HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLA,NPof I NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES m _ Building Code Compliance Divisi0I3�__ .:,....._ .. BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Compan the Electric y Name/Individual Name) _ have agreed to be — -- (TYPe of Trade) — '- ---'— Sub -contactor for Adams Homes of Nartliwest FL, INC (Primary Contractor) — For the project located of L v (Project Strcel Addressperty Tax tD e) — — --_-__ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above me project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. LuciPursuant e County will be advised ntt.oned filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, p nt to the 311 J TFtf1Ci0lt SIGNATURE SJI ?I (Qualiricr) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME _---. ._--- _-- 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUh1gER State of Florida, Couofy of .St Lucie The foregoinginstrument was signed Wore me (his !; d:ry or P&A 20� by, w. Bryan Adams who is personalJy know n ���```` J�J or has produced a as icicntirication. ((((((� MOM Signature or Notary FubUc Print Namr of NotaPP,1b_1,P0— — SU&CONTR4CTORSIGNATURE �/�� / (Qualiricr) PRINT NApIE _ .._ _ • -• Cvu�'TY CER7'IFtCgTrON NU BER State of Florida. County oC—��.��� Th&j_,,61"umcn, foin was signed before me this �7 J day of 20 C-1 b ss'ho is personall Y ���• Y known X.or has produced a as idemiricalion. .—_---- - Sl',\hiP �otMYP0er4 JAJA1FL11ARNFJt i aturearNotary Public - * ? MYCNF:1k6(O41;C,OW22 EXPIRES April2.2021 i 1rZ_t— , �- _ lFOF �9loerndeCTlti9u�ielNotaryServices not Name of Notary pu be I_-Llei��__ ,p Notary Pup is State of Flpr da Hannah E Moore Revise 1 116/2016 MY C _p ommiselon HH 017099 �7a ad' Expires 07/01/2024 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUfl.bl\`G PP,12�11T Name' have a"reed to be r• tluhvlii(rll 1 -_---_- •------. the Rooting _-__----._Sub-contractor tur Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC ._._.___-_-_-.__. __�--------•---.----.------•-- (Primaiy ('ctnlract()r) For the project located at. ` Cp IPruj;d Street !ic!dres ttr I'rir) e ty'I"a.e lU rtj It IS Ui1(jel'SCoOCI (hat iI'thrae is ally Ch817le o Status I -I.al',dln1,4 Our participation [vi(h tlic above mentioned project, t11c 1:3ui.lcfiilig and Code Re"Illfiiloll Div, of St (cling of a {:'han1� of Sub-con(.racr(ir uatire. cti;vl'li:ic'lu---Z-j William Bryan Adams •-------._._..____ CUI°\'I'YC'b:R'r11 rC':1'I'IUV;\G:�i11ER — SCntC of Florida, Caitau, of St. Lucie ! tic Gn doing (nstrumm�(nas signed bcrbre a)v Rtis I ; �n^. dtc ul; (.! VA t[(;�/�- : 2(M bl• William Bryan Adams-- who is personally 6no,rn -)LOr has produced a as Identification. Signafurcof Vnian• Public - STAMP Prinr:`'aincitfisohtn Public gyp'►" `F N01aty Pubhc state a Flpnda Hannah E Moore �r My Commtsswrl'HH017099 Oa f_ Expires 07/01/2024 Lucie County Will be advi Cd Pursurtnt to.thc. SUII•(:(1\)'Ft,IC'("� A'it; R soy , (71 ct --- -- - -- ..:__ t'RrN'J':�':\ill•: Slate ofPloridu,C'nanrt'titSt Lucie The Foregoing iustnmtertr tuts signed 110are nti' this J-, daynl' r Jova.,, � iarcIu PICA who is personally lcnntvn_�( p� has produced a as identification,_- -'=-= U�I.Q----- STAMP Si;,nnlurc of NOlnt') Public _tt_a-nn_U 1'rrnf \'unto nl'Votary Public YR ,F10'da 'ore HH 01709924 PERMIT # F :L io R I a24 ISSUE DATE PLANNING &DEVELOP —� & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Pc,��i� f� C ; re (Company Nanle/I ividu;rl Nome� the have agreed to be (TYpe ofT,adSub-contractor for For the (Pg proj1unarect located at y 1O1jra"o') �P, S ddress of�,I�zn.y'Tax It IS Understood that, if there is any change ofstat Project, the Buildinga Us regarding our palticipation with the above and Cody Regulation Division of St mentioned Filing of a Change L-Ucle (' g Of Sub -contractor notice. CON7R.aCTORSIGN r1TUR.E (Qii�lili:r} PRINT NAME COUN�IYC TIFICA� f NN NU,� / 18 Slalc of Florida, County or ER Theloreeuine`�C(e rument star signed bel'nre me this �/ %^ instdad of svhn is persona � y ✓or has pt oduced a as identilicatinn. - g " _ Si nature OrNotar� Public STAM1IP Q�. Print Name of Notary Public -- .''''•a��, PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION f$GG137624 Re',;ed 1111612016 !,`,` f EXPIRES September 26, 2021 ounty will be advised pursuant to the C FLa�TOR SIGNr%l U � (Qu:slilirr) PR(Nr NANrE COU,\'T_' CeRTIFIICAT ON �NUNIBER -- Slate of Florida, Counts or The litrrgoin; instrument / star signed hel'are me Iltis � F/es_ d o y' o f r b) O e who is is personall vn or has produced a _ as identilication. — Signature ortVotary Puhlic — STAMP Print Name oaotar y Public n PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION At GG137624 EXPIRES o:��September26,202t PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing (Type of Trade) For the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Prod rty fax ID #) It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) / w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The fA;�C204, riment was signed before me this S day of by W. Bryan Adams who is personally known kor has produced a as identification. &k fog Ina ure of Notary Public _&nna h now Print Name of Notary Public te of FV48 Revised 11/16/20RE9 re HH 017099 024 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualifier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NAME 19-1535.4 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER - State State of FloridIa, County of C I �t The fo egoing instrument was signed before me this S ay of 2U' by Who is personally known /� or has produced a + as i ent ficatinn STAMP Sign to of Notary Public M , STAMP Han, ih MWC� Print Name of Notary Public Notary Publrc State of Flpri� Hannah; E.Moore p� My Commission HH 017099 '►.awdExpires07/01/2024