HomeMy WebLinkAboutProducts Review; Smooth Star & Fiber Classic Fiberglass Single Door Inswing or Outswing ImpactTHERMAITRU (8) THERMA TRU DOORS 1 1 8 INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, ❑H 4351 7 SMOOTH STAR & FIBER CLASSIC FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING --GENERALNOTES- l7MPACT'' - 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 2007 Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in the "HVHT' this product complies with section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering. 4. When used in areas outside of the "HVHT' requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the 2007 FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTNI El996. 5. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 7. Outswing configurations using threshold item #4 meet water infiltration requirements for "HVHZ". 8. Inswing configurations and outswing configurations using threshold item #5 do not meet the water infiltration requirements for the "HVHT' and shall be installed only in non -habitable areas or at habitable locations protected by an overhang or canopy such that the angle between the edge of canopy or overhang to sill is less than 45 degrees:' TABLE OF CONUNIS SHEET# DESCRIPTION 1 Typical elevations, design pressures & general notes 2 Door panel details (Smooth star) 3 Door panel details (Fiber classic) 4 Horizontal cross sections 5 Vertical cross sections 6 Buck and frame -2X buck masonry construction 7 1kameanchoring -IXbuck masonry construction 8 Bill of Materials & Components 11 37.75' MAX. FRAME WIDTH 36.00" MAX. PANEL WIDTH xt C3tRALL . DESIGNPRE55U1tE(PSFj OOf3R7'(PE SYYING fRdM _ ,= . ,.. <�-� _. ,•.,, _�3fA!�>f�ISf�N�. ':,,�C,�SfI11�E,s,t�EG�l3itltK. INSWING 37.75" x 98.00" +85.0 +85.0 SMOOTH-� --OUTSWING: 37-7514x 96 50"-•' +Q1='+$5 0 INSWING 37.75" k 98.00" +85.0 +85.0 FIBER OUTSWING 37.75" x 96.59' 1 +85.0 +85.0 CLASSIC rc. et: WS D — er: LFS Cf RAWALL E. STORY C11jTgC-F5V PJL AA#003379 AR#0011105 [�(APPROVED ® REVISE & RESUBMIT ® APPROVED AS CORRECTED ® REJECTED This revia1v is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the rwmt,4z,, documents. Coractions or comments made on the shop oaring this revisal do not relieve the contractor from compliance with the require- nrants of the plans and specifications. Approval of a speck item shall not inckaie approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. Con- tractor is responsible for: Dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site; Infwn8lion that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequencas and procedures of construc- tion: coordination of the work of all o"urer htradas: and for performing all work in a safe and satisfactory manner. CAM �. �•� BY. TH,ERMAITRU THERMA TRU DOORS 1 1 6 INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON. ❑H. 4351'7 SMOOTH STAR & FIBER CLASSIC FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING GENERAL NOTES "IMPACT°' structural requirements including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco, 3. When used in the "HVHT'this product complies with section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and does not require an Impact resistant covering. 4. When used in areas outside of the "HVHZ" requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the 2007 FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. This product meets missile level "D" and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El996. 5. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 7. Outswing configurations using threshold item #4 meet water infiltration requirements for "HVHZ". 8. Inswing configurations and outswing configurations using threshold item #5 do not meet the water infiltration requirements for the "HVHZ" and shall be installed only in non -habitable areas or at habitable locations protected by an overhang or canopy such that the angle between the edge of canopy or overhang to sill is less than 45 degrees:' TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET# DESCRIPTION I Typical elevations, design pressures & general notes 2 Door panel details (Smooth star) 3 Door panel details (Fiber classic) 4 Horizontal cross sections 5 Vertical cross sections 6 Buck and frame - 2X buck masonry construction 7 Frame anchoring -1 X buck masonry construction 8 Will of Materials & Components 5 i1 37.75' MAX. FRAME WIDTH 36.00" MAX. iPANEL WIDTH w z a i c°t, P A 1 ) i W L1 f31/ERALL TSESIGTi RE..... (FSFj: "000$TYPE SLMff{fT FR 1ktE ' .. wt�s(jtrri_Y INSWING 37.75" x 98.00" +85.0 +85,0 SMOOTH OUTSWING 37.75" x 96.SW +85.0 +85.0 STAR INSWING 37.75" x 98.00" +85.0 +85.0 FIBER CLASSIC OUTSWING 37.75" x 96.50" +$5.0 +85.0 �;m—OeoNd o tom Q" ua•: a;? E 9moT-'81�-LL sRt� V m� 5 L y J By; Dw5 BY. LFS V1NG NO.: FL-8871.5 a I of 8 46 47 41 EXTERIOR INTERIOR 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 L DETAILA-A -J b LUJOR PANEL 40 Smooth star 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000 0000 0 00000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 DETAIL A -A Panel reinforcement TYP. 4 4.07' ►{ I-- i.s3° u I� ORNERS o F PANEL q 42 70PRAIL 43 LOCKSflLE —�{ 1.18 �1.53"� m 00 P�� o �C� � NINGESi1LE 45 BOROMRAIL 28.86% OPEN AREA MAX. EXTERIOR INTERIOR K2 *'� VER17CAL CROSS SECTION Z �� h z mm �omo�Na onm :�N v 0a•:a$ u m°E 4 9C!z 5 ti `1 fi U WAS: N.T.S. 7 DWG. 6r: D%vS m cik. BY. LFS 3 DRAWDIG ND.: D FL-8871.5 0 0 BNEU 2 OF 8 n � ' 1 66 67 61 EXTERIOR 1. INTERIOR 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 DETAIL A -A J 0 DOOR PANEL 60 fiber classic 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 00000c 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 0o00c000 0000000 000000 000 O 0000o A. o000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 L-00000000-.O—.O—o-oo000-000000joc DETAIL A -A Panel reinforcement �+ 4.07' rrP. a ' CORNERS OF PANEL o o T � TOP RAIL 63 LOCKS7ILE EXTERIOR • INTERIOR —� 00 2 'IZq��4 64 HINGESiILE � BOTTOM RAIC 28.86% OPEN VERTICAL CROSS SECTION SECTION AREA MAX. 3 a N.T.S. • BY: DWS m By. LFS 3 WING NO.: FL-8871.5 0 0 7 3 of 8 P U �(D Ow zz� �Q O Z Z t 1-1/4'MIN EMB. I.. j 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 Outswing shown - inswing also approved INTERIOR EXTERIOR j W e 0 Q LL W zed :2 z O' 1-1/4" MIN. C+ z EMB. (TYP.) D n f 3 '\ HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION Shown w/1 X sub -buck substituting concrete screws for wood screws per Section 1714.5.4.2 of the FBC INTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 0.15" C'SINK (TYP.) 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 Outswing shown - inswing oiso approved O: 0 O FF0 I ' 2E LA aj 0 U U 0' o a a scu.E. N.T.S. Mr. ar. DWS Ow. BY. LFS ORAWMO NO.: FL-8871.5 SHEET 4 OF 8 � e j 1" MIN. FROM 1" MIN. FROM MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE — — (TYP.) (TYP.) 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 Outswing shown - inswing also approved * , 4- .1 I � E. a L TYP. SEE p ; NOTE 1 MASONRY OPENING �n z -U �O 2X BUCK N �99 BUCK ANCHORING 001141 HINGE JAMB ° 90 —Z �._ m� WW J°gym 'o > .; g N� E I T 88, {{\\11 E 0 • f Thy L z 9 MASONRY TYP. HEAD & JAMBS a a a m o" 9 ° ° OPENING s = E ; u 0 _ ----FRAME-,, _- FRAME w UU Z N z 2X BUCK N O =p 2 U �U gZ W EM Ipi1 YY ala a mm } m FRAME ANCHORING STRIKE JAMB 2X buck construction Masonry 1. 114" Elco Concrete screws anchoring 2x buck require a minimum 1" clearance to masonry edges, a 1-114" minimum embedment and a minimum 4" clearance to adjacent concrete screws. Substitution of equal concrete screws from a different supplier may have different edge distance and center distance requirements. Concrete screw locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortar joints. If Concrete screw locations noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adrjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortarjoints, additional Concrete screws may be required to ensure the maximum on center dimension is not exceeded. HINGE DETAIL LATCH & DEADBOLT DETAIL u z o R ° 1001 n a 05 22 08 = E N.T.S. ° • BY: DWS m BY: LFS 3 m F1-8871.5 0 T 6 of 8 C b TYP. HEAD & JAMBS MASONRY SEE NOTE 1 OPENING FRAME o 1 X BUCK 6 HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING Masonry IX buck construction NOTES: I. 1/4" ITW concrete screws anchoring frame and/orsrll require a minimum 2-1/7' clearance to masonry edges, a 1-1/4" minimum embedment and a minimum 3" clearance to adjacent concrete screws. Substitution of equal concrete screws from a different supplier may have different edge distance and center distance requirements. Concrete screw locations at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortarjoints. If Concrete screw locations noted as "MAX. ON CENTER" must be adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortorjaints, additional Concrete screws may be required to ensure the maximum on center dimension is not exceeded. 2. 3/16" ITW concrete screws anchoring frame and/ors71 require a minimum 2-5/8" clearance to masonry edges, a 1-1/4" minimum embedment and a minimum 2-1/4" clearance to adjacent concrete screws unless otherwise noted by concrete screw manufacturer 5 62 STRIKEJAMS c LATCH 3 DEADBOLTDETAIL HINGE DETAIL " e o l g mv1 g l W J jM pi� o n" g m ° a r E i z 8 n SEE NOTE 2a °G 3r E � � 'u 0 c Y =Z m� �oCD 0 c5o UZZ� W2, o ~ a a SEE NOTE 1 0 SEE NOTE I m N.T.S. ar. DWS BY: LFS VING NG.: FL-8871.5 7 7 or 8 BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM I DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A I BUCK SG >= 0.55 WOOD B 2X BUCK SG >= 0.55 WOOD C MAX.I/4"SHIM SPACE WOOD D 1 /4" X 2-3/4"PFH ELCO CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E MASONRY - 3,192 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE G 3/16" X 3-1 /4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL H 1/4" X 3-1/4" PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL J 1 /4" X 3-3/,V PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL L # 10 X 2-1 /7' PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 1 INSWING ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD (IS300AJ) ALUM./WOOD -2---INSWING-THRESHOLD (IS300HP5)--- — - --- --- - -ALUM./COMP.- 3 INSWING SELF ADJUST THERMAL BREAK THRESHOLD (ISP30M) ALUM./COMP. 4 OUTSWINGCOASTALTHRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD 5 OUTSWING STANDARD THRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD 6 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM./COMP. 7 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP VINYL 8 JAMB PINE SG>=0.42 WOOD 9 JAMB (OAK) SG>=0.42 WOOD 10 WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 11 HINGE STEEL 12 # 10 X 3/4" PFH SCREW STEEL 13 #9 X 3" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 14 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL 15 SECURITY STRIKE PLATE STEEL 16 #8 X 2-1/2" PFH SCREW STEEL 17 #8 X 3/4" PFH SCREW STEEL 18 KWIKSET 200 SERIES PASSAGE LOCK STEEL 19 KWIKSEr 600 SERIES DEADBOLT STEEL 40 SMOOTH STAR DOOR - SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR DETAILS 41 DOOR SKIN 0.072" THK. SMOOTH STAR Fy = 6,000 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS 42 TOP RAIL SMOOTH STAR COMP. 43 LOCK STILE (SMOOTH STAR) WOOD/LVL 44 HINGE STILE SMOOTH STAR) WOOD 45 BOTTOM RAIL SMOOTH STAR) COMP. 46 PANEL REINFORCEMENT 0.023" THK. SMOOTH STAR STEEL 47 FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE 60 FIBER CLASSIC DOOR - SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR DETAILS 61 DOOR SKIN 0.137' THK. FIBER CLASSIC = 6,000 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS 62 TOP RAIL (FIBER CLASSIC) COMP. 63 LOCK STILE FIBER CLASSIC) WOOD/LVL 64 HINGE STILE (FIBER CLASSIC) WOOD 65 BOTTOM RAIL FIBER CLASSIC COMP. 66 PANEL REINFORCEMENT 0.023"THK. FIBER CLASSIC STEEL 67 FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE 5 1 THRESHOLD Inswing adjustable 5.87" v;• char v ., THRESHOLD Inswing self -adjust 5.75' O THRESHOLD S OutsWngstandard 5.85' C 2 THRESHOLD Inswing adjustable zo m L Gr4 THRESHOLD Outswing coastal 5.83" b --+•�r.�.'yi?, ,�uJy:,�'i are 6 THRESHOLD Ins ringg max dpraFng =+/- 50.0 psf f� 4.56" C 8 HEAD IL SIDE Jamb (� 8 o �'n �� WW �-z m 4a- 2W 0U in ¢ d m o ` a a E N.T.S. ar: DWS an LFS xwc NO.: FL-8871.5 8 OF 8