HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: I� O� I DATE FILED: PERMIT# REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# ' PLANNING &DE LOP S RVICES BU ILDING&CODEGATI ION 2300 VIRGMEMOS, I IMA A FORT PIERCE,FL 34982 52 (772)462-1553 FAX(772)462-1578 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: i e yr, ?� 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: e � ©u c--T PeST, c LAI�ro 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: s �i L REG./CERT.#: cc V3� ST. `tJ CsAI3 C '�y.�_ ,.• STATE of F C BUSINESS NAME: Luv, Amp QUALIFIERS NAME: o v ADDRESS: Ila Hlq 9LII Lj CITY: .<_*_G STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: 4. . OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: 6 C P ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: T ZIP: Z PHONE: FAX: 5. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: Revised 07/22/2014 Florida Building Code Online g F„�� c0py ,s j� a s♦k g ✓j 4 D �� � � d BCIS Home I Log In 'I User Registration i Hot Topics i Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search Florida " Product Approval --f USER:Public User dvztr�e;6• bv��•,xals,:�m Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Aoolication List>Application Detail FL# FL5259-R25 a f �{ Application Type Revision rt Code Version 2014 � i Y 1 w ;"7A "01 9 W Application Status Approved ��� Comments Archived ❑ a kiwti ti; �' r' hrFr Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 89408 (570)384-1230 Ext 242 jakins@polyglass.co e'Iir-SE PLANS AND A'L PROPOSED WORK Authorized Signature James Akins ARE CUDJRCT TO ANY CORRECTIONS . jakins@polyglass.com REQUIRE'D BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT :' P S R�.I . •RD 0 Technical Representative Steve Wadding �• .• ,. gy, .•r e Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive C0MPLf WIT 14 ti�l !lPPLICA&I GODESA Fernley,NV 98408 (602)363-7139 stevew@polyglass.com * 11 off- CIO(!.-P �jjF � C pip1 iSION Quality Assurance Representative James Akins CS .T,ITC?Z C f_1)'U __ Address/Phone/Email 555 Oakridge Road�jFvlFN,v-;D FOR C^' LVJV CE _ Humboldt Industrial'- ktvy, �i�7 �`� Hazleton, PA 18201 H1.i''IE" y (800)894-4563 DATE jakins@polyglass.coPLANi S AND P, �rIIT MUST FE laPT ON JOB Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/24/2018 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE . Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5259 R25 COI 2016 01 COI Nieminen.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1970 2009 ASTM D226 2006 ASTM D6164 2005 ASTM D6222 2008 ASTM G154 2006 ASTM G155 2005 FM 4474 2004 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/P _app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvbSgAaZp3Crk... 5/19/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 TAS 103 1995 UL 1897 2004 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/17/2016 Date Validated, 10/18/2016 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2016 . Date Approved 12/15/2016 Date Revised 03/13/2017 SummarV of Products FL# Model,Number or Description Name 5259.1 Polyglass Roof Roofing underlayments Underlayments Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in.HVHZ: No FL5259 g2 II 20116 10 FINAL ER POLY LASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R25.DdF Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.)The design pressure in this Evaluation Reports application relates to one particular FL5259 R25 AE 2016 10 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- underlayment system(over concrete R25.pdF deck)for use under foam-on tile systems Created by Independent Third Party:Yes (where the underlayment forms part of the load-path). Refer to ER Section 5.6.4 for other systems,other deck types and associated maximum design pressures. 2.)Refer to ER Section 5 for other limits of use. Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under _ Chapter 455,F.S.,please click Jygrg_. Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card' Safe http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvbSgAaZp3 Crk... 5/19/2017 EXTERIOR RESEARCH&-DESIGN,LLC. Certificate:of Authorization#9503 TRIM ERD. -359 CHRISTIAN':STREET; UNIT#13 OXFORD;CT 06478 PHONE (.203)262-9245 FAX.(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA,Jnc. Evaluation`Report P12060.02.09-R21 150 Lyon..0rive- FL5259=R25 Fernley..NV.98408 Date--of Issuance:;02/24/2009 Revision 21:10/17/2016 .SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule,61G20r3 and the applicable. rules .and regulations governing the. use: ;of construction Materials-in the:State of Florida.The documentation submitted'has:,been reviewed by-Robert:Nieminen,:R:E': for use of the product :under the Florida Building Code and 'Ftorida Building Code,, Residential Volume:.- The products: described..herein have .been evaluated for compliance with the P Edition:(2014):."Florida Building .Code_ sections noted' herein. DESCRIPTION:-Polyglass�jtoof.Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall,be imaccordancewith the:requirements.the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted.herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation. Report.is valid Until such time as:the-named product(s).changes; the.referenced QualityAssurance'-documentation changes,.or.provisions ofthe-Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named clientconstitutes;agreerhent-to notify Robert.Nieminen,P,E, f`the product changes or.the referenced:.Quality.Assurance:documentation changes. Trinity: ERD requires'a comp_ lete review-of,this Evaluation Report relative.to,updated Code requirements with-each-Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The :Evaluation Report- number preceded by .the words "'Trinity I ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising,literature. If`any portion`of the Evaluation Reportis displayed;then it shall ber done in its:entirety: INSPECTION: Upo.n'request,.a'copy of this-entire Evaluation Repgrt.shall be provided to the user by the"manufacturer Or its distributors and'shall:be available for.inspection:at the,job site-at the request of the Building,Official. This Evaluation Report.consists of pages 1.through-13. Prepared byc .� i �Z The facsimile.seal appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen, s w_ P E on 10%17/2016.This does:not serve asan electronically Robert J M Nieminen,P.E. �fiFs ' �e`{ , signed document Signed,sea ied.hardcopies.have been i;-�,�10�a� ,.�yv:" transmitted:to the P[6ductApproval Administratorand to the Florida R.gistrgtion No.59166.:Flondq QCA ANE.1'983 H✓..,,,,,,;<«>. named.client CERTIFICATION'OF INDEPENDEN.C.E: 1 Trin'ityl ERD does not have, nor does:it intend to:acquire or will.it acquire, a•financial interest.in any company manufacturing or ,distributing products.it evaluates. 2. T.rinity'l,ERD is n..otowned,operated.orcontrollied.by:any company.manufacturing or.distributing products�it evaluates. 3 Robert Nieminen,P E.:does notHave nor will acquire,a#inanclal inter1.est in-anycompanym anufacturi_ng or dist�ibuiing-products for whieh.the;evaluation reports-are.-being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen;V.E.does:not have,nor wilf acquire;a financial interest in any-other entity involbed inthe'approval process of the product. S.. This is a:building code evaluation. Neither Trinity:ERD,nor Robert;Niem nen, P.E.are, in..any way,the;Designer of.Record for any project on which:this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is as usedfor permitting',design guidarice unless retained specifically-for that ptirpose, :. _Tr ERD ERD: 'ROOFING COMPONENTEVALUAmorc 1.. SCOPE: Product.Category: Roofing Sub-Category: 'Underlayrrient "Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments; as produced by Poly USA, Inc:, have demonstrated compliance With the following sections of the.'Florida. Building Code.through,testing in accordance-with the following Standards: Compliance is subject.to the I-nstallation Requirements and Limitations-/Conditions of Use:sefforth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Pro a Standard Year 1504.3A Wind Uplift, FM 4474. 2004 15,04.3.1 Wind Uplift UL.1897 2004 15.04.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM%54 2006 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM,G155. `2005 1567.2:3,1501.18 1507.5:3;1507.7.3;. Physical•Properties ASTM D226 2006 1507:8.3,1507.9 3 1507.2A,1507:2.92- 1507.5.3,1507.7.3 Physical PropertiesASTM D1970' 2009 1507:11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 20.05 1507.11.2 Physical':Properties ASTM D6222 2008 1507.3.3 Installation.Practice FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 1523. Physical.Properties TAS'103 1995 3.. REFERENCES: -Entity Examination Reference Date. FM Approvals:(TST 1867) Wind Uplift. 3004091 W12/2000 PRL(TST 5878): Physical Properties PRI01111 04%08%2002 PRI(TST:587% P..hysic#Properties PUSA-005 02=01 01/m/2002 PRI'(TST5978) PhysicaiPrgperties. Pusk613-02-01 12/23/2002. PRI;(TST5878) Ph ysical;Properties PUSA-013 0,2-02 12/23/2002 PRi(TST 5878) Physical:Properties PUSA=013=02-03 1-2/23/2002' PRI(TST5878) Physical Properties PUSA7018=02-01 07/14/2003. PRI(TST.5878) Physical'Properties. PUSA'7'028-02-01 07/13/2005 PRK(TST 5818) Physical Properties PU5A=033-02=0_1 01/12/2006 PRI°(TST 5878) Physical-Properties PUSA=035-02-01 09/29/2006 PRI(TST5878). Physical,',Properties. PUSA7055-02702 .12/10. 12007- PRI(TSTS878); Physical,Properties PUSA=061A2' 2 '.01/28/2008. PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA=016=02=01 02/22/2008 PRI(TST5878) Physical'Properties. PUSA=083.-02=01 .64/14/2008 PRII.(TST_5878) Physical:Properties PUSA=088-02-01 07/29/2009 .MTI;(TST 2508) Physical Properties. JX2oH7A. 04/01/2008 MTI(TST 2508) Physical Properties RX14E8A 01/29/2009 ERD(TST 6049) 'Physical.Properties 11752:09.99-1 62/08/200b ERD.(TST 5649) Wind Uplift 11757.08.01-1 08/13/2001 ERD(TST.6049) Wind Uplift 11776.06.02 01/16/2008 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 02200.07.03 07/14/2003 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift. P1740 0107 :01/.04.2007 ERD(TST 6045) Physical Properties P5110'.64.07=1 04/1T/200.7 ERD(TST,6049) Wind-Uplift P9260.08.08 03/21/2008 ERD(TST 6049) Physical-::Properties P13450.08 09 08/13/2009 ERD(TST 6049) W in.d U p.lift P30540.11.0941. 11/30/2009, ERD(TST 6049) Physical:=Properties P11030 11.09-1 11/30%2009 ERD(TST 6049) Windalplift P11030.11:09=2 11/30/2069 ERD(TST 5049) Physical.Properties. P11030.11,09-3 `11/30/2009 ERD,(TST 6049) Physical Properties P33360;06.10 06/25/2010 E)denor Research.and Design„LLC. Evaluation Report P12060:02::09-11.21 -eertiicate of Authorization:#95o3 F.BC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R25 Revision 21;16/11/2016 _Page 2 of 13 ERD TRINITY Enti Examination Reference Date ERD(TST 5049) Physical;Properties: P33370:03.11 03/02/2011 ERD(TST 6049) . 'PhysicalProperties P33370,04.11 04/26/2011 E9D(TST"6049) Ph'ysicaFProperties P37300.10:11 10/19/2011 ERD(T$TT 6049) Physical-Properties P40390:08.12.1 08/06/2012 ERD(TST 6049)' Physical Properties P40390;08.12-2 08/07/2612 ERD'(TST.6049) Physical Properties C41420.09:12-3 U9/11/2012 ERD(TST 6049.) Wind Uplift 133968003.13 03/04/2013. ERD(TST 60.491 Physical Properties P453.70:04:13 04/26/2013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1738.02.07-R2 .04/29/2013 ERD(TST:60d9). 'Wind Uplift 11757 04,01-1-R1 '04/3012013 ERD(TST 6049) Wind,Uplift P41630.08.13 08/06/2013 ERD(TST'60.49) Wind Uplift 1311751.05.03.111 11j26/2013- ERD(TST 6049) wind Uplift P11781 11.03-R1. 11/26/2013 ERb�(TST.6049) Physica V Properties. 045270.05.14 05/12/2014 ERD(TST 6049) PhysicalPropertie.s 6020 07.14-1 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties: 60M09.14-2 -09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 6010:09.M.3 ;09/09/2014 ERD(TST 6049)- Physical Properties 6020A9.14-4 09/08/2614 ERD(TST 6049) Physical.Properties 602009;14-5 09/08/2014 ERD(TST'.6049) Physical,Properties, 6020:09:14-6• 09109/2D14 ERD.(TST6049) Physical!Properties P46520:10.14 16/03/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Prgperties. P44360:10.14. 10/01/2014 ERD:(TST"6049) Physical Properties P43290'10.14. 10/17/2014 ERD(TST 6049) Physical::Pmperties PLYG-SC7550.03.15 ;03/24/2015 ERD.(TST 60491 Physical Properties: P4039004,15 04/03/2015 ERD(TST 6049). :Physical Properties- PLYG-SC8080 05.15 A. 05/20/2015 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift PLYG-SC8905.05.16-1 -05/17/2016 ERD(TST 6049) Physical'Properties PLYG:-SC8080.07:16 .07/16/2016 ERD'(.TST 6049) Wi2suplift PLYG`=SC12025 10.16` 10/12/2016 lCC-ES(EVL 2396) IRC Compliance ESR-1697 11/91/2014 Miami-Dade(CER 1592) HVHZ'Compliance NOA i4 0717.08: 01/22/2015 Polygiass USA Manufacturing Affidavit Products Current. 02/18/2009 Polyglass`USA P/L:Affidavit Mule-HideCross Lt.g 03/01/2008 Polyglass.USA Materials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound. 08/18/201.1 UL,LLC.(QUA9625)- Quality Control Service Confirmation. Exp.04/24/2018 4- PRODUCT.DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Meehan!cally Fastened:Underlayments 4:1 1 Elastobase;is a fiberglass:reinforced,:SBS:modified Bitumen base sheet. 4.11 Elastol ase�P is.a-polyester-reirforced,SBS modified bitumen base sheet. 4.1.3 Polyglass_6.2 Base is a;fiberglass-reinforced;asphaltic base sheet. 4.1.4: Polyglass,APP Base is a:fiberglass,-reinfbreed;.APP modified bitumen:base:sheet. 4.2 Self-Adheriniz Uiiderlavments: 4:2 1 Polystick MTS is a nominal'60 .nil:thick:rubberized asphalt'waterptoofing membrane;glass fiber reinforced,surfaced With polyolefinic film,surfac.;meets AS.M D1970':and TAS 103: 4.2.2 Polystick-MTS PLUS is a nominal.60'-roil thick rubberized asphalt;waterproofing membrane,:glass fiber reinforced, surfaced With poly;fil,m surface;.nieetsTAS 103: 4.2 3 Polystick IkAe is..a-nominal 60-mil thick rubberized:asphalt.waterproofing membrane,.glass.fibe,r reinforced,:yrith an aggregate surface;,meets A5TM D19.70.. .Exterior Research and`Design,LLC. Evaluation Report P12060:02.09-1121 Certifcate of Authorization:#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R25 Revision 21::10/17/2016 Page.3-of 13 j 1 jk i TRINITY ERA. 4.2.4 ,Polystick TU Plus is a.noniinal 80-mil thick rubberi2ed asphalt waterproofing membrane;glass..fiber reinforced,with a polyester fabric su rface;°meets ASTM:D19.70 and TAS.103. 41.5 Polystick. TU `P is- a nominal 130-mil thick rubberized asphalt .waterproofing membrane;. glass-fiber/_polyester reinforced;'with'a granular surface;.meets ASTM.D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.6 Polystick TU Max'is a nominal 60=mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing.-membrane with a 190 g/m'2 polyester fabric surface;meets ASTM D19.70 and'TAS..103: 42.7 Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SAP FR. Mule-H�do SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide SA=APP`Cap,Sheet:(FR) are polyester. reinforced,APP modified bitumen ca,p sheets;meet ASTM D6222. 4.2 8' Polystick Dual .Pro•"" ''is a ..nominal. 6.04ni1 :thick dual'-layer rubberized.asphalt waterproofing membrane, fibe.rg .lass reinforced,with-a..polyester fabric surface;meets ASTM D1970. 4.2.9 Polystick`Tile Pr07A :is a nominal 607-mil thick dual-layer. rubberized.asphalt waterproofing, membrane,.fiberglass reinforced,with a polyester fabric surface;,meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103, 4.2.10 Polystick MU-X is a nominal 54,rniI thick dual-layer :rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced,.with a polypropylene film.,"surface;meets AC188 and physical requirements:of ASTM;D19.70.: 4:3' Mechanically Fastened and/or Bonded Underlavments: 4.3A Elastoflex'S6`G,and flastoflex'S6 G.FR a,re polyester reinforced,SBS modified:bitumen.cap sheets meet ASTM D6164. 4.3.2 Polyflex G and Polyflex G FR are polyester reinforced,APP modified.bitumen cap,sheets;,meet ASTM.D6222. 5: LIMITATIONS: 5.1 Thisas'a-building code evaluation. Neither Trinity)ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report; or previous versions thereof, is/ used.for permitting oh design.guidance:unless retained specifically forthat,purpose. 5:2 This Evaluation Report is not'-for use in the HVHI 53. Fire Classification is..not,part of this Evaluation Report :refer'to current:Approved Roofing Materials Directory for,fire . ratings of'this product. 5.4 Polyglass Roof Unde,rlayments may'berused with any prepared roof cover where.the product is.specifically referenced within,FB,C. approval documents. if':not listed; a-request may-be made to the :Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based'on this evaluation combinedwith supporting-data forthe prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS . Wood shakes& Underlayment -Asphalt.5hingles Nail On Tile Foam=OnTile Metal Slate: Shingles .Yes Yes'. Eiastobase Yes Yes Yes, Yes (Fiaseshe@tJn2-ply (tiasesfieetln:2-ply System) system) Yes Yes Elmtobase;P Yes ibasesheetin2;ply •(basesheetin2-ply Yes Yes Yes system) system) 'Yes Yes POlyglass'G2 Base No o2-ply -ply No No No -system) system) Yes Yes P.Olyglass,-APP Base No (base sheetln,2-ply (tiasesheetin2-ply No. NO; NO .system) system) Polystick MTS Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Polystick MTS'PLU.s Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes POlysticklR-Xe Yes No No No Yes Yes POlystickTU P Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Polystick-TU,Plus_ - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ' See:5,5i1. Exterior.Research and`Design,I.I.C._ Evaluation_Report P12060 02.09-1121 -Certificate of Authorization.#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F1.525971125 Revision 21:10/17/2016 Page 4 of.13 TRINITY ERD :r TABLE 1:•ROOF COVER OPTIONS ' Asplialt Shingles Nail-On Tile Foam-On Tile Nletal Slate Underla Wood.shakiw& yment . . .. � . . . . . :Shingles Poiysticm Mak No Yes Yes Yes NO, No' See 5.5.1 Polystick DuaLPro Yes Yes NO Yes Yes. Yes: Polystick Tile Pro Yes 'Yes Yes' Yes Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Polystick NIU=X, Yes. No No Yes Yes Yes Elastoflex S6 G Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes. See 55:1 Elastofleii;S6 G'FR. Yes. -Ye"s No No Yes Yes Yes Pol0exA3 Yes Yes No• Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Polyflex G FR Yes Yes No No Yes' Yes- Polyflex SAP or'SAP FR Yes_ Yes Yes No; Yes Yes See 55:1 Mule Hide SA APP CO Sheet Yes or SA APP Cap,Sheet(FR)' Yes. Yes See 55.1 No. Yes Yes 5.5.1 "Foam On Tile is limited to.use Of the followirig,Appeoved tile zidheslve"s:unless'tensi(e._adhesioh;/ long-term.aging data from:an accreditedtestinglaboratory'is provided'. ✓ 3MTM 2=Component:Roof Tile:Adhesive AH-160 (FL6332): :Po.lystick TO P; Polystick-JU Plus; Po.lystick.TU Max; Elastoflex$6 G,Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA Cap FR, Mule-Hide'SA=APP.Cap.Sheet or Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR)Or The Pfo.- ✓ 31VITM Foam.Roof Tlle..Adhesive;RTA-1(FL6276)c Polystick TU P;.Polystick TU;Plus,Polystick TO Max,.`Elastoflex.56 G.Polyflex G,.Po.lyflexSAP,.PolyflexSA;Cap FR';1Vlule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet orMule-Hide SA=APP Cap Sheet.(FR) or Tile`Pro ✓ Convenience Products'Touch`,n Sea[Storm Bond.Roof Tile-Adhesive(FL14506).: Polystick TU Plus, Polystick T.U. ✓ DoW TleBond{FL711':: Polystick TU.P,.-Polystick TU'PlUsi.Polyflex SAP-or Tile Pro: ✓ Polyglass Polykpk Roof Tile Adhesive(FL17855) :Polystick'TU Plus or-Polyst ckT.-Max. 5.6 Allowable Substrates: ;5:61 'Direct-Bond-to'Deck: Polystick_(all variations);,Dual.Pro,Tire Pro, PolyflexSAP Or-SAP FR;.Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap::Sheet or SA-APP Ca,p Sheet (FR),°self-a d h ere d.z to, ➢ New untreated plywood ...ASTM D41 pr-iined,new untreated plywood,.Ezi-ting'plywood,•ASTM D41 primed existing plywood; New or'existing, :unprimed OSB;.ASTM 041 primed OSB; 'Southern'Yellow Pine! :ASTM: 041 primed Southern Yellow 'Pine;:ASTM D41 .primed structural concrete; .Huber Engineered`Woods 'ZIP System" Panels (designed-and mstalledao meet:viind loads for project), Note .Polyglgss does°nof require prrming of.new or existing-plywood or pS8 she'athmg;• .New or exisfmg-plywood=or OSBsfieath ng should'tie cleaned.of all dlctand debris prior'fo.application of Polystick membranes: Elastoflex;S6=G or56 G FRIn hot asphaltto:. ASTM D41 pruried;structural concrete. Po.lyflex G orG FR.torch-applied to ➢ :ASTM D41_pnmed'$tructural concrete: Ez error Research and Design;:LLC. Evaluation Report 1?12o6i7 bZQ9:R21 Certificate of Authorization t19503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R25 ,Revision 21::16/11/2016 Page 5.'of 13 4 TRINITY[ERD: 1 5.6.2 Bond4ci-Insulation: Polystick(all variatio.ns), Pbl-lex SAP or.SAP FR, Mule Hlde::SA-APP'Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet.(FR)-self adhered yp p y y. ➢ ASTIVI C1289 T '.e 11 Class_1 of isoc Anurate: or Type V polyisocyanurate=composite insulation; Dens' Deck DuraGuard Dens Deck Prune,or SECURQCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board- "Elastoflex S6:G or S6,.G FR Ih=hot asphalttm ➢ DensDeckPrime:orSECUROCK'Gypsum=Fiber.RoofBoard. .Polyflex.G?or,G-FR torch=applied to: ➢.ASTM•D41 primed structural,concrete;:Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. For ;installation under Mechanically:attached .prepared :roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requ tements of the;prepared=roof`coverIng.manufa 'tuner's Produet•Approval. For installations underfoam-on,:tile syste.ms,..insulation.attachment shall';be.designed b.y.a..qualif.ed design professional,and,installe.d:ba sled­,on.testing-of the-insulation/underlayment;system in accordance.with.FBCSection 1504:3:1. 5.6:3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver. Polystick'(all variations],:P.olyflex,SAP':&,SAP FR,:Mule Hide-SAAP,P,.Cap Sheef:ot$4rAPP Cap-Sheet(FR)':puai Pro or Tile Pro self-adhered;to ➢ ASTM D226,Type,Ioral felt;Elastobase,'Elastobase P or,Mule-Hide Nail Base:, Elastgflex SO5 cr S6 G FR inaiot,:asphaltao: ➢ A$TM D226,Type I':or.1l,felt;_Elastobase;Elastobase P,-Mule-Hide Nail Base or.Polyglass-:G2`:Base,. PolyflexG or G FR-torch=applied;to:. Elastobase;Elastobase P,`MUle Hide-Nail'Base,Polyglass.G2:Ba5e.'or Polyglass'APP:Base. For'i'nstallations_under`mechanically attached,prepared roof f-coverings,.base layer shall-:be attached per minimum codified.requiremeT. nts For installations' under'foam-on'the systems, base 'layer shawl:be attached per minimum' requirements.of'FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12),Appendix A,Table;l,.or as listed in.Section 5.6.4 herein,o:r.as:tested in accordance;with FBC:SOW 'n 15-04.3:1.. 5.6.4 Wind:Resistance for'Underlayment Systeri s in Foarn=On•Tile Agplications. FRSA%TRI April 2012 (0442)_does not address vVind uplift"resistance of all;under layrnept`systems beneath foam-on,tile systems,where-the underlayment forms ,part of the-load-path. The:following wind&uplift.:limitatiors apply to underlayment systems:that.are: not addressed in FRSA/TRI Apr112012(04'=12)and are used in:foam-on 06 applications:; Maximum:Design;Pressure is the result oftesting for wind load resistance based on.allowable Win d"load s,::and reflects the,ultimate passing:pressure diuided.by 2.(the 2 to I margin of safety.per FBC 1504.9'::has already been.:applied). Refer to,FRSA/TRI April.2612 (04- 12),A ppendix A,Table 1A or-FBC 1609:for determination of designmind loads 5 6 41, Maximum Design Pressure=-90 0 Deck: Min.15/32 inch plyWood.to meet:prdiectrequirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer:. None Base;Ply (Optional).;Polystick MTS PLUS;self-adhered. Underl.ayment:.-PolystickTU P,;PoIVAickTU.Plus:PoNstick'm Max;Polyflex=SAP,PolyflexSAP FR;.MuIe Hide SA7APP:Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide-SA-APP Cap Sheet#A),self-'adhered, 5:6.4.2. Maximum Design Pressure:= 97 5.pst Deck: Min.15/32 finch;plywood to rr' t projed'requirements to-satisfaction of.Authority HavingJurisdiction. Pruner: iPG100,0ASTM D41 Base.Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTs:PLUS;self=adhered U,nderlayment:,Polystick'TU P,PolystickTU'Plus;Polystick TU Max;Pofyflex SAP;Polyfiex SAP.FR;-Mule Hide=SA-APP Cap Sheef.and' Mule'Hide SA-APR Cap:'Sheet(FR),self-adhered;and back.nailed,within the.selvedge-edge side laps:using;1:2`ga:,x 1%"ring shank.nails through 32.ga.,1-5/8"dian etef tin caps spaced 12 inch oxc Exterior Research and Des gq CLC. Evaluation Report P12060 02:09=R21 Certificate of Authorization.#9503 FBC'NON-HVHZ-EVALUATION 'FL5259-R25 gevision21 10/17/2016' Page 6 of13 1 TRIfIITY ERD Maximum:Design Pressure=.-105 psf:. Deck: Min:;15/32-inch plywood to.meet:project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Prirrier:. WB3000 Base:Ply: (Optional)Polystick MTS,PLUS seif=adhered Underlayment;Polystick TU'P,.PolystickTO Pliis;PolystickTU�.Max,PolyflexSAP,.Polyflex:SAP FR;Mule=Hicle'SA:APP Cap.Sheetand -.Mule-Hide-SA=APP Cap Sheet(FR),self-adhered and back-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga.x 1%"ringshank:nails throygh:32.ga„1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o:c. 5 6.4.4 Maximum.Design Pressure,=-235 psf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet:project requirements to.satisfactionof Authority Havingaurisdiction. Pnmer: (Optional),PGi00 of ASTM D41 Joints:: :Min.flinch wide strip5:of`.ElastoflexSA-V overall.plywood joMts. Base Ply:. :(00tlonal).Polystick MTS:PLUS,self-adhered Underlayment;.PolystickTU P,,Polystick-TU Plus,PolystickTU:Max,Polyflex:SA.P,:PolyflexSAP FR;:Mule Hide;.SA;APP Capsheet;and Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR),self-adhered;, 5.6:4.5 Maximum Design Pressure, -315 Ps Deck: StructuraLconcrete t6 meet:project requirements to satisfaction>bf.Autliority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: PG100 OrASTM D41 Base Ply: (Optional),Polystick MTS'PLUS,self-adhered Under layrrent::Polystiick'T( P,Polystick TU Plus;_PolystickTTU.Max;Tile Pro, 061,yflex SAP,;Polyflex;SAP M,Mule-Hide SA APP Cap Sheet-and Mule=Hide SA-APP Cap.Sheet(FR),.self=adhered:. 5.6;4.6 Maximum Design Pressure= 622S psf: Deck: Structural:concreteto meet project.requirementstosatisfactionofAuthorityHayingJurisdiction:: Primers RG100orASTMD41 Underlayment;Elastoflex56 G,applied+infull,mopping of hot asphaltor Polyflex.G,torch-:applied. 5 6:4.7 Maximum Design Pressure 7:.,30.0,psf*r Deck Min.1S/K4eh�OSB.to:rneet projectrequireinents to satisfaction of AuthoritysHav ng Jurisdiction. Base Sheets Elastobase'or Mule=Hide Nail Base°(poly-film top;surface) Fasteners: 11 ga:-x 1.25-inch long x:l-inch head.dia meter:round-metal-cap nails Spacing: 6=inch-o c,at ihe3 inch wide:sidejaps::and.:6=inch o;c.at two(2)equally spaced,:staggere.d center rows.. Base;Ply (Optional),Polystick MTS PLUS;self-adhered Underlayment:'PolystickTUP,PolystickTU:Aus,.RdiVstickTU:-Max,PolyflexSAP,PolyflexSAP FR,Mule=Hide;SA-APP CapSheet and Mule=Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet.(FR),.self-adhered.. .5.6:4.8 Maximum Design Pressure=.-37.5 psf* Deck: Min:;.15/32-inch plywood-to-meet proje6trequirements to satisfaction of Authority HavmgJurisdictiom Base Sheets- Elastobase or Mule-Hide Nail'Base(poly=film top surface): Fasteners: 11.ga.x i 25-inch;longk 17inch head;diameter.round metal cap'nalls Spacing: 6 rich.o.c at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o c.at two:(2.).egually spacedstagge.red center rows: Base.Plyo- {Optional)Polystick MTS.PLII$,_self-adhered Underlayment;PolystickTU P,`P.olystick TU Plus;Polyst ck TU:Max,Polyflex'SAP,Polyflex:SAP FR;.Mule-Hid sA APP Cap Sheet`and Mule-Hide SA-APP tap Sheet.(FR),self-adhered. S 6;4.9 Maximum.Design'PreSsure,=-37.5-psf*. Deck Min.19/,32-inch,plywoodao-meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction: Base Sheet: One(1)or two(2)layers ASTM D226,Type 11 felt Fasteners 11 ga.'x:1254nch`long x;1-iinch head.diameter round,metal cap nails Spacing:_ 6 inch:o.c.at the;3-inch mide side laps and 12 inch o.c at.two_(2)equally.`spaced staggered center rows. ,Underlayment:Elastoflex S6:G,applied in;full-rnopping of fiot asphalt. Exteriorftesearch-andbesign,.LLC.- Evaluation Report PtM6002.09-1121 Certificate of Authorizat on.19503 WC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R25 Revision 21;16/11/2016 Page 7 of13 TRINITY ERD Maximum Design Pressure=-45 psf*: Deck; Mln;.19/324nch plywood.to.:meet project requirements to satisfaction of.AuthorityHavingjutisdiction. Base Sheet 0ne(1)Iayo ASTM D226I Type ll felt Fasteners: 11.ga.x 1.2S4nch x 3/84nch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails:at 175/8-inch diameter tin Caps Spacing:. 44rich o.c at the;2'inch.wide-side laps and:4 inch o;c.at two(2)equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply:: (Optiona.l,for use with self adhering underl.ayment only),Polystick. MTS PLUSself-adhered Underlayrnent:,PolystickTU P,PolystickTU Plus;Polystick TU Max;PolyflexSAP,.Polyflex.SAP FR;Mule Hide-SA-APP`cap Sheetand Mule-Hide SA-APP jCap Sheet,(FR),self=-ad.hered.or-Elastoflex S6-.G,-applied'in:full:mopping of.hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure=AS p§f*: Deck: Min.19/32=incH Plywood Lto.meetprojectreq. ementstosatisfactionofAuthority:HavmgJuns-diction. Bme'Sheet: Two,(2)layers ASTM`D226,Type:ll felt Fasteners: 11.ga.x 1.25=inch'long x'3%8-inch'head:diaineterannular ring shank-roofing.nails at1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 97inch o-.c.at the 2-inch wide side laps.ancl:97inch ox.attwo`(3)_equally;s,pape&staggered center rows.. Base Ply:. (Optional;for use with self,adhering u,nderlaym..entonly)P(A ickMTS PLUS;self-adhered Underlayment::Polystick TU.P;:Polystick.TU Plus,,Polystick TU Max;Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SAP FR,Mule Hide:SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide;SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR.),self-adhered or Elastoflex.S6 G;applied.in-full mopping-.of'hot asphalt. 5.6.4:12 Maximum Design Pressure: 45,psfc Deck: Min..15%327inch plywoodtofneetproject requirements to satisfaction of Auth&4 Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase'(sanded top surface for hot-asphalt or torch=applied captor poly-film surface for torch—applied—cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing:, 97inch o.c.at the 2-inch w'ideside laps:and'187inch'ox at two(2)..equally`spaced'staggered center rows. Underlay,merit:ElastoflexS6 GI applied:.ih.full,mopping'of hot asphalt or Polyflex 13jorch-applied.: 5.6 4;13 Maximum Design Pressure=-52.5 psf: Deck: Min.1s 32-inch.plywood to.meet-protect requirements to satisfaction of.Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase.(Sanded to surface for hot-asphalt or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface for:torch-applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex`MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing*' 9 mch,o.c:at the-2-inch wideside laps-and. 12-inch o.c:at twoj2)equallyspaced staggered centerrows!. Underlayment: Elastoflek.S6.G,;applied`in'fu.11 mopping of hot asphalt or Poly I6X:G,.torch-applied. Maximum Design Pressure SIS.Od— Deck- Min.15/32=inch plywood to meet project requiremeritsto satisfaction dfAuthority'Having°Jurisdiction: Base Sheet Elastobase-or Mule-Hide Nail:Base:(polyAlm tope.surface) :Fasteners: Simplex0riginal--Cap Nails Spacing; 6-inch.o.c.atthe 3-inch-wide;side laps and 6-inch ox.at four(4)equally'spaced staggered center°rows. Base Ply; (Optional)Polystick MTS PLUS,self-adhered Underlayment:Polystick TU=P,Polystick TU:Plus,,Polystick TU Max;PolyfleR SAP,.Poiyflex=SAP FR,Mule Hide SA=APP Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide SA-APP'Cap Sheet`(FR),self-adhered. .Maximum Design Pressure=_SIS psf. Decks Wn.15/32-inch plywood 10 meet.projectrequirements to satisfaction of Authority'Having Jurisdiction., Base Sheet:, -Elastobase(sanded top surface for hot-aspha_Itor torch=applied cap or poly-film surface for torch-applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex Origim[Cap Nails Spacing: 6-Inch o.c.at the 3-inch wide.side laps.an66-inch o.c.at four(4)equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment,:Elastoflex 56 G;;appUed in full:mopping of hot asphalt orPo.lyflex G,torch-applied. 5A4.16 Maximum Design`Pressure -60 psf:: Deck: -Min.19/32-inch plywood to.meet:project requirements-to-satisfaction of AuthOrity.Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top'surface forhot-asphalt.ortorch applied cap or poly-:film-surface for torch-applied cap) Fasteners: 11 ga.x 125-inch.long z3Xinch.head Aiarfieter annular ring..shank.roofirig nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 87inch:o.c:at the.4-inch wide-side laps,and'8-inch:o.c.at,three(3).equally.spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment:Elastoflex S6 G,.applied injull mopping.of hot asphalt or Polyflex G,torch-applied. Exterior-Research a.nd`Designi LLC Evaluation ReportP12060:02.69-R21 Certificate.of Authorization.*9503 FBC NON-HVHZ-EVALUATION FL5259-R25 Revision 21:16/17/2016 Page 8 of 13 p. TRINITY ERb 1 Maximum Design Pressure=-60 psf: Deck; Min;19/32-inch plywood to;meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority.Having Jurisdiction.. Base:Sh`eet; Elast6basd'(sanded too surfaceforhot-asphalt or torch-appliedcap:or poly-film:surface for torch-applied.top) Fasteners: OMG 912:Siandard Roofgrip_with,OMG_FIat:Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: -12-inch-o.c;at.the 4 inch:wid,e side laps,and.l2-inch.o c:at two(2)equally spaced.staggered center rows; U.6&rlayment:Elastoflex S6..G,applied in'full.moppmg of hot:asphalt-or Polyflex G,torch-applied. 56.4:18 Maximum Design Pressure=-67.5 psf:. Deck' Min.:15/32-'inch plywood to;meet-projectrOUirenients-to satisfaction of Authority Having.lurisdiction. Base Sheet- Polyglass G2 Base or.PoN lass'APP Base(requires use of torch-applied uhderlayment) Fasteners: 1.2:ga:x1,25=inch long 3/8-Inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails-at.1-5/8-inchAiameter tin caps Spacing &inch oxe-at the 4-inch wide side'laps;and 8-inch ox at four(4)-equallyspaced staggered center.rows.. .Uriderlayment:.Elastofle)(S6-G;applied in'full`mopping of hot asphalt or torch-applied:or Polyflex'G,torch:applied. 5.6.4A9 'Maximum Design Pressure.=--75 psf¢ Deck:' Min:1,5/32-inch plywoodto meet-project requirements:to satisfaction of'Authotity'Having Ju:risdiction:: BaseSheet Polyglass G2 Base or'Polyglass APP Base(requires use of torch=applied underlayment) 'Fasteners: Dekfast:#14 with Dekfast Hex plates„OMG#14 HD.with OMG;3"Galva lume.Steel.Plates,OMG'Roofgrip#14 with ONLG Flat Bottom Plates..(AccuTrac), Trufast HD with.'Trufast 3-inch:Insulation Plates or Simplex MAXX-Cap Fasteners Spacing: 10 inch:o:e..at.the 4-inch:widesidelaps anda0-inch mc.at three(3)equally'spaced staggered center rows. Underlayme.nt,Elastoflex S6:G,applied in full-mopping of,hot asphal..tor.torch-applied or Polyflex G;torch-applied: Maximum Design Pressure=-90 tisfs Deck: Mih 15%32-inch plywood°to.meet:project requirements to satisfaction ofAuthority Having Jurisdiction. BaseSheett Elastobase(sanded top surface-fbrhot asphaltortorch=applied cap.or poly=filmsurface for.torch=applied`cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing; 6=inch om::at the 2-inch wideside:laps.and6=inch.o.c at two:(2)equally spaced.staggered,center rows: Underlayment:Elastoflex.S6-G,.applied in:ful.l,mopping:ofhot.asptialt or Polyflex G;torch-applied. 5:6.4.21 Maximum Design Pressure:= 90°psf: Deck: Min..15/32-inch,plywood t0 meet project,requirements to satisfaction of AUihOCity Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase(sanded top sggace for--hot-asphalt'or torch-applied cap or poly-film:surface for.torch-applied.cap) Fasteners: OMG:412 Standard Roofgnp or OMG#14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3"':Round Metal Plates:or OMG"Flat'Bottom,Metal .Plates Spacing: 6 inch•O:.c.at the_4 inch.wide:side.laps and 5-inch o.c.at three°(3)equally spaced,stag gered:center rows.: Underlaynient::Elastoflex-S6 G,applied`infpll mopping:of hot asphalt or Polyflex:G,torch-applied: Maximum Design Pressure=-90"p0:. Deck: Min.15/324nch plywood.to.meet:projc m hritHav ngJurisdiction.e y Base Sheet Elastobase:(sanded top.surface)' Fasteners; Trufast#12 DP or Trufast#14;HD With Trufast.3"Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6=inch o.c.at the.4-inch v'ide.side laps and 6 i-nch o.c.at three(3).equally spaced:staggered;center'rows.. Underlayment -Elastoflex S.6 G,appliedIn hill mopping;of: hot'asphalt. . Maxinluril DeSi�n Pressure=-90'ibsf Deck; Min,-15%32-inch plywood to:meet.project.requ'irements to satisfaction of Authority HavingJurisdiction:. Bate.Sheet; Polyglass:G2 Base or-Polyglass APP Base(requires use of torch=app#gd,underlayment) Fasteners; Dekfast:414 with Dekfast:Hex plates,-OMG#14 HD,with.'.CM63"Galvalume Steel Plates;OMG Roofgnp.#14<With .O.MG Flat Bottom Plates (AccuTrac); Trufast. HD with Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates or Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9 inch o.c..at the 4-inch wideside.lapS and 9-11nch o.c.atfour(4)'equailly spaced staggered center rows.. Underlayment:Elastoflex S6 G„applred:in:fullmoppirig of`h6f.asphalt.or torchsapplied or Polyflex G,tort{,=applied. Exte ior,Resear[h-and'pesign LLC. Evaluation Reportl?12060:02;09-R21 Certi#_cate of Authorization.#9503 FBC NON-.HVHZ:EVALUATION F1.5259,1125 Revision 21:,10/11/2016 Page 9 of13 TRIll IT , Maximum.Desir?n.Pressure==97.5-psf Deck; Min:.19/324nch.plywood.�to meet,project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction:. BaseSheet: Elastobase or Mule-Hide Base(poly-film:top surface) Fasteners.: ;11gq.x;125=inchx3/87in6h head diameter annular ring shank;roofing nails at 15[&inch Aiametertin caps Spacing:. 4-inch o.c;at the 4-inch wideaide laps and;4Anch o.c.atfour(4)equally spaced staggered center rows; Base Ply:: (Optional)'Polystick MTS PLUS,self=adhered Underlayment._PolystickTU-P,;P61y$tickTUPlus;PolystickTU.'Max;Polyflex SAP,'Polyflex SAP FR Mule-Hide:SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap.Sheet.(FR),.self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure,=.=105 p`sf: :Deck: Miin.15/32=inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction-of Authority Hawng Jurisdiction. Base slieeti Elastobase.(sanded topaurface.forfiot-asphalt or torelirapplied cap or poly-film surface for torch=applied cap). .Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch o.c..at then-inch wide:side laps,and. o.c.at three(3);equally spaced staggered.;center-rows, Underlayment ElastoflexS6 G;applied in full'mopping.of hot asphaltor Polyflex G,torch-applied: 5.6A.26 Maximum.Design Pressure=-112.5 psf: Deck: Min.10/92-inch plywood to.meet project requirements:to satisfaction;of Authcirity..Hiving Jurisdiction. Base-Sheet: Elastobase or.Mule-Hide Nail Base(poly-film top surface): Fasteners: 11 ga..x 1:25-inch-x.3/8=inch head:diameter.annular ring shank`-roofing nails at 1=5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing:. 6,inch o.c.at the 4.-inch.wide side laps and 6-inch o.c.at four(4)equally.spaced staggered center rows. Primer;; PG100 orAS'rM.D41 primer-at all tin=caps Base Ply Polystick:IVITS PLUS,self-adhered. Underlaymenti P.olystick-TQ.P,.Polystick.TU:_Plus,,PolystickTU'Maxi Polyflex;SAP;-Polyflex SAP FR,,_M►ile Hide.SA=APP:Cap Sheet and Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap.Sheet:(FR),self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure.= 120 psf Deck: Min..15/32.-inch.plywood to:meet project requirements to satisfaction of-Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base 5heetc Elastobase(sanded top surNce.for,hot-asphait-or torch-applied cap or poly-film surface fortorch=applied cap) -Fasteners: 0MG;#12,Stan lard:Roof&.Ip or CMG,#14 Heavy.Duty-with 0MG-3,"Round Metal,Plates Or OM6 Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 671nch o,c.atthe 4 inch wide:side,laps and 64nch o:c:.atfive.(5)equally spaced staggered centerrows. Underlayment:Elastoflex S6..G,applied in full mopping.of hot asphalt or Polyflex.G toich4pplied. 5.6:4.28, -Maximum Design Pressure—-120 psf: ;Deck; Min:15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority.Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase:(sanded top:surface) Fasteners: Trufast#12 DP or Trufast#14'HD with Trufast T-Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6 hch:o.c:at the 4-inch wideside laps and 6,inch o:c at five'.N equally:spaced staggered centerrows. Underlayment Elastoflex S6 G,applied infull.mopping of.hot;asphalt: 5.6:4.29 All other dlrect-deck; adhered,P.olyglass:underlayment systems beneath foam-on -tile.systems carry a Maximum. Design Pressure of 45 psf ;For mechanically attached base.sheet,-fhe maximum;design-pressure for the_selectedasserribly shalt meet:or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined'in accordance with:FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12),Appendix.A,Table-1A:or FBC 1609, Zones 2 and`3°shall employ an,attachment density designed by a qualified design professignal'to resist;the elevated pressure criteria.. Commonly used methods are RAS 117.,.FM LPDS.1729.and ANSI/SPRI WD1. Assemblies marked with`an'asteHs.kt carry the limitations set.forth in.Section 2.110.1 of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January.2016)forgone 2/3.enhancements.. 5;7 Exposure Limitations: Eiastobase, Elastobase::P, P61yglass:G2.Base.or. Polyglass.APP Base'shall not be deft'exposed for longer than 30=days after installation. Polystick IR=Xe or.Polystick W-Xshall not-be left exposed for longer than 90-days.after installation. Polystick MTS, MTS PLUS,TU P,`TU Plus,TU;Max,_Dua(Pro o-r Tile Pro shall not be left exposed for longer than 180= days after:installation. Exterior Research:and`Design:LLC. Evaluation Report P12060`02.09=1121 Certifcote of Authorization.#9503 FBC NON=WWWALUATION FL5259;R25 Revision 21;10/17/206 Page'10 of13 NIN11YIERD POlyflex SAP or SAP FR,..or'MUIe=Hide SA-APP Cap .Sheet or SA=APP,Cap Sheet (FR)'does not:have on exposure limitation, unless the.prepared roof covering is:to,:be adhesive-set tile, in'which case.the maximum exposure is 30 days. Elastoflex S6:G Or S6'G-FR.or Polyflex G or G FR does not have an exposure') mitatlon,.'Unless the prepared 'roof covering is to be.adhesive=set tile•.(Elastoflex S6.G.or Polyflex.G only);,in:'which case the:maximum exposure is 180. days. 6. INSTALLATION.T 6.1 Polyglass Roof Undedaymerits::shall be installed in. accordance.with Pdlyglass,published installation requirements subject to-the Limitation&set-forth:inSection.5 herein and the specifics noted:below. 6.:21 Re=fasten any:loose decking panels;;a:nd check for prO.tru'ding nail heads. Sweep.the substrate thoroughly to remove .. any dust:an&clebris prior to application;and primeithe substrate(if appplicable).. 6.9 Elastobase:Elastobase'P or.Mule-Hide NalfBase: 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compl'iiance with the codified,requirements for ASTIVI D226,Type;ll'underlayment in FBC:Sectidrit 1507 for:the type of prepared roof covering-to-be installed. 6,3.2 Non Tile.Applications:. Reference is made to the current:edition Of'the NRCA Steep=slope.Roofing Manual and.ARMA.recommendations for installing,shingle.underlayments_and flashings Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule-Hide Nail:Base may be covered with a layer.of`Poiystick, Polyflex SAP`or SAP FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP:Cap;Sheet or SA-APP:Cap Sheet-(FR),Dual Pro.or.'Tile Pro,,self=adhered,.Elastofle.x S6 G.or S6..G FR in hot asphalt or Polyflex G or G FR,.torch.applied.. 6c6:3' Tile Applications: Reference it made to FRSA/TRI Aprltldii2(04 12)Installation Mon.u.aI and Table),herein;using the:instructions noted above;as a.guideline;:. 6'.4 Polys#ick MTS.MTS-PLUS IR-Xe..TU P,.TU•Plu%TU Max;:Dual Pro:Tile Pro or'MU X or-Polvflex.SAP,Polyflez SAP-FR Mule-Hide SA-APPCap'Sheet or Mule=HideSA=APP Capsheet(FR) 6.4.1 Shall be-instal-led-in:compliarice with the codified requirements for.ASTM.D1970 ui derlayment•i.n. FBC Sections_1 O for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.4.2 DirectAo-Deck with Mechanically Fastened Roof Covers: All self-a Aering materials;with the exception of Polystick TU Plus,Polyflex SAP or SAP FR-and Mule Hide_SA=AP.P-Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR)should`.be-back-nailed..in selvage edge.seam in.aaordance.with:Polyglass%Mule=Hide Back Nailing Guide. `N2ils shall be.corrosion resistant, 11 gauge`ring-shank type With:a minlmUnl -inch diameter metal-disk.or Simplex-typ!a metal cap nail,at.a minimum rate of 12'.o:c. Polystick;TU,Plusshould beback-nailed using the:ab.ove.:noted fasten ers.and spacing, in area:marked"nail area, area.para clavar'on'the face of-:membrane. The head,lap membrane;s.to cover the area,being back-nailed All. Seal-lap seams: (selvage laps)- must be firmly: rolled With a mlRinlum 28 'lb. hand r , roller to`ensurefulicontact`and:adhesion . v For Dual Pro-and Tile Pro; align the edge of the top sheet--to the end:of the glue pattern (thesheet.will:overlA the.fabric). l 4 View of Ovelap.Seim of Dual.Pro.and'Tle Pro ExterlorResearch and_Design;:LLC.. Evaluation Report P12060:02 09-R21 Certifcote of Authorization:#9503 FBC NON-HVHZEvALUATION -FL5259-R25 Revision 21:10/17/2016 Page11 of`13 TRINITY' ERA All over-fabric.and_over-granule end=laps shall have a 6=inclrwide,uniform layer of-Polyplus.50'Premium Modified Wet/D.ry Cement or'Polyglass.PGS00'Modified Cement applied in,-between-the.,application,of the.lap. PolystickTU'.Plus Dual'Pro and Tile Pro may-.notbe used in any exposed application such as crickets, exposed valleys, or exposed roof to wall'details: Repair of.Polystick membranes is to be accomplished b.y applying,.Polyplus.50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement or Polyglass:PG500 Modified,:'Cement to the area in:need of:repair;followed by.a miniinum.6 x":6 inch patch of the Polystick material'of like kind,:set and':hand rolled in place over the repair'area: Patch laps; if needed, shall be installed in a water shedding manner. All Polystick.membranes-shal[be installed .to:ensure full contact:with approved substrates. ;Polyglass requires 'a minimum:of-40=1b Weighted-roller or,,on,steep slopes,..use of a stiff broom. with.approximately:40-lbs of load applied for the field-membrane.: Hand rollers'are acceptable for rolling of patches,laps(min.28lb roller),orsmall:.areas of.the roofthat:are not accessible to a large roller or broom. 6.4.3: Tile Applications(not allowed for Polystick-M Xe•or Polystick MU- Reference is made to FRSAftRI April2012(04-12)]nstallation.Manual and,Table.1.herein;,using the instructions noted abovo-as a guideline. For mechanically fastened`tile roofing.over 2-ply system,consisting of base sheet and self-adhering top sheet(s),base sheet fastening shall be not less than-FRSA/TRI April,2012(04-12),'Table,L Foradhesive=set the application's,.refotto_Section 5.6:4 herein. For nail on the systems over Polystick MTS battens.are requiredfor`loa ding/`staging_ofthe tile. For.nail-on tile systems over Polystiek.MTS PLUS; Battens-are required for loading/staging of lugged tide regardless of.;slope: :Battens are.requirpo.forr:loading/staging of flat tile at:slopes.:in.excess:of 5:12., 6.4.4 Two(2)Ply Underlayment:Systenis: Polystick. MTS or MTS"PLUS followed:by Polystick MTS MTS PLUS;TU P,TU Plus,,TU.Max, Tile Pro,:MU-X or P.olyflex SAP is.allowable for use under mechanically attached prepared roof-systems: Limits of use are those associated with the top layer material: Thls.is not a:requirement,but is allowable.if a 2-ply underl.a.yment:system is desired. Polystick NITS:PLUS followed by:Polystick'TU P,TU Plus,'TU Max, Tile Pro or Polyflex SAP,is allowable for use under- foam-on tile systems. Limits of use are those-associated with the top layer material. This is not.a regpirement,_but is allowable if a2-ply underlayment.system is desired. 6.5. Elastoflei(S6 G or S6'G FR` 6.5.1 Elastoflex$&G or S6 G FR.shall be installed.in compliance With-cu front:Rolyglass.published installation.requirements: For use intile applications,reference;is made to FRSA/TRlApril 2012(04-12)Installation Manual:and Table 1 herein. 6.5.2 Elastoflex:S6-G:;or S6 G FR shall be-fully asphalt-applied to.the substrates noted,in Section..5:6. Side laps shall-be minimum'3=inch and end-laps.minimum:6-inch wide;.off=set rhiinirnum:3 feet from course to course: Side and end laps shall.:be fully adhered in a complete ;mopping of hot asphalt with asphalt extending, approximately 3/8-inch beyond_the lap edge: 6.6 Polyflex:G or G:FR: 6.6.1. PolyfleKG-or'G ER_shall be:installed in.:co.mpliance.with,current=Polyglass published installation:requirements.. For use in tile::applitations,reference is made:FRSA/TRI Apr"i.l 2012(04-12)Installation Manualand Table_I herein. 6.6,2 Roiyflez G:or G FR shall be folly torch,applied to the substrates noted. in_Section;5:6, Side laps shall be minimum, 3= 'inch and end=la'ps.minimum 6-inch wide, offset minimum;3 feet:from course-to course.- Side:and end laps shall be fully heat-welded.and inspected to ensure minimum 3/;B-inch flow of modified�compound:beyond the-lap-edge. 6.7 Tile Staein�: 6.7.1 Tile shall be loaded and.staged in a;manner that.prevents the slippage:and/br:damage to"the underlayment. Refer to Polyglass pubiished-.requ.irements for tile.staging. Exterior Research and;Design,"L .. Evaluation Report 1?12060.02.09-1121 Certificate of Authorization#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259=R25 Revision 21:10/17/2016 Page'12 of 13 lvf� • � A� TRINITY ERD 63.2 Rattens and/or Counter-battens,as requi'red'.by the tile..mandfActurer:and'FRSA/TRI Apfil.2011(0442)'must be:used on.all .roof slopes greater than 7:12. Precautions should be 'taken as.needed;-such as the use of battens:or nailr boards,to preventtile sliding and/or damage;to the u'derlayment during the loading process. ,63. For-hall-on:tile systems:over Polystick Mtl ,'battens are required for oadigg:/staging of the 6.7.4 Fornaikon the systems.over Polystick MTS PLUS: -Battens:area required for loading/staging'of lu.gged tile regardless of slope. Battens,arerequired for.'loading/staging off lat.tile at.slopes:inexcess of'5':12. 6 7-.5 The m.ini:murn cure time-,after.installation of self=adhering membranes.and before.loading of roofing.tiles.is forty-eight .(48)-hours. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required'by the Building"Ofia,ial-.or'Authority Haviing•Jurisdiction in.orderao.properly evaluate the.installation of this product: 8. 'MANUFACTURING-PLANTS: Contact the.noted`QA.agericy for mfoemavon'on product locations covered for:.A C;-Rule 61G20 3 QA requirements: 9: QUALITY ASSURANCE;ENTITYC UL,,LLC—QUA9625 (314).578:-3406;k.chahcellor@us.uLcom -'END.OF EVALUATION.REPORT,-. Exterior Research and;Design LLC.. Evaluation Report P,1.2060.02.09-R21 Certifcate of Authorization:#9503 F13C NON-HVHZ-EVALUATION FL5259;R25 Revision 21:116/17/2016 Page13.of 13