HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information I � STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAIL ! [SAME BONDING FOR IU"M1N.-Zh-Mnx. I PER LADDER) BOND WIIU±W APPRPCLAMPS 77� _ L•NT1RE (ONE ON EACH SIDE OP PSIUMETER POOL-4-TOTAL) �1"TO G" LJN BELOWSUB-GRADS I ANCIIORW/##8 BOND .••.••••w.L WIRE&APPR.BOND f CLAMP z-#8 BARS COPPER WIRE II BONDED TO POOL STEEL AS SHOWN f1 • f f #k8 BOND WIRE I j W/APPR.CLAMP NOTE:BONDING GRID REQUIRED AT PERIMETER OTPOOLINAREAS LIGHT NICI-T2; OF PAVED DECKING ONLY i I BQUIPOTBNTIAL BONDING DETAIL PERPLORIDABUILDING CODE ADAPTATION Or-TIIE NX.C.2011 SEC.680.26 I I Blecixical Bqu.ipmeaxt Wiring, Grounding and Installation must:conform-to-the 2011 N.B.C. and a�plicavle Io Cal codes. ! TI,T2ZYLIGUT OPTIONALVI-LIGHT Srl}vILUT1=rDMIrR .)UNMANDr all[S) B quip otential Bonding I ' J'D' MIN OF II" J•D•POOLTI6IERW�S.T. Al.OYL POOLDrLICWr, Tu..Lr-SwrrctlLoop #8 copper around P o of ' B onded•t:o l3 o of steel in 4I Places N.B.C.2011 POOI.DrCIt Ns Fvccvmr se c..G 8 0.2 6[C) PVCCONOUcrNOTE: 'I"wnrL'1trPnonn GMUsrNaTDnM "WNDUR'THANZU•-VVI Install p o of/Spa p er ANSI3,5,7 and 15 1.00W$rCAND NUrWIblIN6•- -/ t 't--� Digitally signed by HarveyEKoehnenSec.G80.22( Harvey V ,,/Y/ AI--'. DN:cn=Harvey E Koehnen,0 Treasure Coast Nmz„rzn,r w�tALrLwr�tlrGr�c�n,tnx<,vo o t'1,Building Engineers Inc,ou=Professio al 00 EngineerPE32831, Koehne•� ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM 1 email--k koehnen@tcbeweb.com,r—i 5 Date:2016.04.04.12:03:55-04'00' . I ram(.: MaMvxodWthMOUNnNOTHOa ntomaj WARNINGI l rJ�.�i7�./® Meko sure ttmt tiro murmvs of oath sensor ary pdntod texwd& ouch alm U tp 9111w Me doubir~sidod tape or the scraft providedI maim tho wn&ors so that they are taw Than>S Inch THE SAFE POOLALARM IS EMEMe v LOUD WHEN Why from each otltw,Sen&Wa must bo' tod flush In ACTIVATED.FOR YOUR SAFELY,NEVER PLACE THE h t and EepIN so with some door or elitdom,&pedal Safe P o o:l TM custom 11 may bu nowasary mo make sure that the UNIT CLOSE YOUR EARS,TO TEST THEALARM, Plo red rtoMnov Path oof ft Un udmounace�on ALWAYS FOR EAR PROTECTION AND THE CT ALARM. Model S.1.87 D ..AWAY BEFORE TESTINOUCTIVATINO THE ALARM. tlaitdabiw sensor Is mounted on Ste doodpoto.(Soo Fig. IT IS PROHIBITED BY LAW TO REMOVE THE INSTALLED 6fFlg,6) Area Entry Alarm Afouhma cumooRs.ONW000FN oATEs ALARM AFTER IT HAS PASSED INSPECTION I U'b',theto P1°'a In R101 'g Important Warranty Information: N Pdnbd M osIIhI . rgar.,g gvrgoa� rtrsnusl,mark the po>Ilbn of avwgoan � Adated pleat of purchase Is required for warranty wrvleo the eersw holes on the dghdmowrW 5V, Customer Service O am mounnting WO t 1-SMOTECHKO(1-BORM466) "PM*atoy�& t A I Wabdta:www.lachkomald.COm t+ via uNt ovsr oa urn and, a �I JJJ pbyy Pip e B y a d�gwrtwftird u sFawn� ftFq.e,Ygu may hood a ayalwt the&mow& Mfg,8 � ..o,.. toward&a away tom the moundng surfo1 t0 prowo a mom smug 8767 Reeeareh Drive, ai Mirlw ova the►use anew&of each waver ere panted In tho sumo living,CA 826*4626 dMaoWn.Nola Woodon.gates do not require the senior housings, MADE IN CHINA -MOUNTING OWD00RSONMErALCATa!• ep.- h U.�Ing Ihs pmvWadZip tlw, .• pp,a go alarm body to the ONr -ird metal gap ft..l8so Fig,0) . . W Hoorn Owes aora(esdosd�vv, pryopert COMPLIQaWITH of the ssnsorraus:na.t, F:e el ULl017 Make son that tiro arrows of Nth NAW an palntsd N the semadir*000nnE»+ensor &w&. USA Patent:No.6,473,310 housing before great magasuo sensors bnswe the smtsat dng.Iwu Note:g gate ray Interior*with the magneup senior No.8,727,810 �w ensure so ermined", NOTICE g du t sensor°g sn3ha9ows&npQ �Ivahle asch othar THIS PRODUCT ISPflOTlOTQO UNDER FEDERAL drat tins wneon an Nov MN 1S kmdm span PATQNT,TRADII ANO COPYRIONT LAW!AND UPLLICATIIOON OR MMUMTIOH OPTHI PRODUCT in PBRMrrn1O 8KC8PT BY WRnTBN AUTHORIZATION When the alarm volume bocomoi tow or the unit does not OF TECHKO,INC. produce normal alarm sound,the.red light will iduminato, TBCHKOANO TFIS CONFIGURATION OP1HI!PRODUOT • you Must replace titC 8 YOh battery, , . ARE TRADEMARK*OF TQCHKO INC. The Safe Pool's plastic pads resists ultmviofol ray*from COPYRIGHT 1ss1 TECHKO,INC, direct sunlight exposure.Howovor,slight discoloration ALLRICHfaAOEI RN CHHINA INA 0 over time Is normal, l� a ` Keep this manual for future reference, MOUNTING: The Safe Pod can provide valuable protection when WARNING:The alarm should be.poslUoned close to car?, an your purchase of the TECHKO Sofa used correctly.However,h cannot guarantee complole tits door high enough to M out of the mach of children, TEMPLATE Poormodol 8187D safay dorm.Tho 8afo Pool can bo pproUellon apolnal accidents orinludbs.Therefore As ouch mounting application varies,Tedlko suggests used lo e a high velum°alarm start when children Teehko cannel be held responsible for any lose,allmago, testing the unlrs Installation location and effectiveness 'MODEL S187D have ememo a pourers area,The 8187D can be used. ar in)ury that may occur. permanently- before permanently mounting the 81670. outdoors on wood or motel pates,or Indoors an doors and MOUNTING INDOORS window loading directly to polentially.dangerous areas. a Using the provided mountinngp template printed In this WARNING:.Read all lnotalisUon and.operation manual,mark the position lithe scow holes on tho Instructions thoroughly before,proasedlnp with doalrod mounting eurfaco.. The Safe Pod Is dossignod to soundpaa loud alart when Installation.Note:Not all pads Included are needed forchi +Tho AddIU080iy s nin0e" °at0etl ecneltrltota VpYhlen throughthrough octed��eP�ndI �telyshut apptll lion a�/ Installation. ewhntl°neododfwyauripoclgo delay donlhe ogthe sweding Worm. INSTALLING THEBATTIERY• oUror slde of the �.' When powered,the Safe Pod Is aM.Ws in prolodlon mcdo. 1.When toating,before Installing the battery,use a rubber entrance. rm When 1 e. will The alawq adNate the the doortgoto opens bend to Iomporertly secure the.two magnatia sonson Premed;It lan by more than 1/2 inch(when the magnetic aonson ere egad topolhor with the artovn pointing toward each other to 8.12 aooande by mac than 112 Inch),Once the alarm activates it will sound avoid selling off the°tarn unlntentlonaly,During the l I continuously unto tho BYPASS'bullon la p;u adopt Installation of the ala .It's aarms s beat to Install the (��= baltory anarlt's mounted to avoid the elangoing off triggered,allowing When passing through the doodgote press the BYPASS unintentionally, time to secure the hotter,than open tho doodgats, aura through and doao 2 Remove the battery cover of the unit Install o new a door/gale• tna a the doodgato within 8-12 and the alarm will not' Volt hallo Re Iseo cover. 800 2 activate. I ry. p ( �' ) m The Additional magnetic sensors allow the unit to be. 3.Uyou are sansUiva to loud sound,plooso wear oar used on sliding door with srroons. protection against the loud alarm&Iron before testing Easy Installation4.Once the battery Is connected, Installation for into,door or window protector the ems' +Alarm will sound any when BOTH sets of magnetic the •Water/ Vdi baattery pp�oowwroeesr(n�oltlndudad) unit U now ON and worift.To lest sonsors�n still prop ding there ledbn al i the eaa the on erto door be�n High o ut 110.115 d8 alarm atr°n tia,atum Nron,make sure you Lev Battery f signal LED Indicator have ear protection before tasting. MOUNTING INDOORS USING DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE Optional additional BYPASS but Ua on fordolayod entry from After sarprotection Is In place, aka Make sure.thal mounting surfaces for 0a doubb4sided •other side of door or fence separate the magnetic sonsors tapes arelomptotey dean.Attach the doubl"ldod lapas Optional additional magnolia sons"for screen door apart by more than'%inch.The, onto the roar of the unit,and then secure the unit onto the exillenhy alarm should sound Immediately after the sensors are desired mounting surface. separated.the Press the BYPASS titian and Immediate to avel p�UM mere rj". °owns the two magnet sensors together epsln to avoid MOUNTING INDOORS USING SCREWS the°tarn sounding off unlntenUonaly, Using the provided mounf template printed In tits LED LIGHT WARNINGS manual,mark the position of the scow holes on the • 1.When the battery becomes low in charge or the volume do untro mounting surface.grits the scowl in to tie ch eaw lair � Pip•1 becomes weak,the LED light will Illuminate.The 0 volt Unp suvfaeo with ut (`l✓10��fy'�� "7°" tiatlery must be replaced, approximately 118Inch of thread 2 Upon battery Installation;the unit will tan once and the romsk:lan: sec re t unit own 1no 0 O P pushing and severe the unitow �a LED Ilphl vrlll mesh 10 Umoa ee ft proparoe lo bacons pushing U downward,as shown In 3.armed, it o a bypass button Is pushed,the LED.Ifghl Fig,4,You may need away to t the illuminates to Indicate acknowledgement to PASS through. screws towards et away from the •Alum slmn Is VERY loud;NEVER place the unit dose to 4.After tho byyppass buton is pushed In end mloated;the mounting surface lo provide a more rho•+ LED tight v it nuh 10 Umes to allow pass through and to secure 8L •Instal the unit high enough to be out of roach of children prepare the unit to become ormad again. W or higher Is mcommondod, iv - mho % IFNe Copy Total Dynamic Head and0 Calculation Worksheet - -:_-3 Pro Series byZODIACII Company: PEXPAVERS 8'POOL Job#: Date:j 413120117 Job Name:MOREMAN=LOW SPEED Address:5301:BALD CYPRESS RD City/Town:ff PIERCE State: FL Zip Code: Instructions:Data can"only'be added to the yellow cells.Steps#1&2 are for calculating Pool Volume in Gallons and for-establishing a turnover rate in Gallons Per Minute(GPM)./f the turnover rate is already`established,click on the GPM cell at the end,6 Step#2 and input" flow.rate,then proceed to.Step#3.Pressing the RESET button will clear all inputed Information to start a new worksheet:Worksheet can hfi saved to a file or printed for future reference. Caution:Pressing the RESET button will clear all System TDH Calculation Results yellow cells to start a new worksheet. • Total Friction Loss in Ft.of r ; Calculate Pool Volume: Water TDH ,.' Total Friction Loss in PSI 6 hour turnover rate is required to comply with • APSP 15 and Title 24 Standards Versa Plumb Reduction Results Calculate:GPM"&Turnover_Rate in"Hours: "" TDH Reduction 2.20 =y:ersa p; 420. . ,� � I System TDH with Versa 1 lurnb Plumb • 6 fps suction velocity required by APSP 15&Title 24 Standards ,Calculate`Total Length"of Suction Pipe (recommended Velocity.`6 fps and below) ,_- k � -' , ' � °597 � � �l'D087`*� �, DOD; D00 A.�"' �•�' � �� �'r r JS 3 ti5 D 025 0 00" 0 00 s n:r: ! ' 2 58 D D71 D 00 0 00' W 4 Versa Plumb S stem �.. DDD4 D 00 DDD , o s5 aDDt �-���'s'WEY E. K� �=�a�9E 9 D0 D00 ._ �a � ' • 442OrODD � ,, e� n a � 83'A er y A f �6® 6 �E�. TOTAL 72Q5 E irel2 9 lili9,3 • S fps return velocity required by APSP 15&Title 24 Standar on St. L UCIC. 34 21 s Calculate Total Length of Return Pipe:(recommended velocity:8.fps alid''below)' E,aX 67 a� �9- � y 5 97 0 087 105 will 0 8T" D 38 � 3 65 t)D25 0 00 'D 001 5 r 258 dO1"t_. . 140 - 1' s - �" 0 95 O 001 x D Q0Z N p Al ''M, D DDD D OQfr DOD TOTAL 2`36 1r03 2,122 A R'R-0 2017.. Calculate-Tbtai Number of Pipe Fittings:;(Input-Total"ofeach Siie:Fittit gin Yellow Cellsj 6 D DO D DD 0 00 D 15 F 0 00 O OU r`na r 1, 11 ".. .. l ..,,_ 7 3 2 rE 0 00 a ', D 1D yDDDDOrDD ! , DQD' "' DDD#1 DDD DDD ? D4Q I , • s._„r.: .�._R:b_��'. �L, l�„,"�,,,��a ,. ". P l .d� k,3?,A31�' �� �w.�. .: �, �., -h v1..;°;P$ :��'..'� a,a.l,,.,��.�> ?, o00 aao oao 000 �� oao 000 .._ s_ , .._. R �.y__ n� ,� r�. � . . '' � 3 .� e n 4 n a 000 a Oa� � 5�' ►3 000 000 Joao aoa 000" 000 . - ::� a�., . n.,._ � , »� �•, ,d. z, ���. �r� n .ate TOTAL 3 05 7 32 Calculate Static Suclrlon,&'D...Ischarge Llft__._" Calculate a tLoss_,",, 2 2 00 r" 0 87 -o Select Jandy 3 Way Ualve, _ treiynt rough E h Selec ",n t Jendy Check Ualve 'stral9 rough Straight Flow,Slze ,. tra[ght Flow Slze . _ 7 mo 00 . `R 1, o"oo ,. ,. .a � ;b003,3 3 , i`,Fr{l00 � ?'0 DO, .. 0OQ _ r Select Ja>jdy 3 Way Uaive 90' 90° f Flow Select Jdn y Checkt E L Ualve li 90, pFlow flow Slzt°FlowzSlze 000 00o Qoo3 000 0 OO.s.. " ,t'✓'fa�.DO, a_a� ,..z, .ryW00., `r. _. vx" aa 0 m a. 044)00' r r A %:Total,3WyUat Loss Loss 4 . ham SeZct Janily Filtcr'Type;and Size" _r !".. Select`Janily Heater'Type and; one r, ., ,, g '.- 'S dy;�3acicvirash lam am 1=� NLBV de Valve MPV y� 180°Install 90°Install 'elect�Jaij ull an.. Select Caretakerarr ilcor Valve ",. ..'`•w .,, ..,. ,�":. _ - Pro Series byZODIAC® Total Dynamic Head copy . and Calculation Worksheet - 7'3 Pro Series byZODIACe Company: PEX PAVERS&POOL Job#:0 Date: 41N2017 Job Name:MOREMAN-HIGHSPEED Address:5301 BALD CYPRESS RD City?own:FT PIERCE.. State: FL Zip Code: Instructions:Data can,only,be added to the yellow cells.Steps#1&2 are for calculating Pool Volume In Gallons-and forestablishing a, turnover rate in Gallons Per Minute(GPM).If the turnover rate is already established click on the GPM cell at the end of Step#2 and Input; flow-rate,then,proceed to Step#3.Pressing,the RESET button•will clear all inputed infoirnation to start a-new worksheets Worksheet can be saved to a file or printed for future reference. Caution:Pressing the RESET button will clear all System TDH Calculation Results yellow cells to start a new worksheet • Total Friction Loss in Ft.of Calculate Pool Volume: =- Water(TDH) 44 08 , Total Friction Loss in PSI , 6 hour turnover rate is required to comply with APSP 15 and Title 24 Standards Versa Plumb Reduction Results Calculate'GPM&Turnover Rate in Hours: "erj-saD I System TDH with TDH Reduction 20iI- - 8 Versa 9 lumb Plumb ' 08 6 fps suction velocity required by APSP 15&Title 24 Standards ,Calculate Total Length of Suction•PitZe,;{recoFnmendetl,Velocity 6 fps and below) m . 3, $f5�# 0122 0 00 0 a0 :� >, ,tip05 0;052 h ;3 83 ,0 Versa Plumb stem 00 ' �f; m2 23 0;005 .A 0in 0, - TOTAL n Oo' o 00 HARVEY E. C�OEHNE N y - = 8 fps return velocity required by APSP 15&Title 24 Standards,®fessIO9� a �� r°iBC�S �� � Caiculate'Totai Length'of Return Plpe:(recommended velocity:8 fps and,below) 7121y5 E: ; 3rcle Bug: e ��- � ?3 97 0420 Hai (77 - 35 f,�ffi :w a54 of22 ,, 0oa � OOo,„ / 1 MO 7'31" 383• 0,o18 - ,; 0•R4a...._. Q00 Z 23 0:a05 0 a0 Jt�__A TOTAL 1151 498 .Q0�� C'Iculate Total NUm1i of Pipe Fittings:(Input Total of each Size Fitfind'in Yellow Cells); "' ' r, 6 007 0Q03 3#n000 006�1 Q00 00�0 1ft07b, 436 - — — ._,.ag�A „..... ; 3 3 073 32' OtX'� 6 a.,n I` 1�a,1 33 .,,....,a.,-/,:d,3..A1 e r n.,z_aa..a�:. --._ -.;>:• Ott, 2 r_ r 3 93 1 70 97 a 0 5 0 00• .. d ,>-_d fa,«„,�ye - -Y,,;; _ .,. ,t','!.M:,d,„ d,�73 .a.»,3.n,.. l J L 9 f Y roo oro o ao ttroo o 00 o vo g �j �', ssk3 ,a r & i - _ a`oo �n ii-111 Q o oo� ii on x o oa ....:. nn 3 � 4 t TOTAL 14 73 6 313, CalculateStapc Sucti Calculate FagtLoss 2 s '. -o f tralght r _ rough Select Jantly 3 Way Valve ;; Select,Jandy Check Valve straight Eal rough Straight Flow,Size St[atght Ftow Slze PC- ,«jn b 00' 000.. � . ..r�e0 00 ems„ 00.,., ... `0 00 0 00, ;_ . Select Jd dy 3 Wad UaIVe 90°,, 90° Flow Select Jand Check Valve 90° Flow Y Flow Size `J . 90°FIow;Size° ( � s • 3333; :.. 04.. : a ..... �,t. ,... Total 3.-Way lfaive Loss 66 02 Total Check Valve Loss O"00 0 00 .,_p Stilect:fandy FilterTy,e and_Size e Select Jantly;HeatersType;and Stze gg Backvltash'Va[ � . Select AquaFure$aIt;Cell Select Jat�dY ve �... , '` - . . . ._, ..., NLBV de Valve H MPV 180°Install 90°Install Select Caetbke%Irt boor Valve None �_ > Pro Series 000.. :,'. -- byZODIAC®