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Subcontractor Agreement
RECEI!'rD. MA`f 0 9 &:DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIMION BUILDING&CODRREG.ULATIONS DIVISION 2300 Virginia Ave .. _..._._�_v____. "Fort Pierce;FL 34982. B TA LDING PERMJT ' Q .SUB-CONTRACTORSUAWARY �C /✓ ©n'J will be:using the followtngsub-contractors for:the- (Company/Individual Name)' .. . L!ect lotat* 5S Lpro ,(Street address or.Property.Tax'ID N) It is widerstood that if there is any change.of.stains regarding the participation of any of the sub-contractors lisfcd beiow,I w�71 immediately advise the Building end Zoning Department of Sf.Lucie County._ - St.Lucie:Gonnty/. .. ' Trade lame of Company/Contr ctor : State of Florida License Nunn.ber Electttcal /'ta:' Plumtbing. . e. ':' . V uc G. HVAC/E Roofing Gas .., . .' - 2. I OFFICE:USE 414Y PERMIT ISSUE DATE ivznvlBER. t 705.: 3S 9f� RE k'rD MAY 0 9'2012 PERMlT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING&..DEVELOPMENT-SERVICES. Building&Code Compliance Division: BUILDING PERM . SUS-COA'TRACTOR AGREEMENT St.Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: - State of Florida Certification Number(If appticabtej: � r� t?03 �/1 R rfG.: ,� Z/I?G have agreed to he the (Company NameAndividual.Name) Sub-contractor forC _�j�s✓l5 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at. `/73p1wee (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) � It is understood that, if there is any change.of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,.I will.immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St.Lucie County by filing,a Change of Sub-contractor.notice.(Form:.SLCCDV(No..064-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER .(Name of the Individual shown onthe Contractor's License)' NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQVIRED . Business Name: a,11-yw Address: /4rt/ sw 'bey- 0. C d" I Citylstate/Zip: ` Phone: C77 M3!V2 97l3 email: �i"4/�4'ali%Ib 6 ��it�i00-:eVq;r.7 Fc--. Curia- 1/r1 /y Sf(;N—ATUW. PRINT NAME D .. E:. .. .. . STATE OF.FLORIDA,:COUNTY OF. THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS .3 DAY OF BY Dlfo9L .' �iRrllto�f'/�d WHO.IS PERSONALLY KNOWN. OR PAS PRODUCCD AS IDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) S ARY. PRINT NAME OVNOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE OF N PUBLIC SLCPDS::08/06/2014 s yP�,, dOSE FRESNILLO Noisry.Pubilc-State of Florlda Ny iIrr 5 0 f a•- Coinmissian>r FF`184850' =r>o`..8�n C d ih�cugri t tonal Not Assn. yy RECEI ' WY G 9 7017 PLANN G &DEVELOPAMNT SERVICIS z - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St.Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State of Florida Certification Number(If applicable): C/S ' / k2n y12 have agreed to be the (Company Name/In 'dual Name) r�rv ��11 c sub-contractor for y C �d (Type of TradO (Primary Contractor) for the project located at e�22 X- C,, /, ,<7`' lf,,a J (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St.Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub-contractor notice.(Form: SLCCDV(No.004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) ND d+�1ZIZ1JD SIG-NATU.-RESi A. RE,QUIREI) Business Name: ,*"Se %-?r d Address: _?f��3 City/State/Zip: Phone: 3?6 22,-2 email: SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20 E BY� WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN OR HAS PRODUCED (STAMP) SfG t1 [JRE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINT NAME OF NOT oo+�""�e�•., JOSEPH R RYAN Notary Public-Slate o1 Florida My Comm.Expires Nov 6,2015 Commission#EE 144606 OFFICE USE ONLY: CPEP.MIT# ISSUE DATE /DV MIT REC PERMIT# .' ISSUE DATE PLAP G&_DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building&:Code Compliance Division: ' BUILDING:PERMIT ` SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St.Lucie County Contractor Certification Number. State of Florida Certi33catioa Number(If appiicabte): JI qG 40f 6 a�Q fqi G.. All' d��4p7��n 9: . JCA;C have agreed.to be the (Company Name/Individual Name) EC- Sub-contractor:for fhls (Type of Trade) r [ (Primary Contractor). . For the project located at: _"5 .J`P�✓i _z J2�. y r Fl 3�.4727J (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID'#) It is understood that,if there is any change:of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning.Department of St.Lucie County by filing.a . Change of Sub-contractor,notice.(Form: SLCCDv(N6..004_00). BU.SINESS..QUi�LI1FI R ..(Naive of the Individual shown on the.Conttacfor's'License). NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED, 4 Business Name: ,v /ta / �z /" Address: City/State/Zip: s/953... : Phone: email: f/.�lOd-[ '7 I . SIGNA PRINT NAME.. DATE.' . STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY.OFt rf� � THE.FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME.THIS 3 DAY OF. 44it Z ,20 BY. WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN OR HAS. t.. PRODUCE _ AS IDENTIFICATION: E r (STAMP). . SIGNATURE F TARY PUBLIC PRINTNAME-OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS:0310G12 4 JOSE FRESNILLO :.. . Notary Publlc-.'St of Florida Commission#.FF 184850. y Comm Expires.Oec 22.2018 2andedttum:ghNagonal NataryAssn ( _._..�..._._ _ .� ..���_...���...-... r...__....r. -.�._._..._�.—.-...._..ten.. -.. r—..-..._ sr.._.__.�..s.....__�.�..... �._._-_.,�....�.,........R...._»....,.�+...-..+.. PERMIT# / F`]/� �f ISSUE DATE , PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division s v BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (��t✓,�yy�i j�//�-�o t� r L L G have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the ti dr Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at It 7 3,f- -S /2 d A'7wr 7-- (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. `CONTRACTOR SIGNA (Qualifier) /WiZONTRACTO SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION ER State of Florida,County of ,—" State of Florida,County of71� e foregoing instrument was si ned befor me this day°� The foregoing instrument was Sig�ed before me this L(� day�of1n� �J��� �\���j�_ 20�,by_�`��• F 6�U 1 yUZ who is perso all known or has produced a / who is personally known_or has produced a as identification, as identification, i STAMP STAMP ure o No ry is Signature of Notary Public Print Name of ry Public Tin ame o o ry u ism {` KAREN S. NIEI.SEN Commission ti FF 115ti3"/ My Commission Expires No ANGSC '% oeet� ''` June 12, 2018 .; tary p A Nj HUFF -ub F '' * C llc. n State ofFlo Bogde omm-Fxp. ��pF 23973 rich dtbroU es May 2 0 7 9h Natiogal ?019 Not�yAssn RECEIVED MAY fta"L?017 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division s BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR.AGREEMENT MER Enterprises LLC/dba Leed Insulation have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the insulation Sub-contractor for 7C& Sons (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 4735 Selvitz Rd (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) Michelle Richarfis PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 11324 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 4 day of 20_,by May ,20 i 7,by Michelle Richards who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known_or has produced a as identification as identificatio . STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public i ature of ary u lic L +� Print Name of Notary Public PiFint Nam of Notary Public r� •ov w�"r KELLY L YOUNG Notary Public..State of Florida Revised 11/16/2016 �'�- My Comm.Exp es Ju}1,2016 KX Commission #FF 138101 a mm�,