HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrivate Provider Plans Compliance AffidavitPrivate Provider
P1aris. Compliance Affidavit
Permit #
Private Provider Firm: GFA International
Private Provider: Richard Jefferson .
Address:.607 NW Commodity -Cove
.Phone #: 772-924-35.75:
Applicant:. Century. Complete - :. Applicants Fax #:
I hereby certify that to. the best of my .knowledge and Belief the plans submitted were reviewed
for and are. in coriipliance wit the Florida Building Code and all4ocal:amendments to.the Florida.
Bu ldin '.Code bythe following affiant, who: is duly authorized to;perform:plansreview' pursuant
to .Section 553.791, Florida..Statute and holds the appropriate license or certificate.
Signature of Private Provider:
SWORN AND -SUBSCRIBED before me by ;f e-P/+rsah being
personally.known to me :. or having produced as identification
and who: being fully sworn. and cautio ned,_ state that
the foregoing is true -arid correct to the best of His/her knowledge or belief.
�I�ow�l� IM
Signature of Notary
Notary.Public: Notary. Stamp Below .
My Commission expires:
Print name ,