HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklist`7 0 Cffy-�S' • Planhing-& Development -Services --Department x Resi"A ei n"', ti-M BuildingPermit ' heddist • It 3 9 1:j ...,;When" su mit you' building H f, '.a n 1�w, single-family -re�i c''.duplex; I duple ::you, you. r ng permit appfiggtionj or. deh e or should use the following checklist to determine if your'application •su'brniital is c6t-616te:Only, .'complete p applications lications filled'o'ut.with ink can be accepted for J, processing. V., WOMMAE,`T ^BuildinguPermit'd -gpp idationk 6iu­sjjbq, IP UL A,ppHca io aing 'm -on-- J.,"The, 7Z.� ,application ,mtfs n -i'bYlb 4p e.,sig e OR4nWand the` S,igna u ce "C"o-MMICUOMM. e 'Oe r f4v, -all, construction Gn ckml ee e 7 ca -Construction n tousf m.6 'b 6ufately-�§hon won the - e.ac plki�44-cIdd-Va 'Ej tifoa �W P —` . � g, ­; - ­ `p ur'nbi-nig`-,,hO&A61bobditto'ffii' gas:piping,,windows, and doorssize' or these plans is 8.:V,by I inchesx maximum size 3s'24'6'inches. Both sets, of. ' Alinneedao be signed` d sealed,,:byFlorida iegistered-­ A"'lift d,-',ihdliidetkiis�.',pidns-.,B- 1sets.of or:,re I ec 4n ot P aisMusij, "S.amped-' t­h "hDeOartment, if a �--J,septic , -T:I'aFalt permit -is'r&qUired --V iF6fiW6fiiRRit6yW !14 All;properties,,q any r.equire 1 Of 6d; . . . . . . ....... PP 'CatkQ --,a.;comp 'etatiori notarized yeg.. --rernovaba' ion. A. egedioq'removalp is required, oT., 'SUt-v. C-Y- �e�R) OEPIdt : ,including plans' ik MY, 2" ;'tre- i,'ah'd'�lke6�'iiiitig'at-lon-as pfjfi6abt6,-,---. ­ p, atiting,A.suvey ananp an'(if. apWc­a'ble Land per "`&!"8e�'Wns 7iO9," Vetqiiie�O'EQ ,, Must -F have -,a t" pqn,,,.,t, 6`application. you ­yany '6pt9t?.th"e'E` 1p ease:t Wotat:172r esourc s, 25, 6. S j 6 Fr.V'j k D ? i6dfor`all;building'permits involving a., or fi­,'-'dk-,��ss&y-�st stiikf ru constructon valuelexceedin $10,000. All copies -must ..be �� stamped by e'nt-:-if �-a­s fp�', jh�'44ealtli Department gpt -permit Is .7. reqyK_ed­ Thd,�uN9'Must-b p�,signedsea­ed bya, eFed`-FhjrJ Pyor. 17r Ot- SpPR �A7yz16 arc-09'hp-U, mee2,1tiin-­Ng -Jthe ft ium -Non :Lot peviremens-0 rqquii�ffients, c�qr d7-,(N- L 1K) h"An division "th 4k§'Vbd,.revi6w,&d by k,Z% iiqg.-,Department., ­C ��o -t 15""t toJsite�,� ..rdviewsliro' A prope y nqVsu. jec 0 Growth Mana'g-e t Department will require `review: -men e by, 2 2-15 li�e - ��&�A�&-Clflwlation W -ftid This fbrm-mu'-§t­R7i'T iidhi b.v,-a;--FIorida d-' Lre g Lst r. Q ..j": 9 ITEM HOW MANY? COMMENTS Subcontractor Agreement,- I each One subcontractor ag.re-ement,,wit-h=originaLsiF ..patureis, required- ����eaef�-g�bdontrac.t-or-on the j015-T. _�fln o, _b _permit-i� t, titiLft'" inedthat all tered- subcontra:cto'Ts.ar properly. �y licens�d-4nd-regis . �a he use of -itf btly-pr mulicensed.contractors.is- ri ohibited.` Energy C46i i h i ti 6 i i LF F­­2­-each 7---'-1Both forms rnust<bear the original signatures of bbth the, and -contractor. lanu 1-i-A --Land; ,_Affi4d iiitZ,, (-7= This ,form is required d fbf-dll,coii4iucti6 njexcept for interiorreh6v,-It must -bear -th6_origi6l`notarized signature of the property ownerjUg-affiddvit-servesjo notifythe-pTopprty-.-OiArner- oft . h : 0 , ir- responsibility —not to A. adversely - ersely_ in pact -then: neighbor s properties with stormwatef:drairiaize--atid,runoff... Product Revieivi w The Engineer or Architect of Record must certify all- U1. M components listed on the product affidavit per the submitted plans.; To be accepted for review this affidavit must be completely filled out and signedan&sealed. The actual design pressures must be noted on the sealed. drawings for.each,component, opening. -R6cord-ed-_W5Frr4n kedD operty.p4sbepn puf6hased-_within -ifieldgf-iix month§.-the,-Proper-ty...A*pprai§e't�.re,c,"or'd�s-ma.yt Ij '-,� -be-to date. Inthis -.case me must see,a recprddd-warranty y "d 441 'd j" _ e myour,_ name to, verify ownership When apphcation,tiisapplied for ui�der�the owner/builder pfd7yi�i6ns�W - i6r' he-appijeant for personally ­ -�ie_laisign-t$ qppr iat� alth Department Septic Approval-e-,<". 2 _ P" If you are,pt;ii� ning to use aibpxisting or new septic system, you must"first o0i—h-Hlalt �, epartment approval for the ' system.. SVrveyth"s,an e construction plans must bear the original Health Department pproval stamp. Driveway Permit I When you directly access a State or County road, you are required to obtain ' a driveway permit from the Florida Department of Transportation or the St. Lucie County Road & Bridge Department. .-Flqod!fleyati6n__Ceiti& -_0e 2 - if your opertyis- ocdte-,dFw-itffi-a-e-s-ig-natedfluad-zone- :you are required to "file-, �an orUiginal400-d-'elevat-ionI--- 1-ZbftifcAte_9i9nWZ��d by -a Florida fogistered1sulV py9r, ` NOTES: _*V Additional information beyond that contained in. the checklist may be required in order to ensure a con�pete review of your building permit application. 25 . . application. SLCPDSD Revised 07/19/18