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Products Review; LPG Containers
-1r- Aboveground / Undeiground bid Tank GiMerai Specifications Conforms to the latest edition and addenda of:the ASME Coda. for Pressure Vess$la, Section VIII' Division 1, Cornpllss with NFPA 58 and Is ilsted by'Vnderwriters Lebaratorlep,1ric, All tanks are pro -purged anti ready to oe flll d. Rated at. 250 psig from: -200 degrees F. to 125 degreQ:; F, All tanks may be evagvatod'to a fall (14.M1iq.vficuurn. Please read.and understand all vearranty , .�Ar,.;' Alattori instructions before installing the tank, b Vessel Finish: Coated with epoxy rad powder.. (Tanks coated with the epoxy powder must be buried). For aboveground use, tanks may';be coated with GIC powder. Applicable redgrai, state or 1001 regulations may contain specific requirements for ,protactivm coatings and cathodic protection, The purtha$4r and:.1netailer are responslble for compliance with such Federal,. state or 1001 rbgulatlons. . All vessel dimensions irrA approximate, I OVERALL HEIGHT W/ LID WATER OlJTSir}Ie' HAD OVERALd, SHROUD ASSEMBLY' CAPACIDIAMETER _ 'iYAE LENGTr1 12P Wg,4" ,-9 M" X-0 1/4' T-10 1/4" 454 I r 6 Elilp.. i'l- e. —. al n , , - P1.1111 250 wag 31,81, Noml, 946.3 L 800A mrrl 320 wg. 31,5" Heml, 946,3 L, 800.1 mm 37.42" Sao wp,. Flernt, 092,5 L 930.5 mM 1,000 wg. 40,96" Homi: 3785.0 L 1040.4 rY M � A+ t4 141-,4 Xl>b MA irfli% 1. wrh•"•'AMC � axu,vwuw t. j 3t'FARiM WG LEG MIGHT WIDTH SPACING 1/0 3.,0., 245lbs. 7,2 mrn 914,4 rnm 1'1i.1 kA :limn 1109,7 MM 1363.7' mild 323,9 milt r4" rnm 3'-9.3/4" 4'-5 3/4" 1109,7 mm 1363'.7 mm 12 314." 323.9 mm mm 4'47 5/8" 4`-11 SM' 1250.5 mm 1314.5• mn1 1a" 381.0 mrn 718" mm 4'4 3/4„ T-3 1/4., 1351.0 mm 160S,Q mm 161J�+" 4i2;d mrn 1/411 588 lbs. 5:6 mrn 266.7 k ° 871 lbs, �.0 nim 395A kg 14 17291bs. - 3.2 mm 1784.3 ka `d 6�BIt72��LL XUA (SH9) 31I13 W1:113-1� 101 B002 90 FeW Triliity LPG- - Aboveground Underground Tank Page t of 2 ffl About G7 locations Partnerships Contact Us Home Containers g ILA _ I Customer Site Login ��4dun#s_ Abovegi-ound / Underground LPG Tani( View Larne rmane I General specifications, ptn;ESTic: rntrtcs Conforms to the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section VIII Division I. Complies with NFPA 58 Yy Ls}j Ahoveg ourLd Tank and'is listed by Underwriters Laboratories,..Inc:r s jay Abgvearound/underground Ali tanksare pre=purged and.ready to be filled. T Rated at 250 psig from-20° F. to 1250 F. All tanks may be Unc r round Tank evacuated to a- full (A.7 psi) vacuum.. vertical Tank Please read and understand all warranty and Installation Instructions before installing the tank. Domes Lids, etc. Vessel Finish, Coated with epoxy red powde,r. ('ranks coated with the epoxy powder must l be burled). For aboveground .use, tanks may be coated'with TGIC powder. I Applicable federal, state or local regulations may contain specific requirements for SMIArr: i TnUcK t 1-urr4sponr t protective coatings and cathodic protection.,The purchaser and installer,are responsible for compliance with such federal, state or local regulations. storage -Vessels Ail vessel dimensions are -approximate. Truck 14nk-Aarreba Transport Barrel Chlorine Tanks rnnionla Tanks CO2 Vessels CAI:Gt:f�tl.1"r; }� i Custof Ve7 sells l w l 4 ©ulk Storage Tanlcs. ' VALVE —�� Concrete Pier DraW inns 1` Sli?F1C�; Vessel Hood' TriniN eads, Inc. OPENING ARRANGEMENT �_5patti�h>� I littps:Hw%vNv.trinitylpg.com/prodiIcts.asp?prodiictid=Q6UJ9A0005CV&prodnanie=Trii.iity ... 6/15/2009 Ti,inity LPG - Aboveground Underground Tank Page 2 of 2 U om"zrml: ....... .... WATER- CAPACITY OUTSIDE; DIAMETER HEAD. TYPE OVERALL OVERALL LENGTH :.OVERALL HEIGHT;W/ ,� "8� SHROUD - 8,, , , LID ASSEMBLY is" -, - LEG WIDTH LEG s WEIGHT QUANTITY IN FULL -LOAD 120 vig. 454.2 L 250.wg. 194'6.3 L 11800.1 M %v'g. 131.5" I 946. 3 L 24" 609.6 mm, 31.5" mm 800.1 mm N E111p. Hemi. 5�-5 7/0" .1671.6 mm F7'-2 12197.1 mm 8'- 11. 3/14 2736,9 �nm 3'_0 1/4" 9.19.2 mm Y-9 3/4" 1109.7 mm V-9 3/4" 11,09.7 mm 3'-10 1/4" 1122.4 mm 4'_ 1363.7 mm 4" 5 3/4"' 1363.7 mm I=Z 1. 25.7.2 mm - 123141, E2 32, 323.9 mm 123 4 323.9 mm 3 In 914.41, ------]472 F3T 6' 11066.8 mm F47- 0 1 11225.6 mm 245 lbs. ill I kg 1b' 214.1 - kg S. 266.7 kg 96 63 45. wg, L, 37.42!' 950.5 mm 0,4 mm [HemL ������� 15--10 ys" 4846.6 i�m 4'-5 3/4" lljsi.o mm 5'-3'1�j4" i6b�5,o. 61m, 1 0 0 njrj�, 16 1/4" 412:6'mm - ,871 M4,0 mm 9!-0.1 111729 2743.2 mm J784.3 Ibis.500 39S.1 kg2,5 lbs, Le- [310Heml. 15 littps://%v%wN,triiiitylpg.coiii/produdts.asp?pi-oductid=Q6UJ9AO005CV&,prodnaiile=Trinity ... 6/15/2009