au Sysl&me Repraducteur. ®AOVERTENCIA; Cdncer y nano Reproductivo. wwap65warnings.ca.gov. Full Load Primary Listings and Port Size Certr Product Model Voltage Ames kW HP SF BFHP FREO• Ceriiflcetlans^ (NPT) Wt. (LI Ot1056 InteIllFIo VSF 230 tfi 3.2 3 1.32 3.95 50Hz/soHz UL', NSF', APSP' 21n.x2in. 55 521108 IntellCom2 Rslede•30VDCvilth 4lnputs 1 350t22 Communication Cable-50 R.-Included with pump 2 357158 Chemical Resistant Lld 1 356804Z Keypad Relocalwn KM1 2 71201-0154 2.in. x 2 tn. Untan (2 in. NPT malex2 in. female NPT quick connect) 'Note: two required per pump (sold individually) 2 ' 'UL'Indlcates thaf pump bearsa UL mark signifying evaluation to U.S. Standards UL1081 far Permanently Connected Swimming Pool and Spa Pumps and to Canadian SlandaNs CAN/CSA C22.2 No. toe-01 Liquid Pumps Far Swimming Pools Only (Enclosure 3). ' 'NSF' Indicates that pump bears a mark signifying evaluator to NSF Standard 50 For Self -Priming Centrifugal Pumps For Sw(mming Pools. Only. Referto catalog page48 for a selection oft -Pole GFCI bmakers which offer6 milliamp personnel protection while meeting 2008 to current NEC Standards for Pool Pumps. ' 'APSP' Pump has been evaluated to ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 and CaOfomia TINe 20 and is certified to use on Residential Swimming Pool Filtration Systems. ' Product may have been evaluatedto other state andlocal regulatory standards. Listing status may change. Always confirm status with appropriate agency if In doubt. Note: Pump must be used with current cplleclom when Installed on spas or hot tubs in Canada. 13 HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMP (CONT'D) Dimensions and Performance Volumetric Flaw Rate in GPM Note: IntelliFlo VS+SVRS minimum speed is 7100 RPM 23.41n See page 507 for replacement parts. o 4TELLIFLOXPVSF HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMP '[,P11WtWNA1JL FeaturedHighlights select" • Eight programmable speed or flow settings and built-in timer AppijancP. �fi�iGl�fi6jt Oa1gFi9s^ IntelliFloXF VSF 46 Pump This product may he protected by one or more of the Following US Patanta and all corresponding foreign counterparts: 7,686,587; 7,854,597; 81043,070; 81469,6751' 815731952; D568,340; D6063562; 0611,430 InteIIIFIoXF VSF pump is the first variable speed and Flow pump that adjusts to changes in flow system conditions to maintain its programmed flow rate. Vdfth its available performance and efficiency, it is perfectly suited for large and feature rich pools with high flow demand. • Rotatable keypad with optional wall mount kit (sold tgG separately) • Top -mounted field wiring compartment is easier to access '9p and connect ga • Totally enclosed fan -cooled design keeps motor shielded = from the elements for extended life '8 7D • Menus are easier than ever to use s 49 • Union connectors Included for connecting directly to 2.5" or 3" plumbing z "50 • Precisely maintains system flow requirements � 40 • Compatible with Pentair Automation o •VEF5_6 THP3.95 30 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65WARNING ®WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm, mAVERTI55EMENT: Paul Causer le Cancer eI des Dommages an Systhme.Reproducteur. AAOVERTENCIA: CAncery Dada Reproductiva, w pHmrnings,cafw. Ordering Information Product Model Voltage Full Load ItW HP SF SFHP FREQ. Primary Listings and part Size(NPT) Carton Amps Certifications" Wt.(Lbs.) INTELLIFLOXF VSF ENERGY EFFICIENT VARIABLE SPEED AND FLOWPUNIP 022056 InteIIIFIoXF VSF 230 16 3.2 3 1,32 3.95. 50HZ/60HZ UL', NSF', APSP r: 2.51nix2.5 In. 58 OR 3 n. X 3in. 400012 XF Riser Base- Simplifies installation of XF-sedes pumps In applications where Challenger pumps are being replaced. 1 521109 InteleCom 2- Rated 9 -30 V DC with 4 inputs 1 350122 Communication Cable -50 R.- Included with pump 2 356904Z Keypad Relocation Kit 2 � 'UL'indicates that pump bearsa UL mark signifying evaluation to U.S. Stantlards UL1081 for Permanently Connected Swimming Peol and Spe Pumps and to Canadian Standards CANICSA C22.2 No. 108-Ot Liquitl Pumps For Swimming Pools Only (Enclosure 3). 'NSP indicates that pump bears a mark signifying evaluation to NSF Standard 50 For Self -Priming Centrifugal Pumps For Swimming Pools Only. ' 'APSP' Pump has been evaluated to ANSI/APSP/IC0-15 and California Title 20 and is certified to use on Residential Swimming Pool Filtration Systems. Referto catalog page 50fora selection of 2-Pole GFCI breakers which offer6miillamp personnel protection while meeting 2006 to cul'rent NEC Standards for Pool Pumps, ' Product may have been evaluated to otherstete end local regulatory standertls. Listing status may change. Always confirm atelus with appropriate agency if In doubt. Note: Pump must be used with current collectors when Installed an spas or hot tohs In Canada. _r _ r ,II_ I IIGH PERFORMANCE PUMP (CONT'O) RANGE FOR -'-- -- -"-- -. .. FLOW CdNTnOL ---- Mma SRocd. 3l.5DrPm _ Spend3 — cp 235Drpm I 8peed2 _ d150Dfpm I I I 1 5peedI I I I 5pp€ado — p750 rpm I�Iv:3JJDYpm �" �—i�_ -_ 2g ag ao 80 fag 120 iag too 180 .zaa 220 Volumelrga FlowRoYein 6PM �10,2J I 110.4 See page 503 for replacement parts. NIGN FLDW SpfETY DRAIN SRO NIGH FLDW 5pFETY DRAIN �� � � � � � 1 �I� �� � I SDX HIGH FLOW SAFETY DRAIN Submerged Suction Outlet For Single or Multiple Drain Use For Use on Wail and Floor No Sump Required The SDX High Flow Safety Drain is a 1 O" diameter frame and grate or bulkhead style drain fitting. It Includes a back plate and cover that is affixed to a frame, a bulkhead or an existing drain sump. SDX Retro replaces most: existing drain covers up to 1 O" in dlameter. FLOW RATING FLOOR WALL One SDX or SDX Retro 200 GPM 192 GPM Square Inches of opening = 43.201 sq. Inches Velocity @ 200 GPM = 1.485 fps PLACE OF MANUFACTURE: Paramount Pool &Spa Systems 295 E. Corporate Places Chandler, AZ 85225 USA COMPLIANT WITH: • Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act • ASME Al 12.19.8-2007 • ANSI/APSP - 7 • IAPMO Listed SDX Model Numbers: Concrete XXX-162-2212-XX (480) 893-7607 Vinyl XXX-1 72-2212-XX NAME OF THIRD PtARTV LABORATORY: IAPMO Fiberglass XXX-182-2212-XX R&T LAB Retro XXX-192-2212-XX TEST RECORD DOCUMENTATION: IAPMO R8T Retro Vinyl XXX-159-2212-XX 5001 E. Philadelphia Street Retro Equalizer XXX-157-2212-XX Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 472-4104 Test Report —March 17, 201 i LI FE SPAN: 5 YEARS FROM DATE OF I NSTALLATION xululsiw Install Date ��!A�SME��' I USPc � Replacement 5 years from installed date �A�112.1A8 / NOTE: Suction Safety Standards require that drain grates used to cover sumps must have the suction pipe cut at least 1.5 times the pipe dlameter behind the drain cover, There is NO SUMP requirement for SDX because the patent- ed design provides uniform suction regardless of pipe location. If the pipe Is too close to the back of the cover, it may restrict water flow to the. pump, potentially reducing hydraulic efficiency, but this does not pose a suction safety hazard. This is confirmed by the IAPMO Test Report. This Product must be Installed in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Codes. wmu. n[,cns[ oz/oz/as D.CDNN co2xecnn ceuvunax mxox oz/oe/as D.CONN AREA INCLUDES: HATCHED MINUS RIBS AREA.OF .OPENING = 43:201 IN%SQ' VELOCITY .Q 200 GPM = 1.485. FPS FOR OTHER FLOW RATES SQX VELOCITY = GPM/134.648 x._....._.t_._.aFa _ sox urraovus ^ VELOCITY CALCULATION REVOfi3011 I C� MASTEI TEMP° HEATER HIGH PERFORMANCE ECO-FRIENDLY HEATERS �a ert: az,°,,y.cnbam,� PENTAIR MasterTemp High Performance Heater ° Heats up fast so no long waits before enjoying your POOL or spa • Best -in -class energy efficiency* • Man uaL gas shut-off when service is required • Eco-friendty Master -Temp Heater is certified for low NOx emission and outperforms industry standards • Rotating digital display allows for easy viewing ° Tough, rustproof exterior handles the heat and weathers the elements • Certified for outdoor and indoor installations ° For Air Intake Kit order part number 461031 MasterTemp heaters offer alt the efficiency, convenience and reliability features you want in a pool heater, plus a lot more. As easy to use as your home heating system, PLUS, user-friendly indicator lights make system operation and monitoring a snap. The compact design and super -quiet operation won't intrude on your poolside leisure time. Heavy-duty (HD) unit with cup rU- nickel exchangers tands up to the ha rshest of applications, like low PH, high flow or heavy use. Ordering Information Product Gas Type BTU (000's) Carton oily, Carton Wt, MASTERTEMP HEATERS 460792 Natural 175 1 128 4LO793 Propane 175 1 128 460730 Natural 200 1 128 460731 Propane 200 1 128 461000 Natural 200 ASME 1 138 461001 Propane 200ASME 1 138 460732 Natural 250 1 133 460733 Propane 250 1 133 4S0771 Natural 250 ASME 1 140 460772 Propane 250ASME 1 140 ' 441020 Natural 250 ASME HD 1 140 460806 Natural 25OHD 1 136 460734 Natural 300 1 136 460735 Propane 300 1 136 460736 Natural 400 1 136 440737 Propane 400 1 136 460805 Natural 40OHD 1 136 460775 Natural 400ASME 1 149 461021 Natural 400 ASME HD 1 149 460776 Propane 400ASME 1 149 Note: The MasterTemp Heater is certified for law flour emissions, • Standard Capper Heat Exchanger 84% Efficient, Heavy Duty (Hal Cupro-Nickel Heat Exchanger 82% Efficient. RATEMP° HEAT PUMP HIGH PERFORMANCE HEAT PUMP ®LGRADE <<�select' PPllum �fNc{enr.r UltraTemp 120Q Hea[ Pump The Industry's first heat pump charged with non -ozone depleting refrigerant, R410A, 100%titanium heat exchanger assures corrosion -free performance Far extra long IIFe LCO control [o fallow AutoSet board displays an Intuitive menu -driven read out with easy full word messages... no more codes (time clock aver -ride) feature monitors water temperature and turns the water circulation pump on and off as needed to maintain desired pool temperatures Automauc defrost feature senses refrigerant temperature and prevents Freezing, allowing the heat pump to operate at even lower temperatures Compatible with ALL automated control packages Long-IIFe corrosion resistant plastic composite cabinet stands up to severe climates and pool chemicals Emerson° Copeland Scroll" Compressor ETL listed for safe operation Thermoslafia Expansion Valve (TXV) controls refrigerant flow for optimum efficiency and BTU output over a wider operating range Highest efficiency available, meets or exceeds existing codes and standards BTU and efficiency performance Independently certified by the Alr-CondlOoning, Hearing and Refrigeration Institute, AHRI Ordering Information Parts 80/80/60" 80/83/80" 50/63/BO' Freq Breaker Ct. Model BTU/COP BTU/COP BTU/COP (Hz1 Phase Volt Ot. Oty. Wt. Dim. im e ACK ALMOND (amp) ULTRATEMP HEAT PUMPS 460960 460930 70 75,000/5.9 70,000/5.7 50,DD0/4A 60 40 1 230 1 290 33.5 :4fi0961 460931. 90 90,000/5,8 65,006/5.6 601000/4.0 60 50 1 230 1 300 33.5 460962 460932 110 110,000/6.1 101,00015.8 70j00014D 60 50 1 230 1 271 45,5 460863 460B33 120Q -- 127,000/5.7 120,000/5.5 BO,000/4.0 60 50 1 230 1 270 48.1 450964 460934 140 145,000/5.8 135,000/56 90,000/4.0 60 50 1 230 1 335 455 460965 460935 12O H/C 125,000 Heat/5.5 118,000/5.3 80,OD0/4.0 60 50 1. 230 1 283 45.5 71,000 Cool/4.1 460959 460958 140 H/C 140 000 Heat/5.6 1321000/544 85,000/4.0 60 50 1 230 1 344 45.5 71,000 CODI/4.1 :460967 460937 120 C 12zODD15.5 114,000/5.3 76,OOD/4.0 60 50 3 230 1 264 455 460929 460928 140C 140,00015.7 130,000/55 850000/4.0 60 50 3 230 1 335 45.5 ' Rating in accordance with ARI Standard 1160 (air temp. °F. / %relative humidity / water lemp'F) Emerson`is a registered trademark of Emerson Electric Co. and Copeland Suoll`is a registered trademark of Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. Dimensions and Performance �e �II ll' 0 CAUfORNIA PROPDSnION 65 WARNING AWARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Narm, ®AVERTISSEMENT., Pout Causer Is Cancer et des Dommages au SysNme Repmducteur. >®AOVERTENDW CRncer y Dafle Reproductivo, p wwW.65warnings.ca.gov. Inifirmlic The AHRI Cerl[Redo Mark Is applied only to HVACR equipment and components that have been Independently tested to certify Vol manulecturers' performance claims are accurate. irectoryorg fore complete Rat of confined products. CEC Title-20, Indicates that Heat Pump has been evaluated to California listed In the California Energy Commission's (CEC) dalabaseolcom Swimming pliant heat pumps, and certified louse on Resldenhal Pool Flitralion Systems. See pages 466-467 for replacement parts. 0 CAUfORNIA PROPDSnION 65 WARNING AWARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Narm, ®AVERTISSEMENT., Pout Causer Is Cancer et des Dommages au SysNme Repmducteur. >®AOVERTENDW CRncer y Dafle Reproductivo, p wwW.65warnings.ca.gov. Inifirmlic The AHRI Cerl[Redo Mark Is applied only to HVACR equipment and components that have been Independently tested to certify Vol manulecturers' performance claims are accurate. irectoryorg fore complete Rat of confined products. CEC Title-20, Indicates that Heat Pump has been evaluated to California listed In the California Energy Commission's (CEC) dalabaseolcom Swimming pliant heat pumps, and certified louse on Resldenhal Pool Flitralion Systems. See pages 466-467 for replacement parts.