HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application '� BE COMPLETED FOR APRLICATION TQ BE ACCEPTED' Numbe _. Alt APPLICAB E INFO MUST Date. � 3 � Permit r:�I��� 14din Permit A0plieatio11` Planning and`DeveldpmentServices Burlding'.gnd Code Regulot�on Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,,Fort Pierce FL 349$7 Phone:(772)462ASS3 Fax:-(772)462-157$` Comme,rdal' Residential: X i PERMITTYPE RESIDENTIAL B_U`L ING (S`FR UP TO: 2 FLOORS). w = PROPQSED (MPf{�1/EMENT LOCATION Address: 5137 Armina Place Prdperty Tax ID M. 1311-700-0182-00076. kOt No 22 Site Plan Name:..WVATERSTONE-PHASE OWE` Bfock No.,.3, .Pr AS RI FEAT WATER5TONE oject Name:° aETAfLED DESCRIPTION QF 1NQRK w NEW.CONSTRl1CTION PER PLANS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE(SFR) Eden, Elev B,Garage Left 4,Bedroom/2 Bath One 2-car garage ;CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Additional worleto be:,performed. .under this'permit--check all that apply;: 1-Mechanical Gas Tank _Gas Piping ✓Shutters ✓VWindows/Doors: (Electric.: Plumbing Sprinklers _Generator V.Roof 5:12 Pitch: Total.Sq..Ft of Construction:-. . 2118 Sq.Ft:of First FI,Oor: 1917 110,888 Utilities f Sewer ^Septic Building Height:' 16'3-3/4" Cost of`Con'struct>o:n:$ p�. QWN ER/LESSEE CONTRACTQR Name KEVIN BORKENHAGEN: Name:JOSEPH SPALT Address.3691 QUANTUM BLVD Company:K.HO�?NANIAN-.FLORIDA OPERATIONS, LLC' City:: BOYNTON BEACH State: FL Address:3601 QUANTUM.BLVD- Zip Code: 33.42s Fax. City: BOYNTON BEACH State:FL 561'-364-3316 33426 Phone No.. . Zip Corte: Fax: E-Mails KUWIRTH@KHOV.GOM> Phone No::561.-364.-3316 . Fillin fee simple Title_Holder on next page:(if different:., E-iVlail KWVIRTH @.KHOV.COM fram the.Owner listed above). State or County Ocense'CBC1263043: If,vaWe of construction.iS$2500 or more;a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is requlred. If'valuerof HVAC is'$7.';500 ocmore,a RECORDED Noticeof Commencement.is required. =SUPPLEMEi11TAL CQN5TRUCTIQN l[ENLAW IN,FORMAT(QN s 'DESI;GNER/ENGINEER:: Not Applicable; MORTGAGECQIVIPANY _NotApplcable Name: Name::. Address: Addre'ssc Clty' State.: Cit State:. Y; Phone Zip.: Phone=: FEE:SIMPLE TITLE 11OLDE Not'i4ppiicable, BANDING CCIMFaNY Not Applicable Name'I Nafti'e: Address; Address; City:: Zip':. . Phone: . Zip; Phone- =OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDUIT:Appiicaeton,is:hereby made;to_obt,ain.a,pormit;to d the:wgrk and.installation as indicated. I'certlfy"that rio:work or installation has eornrn6need pkiorto theAssuance of a;permit;. St Lucie Countyy makes no;representation;that is granting a permit wiil authorize the perrn:it h6lde-to build ffi- jest structure' which is'in.conflict with:any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws orandcovenahts,thatmayrestrict or prohibit�such structure. .lea`setonsult:withyour Home:Owners Association and'review:your.deed for any restrictions�which may apply, fn consideratioii'of"tfie granting of this,requested permit,l do�hereby agree that]will,in,all respects,perform the wgrk in accordance with the approved=;plans;.th.'e Florid...a'Building,Codes and St:Lucie-County Amendments.; The'following bui)ding'perii%it opplicationsare exempt from.undergoinga`full concurrency review,toorr additions; accessory structures;swimming pools,;.fences.walls;signs;screen rooms andaccessory usesto.another non-residential use "WARNRiIG TOf OWNER: YOUR,FAILURE TO RECO..RD A.NOTICE.'OF COMMENCEfHENT.MAY RESULT W:YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR,'IMP TO YOUR,,PROPERTY..�A NOTICE OF:COMMENCEMENT UST BE: RECORDED AND POSTED Uttl THE-JOB SITE BWORE'THE;.FIRST.INSPECIION 'IF YOII INTEND T0.0 Illt FlidAliCIING ;CONSULT 9V im YOUR LENDtR.OR AN,ATTORfNEY,BEFORE RECORDIiYCYOUR NO ICE OF 0 NCEMENT.," . Signature of Ov er/Le =�e/Coot' ctoras;Agetit°for Owner' Signature of` ra ,_ r/License-Hoider STATE'OF`FLORIDA. STATE OF"FLORIDA COUNTY OF`.PALmBEACH: MUNTY 0 n'PALM;eEACN: The forgoing-instrument was acknowledged before:me> The fargoinginstrument wasacknowledged before:nie this22nd da of` March ;20 21 .by this 22nd day of March 20 21 by y , kEVIN`06J*i2NHA6EW ijoSEPH SFALT; Name of person makingstatement. Na me person making statement: P&tonally.Knowrf X OR Produced.ldentifieation, Personally Known. x- OR Produced Edentificatian Type of Identification Type of ldetitif cation' Produced Produced (Signat re of Notary Public-Staf KviN� (Sign ture of Not*.?ublic-•stat ui�nM,�nar» `FZ NpWYPAtk-state of raft SNOt+rYPuMk-St�edFtoeidl Commission.No. GG917671 Meal �GG41767f GG91T671 7 Corfrtn�#c 9n6» ommssion No. Cohan aF n, Miy tarn.F*r"Sep 29, of Y Bons Sep M.2W Banded thfoegh NadmW Notary Awn _at3VAM. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR: PLANS, VEGETATION. SEW;TURTLE'. MANGROVE COUNTER .REVIEW: REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW' REVIEW REVIEW- DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED. ev.