HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) FCAI f— File-COPY . Business ♦ Professioiial • 1 9. kis Homo. Lop In' S Use�Registration� Hot-Topics Submit Surcharge. stats&Facts. Pubitcations 1 Fk Staff j BOS Site Maps , Links Search F a Product Approval. USER;Patine User - Fr�dtlrc,A=--WI MIN)>arMrjrf Or Pnnitr,S!ion:fe8?h>A-oiiratinn List>Apptkation Detail. FL A FL10497:-R5 Application Type Revisions Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved 1 Comments Archived P,roductManufacturer Mule-Hide-Products Co.,Inc. Address/Phone/Email .1195 Prince-Hall'Dr' ` Beloit,WI.53511-5481 (f 08)"-365-3111 W 909 l indareitri@tri nityerdl com Authorized Signature Timothy McFarland Ii nda rei th@trinityerd.com 4 Technical.-Representative Tim McFarland Address/Phone/Email 1195 Prince Hail De Suite A Beloit;WI535115481: (608}`365-3111 tim.rA,da.riand@_mulehide.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Modified-Bitumen:Roof,System Compliance-Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect;on a Licensed. Florida.Professional Engineer :.Evaluation Report.-Haedcopy Received Florida Erigineer'orArchitect Name,who developed Robert Nieminen the_Eyaluatibn"Report Florida iJcense PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality,'Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/28j2017 Validated`.By ]ohn.W.knezevichi PE Vaiidation Checklist-Hardcopy.Received: i • Certificate of Independence FL10497 R5 COI 2015 01 COI rJieminen.vdf ReferencedlStandard;and Year(of.Standard) StandiEd. Yen' ASTM-D6163 2000 ASTM D6164 2005. ASTM:D6222 20013 FM.4470. 1092- FM A474 20.04. Equivalence-of Product:5tandards CerNfied;By;- sections,froini•the Code Product Approval Method Method.1 Option D Date>Sub mitted 12/16/2015 Date Validated. 12/1.6J2O15 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/17/2015 Date Approved. 02/10/20116 SummarvofPriDducts FL#: Model,Number or Name; Description 10497:.1- Mule?Hlde,$BS and APP Modified Self=ad6ering,modi led,bitumen_roof systems Bitumen Roof Systems Limits of Use . Instaliation.Instructigris. Approved,for'use In MVHZ:No - FL10427'R5 ll sty 12 FINAL Al ER SIDLE-HJQE h16497- - Approved for use outside'HVHZ:•Y.es Impact Resistant:NJA Verified:By:Robert Niemlrreh PE•59166 Design Pressure:+NJA/-480 Created-by Independent Third Party:,Yes Other.1.)7he;design'pressure,in-this application relates to `Evaluation Reports. one particular dssembly over concrete.deck..Refer to the'ER F Qt 497 RS AE 2015 F-2 FJFJAL FP MULF-HiDE ruQ497- Appendix for other systems and deck,types.2, Re'fer;to.ER, R5,Ddf' Section:5 foe other.,llmitsof Use* Created.by,1ndependent�Third Party,Yes r ntac[Us.:;260 Co +Blair Stone Road,TauahasseeFL323A Phone:RSO-aA7.tA24 The,SWte of Florida Is an`FA/EEO employer::Conynyht,2007.2ot3 state of frodda ,i,Prfvary statement,;.Arress Miry Stattsment;:8efu6d S4_iement- Under norids'law;emailsddresses am puWi[records.lf;You da not want your,e:,maA address,.released in respon3e to a pudicre�oids request;do-not tend eleGiorue maq'to tNS entity:lttstead;,contaa ttie eflice try ptiw+o or tty treGttionai mail.If jrou MJa any questions,please contact 850.487.1393.-Pursuant to Section, 455:,75(1),.ilorida Sututea,e•feaive'Ocwbei i;'2012;licensees licensed iunder Chapter<SS:..F:S:must provide.the Department with art.email address if they have - one:TM cmails provided rriaY!x usCd for"official con m aii:atlori hlN thm'Iignsee.,MovMveremail addresses are pudic recoN.if you.do.tioc'wish to supply o pei5oiial address;please:Dravida the-pepartment.tvi;h.an emad•adEiess yAudr,con!K made IvailabJe to the public To determine if you are;■lkensee under C aptet. 4 55 f S,,0—dkk ; hpduil Approval Accsiptsi. . . . Credit Card t c- RIf�1I ERD rrhy �ATiA !tr SI{f NOS a..,°'v,�,�� '•`t.�;a ." -C-:.. fit. , a.5��'� H�,vo...rv.!r^1-'i 51: ���s p t�y'". �,.�rdCtiliST011a„"I-„UPt1FT,�ESI ,.Tacaie: oecfr App4atkrti;= 7Vp2 Oescriptioo Page _.. _ lA Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover -- �-- _ .3; I04 wood New or Remof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 4 15-2 Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mach.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover - , . 5 IC Wood Ncwr.Reroof(Tear-Off)of Recover C 'Mech.Attached Insulation;Bonded Roof Cover 6 ID Woof ' New;Reroof(Tear-Off)of,Recover D Prelim.Attached Insulation,Meth.Attached Base SheeII Bonded Roof Cover T �-1E-]. Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E Non-insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(nails),Bonded Roof Cover . 8 IE-2 Wood Now,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-Insulated,Mach.Attached Base Sheet(screws&plates).Bonded Roof Cover 9 IF Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 9 2A Steel orConc: New,neroof(Tear-OfQ or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 10 28 Steel or Cone New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover. D Prelim.Attached Insulation,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 11 U-1 Concwe New or Reroof(Tear-Off) Al Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 1244 3A4 Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off. A-1 Bonded:Temporary Roof,Banded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 15 36 Concrete :New or Reroof(Tear-Off). F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 15 4A LWIC New or Reroof(Tear-Off), A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover - 16.17 48 .LWiC New or Remof(Tear-OfOr A4 Mech.Attach"Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulations bonded Roof Cover 17 AC LW New-)i Reroof(Tear-Off) E. Non-Insulated,Mich.Attached Base SheeC Bonded Roof Cover 18-19 5A CWF New or Reroof(Tear-Off); A-1 Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof cover 20 5B CWE New,Reroof(Tear-Off)ocRecover A-2' Mech.Attached Anchor SheetAcinded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover_ 20 5C CWF 'New or Reroof(Tear-Off) .£ NorOnsulated,Mech:Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover, 20, ,6A Gypsum Reroof(fear-Off) A-1 Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 21 68 Gypsisn Reroof(Tear-Off) E- Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 22 -7A _ Various- ._. -Recover 'A-1 . .. 'Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 22-23 The foffoadirg note atxrty to ft systems outiined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation herekr'pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHi. Load resistance of the roof desk shall be.dowmented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 2. .Insulation/basesheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length fo.r the following,deck engagement: Y.Wood- MWmum0.7S-IRch,pcnetration, ➢.Steet Minimtim 0.75-itch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck:. );.Concrete: Minimum 1-Inch embednumt into pilot Bole in accordance with fastener manufacturers published Intonation Instructions. 3. Unless othensdse,noted;U=1ation may be any one layer of combfnation oUpolylsocyanvrate,polystyrene,wood fiberboard, perate,gypsum-based roof board or.mineral-wool roof board that meets the QA ,requirements of F.A.C.Rule 61G20.3 and Is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,when Installed with the root cover. E, hNrtkrnrn 260- rnkttrrttrm 2-inch thkk psi,_- Bghtwetht Insulating concrete maybe substituted for rigid Insulation board for System Type D.(mechanically attached base sheet bonded roof cover),whereby the base street fasteners are Installed through the LWiC to engage the sbuctural'steel or concrete deck The structural deck shall-be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck Rstlitgs. 'Roof decks.and tra structl members shag bc:m accordance with.FBC requirements to the satisfaction.of the AHD. Load.resistance of the rbof deck shall be documented through proper codifled and/or FBC Approrai documentation. Eiterlw Research and Design,I.I.C.d/b/a TrinitylEND Evaluation Report M10000.03.08-RS for FL10497-RS Certilkste of AtAhoriration 1F3503 Revision 5:-12/14/2015 hepared try:Robert Nleminm;PE-59t6f; Appendix 1,Page.l of 23 ,,_ rTRINITY!ERD S. Uiitess otherwise rested,tnsutation riditesive application rates areas follows- Ribbon or bead width Is at the time of application;the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturers published-Instructions. Y Ffotasphah FuRwverageat2510.Ru/square:' Y fJow Inita-Stile Roofing Adh sive(D IS): Continuous >:M "One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): Continuous 015 to 0.54rich wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. oMG OtyHond SOO(00500) Continuous 0.75 to 1-Inch wide ribbons,12-Inch o.c.(PaceCan or SpotShot). Note:01yaond Green maybe used where OryBond 500Is referenced ;0'0 and aasslc(OB:Classic): 4uil coverage at 1 Cal/square. Y 3M CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3 5-lnch wide ribbons,12dtch o.c: Y Nate.-.'When multiple royers(s).of Insulation and/or coverboard are lnsmttcd 1wribbon.opp led adhe*e boord jdnts'shdil.beodgge►ed. Y Note:The maximum edge Q More jrom the adhesW ribbon to the edge of the insulation beard shall be not less than one-hay the spedfled ribbons spacing. 6. Unions otherwise noted,all Insutatlons,are Rat st ick'or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurilte at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the foltowing.Maximum Design Pressure(MOP)limitations. In no case shall these values be used to increase'the MOP listings In the tables:rather-if MOP listing below meets or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the:tables,then ttie thhmeociard listed below maybe used as a drop4n for tho,equtvalent thicker material fisted in the table: Y Millennium One Step Foamade Adhesive(M-OSFA): MOP -1S75 psf. ,(Min.OS Mch.thick) 'OMG CNyBond SDO(08500): MDP '45.0 psf .(Min 0:54niih thick,Multl-Niax FA•3) ;"CMG OfyOond SOO(05LM.): MOP -la75,psf (Min.0,54rich thick ISO 9Sf GI.) •OMG OlyBond SOB(00.M): :MOP -315.0 psf (Min.0.54nch thick ENRGy 3) Y OMG,OfyBond SOD(08W)t MOP 487S psf (Min.05 Inch thick ACFoam if,Poly ISO2) Y 3M:CR-20i MOP,117S,psf .(Min:1.0-Incr.thick) 7. Bonded pgtyhoc!onurate:tnsulation"boatdsshan by maximumx ft. E: For rr�char icsily attached, or,partiaYy'bonded tnsufation;the m"Imum`desian,pressure for the.selected assembly shall=meet or exceed the Zone 1 design.pressure determined in accordance with FOC: Chapter 16,•ain -s 2 and 3.shan employ an attactimert der des ed a"quafi_fred'desi&n ppmfessional to resist the elevated-pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are RAS 117 and FM LPDS 1-29. shy, Ass�embttea niarked'.wtth an asterisk•carry the.fimitatlons set forth In Sectlon 2 2 L5:1(a)of FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 21.3 enhancements. 9: For fully bonded assemblies,the maximum destgn.ptessuie for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined In accordance with FBC Chapter 16,and no rational analysis Is permitted. la Foir,rnecAarihrstly.attachrd components over"existing decks,fasteners shaft lie:tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the mijtir:requirements for the system.Testing and analysivshan be In accordance with TAS iDS,or ANSI/SPRI F%-1. IL For eutstbq substrates-ki a bonded recover.htstanation,the existing roof system shah be examined for.compatibility and bond performance with the selected:adhesive,and the existing,roof system shall be capabie.of resistiie project des n pressures on Its own men'tto'the:satisfaction of the AHJ,as documented through field uplift testing In accordance with ASTM E907,.FM LPDS 1-5Z,AN51/SPRI LA-1 or TM 124. 12. For Recover Appikatials using System TypeD,the Insulation is optional;however,the existing rod system.shall be suitable fora recover application: 13. LWIC shall be cast 1n'accordar afi ce with FBC Section 1917.to the satisfaction of the Authority Haring Jurisdiction. For systems where spec'LWIC is referenced,refer to current LWIC Product Approval for specific deck ronstruction'and limitations. For systems where specific LWiC Is not referenced,the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi.In.all cases,the minimum top-coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over structural.concrete, refL46t54.1s,mide to FDC Section,1912.A.1,Point 1. i i i Efaerim Research and DesIM LLC.Wa TrinitylERD Evaluatbn Report M10000:03.0E-RS for FL10497-g5 Ce tifiate of Autbo&ation it95W Revision 5;12/1412015 Prepared by,•Robed Hliiniinen6 PE-59166 Appendix-1 Page 2'of 23 t • S 24. Unless otlwwlse noted;.refer to the following references for.tionde_d base,ply or cap sheet applications. '.s � r � .• i -r'r`i 'W `' •-" "' ic'4"it�' ,..i -.' �, ' `T''t#,, 3 °�'=t'...-&' 't�`::•3 *'° Vl �` r7.7- 77777 Reference :. .flyer = Material. AppgcalloR .. ._ ._ Base Ply One or more Piles SA.Base Sheet,SA Base Sheet(FR) SBS-SA Cap .SA-SBS Cap Sheet,SA-SBS Cap Sheet(FR) Scif•Adhering (SRS,Sglf-Adherit>E1 Nola: Se1J-adherWg membranes shall not be bmIled overAPP-TA hembrones ` Dase,Ply or Ply One or morn pries APP.Torch Base,'APP Torch S ApP•TA _ Torch-Applied ,.(APP,Torch•App" Cap' APP Torth S,APP Torch G,APP Torch G,FR,APP Torch KoolCsp G,APP Torch KoolCap G FR App-SA Cap:. SA APP Cap Sheet,SA•APP Cap Sheet(FR);SA-APP KoolCap G,SA-APP Koo[Cap G(FR) (APP,Sell-Adh'tiint) Note: Self adherbrp membrmrrs shaarsot'be buWled overAPP-TA membrmtes Self-Adhering ]S. Any FiK Approved tooting listed for use with SBS or.APP modified bitumen roofing may be applied to the top roof membrane without adverse effect on the system wind-load perforcriante. Refer to current-Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings assoclated with;coatirrg usage. 16. The fotlowina represent priming requirements for gypsum-based;dwerboards: . 'r Dens Deck and;0en4 6etk Prime stall be held primed with Mule-Nide 12l prior to self-6dhedng or torch•apolied.membrane.applkatf on. 3 B SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board does not reQuire field priming fur arrymembrane appikation s 17. 'MOP'r a Maximum Design Pressure Is the result of testing fci wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads.Refer to FBC 1G09 for determination of design wind loads. TABLEM WOOD_DECKS-NEWCONMUCTIONrnrREROOF(fEAROrs) SYSTEM TYPE XI:,BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER per. Base Insulation Layei Top insulation Layer Roof Cover(See Table 1) syst— i (Set now 1) Type Attach Type T Attach Base Ply Ply. Cap D n t _ a" ... _ - ': s+rr-w_�gryea..--;r yz•+rl A 'a.rr _ +R•„�' }YyaPy�. SK1-: is 'tg f `nk"-y�: - i .... t�itlt���0�T0►�.,lAt1�)b_ :. ,��r..bt�. s ..a''y ��X•. �•"'� ��"�.. �.ss�l .+wT'. k _� 1..--- } w trwl Rich plyvrood ' Sideid N Shkid CG:M q ACFoam G1.ENRGii•3,H D O.-M-0SFA (OPtlonal).arSdttional D tS.;M OSFq SB&SA,APP-SA Idlrsc 15/32 fuBn.15-kxlrAt7.Oem 50SSA tone SBS-SA,APP TA -52:5 fay n i uiti-Max FA3 OB500 or CR-211 'layrers<s)of vase inwlation OBSOO or CR�20 APP•TA { i ) i t S t i i Exterior Research and Design,LLC.d/b/aTrinityf ERD Evaluoiton Report M30000.03:0&RS-for FL10497•RS Revhian 5:12/1412015 Certificate of Authorization 19503 a Prepared b r:RaDcrt Nkminen,PE-59M APpencf*1,Page 3 of 23 t f i ` . ERD INITY TABLE SE-L•WOODDECKS-NEWCON.SM66ON0.RREROOF(TEart-OFF). _.. SYSTEM 7YPEE:PI0N4NSUtATED,rym tI11NIC11LLYAltACHEDBASESHEET(i,WiS),6TONDED'ROOFCLOVER Syuem. �Ck(See, *more Shier' iionf cover(See 7abte i)° _ MR.- use Fasten Attah9i BasePty ;Pp _. - 'r' '"� .... `� fir'. 7t;r '•�.•�.*e.v. �:np�-.,.. rs_�-.. -�' -,.,- ,� xt � .�, - �A.y ,� .. � ,.:,w,' �,,,, . �'Rit`.a.c�r � �i:' � ,� -,!.Z .. ;d'k�.'`,'a`�`„d. �' g.a� U -r'� n- Y• :��� ,:dy. -t$i�." �, '-.r �.:� atr aF".' .9. Min.'15/32 94nch o :,at 24nch lap and 8rinch'o.c.in two(2), W 19 Nap'8ase Simplex MAXX Cap (Optlo nai)APP-TA APP-TA AS' auh ptywoad equally spaced,staWered center rows, Min:Ism. 94nch o.c.aI.2=inch`lap and.l2-inch ox.In two(2), W20 NAV Base Simplex MAXX Cap (OptionaQ,APP-TA APP,TA 52.5 ..inch pkvXidd equally spaced,stagsered center routs Min.I5/32• Original Simplex Cap Nails(1-inch metaf head diameter, G-inch ox.at 3-Inch lap and 04nch o.e-in four(4), Wn21 APP Torrh Base,Nall Oase (Optional)APP-TA APP-7A 5 52 . Inch plywood 71 gexrga x min.125-inch brig.onnrilar grooved shank) equally spaced,staggered center rows' Nail PolyldassG2base i Mhh,i9/32, SnT Frrestwhe 32 ga 1 5/8 Inch dlarrseter tm:ops wkh 11 ga.annular - inch o:e In 4-Inch lap•and 8 inch o c.In three:(3) W 22 (Optional)APP-TA- . APP TA fd3.0 plywood' tisse.lt�9 Penma-ply28,Tarrtko _'rim shaa nails ually spaced,stanered'centerroves. -- eQ , Glass Base or GAFM.W N75, Min.15/32'- 32 sa.,1-5184nch diameter capsmAh 11 ga.annular &inch o"4 In 44nih lap and;8.inch'o.e.,in four(4), W-23" Poiystdss G2 Rise,Nan Base (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -67:S Inch plywood itrg r shank nails equally spaced,ftaggered center rows } Min:jSf32- 104nchmc.In 4,Inch-tap and 10-Inch o.c:In three W 24 Poftlass G2 0sse,'Nall Base Simplex MW Up . (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 i inch plywood (3),equally spaced swa8ered center:rows `Min 15/32- 9•incho:c n44nchtap'and9.4nchd.c.In-four(4). W 25 Polybtass G2 Base,Noll Oast Simplex MAXX Cap (Optional)APP-TA APP-!A -90.0 Mehptywood equally.spaced aWggeredcenterrows Min.ISM- 6-Inch o.c.at 2-Inch tap and lrrinch o:c in two(2). - W726 No'Ease Simplex ty�m Cap (Optimal)APP•TA APP•TA 90:0 UaJt plywood equally spaced.,sijig6red center rows Min.Ism- 6�inth ox-at 2linch Ltp and'G4nch:a c.in thicd(3). W 21 Elamobase Sim 70t plex MA Cap (Opi[onat)APP TA APP-TA -105.0. uuhh plywood equally spaced.statgered center rows { caps B. , f W MM.l4phy/ d Etastabase orElastobase Po Sa,1.5/8-imtts diarireier tin o' witfi,i l a anmrlar Cinch o.c in'4 inrichch lap and G-iixh o:t In four(4L (OptFonan APP-Ttl APP-TA 112:5 Inch ring shank malls equalip spaced,staggered center rows g �r .....-su�� —WOq-.rk -A, �--...`__�..A'..#.-r' .6v"�?s• ���'°�l", c"'�i}� � .a� y��`...,,.�„l� ��,"a� _'�` _.�.�,r1'.'_.`''�at'�- '�- �. x'. _ `''�_ _s'1�+� r'_..1 � � �: __- '' . Min.MD.- OrlGina►Simplex Ca Nails(1-hxh metal head di imeter, Gwinch o.c at 3-Inch lap and 64rith o c.in lour, S95-SA,'AW- W-29 Nail Use: P . (optional)SBS-SA ' r52.5 kxth'plyurood 1lgaugexmia1:25rnchlorrpctnrrul�grvovrdshonkJ equally spaced, SA,A"-TA i Mb.•19/32- = -_:.. 32 p,1-5/8-fhxh diameter t[n.caps wRh 11 ga:annular .8-inch-a.c.in'44nch tv'p and:8•Inch o.c n three ". - SUS-S&A" W-30 Nall Base (Opttanal)SBS-SA -60.0 loch�,nKood ring shank naffs equally spaced,slaagered center talus Sk..APP-TA Mir.19/32- 32'ea.1.5/84nch diameter tin caps with 13 Ca.annular 4-Inch o.c.In 4-9rmh tap end 44nch o.c.:tn tau, SRS-SA,'APPz W-31Nam Base (Optional)SF&SA -97.5: khch plywood ring shank nadts equally spaced,staggered'center taws SA APP-TA 32 ea,1.5/e-Inch diameter tin caps'with I i ga,annular Min.19/32. 6-inch o-c in'4tnch lap and 64nch o.c.in four, SOS•SA,APP- W,32 Na Base .,rim shank'natts Nate:Tin raps are m he primed weh. (Opt6onal)SBS-SA 112.5. inch plywood equally spaced;staggarcd center rows SA AQP-TA. • 'Mtsie-t•tide 121 or AST4R 041`prishit. • Exterior Research and Deslen,LLG d/b/a Trinity)ERD Evaluation Report M10000.03.09-R5 for FL10097-R5 Ceititdtate of Authorisation R9503 Revision 5;'12/14/2015 trreparrd by:•Robert Nlemineo,rJE-59166 Append{n 1;.Page 8 of23