HomeMy WebLinkAboutHealth Survey9. 1 - tier s. 4 �•. Tess 9 Legal .seer pt,an PARCEL A A portion of the Northwest quarter IN" )) of Scct on 33 T.wrol V 35 7 Sault, Range 39 Eaii, 51: Luce Counry, fl,r,do more pirl-s{ubny des '.bed CO locirig at 0 point 2193 4 f North. iry as faibWs ¢,,. m u", t St. [.ucie i,at , This, paracOs d4ounibd m Official Record Soak 237 page 2188, Olf'c,m "T"Ow flip 35 South, Rang r Record Bock 245, 00y9,•24 old In Dead Book I pages i-through 16, ALMOc East ri ft Of Wa`fn Of ti�tC f r tct5ad, Said }sT+ f Records of ihs CW4l of tlw C «wr Court of st wuc coupty Fbndo-, L - \ {. TITn East i'I I1T t>t W 9) e .those parcels d<��a�lti,�'�{byid in (1) oftic,ci Record back 291,. Page 2341 If+arcel Section I,nz; the bearing for a$ � i - .. A), (2) off cub "TS'r gook 291 page 2341 (pmcd 0), (3) Official p'-cord a33ufi1Pdl NQ for the purp4s+' Of this de<CrV lO Yank 30g page 2�31,{k}Rff,c,d Recortl 3bok 366. page 1184. (5) aFficidl 1 �t. 27F�. (�+l thenCP S i Rewrd.800k 398 loo (parcel A), (b) Offcial 0.adatd Book 39$, page point, run wrth.,,89°10 30 E I00 (perael t), (7) Offidai R-cord Book 413. page 18251 (8) Official ltccord ^ 553 BR t _ t i Book M8 pest t492, •q9) Rfficia! Record Rook 736, page 167, and (10) The East, 937. �' feet% "thence )\, 11 °" ) Not �� 'Plat of Twin t dNefft I, as taeoWetl in Plot soak 23. page 41 and 42A, all in 40,52 fret;. thence North 3l1 � �� ��'� Ea51 , Y r I , 2. • � � the Public ReaastJ4af St. Lucie County, Florida. f the plot of Twin Creeks as . corded ft fat 1 rp ALSOKNowNA$} .�,i,,ty, F�[13�i,1a; N t• ,`ow r ) s ALSO c rig of a hot 2193.4 feet North of the South line of sectaor 33, Public Records of St, Lucie t_ e West, r 9`s' ..el` " • n:. Toknship 35 SouPo..Rgsge.34Edat, St. Lucie C.uniy, Fonda, lying on the ruff South 83099 33 1 %_.. *n� to `PIP1oiro at be.,, ,.. � JS, Edo "right of way of M6C" Road, said line. being 33 feet Easr of the 0oint Of Beginning lit NO"I ��0�. fe+'t $.,via, lira the bearnrg for the �aa right of way of Madam Road is I �+. aaov"f North farthe piwposaif this AFsariptcn: from theaforW<icribad Easterly, having a -C .i �ti Ot �140,00 fe-++ sot+ s t ;;su'ft v' ya,u, run hwrth BR'H750•East, 27SW:feat to the Point of eegimatsg bears, I\la}`01 Pl1 71c�4 "rice ls+"'Y hence run I'�Of then ,, 4 � i s from the Paint of'Rsgiiuting nou nut North 89°la3o• East, 9375: feat: d S fken<e tJonh 553:QS feet; iherce NSr4k 10e03'29' E-st,4052 fast; thence Of said Curve, throuifr, rr I"['ai angle OT 3 40 the,, (� North 30`12-35- lap 47." fserto the South line of the plat of Twin .. -_ s. . Creeks I. as rnaardetlirNat BaoR 3, ppgat'42 and 42A, DubbcRec�rds of feet t0.the afOre7't,ol,tia tie:! ?_ait: MCCartY I{ � trill! ©¢ Joe" St. Bess County. F1oai110 1MMe foliawipg said Dicer Emit run $outh thence South, a1Gnfj- sale, T b.!'r Of way i It) w Y p t 83°19'33' Walt. 422.94fur t hkp#k 200.00 feet to a tit qn ,curve 09'33 ts° ;1�4fi0 °' ex r '3 �,1t, on ancave Easxeriy,k¢ving-a radius af1tfitoQ0 feet and through wh in nr radial thence South 89e`F <J line burrs North 71.24'02` East thsneen,n Northerly 520.11 tut along the f , : (, QQ fee c Easterly, havinytn radius 69 and o t said curve, through il antral angle f ea 4 qn, thence Wet 572 45 4 - Liner ±o the aforementronsd East McCarty Road right of wog, thence South South 89°20'4r4" Ea, tYt@ i< � �iOrtiflPt i i t alc+c}t l9 - Plans said rghi of way: 170 fit thence Foot, 261,66 feel she's. South 8 89"0933- East, 284.60 fee, to 4 point on o verve, wncax Eaeterty, having CUiY@, ttlr,OJj�jh Q C@11tr11� U'i 11E: cf , ' o radius of 1070.W .feet and through which a radial fine bars South 248.97 fE t; thence West ,: •i :85b feet 89`20'44' East, thuice.Northafy 17011 nut along the are of fad curve, ,,,,` ,lit O' 1'In, nhra h a cenfrd Road r' tit of way: n along 9 on91a of Be52'IS'. thRnal South 81°2l'06' West, 248.97 y fret: thence West M.86 feet to the ofortmentioned East McCar. Road l , 'natf d,: "i. Beet; 'Pi'1:"" g tight of way dunes $oath, along and right of way t96.97fmt• then:a East East 9b.59 feet; t,iert .>.. Z 296.59 fat thence East 294.59 feel: manes $outh4A03 feel to a point th CC iJOrtil 301.20 ft f he Poirt t.' fit yin' nO aria curve aerate Norrheily, toying a: radius of ua3.00 feet and-=hrcugh c b �, . iCt<I 'Irv, - which a r"al line boars, North 7'34'05' West thence run Westerly 147,01 th@ above situate r _ u:ae a ' i r - feet obis the ere of sold wwe..thrpugk a antwbangie of 7.34'00': thence "'� i710re Or less.f[/ Went 12500 fast. thanes f#orth.400 feet:'hence West 25.00 feet se the eforementr<nad Eon/ McCju+t Read r.ght of way: thence South, 5'9 36 ,a N a point an a curve, cones a Southeuterlt, having o radius of 25.00 feet ved r through which a radial fine bsdri East: -thence run fkirtkaasterly 39 77 feet dots, the tiro of said nw•ve. tM,, h a central angle of 90°0a00': thence East 12500 fret to a point of eW inklare of a curve canaav-, Northerly and - hovirg a r.d,as of 117700 fees thence W Eosterly 125.21 feet along the ,. PARCEL 8 . 'arc of said eurvt. through a central angle of 6`06'U% thence South 22277 COtnlReflClflga 'ir)r ?S9s4 fee`` ,1s; q fen to the Point of 8<gtuar¢ i t All the .0,1 situate is 5r. Lucia County, Florida and containing. 194 acres Township 35 >.1tz+-f`e1P 39 L lt5 - :oare.,kss. f East. right of ieYnr tJ1rC.erity 120, ,. Q_ 88e - : • ANC ALSO all that peal lying East-rly of the following dascnbW fin -am! JCCt10fl IinC 7 P "ring for the pla 7 n s' ISO , .MMjthe.^enterl tie of 11-Whe crook:. assumed !*North <,' "he ,YI r rO k'.. Of h v e- APL 2.32,rj Z. {bmnienc+.ng or a paint 2193A tut North of the South 1,1 of See tian 33, point, run i oi-Ti townahlp 35 south, Range 39 East, Sl Lucie Cbuneyr Florida lyin, an the From the poin` n ')it j l 1 cc r r, oe Easx right of way of McCarty Road: said Imo Wing 33 fait Eav of the. - - Satnon Line: the bearing for the Eost right of way of Mc@,,y Rood is thence North assumed North far the purpose of This d-aariptim from the of.rodescr,bid Al Q +i"3 ,point, run North 89.1030- East 207562 feat to the Pant of 9c9 mans of thence North S11e poral to be herein described: said paint at" being on the westerly Twln Cre@iC5 1-, D3 f ` 'r S' r(9ht-of way i M of 11 Mile eneeic thence following said Wmmcrly right of '(.^., wog line an north 05.01'37' East 21167 feet ra the begn.,ng of a eu,v Records of -St. Lucie" C i eonciv< to the Bast"hnw+g a tadius'ef 360fast Ord a e)ogle of South 83019'33 3b%0747' rhsn<c sun Norikeosfierly Said fact aiong acid curve 18916 fact in ¢rid of r , curt¢; thence run North 41°0914-East, 1207 feet to a point of ins South West 314.14 faet S O< Lnr, of xhot certain easement deacribed in Official Record Baak 191page , . I (113.Q0.QQ.feel 4i,i l208, Public Records o4 tot. Lune County Florida' .thence rut, lAV.,Sre, 1,, in , r <, 1 - 4 ce,ntraf angle, Of „ feev; thence Wes,;. right of was _,. h Di �3o bears East ther through a rc.r t curvature os Mh �a R \ O� there run E q c Np-r lrVCL JL7Ea ` : angle of 5'06 , All the oboe ui-, more 0,1 less to a@ V, LUCIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. 122- 2_ e { c , \ co ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION N®T Twc�uA?t A, tiP SITE PLAN APPROVED FOR CONS TRUPTION Q= za3°4 '49„ SUPERCEDES ALL PREVIOUS SITE PLA�NS_�FOR (`o.,az.aK. 3o9,Pc�.295)) ¢v DATE= 1-- azc = zoa44' OSDS# -' j o° w REVIEWS i, . k -3 7' NflGr°17 rf.- m r j �N;2 i r " fr. 6.92' 99 0ad kpE�. IXGENt At a (' , d•i9)piRY 2 r r Pam. 1,9 l FR vf3CiivT) U F R'i UA(IA'M OF. SU1tV•EYO11 1.� MON ROD t „^ 1. P: IRON KT°I8 e t$ ;. ON -Ljj C.M. f o,f:Fn.E.TV MONI bS# : i l, 4 - •, a1, , �,;, N o N J i hcr<fi)v certify that this �1311'cy' t)'atrs znads u)+tict tnv wv ni!::3isx i `s e I RA.; is OF-W,A , A(/o7' INCGIJG?Cs o rrlaoflslblc ihRr c .axed retreseni4 the Titles'++ t't to the W ei c c < c 'rLV(> : t3tst oC 131�< t;nutvlx°tlgc anti t1>rtlef. � �txv fc d=x,r.rrry tIY L=' "d`•c.+._ Datx. �r...;t/.✓�°+.�1..__._ � (tea) +3r,'ai s>fi.;.1 ,- t t� AA (p��(r'�VV..y E 7) 9 lilJ li..'1 'k. Pil 'NV SYL 31x T..�} tll. Z. S� 1�'11',, OF FI,�)Itil)t� l t;i,IS"IIt:? 3 TCIt:' NO. 3i+37 4Z4.6-7' - - : atrh;�I S tie 73Ci'4 is i3, I t . •`1? u , `, ; 1Nr,, 929-7TH AVENUE P.O� (A . 9g Irli;kly x,��iz 3296 d; I SFu.f,NE 62-4ya44 F"'K,L ...:•-- -Rt A..' R-E^ X.3btic'4i"«tK'lL4hWIDiYwfia^SwtlM`tK'. !4%kt�BBa A ... •' e