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V; R
February 3, 2016
Standard Pacific Homes, South Florida
3201 West Commercial Blvd. #230
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309
RE: Geotechnical Exploration - Riverbend Lot 21
NE Corner of Gilson Rd. ,& NW Tumabout Ln.
St. Lucie County, Florida,
GFA Project # 12-1095.0;3
GFA International performed a geotechnical exploration for the site with Cone Penetrometer
Test (CPT) soundings and auger borings on each lot. The results are presented in the GFA
Geotechnical Report entitled "Proposed Riverbend Development: Lots 1 - 47" dated February
14, 2014.
For Lot 21, the subsurface soil conditions are generally favorable for the support of the
proposed structures on shallow foundations. An allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 or 3,000
psf may be used for foundation design provided the site preparation recommendations
contained in the report are followed.
For site preparation recommendations, basically the subgrade soils should be improved with
compaction from the stripped grade prior to constructing the foundation pads. The top 2 feet
below stripped grade should be compacted to a. minimum -of 95% density prior to placing fill to
achieve final grade. Fill (including stemwall backfill) should be placed in 12-inch lifts and
compacted to achieve a minimum 95% density. After excavation for footings, the subgrade to
a depth of 2 feet below bottom of footings should be compacted to achieve a minimum 95%
density. Test results and inspection reports will be submitted under.separate cover.
We appreciate the opportunity, to be of 'service to you on this project and look forward to a
continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or
comments, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed.
GFA lk
b-Id W. Moler, P.E.: rr
S;iQr Geotechni&�l E�tyrjber '
Ftor a Regi861tioi1P N675
Copr4- °
521 NW Enterprise Drive - Port St. Lucie; Florida 34986 - (772) 924-3575 - (772) 924.3580 (fax) * www.teamgfa.com