HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuildling permit appAll AP A L� INF [�a �7:) ' L: rY� r.14 E COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit N urnber; Building Permit Application Plaa ring and DewOopment Services Building and Code Regulafao n Division Commercial 21300 Virgtn o Avenve, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772� 462-1578 PERMIT APPLIC TION FOR: PROP05ED IMPRO E ENT L AddEe�s�� _ Property Tax I R Site Plan Name Project Name: New Electrical deter .-TION:r. _ k Second E l-ectrical deter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Resident[aI ff41 X jo, Wporamal 4 1 W rda" ",A 10 0 W W-1 M A ditional work to be performed under this Permit — check all that apply= echanical Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers Total Sq , Ft of Co nst ru" t Cost of Construction_ . Lat No, Block No, W i rkdows/ [boo rs Pon d Generator Roof Sq. Ft. of First Floor; Utilities; _ Sewer _ Septic B- i l d I rig Height, OW N E R/L E �E : CONTR701R: ti i A Namel I V y IRA � t Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next Page ( if different f rom the Own er 11 steel a bo ve ) Nam Com Pa rtiyIff Address, City, ZipCo-de, :Rhone o E-Mai I Y l State or County Picns If va Jue of co n 5truction is 2 500 or more, a RE CO RDE D Notice of Comm err e m e nt is requ iced. If vaIue of HAVC is $7,500 or mere, a RECORDED Nmice of Commencement is required. Fax- DA01 `+ Pitch state; M DacuBW tnvdcpm! I M-Vu55F&iA4 4ME.4E50,22,M51214P� SUPPLEMENT4CC)NSTqUCT10N_ ++..� # } MORTGAGE COMPMY-. Ca - zip fixw. - �. i �..._�--, —•�. s a �- Ndrne IiC a • "W011 , COMPANY: Alfd{# �- - — -%Of ApAlrabit zip. — Phan" -- `� c+tIr _ VFT � 14 � xk �r �eiz llicon rLrvc [ arrevptnwed My Am 14ab#wr� 4V"Wtt t Math fi:( h WNP to Mc ' WW wtm i I v m'�� !vuw In tp* M�' #� bu�1 # *: +d-c I �.Iw,rdj • ilt<e sttR1a[tqv4pwaarr nor 0� r+i I��STr r'v1N�r1N t1 Ciby MlIv� arl €{ter r,t wish f a�,nbapy gam- W ��' W TF�C I Wq W. alb, 1. SMFt Nor Eke F'tbdr►&V Sr. LuOv �m �romLmet RM swuranmg Part,:i +�� 4r*i1:. w � � �t�rfr� w111r N R T` M E�: ffas. sr 7* S �� t��d�� t� �C,Crt��oryr �+r�-•i~ 10 ,�r,+� �. 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ZONING 5LJ#Ehv1N� 1���:,i,� f R SEA TU#Rti.J �r1r4N�iRL�vE t1 1�� +�r� RE VXW - �k# V: L 1 REVIE il'Lr R1vMW REVIEW pxuv — - Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI CerWied Refereri NLmMbOV ; 201830179 Dole: W-18-2021 AHRi Type: RCU-A- S (Split Sysliem; Air - oar Cundeo&ing Unii1, Coil with Blower) Se rips : GS 14 Outdoof Unit BrEind Name : GOC)VIVIAN Mad.@9 Status : Active Outdoor Unit Model Number (CorriJenser or Single Fatikage) ; GS 1 40361 K' Indoor U nit Model N umbe r (Evaporalor andior Air Hared leo : AS PT39C 14B' Region : Southeast and Norti7 (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, SIG, QK, SC. TN_ TX, VA. AFC, CO, C7. ID, IL, IA. IN. KS. MA. ME, MI, MN. MO, MT, ND. NE, NH. NJ, Nor', CH, OR. PA, Rt, Si . UT, VT. WA. M. Wl.'4 V. U.S. Territories) Regior1 Note ; Cenlrai air condilionpm rnartufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be instailed In all reglons until June 30, 2016. Beginn-ing July 1, M 6 central air conditioners tin only be installed in region(5�fvf whir-h they meet the region al efficiency re-quirement. The man ofactu rer of this GOODMAN prod uct is responsi brie for the rating of thl:5 5yr3.tem oornbi.natiOr). Fated as follows in aocurdance with lh-e Ia[e!st eWorr of AHRI 21 Df240 vw0 Addendum 1, Performance Rating of Unitary AlR-Conditioning & Ail -Soup Heal'Pump Equipment and subjee4 to rafino ac-,mrocy bar AHR1:-sponscired, independent, third p:80y teSting; Coa4i ng Cap;Wly ( ) - Si n9le or High Stage (95F), btu h : 3420G SEER : 14.00 E ER ( � - Single -or High 5lage (95F) : 11.50 t'Adiwia' M000l 3lakuo pre thane that an AHRI Certi: ation Pxiagrarn Participant is cunrerAV prod ucing AND selling or-offeriN for &a%: 4F, new n dels chat are tieing markeiad bul are rM yO t)eing produeed.'Produchon Slopped' NIo.�eI SjyLus at@ Mope kMat 3n AHRI Certifiratiart Program Participanl is rho Ipngef producing BUT is alill sc llir or Ofer,ng f-pr sale. Ratina that r niinorwe are involunWry re-ra;W faun :s shown -along wish _ nating. DISCLAIMER AH RI dues not erdorW the pradwt{5) I Isted on this Certificate and mftkM hO eep e-esentallomr., warranties or gua ranted a-S to. an.0 Ekvwrnes no responsibility for, the prod uctrs) listed or) this Ctrtlftaile. AH Ri; expre-s%ly dliclalms all Iiabil itw f-or darejages -of -aery kin¢ arl yang out of the use or pe rtorftance 01 khe Grodkkc#(Fb). Qr the ijoaWthoiI2�_-d alteration -of data listed -on this Ccrtif ate, CertlTlep ratings are valid only for models and conflyNraWn5 listed In the dirt C L-bry at wwrw,s h r1dire cta'r y.org. TER I IS AN D G4N11) I T I ONS This Certill att and Its- oonkeints are propriMryr pmducts of AHRI. This Camillo&tE ON311 only w. used for individual- pun&onal and conflder�liel rslerenre purpow&. The Contents.of this Carlrflc�ns may rot. in whole -or ir5 :P3rq, -Ue reWduced; copied; drsseminaled. ChWrM Win a carrnp-ales database: or ot'Itiatobe itilized. In any form or manner or by any means, except tor the users Ind ivid ual. p21rxonal ;2prtid oonfldential rererenc*_ C€RTIF ICATE +DER I FI C4TI01Y The i-mrormation for Me model cne-d an this certWcate Gan ba verMd at w+ww_ai rldireotary Xig, click un 'Vririq 0artifLicate' link -Bnd enter lf7e AHRI Certified ReFerenoe NurrLWr and the data Dn which thu uMltifiC$te *435 Rued, which Is lWea .3Wo *. and the Gertfficate No.. which M IWO at bottom right. --- @ 0 1 Alt -Conditioning. Heating. and RefrIgeration InEititute CERTIFICATE NO.: AIR44NUT10WNG, HEATING. & REFI 0111R±ITION L f TITME mt- in.akt life hcrrrr ' 13 5702581 d13217