HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Certs 0 Planning &Development Services V7r; Building &Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave • Fort Pierce,FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-"43 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT 3 Yq PERMIT JOB ADDRESS: 14 A i> I Cli tA S e BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: Ln ej K,V 64, PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: 9VIC, _9 AL IYLII PEST CONTROL LICENSE #: -V,, e, 17 P-?'Et - We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance wit P the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: Chemicals used: -4)Percentage of solution; f Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: /1//, Time of Treatment: Footing 7 Slab ,�I"Treatment Treatment I Re-Treat -Re-Treat Driveway Pools 1"Treatment Is'T reatment -Re-Treat Re-Treat _Other Perimeter for Final Inspection 19 Treatment Re-Treat Signature of Extermiffftr Note: 777are must be a completed form for each required treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the Inspector at time of each inspectlon or the scheduled inspection will fall and a-re-Inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of fttacdve Trew47767t forprevent7ign of termites. A waotherregi5tantpbsite posting board shall be provided W receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is Completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the bullcying permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used,identity of the applicator, time and date of the tF-&,7Vne1;t,site location,area treated, o remical tsed,percent concentration and number of Gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of P!r0teC,YVB treatment. If the 5011 chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover,listing all the treatments and dates of applications, '!c • r -e ns�e i'(o -�! D�,� rise i$ W21%23-7921 T� e5 ors • Termite Pretreatment Evic -A-891 Toll Free: 1-877-365-9990 • pest Control Termite & • Rodent Service pest Fax: 772-340-5990 • Fire Ant Lawn Service Control, Email: Evictabug@gmaii.com • Whitefly Treatment Inc. 2373 SW Woodridge St. • Licensed & Insured LIc,JB175775 Part St. Lucie, FL 34953 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code(FEIC)104,26 and 9roward County Chapter FSC 105.2.2) PEST PREVENTION I FIRE ANT SERVICE LI TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT EXGLUStON 8 REMOVAL I WHITEFLY TREATMENT 1— Z15- DATE OF SERVICE ` _ TIME `0 DEVELOPMENT NAME(PjZOJ£CT) G g CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR§NAME CONTACT PERSON a i STRUCTURE ADDRESS(LOTISLOCK) CITY,STATE:ZIP CODE COUNTY ` OTES o -0�1 D "' - ~J JREATIrI NT i2FJAREA •FLOATING ❑MONOLITHIG O PATIO Q GARAGE ❑DRIVEWAY 17 STEM WALt1FOOTERS 0 ADDITION •CUTOUTS U FOOTER ❑FRONT ENTRY Ll RETREAT C]aORA CARE TREATMENT 0 PLUMBING CUT OUTS ❑SDEINALKS ❑TAMP& eA TREAT REAT ONLY INAL ❑POOi-DECK ❑OTHER PROPUCTS BASELINE ❑DOMINION 21.ACTIVE INGREDIENT Q TERMIDOR 8C B BORACARE q;PREMISE Q OTHER ACTIVE INGREDIENT C]IMIDACLAPRIQ IFENTHRIN O DISODIUM OCTAAORATE TETRAHYDRATE CQNCENT$ATION 06% Q.12°% Cl.25% ❑,05% Q 23% C7 9% Q OTHER DALLLONS APPLIED_ 65 SQUARE FOQTAGE _ LINEA FOOT GE jgVARE F OTAGE VERIFIED ✓" S Q NO G _ EASURRED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS _ ✓ +C J ON sib YES Q NO DETAILS As per 104,.2.E F8C-If$011 chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used.Final exterior treatment shall be compileted prior to final building approval, 9±dfJe1te of Cam lance•The building has received a Complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites,;Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,(Per the Florida 8ulld<ng Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment,Initial and date this r M L 5T ER ELECTRICAL PANEL ❑WATER HEATER J OTHER tent Terms• Payment due at Ume of service. Date Applic&tor.'(EvictA Bug Termit9 and Peg Control,Inc,) . 0Y Gz Dale Customer(Property Owner or Agent) >f y.�' :� .,.�'�•. t~> 'ter .;a rt,1 • AL ANN& f�icf -Bug 1 Termite& Pest Control, 4„ Inc. S1,000,000 Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Repair and Retreatment Warranty Treatment Information Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Inc.,is a Full service company offering termite control,lawn&ornamenral spraying and fertilization and all types of pest prevention services.)evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Inc.performed a pre-construction soil treatment to the structure(-) identified below to prevent an infestation of Eastern Subterranean Termites(Reticulitermes),and Formosan Subterranean Termites(Coptotermes Formosanw)(hereinafter"Subterranean Termites").This treatment was requested and paid for by the builder or the builder's agent noted below and this Warranty was urtusferred to you ("Customer")at the time Customer closed on the Structure(s). Pre-construction subterranean termite treatments are performed in accordance with the EPA labels for the termiticide,applied and applicable Florida law. Repair and Retreatment Warranty - Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Inc-warrants the pre-construction ucatment applied to the Structure(s)for a period of twelve(12)months from the date of final treatment li.sted below.During the period of this Warranty,Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Inc.will retreat and repair new damage caused by Subterranean Termites and retreat the Stfucture(s) with a termiticide as necessary to control an active infestation of Subterranean Termites.This Warranty is subject to certain term,conditions,limitations and exclusions(See Reverse Side)and Customer is advised to read this Warranty in its entirety and contact Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Inc.with any questions you may have regarding its content. Customer may renew this Warranty annually for a minimum of five(5)years by paying the annual renewal fcc listed below,on or before each renewal date.For purposes of this Warranty,the parties agree that the initial"renewal date" is defined as that day that falls exactly twelve(12) months from the date of final treatment set forth below.Thereafter, for each successive year that Customer wishes to renew this Warranty, Customer must pay the annual renewal fee on or before that day that falls exactly one(1)year from the preceding"renewal date".Customer's failure to pay the renewal fee in accordance with this Warranty will render this Warranty void,but shall not relieve Customer from the obligation and requirement to provide payment for all amounts due and nwing pursuant to this warranty.Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control.Inc.reserves the right to adjust the renewal fee upon written notice given to Customer within thirty(30)days prior to each renewal date.Customer has the right to terminate this Warranty upon receipt of Evict-A-Bug Termite&Pest Control,Ins.'s written notiw of an increase in the annual renewal fee.Such notice of termination must be made in writing and provided to Evict-A-13ug Termite&Pest Control,Inc.no later than ton(10)days before the aforementioned renewal date.The Notice of Treatment for this Property is located on the cover to the Structure(s)'electrical panel(s). Property Address: Bill-To Address: ED MILAN&DEBRA ALEXANDER ED MILAN&DE13RA ALEXANDERt 19 NETTLES BLVD 19 NETTLES BLVD JENSEN BEACH, FL 34067-3300 JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957-3300 Subdivision: Treatment Area- 972 sq.ft. Lot: Block: Section: Bldg: Product:BASELINE Concent%: 0.0600 Undil.Qty: 1.0000 Initial Date:07/25/2016 Type of Structure: Residential Warranty Expires.0 7/2 512 0 1 7 Renewal Fee:$150-00 Warranty# Accepted By: /en__se#JS175776 Customer Copy Authorized Ag t for Comps