HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement PERMIT>X ISSUE DATE J ­ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division o - BUILDING PERM T SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric _ u _ _ have agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the Electric _ __ _ Sub-contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Type of Trade) 44 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Strcet Addre sr Property Tax ID 9) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Relrulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. .24 - TRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualirter) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) W. Bryan Adams 1r PRINT NAME -- - - PRINT NAME - - - - - COUNTY E RTIFICATION NUh}B£R COUNTY CERTIFICAT ON NUMBER Stale of Florida,County of St Lucie_- State or Florida,County orz, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day or The foregoi J5 n instrument was signed before me this dayof m. � ,zo I by W. Bryan Adams �� zo4 by 1,��1 who is persanaily known or has produced a_ _ who is personally known N—or has produced-a_. as identification. ( �(� as identification. 5I\)1 U 1 O �o�tgY°os" JAXE L HARN ER IN I a- Y v�N STAMP e A cy MY Cf3 AMON#GG 089122 Isk"".of N yi otary Public i ature of Notary Public N 1iL!o EXPIRES A012,2021 n nG V) Mm f J BrndebT 9 Ue1 Notary Services m QR._2_ Print Name of Notary Public not Name of Notary Pu be alb Notary Public State of Fp4a t, Hannah E Moore v My Commtsmon HH 017099 RewsW 11 16/2016 1ap�'' Ettptres07101r2024 PERMIT 4 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ��. Building & Code Compliance Division BUII_UINC PERN11T vw u mmmawno SUB-CON'I'RAC ORA(.;IMF\UsNl' lot -� Shi IC\_ have agreed to be the Rooting Sub-contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC ------- - .._.__.............. _ - ------ ----------....... _...—_-- -- -- (Type o!•Trade) (Primary('coniracior) For the project located at �- (Project Sueei!1ddr�>s o Property Tux ID ii) It is understood that; if thefe k,Illy chimge of status revardin�.;OUT participation with the.above mentioned pr6 eet, the Building and ('otic RC(1111 ftioll Division nf'St. 1_1.16c C01111iy Will IV ativiseCi plUSltant to the. filing of a Chall1-1c of Sub-contracror notice. CO\1'R•\GT(.a RtrRT:(Quali�iert tiUl1-C:C1.\"1'R:1C"C IG�'aI'l.Rl 1«alitilr) William Bryan Adams -_SU� hr"16 C(N'C•1'1'C'liKTIITC A' (ON,Nt.%MIER `�---- c<)C\`"I i CP:2Ti1►C,\i roN v�?41fJ�4ii----------- State of Florida,C UiEn(\•UI-St. Lucie SratC of Florida,«riEla�C'ountc al' St Lucie '1 he foregoing tniirunrenf r+a.i siguvd berore me ihis 15 day at Tilt:RMCgaiog instrEEmeut naS signed bvrnre me tots��i1ny of ^,m bti..VVMiam B_r _an_Ada_m_s_. ( _.�_� ra ,� _ lG Vd I P` _ U who is perNrpAllp knatcn-y—or tuts produced a who is personally known-X_or bas produced a as lde«titieation. ;is identification. STAMP STANIP Signararc Err\ratan'Puhpv Si;,eahErc of\Utary l uhlk PrintSau«•of Notar%Public Print Numc oI Nolan Public �� Notary Public State of Fplda Hannah E Moore ip'�' Notary Public Stet:of Florida My COmmrsswn HH 017099 Hannah E Moore Re;ise.i I I I t�0 tr, 7q pt� Expires 07/01/2024 "�� MY Commission HH 017099 Y-0) Expires 07l0112024 J PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & ]DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT i SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEIVI;ENT Afea4r nq �1C e _ have agreed to be (Company,Nan)e/1 ivid ri lIl 11 Name) the M cho4iit&I _ Sub-contractor for j6U4 cc Il(ltf LgA4F FL Inc (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Pto)ec(.Slleut Address; or Pi . erly Tax l ) It is i(nderstoodthat, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St- L\Icie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CON1'R\CTOR 5(GN\TUBE(Qu�lilier! -C , CTOR SIGNATURE(Qu:dilier) am/fom &w PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTYCEATIFICAT11ONNUMBER' Scale of Florida,County of Q( u�ui State of Florida,Counts or Q f t ctt UTA�hee►lloregoing instn ss tment as signed bel'nte me this da) at Th,fie/rA+urrguin;iinsstrum�ent ssas signed hefore me this day of !' clnc 1 '-o .by jjJtDyh A� �F /h� j�obef� �lel((J �t�css0 C%Yhn is persona y J1<r his produced a svho is personall vn Y or has produced a_ as identification, as identification. STAMP STArNIP Signature of Notary Public Signature of IYotarc Putalic' i r anri: � __ `t ccan in Print Name of Notary Public Print Name ar Notary Public PATRiCIA ANN GRIFFIN 'ot;p:%�;` PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My:COMM19SIQN tl GG137624 `i My COMMISSION#GG137624 .;�.1 EXPIRES September 26,2021 ' Ree,;ed l l/I02016 ','ra;fat° EXPIRES September 26,2021 I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division — BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub-contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, (NC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (J (Project Streei A;d re s'or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) -CONTRAC GNATURE(QueliGer) w. Bryan Adams Gregory Kazan PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29179 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Q State of Florida,County of St Lucie State of Florida,County Ora I-a[I The foregoingza ,b instrument was signed before me thil S day of The fo egoing instrument was sign��ed before me tliis/s day of ,,h y W. rY 20 by Bryan Adams K.o-zo yi who is personally known A—or has produced a who is personally known A or has produced a J as identiGea'tion, as i ent licalinn momc— STAMP STAMP Rg. ure of Notary Public' Sign to of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Pant Same of Notary Public NEE ate of Flpnda Public State of F>pr�da oreNotary HH 017099 Revised-ll/16/201 �`vr HannahE Moorei Ut7o99 024 Ex Commission H Ap,, ExDifes 07tO1t2024