HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, Drawing of FencerE�Gs LAW GROUP OF SOUTH FLORIDA, LLC PROPERTY ADDRESS:763 CYPRESS STREET, PORT ST LUCIE, FLORIDA 34952 SURVEYNUMBER: FL2011.2872 FL2011.2872 BOUNDARYSURVEY LOT 2 BLK 8 ST.LUCIECOUNTY =,a,... i LOT 4 BLK 8 5/8' FIR NO ID. -,Yff ()- �e nCe COCA �ei(p+ r E IFICA? No. 6473 v w STATE OF qq P d�sf�V.P I SURO¢� RONALD W. WALLING State of Florida Professional Surveyor and Mapper Umnse Number 6473 DATE OF SURVEY: 11/16/20 FIELDWORK DATE:11/16/2020 REVISION DATE(S): (REV.O 11/16/2020) TABLE: LI 5 G2°22'00' W 220.00' (P) 5 G2°23'08' W 220.110 (M) L2 N 27°38'00' W 25.00' (P) N 27°38'00' W 25.00' (M) 51JRVEY0R'5 NOTE5: SETBACK INFORMATION SHOWN ON PLAT, NOT VERIFIED LOT APFEAR5 TO BE 5ERVICED BY CITY WATER AND 5EWER FENCE OWNER511IP NOT DETERMINED, PER PLAT UTILITY EASEMENT5 RECORDED IN RE5TRICTIVE COVENANT5, RECORDED M A 5EPERATE IN5TRUMENT, NOT RE5EARCHED OR 5HOWN 30 0 15 30 GRAPHIC SCALE (In Feet) 1 inch = 30' ft. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: POINTS OF INTEREST: NONE VISIBLE I hereby certify that this Survey of the lands described hereon was made under my direct supervision, and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true and accurate representation of said lands and meets the Standards of Practice set forth in Chapter 5J-15.050 through 5J-15.053, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to section 472.027, Florida Statutes. This survey is not valid without the signature and7VTAV� original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper, except when the electronic signature and seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper is affxed hereto. ` Ak ®EXACTA Office: 8 66.736191 61 Fax: e66.744.26e2 11940 Fal—y Lakes Orl—. Sulte, 11 Fort Myers, FL 33913 AFFILIATE MEMBERS SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 - NOT VALID WITHOUT ALL PAGES