HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK � )THE CIRCUIT COURT T — SAINT L''�E COUNTY' FILE # 4299860 OR BOOT{ 3986 PAGE 2729, Recorded ,04/21/2017 08:50:45 Aid NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Property Tax M No. 3321-803-0027-000-5 State of Florida,County of St.Lassie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property,and In accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the following Informtlon is provided In this Notice of Commencement. Legal Dtscription of property and address If available 8000 Plantation Lakes Dr.,Reserve Plantation Phase 11A c Lot 21 a , v General description of Improvements Re-roof Single Family Residence Owner/lessee Jack Steinberger ` < 0 Address 8000 Plantation Lakes Dr.,Port St.Lucie,FL 34986 w Interest in property-* Fee Simple y Fee Simtple Title holder(it other than owner) 0 � Address "0 = Packard Roofing&Waterproofing,Inc. 772-468-3723 Contractor I'hoa3e# Address 2182 NW Reserve Park Trace,Port St.Lucie,FL 34986 Fax# 772-468-9978 p LL v' re tsi .. 2 Surety NA Phone# u+O to Iv Address Fax# U QA—'toA nIt➢u®1 of fond 0 V a z W 0 � Lender NA Phone 9 Address Fax# Persons ns within the State;of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(a)7.,Florida Statues: Name NA Phone it Address FBI If In addition to himself,owner designates of Phone# Fax## to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided In Section 713.13(1)(b),Merida Statutm Expieetion date ofnetice of commencement is one year fsrom the date of recording unless a different date Is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.13,F.S.,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMCFMENT MUST BR RECORDED AND POSTED ON TEM JOB SITE rJEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING;CONSULT WIM YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMNSENCMENT. er or Oavmer'a or Le&WIS Aattaorketl Olflecr/9Dlrsceas/PertasrlAlaaegn/Signature Slgaatory's TItwoffice State of Florida,County of LU Gt Acknowledged before we this 1 ,day of 20 by oaf t 1 L who is persogastRy known to me or who has produced as Iden iflcstt ...®, Q Deb ` -- Sipature of Notary Type r Pi iut N2'ri'of Notary (Seal) Tide:Notary rublic Com missloa Number STEPHANIE P.SMITHo`er: PlotRy PublIC-Stets of Florida = Nly Coram.Exa119S Sep 2,20f 7 Commission 0 FF050475 pro„u• tl Ttv N&CM PfataY?t,.