HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Energy Calcs t FOFIMS FLDPJDA BUILDING CDDE, ENERGY GDNSERVAnON t Residential Building Thes,, al Envelope Approach FORM P4172-2017 CF1ni ziie Zone Scope: Compliance with Section 941-2(1)of the Florida Buiidno GodE, Energy Consan a on,shall be demorsiraiLd by the Lisa of Form, l i R402 for singfE-and mulbPlFsfamily fesidenr-Pz of throe storks or in h6ght,addiiions to Existing tesid=tidal buildings, f Mnovonons and but#ding sysems in existing buildings, as applicable.To comply, a buldsng nl.,si rneel of Fsceed.JI of th=_ energy efficiency ) fequirerleitis on Table R4112A and all applicable mandaiory requiraments summarizO in Table 94426 of this brm.i,a bulding dos not cdriply wM this mkhpd,or by thw I.JA/•hP-rnafrye riethod,it may spit comply under Saciion R405•of the Florida Building Cade, EtTarcy 1 fiOn52l�cLOfl. M0JE1:r Name BUIL)E5,z Ccast af G7�-an Erteroy SoIL6ons AND ADDRESS! Roberl ComEta DWTI'Er PE MlitlidG OF7CE { JURISb,U-i'IoN NUMBER, PEAMI-r NUIVISE : General lnstrueLions: [ 1.Fill,In all the applicable spars of the i a Be ins.ahad'=iumn on Table R4➢2A w,'lh the inlor=6zin requested.All 7o Be InsalSed"Vaiu- --r)u5 be equal to or mare eri,cient than the required 2 Cnmpfa-L page 1 bzsad on the 7 o Be Ins ailed"enlumn In-formailon. [ 3-Rid the requirement of Table R4112B mnd.cherk each bg-z io iodic ie your intent to comply with all applicable item= [ A.Read,sign and dale the"PTepared By"e-riinraoon s a-tetmeni sl the bntom of pzo=_1.I he owner or ownei`s agent rnusi also sign and date the form. [ 1, New otitis rucEio l addition,or existing building i. [ 2 Single-lamily detached or nulliple-l-mlly aftchad 2. 3. tf mulfiplr? miiy,number of ur Ls oovensd by this submission 1. 4. is this c ward czse?(yeslno) 4, [ S. Condiiionerd floor area(sq.11) c [ 6. Windows,type and area a) U--.wtor 6a 0"";it b) Solar Hem Gain Coencieni(SHGG) 61 t—�72'�tz" „5n b l�f [ c) Area EG 7. Sizyll4hls h) Solar heat G2in CoeT cierrt[SFIGG) 7b. [ R. Floor type,arm or perimeter,and insulation_ a.) SIRI-on-grade(R-VaJue) sm. [ b) Wood,raised(FrvaluE) 6b. [ c) Wood,common(R-value) Bc, d) Concrete,raised(R-vaJue) 6d- _ [ e) Concrele,common(P value) 6e- [ 9. Wall type and insulation: [ a) Extender. 1. Wood frame(Insulai on Prv2lue) Sat. 2. MEsonry(insufaUnn R-~alum) sm2 — a b) Adya art 1. Wood tame(Insdafion P vuiue) Bbi. r Z Mzsanry(Insulation R-value) Bh2 10. Ceilinr typm and insulation e.) t-�-(Snsuia4gn 1➢a b) Single ersembly(Insulzbon Pr-vaJue) ibb. 11. Air cl stribution system: a.) Duct lo_-nn,insulation 11a b) AHu Iuca3 on 1113, c) 7ctal duct laakzga Iasi report attached. 11 G ctmll go:.f. Yes D No 32 Cooling syst-am: 2)type 1�a b)aTaciency 1 Sb. 13 H-m-aEing a)type 1nz. [ b)eT€ruiency 13h. 14. HVAC steno calculation:attachad 14. 1`es Aig IS, Water h--ing s~)•sietn: a)type 1.53 b)E=ciency 1Sb. I hereby c_rdiy;}•tat the plans and specik=afimns overad by this Corm ar Review of plans and spe=i5cx ions covered by lh'ra form indite= in complimmm wc[h the Florida Building Code,Ener_oy Consar✓afion, camplimn=wuh the Florida Sui)dinl?Cod_,Enlgy Cans=rvaiion.S�>~�or PREPARED gy: Raba—fuf,fal Dated 10 J2A =ns'iNcbon)s compiel=,thi_buiiping will be inspa•-toe lc,r c—mF34ance in [ I ha-reby Gerd y thal this building is in corrphs=with the Florida Ouflpvr5 acrmrdanca with Seciicim E"SGEI,FS. Code,'EhergY C�n-S_rVarlorL CODE oFr-)C1kL• owN lls�Errr:-k 'ILI�212J 021e: I r FLDR20 A EBWLDDirl CDDE—ENEAGY CDNSERVA 7]0K, Gth EDMON(?Q97) R$E FORMS l i ABLE R4I ( BUJ iNC COMPONErl I PRE5CRIr IVF REDUIREMENrTSV ` INS ALA YALUES fclimate Zone 1 7=5 3 Windows b-Fcmr= NR LLF=cere 40` LI-Fzcior = a:-i"lo :?-web .'=i , �±5 ' SHGC = fi °S SHGC < O.S SHGC =p 211 p•^,..33p . 1 S40ohs Lkaricce 0.75 LLasOor = 0-n Lrfacimr = ( SHGC = 0-30 SHGC = 03o SHGC = Dooa Enmerio.- Omni l;amar = NR u�'mr = 0.4W uracbr- 9nora Slab-on-Grade NR NF ' ' Over uncordmorted spas==' R-13 R- 13 FLVafuE _ Wa1Lt Exi. and Ad. Frune R-13 R- 13 R-Value = Miss Insul�on on wall Interior R-4 R-5 R-VEIue ( Insulayon on wall e=bnrior R-3 R-4 R-Value = Ceifino� I R=30 R�6 I FValue = ( Alr 'Innitradan I Blower domr Est Is required on the butting envelope io verb I Jage c 1 ACH; Total leaf e = ACH lest report provided be code omdal. Test le d atcshed7 ' Yes 6 No ❑ ( Air msS,buson -rysderfi : fou Air kandrng u„;t Not avowed In a.�ic Dud Rvalua R-value >_ R-e (supply in a;brs) or- R-6 (all other dud locations) 1- "'' R-Value ( Air leafage=. Duct lest Posiconsb ucbon lead Total leak ge c 4 chn/100 s,l. Total leabca = clrn/1 ODs.i. ( Rough-in east Total leakage <_ 4 den/too 5.1. (air handler ins+�Izd) T,� Rport Atiachad? Yes ❑ No ❑ ( Total leakage S 3 cimllm s.f. (air handle not inslailed) Led rep : Ducts in condNoned spate cad not required tl all ducts and AHU are in conadioned space ( Air�condmonjng system Mininun iadard standard requlad by NAECA`: ( Central systa m �5 E5,000 SiWh SEEi 14.0 Room and or F i AG EFR (m Table C403 2 1(3)7 SEER = other. Sac_ Table= G4012ZO -(11 ) IFA _ ( Heating system: Minimum iederal standard required by NAECA`: Heal pump 5 35,Oo0 Btu/n HSPF 52 HSPF = ( Sea ton-race, non-weaihedzed AFUE 60/ AFUE = 00 nta n wa--=1he tired AFUE 63• AFUE = olhar, Water heating erysiam (storage type): Minimum federal srandevd required by NAECA, . Beruic� eO oaf: EF = 092 Gallons = 50 oat: EF = 05O EF = Gas firad' 40 gal: EF = O59 Gallons = ( 50 gat'. EF = 056 EF = ( Other (describe); ( NR m No se=qu remevt (1) Each compose l prosent = Le 4s _Avposed home must meet or ezcecd each of the appbcable pedormasce nrnt ain order to comply WA this code oerim > i &a metho L ( (2) ; or m•ppact rased imesaahon crmplymer wrtG Set i=P301212'of the Flarida Em7a'ing Code, ReridizabLd or Section 160B.L Of the Florida &dldmg Code, Brolding, the mzcmame 17-fu.me chaff be 0.6S m CM1imate Zone 2 An arez-waehted av ge of U-metal and SHGC sbsR be accepLd to zreei iho 1 rcg�m�n, or up to 15 sqn= feet of shoed gneatmtion area az exempdd from the V-factor and SHGC regmmzmeW based on Sections R402-3 -1, K402-32 rand B.402-33. (3) Doe .side-l =i==ed opaque door sss�6lY Up 1024 sgoaa feet is ex�p�d v-os this 17-factor reganem®f yl s (4) R- , are f= insulation material only a applied in sccu - ce with marafacbrurrr's msta�atioa instructions. For mzss q-alls, Me "mLrior Of wall" regainement mist be net except if ai least 5o pecent of the msnU.iion ngrmYd far file "esrie of wa1P' is Installed Crobor of, W fmo al ta, the wail (5) Docks L AHD mS Od "substantially leak free" par Section R40332, Tcstreq®ed by eitber .O dr-I duals as dwf�uedm Section 553393(5) of F/ ), Florida Stnn¢e, or madvidazls Bomeed as sett r y �n Section 09 .105(3)(x4, 1, Or 0T , Florida Stmrter. 72e Intel leznze LC is not xequivad for duel= aad es bandlera 10c-2ded entirely within the bm7dmg tb®al envelope ' (6) lyf'n+mm a=R' rOmcdm se those set by the Nation of Anp2m ce Energy ConservmoaAd of 79V for typical.residmtial eg 'sat mt z d rase s *crt On lJAFCA rules and rE_enlaGoOs. For otlien types of egeipmmk see Tables C4e3-23(1-11) of the C smal Pumepas of the Florida Em2eimg Codes, Fncrgy ) Corzservreior� i Cis Foe mcEer e]ee5c stage vo]mnE�5, mmmnml-.n = 097 (f1o02-32 = yotrme). (8) Fra other n m . l ps sax. a vnln *vies, yea EF = 0.67 - (0.0019 + rape). P-55 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — ENERGY CONSERVATION, Gth EDFI ION (2D17) FORMS TABLE R402.3 MANOATOFY REOUIREMBBS I Componani I5='Son SLmmary or Requirament(s) Check ) Air hJcage RAM" io be aoudad, gaskated, wa;Jherfripped or otherwls_ s_afed perTable RAW 4. i , 1 . Recasued Mohnng IC, as having _< a0 cim irsied b AS TM E 2B3. Windows and door>. 0.3 c*dsd R (swinpino da» 0S dm/) when lesion to NFRCC 400 or AAMANJOMAICSA 1o1 A-S. 7JA4 .O. ' Rrepla_ Tgnjwdng nue damper m ouldoer combus crn air. Prgorammahle I A4oa } 2 ( A programmable Pnemas� 'e required for the primary heading or cooling System, ) Iharmo aJ R4o333 C'me shah be te_sed as per S_•ilon R402-32 by either individuals a=. defined In Semon 532B3(s) or (7), Fonda ) Alr cissgunon e)mda m R4oa3.4 stank_ or 'Ndviduafs licensed es sal forth In Section 429.105(3) (r], (g) OF (I], Florida Stauries. Air handling unis are not allowed in ador< Waier hesier R4035 IComply with emcien sav In Table C4041 Hof war pipes Insured io > 9.3 b Idichen oWuh, other I gnsulating sysiams b have an automate or err_saible manual OF switch. Heat 6"ap rr-quiad for verilcal pipe nears_ ' Swimming pools t spas 840al o Spas and head pools muss have vapor-r=;ardant cover or a liquid cover or other means proven to redur Inez. eyrs� fi 701 a he✓ Hom sifF2mverad energy, Ofiltimer switch raquired C heater minimum themal 'Reny b Sr/ Heed pump pool hreders minimum GOP Is 4 .L ' eoolinglhp.�- ng R4037 azing cllmiizSon perrom ed a marhed. spedal ccc_sion tomf'mg-or basting apacky requires separ ie system or equipmerA variable czpadry sysien. Ugh ding equipment R404.1 j At lest 7Y/v at parnar,erNy 'tns`Jled Ighdng fixtures shall be high- cy {amps f ) FLORIOA BUILDING CODE — ENERGY CONSERVATION, Sin EDITION (2017) R�