HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE �` " ` PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BOLDING PI;RM1iI l' SUB-CONT12:\C"fO12 (C htteT 0-' tVeed to be tl)e Rooting ............... Sub-c(mtractor fiir Adams Homes of Northlr/es(T. ype.ol-Frnde)t Florida, INC -------.___•__..._--•-----------------_. _..-------�-- �_ _ f Prim::ry Cbrilrucior) ----- For the. project located ft � 35JZ o-� -- -- -- - (Prujecl.$ircei Ac!(li'c>sar Jr(�rr(y'I'ax It f UI1dCi'St0Od that, if there k ;u1y change of Status recar(lin� t)urptl'tieii.)ation %\-ith the above mentioned11 project, life Building auil Code Regulation Division of'st Filing of a C'hangc Of Sub-comf-acror notice. e:ovriz-(c'ro .:T-r�a-r;-f�n:rr;rerl William Bryan Adams stn(e of Florida, ( ofnttp of, St' Lucie 'I lie ('ori1wing instrunent nay siyrrcd Gcfurc me ihi: I V t(;tr ul; William Bryan Adams who is perionn)1. kuon'n 4-01 Im, produced a as identification. Nia Sl'vw, 4nafurn or \'aran•pulilic ffon _a-h-_Wl o-u v 0 - Print SaIne of Aotarn 1'_u61ic � Notary Public'State of Flprida Hannah E Moore -dip My CommrssW HH 017099 1(e:i,ed II ir.rtiit, 0O#K0 Expires07/01/2024 Lucie (::ounty Will be adviccl pur,ua.nt to the. 4R- Ciicnnf:R1tahrcri Safe of Florida, CoRnry(if St Lucie The foregoing instrument ans sinned hrlitrc UK' this �dar nl' l�rah - 2fl hJ J ov Lfl-- (A who is persotJnlly known-9-or has prodneed a as identification, - - -- --- � U ---- S'rA:.NIP Si;,imlure of,�olarp 1'uhlic _t_a_nn U h 4o 0 r Prinf Nunfc of \) Public- _ '-----' �p'�' @14;� Notary Pubhe State of FLprrda Hannah E Moore �� �t` My commtssfon HH Ot 7009 q n Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & Code Complia®ce Division BUILDING PERmiT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name7Individual Name) have a the Electric -- greed to be . (Type of Trade) _ — "- --- — Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC For the project located at ✓ (Primary Contractors (Project Street Address or Pr 'p rty Tax ID x) — — _ — It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our artic' project, the Bulldin and Code Regulation Division of St P Ipatlon with the above mentioned g � - Lucie C filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �P T.RAC'r0lt SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan_ Adams PRINT NAME ____• ,_--_ 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION N*URjgER — Stale of Florida, County of St Lucie ounty will be advised pursuant to the SUB CONTR4CTOR SIGNATURE Q.U. - 3 f { `7 h/ (QualiricrJ PRINT NAME CO Y CeRTIFjCATIO NUINBER ��'11) The foregoin instrumcnl was si nrd bcror'c me (his Slate or Florida, County o g is �4_LL�C t � W. day of 1'hc foregoin instrument n'as signed before me this MCA . zo� by_Bryan Adams ��7ii Who isPersonally knosvn �� 20y oY�` -or has. produced a ��— as identification.ion, who is Personalty known X.or has produced asides-lirication. *Si..'A_f Notary Public 1VI`\emu J\ Il w'(l� STANIP rSLY PCB!(, JAME L HARNER i arure of Notary Public s "C-MAMON,O GG 089122 a�+�c y�loor� Print Name of Notary—� �� o` EXPIRES Alerl2, 2021 Public EOF woe 8c""4 T"u 9�e1 Notary Servim, ^' nI N2'^e ary Pu be M _W_ -- 4v� Notary Public Slate of Flpnde Reristoj 1116/2016 Hannah E Moore �' v My Commtsaton HH 017099 or pt Expires 07/01/2024 i PERMIT >; - ISSUE DATE _ _ ---- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVES - Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT Pa�i�I , (Company Name/I ividu;rl N,llne) er( the have agreed to be (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for (Pluna,YContractol) l<JJdS� Gi T For the project located at Ai4oi heel qd ted ss or Pro erty aR It is understood that, if there is any change ofstalus regarding project, the BUildin a o our participation with the above g and Cody Regiilat]on Division of St n1entioned Fill, ofa Change ofSUb-contractorr notice. Lucie CON7 RATUREaCTOR SIGN 7 IQ„alilicrl —`'4 PRINT N41'IEll(.lt f 1� COIJNTI �RTIFIcAI tO\ NUMBER Statc of Florida, Countv of �(�( The IoreCuine inst1`"� 6f rument a as si-ned � bel'n,e me this a �n dal 01 �� svhn by is persona Y � !'or has produced a as ideniilicatinn. Sig � nature orNotary Public STAMP Q�. Print Name of Note ry Public 6� --� PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION # GG137624 Rev,sed llil6nBlfi r%�y f` EXPIRES September26, 2021 ounty will be advised pursuant to the C R-ALTOR SICNATURE r (Qu:,lilicr) PRINT NAME 6z- I)e O—'-1�kSS 0 CF..RTIFICA:T O,\' �\°UMBER — State of Florida. Counts of The lurc�uine in5tru Jr�.KK{ ment uas signed heme � � ;;��' a this day of . b1 e t who is personal) v^ or has produced a _ as identification. — stgnalure OfNotars Public -- STAivip Print Name oa olar � Y Public � PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN # My COMMISSION ! GG 137624 September EXPIRES • °ij1�t Pt tuber 26, 2021 z PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at I—) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC gg (Primary Contractor) Z (mil I n (Project Street Address or Prop' Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (' CONTRACTOR SIGNATUR(Qualifier)E 1 Zr v— w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The f�regoingmen t was signed before me thil Jday of 207/ by W. Bryan Adams who is personally known Lor has produced a as identification. K2."� Public .0 (A A 00 h oo Print Name of Notary Public Notary public State of F+pnde Revised 11/lti/201 ,�`� Hannah E Moore i My Commission HH 017M or wd Expires 07/012024 CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualifier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NANtE 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of I C I The fo egoing iostcomenI was signed before.me tl1is1 day of AWzaw, by -( • IC07� �1 who is personally known X or has produced a + 4t.' inn STAMP Notary Public 111 l lJ STAMP �6.nn���(� Print Name of Nota Pubb Notary Public State of Fp,da Hannah E Moore p� My Commission HH 017099 �orwd' Expires07/01/2024