HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 9187.1BCIS Home j Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links I Search Florida Product Approval `.? USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL9187-R7 Application Type Code Version F020�!__::)Application Status roved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer CGI Windows and Doors Address/Phone/Email 10100 NW 25 Street Miami, FL 33172 (305) 593-6590 Lmiller@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature Jens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative Lynn Miller, P.E. Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Dr N Venice, FL 34275 (941) 486-0100 Ext21142 Imiller@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Validated By Miami -Dade BCCO - VAL Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year FBC - TAS 201 1994 FBC - TAS 202 1994 FBC - TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved of Products 11/05/2020 11/05/2020 11/11/2020 # Model, Number or Name Description i 9187.1 Clipped Aluminum Tube Mullion Large Missile Impact Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Please see Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance (NOA) for product performance information, anchorage details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Certification Agency Certificate FL9187 R7 C CAC 20-0610.10 Clipped.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/28/2023 Installation Instructions FL9187 R7 II 20-0610.10 Clipped.pdf Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 9187.2 Heavy Duty Clipped Aluminum Tube Large Missile Impact Mullion ':. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9187 R7 C CAC 20-0406.08 HD.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 05/26/2026 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL9187 R7 II 20-0406.08 HD.pdf (NOA) for product performance information, anchorage details, Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 9187.3 Series 238, Clipped Aluminum Tube Large Missile Impact Mullions Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Please see Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance (NOA) for product performance information, anchorage details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Certification Agency Certificate FL9187 R7 C CAC 20-0610.08 238 Clipped.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/26/2022 Installation Instructions FL9187 R7 II 20-0610.08 238 Clipped.pdf Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 9187.4 Series 450, Clipped Aluminum Tube Large Missile Impact Mullions Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Please see Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance (NOA) for product performance information, anchorage details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Certification Agency Certificate FL9187 R7 C CAC 20-0610.09 450 Clipped.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/05/2026 Installation Instructions FL9187 R7 II 20-0610.09 450 Clipped.pdf Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 9187.5 Series Sentinel, Un-Clipped Large Missile Impact Aluminum Tube Mullions Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Please see Miami -Dade County Notice of Acceptance (NOA) for product performance information, anchorage details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Certification Agency Certificate FL9187 R7 C CAC 20-0610.11 Sentinel Unclipped.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/22/2025 Installation Instructions FL9187 R7 II 20-0610.11 Sentinel Unclipped.pdf Verified By: Miami -Dade BCCO - CER Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an WEED employer. Cop . ht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: a RR M Credit securit.-N��rr it.res° SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Sec�tthhalor meet the requirements of the applicable building code. T s approved a described herein, an �eendeigned to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series Clipped Mullion — L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. MD-MULCLIP, titled Ylipped Mullion", sheets 1 through 7 o ted 05/22/ prepared by manufacturer, signed and seale y Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E., bearing th '-Da e Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade Co u ty Product Control e tion. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo city, state, m in stat - de Coun Product Control less otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA# 18-0129.08 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Sifang Zhao, P.E. NOA No. 20-0610.10 09/24/2020 Expiration Date: March 28, 2023 A roval Date: September 24, 2020 Page 1 CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No. 95-0929.39) 2. Drawing No. M95-13A, titled Series Clipped, Extruded Aluminum Tube Mullion — L.M.I.", sheets 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1 and 5 of 5, dated 11/25/95, with revision H dated 0l/16/18, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed, sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 201-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Small Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of casement windows mulled using a 1"x 2"x 1/8" aluminum tube mullion, prepared by Hurricane Testing Lab, Inc., Test Report No. HTL-0080-0105-08, dated 03/26/08 for Specimens No. 1 and 2, signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0331.07) 2. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test, Loading per SFBC, PA 201-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum fixed window, prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc. Test Report No. HTL-0080-0303-96, dated 03/06/96, signed and sealed by Timothy S. Marshall, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 95-0929.39) 3. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per SFBC, PA 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of fixed windows mulled using a 1"x 2"x 1/8" aluminum tube mullion, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI-96-525, dated 02/12/96, signed and sealed by Hector M. Medina, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 95-0929.39) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 51h Edition (2014), dated 04/13/15 and 07/25/15, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None E-1 L Sifang Zhao, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 20-0610.10 Expiration Date: March 28, 2023 Approval Date: September 24, 2020 CGI Windows and Doors, Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC 5th Edition (2014), with FBC 6th Edition (2017), and of no financial interest, dated October 4, 2017, issued by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. G. OTHERS 1. NOA No. 15-0420.08, issued to CGI Windows & Doors for their Series "Clipped" Aluminum Tube Mullion — L.M.I., approved on 08/13/15 and expiring on 03/28/18. 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. MD-MULCLIP, titled "Clipped Mullion", sheets 1 through 7 of 7, dated 05/22/2020, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-6th Edition (2017) and FBC-7th (2020) dated 06/05/2020, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC 6th Edition (2017) and with FBC 7" Edition (2020), and of no financial interest, dated 05/22/2020, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E. 2. Statement letter of successor engineer per 61 G 15-27.001 Florida Administrative Code. G. OTHERS 1. NOA No. 18-0129.08, issued to CGI Windows & Doors for their Series "Clipped" Aluminum Tube Mullion — L.M.I., approved on 03/19/18 and expiring on 03/28/23. L� Sifang Zhao, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 20-0610.08 Expiration Date: March 28, 2023 Approval Date: September 24, 2020 E - 2 m V m dlolflW aW . 1 d0 6 f S1N o dlolnW O N Q pLL o N S ry >10y 1,451 NOIllf1W03ddil0 m c� �2, a y« o LL OZ/ZZ/S0 S310N 'SN0110f1M1SNl 'SNoismuxs LU Y ,0 : O 0699i6S (SDE) - �'' `'' tO < �: �- 9676Z# NOI1tlN1SlE)3b - - v d z w °i•o m• O N MCC ld 'HV3lVIH - Z f c c o m L A 133als KIM M 09L£ V e o m < N 'ONI 'SMOONIM ONV SLI000 MO p c 009L-0Bb (LC6) ''•. v C�� < A my : Ji j SLZK Id'3OIN3A'N U90N01t183tldM1 pt 3 p i T m <a 3AIil0 AOOIONHO310LOt SJOOQ Q SMOPUI�IJ� S mm z u1 m f ,ems ey NR-nIVd NNA'I'V AS OMJVdMld lUe{Sisaa lsedwi m c 8 Z OO OI�ilw �p� myZy d I�ZO O�Wi.Oi li m� E N yWO i �Z �mE oo °z o N IL 5 Z wP.32c zrao " � < O"U z -m �3is NO QwMpO �B8 9m rW r�m� m ivmi d N w<0. 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