HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Product Approval FL16758-R18OF Professional r, r r „ 130S Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts ! Publications I Contact Us I SCIS Site Map I Links I Search FI Rda Product Approval �{ USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or App.liption Search > Application List > Application Detall FL,y FL16758-R18 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Johns Manville Address/Phone/Email P.O. Box 5108 Denver, CO 80217 (303)978-4879 Rick. Martelon@JM.com Authorized Signature Martelon Rick Rick. Martelon@JM.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Single Ply Roof Systems Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/21/2023 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL16758 R16_ COI IMC13003.18 2020 FBC Eval JM TPO final.pdf Standard Year ASTM D 1289 2015 ASTM D 4434 2012 ASTM D 6878 2013 ASTM E 64 2016 FM 4470 2016 FM 4474 2011 TAS 110 2000 TAS 114 (C) 1995 TAS 114 (D & J) 2011 TAS 117(A) & (6) 1995 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Date Revised Summary of Products Method 1 Option D 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/26/2020 02/09/2021 02/14/2021 FL # I Model, Dumber or Name Description 16758.1 i3ohns Manville PVC Single -Ply Single-piy roof systems over concrete, lightweight concrete, I Roofing Systems cementitious wood fiber, gypsum, steel, and wood decks Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +0/-390 Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. 16758.2 Johns Manville TPO Single -Ply Roofing Systems Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +0/-502.5 Other: See evaluation report for limits of use Installation Instructions FL16758 RIB It JMC13003.18 2020 FBC Eval 3M PVC final.Ddf Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL16758 R18 AE JMC13003.18 2020 FBC _Eval JI"L_LP1 C fin p� Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Single -ply roof systems over concrete, lightweight concrete, cementitious wood fiber, gypsum, steel, and wood decks Installation Instructions FLIG758 R18 11 JMC13003.182 20 FBC Eval JM TPO final.Rgf Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL16758 R18 AE )MC13003.18 2020 FBC Eval JM TPO fins I. Rat Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blalr Stone Road- Tallahassee Fl. 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. CQpydght 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statemen Under Florida law, emall addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. "Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. most provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Moll® Ei Credit Card Safe CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC EVALUATION REPORT Manufacturer: JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION P.O. Box 5108 Denver, CO 80217 (303)978-2478 www.im.com Manufacturing Plants: Scottsboro, AL Quality Assurance: SCOPE UL LLC (QUA9625) Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 7r" EDITION (2020) Issued December 20, 2020 Category: Roofing Subcategory: Single Ply Roof System Code Edition; Florida Building Code, 7t" Edition (2020) including High -Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) Code Sections: 1504.3.1, 1504.6, 1504.7, 1507,13, 1515.1.1 , 1515.1.4, 1515.2.4, 1523.1.1, 1523.6.2, 1523. Properties: Wind Resistance, Physical Properties, Impact Resistance PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Products Specification Descri tion JM TPO-45 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 45-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement JM TPO-60 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 60-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement JM TPO-80 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 80-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement JM TPO FB 115 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 60-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement and polyester fleece backing JM TPO FB 135 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 80-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement and polyester fleece backing JM TPO FB 150 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 60-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement and heavy polyester fleece backing JM TPO FB 175 ASTM D 6878 Nominal 80-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement and heavy polyester fleece backing JM TPO SA-60 mil ASTM D 6878 Nominal 60-mil thick thermoplastic polyolefin, heat -weldable, TAS 110 single -ply roof membrane with polyester scrim reinforcement and a self-adhesive backing JMC13003.18 FL1675B-R18 Page 1 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. •upJag passaippe Apeop!oads lou aae legl salnqulle lonpoid ieglo ao 'asn popueu wooei 'uollellulsu! 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Syl 6E0144 ouov (LL941Si) 6uglnsuo0 look{ uaagque0 g olluepy {440Z) ((I)tl1. Syi 8E0-4L 080V (LL941S1) 6upInsuoO;ooa ueeggpe0+go!luelly ( L LOZ) (0)4L L Stll LE0-4 L 080V { LL941Si) 6upinsuoO;oob ueagque0 g o!lue!ltl (L 40Z) (0)44 4 Syl 9£0-4L 3MOV (LL9biS1) 6u!llnsuo0;oo8 ueagque0 g olluepy (L 4oZ) (0)4L L Stll 960-b1. ONOV (LL9biSi) 6ulllnsuo0;oo8 ueagque0 g o!luelly (L L0Z) (0)bL L Stll 4£0-41. 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S30N3N333t1 O-i-I `S301AH3S-IVZ)INH031 su►alsAg 6u!10ob Aid elfiulS Odl NOUVIJOdb00 311IANVN SNHQf N v,*'1 J CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Entity Report No. Standard FM Approvals (TST1867) 3060614 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) 3061218 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) 3061328 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) 3062897 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) 3063554 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR449524 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR450753 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR451795 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR452385 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR452580 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR453724 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454134 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454134 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454135 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454167 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454270 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454361 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454859 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR454859 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR455344 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR455671 FM 4470 (2016) FM Approvals (TST1867) PR456897 FM 4470 (2016) Intertek—York (ATI) (TST1558) J0079.01-109-18 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) Intertek — York (ATI) (TST1558) J0080.01-109-18 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011): UL 1897 (2012) Intertek —York (AT[) (TST1558) J0082.01-109-18 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) Intertek — York (ATE) (TST1558) J0083.01-109-18 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011): UL 1897 (2012) Miami -Dade (EVL1528) 12-0216.01 TAS 114(J) (2011) Miami -Dade (EVL1528) 13-0307.02 TAS 114(J) (2011) Miami -Dade (EVL1528) 13-0617.20 TAS 114(J) (2011) Miami -Dade (EVL1528) 14-0627.08 TAS 114(J) (2011) Momentum Technologies (TST2508) RX10A8A TAS 110 (2000) Momentum Technologies (TST2508) RX10A8B TAS 110 (2000) Momentum Technologies (TST2508) RX14C8A TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-086-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-088-02-01 ASTM D 1876 (2008); TAS 117(6) (1995) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-088-02-01.8 ASTM D 1876 (2008); TAS 117(A&B) (1995); TAS 114 (2011); FM 4474 (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-107-02-01 Rev 4 ASTM D 903 (1998); ASTM D 1876 (2008); ASTM D 5147 (2011 a); TAS 117(A&B) (1995); TAS 114(C) (1995) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-108-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114 (J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-109-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114 (J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-114-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114 (J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-131-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114 (D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-132-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-132-02-02 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-141-02-01 FM 4474 (2011): TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-143-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-162-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-163-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-168-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-193-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-193-02-01A FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-196-02-01 TAS 117(A&e) (1995) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-201-02-01A FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-201-02-01B FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-205-02-01 ASTM D 3746 [(1985(2015)] PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-209-02-01 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-216-02-01 ASTM D 6878 (2013) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-216-02-03 ASTM D 6878 (2013) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-225-02-01 FM 4474 (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-226-02-01 ASTM D 6878 (2013) JMC13003,18 FL16758-R18 Paqe 3 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3, The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK9 JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION FPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Entity Report No. Standard PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-242-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-245-02-02 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(1(2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-246-02-01 FM 4474(B) (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-267-02-02 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-277-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-278-02-01A FM 4474(C) (1995) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-278-02-02 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-278-02-03 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-303-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-306-02-01 FM 4474(B) (2011); TAS 114(1(2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-306-02-02 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 1141(2011): UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-306-02-03 FM 4474(D) (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-311-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(1 (201 1) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-319-02-01.1 TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-319-02-01A TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-319-02-02.1 TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-319-02-02A TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-325-02-01.1 TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-339-02-03 ASTM C 1289 (2015); ASTM E 84 (2016) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-339-02-04 ASTM C 1289 (2015); ASTM E 84 (2016) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-343-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-343-02-01 ASTM D 413 (1998(2017)); TAS 117(B ) (1995); PRE Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-353-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011): TAS 114(J) (2011): UL 1697 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-353-02-02 TAS 114(D) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-354-02-01 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 1141(2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) JMC-360-02-01 FM 4474(D) (2011): TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507TO008 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0019 ASTM D 197010 1970M (2015a) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0019 ASTM D 2178 (2015) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0009 FM 4474(C) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0031 FM 4474(C) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0031AA FM 4474(C) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0O36 FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0036B FM 4474(1 (2011): TAS 114(J) (2011); UL 1897 (2012) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0037C TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0040A TAS 110 (2000) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0040B ASTM D 6878 (2013) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507TOO58 ASTM D 6878 (2013) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0059 FM 44741 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 507T0062 FM 44741(2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Compliance Letter TAS 114 (2011) 02/09/2017 Trinityli (TST6049) J33600.08.13 TAS 110 (2000) Trinityli (TST6049) J45020.05.13-1 TAS 114(C) (1995) Trinityli (TST6049) J45020.09.13-1-R1 TAS 114(C) (1995) Trinityli (TST6049) JM-SC11190.03.16 TAS 114(J) (2011) Trinityli (TST6049) JM-5C11320,03.16 TAS 114(D) (2011) Trinityli (TST6049) JM-SC12145.02.17 FM 4474(C) (2011) TrinityjERD (TST6049) SC4910 FM 4474 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011) TrinitylER❑ (TST6049) SFS-SC10010.02.16- FM 4474(1 (2011); TAS 114(J) (2011): R1 UL 1897 (2012) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Pape 4 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION ETPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2. Foam plastic insulation shall be separated from the building interior in accordance with the FBC 2603.4 and 2603.6, 3. The roof deck and the roof deck attachment information are provided based on testing, FBC requirements for the rational design of the roof deck, including the attachment, are not within the scope of this evaluation. 4. In the HVHZ, fastener spacing for insulation attachment is determined using a Minimum Characteristic Force (F') of 275 IV as demonstrated via testing to TAS 105. If the field tested fastener value is below 275 ibf, then insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. 5. In the HVHZ, fastener spacing for base sheets or membrane attachment shall meet the minimum fastener resistance value and the MDP for the specified assembly. It is permissible for a qualified professional to submit a revised fastener spacing utilizing the withdrawal resistance value obtained from TAS 105 testing and calculations performed in accordance with RAS 117 and/or RAS 137, when the fastener resistance is found less than required. 6. In the HVHZ, if mechanical attachment through the lightweight insulating concrete to the structural deck is proposed, a field fastener withdrawal test shall be conducted in compliance with TAS 105 to determine equivalent or increased attachment densities. Revised fastener densities shall be submitted utilizing the withdrawal resistance value obtained from TAS 105 testing and calculations performed in accordance with RAS 117 and/or RAS 137. 7. HVHZ: For assemblies containing mechanical attachment, the allowable uplift pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the minimum design loads as determined in accordance with the FBC Chapter 16. The attachment density may be increased by a qualified design professional, as necessary, to meet the design pressure requirements in the periphery zones. Calculations shall be conducted in compliance with RAS 117 and/or RAS 137. Non-HVHZ: For assemblies containing mechanical attachment or adhered in ribbon -applied adhesive, the allowable uplift pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the minimum design loads as determined in accordance with the FBC Chapter 16. The attachment density may be increased by a qualified design professional, as necessary, to meet the design pressure requirements in the periphery zones. Calculations shall be conducted in compliance with RAS 117, RAS 137, or Section FM LPDS 1-29 (February 2020). 8. Reroofing applications shall be examined in accordance with FBC Section 1511 outside of the HVHZ and FBC Section 1521 within the HVHZ. For mechanically fastened systems, a field withdrawal resistance test (TAS 105 in the HVHZ; ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or TAS 105 in the non-HVHZ) shall be conducted by a qualified professional to ensure the fastener meets the minimum design load requirements of the system. For adhered systems, a field uplift resistance test (TAS 124 in the HVHZ; ASTM E 907, FM LPDS 1-52, ANSI/SPRI IA-1, or TAS 124 in the non-HVHZ) shall be conducted to confirm conformance of the existing to the minimum design loads. 9. HVHZ: For assemblies containing fully adhered or ribbon adhered attachment, or where extrapolation of the assembly is not permitted, the MDP for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the minimum design loads as determined in accordance with the FBC Chapter 16 without augmentation. Non-HVHZ: For assemblies adhered in ribbon -applied adhesive, the allowable uplift pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the minimum design loads as determined in accordance with the FBC Chapter 16. The attachment density may be increased by a qualified design professional, as necessary, to meet the design pressure requirements in the periphery zones. Calculations shall be conducted in compliance with Section FM LPDS 1-29 (February 2020). 10. Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 11. The minimum roof slope shall be 1/4:12 for new construction. 12. All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. JMC13003,18 FL16758-R18 Page 5 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. C REE�I JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION [� TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 7�h Edition (2020) including High -Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. q %C�E�N S'-. No 74021 �-o: '-13'. STATE OF i\&/0 N A' EN���• CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE 2020.12.2 0 10:2 2:5 2 -05'00' Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. APPENDICES 1) APPENDIX A— Installation (5 pages) 2) APPENDIX B — Nomenclature (4 pages) 3) APPENDIX C —Approved Assemblies for JM TPO Single -Ply Membranes (55 pages) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Paae 6 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein, CREEK JOHNS MANVILLF CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX A -INSTALLATION INSTALLATION !Vote - Refer to the APPROVED AssEmByES section of this report for specific installation details of a selected assembly. Unless otherwise specified in this report the following installation details shall be met for the named products: Component Product Installation Detail #14 fasteners; Min, 314-inch penetration through the top rib JM All Purpose Fastener of the steel deck or wood deck; Min. 1-inch penetration into concrete deck JM APB Plates 2-inch diameter; Galvalume steel plate with reinforcing ribs and barbs JM Extra High Load Fastener #21 fastener; Min. 3/4-inch penetration through the top rib of the steel deck; JM Extra High Load Plates 3-inch diameter; Galvalume steel plate with eyehooks JM High Load Plates 2 318-inch diameter; Galvalume steel plate with eyehooks JM High Load Plus Plates 2 314-inch diameter; Galvalume steel plate with barbs JM High Load Fastener #15 fastener; Min. 314-inch penetration through the top rib of the steel deck or wood deck; #15 fastener with oversized head: Min. 314-inch JM High Load LH Fastener penetration through the top rib of the steel deck or wood deck; JM Ultral Fastener #12 fastener; Min. 3/4-inch penetration through the top rib of the steel deck or wood deck 3-inch diameter round; Galvalume steel plate; Only for use with the following products: ENRGY 3, ENRGY 3 AGF, JM UltraFast Metal Plate (Round) ENRGY 3 CGF, ENRGY 3 FIR, ENRGY 3 C1, ENRGY 3 C1 CGF, RetroPlus, Retro-Fit, SeparatoR, SeparatoR CGF, SeparatoR CGF Fill DuraBoard, DuraFoam, Fesco, and Fesco Foam JM Ultra Fast Metal Plate (Square) 3-inch square; Galvalume steel plate Min. 1.8-inch galvanized steel tube and coated -steel Fasteners, Battens JM UltraLok Fastener locking staple pre -assembled with 2.7-inch diameter & Plates Galvalume steel plate JM Polymer Membrane Batten Membrane anchors and plastic strips JM Purlin Fastener Min. 314-inch penetration through purlin Min. 3-inch diameter for TPO membranes; Induction JM TPO RhinoPlate welded in the field of membrane; welds not permitted at lap seams; For use only with min_ 60 mil thick bareback membrane Base sheet fastener with 1.75-inch galvanized steel shank OMG CR Base Sheet Fastener coated with CR-10 and integrated 2.75-inch diameter Galvalume plate. SFS Intec Dekfast DF-#12-PH3 Fastener #12 fasteners; Min. 314-inch penetration through the top rib of the steel deck or wood deck; #15 fasteners; Min. 314-inch penetration through the top rib SFS Intec Dekfast DF-#14-PH3 Fastener of the steel deck or wood deck; Min. 14nch penetration into concrete deck #15 fasteners; Min. 314-inch penetration through the top rib SFS Intec Dekfast DF- #15-PH3 Fastener of the steel deck or wood deck; Min. 14nch penetration into concrete deck Min. 3-inch diameter for TPO membranes; Induction SFS Intec FI-P-6.8-TPO welded in the field of membrane; welds not permitted at lap seams; For use only with min. 60 mil thick bareback membrane Trufast Deep Well Batten Bar Galvalume steel membrane batten with recessed holes Trufast Straight Line Batten Bar Galvalume steel membrane batten for use with Twin -Lac Nail without integrated plate Trufast Twin Loc-Nail Min. 1.4-inch shank; Base sheet fastener with and without integrated 2.74nch diameter plate. JMC13003.18 FL16758-Ri8 Page 1 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX A - INSTALLATION Component Product Installation Detail JM MBR Bonding Adhesive Fully adhered at a rate of 1.5-2.0 gaY100 ft JM One -Step Foamable Adhesive Ribbon adhered in 314 to 1-inch wide beads ICP Adhesives CR-20 OMG OlyBond 500 JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Insulation Adhesives Adhesive Canister or JM Two -Part UTA Canister Ribbon adhered in 314 to 1-inch wide beads JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive or JM Two -Part UTA JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive JM Urethane Insulation Adhesive Ribbon adhered in 1124nch wide beads ASTM D 312, Type IV asphalt Fully adhered within the EVT range at a rate of 25-40 Ibs1100 ft Min. 0.5-inch, min. 1.8 pcf (HVHZ) or min. 1.5 pcf (non- EPS HVHZ) expanded polystyrene; Adhered boards shall be a maximum 4-ft x 4-ft Georgia-Pacific DensDeck Min, 1/4-inch thick Georgia-Pacific DensDeckStorm X Min. 5I8-inch thick JM ENRGY 3 JM ENRGY 3 C1 JM ENRGY 3 AGF Min. 112-inch thick; Min. 20 psi; Adhered boards shall be a JM ENRGY 3 CGF maximum 4 ft x 4 ft JM ENRGY 3 C1 CGF JM ENRGY 3 FIR JM Fesco Board Min. 314-inch thick; Min. 20 psi JM Fesco Foam Min, 1.5-inch thick; Min. 20 psi; Adhered boards shall be a maximum 4 ft x 4 ft JM Invinsa Roof Board 1/4-inch thick; Adhered boards shall be a maximum 4ftx4ft JM Invinsa Foam Roof Board JM Invinsa FR Roof Board Insulation/Cover Boards JM ProtectoR Foam Min.. 2-inch thick; Min. 80psi top layer; Min. 20psi bottom layer; Adhered boards shall be a maximum 4 ft x 4 ft JM ProtectoR HD 1/2-inch thick; Min. 80 psi; Adhered boards shall be a JM ProtectoR HD FIR maximum 4 ft x. 4 ft JM Retro-Fit Board 112-inch thick; Adhered boards shall be a maximum JM RetroPlus Roof Board 4ftx4ft JM SECUROCK Glass -Mat Roof Board JM SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Min. 114-inch thick Board JM SeparatoR 112-inch thick; Min. 25 psi; Adhered boards shall be a maximum 4 ft x 4 ft JM SeparatoR CGF JM SeparatoR FIR National Gypsum DEXcell Cement Roof Min. 7116-inch thick; Adhered boards shall be a maximum Board 4ftx4ft National Gypsum DEXcell Glass Mat Roof Board Min. 1/4-inch thick National Gypsum DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board Fully adhered within the EVT range at a rate of 25-40 ASTM D 312, Type IV asphalt Ibs1100 ft; For use only with JM TPO FB 150 and 175 membranes only TPO Membrane Adhesives JM All Season Sprayable Bonding Adhesive Applied at a rate of 1,000ftz /canister; Applied simultaneously to underside of membrane and substrate; For use with JM TPO smooth backed membranes only JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive Ribbon adhered in 314 to 1-inch wide beads; For use only with JM TPO Fleece Backed membranes only JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Pace 2 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3, The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX A - INSTALLATION Component Product Installation Detail Fully adhered at rate of 50-90 ft lgal(1.1-2.0 ga11100 ); JM Membrane Bonding Adhesive (TPO & Applied simultaneously to underside of membrane and EPDM) substrate; For use with JM TPO smooth backed membranes only Fully adhered at rate of 50-90 ft`Igal(1.1-2.0 ga11100fe); JM LVOC Membrane Adhesive (TPO & Applied simultaneously to underside of membrane and EPDM) substrate; For use with JM TPO smooth backed membranes only Fully adhered at rate of 50-90 ftzlgal(1.1-2.0 gal/100ft2); TPO Membrane JM TPO 1168 Membrane Adhesive Applied simultaneously to underside of membrane and Adhesives (Cont'd) substrate; For use with JM TPO smooth backed membranes only Bareback TPO shall be fully adhered in two-sided application at a combined rate of 0.6-0.8 ga11100ft2or one- JM TPO Water Based Membrane sided application applied to the substrate at a rate of 0.4- Adhesive 0.5 ga11100ft2; Fleeceback FPO shall be fully adhered in one-sided application applied to the substrate at a rate of 0.6-0.8 gaV100ft2 Applied in spatter pattern at a rate of 0.32 ga11100W or 112- JM Two Part Urethane Insulation inch wide beads; For use only with JM TPO Fleece Backed Adhesive Canister membranes only JM SA Primer Low VOC Applied at rate or 6.5 ga11100ft2 SA Primer Applied 0.75-1.25 gaV100ft' on porous surfaces and 0.25- JM SA Primer 0.75 gal/1 OW on nonporous surfaces JM DynaBase HW Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Torch adhered to primed concrete deck JM DynaBase Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Applied with hot or cold approved adhesives Vapor Barriers JM DynaGrip Base SD/SA Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Self - adhered JM Vapor Barrier SA Self -adhered to primed wood, gypsum or concrete decks; Min. 3-inch sides laps; Min. 6-inch end laps JM Vapor Barrier SAR Self -adhered to primed wood, gypsum or concrete decks; Min. 3-inch sides laps; Min. 6-inch end laps JM DynaBase Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Applied with hot or cold approved adhesives JM DynaBase HW Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Torch Base Sheets adhered Min. 3-inch wide side -laps; Min. 6-inch end laps; Side -laps JM DynaFast 180 S shall be installed perpendicular to the direction of the steel deck ribs and parallel to the direction of the wood trusses for mechanically attached systems JM TPO-45 JM TPO-80 Min. 2-inch wide side4aps with min. 1.5-inch wide heat JM TPO-80 weld for adhered systems; In -lap fastened systems shall JM TPO FB 115 TPO Single -Ply have min. 6-inch wide side -laps with min. 1.5-inch wide JM TPO FB 135 Membranes heat weld; Side -laps shall be installed perpendicular to the direction of the steel deck ribs and parallel to the direction JM TPO FB 150 of the wood trusses for mechanically attached systems JM TPO FB 175 JM TPO SA-60 mil Slurry coat min. 118-inch thick; 1-inch thick EPS board (1 Celcore MF with HS Rheology Admixture Ibslfl ); Min. 2-inch thick top coat; Celcore PVA curing compound applied at rate of 300 ftzlgal. Cellular Lightweight Concrete Mearlcrete Elastizell Slurry coat min. 1/8-inch thick; 1" thick EPS board (1 Ibslft); Min. 2-inch thick lop coat; Concrecel Cellular Lightweight Concrete JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 3 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX A - INSTALLATION Insulation/Cover Board Fastening Patterns 36" : ---►I 12" 7 : L 6„ + + + 0 t 6 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #2 _ (Max, 5,33-ftcontributory area per fastener) 6 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #1 (Max. 5.33-ft contributory area per fastener) 3 Spaces @ 24" ; —*112" 4— — ► 12"j f- 6„ + + + + t 14 36"-11-1 8 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #2 8 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern 91 (Max. 4.0-ft2 contributory area per fastener) Max. 4.0-ft2 contributory area per fastener 6" + + + + + + s" s" +�+ t + + I I t t + + +-+-+-+-+-+ + + + I + + + + + + + + + 611 —►1 12" 1*-- T 16 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Max. 2.0-0contributory area per fastener) 18 per 4-ft x 6-ft board Max. 1.78-ft2 contributory area per fastener I 7 Spaces @ 12" r� 6' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 18"= 3 Spaces + + + + + + + + — + + + + + + + + @12" + + + + + + + + 24" 24 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Max. 1.33-ft2 contributory area per fastener) 32 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Max. 11.0-W contributory area per fastener) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Paae 4 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL_ SERVICES, LL_C JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX A - INSTALLATION Alternate Fastener Patterns for Induction Weld Assemblies Only Description Fastening Array Repeated Using the Geometric Grid Shown Below - — as • — -- 1. 5-ft x 2-ft — ------ staggered grid Direction of steel deck flutes 9' I 0 (D L' 2-ft x 2-ft Direction of steel deck flutes o� t � staggered grid : 0 0 t� z4 • Q 0 x Direction or steel deck flutes O Q iz• I staggered grid 0 0 0 0 0 0 JMC13003.18 F1-16758-R18 Page 5 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC NOMENCLATURE JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX B - NOMENCLATURE The following naming conventions are utilized to specify products in the APPROVED AsseMBUES section of this report. Refer to the nomenclature below when deciphering the allowable products for use in the selected assembly. Installation requirements shall be as noted in the APPROVED ASSEMBLIES section of this report. Name Definition 1168 JM 1168 Membrane Adhesive JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive, JM Two -Part UTA, JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive Canister, or JM Two -Part 2 Part U!A UTA Canister 2-Part U!A-C(B) JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive Canister or JM Two -Part UTA Canister applied in 1/2-inch wide beads JM Two Part Urethane Insulation Adhesive Canister or JM Two -Part UTA Canister applied in spatter application at a rate of 3.5-3.9 2 Part UTA-C(S) Ibs/100ft2 All Purpose Fastener or Structural Concrete Deck Fastener (concrete only) and Ultra Fast Metal Plate (Round) or UltraFast Metal Plate AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) All Purpose Fastener or Structural Concrete Deck Fastener (concrete only) and UltraFast Metal Plate (Square) APB Fasteners & Plates JM APB Plates and JM High Load Fasteners (Wood Deck or Steel Deck) or JM All Purpose Fasteners (Concrete Deck) As Tested Information provided to the report user based on the as tested condition of the roof system ASBA JM All Season Sprayable Bonding Adhesive One layer of any of the following products: -Georgia-Pacific DensDeck -Georgia-Pacific DensDeck Prime -JM Invinsa Roof Board -JM Invinsa FR Roof Board Cover Board -JM ProtectorR HD -JM ProtectorR HD FR -JM SECUROCK Glass -Mat Roof Board -JM SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board -National Gypsum DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board -National Gypsum DEXcell Glass Mat Roof Board -National Gypsum DEXcell Cement Roof Board All decks shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements. As Tested deck construction details are described as follows: Deck Detail Concrete Deck Min. F. = 2,500 psi at 28 days CWF Deck Min. 2.5-inch thick Tectum I cementitious wood fiber panels JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 1 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, I_LC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX B -- NOMENCLATURE Name Definition Deck Detail (Contd) Steel Deck Min. 22 ga, Wide Rib Deck (Type W R) conforming to ANSIISDI-RD1.0 & FBC; 0.5% Vented for LMC applications only. The following nomenclature is used to further describe the As Tested condition. F<#> <#> of #12-24 HW H self -drilling screws or equivalent fasteners at each flute used to secure the deck to the structural supports; Min. 1/4-inch penetration G<#> Min. Grade <#> of Steel Deck H<#> <#> of Hilti X-HSN 24 fastener or equivalent fasteners at each flute used to secure the deck to the structural supports; Min. 114-inch penetration L<#> Max. span of <#> ft P Min, 5/8-inch diameter puddle welds at each (lute used to secure the deck to the structural supports S<#> 114 "-14 HWH x718" self -drilling screws or equivalent fastener secured <#>-inch o.c. along the panel side laps SD<#> <#> of SFS Intec SD5-#12-HW5116 Fasteners at each flute used to secure the deck to the structural supports; Min. 1/4-inch penetration SDL<#> SOL-#14-HW5116 secured <#>-inch o.c. along the panel side laps HS<#> Hilti SOSLC 01M fastener or equivalent fastener secured <#>-inch o.c, along the panel side laps W 314-inch O.D. Bat washer used with indicated fastener Wood Deck HVHZ: APA Span -Rated sheathing. The following nomenclature is used to further describe the As Tested condition_ T<#>P Min. 4-inch thickness of the plywood T<#>O Min. 4-inch thickness of the OSB L<#> Max. span of <#> inches N<#> Min. 0.113-inch diameter x 2-318-inch ring shank nails spaced <#>-inch o.c. at all intermediate supports and at the perimeter of each board 16S<#> Min. 16 ga, staples, 1.5-inch x 1-inch crown spaced <#>-inch o.c. at all intermediate supports and at the perimeter of each board DensDeck Min. 1/4-inch Georgia-Pacific DensDeck DensDeck Prime Min. 114-inch Georgia-Pacific DensDeck Prime DEXcell CB Min. 1/4-inch National Gypsum DEXcell Cement Roof Board DEXcell FA Min. 114-inch National Gypsum DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board E3 JM ENRGY 3, JM ENRGY 3 AGF, JM ENRGY 3 CGF or JM ENRGY 3 FR E3 Cf JM ENRGY 3 C1 or JM ENRGY 3 C1 CGF Extra HL Fasteners & Plates JM Extra High Load Fasteners (Wood Deck or Steel Deck) or JM All Purpose Fasteners (Concrete Deck) and JM Extra High Load Plates HL Fasteners & Plates JM High Load Fasteners (Wood Deck or Steel Deck) or JM All Purpose Fasteners (Concrete Deck) and JM High Load Plates JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 2 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LL.0 JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX B - NOMENCLATURE N�arne Definition One of more layers in any combination of the following products: -ENRGY 3 -ENRGY 3 AGF -ENRGY 3 CGF -ENRGY 3 FR -Fesco Board -Fesco Foam -Invinsa Roof Board INSULATION -Invinsa FR Roof Board -ProtectoR Foam -ProtectoR HD -ProtectoR HD FR -Retro-Fit Board -RetroPlus Roof Board -SECUROCK Glass -Mat Roof Board -SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board -EPS (flute fill only) INVINSA JM Invinsa or JM Invinsa FR Roof Board ISOWELD 415 isoweld FI-P-6.8-TPO plates and DEKFAST DF415-PH3 Fasteners 1SOWELD412 isoweld FI-P-6.8-TPO plates and DEKFAST DF- #12-PH3 Fasteners JM TPO One ply of any one of the following products: JM TPO-45, JM TPO-60, or JM TPO-80 One ply of any one of the following products: JM 7P0 FB JM TPO FB 115 or JM TPO FB 135 JM TPO HFB One ply of any one of the following products: JM TPO FB 150 or JM TPO FB 175 One ply of any one of the following products: JM TPO SA JM TPO SA-60 mil LVOC MA JM LVOC Membrane Adhesive (TPO & EPDM) LWIC Poured -in -place Cellular Lightweight Concrete with encapsulated insulation board MBA JM Membrane Bonding Adhesive (TPO & EPDM) MCRF Minimum Characteristic Resistance Force as determined by TAS 105 for the named fastener in the selected assembly MDP Maximum Design Pressure OSFA JM One -Step Foam able Adhesive Preliminarily Secured Fastened at minimum rate of 5 per 4 ft x 8 ft board or 4 per 4 ft x 4 ft board. ProtectoR JM ProtectoR HD or JM ProtectoR HD FR Roof Board Where assemblies are used to recover an existing roof, the existing roof shall consist of only one layer of roofing, i.e. recovering a previously recovered roof is not permitted. Recover roofing shall be conducted in compliance with FBC Section 1511 outside of the Recover HVHZ and FBC Section 1521 within the HVHZ. For mechanically fastened roof assemblies and induction welded assemblies, i.e. systems x-M-# and x-W- #, the insulation layer is optional, or any INSULATION board or slip sheet may be used as separation layer prior to installing the approved roof assembly. Retro-Fit j JM Retro-Fit Board RetroPlus I JM RetroPlus Roof Board JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 3 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX B - NOMENCLATURE Name Definition RSUA JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive SECUROCK Min, 1/4-inch JM SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Any one of the following products: TPO Bonding Adhesives -JM Membrane Bonding Adhesive (TPO & EPDM) -JM LVOC Membrane Adhesive (TPO & EPDM) -JM TPO Water Based Membrane Adhesive TPO WBMA JM TPO Water Based Membrane Adhesive UlA JM Urethane Insulation Adhesive JM UltraFast Fasteners (Steel Deck and Wood Deck) or JM All Purpose Fasteners (Concrete Deck) and JM UltraFast Metal Plates UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Round or Square) JM UltraFast Fasteners (Steel Deck and Wood Deck) or JM All Purpose Fasteners (Concrete Deck) and JM UltraFast Metal Plates UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) (Square) UltraFast Plates JM UltraFast Metal Plates (Round or Square) One of the following vapor barriers installed over the deck: -4mil or Emil Polyethylene, loose laid -JM Vapor Barrier SA or JM Vapor Barrier SAR, self -adhered to minimum 0.5-inch thick SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board or DEXcell Cement Roof Board. The thermal barrier may be primed with JM SA Primer Low VOC, Vapor Barrier or SA Primer -DynaGrip Base SD1SA, self -adhered to minimum 0.5-inch thick SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or DEXcell FA Glass Mal Roof Board -DynaBase HW, torch applied to minimum 0.5-inch thick DEXcell FA Glass Mat Roof Board One ply of DynaBase HW torch adhered to concrete deck up to a maximum MDP as shown below. The MDP of the roof assembly shall be limited to the lesser of rating of the Approved Assembly and the MDP below. VB DynaBase HW 1. Board layers adhered in OSFA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-172.5psf 2. Board layers adhered in 2-Part U!A applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-135psf 3. Board layers adhered in RSUA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-195psf One ply of DynaGrip Base SD1SA self -adhered to concrete deck primed with ASTM D 41 primer up to a maximum MDP as shown below. The MDP of the roof assembly shall be limited to the lesser of rating of the Approved Assembly and the MDP below. VB DynaGrip Base SD/SA 1. Board layers adhered in OSFA applied at 12" o.C.; MDP = -90psf 2. Board layers adhered in 2-Part UlA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-97.5psf 3. Board layers adhered in RSUA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-82.5psf One ply of DynaGrip Base SD/SA self -adhered to concrete deck primed with ASTM D 41 primer up to a maximum MDP as shown below. The MDP of the roof assembly shall be limited to the lesser of rating of the Approved Assembly and the MDP below. VB Dyna Weld Base 1. Board layers adhered in OSFA applied at 12' o.c.; MDP =-150psf 2. Board layers adhered in 2-Part UlA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-120psf 3. Board layers adhered in RSUA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-195psf One ply of JM Vapor Barrier SAR applied to deck primed with JM SA Primer Low VOC up to a maximum MDP as shown below, The MDP of the roof assembly shall be limited to the lesser of rating of the Approved Assembly and the MDP below. VB SAR 1. Board layers adhered to Vapor Barrier SAR in OSFA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-135psf 2. Board layers adhered to Vapor Barrier SAR in 2-Part UlA applied at 12" o.c.; MDP =-82.5psf 3. Not for use with RSUA JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 4 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION . jw� TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JIM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES The following notes shall be observed when using the assembly tables below. 1. Allowable pressures were calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. 2. Refer to LIMITATIONS and Nomr=NCLATURE sections of this evaluation when using the table(s) below. 3. Refer to INSTALLATION section of this report for installation detail when the information is not explicitly stated for the selected assembly. 4. The on -center (o.c.) spacing given is the maximum allowable attachment spacing for the rated system. 5. JM Vapor Barrier SA or JM Vapor Barrier SAR may be installed direct to deck prior to installing the roof assembly components for the following assembly types: C-M-#, C-W-#, LC-M-#, LC-W-#, LS-M-#, LS-W-#, S-M-#, S-W-#, W-M-#, and W-W-# 6. As Tested information for roof deck construction is provided for information only. The addition of the As Tested deck information does not obviate the requirement for rational design of the roof deck and roof deck attachment in accordance with FBC requirements. 7. G33 may be substituted for G40 when the system is used with an existing steel deck. Assembly System Numbers and Definitions C-A-# Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing) C-AM-# Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover C-M-# Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Concrete Deck C-W-# Induction Welded Assemblies over Concrete Deck CW-A-# Adhered Assemblies over Cementitious Wood Fiber Decks New or Existin G-A-# Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck New or Existing) G-AM-# Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Gypsum Deck New or Existing) LC -A-# Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing) LC -AM-# Lightweight Concrete Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Concrete Deck New or Existing) LC-M-# Mechanically Fastened Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover LC-W-# Induction Welded Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover LS-A-# Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck New or Existing) LS-AM-# Li htwei ht Concrete Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Steel Deck New or Existing) LS-M-# Mechanically Fastened Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck New, Existing, or Recover LS-W-# Induction Welded Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck New, Existing. or Recover R-A-# Adhered Recover Assemblies R-M-# Mechanically Fastened Recover Assemblies R-W-# Induction Welded Recover Assemblies S-AM-# Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck New, Existing, or Recover S-M-# Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Steel Deck New, Existing or Recover S-W-# Induction Welded Assemblies over Steel Deck W-M-# Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Wood Deck New or Existing) W-W # Induction Welded Assemblies over Wood Deck New or Existing) JMC130G3.18 FL16758-R18 Page 1 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System Vapor Barrier Base Insulation Top Insulation or Base Ply Membrane Membrane Attachment MDp (psf) No. OPTIONAL JM Vapor Barrier SA OPTIONAL applied over deck primed Min. 1.5-inch E3 in RSUA or SECUROCK or -67.5 C-A-1 with JM SA Primer Low 2-Part UTA applied JM Invinsa in RSUA JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. or 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 9) VOC, 12-inch o.c. or 2-Part UTA applied VB DynaBase HW VB 12-inch o.c. DynaGrip Base SD/SA, or VB DynaWeld Base OPTIONAL JM Vapor Barrier SA OPTIONAL applied over deck primed JM SA Primer Law Min. 1.5-inch E3 in RSUA or SECUROCK, JM Invinsa or -67.5 C-A-2 with VOC, 2-Part UTA applied ProtectoR HD in JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) VB DynaBase HW, V8 12-inch o.c, RSUA or 2-Part UTA Dyna Grip Base SD/SA, applied 12-inch o.c. or VS D naWeld Base OPTIONAL OPTIONAL VB SAR, Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 in JM Invinsa or z MBA applied at 0.83 galls DOft to both membrane -105 C-A-3 VB DynaBase HW or OSFA or 2-Part UTA applied ProtectoR HD in JM TPO and substrate, TPO WBMA, ASBA (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. 2-Part UTA applied VB DynaWeld Base 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 in JM Invinsa or -105 C-A-4 VB SAR, VB DynaBase HW or OSFA or 2-Part UTA applied ProtectoR HD in 2- JM TPO SA Self -adhered Lim 9 ( ) 12-inch o.c. Part UTA applied VB DynaWeld Base 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL INVINSA in 2-Part UTA, -705 C-A-5 VB SAR' OSFA or RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) VB DynaBase HW, or 12-inch o.c. VB DynaWeld Base OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch E3 or C-A-6 VB SAR, ProtectoR Foam in OSFA, JM TPO SA Self -adhered -105 9) VB DynaBase HW, or RSUA or 2-Part Ul applied (Lim VB D naWeld Base 12-inch o.c, RetroPlus in -105 C-A-7 ASTM D 312, Type IV JM TPO MBA (Lim. 9) asphalt OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-irich E3 or C-A-8 VB SAR, ProtectoR Foam in OSFA, JM TPO FB RSUA applied 4-inch o.c.; or 2-Part UTA-C(S) 9 9) VB DynaBase HW, or RSUA or 2-Part UTA applied (LLimim VS DynaWeld Base 12-inch o.c. JMC13003 18 F1.16758-R18 Page 2 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing System No Vapor Barrier Base Insulation Top Insulation or Base Ply Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 CGF, ENRGY 3 -142.5 C-A-9 FIR or ProtectoR Foam in 2- JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, or MBA (Lim. 9) Part VIA applied 12-inch o.c. - OPTIONAL Min, 1,5-inch ENRGY 3 in Min. 1-inch ENRGY 3 in OSFA, RSUA or -157.5 C-A-iO VB DynaBase NW or OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UlA; 2-Part VIA; applied JM 7P0 ASBA or MBA (Lim. 9 ) VB DynaWeld Base applied 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 or C-A-11 ProtectoR Foam applied in JM TPO TPO WBMA or ASBA -165 2-Part VIA at (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch E3 or -172.5 C-A-12 ProtectoR Foam in 2-Part - JM TPO LVOC MA (Lim. 9) VIA applied 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, SECUROCK in 2-Part -180 C-A-13 ENRGY 3 CGF or ENRGY 3 U!A applied JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, 1168, or MBA (Lim. 9) FIR in 2-Part VIA applied 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL DEXcell CB or Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, DEXcell FA in 2-Part -180 C-A-14 ENRGY 3 CGF or ENRGY 3 UTA applied JM TPO TPO WBMA or ASBA (Lim. 9) FIR in 2-Part VIA applied 12- 12-inch o,c. inch o.c, - OPTIONAL Min. 1-inch ENRGY 3, in ProtectoR in OSFA, RSUA or -187.5 C-A-15 VB DynaBase HW or 05FA, RSUA or 2-Part VIA; 2_part VIA applied art applied JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, or MBA (Lim. 9) VB DynaWeld Base applied 12-inch o.c. inch Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, ENRGY 3 CGF, ENRGY 3 -187 5 C-A-16 FIR, or ProtectoR Foam in 2- JM TPO FB TPO WBMA (Lim. 9) Part VIA applied 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, ENRGY 3 CGF, ENRGY 3 TPO WBMA -195 C-A-17 FIR, or ProtectoR Foam in 2- - JM TPO (Two-sided application only) or ASBA (Lim. 9) Part VIA applied 12-inch o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 3 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing) System Vapor Barrier Base Insulation Tap Insulation or Base Ply Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Min. 0.5-inch E3 C1 or E3 DensDeck Prime in C-A-18 DynaWeld Base over deck primed with ASTM (less ENRGY 3 FIR) 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A-C{S) -195 (Lim. 9) D 41 primer in 2-Part UTA, RSUA, or OSFA applied 12-inch O.C. applied 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, in ProtectoR JM TPO or JM TPO: LVOC MA or MBA -210 C-A-19 OSFA or RSUA applied in OSFA or RSUA JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB: 2-Part UTA-C(S) Min, 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, in ProtectoR -210 C-A-20 OSFA or RSUA applied in OSFA or RSUA JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. applied 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 in DEXcell FA -217.5 C-A-21 OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UTA; in OSFA or RSUA; JM TPO ASBA (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. applied 12-inch O.C. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 in ProtectoR H❑ in OSFA, RSUA or -225 C-A-22 - OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UTA; 2-Part UTA: applied JM TPO ASBA or MBA (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch O.C. 12-inch o.c. Min. 1-inch ENRGY 3 in DensDeck Prime in OSFA, RSUA or -232.5 C-A-23 OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UTA; 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, or 1168 (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. C-A-24 DynaBase HW SECUROCK in RSUA JM TPO SA Self -adhered -247.5 applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) DynaBase HW torch adhered over deck Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 SECUROCK in RSUA -247.5 C-A-25 primed with ASTM D 41 CGF in RSUA applied applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. rimer SECUROCK in -247.5 C-A-26 - 2-Part UK OSFA, or RSUA JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. Min. 0.5-inch E3 C1 or E3 DensDeck Prime in �C7-A-27) Pdeck primed with ASTMyy�Weld Cap over _ (less ENRGY 3 FR) 2-Part UTA. OSFA or JM TPO F8 2-Part U!A-C(S) -247.5 in 2-Part UTA, RSUA_ or RSUAaoolied ❑ 41 primer OSFA applied12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c 1NVINSA in 2-Part UTA, TPO WBMA -255 C-A-28 OSFA, or RSUA applied - JM TPO (Two-sided application only) or ASBA (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. INVINSA in 2-Part UTA, -277 5 C-A-29 OSFA or RSUA applied JM TPO FB TPO WBMA (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 4 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System Vapor Barrier Base Insulation Top Insulation or Base Ply Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 in -277 5 C-A-30 2-Part UTA-C(B) applied JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim 9) 12-inch o.c. JM TPO: TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only), SECUROCK in RSUA JM TPO or LVOC MA, ASBA, or 1168 C-A-31 DynaBase HW applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Lim? ( 9 ) JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Pan UTA-C(S) DynaBase HW torch Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 JM TPO: TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only), C-A-32 adhered over deck CGF in RSUA applied SECUROCK in RSUA JM TPO or LVOC MA, ASBA, or 1168 -292.5 primed with ASTM D 41 12-inch o.c. applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) rimer JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) Min. 1.5-inch E3 or C-A-33 ProtectoR Foam in JM TPO MBA -322.5 9) 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 12-inch o.c. DEXceII CB C-A-34 - in 2-Part UTA or OlyBond JM TPO FB TPO WBMA [LLim.im. 9 9) 500 applied 12-inch o.c. -OPTIONAL Min. 1-inch E3 C1 or E3 DensDeck Prime in C-A-35 DynaGrip SDISA over (less ENRGY 3 FIR) 2-Part UTA, OSFA or JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -337.5 9) deck primed with ASTM in 2-Part UTA, RSUA, or RSUA applied (Lim. D 41 primer OSFA a Iied12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK in -345 C-A-36 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA JM TPO FB TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK in -360 C-A-37 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA JM TPO LVOC MA (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. DEXceII CB or DEXceII FA LVOC MA, -390 C-A-38 in 2-Part UTA or OlyBond JM TPO TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only), (Lim. 9) 500 applied 12-inch o.c. MBA, or 1168 DEXceII FA only) DEXceII FA in 2-Part UTA or -390 C-A-39 - OlyBond 500 applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. DEXceII FA in 2-Part UTA or -390 C-A-40 - OlyBond 500 applied JM TPO ASBA (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. DEXceII FA 390 C-A-41 in 2-Part UTA or OlyBond JM TPO FB TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 9) 500 applied 12-inch o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 5 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System Vapor Barrier Base Insulation Top Insulation or Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Base Ply (psf) DEXcell FA -390 C-A-42 in 2-Part UTA or OlyBond JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 9) 500 applied 12-inch o.c. C-A-43 JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -457.5 (Lim. 9) SECUROCK in -465 C-A-44 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA JM TPO TPO WBMA (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. C-A-45 INVINSA in 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA - JM TPO MBA applied 0.83 ga11100ft2 (Lim. 69) applied 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK in -465 C-A-46 2-Part UTA, OSFA or RSUA - JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK in C-A-47 2-Part UTA, OSFA, or RSUA - JM TPO MBA applied 0.83 ga11100ftz (Lim. 9) applied 12-inch o.c. C-A-48 - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. -$02'$ Lim. 9 Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation of TopInsulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners &Plates JM TPO: MBA applied at z 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft or A58A -45 C-AM-1 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.375-inch (Square} secured JM TPO or (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier under min. layer SECUROCK 1 fastener per 2.67ft 2 JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part Non- 1.5 inch E3 UTA-C(S) HVHZ) JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1.10 gail100ftz, LVOC MA, or -45 OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners &Plates JM TPO or ASBA (Lim. 7; C-AM-2 Vapor Barrier under min, secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured z JM TPO FB Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 4.0ft JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part HVHZ) UTA-G S OPTIONAL OPTIONA! Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners 8 Plates 2 MBA applied at ga11100fi �5 C-AM-3 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top layer ENRGY 3 or ProtectoR Foam secured 1 fastener 2.Oft2 JM TPO A TPO WBMA, ASBA or LVOC MA Non- per HVHZ JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 6 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top InsulationTop Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MaP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Sheet Attachment (psf) Base Sheet OPTIONAL -45 C-AM-4 OPTIONAL INSULATION under min. AP Fasteners & Plates secured RetroPlus RSUA or 2-Part U!A JM TPO MBA (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier 1.5 inch 1 fastener per 2.0ft2 applied 12-inch o.c Non- HVHZ) ENRGY 3 OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates (Square) RSUA or 2-Part UTA -45 C-AM-5 Vapor Barrier under secured ProtectoR HD applied 12-inch o.c JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) min. 2-inch 1 fastener per ENRGY 3 2.67ft2 JM TPO: TPO WBMA; OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 gall10oft2; OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates (Square) RSUA or 2-Part UTA JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA -45 C-AM-6 Vapor Barrier under min. 2-inch secured 1 fastener per ProtectoR H D applied 12 inch o.c JM TPO F8 JM TPO FB: RSUA applied (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 2.67ft2 12-inch o.c., 2-Part UTA-C(S) or TPO WBMA OPTIONAL Min, 1.5-inch Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates 45 C-AM-7 Vapor Barrier E3 secured with top ProtectoR (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9} layer 1 fastener er4ft JM TPO: TPO WBMA; MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2; OPTIONAL Min. 1.5 inch Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates JM TPO (Min. fib mil) LVOC MA or ASBA -4$ C-AM-8 Vapor Barrier E3 secured with top ProtectoR (Square) secured or (Lim. 9) layer 1 fasiener per 4ft2 JM TPO F$ JM TPO FB: RSUA applied 12-inch o.c., 2-Part UTA-C(S) or TPO WBMA JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1.10 gall1ooft2, LVOC MA, or OPTIINSULATION AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or JM TPO or ASBA -45 C-AM-9 Vapor BVapor BaarrALier under min. Plates secured SECUROCK 2-Part UTA JM TPO F8 (Lim. 7) 2-inch 1 fastener per 4.0ft2 applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA ENRGY 3 applied 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or 45 C-AM-10 Vapor Barrier under min. Plates secured 2 SECUROCK 2-Part UTA JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) 2-inch 1 fastener per 4.0ft applied 12-inch o.c. ENRGY 3 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 7 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top InsulationTop or insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) Min. 2-inch C-AM-11 OPTIONAL ENRGY 3, ENRGY 3 AP Fasteners & Plates secured Min. 1.5 OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UTA JM TPO FB TPO WBMA �5 Vapor Barrier CGF, ENRGY 1 fastener per 1It� ENRGYY 3 applied 4-inch o.c. RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 3 FIR or E3 C1 JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft2, LVOC MA, or OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates JM TPO or ASBA -52.5 C-AM-12 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates -52.5 C-AM-13 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 1.5-inch E3 JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1.10 gal/1 OW, LVOC MA, or OPTIONAL INSULATION AP Fasteners & Plates secured OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part JM TPO or ASBA -52.5 C AM 14 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5-inch 1 fastener per SECUROCK UTA applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA (Lim. 7j ENRGY 3 133ftz . applied 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C S OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & C-AM-15 OPTIONAL INSULATION under min. ndeinch Plates secured SECUROCK OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part JM TPO SA Self -adhered -52.5 Vapor Barrier 1 fastener per U1A applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.33ft ENRGY 3 OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & C-AM-16 OPTIONAL INSULATION under min Plates secured at a RSUA or 2-Part U1A JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. -52.5 Vapor Barrier rate of 1 fastener JM Invinsa applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch per 1.45ft ENRGY 3 OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & C-AM-17 OPTIONAL INSULATION under min Plates secured at a JM Invinsa or RSUA or 2-Part UTA 12-inch JM TPO 5A Self -adhered -52.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch rate of 1 fastener ProtectoR HO applied O.C. ENRGY 3 per 1.45ft2 Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates MBA applied 0.83 gall100ft2 to both -52.5 C-AM-18 OPTIONAL Vapor Barrier OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF (Square) secured JM TPO membrane and substrate, (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 2.67ft2 TPO WBMA or ASBA or ENRGY 3 FR JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 8 or 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) C-AM-19 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-Inch AP Fasteners &Plates (Square) secured JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -52.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 CGF 1 fastener per 2.67ft 2 or ENRGY 3 FR C-AM-20 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners &Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -52,5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 CGF 1 fastener per 2.67ft2 or ENRGY 3 FR OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates MBA applied 0.83 ga11100ft2 to both _52.5 C-AM-21 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF (Square) secured JM TPO membrane and substrate TPO WBMA (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 or or ENRGY 3 FR OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates -52.5 C-AM-22 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier under min, layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 1.5-inch E3 OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates Base Ply: DynaBase HW Base Ply: Torch Adhered -52.5 C-AM-23 OPTIONAL Vapor Barrier INSULATION under min. secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured 2 Membrane: ASTM D 312 Type IV (Lim. 7) 1,5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft Membrane: Asphalt JM TPO HFB OPTIONAL INSULATION AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or C-AM-24 OPTIONAL under min. Plates secured SECUROCK 2-Part U!A JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -52.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch 1 fastener per 1.33ft' applied 12-inch o.c. ENRGY 3 OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & Base Ply: Base PI Torch Adhered Y OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates secured OSFA, RSUA or DynaBase HW -52.5 C-AM-25 Vapor Barrier under min. 1 fastener per SECUROCK 2-Part U!A Membrane: ASTM D 312 Type !V (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch 1.33ft applied 12-inch O.C.Membrane: Asphalt ENRGY 3 JM TPO NFB C-AM-26 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -52.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer E3 1 fastener per 1.78ft s C-AM-27 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top ProtecloR HD AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -52.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer 2 1 fastener oer 1.78ft JM TPO: TPO WBMA, MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2; OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates JM TPO or LVOC MA, or ASBA -52.5 C-AM-28 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top PmtectoR HD (Square) secured 1 JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) layer fastener per 1.7Bft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 ra e a of no This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, Lt_C of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK J � JOHNS MAIVVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top InsulationTop Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (Psfi JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft, LVOC MA or OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates secured at a Min 1/2-inch OSFARSUA or JM TPO or ASBA -60 C-AM-29 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5-inch rate of 1 fastener SECUROCK 2-Pa,rt U!A applied 12-inch o.c, JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) per 1.78fi JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or ENRGY 3 2-Part UIA-C S OPTIONAL INSULATION AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or C-AM-30 OPTIONAL under min. Plates secured at a Min 112-inch 2-Part UTA JM TPO SA Self -adhered -60 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch race of 1 fastener SECUROCK applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7} ENRGY 3 per 1.78ft2 JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1,10 gal/ 100ft2, LVOC MA, or OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates JM TPO or ASBA -60 C-AM-31 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.oft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates C-AM-32 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -60 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier under min. layer 1 fastener per 1.00ft2 1.5-inch E3 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners &Plates -60 C-AM-33 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 or secured JM TPO LVOC MA (Lim. 7) layer ProtectoR Foam 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners &Plates -60 C-AM-34 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF (Square) secured 1.78ft2 JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) layer or ENRGY 3 FR 1 fastener per C-AM-36 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 1.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -60 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer E3 1 fastener per 1.78it 2 (Lim. 7) Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates -60 C-AM-36 OPTIONAL Vapor Barrier OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top ProtectoR HD (Square) secured 1 JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) layer fastener per 1.78ft OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates JM TPO or JM TPO: MBA, LVOC MA, or ASBA 60 C-AM-37 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top ProtectoR HD (Square) secured 1 JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) layer fastener per 1.78ft2 JM TPO FB: 2-Part U!A-C S AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA C-AM-38 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plates secured Min. 1.5-inch E3 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A-C(5) -60 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft or E3 C1 2-Part U!A applied (Lim. 7) 6-inch o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 10 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Sheet Attachment (psf) Base Sheet C-AM-39 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -60 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft C-AM-40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION AP Fasteners & Plates secured SECUROCK. RSUA or 2-Part UTA JM TPO F8 RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. -67.5 Vapor Barrier under min. 2 1 fastener per 1 ft or JM Invinsa applied 6-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & C-AM-41 OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates secured at a Min. 1/2-inch RSUA or 2-Part VIA JM TPO or TPO WBMA -67.5 Vapor Barrier under min 1.5- rate of 24 per SECUROCK applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) inch ENRGY 3 4-ft x 8-ft Board OPTIONAL AP Fasteners & C-AM-42 OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates secured at a Min. 1/2-inch RSUA or 2-Part VIA JM TPO SA Self -adhered -67.5 Vapor Barrier under min 1.5- rate of 24 per SECUROCK applied 12-inch o,c, (Lim. 7) inch ENRGY 31 4-ft x 8-ft Board Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates MBA applied at 0.83 gall100ft2 to both 67.5 C-AM-43 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top 2Min. -inc (Square) secured JM TPO membrane and substrate, (Lim. 7} Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 CGF fastener per 2.Oft z TPO WBMA or ASBA ENRGY 3 FIR C-AM-44 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -67.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 CGF 1 fastener per 2.Oft" or ENRGY 3 FIR Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates s MBA orZ VOC MA applied at 1.1 _67.5 C-AM-45 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENERGY 3 or secured JM TPO galllo0ft , TPO WBMA (two-sided (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR Foam 1 fastener per 2ft2 application only) or ASBA C-AM-46 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -67.5 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENERGY 3 1 fastener per 2ft 2 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -67.5 C-AM-47 secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF (Square) secured JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, or MBA (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 FR 1 fastener per 2.0ft a Min. 0,5-inch OSFA, RSUA, C-AM-48 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 AP Fasteners & Plates secured ProtectoR HD, 2-Part UTA-C(B) or JM TPO FB RSUA 6-inch o.c. -67.5 (Lim. 7 ) Vapor Barrier or E3 C9 1 fastener per 1.6ft2 DEXcet! FA, or 2-Part UTA applied SECUROCK 6-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily AP Fasteners & Plates 75 C-AM-49 OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or secured ProtectoR HD (square) at a rate of JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7 ) Vapor Barrier under min. with top layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 1.5-inch E'3 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 11 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) JM TPO: TPO WBMA, OPTIONAL Preliminarily AP Fasteners 8 Plates MBA applied 0.83 gal/100ft', C-AM-50 OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or secured ProtectoR HD (Square) at a rate of JM TPO or JM TPO FB L VOC MA or ASBA -75 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5-inch E3 with top layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch E3 (no AGF), AP Fasteners &Plates secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1,1 TPO WBMA -75 C-AM-5t Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top layer or 1 fastener per 1.6ft2 gallt00ft2, (two-sided application only) or ASBA (Cirri. 7) ProtectoR Foam Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -75 C-AM-52 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top E3 (no AGF) or secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer E3 Cf 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft C-AM-53 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch Foam AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.67 TPO WBMA, or ASBA -75 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer Invinsa 1 fastener per 2.0ft z gal1100ft2, C-AM-54 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -75 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer Invinsa Foam 1 fastener per 2.0ft z (Lim. 7) OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.67 -75 C-AM-55 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO gall100ft2, TPO WBMA, or ASBA (Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 OPTIONAL Min, Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -75 C-AM-56 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured 2 JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.0ft OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -82.5 C-AM-57 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top SECUROCK (Square) secured JM TPO TPO WBMA, ASBA, or MBA (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 C-AM-58 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -82.5 Vapor Barrier under min, layer SECUROCK 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 C-AM-59 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously secured with lop Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 Vapor Barrier under min. layer SECUROCK 1 fastener per 1.0f12 (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 Min. Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates -82.5 C-AM-60 OPTIONAL 1-inch secured with top ProtectoR HD (Square) secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA, or ASBA (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier E3 layer 2 1 fastener per 1.33ft JMC13003 18 FL16758-RIB Page 12 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this feport is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top InsulationTop Insulation or Base MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Sheet Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Base Sheet OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates -82.5 C-AM-61 Vapor Barrier 1-inch secured with top ProtectoR HD (Square) secured 2 JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously AP Fasteners & Plates - .5 C-AM-62 Vapor Barrier 1-inch secured with top ProtectoR HD (Square) secured JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A-C(S) m {Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33112 AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA, C AM-63 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plates secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO TPO WBMA, MBA, LVOC MA, or -82.5 Vapor Barrier or E3 Cf 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft 2-part UTA applied ASBA (Lim. 7) 6-inch o.c. AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA, C-AM-64 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plate secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per 1.6ft2 2-Part UTA applied (Lim, 7) 6-inch o-c. AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA, C-AM-65 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plate secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part U!A-C(B) or JM TPO F8 2-Part UTA-C(S) -82.5 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per 1.6ft 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 6-inch o.c. Min. 0.5-inch OSFA, RSUA, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 AP Fasteners & DensDeck 2-Para UTA-C(B), or A58A, TPO WBMA, MBA or -82.5 C-AM-66 Vapor Barrier or E3 Ct Plate secured 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft Prime, DEXcell FA, or 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO LVOC MA (Lim. 7) SECUROCK 6-inch o.c. Min. 0.5-inch OSFA, RSUA, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 AP Fasteners & DensDeck 2-Part U!A-C(B), or -82.5 C-AM-67 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 Plate secured 1 fastener 1.6ft2 Prime, DEXce!! FA, 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) per or 6-inch o.c. SECUROCK AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA, C-AM 68 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plate secured Min. 1.5-inch E3 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO ASBA, TPO WBMA, MBA or -82.5 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 2 1 fastener per 1.6ft or E3 C1 2-Part U!A applied LVOC MA (Lim. 7) 6-inch o.c. AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA, C-AM-69 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Plate secured 1.5-inch E3 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 Vapor Barrier or E3 Ci 1 fastener per 1.6ftMin. 2 or E3 C1 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 6-inch o.c. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates MBA applied at 0.83 ga1110002 to both -105 C-AM-70 Vapor Barrier !INSULATION secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF (Square) secured JM TPO membrane and substrate (Lim. 7) layer or ENRGY 3 FR 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 or TPO WBMA JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 13 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK REEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) C-AM-71 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JN! TPO SA Self -adhered -105 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ENRGY 3 CGF 1 fastener per 1.33W (Lim. 7) or ENRGY 3 FR C-AM-72 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously secured with top Min, 0.5-inch FA AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC T MA applied at 1.67 00ft TPO WBMA, or ASBA -105 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier E3 layer DEXcell 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 gal/1 , C-AM-73 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.67 gall100ft , TPO WBMA, ASBA, -112 5 Vapor Barrier E3 layer DensDeck Prime 1 fastener per 1.Of12 or 1168 (Lim. 7) C-AM-74 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered -112 5 Vapor Barrier E3 layer DensDeck Prime 2 1 fastener per 1.Oft (Lim 7) OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch E3 (no AGF), AP Fasteners &Plates JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.1 OW or TPO WBMA -120 C-AM-75 VaporBamer INSULATION secured with top layer E3C1, or secured 2 1 fastener per 1,Ofi gall'! (Two-sided application only) (Lim. 7) ProtectoR Foam OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -120 C-AM-76 secured with top E3 (no AGF) or secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer E3 Cl 1 fastener per 1.0ft z Min. 2-inch ENRGY 3, AP Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or TPO WBMA (rate 0.6-0.8 gal/100-ft2 C-AM-77 OPTIONAL ENRGY 3 Plates secured Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 2-Part U1A applied JM TPO for one-sided and two-sided -120 (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier CGF, ENRGY 2 1 fastener per 111 flinch o.c. application), MBA, or LVOC MA 3FIR orE3C1 OSFA, RSUA, C-AM-78 OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 AP Fasteners & Plates secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part UTA-C(8), or JM TPO TPO WBMA, MBA, LVQG MA, or -120 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per tft2 2-Part UTA applied ASBA (Lim. 7) 4-inch O.G. Min. 2-inch OPTIONAL ENRGY 3, AP Fasteners & Min. 1.5-inch OSFA, RSUA or -127.5 C-AM-79 Vapor Barrier ENRGY 3 Plates secured. 2 ENRGY 3 2-Part U1A applied JM TPO ASBA or MBA (Lim. 7) CGF, ENRGY 1 fastener per 1t 4-inch o.c. 3FRorE3C1 C-AM-80 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL_ INSULATION Simultaneously secured with top Min. . 05-inch AP Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -135 Vapor Barrier under min. layer DEXcell FA 1 fastener per 1ft2 (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 C-AM-81 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates (Square) secured JM TPO or TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only -150 Vapor Barrier under min, layer SECUROCK 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 JM TPO FB for JM TPO) (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 14 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Rooting Systems APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top InsulationTop or Insulation or Base Membrane Membrane Attachment MOP No. Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Sheet Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL OPTIONAL. INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -150 C-AM-82 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top layer SECUROCK (Square) secured 1 fastener 1.0ft2 JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 per Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Insulation Attachment Attachment (psf} OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -30 C-M-1 INSULATION or secured with top OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO JM All Purpose Fasteners and JM High (Lim. 7; under min. layer Cover Board Load Plus Plates; Fastener rows max. Non- 1-inch E3 114-inch o.c. HVHZ) OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c, with -30 (Lim. 7; C-M-2 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners & Plates; Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. HVHZ OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -37.5 (Lim. 7; C-M-3 under min. or secured with sop Cover Board Preliminarily Secured (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners Fastener rows Non- 1-inch E3 layer y,. .9D inch o.c. max. HVHZ OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c, with (-45 C-M-4 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners Plates; Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max . 66-inch .c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with GM-5 INSULATION or secured with top OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO JM Ali Purpose Fasteners and JM Nigh -45 under min. layer Cover Board Load Plus Plates; Fastener rows max. (Lim. 7) 1-inch E3 90-Inch o.c. OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO or Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -45 C-M-6 under min. or secured with Sop Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO FS HL Fasteners Plates; Fastener rows (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer max, . 114-inch o.c. OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -45 C-M-7 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners & Plates; Fastener rows (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer max. 114-inch o.c. OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -52.5 C-M-B under min. or secured with tap Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners &Plates; Fastener rows (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer max. 114-inch o.c. JMC13003.1 B FL16758-R18 Page 15 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing) System Base Base Insulation Tap Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Insulation Attachment Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -60 C-M-9 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners &Plates; Fastener rows {Lim. 7) layer max. max. 90-inch o.c. 1.5-inch E3 OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -60 C-M-10 under min. or secured with lap Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners &Plates; Fastener rows (Lim. 7) layer max. 114-inch o.c. 1-inch E3 OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO Attached in -lap 6-inch o,c, with (-60 C-M-11 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners & Plates; Lim. 7) layer Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. 1.5-inch E3 OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -75 C-M-12 under min, or secured with lop Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners &Plates; Fastener rows (Lim. 7) layer max. 90 inch o.c. 1-inch E3 j. OPTIONAL I INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -97.5 C-M-13 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners Fastener rows (Lim. 7) layer .Plates; max. 54-inch o.c. 1-inch E3 OPTIONAL INSULATION Preliminarily Secured OPTIONAL JM TPO Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with {-105 C M 14 under min. or secured with top Cover Board Preliminarily Secured (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners & Plates; Lim. 7) layer Fastener rows max, 66-inch o.c. 1.5-inch F3 Induction Welded Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Attached with JM All Purpose Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Fasteners and JM TPO Induction welded to JM TPO -45 C W 1 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board JM RhinoPlates at rate (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) - 1 8 perr 4-ft x 8-fr board Pattern # layer (i fastener per 4.0-fe) Preliminarily JM TPO RhinoPlates fastened Secured or OPTIONAL 12-inch o.c. with JM All Purpose JM TPO Induction welded to JM TPO -45 C-W-2 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board Fasteners; Fastener rows (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer max. 72-inch o.c. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to 45 C-W-3 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISOWELD415 at a rate of 1 (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) fastener per 4.0-ft2 layer JMC113003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 16 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK REEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (pst) No. Insulation Attachment Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD414 or JM TPO Induction welded to -45 C-W-4 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 150WELD #15 spaced 24" o.c. in (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer rows 24" o.c. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to -45 C-W-S INSULATION secured with tap Cover Board 150WELD #15 spaced 12" o.c, in (Min, 60 mil) Isoweld plates {Lim. 7} layer rows 60" o.c. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to -45 C W-6 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISOWELD-#15 spaced ina 2 ft x (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer 3-ft staggered grid Attached with JM All Purpose Preliminarily Fasteners and Secured or OPTIONAL RhinoPlates at rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -52.5 C-W-7 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 2 6 per 4-ft x 8-fter board 3-ftem #2 6 r4- t (1 fastener per 5.33-ft�); (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer Board installed with 6-inch stagger from preceding course Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-414 or JM TPO Induction welded to -60 C-W-8 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board lSOWELD spaced in a 2-ft x (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) 2-ft staggered grid layer Attached with JM All Purpose Preliminarily Fasteners and Secured or OPTIONAL JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -67.5 C-W-9 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 8 per 4-R x 8-ft board Pattern #2 (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) (1 fastener per 4.O-ft2); layer Board installed with 6-inch stagger from precedino course Preliminarily Attached with JM All Purpose C-W-10 INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to JM TPO -75 secured with top Cover Board 12 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer (1 fastener per 2.67-ft2) Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD414 or JM TPO Induction welded to -75 C-W-11 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISOWELD a rate of 1 fastenerr per 3.2 ft (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to -82.5 C-W-12 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISDWELD-#15 spaced in a 1.5 ft (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer x 2-ft staggered grid JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 17 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Preliminarily Attached with JM All Purpose Secured or OPTIONAL Fasteners and JM TPO induction welded to JM TPO -90 C-W-13 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board JM TPO RhinoPlates in a (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer 24-inch by 16-inch grid pattern Preliminarily Attached with JM All Purpose C-W-14 INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Fasteners and JM TRhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to JM TPO -90 secured with top Cover Board 15 per 4-it x 8-ft board 15 (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer y 1 fastener per 2.13-ft2 Attached with JM All Purpose Fasteners and Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -90 C-W-15 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 12 per4-ft x 8-fl board (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) (1 fastener per 2.67-ft }; layer Board installed with 6-inch stagger from preceding course Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to -97.5 C W 16 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board lSOWELD #15 spaced 18" o.c. in (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer rows 18" o.c. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with 1SOWELD-#14 or JM TPO Induction welded to -97.5 C-W-17 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board lSOWELDspaced 6"o.c, in Min. 60 mil ( ) Isoweld plates Lim. 7 ( ) layer roowsws 64" o.c. Adhered Assemblies over Cementitious Wood Fiber Deck (New or Existing) System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Insulation Attachment Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL OSFA or RSUA JIMOSFA, or Intecttor 2-Part UTA, -122 5 CW-A-1 Min. 1.5-inch applied 12-inch Protector HD Pro or R or RSUA applied JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c., TPO WBMA (Lim. 9) ENRGY 3 O.C. 12-inch o.c. RSUA, OSFA, or JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, or MBA CW-A-2 Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL SECUROCK 2-Part !A applied art U JM TPO or JM TPO FB JM TPO FB, TPO WBMA, RSUA applied "135 (Lim. 9) ENRGY 3 h O.G. 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C S CW-A-3 Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied OPTIONAL RSUA, OSFA or 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -135 Lim. 9 ( ] ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK 12-inch o.c. OPTIONAL OSFARSUA, applied OSFA or JM TPO or JM TPO: LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or MBA -140 CW-A-4 Min. 1.5-inch 12-in 2-inch o.c. SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO FB (Lim. 9] ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB: RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 18 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Assemblies over Cementitious Wood Fiber Deck (New or Existing) System Base Base Insulation Tap Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Insulation Attachment Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL OSFA applied RSUA, OSFA or -140 CW-A-5 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered Lim. 9 ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. JM FPO: TPO WBMA LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168. or RSUA, OSFA, or MBA 2-Part UTA JM TPO or -157.5 CW-A-6 SECUROCK applied 12-inch JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) O.C. 12-inch o.c., or 2-Pori U1A-C S RSUA. OSFA, or CW-A-7 SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied _ _ JM TPO SA Self -adhered -157.5 (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC, ASBA, or MBA Min. 1.5-inch 05FA applied JM TPO or -157.5 CW-A-B ENRGY 3 or 12-inch o.c. - JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) CW-A-9 JM Invinsa RSUA applied JM TPO FB TPO WBMA -160 12-inch o.c. Lim. 9 Min. 475 psi Celcore MF with -167.5 CW-A-10 HS Rheology Poured -in -place - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) Admixture installed Min. 475 psi Celcore MF with -197 5 CW-A-11 HS Rheology Poured -in -place - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 4-inch o.c. (Lim 9) Admixture installed Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet Base Sheet or Top Insulation MDP No. or Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment {psf) Insulation Attachment Min. 1.5-inch JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, or MBA G A 1 E3 (no FIR)or) or 2-Parf JM TPO or -75 ProtectoR JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) Foam 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 19 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D—APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet or Base Sheet or Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Attachment (psf) Insulation Attachment JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 gal/100ft2 to both Min. 1.5-inch 2-Part VIA 2-Part VIA applied JM TPO or membrane and substrate or ASBA -75 G-A-2 E3 (no FIR) applied 12-inch o.c. JM Invinsa 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FS JM TPO FB: FPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UlA-C(S) Min. 1.5-inch 2-Part Pa UTA 2-Part U!A applied MBA applied at 0.83 gal/100ft2 to both membrane and -75 G-A-3 E3 (no FIR) app12-inch ProtectoR HD o.c. JM TPO substrate or ASBA (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. G-A-4 Min. inch 2-Part VIA applied JM Invinsa 2-Part Uapplied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -75 E3 (no na FIR)) ProtectoR HDD 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c. JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or Min. inch 2-Part VIA RSUA or 2-Part JM TPO or MBA -75 G-A-5 no 1 3 {no FIR) applied applied 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK VIA applied 12-inch o.c. TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied {Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UlA-C(S) Min. 3.5-inch 2-Part VIA RSUA or 2-Part -75 G-A-6 applied SECUROCK VIA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered {Limn 9 } E3 (no FR ) 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, or MBA ENRGY 3 or OSFA applied JM TPO or -77.5 G-A-7 ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) Foam 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 ga1110W to both Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or membrane and substrate -77.5 G-A-8 ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. JM Invinsa 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO MBA applied at 0.83 gal1100ftz to both membrane and -77.5 G-A 9 ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. ProtectoR HD 12-inch o.c. substrate or ASBA (Lim. 9) G-A-10 Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied JM Invinsa or OSFA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -77.5 ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. ProtectoR HD 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or MBA OPTIONAL OSFA applied RSUA or OSFA JM TPO or -77.5 G-A-11 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK applied JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) ENRGY 3 12 inch o.c. 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UlA-C(S) OPTIONAL OSFA applied RSUA or OSFA -77.5 G-A-12 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 20 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet Base Sheet or Top Insulation MDP N0' or Insulation Top Insulation At Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (psi Insulation Attachment 85 G-A-13 JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch O.C. (Lim. 9) Min. 1.5-inch JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, or MBA 0(no FR) or 2-Part U!A JM TPO or -90 G-A-14 ProtectoR applied - JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or (Lim. 9) Foam 12-inch o.c, 2-Part UTA-C(S) JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 gallf 002 or ASBA G-A-15 JM Invinsa OSFA applied JM TPO or -92.5 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA applied (Lim. 9) 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C(S) Min. 1.5-'inch -150 G-A-16 E3 or OSFA applied _ JM TPO FB TPO WBMA or (Lim. 9; ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. 2-Part UTA-C(S) Non - Foam HVZH) Min. 1.5-inch -150 G A 17 ENRGY 3 or OSFA applied JM TPO 2 MBA applied at 0.55 gall10Dft (Lim. 9; ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. Non - Foam HVZH) -150 OPTIONAL OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, MBA or ASBA (Lim. 9; G-A-18 Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FS: 2-Part UTA-C(S) Non- HVZH) -15Q G-A-19 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5 inch OSFA applied ProtectoR OSFA applied JM TPO 5A Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVZH) JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, MBA, ASBA, or -150 OPTIONAL OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or 1168 (Lim. 9; G-A-20 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. DensDeck Prime 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO FB: 2-Part UTA-C(S) HVZH) .150 G-A-21 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied DensDeck Prime OSFA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVZH) -150 G-A-22 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied DensDeck Prime OSFA applied JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVZH) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 21 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVlLLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet Base Sheet or Top Insulation MDP No. or Insulation Top insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Insulation Attachment -150 G-A-23 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied SECUROCK OSFA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. Non- ENRGY 3 HVZH) JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or MBA -150 G-A-24 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied SECUROCK OSFA applied JM TPO or (Lim. 9; 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or Non- ENRGY 3 2-Part U!A-C(S) HVZH) -150 G-A-25 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied SECUROCK OSFA applied JM TPO NF8 ASTM D 312, Type 1V Asphalt (Lim. 9; 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. Non- ENRGY 3 HVZH) JM TPO: MBA applied at 0,83 ga11100ft` -150 OPTIONAL OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or (Lim. 9; G-A-26 Min. 1.5 inch 12-inch o.c, 11VV1IVSA 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or Non- ENRGY 3 2-Part U!A-C(S) HVZH) JM TPO: TPO MA (LowVOC), LVOC MA, TPO WBMA, -150 OPTIONAL OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or MBA orASBA (Lim. 9; G-A-27 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. DEXcell C8 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA HVZH) JM TPO: TPO MA (LowVOC), LVOC MA, TPO WBMA, -150 OPTIONAL OSFA applied OSFA applied JM TPO or MBA, ASBA, or 1168 (Lim. 9; G-A 28 Min, 1.5 12-inch o.c. DEXcell FA 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO F8: TPO WBMA or HVZH} 2-Part UTA-C(S) -150 G-A-29 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied DEXcell FA OSFA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered {Lim. 9; 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. Non- ENRGY 3 HVZH} -150 G-A-30 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch OSFA applied DEXcell FA OSFA applied JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12_inch o.c. HVZH) G-A-31 - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. -155 (Lim. 9) Min. 1.5-inch -187.5 G-A-32 E3 or RSUA applied JM TPO FB TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 9; ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. Non - Foam HVHZ) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 22 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet Base Sheet or Top Insulation MDP or Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (PSG? No. Insulation Attachment -187.5 OPTIONAL RSUA applied RSUA applied JM TPO or JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, MBA or ASBA (Lim. 9; G-A-33 Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 JM TPO FB: 2-Part U!A-C(S) Non- HVHZ) -187.5 G-A-34 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied ProtectoR RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVHZ) JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, MBA, ASBA, or -210 OPTIONAL RSUA applied RSUA applied JM TPO or 1168 (Lim. 9; G A 35 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. DensDeck Prime 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO FB: 2-Part UTA-C(S) HVHZ) -210 G-A-36 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied DensDeck Prime RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVHZ) -210 G-A-37 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied DensDeck Prime RSUA applied JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVHZ) -210 G-A-38 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied SECUROCK RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVHZ) JM TPO: TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only), -210 OPTIONAL RSUA applied RSUA applied JM TPO or LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or MBA (Lim. 9; G-A-39 Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. SECUROCK 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or Non- HVHZ} 2-Part VIA-C(S) -210 G-A-40 OPTIONAL Min, 1.5-inch RSUA applied SECUROCK RSUA applied JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 9; Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. HVHZ) OPTIONAL JM TPO JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 galllooft2 -210 (Lim. 9; G-A-41 Min. inch RSUA applied !NVlNSA RSUA applied or Non- ENRGY 3 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA HVHZ) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 23 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with All Layers Adhered over Gypsum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Sheet Base Sheet or Top Insulation N1DP or Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) No. Insulation Attachment JM TPO: TPO MA (LowVOC), LVOC MA, -210 OPTIONAL RSUA applied RSUA applied JM TPO or TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only) or MBA (Lim. 9; G-A-42 Min. 1.5 inch 12-inch o.c. DEXcell CB 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FS Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA HVHZ) JM TPO: TPO MA (LowVOC), LVOC MA, TPO WBMA (Two-sided application only), -210 OPTIONAL RSUA applied RSUA applied JM TPO or MBA, ASBA, or 1168 (Lim. 9; G A 43 Min. 1.5-inch 12-inch o.c. DEXcell FA 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Non- ENRGY 3 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or HVHZ) 2-Part UTA-C(S) -210 G-A-44 OPTIONAL_ Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied DEXcell FA RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9; Non- 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. ENRGY 3 HVHZ) -210 G-A-45 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch RSUA applied DEXcell FA RSUA applied JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312, Type IV Asphalt (Lim, 9; Non- 12-inch o.c. 12-inch o.c. ENRGY 3 HVHZ) Min. 1.5-inch JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.55 gaIl100ft2 -210 ENRGY 3 or RSUA applied JM TPO or (Lim. 9; G-A-46 ProtectoR 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: 2-Part UTA-C(S) Non - Foam HVZH) Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated G psum Deck (New or Existing) System Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Tap Insulation or Base Sheet Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No, Insulation Attachment Base Sheet Attachment (psf) Min, 1,8-inch JM Ultral-ok Fastener G-AM-1 PermaPly 28 secured 7-inch o.c, at the lap and 7-inch o.c. in two (2) equally spaced JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312, Type IV hot asphalt -52.5 (Lim. 7) and staggered rows in the field JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 24 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall nolify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System LWIC Insulation/Cover Board Insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Attachment (Pso JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2, TPO WBMA (two - Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 RSUA applied or sided application only), - .5 LC-A-1 Rheology Admixture over deck or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c, JMM TPPOO F8 LVOC MA or ASBA m (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S LC-A-2 Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS Rheology Admixture over deck Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -77.5 treated with Celcore S-1 or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS or Base and Top layer JM TPO or ASBA, 1168, or MBA -77 5 LC-A-3 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 CGF secured with RSUA applied im TPO FB (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB. TPO WBMA or Tap Layer: 2-Part UTA-C(S) SECUROCK Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS or Base and Top layer -77 5 LC-A4 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 CGF secured with RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 12-inch o.c. Top Layer: SECUROCK JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2, TPO WBMA, LC-A-5 Min. 300 psi LWIC Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 2-Para UTA applied JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA -80 or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) JM TPO FS: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S LC-A-6 Min. 300 psi LWIC Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -80 or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) Base Layer: Min, 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 JM TPO: TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, or 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO or ASBA, 1168. or MBA -80 LC-A-7 Min. 300 psi LWIC ENRGY 3 AGF 12-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 (Lim. 9) JM TPO FB: 7P0 WBMA or Top Layer: 2-Part UTA-C{S) SECUROCK JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 25 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEKTPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing System LWIC InsulationlCover Board Insulation/Cover Board Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 LC-A-8 Min. 300 psi LWIC or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part UTA applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered -80 (Lim. 9) Top Layer: SECUROCK Min. 383.5 psi Celcore MF with HS Rheology Admixture installed over -112.5 LC-A-9 OPTIONAL JM Vapor Barrier SA, - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) DynaBase HW, or DynaWeld 180 S over ASTM D 41 primed concrete Min. 700psi cellular lightweight concrete -180 LC-A-10 (MCRF = 1521bf with JM Lightweight - JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) or WBMA (Lim. 9) Concrete (LWC) CR Base Fasteners) JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2, TPO WBMA, Min. 310 psi Elastizell with Zell- Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA -130 LC-A-11 Crete Fibers or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S LC-A-12 Min. 310 psi Elastizell with Zell- Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -130 Crete Fibers or ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c (Lim. 9) Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 JM TPO. TPO WBMA, LVOC MA, Min. 310 psi Elastizell with Zell- or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO or ASBA. 1168, or MBA -130 LC-A-13 Crete Fibers 12-inch O.G. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or {Lim. 9) Top Layer: 2-Part VIA-C(S) SECUROCK Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 LC -A 14 Min. 310 psi Elastizell with Zell- Or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO 5A Self -adhered -130 (Lim. 9) Crete Fibers 12-inch o.c. Top Layer: SECUROCK LC-A-15 Min. 375 psi Concrecel - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. Lim 9 { ) JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 26 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New or Existing) System LWIC Insulation/Cover Board Insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment(psf) MDP No Attachment Min. 475 psi Celcore MF with HS -167.5 LC-A-16 Rheology Admixture installed over - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) OPTIONAL D naBase HW LC-A-17 Min. 375 psi Concrecel - JM TPO FS RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. -172.5 (Lim. 9) Min. 300 psi Celcore MF with -202.5 LC-A-18 HS Rheology Admixture installed - JM TPO FS TPO WBMA (Lim. 9) over torch adhered DynaWeld 180 S Min. 360 psi Celcore MF with -202.5 LC-A-19 HS Rheology Admixture installed - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 8-inch o.c, (Lim. 9) over torch adhered D naWeld 180 S Min. 300 psi Celcore MF with -202.5 LC-A-20 HS Rheology Admixture installed - JM TPO ASBA. LVOC MA, or MBA (Lim. 9) over torch adhered ❑ naWeld 180 S LC-A-21 Min. 360 psi Celcore MF with _ JM TPO ASBA or LVOC MA -22F HS Rheology Admixture (Lim. 9) LC-A-22 Min. 375 psi Concrecel - JM TPO LVOC MA or MBA (LLim.im. 9) 9 Min. 475 psi Celcore MF with HS -257 5 LC-A-23 Rheology Admixture installed over - - JM TPO FB RSUA applied 4-inch o.c. (Lim. 9) OPTIONAL D naBase HW LC-A-24 Min. 213.5 Elastizell with Zell -Crete - JM TPO FS RSUA applied 6-inch o.c, -290 Fibers (no EPS Board) (Lim. 9) Min. 300 psi Celcore MF with HS LC-A-25 Rheology Admixture installed over - _ JM TPO ASBA, LVOC MA, or MBA -305 torch adhered DynaWeld Cap 180 (Lim. 9) FIR treated with Celcore S-1 Min. 300 psi Celcore MF with HS LC-A-26 Rheology Admixture installed over JM TPO FB TPO WBMA -305 torch adhered DynaWeld Cap 180 (Lim. 9) FIR treated with Celcore S-1 Min. 360 psi Celcore MF with HS LC-A-27 Rheology Admixture installed over JM TPO FB RSUA applied 8-inch o.c. -305 torch adhered DynaWeld Cap 180 (Lim. 9) FIR treated with Celcore S-1 LC-A-28 Min. 360 psi Celcore MF with JM TPO MBA -337.5 HS Rheolo2y Admixture (Lim. 9) LC-A-29 Min. 360 psi Celcore MF with JM TPO FB RSUA applied 8-inch o.c. -502.5 HS RheologyAdmixture Lim. 9 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 27 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Lightweight Concrete Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Concrete Deck (New or Existing System LWIC Base Sheet Base Sheet Attachement Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No s Min. 1.7-inch LWC CR Base LC-AM-1 Min. 200 psi Elastizell with Zell -Crete PermaPly 28 Sheet Fasteners secured 9- inch O.G. at the lap and 9-inch JM TPO HFB Full adhered in y ASTM Q 312 hot asphalt -45 (Lim. 7) Fibers o.c. in two (2) equally spaced staggered rows in the field Mechanically Fastened Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System LWIC Insulation/Cover insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Board Attachment sf Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with Min, 200 psi Elastizell with Zell -Crete JM TPO HL Fasteners & Plates; -67.5 LC-M-1 Fibers _ Fastener rows max. (Lim. 7) 90-inch o.c. induction Welded Li htweight Concrete Assemblies over Concrete Deck New or Existing) New, Existing, or Recover System LWIC Insulation/Cover Insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Board Attachment sf Induction welded to JM TPO Min. 200 psi Elastizeil with Zell -Crete JM TPO RhinoPlates and JM All Purpose Fasteners secured -60 LC-W-1 Fibers (Min. 60 mil) 6-inch o.c. in rows spaced (Lim. 7) 96-inch o.c. Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck (New or Existing) System Deck LWIC Insulation/Cover Insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Board Attachment s# LS-A-1 G40 Min. 475 psi Celcore MF with HS _ JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. -45 9) Rheolo (Lim. Min. 700psi cellular lightweight LS-A-2 G40 P concrete (MCRF = 1211bf with JM JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -52.5 Lim. 9 { ) L6, S�8 Lightweight Concrete (LWC) CIR Base Fasteners) JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 gaI1100ft2, TPO WBMA, Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS Min. 1.5-inch JM TPO or LVOC MA orASBA - .5 LS-A-3 G40 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 or RSUA applied 12-inch a.c. JM TPO F8 (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 ProtectoR Foam JM TPO F8: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C 5 JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 28 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall nolify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck (New or Existing) System Deck LWIC insulation/Cover Insulation/Cover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Board Attachment (PSD. Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS Min. 1.5-inch -77 5 LS-A-4 G40 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 or RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 ProtectoR Foam Base Layer: JM TPO: TPO WBMA, Min. 1.5-inch LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS ENRGY 3 or Base and Top layer secured JM TPO or MBA -77.5 LS-A-5 G40 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 CGF with RSUA applied JM TPO F8 (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or Tap Layer: 2-Part UTA-C(S) SECUROCK Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch Min 340 psi Celcore MF with HS ENRGY 3 or Base and Top layer secured -77 5 LS-A-B G40 Rheology Admixture over deck ENRGY 3 CGF with RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 9) treated with Celcore S-1 12-inch o.c. Top Layer: SECUROCK JM TPO: MBA applied at 0.83 gall 100ft2, TPO WBMA, LS-A-7 G40 Min. 300 psi LWIC Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 or 2-Part VIA applied JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA -80 ProtectoR Foam 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S LS-A-8 G40 Min. 300 psi LWIC Min, 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 or 2-Part UTA applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered -80 (Lim. 9) ProtectoR Foam Base Layer: JM TPO: TPO WBMA, Min. 1.5-inch LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or LS-A-9 G40 Min. 300 psi LWIC ENRGY 3 or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part VIA applied JM TPO or MBA -90 12-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 (Lim. 9) Top Layer: JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or SECUROCK 2-Part UTA-C(S) Base Layer: Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 or 2-Part VIA applied -80 LS-A-10 G40 Min. 300 psi LWIC ENRGY 3 AGF 12_inch o.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim 9) Top Layer: SECUROCK LS-A-11 Min. 250 psi tcla l with _ JM TPO FB RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. L5, S15 5, 1 ibex Zell -Crete Fibers E97-" . 9)LS A 12 GSor P, Min, 250 psi Elastizell with JM TPO LVOC MA '5L5, S15 Zell -Crete Fibers . 9) JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 29 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Adhered Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck (New or Existing) System Deck LWIG Insulation/Cover InsulationlCover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Board Attachment sf Base Layer: JM TPO: TPO WBMA, Min. 1.5-inch LVOC MA, ASBA, 1168, or LS-A-13 G40 Min. 310 psi Elastizell with Zell- ENRGY 3 or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part UTA ribbons spaced JM TPO or MBA -130 Crete Fibers 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or Top Layer: 2-Part U!A-C(S) SECUROCK Base Layer: Min, 1.5-inch LS-A-14 G40 Min. 310 psi Elastizell with ENRGY 3 or ENRGY 3 AGF 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -130 (Lim. 9) Zell -Crete Fibers 12-inch o.c. Top Layer: SECUROCK -160 LS-A-15 G40 Min. 200 psi Elastizell with _ JM TPO MBA applied at (Lim. 9; Zell -Crete Fibers 0,83 ga111e0ft HVHZ only) Min. 700psi cellular lightweight -180 concrete (Lim. 9; LS-A-16 G40 (MCRF = 1521bf with - JM TPO FS 2-Part U!A-C(S) HVHZ JM Lightweight Concrete (LWC) only) CR Base Fasteners) -265 LS-A-17 G40 Min. 150 psi LWIC - - JM TPO MSA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2 (Lim. 9; HVHZ only) Lightweight Concrete Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Steel Deck New or Existing) System Deck LWIC Base Sheet Base Sheet Attachement Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail sf Min. 1.7-inch LWC CR Base Sheet Fasteners secured LS-AM-1 G40, P, Min. 200 psi Elastizell with PermaPly 28 9-inch o.c. at the lap and JM TPO FB ASTM D 312 hot asphalt 45 L6, S18 Zell -Crete Fibers 9-inch O.G. in two (2) equally (Lim. 7) spaced staggered rows in the field JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 30 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck LWIC Insulation/Cover InsulationlCover Board Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Board Attachment sf Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. LS M 1 G40, P, Min. 200 psi Elastizell with JM TPO with HL Fastener & Plates; -67.5 L6, S18 Zell -Crete Fibers Fastener rows max. (Lim. 7) 90-inch o.c. Induction Welded Lightweight Concrete Assemblies over Steel Deck (New or Existing) (New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Insulation/Cover Insulation/Cover Board MDP No. Detail LWIC Board Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment sf Induction welded to JM TPO LS-W-1 G40, P, Min. 200 psi Elastizell with JM TPO RhinoPlates and High Load -60 L6, S18 Zell -Crete Fibers (Min. 60 mil) Fasteners secured 6-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) in rows spaced 96-inch o.c. Adhered Recover Assemblies System No. Existing Roof Base Insulation Top Insulation or Base Ply Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) R-A-1 BUR or Mod -Bit Roofing with mineral surfacing JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch O.C.-45 (Lim. 9) �R-A-2 BUR over Concrete Deck Min. 1.5-inch E3 no FIR) 2-Part UTA applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (LLim.im. 9) 9 Mechanically Fastened Recover Assemblies System Base Base Top Insulation MDP No. Deck Detail Insulation Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Attachment Attached in -lap 12-inch O.C. with Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or High Load Fasteners and JM -30 Steel Deck {G33) OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Boas Preliminarily JM TPO or High Load Plus Plates for Steel (Lim. 7; R-M-1 or Concrete Deck INSULATION secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB Deck or JM All Purpose Non - to la er p y OPTIONAL with Fasteners and JM High Load HVHZ ) JM TPO FB) Plus Plates for Concrete Deck; Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. Steel Deck (G80) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Preliminarily JM TPO Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -37.5 (Lim. 7; R-M-2 or Concrete Deck INSULATION secured Cover Board Secured (Min. 60 HL Fastener &Plates; Non- top la with mil) Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. HVHZ) JMC13003.18 FL16758-Rl B Page 31 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Recover Assemblies System Deck Detail Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Min. 1-inch Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with Existing metal roof OPTIONAL Preliminarily INSULATION over JM Purlin Fasteners and High -37.5 R-M-3 having Min. 16 ga. INSULATION Secured or fill or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Load Plates to structural (Lim. 7; steel pudins at under min. secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB supports; Fastener rows max. Non - max. 5ft o.c. 1.5-inch E3 top layer OPTIONAL with 60-inch o.c. HVHZ) JM TPO F8 Preliminarily Min, 0.5-inch E3 or Cover Board Attached in -lap 4-inch o,c, with -37.5 R-M-4 Wood Deck OPTIONAL Secured or (Insulation is Preliminarily JM TPO or APB Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7; (T13/32J INSULATION secured with OPTIONAL with Secured JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. Non - top layer JM TPO F8) HVHZ ) Min. 1-inch Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with Existing metal roof OPTIONAL Preliminarily INSULATION over JM Purlin Fasteners and High R-M-5 having Min. 14 ga. INSULATION Secured or fill or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Load Plates to structural -45 steel purlins at under min. secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB supports; Fastenerrrowwss max. (Lim. 7) max. 5ft o.c. 1.5-inch E3 top layer OPTIONAL with 60-inch o.c. JM TPO FB) Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with High Load Fasteners and JM Steel Deck (G80, OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Preliminarily High Load Plus Plates for Steel -45 R-M-6 F2W, L6, S24) INSULATION secured with Cover Board Secured JM TPO Deck or JM All Purpose (Lim. m. 7) or Concrete Deck top layer Fasteners and JM High Load I Plus Plates for Concrete Deck; Fastener rows max, 90-inch o.c. Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Steel Deck (G80, OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -45 R-M-7 F1, L6, S18) INSULATION secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB Extra HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7) or Concrete Deck top layer OPTIONAL with Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Steel Deck (G80, OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -45 R-M-8 F1, L6, SIB) INSULATION secured with (insulation is Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7) or Concrete Deck top layer OPTIONAL with Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. JM TPO FB Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Steel Deck (G80, OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -52.5 R-M-9 F1, L6, S18) INSULATION secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB Extra HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7) or Concrete Deck top layer OPTIONAL with Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 — Page 32 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for Slate of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Recover Assemblies System Deck Detail Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or R-M-tD Wood Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board (Insulation is Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch D.C.with HL Fasteners & Plates; -60 (T19/32, L24, N6) INSULATION secured with OPTIONAL with JM Secured JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 54-inch O.C. (Lim. 7) !op layer TPO FB Steel Deck (G80, OPTIONAL PreliminarilyL6, Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Preliminarily Attached in -tap 6-inch D.C.with -60 R-M-11 INSULATION secured with Cover Board Secured JM TPO ! 1L Fasteners Plates; (Lim. 7) Co or Concretee Deck Fastener rows max. .90-inch D.C. to layer Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Steel Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -60 R-M-12 (G33, L6, P) INSULATION secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7} or Concrete Deck OPTIONAL with JM Fastener rows max. 114-inch D.C. top layer TPO FB) Steel Deck OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured or Min, 0.5-inch E3 or Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch D.C. with -75 R M 13 (G33, L6, INSULATION secured with Cover Board Secured JM TPO Fasteners 7) or Concrete Deck top la er .Plates; 90-inch D.C.(Lim. Fastener rows max. Attached in -lap 6-inch with Existing metal roof OPTIONAL Preliminarily Min. 1-inch JM Purlin Fasteners and High R-M-14 having Min. 16 ga. INSULATION Secured or INSULATION over Preliminarily JM TPO Load Plates to structural -82.5 steel purlins at under min. secured with fill or Cover Board Secured supports; Fastener rows max. (Lim. 7 ( ) max. 5ft o.c. 1.5-inch E3 top layer 60-inch o.c. Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Steel Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Cover Board Preliminarily JM TPO or Attached in -lap 6-inch D.C.with -97.5 R-M-15 (G33, L6, P) INSULATION secured with (Insulation is Secured JM TPO FB HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7) or Concrete Deck top layer OPTIONAL with JM Fastener rows max. 54-inch D.C. TPO FB) Induction Welded Recover Assemblies System Existing Roof Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Existing metal roof Preliminarily Min. 1-inch JM Purlin Fasteners and JM R-W-1 having Min. 16 ga. INSULATION Secured or INSULATION over TPO RhinoPlates secured to JM TPO Induction welded to -45 steel purlins at secured with fill or Cover Board structural supports 18-inch o.c.; (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) max. 5ft D.C. to la er Fastener rows max. 60-inch o.c. Existing metal roof Preliminarily Min. 1-inch JM Purlin Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates secured to R-W-2 having Min. 16 ga. steel purlins at INSULATION Secured or secured with INSULATION over structural supports 6-inch o.c.; JM TPO (Min. 60 mil) Induction welded to JM TPO RhinoPlates -45 (Lim. 7) fill or Cover Board Fastener rows max. 120-inch max. 5ft o.c. top layer D.C. JMC13003A8 FL16758-1318 Page 33 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANV[LLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Recover Assemblies System Existing Roof Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP (psf) No. Insulation Attachment Existing metal roof having Min. 16 ga. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#12 or JM TPO Induction welded to -45 R-W-3 steel purlins at INSULATION secured with Cover Board ISOWELD-#15 spaced 12" o.c. in rows 60" o.c. (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) max. 5ft o.c. top layer Attached with High Load Steel Deck OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to �5 R-W-4 {G33, L6. P) or Concrete Deck INSULATION secured with Cover Board 8 per 4 ft x 8 R board Pattern #1 (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) top layer 1 fastener per 4.0-ft2 Min. 2.25-inch JM All Purpose Preliminarily Fastener and JM TPO Wood Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or RhinoPlates secured max. 24- JM TPO Induction welded to -52.5 R-W-5 (Tf5132, L24, N6) INSULATION secured with Cover Board inch o.c. through sheathing into (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) tap layer wood structural supports in rows max. 24" o.c. Min. 2.25-inch JM All Purpose Preliminarily Fastener and JM TPO Wood Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or RhinoPlates secured max. 9- JM TPO Induction welded to -60 R-W-6 (T15/32, L24, N6) INSULATION secured with Cover Board inch o.c. through sheathing into (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) top layer wood structural supports in rows max. 48" o.c. Existing metal roof Preliminarily Min, 1-inch JM Purlin Fasteners and JM R-W-7 having Min. 16 ga. INSULATION Secured or INSULATION over TPO RhinoPlates secured to JM TPO Induction welded to -67.5 steel purlins at secured with fill or Cover Board structural supports 12-inch o.c.; (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) max. 5ft o.c. top la er Fastener rows max. 60-inch o.c. Preliminarily Attached with High Load Steel Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates JM TPO Induction welded to -75 R-W-B {G3$ L6, P) or Concrete Deck INSULATION secured with Cover Board at a rate of 12 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) top layer 1 fastener per 2.67-ft2 Preliminarily Attached with High Load Steel Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -90 R-W-9 (G33, F2W, L6) or Concrete Deck INSULATION secured with Cover Board 15 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) top layer (1 fastener per 2.13-ft2) Existing metal roof having Min. 16 ga. Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#12 or JM TPO Induction welded to -97.5 R-W-10 steel purlins at INSULATION secured with Cover Board ISOW ELD-#15 spaced 6" o.c. in rows 60" o.c. (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) max. 5ft o.c. I top layer JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 34 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ACREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Recover Assemblies System Base Base Membrane MDP No. Existing Roof Insulation Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Attachment (psf) Attachment Min. 2.25-inch JM All Purpose Preliminarily Fastener and JM TPO Wood Deck OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 0.5-inch E3 or RhinoPlates secured max. 6- JM TPO Induction welded to -112.5 R-W 11 (T15/32, L24, N6) INSULATION secured with Cover Board inch o.c, through sheathing into (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) top layer wood structural supports in rows max. 48" o.c. Existing metal roof Preliminarily Min. 1 JM Purlin Fasteners and JM R-W-12 having Min. 16 ga. INSULATION Secured or INSULATION over ON TPO RhinoPlates secured to JM TPO Induction welded to -120 steel purlins at secured with fill or Cover Board structural supports 6-inch o.c.; (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) max. 5ft o.c. to layer Fastener rows max. 60-inch o.c. Assemblies with Adherent Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Coverboard Attachment OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & -30 S-AM-1 G40, P, OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top at a rate of Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer i fastener per 2.67ft2 HVHZ JM TPO: TPO WBMA; OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100W; -30 G40, P, OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or Plates (Square) JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA (Lim. 7 S-AM-2 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top ProtectoR HD at a rate of JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: RSUA applied Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 2.67ftz HVHZ) 12-inch o.c., 2-Part U!A-C(S) or TPO WBMA Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & -37.5 S-AM-3 G40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL_ Secured or Min. 2-inch Plates secured JM TPO MBA, or (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured top Fesco Foam 1 fastener per 5.3ftz L VOC MA Non - layer HVHZ JMC13003.18 FL16758-RIB Page 35 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf) ProtectoR attached with Ultra Fast ProtectoR, JM TPO: TPO WBMA, MBA Fasteners & Retro-Fit, LVOC MA, or ASBA Plates ENRGY 3, RelroPlus, (Square) at 8 per 4-ft x ENRGY 3 OSFA, RSUA, or SeparatorR CGF, JM TPO, JM TPO FB: RSUA applied -37.5 8-ft board AGF, ENRGY 2-Part UTA SeparatoR FIR, OSFA, RSUA, or 2- JM TPO FB, 12-inch o.c., 2-Part UTA-C(S) or (Lim. 7; S-AM-4 G40 Pattern #2; 3 CGF, applied 12-inch INVINSA, Para U!A JM TPO SA, or TPO WBMA Non- JM Vapor SA ENRGY 3 or ENRGY 3 3 o.c. DensDeck, applied 12 inch o.c. JM TPO HFB JM TPO: self -adhered HVHZ) or JM Vapor C1 CGF DensDeck Barrier SAR Prime, DEXcell JM TPO HFB: ASTM D 312 Type with JM SA FA, or IV Asphalt Primer or JM SECUROCK SA Primer Low VOC OPTIONAL UltraFast S-AM-5 G40, P, OPTIONAL INSULATION under Fasteners & Plates (Square) ProtectoR HD RSUA or 2-Part U1A JM TPO SA Self -adhered 45 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier min. 2-inch at a rate of applied 12-inch ox (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 1 fastener per 2.67ft JM TPO: TPO WBMA; OPTIONAL UltraFFasteners MBA applied at 0.83 gal/1ooft2; G40, P, OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates (Square) RSUA or 2 Part U!A RSUA JM TPO or L VOC MA or ASBA �5 S-AM-6 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 2-inch at a rate of ProtectoR HD applied 12-inch ox JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: RSUA applied (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 1 fastener per 2.67ft 12-inch ox, 2-Part UTA-C(S) or TPO WBMA Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & 3-AM-7 G40 OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch secured with top ProtectoR Plates (Square) JM FPO SA Self -adhered -45 (Lim. 9) Vapor Barrier E3 layer y secured 1 fastener per 4ft2 JM TPO: TPO WBMA; MBA applied at 0.83 gal/l 002; OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & Plates (square} JM TPO LVOC MA or ASBA -45 S-AM-8 G40 Vapor Barrier E3 secured with top ProtectoR secured (Min. 60 mil) or (Lim 9) layer 1 fastener per 4ft2 JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: RSUA applied 12-inch o.c., 2-Part UTA-C(S) or TPO WBMA JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 36 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Coverboard Attachment Preliminarily Ultra Fast Fasteners & -45 S AM-9 G40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 2-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA, TPO WBMA (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top Invinsa Foam secured 1 fastener per LVOC MA, or ASBA Non - layer 5.3ft2 HVHZ) Preliminarily UltraFasl Fasteners & -45 S-AM-10 G40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Secured or Min. 2-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top Invinsa Foam secured 1 fastener pr Non - layer 5.3ft' HVHZ) OPTIONAL Simultaneously U1traFast Fasteners & JM TPO: MBA aylied at -45 S-AM-11 G40 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.375-inch Plates (square) JM TPO or 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft or ASBA (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier under min. SECUROCK secured 1 fastener per JM TPO F8 Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer 2.67ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA HVHZ) OPTIONAL Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & 45 S-AM-12 G40 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.375-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7; Vapor Barrier under min, layer SECUROCK secured 1 fastener per Non- 1.5-inch E3 2.67ft' HVHZ) OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch -45 S-AM-13 G40 JM Vapor ENRGY 3, ENRGY 3 CGF, RSUA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7; Barrier SA or 12-inch o.c. Non- SAR or ProtectoR HVHZ) Foam OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch 45 JM Vapor ENRGY 3, RSUA applied MBA, LVOC MA, TPO WBMA or (Lim. 7; S-AM-14 G40 Barrier SA or ENRGY 3 CGF, 12-inch o.c. JM TPO ASBA Non- SAR or ProtectoR HVHZ) Foam OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch -45 JM Vapor ENRGY 3, RSUA applied (Lim. 7; S-AM-15 G40 Barrier SA or - ENRGY 3 CGF, 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) Non- SAR or ProtectoR HVHZ) Foam JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL Simultaneously UltraFasl Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft2, LVOC MA, or S-AM-1fi Gq0 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.5-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO or ASBA -45Vapor Barrier under min. layer SECUROCK secured 1 fastener per JM TPO FB (Lim. 9) 1.5-inch E3 4.0ftz JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S OPTIONAL Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & S-AM-17 G40 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.5-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered 45 Vapor Barrier under min SECUROCK secured 1 fastener per (Lim. 9) 1.5-inch E3 layer 4.Oft2 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 37 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf) Simultaneously Min.5-inch 1. UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2 to S-AM-18 G40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 or ProtectoR Plates secured 1 JM TPO both membrane and substrate, -45 (Lim. 9) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer fastener per 2.0ft2 TPO WBMA, ASBA or LVOC MA Foam Simultaneously Min.5-inch UkraFast Fasteners & S-AM-19 G40 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 or ProtectoR Plates secured 1 JM TPO SA Self -adhered -45 (Lim' 9) Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer fastener per 2.0ft2 Foam OPTIONAL UltraFast S-AM-20 G40 OPTIONAL Vapor Barrier INSULATION under min. Fasteners & Plates secured 1 RetroPlus RSUA or 2-Part UTA applied 12-inch o.c JM TPO MBA 45 (Lim. 9) 1.5-inch fastener per 2.0ft2 ENRGY 3 JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL 0.83-1.10 ga1I100ft2, LVOC MA G40, F2, OPTIONAL INSULATION UltraFast Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or 2- JM TPO or orASBA -45 S-AM-21 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 2-inch Plates secured 1z SECUROCK Part UTA;Applied 12- inch a.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB; TPO WBMA, RSUA (Lim. 7} fastener per 4.Oft ENRGY 3 applied 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part U!A-C S OPTIONAL UltraFast S-AM-22 G40, F2, L6, OPTIONAL INSULATION under min. Fasteners & SFCUROCK OSFA, RSUA or 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered 45 S24 Vapor Barrier Vap 2-inch Plates l2 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) r per 4d fastener per .Oft ENRGY 3 JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL UltraFast Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 gaill00ft2, LVOC MA S-AM-23 G40, F?, L6, OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously secured with top SECUROCK Plates (Square) JM TPO or or ASBA -52.5 Vapor Barrier V under min. layer secured 1 fastener per JM TPO FS (Lim. 7) S24 1.5-inch E3 1.33ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C(S) G40, F1, OPTIONAL Simultaneously U1traFasf Fasteners & S-AM-24 L6, OPTIONAL Vapor Barrier INSULATION under min. secured with top SECUROCK Plates (Square) secured 1 fastener per JM TPO SA Self -adhered -52.5 (Lim. 7) S24 1.5-inch E3 layer 1.33fe JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL UltraFast 0.83-1.10 gal/100ft2, LVOC MA, or G40, F2, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & RSUA or 2-Part U!A JM TPO or ASBA -52.5 S-AM-25 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5-inch Plates secured 1 fastener Fer SECUROCK a applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA, RSUA (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 1.33ft applied 12-inch o.c., or 2-Part UTA-C S JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 38 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Coverboard Attachment OPTIONAL UltraFast G40, F2, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & RSUA or 2-Part U!A -52.5 S-AM-26 L6, Vapor Barrier under min. Plates secured 1 SECUROCK appliedl2-incho.c. JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) S24 1.5-inch fastener Per ENRGY 3 1.33ft OPTIONAL Ultra Fast G40, INSULATION Fasteners & S AM 27 P, OPTIONAL u under min. Plates secured at RSUA or 2-Part UTA JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch oc pp.. -52.5 S20 Vapor Barrier a rate of 1 JM Invinsa applied 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 fastener Fer 1.45ft OPTIONAL UltraFast G40, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & Plates secured at RSUA or 2-Part UTA -52.5 S-AM-28 P, L6, Vapor Barrier under min. a rate of 1 JM Invinsa or applied 12-inch o.c. JM TPO SA dhered Self -adhered e (Lim. 7) S20 fastenerper ProtectoR HD ENRGY 3 1.45ft G40, Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2 to 5 AM 29 P, L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with tap ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO both membrane and substrate -52.5 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured 1 fastener per or TPO WBMA orASBA (Lim. 7) FR 1.78ft G40, F2, Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & z MBA applied at 0.83 gaIl100ftto S-AM-30 L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO both membrane and substrate, -52.5 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured z TPO WBMA or ASBA (Lim. 7) FR 1 fastener per 2,67ft G40, F2, Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-31 L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO 5A self -adhered -52.5 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer y or ENRGY 3 secured (Lim. 7) FR 1 fastener per 2.67ft2 OPTIONAL S UltraFast Fasteners & Base Ply: Torch Adhered S-AM-32 OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top p SECUROCK Plates (square) JM TPO HFB -.5 L6, S2244 L6, Vapor Barrier under min. secured Membrane: ASTM D 312 Type IV (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 Asphalt OPTIONAL Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-33 G40 F1, OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top SECUROCK Plates (Square) JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -52.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. layer secured (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 1 fastener per 1.33fi2 OPTIONAL UllraFast G40, F2, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or -52.5 S-AM-34 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- Plates secured SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type 1V Asphalt (Lim. 7) inch 1 fastener per 12-inch o.c. ENRGY 3 1.33ft2 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 39 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK REEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL UltraFast Base Ply: Torch Adhered G40, F2, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or -52.5 S-AM-35 L6, S24 VaparBarrier under min. 1.5- Plates secured SECUROCK 2-Part UTA JM TPO HFB Membrane: ASTM D 312 T Type IV Lim. 7 ) inch 1 fastener per applied 12-inch o.c, Asphalt ENRGY 3 1.33ft2 S AM-36 G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 5-inch 1. E3 or UltraFast Fasteners & plates secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt -52,5 L6, S18 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 (Lim. 7) Foam S-AM-37 G40 Fi, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with tap ProtectoR HD UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered -52.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer secured (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 JM TPO: TPO WBMA, UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 gaIll00ft2. S AM-38 G40, Ff, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top ProtectoR HD Plates Plates (Square) JM TPO or LVOC MA a plied at -52.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer JM TPO FB 0,83 ga1I100ft2por ASBA (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA UltraFast JM TPO: MBA applied at OPTIONAL Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 ga11104ft1, L VOC MA, or G40, Ff, L6, OPTIONAL INSULATION de under Plates secured at Min 1/2-inch OSFA, RSUA or art 2-Part lapplied JM TPO or ASBA -60 S-AM-39 S30 Vapor Barrier min. inch a rate of SECUROCK UA h a JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or ENRGY 3 1.78ft2 2-Part UTA-C S OPTIONAL UltraFast S-AM-40 C40, F1, 1,6, OPTIONAL INSULATION under Fasteners & Plates secured at Min 112-inch OSFA, RSUA or 2-part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered -60 S30 Vapor Barrier min. 1.5-inch a rate of SECUROCK 12-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) ENRGY 3 1 fastener per 1.78ft JM TPO: MBA applied at UltraFast Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 ga11100ft2, LVOC MA, or G40, OPTIONAL INOPTIONAL SULATION Simultaneously Plates (Square) JM TPO or ASBA -60 S-AM-41 F2W, L6, Vapor Barrier under secured with top SECUROCK secured JM TPO F8 (Lim. 7) S24 min. 1.5-inch layer Z 1 fastener per 1.00ft JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or E3 2-Part UTA-C S JM TPO: MBA applied at UltraFast Fasteners & 0.83-1.10 gaill00ft2, LVOC MA, or G80, OPTIONAL INPTIONAL SULATION ON Simultaneously Plates (square) JM TPO or ASBA -60 S-AM-42 F1W, L6, Vapor Barrier under secured with top SFCUROCK secured JM TPO FB (Lim.im. 7) S24 min. 1.5-inch layer 1 fastener per 1.00ftZ JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or E3 2-Part UTA-C S JMC13003.18 FL16758-RlB Page 40 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf} Coverboard Attachment OPTIONAL UltraFast Fasteners & G40, OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Plates (Square) -60 S-AM-43 F2W, L6, Vapor Barrier under secured with tap SECUROCK secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) S24 min. L5-inch layer 1 fastener per 1.00ft2 E3 G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 5-inch 1. E3 or UllraFast Fasteners & LVOC MA or -60 S-AM-44 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top ProtectoR Plates secured JM TPO MBA applied at 0.55 ga11100ft (Lim. 7) layer Foam 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch Ultra Fast Fasteners & S-AM-45 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered 60 L6, 4 L6, S24 2 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured 2 {Lim. 7) fastener per 1.78ft FIR G40 F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 1.5-inch E3 or Ultra Fast Fasteners & -60 S-AM-46 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top ProtectoR Plates secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 Foam Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & S-AM-47 G40 F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Seff-adhered -60 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer secured (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1.76ft2 Simultaneously Ultra Fast Fasteners & JM TPO: MBA, LVOC MA, or S-AM-48 G40 F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO or ASBA -60 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer y secured JMTPO FB (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1.78ft2 JM TPO FB: 2-Part VIA-C(S) G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch ENRGY 3 or AP Fasteners & Plates -60 S-AM-49 L6, Sib Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top protectoR secured JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 7} layer Foam 1 fastener per 1.6ft2 UltraFasl OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-50 G40, Fi, OPTIONAL Min, 2-inch E3 Fasteners &Min. Plate) 1.5-inch 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) -60 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 CI 1 fastener per E3 or E3 CI 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 1.6ft 6-inch o.c. OPTIONAL UltraFasf RSUAor S-AM-51 F2W,L 6, OPTIONAL INSULATION Fasteners & SECUROCK 2-Part UTA JM TPO FB RSUA applied 12-inch o.c. -67.5 SIB Vapor Barrier under min. Plates secured 2 or JM Invinsa applied 6-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 1 fastener per 1ft JMC13003.18 _ FL16758-R18 _ Page 41 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D -- APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Stee! Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (ps[} OPTIONAL UltraFast Fasteners & OSFA, RSUA or S-AM-52 L6, G80, OPTIONAL INSULATION Plates secured at Min. 112-inch SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO TPO WBMA -67.5 {Lim. 7) Fi, 530 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- a rate of 24 per 12-inch o.c. inch ENRGY 3 441 x 841 Board L6, G80, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION UltraFast Fasteners & Min. 112-inch OSFA, RSUA or TPO WBMA or -67.5 S-AM-53 F1, S30 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- Plates secured at SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A-C(S) (Lim. 7) inch ENRGY 3 a rate of 24 per 12-inch o.c. 4-R x 8-ft Board L6, G80, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION UltraFast Fasteners & Min. 112-inch OSFA, RSUA or -67.5 S-AM-54 F1, S30 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- Plates secured at SECUROCK 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) a rate of 24 per 12-inch o.c. inch ENRGY 3 4-ft x 8-ft Board G40, F2, Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & z MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft to S-AM-55 L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square JM TPO both membrane and substrate, {Lim.m, 7) S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured z 1 fastener per 2.Oft TPO WBMA or ASBA FR Min, UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-56 G40, F2, L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top 2-inch ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square} JM TPO SA Self -adhered - .5 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured 2 (Lim. 7) m FR 1 fastener per 2.0ft Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-57 G40 F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL_ Simultaneously secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO TPO WBMA or ASBA -67.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer y or ENRGY 3 secured (Lim. 7) FR 1 fastener per 2.0ft2 G4 0, F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch ENERGY 3 or UltraFast Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.1 ga11100ft2, TPO WBMA (two- -67.5 S RM-58 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 1 fastener per 2ft2 sided application only) or ASBA (Lim. 7) Foam G40, F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min . 2-inch ENERGY 3 or UltraFast Fasteners & -67.5 S-AM-59 L6, Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top layer ProtectoR plates secured 1 fastener 21`1:2 JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) S24 Foam per UltraFast Min. 0.5-inch OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-60 G40, F1, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plate secured ProtectoR HD, 2-Part U!A-C(e) or JM TPO FB RSUA 6-inch o.c. -67.5 L6, S24 Vapor Garner or E3 C1 1 fastener per fastener DEXceI! FA, or 2-Pori UlA applied (Lim. 7) 1 SECUROCK 6-inch o.c. JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 42 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf} Coverboard Attachment OPTIONAL Preliminarily Ultra Fast Fasteners & 5 AM 61 G40 P, OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self adhered -75 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- secured with top at a rate of (Lim. 7) inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33f12 JM TPO: TPO WBMA, OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ft2, S-AM-62 G40, P, OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO or LVOC MA or ASBA -75 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min. 1.5- secured with top at a rate of JM TPO FB (Lim. 7) inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 JM TPO FB: TPO WBMA or 2-Part UTA-C S Min. 2-inch G40, F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously E3 (no AGF), UltraFast Fasteners & MBA, LVOC MA applied at -75 S-AM-63 L6, Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 C1, or Plates secured JM TPO 1.1 ga11100ft2, TPO WBMA (two- (Lim. 7) S24 layer ProtectoR 1 fastener per 1.6ft2 sided application only) or ASBA Foam G40, F1, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners 8 S-AM-64 L6, Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 (no AGF) or Plates secured JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. m' 7) S24 layer E3 C1 1 fastener per 1.6W S-AM-65 G40, F2, L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied 1.fi7 ga11100ft WBMA or -75 S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer Invinsa Foam secured , ASBAA (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 2.oftz G40, F2, Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-66 L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top Min. 2-inch Foam Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered -75 (Lim. 7) S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer Invinsa secured 1 fastener per 2.0ft2 G40, F21 OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) MBA, LVOC MA applied at67 2 -75 S-AM 67 L6, Vapor Barrier 1.5 inch secured with top SECUROCK secured JM TPO ga11100 1., WBMA or (Lim. 7) S24 E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 A ASBAA G40, F2, Min. Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-68 L6, OPTIONAL Vapor 1.5-inch secured with top Min. 0.5-inch SECUROCK Plates (Square) JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt '75 (Lim. 7) 524 Barrier E3 layer secured 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 G40, F2, OPTIONAL Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & S AM 69 L6, OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.5-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A C{S) -82.5 S24 Vapor Barrier under min. layer SECUROCK secured (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 G40, F2, OPTIONAL Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-70 L6, OPTIONAL INSULATION secured with top Min. 0.5-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 (Lim. 7) 524 Vapor Barrier under min. layer SECUROCK secured 1.5-inch E3 1 fastener per 1.0it2 JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 43 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. J � v _ JOHNS MANVfLLE CORPORATION CREEK E K TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf) Min. 0.5-inch DEXcell FA; UltraFast Fasteners & Plates S-AM-71 G80, F1W, L6, (Square) secured 1 Min. 1.5-inch RSUA or 2-Part UTA Min. 0.5-inch DEXcell FA RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. JM TPO F8 RSUA applied 6-inch o.c. -82.5 (Lim. 7) S24 fastener per E3 applied 6-inch o.c. 1.0ft2; JM Vapor Barrier SA self - adhered over SA Primer Min. 0.5-inch DEXcell FA UltraFast Fasteners 8 S-AM-72 G40, F2, secured with top layer; JM Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch DEXcell FA Plates (Square) JM TPO FB RSUA applied 4-inch o.c. -82.5 (Lim 7) L6, S24 Vapor Barrier E3 layer secured 1 fastener per 1.Oft2 SA self - adhered Min. 2-inch Simultaneously E3 (no AGF), UltraFast Fasteners & MBA or LVOC MA applied at S-AM-73 G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top E3 Ci, or Plates secured JM TPO z 1.1 gat/100it or TPO WBMA (two- -82.5 (Lim. 7) L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 sided application only) Foam G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min, 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & -82.5 S-AM-74 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 (no AGF) or Plates secured z JM TPO HFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) layer E3 C1 1 fastener per 1.0ft G40 F2, OPTIONAL Min. 1.5-inch Simultaneously secured with top Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.67 gall100ft TPO WBMA, or -82.5 S-AM-75 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier E3 layer DEXcell FA secured , ASBA (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 G40, F2, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) MBA, LVOC MA applied at z -82.5 S-AM-76 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with tap DensDeck secured JM TPO 1.67 ga11100ft , TPO WBMA, or E3 layer Prime 1 fastener per 1.Oft G40 F2, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) -82.5 S-AM-77 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with top DensDeck secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) E3 layer Prime z 1 fastener per 1.Oft G40 H1, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & -82.5 S-AM-78 1-inch secured with top ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA, or ASBA (Lim. 7) L6, SH24 Vapor Barrier E3 layer z 1 fastener per 1.33ft JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 44 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, ar other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. J CREEK JOHNS MANViLLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No, Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Coverboard Attachment G40 H1, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & -82.5 S-AM-79 Vapor Barrier 1-inch secured with top ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7) L6, SH24 E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft z G40 H1, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously UltraFast Fasteners & -82.5 S-AM-80 L6, SH24 Vapor Barrier 1-inch secured with lop ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) z JM TPO FB 2-Part UTA-C(S) (Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.33ft UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-81 G40, F1, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plates secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part U!A-C(B), or JM TPO TPO WBMA, MBA, LVOC MA, or -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per 2-Part UTA applied ASBA (Lim. 7) 1.6ft 6-inch o.c. UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-82 G40, Fi, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plate secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 L5, S24 Vapor Barrier or F3 C1 1 fastener per 2-part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 1.6ft2 6-inch o.c. UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-83 G40, Ff, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plate secured ProtectoR HD 2-Part U1A-C(B) or JM TPO FB 2 Part U!A-C(S} -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 1.6ft 6-inch o.c. UltraFast Min. 0.5-inch OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-84 G40, F1, OPTIONAL Min, 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plates secured DensDeck Prime, 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO ASBA, TPO WBMA, MBA or -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per DEXcell FA, or 2-Part U!A applied LVOC MA (Lim. 7) 1.6ft, SECUROCK 6-inch o.c. UlfraFast Min. 0.5-inch 05FA, RSUA, S-AM-85 G40, F1, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & Plates secured DensDeck Prime, 2-Part UTA-C(e), or JM TPO SA Self adhered -82.5 L6, 524 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 1 fastener per DEXcell FA, or 2 Parf U!A applied (Lim 7 ) 1.6ft2 SECUROCK 6-inch o.c. UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-86 G40, F7, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners &Min. Plates secured 1.5-inch 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO A58A, TPO WBMA, MBA or -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 E3 or E3 C1 2-Part UTA applied LVOC MA (Lim, 7) 1 fastener per 1.6ft, 6-inch o.c. UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, 3-AM-87 G40, F1, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners &Min. Plates secured 1.5-inch 2-Part U!A-C(B), or JM TPO SA Self -adhered -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 Cl 1 fastener per E3 or E3 C1 2-Part UTA applied (Lim. 7) 1.6ft2 6-inch o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 45 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (IVew, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf} Min. 2-inch UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, TPO WBMA (rate 0.6-0.13 gaf/100-ft2 G40, OPTIONAL ENRGY 3, Fasteners & Min. 1.5-inch 2-Part U!A-C(B) or JM TPO for one-sided and two-sided -82.5 S-AM-88 F1W, L6, Vapor Barrier ENRGY 3 Plates secured ENRGY 3 2-Part U!A applied application), MBA, ASBA, or LVOC (Lim. 7) S24 CGF, ENRGY 1 fastener per 1ft2 4-inch o.c. MA 3 FIR or E3 C1 Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & TPO WBMA (rate 0.6-0.8 gaI1100-ft2 S-AM-89 G40 F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 or Plates secured JM TPO far one-sided and two-sided -82.5 (Lim. 7) L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 2 1 fastener per 1.0ft application), MBA, or LVOC MA Foam 5 AM 90 G40, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top Min. 2-inch E3, E3 C1, or UltraFast Fasteners & Plates secured JM TPO ASBA or MBA -82.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR z 1 fastener per 1.Oft (Lim. 7) Foam G60, F2, Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & MBA applied at 0.83 ga11100ii to S-AM-91 L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO both membrane and substrate -105 (Lim. 7) S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured 1 fastener per 1.33ft2 or TPO WBMA FIR Min. UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-92 G80, F2, L6, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously secured with top 2-inch ENRGY 3 CGF Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Self -adhered - S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer or ENRGY 3 secured 2 (Lim. 7) FIR fastener per 1.33ft G80, F2, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA, LVOC MA applied at 1.67 TPO WBMA, or -105 S-AM-93 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with top DEXcell FA secured ga1110oft2, ASBA (Lim. 7) E3 layer 1 fastener per 1 Aft z UltraFast Fasteners & MBA, LVOC MA applied at G80, F2, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min, 0.5-inch Plates (Square) JM TPO z 1,67 galls OOft ,TPD WBMA -112.5 S-AM-94 L6, 524 Vapor Barrier 1.5-inch secured with top DensDeck secured (two-sided application only), or (Lim. 7) E3 layer Prime z 1 fastener per 1.0ft ASBA G80, F2, OPTIONAL Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) -112.5 S-AM 95 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier 1.5 inch secured with tap Den secured JM TPO SA Self -adhered Lim1 (. 7) E3 layer e Prime fastener per 1.0ft2 Min. 2-inch E3 Simultaneously (no AGF), UltraFast Fasteners & TPO WBMA (rate 0.6-0.8 gall100-ft2 _112.5 S-AM-96 G80, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top E3 C1, or Plates secured JM TPO for one-sided and two-sided (Lim. 7) L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 1 fastener Per 1.Oft z application), MBA, or LVOC MA Foam JMC13003 18 FL16758-1318 Page 46 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adheres{ Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal) Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Coverboard Attachment Simultaneously 2-inch E3 Min. , UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-97 G80, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL secured with top E3 C1, or Plates secured JM TPO ASBA or MBA -112.5 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION layer ProtectoR 2 1 fastener per 1.0ft (Lim 7) Foam Min. 2-inch G80 F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously E3 (no AGF), UltraFast Fasteners & MBA or LVOC MA applied at 2 120 S-AM-98 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 C1, or Plates secured JM TPO 1.1 ga11100ft or TP WBMA (Lim. 7) layer ProtectoR 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 (two-sided application only) Foam G80, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Simultaneously Min. 2-inch UltraFast Fasteners & 120 S-AM-99 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier INSULATION secured with top E3 (no AGF) or Plates secured JM TPO NFB ASTM D 312 Type IV Asphalt (Lim. 7) layer E3 C1 1 fastener per 1.0ft2 OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & S-AM-100 G40 F1, OPTIONAL INSULATION Secured or P ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO MBA or ASBA -120 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier under min, 1.5- secured with top at a rate of (Lim. 7) inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1ft2 G80, Min. 2-inch ENRGY 3, UltraFast OSFA, RSUA or TPO WBMA (rate 0.6-0.8 ga1I100-ft2 S-AM-101 F1W, L6, OPTIONAL ENRGY 3 Fasteners Min. inch 2-Part UTA applied JM TPO for one-sided and two-sided -120 S24 Vapor Barrier CGF, ENRGY Plates secured 2 e 1 fastener per 1{t ENRGG Y 3 4-inch o.c. application), MBA, or LVOC MA (Lim. 7) 3 FIR or E3 Ci UltraFast OSFA, RSUA, S-AM-102 G80, F2, OPTIONAL Min. 2-inch E3 Fasteners & ProtectoR HD 2-Part UTA-C(B), or JM TPO TPO WBMA, MBA, LVOC MA, or -120 L6, S24 Vapor Barrier or E3 C1 Plates secured 2-Part UTA applied ASBA (Lim. 7) 1 fastener per 1 ft2 4-inch o.c. Min. 2-inch UltraFast G80, OPTIONAL ENRGY 3, Fasteners Min. 1.5Y OSFA. RSUA or S-AM-103 F1W, L6, Vapor Barrier ENRGY 3 Plates secured e ENRGY 3 3 2-part UTA applied JM TPO ASBA or MBA Urn. 7 (Lim' 7) S24 CGF, ENRGY 2 1 fastener per 1 ft 4-inch o.c. 3 FIR or E3 Ci G80, F2, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch AP Fasteners & Plates -135 S-AM-104 L6, S18 Vapor Barrier under min secured with top layer DEXcell FA secured 2 1 fastener 1ft JM TPO FB 2-Part U!A-C(S) (Lim. 7) 1,5 inch E3 per Min. 0.5-inch DEXcell FA UltraFast Fasteners & G80, F2, secured with Min. Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch Plates (Square) -142.5 S-AM-105 L6, S24 top layer,, JM 1.5-inch secured with top OEXce!! FA secured JM TPO FB RSUA applied 4-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) Vapor Barrier E3 layer 2 1 fastener per 1.Qfl SA self- adhered JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 47 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK REEK FPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Thermal/ Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Vapor Barrier Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment (psf) G80, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch UltraFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) JM TPO or TPO tNBMA -150 S-AM-106 F1W,, L6, Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top layer SECUROCK secured JM TPO FB (two-sided application only for JM TPO) (Lim. 7) S24 1.5-inch E3 1 fastener per 1.00ft z G80, OPTIONAL OPTIONAL INSULATION Simultaneously Min. 0.5-inch U1traFast Fasteners & Plates (Square) -150 S-AM-107 F1S L6, Vapor Barrier under min. secured with top SECUROCK secured JM TPO 5A Self -adhered (Lim. 7) 24 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 1.DOft2 Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No, Detail Insulation Insulation Attachment (psf) Attachment OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. w0 -30 5-M-1 G40, L6 INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or High Load Fasteners and JM (Lim. 7; under min. secured with top Cover Board JM TPO FB High Load Plus Plates; Non- 1-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. HVHZ OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -30 S M-2 G40, F, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners. Plates; (Lim. 7; S24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastenerrows max. 138-inch o.c. Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer HVHZ ) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -37.5 S-M-3 G80, LS INSULATION under min. Secured or secured with top OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO (Min. 60 mil) HL Fasteners &Plates; (Lim. 7; Non- 1-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. HVHZ) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -37.5 S-M-4 G40, F, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners (Lim. 7; S24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer .Plates; HVHZ OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -37.5 S-M-5 G40, Hi, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7; Non- L6, SH24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. 1.5-inch E3 layer HVHZ) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with -30 S-M-6 G40, P, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO Extra HL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim, 7; S24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer HVHZ ) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with S M 7 G40, P. L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL preliminarily Secured JM TPO 60 HL Fasteners & Plates; (-45 Lim. 7) S24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. mil) Fastener rows max. 66-inch o.c. 1.5-inch E3 layer JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 48 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base BaSe Insulation Top Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Insulation Insulation Attachment (psf) Attachment OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with S-M-8 G80, F2W, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO High Load Fasteners and JM 45 L6, S24 under min, secured with top Cover Board High Load Plus Plates; (Lim. 7) 1-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 12-inch o.c. with S-M-9 G80, F1, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or Extra Fir Fasteners & Plates; 45 L6, S18 under min, secured with top Cover Board JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-10 G80, F1, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or HL Fasteners & Plates; -45 L6, S18 under min. secured with top Cover Board JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-11 G80, F1, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or Extra HL Fasteners & Plates; -52.5 L6, S18 under min. secured with top Cover Board JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 114 inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c, with S M-12 G40, 1-11, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or HL Fasteners &Plates; -52.5 L6, SH24 under min. secured with top Cover Board JM TPO FB Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-13 G80, F1, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners & Plates; -60 L6, S18 under min. secured with top Cover Board Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-14 G40, P. L6 INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or HL Fasteners &Plates; -60 under min. secured with top Cover Board JM TPO F8 Fastener rows max. 114-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap &inch o.c. with S-M-15 G40, H1, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners & Plates; -60 L6, SH24 under min, secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-16 G40, P, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL FastenersPlates; -60 S24 under min. secured with top Cover Board (Min. 60 mil) Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. (Lim, 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer . OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-17 G80, P, L6, S24 INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO 60 HL Fasteners &Plates; -67.5 (Lim. 7) under min. secured with top (Min. mil) Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. 1.5-inch E3 layer JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 49 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL. SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Mechanically Fastened Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Top Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Insulation Attachment Insulation Attachment (psf) OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-18 G40, H1, L6, SH24 INSULATION under min. Secured or secured with top OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO (Min. 60 mil) Extra HL Fasteners & Plates; -67.5 (Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 138-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-19 G40, P, L6 INSULATION under min. Secured or secured with top OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO HL Fasteners & Plates; -75 (Lim. 7) 1-inch F3 layer Fastener rows max. 90-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S-M-20 G40, P. L5 INSULATION under min. Secured or secured with top OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO or JM TPO FB HL Fasteners & Plates; -97.5 (Lim. 7) 1-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 54-inch o.c. OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with S M 21 G40, HI, L6, SH24 INSULATION under min. Secured or secured with top OPTIONAL Cover Board Preliminarily Secured JM TPO (Min_ 60 mil) HL Fasteners & Plates; (-105 Lim. 7) 1.5-inch E3 layer Fastener rows max. 66-inch o.c. Induction Welded Assemblies over Steel Deck New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane MDP No. Detail Insulation Attachment Insulation Attachment (psf) Preliminarily Attached with High Load Fasteners G40, P. Secured or OPTIONAL and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -45 S-W-1 L6 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 8 per 4-ft x 841 board Pattern #1 (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer (1 fastener per 4.0-ft2) Preliminarily Attached with JM TPO RhinoPlates G4 0, 0, Secured or OPTIONAL fastened 12-inch o.c. with High Load JM TPO Induction welded to -45 S-W-2 Hi, INSULATION secured with top Cover Board Fasteners; Fastener rows (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) SH24 layer max. 72-inch o.c. Preliminarily G40, F1, Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#15 at a JM TPO Induction welded to -45 S-W-3 L6, S30 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board rate of 1 fastener per4.0-ft2 (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer G80, Preliminarily SD1W, Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#15 spaced JM TPO Induction welded to -45 S-W-4 L6 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 24" o.c. in rows 24" o.c. (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) SDL24 layer G80, SD1W Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#12 or JM TPO Induction welded to 45 5 W-5 L6, INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISOWELD-#i5 spaced 12" o.c. in spaced (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) SDL24 layer rows 60" JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 50 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION CREEK TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane MDP No, Detail Insulation Attachment Insulation Attachment (psf) G80, F1, Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with iSOWEL0412 or JM TPO Induction welded to -45 S-W-6 L6, S36 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board ISOWELD415 spaced in a 2-ft x 3-ft (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer staggered grid Attached with High Load Fasteners G40, Preliminarily and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of S-W-7 N1, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL 6 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #2 JM TPO Induction welded to -52.5 secured with top Cover Board (1 fastener per 5.33-ft ); Board length (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) SH24 layer perpendicular to deck Flutes with 6- inch stagger from preceding course Preliminarily S-W-8 G40, P. INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD415 spaced JM TPO Induction welded to -60 L6, S36 secured with top Cover Board in a 2-ftx 2-ft staggered grid (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer Attached with High Load Fasteners and JM TPO RhinoPlates G40 Preliminarily at a rate of S-W-9 H1, L6, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL 8 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #2 JM TPO Induction welded to -67.5 SH24 secured with top Cover Board (1 fastener per 4.0-ft ); (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer Board length perpendicular to deck flutes with 6-inch stagger from preceding course Preliminarily Attached with High Load Fasteners S-W-10 G40, F2, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -675 L6, S18 secured with top Cover Board 8 per 4-ft x 8-ft board Pattern #1 (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 4.0-ft2 Preliminarily Attached with High Load Fasteners S-W-11 G40, P, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -75 L6 secured with top Cover Board 12 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 2.67-ft2 Preliminarily S-W-12 G40, Fl, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with iSOWELD-#15 at a JM TPO Induction welded to -75 L6 330 secured with top Cover Board rate of 1 fastener per 3.2-ft2 (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim, 7) layer G40, F2, Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with High Load Fasteners JM TPO Induction welded to -82.5 S-W-13 L6, S24 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board and JM TPO RhinoPlates in a (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer 24-inch by 16-inch grid pattern Preliminarily S-W-14 G40, P, INSULATION Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with iSOWELD-#15 spaced JM TPO Induction welded to -82.5 L6, S36 secured with top Cover Board in a 1.5-ft x 2-ft staggered grid (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer J_MC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 51 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVRLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Steel Deck (New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Membrane MDP No. Detail Insulation Attachment Insulation Attachment (psf) G80, FZ Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with High Load Fasteners JM TPO Induction welded to -90 S-W 15 L6, S24 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board and JM TPO RhinoPlates in a (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) 24anch by 16-inch grid pattern layer Preliminarily Attached with High Load Fasteners G40, Secured or OPTIONAL and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of JM TPO Induction welded to -90 S-W-16 F2W, L6 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 15 per 4-ft x 8-ft board (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinaPfates (Lim. 7) layer 1 fastener per 2,13-ft2) Attached with High Load Fasteners Preliminarily and JM TPO RhinoPlates at a rate of G 40 Secured or OPTIONAL 12 per 4-ft x 8 ft board (1 fastener JM TPO Induction welded to -90 5-W 17 L6, INSULATION secured with top Cover Board per 2.67-ft ); Board length (Min. 60 mil) JM TPO RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) S24 layer perpendicular to deck flutes with 6- inch stagger from preceding course Preliminarily G40, F1, Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD415 spaced JM TPO Induction welded to -90 S W 18 L5, S30 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 6" o.c. in rows 60" o.c. (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) layer G80, Preliminarily SD1W, Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-#15 spaced JM TPO Induction welded to -97.5 S-W-19 L6 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board 18" o.c, in rows 18" O.C. (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) SDL24 layer G60, SD1W, Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Attached with ISOWELD-912 or JM TPO Induction welded to -97.5 S-W-20 L6, INSULATION secured with top Cover Board spaced 6" lSOWELDo.c. in (Min. 60 mil) Isoweld plates (Lim. 7) SDL24 layer rows 60" o.c. Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Wood Deck New, Existing, or Recover System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment MDP No. Detail Insulation Attachment Coverboard Attachment {psf) OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & -37.5 W-AM-1 T7116D, INSULATION Secured or ProtectoR HD Plates (Square) JM TPO SA Seff-adhered (Lim. 7; Non- L24, N8 under min. secured with top at a rate of 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 2-ft2 HVHZ JM TPO: TPO WBMA, OPTIONAL Preliminarily UltraFast Fasteners & JM TPO MBA applied at 0.83 ga111002, -37.5 W-AM-2 T7/160, INSULATION Secured or ProtectoR HDPlates (Square) (Min. 60 mil) LVOC MA orASBA (Lim. 7; L24, N6 under min. secured with top at a rate of or Non- 1.5-inch E3 layer 1 fastener per 2-ft2 JM TPO FB JM TPO FB: RSUA applied HVHZ) 12-inch o.c. or 2-Part UTA-C(S JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 52 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Assemblies with Adhered Membranes over Insulated Wood Deck New, Existing, or Recover) System Deck Base Base Insulation Top Insulation or Top Insulation or MDP No. Detail insulation Attachment Coverboard Coverboard Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Attachment Preliminarily JM All Purpose JM TPO: MBA, TPO WBMA, -37.5 W-AM-3 T7/160, OPTIONAL Secured or ProtectoR Fasteners and JM TPO JM TPO or LVOC MA, or ASBA (Lim. 7; L24 INSULATION secured with top Rhino Plates secured at a JM TPO FB Non - layer rate of 1 per 2.13ft2 JM TPO FB: 2-Part UTA-C(S) HVHZ Preliminarily JM All Purpose -37.5 W-AM-4 T7/160, OPTIONAL Secured or ProtectoR Fasteners and JM TPO JM TPO SA Self -adhered (Lim. 7; L24 INSULATION secured with top Rhino Plates secured at a Non - layer rate of 1 per 2.13ft2 HVHZ Mechanica ly Fastened Assemblies over Wood Deck New or Existing) System Deck Thermal Base Base Top Top MDP No. Detail Barrier Insulation Insulation Insulation Insulation Membrane Membrane Attachment (psf) Attachment Attachment Min. 0.25- Preliminarily Attached in -lap 4-inch o.c. with -37.5 W-M-1 T19132P. As required inch Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily JM TPO JM APB Plates and High Load (Lim. 7; L24 INSULATION secured with top Cover Board Secured Fasteners; Fastener rows max. Non - layer 114-inch o.c. HVHZ T19132P, Min. 0.25- Preliminarily Secured or OPTIONAL Preliminarily Attached in -lap 6-inch o.c. with -60 W-M-2 L24, N6 As required inch secured with top Cover Board Secured JM TPO NL Fasteners & Plates; (Lim. 7) INSULATION layer Fastener rows max. 54-inch o.c. Induction Welded Assemblies over Wood Deck (New or Existing) System Deck Thermal Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Membrane MDP No. Detail Barrier Insulation Attachment Top Insulation Attachment Membrane Attachment (psf) JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1-inch embedment T71160 or Preliminarily Min. 0.5-inch into wood supports) and JM Induction welded -37.5 W-W-1 T15/32P, As OPTIONAL Secured or E3 or Cover TPO Rhino Plates secured JM TPO to JM TPO (Lim, 7; L24 required INSULATION secured with top Board max. 12-inch o.c. through (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates Non- layer sheathing into wood HVHZ) structural supports in row max. 8-ft o.c. JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 53 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANV[LLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D —APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Wood Deck (New or Existing System Deck Thermal Base Base Insulation Top Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane MDP No. Detail Barrier Insulation Attachment Attachment Attachment (psf) JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1-inch embedment T71160 or into wood supports) and JM Induction welded -37.5 W-W-2 T15/32P, As OPTIONAL Loose laid ProtectoR TPO Rhino Plates secured JM TPO to JM TPO (Lim. 7; L24 required INSULATION max. 48-inch o.c. through (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates Non - sheathing into wood HVHZ) structural supports in rows max. 24" o.c. JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1.5-inch embedment T71160 or into wood supports) and JM Induction welded -45 W-W-3 T1 As Min. 1-inch E3 Loose laid OPTIONAL TPO Rhino Plates secured JM TPO TPO to J TPO (Lim. 7; L24 L24 required or E3 C1 Cover Board max. 48-inch o.c. through (Min. 60 mil) Rhino Non- sheathing into wood HVHZ) structural supports in rows max. 24" o.c. JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1.75-inch embedment T71160 or Preliminarily into wood supports) and Induction welded -45 W-W 4 T1 As OPTIONAL Secured or OPTIONAL JM TPO Rhino Plates JM TPO to JM TPO (Lim 7; L24 L24 required INSULATION secured with top Cover Board secured max. 18-inch o.c. (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates Non- layer through sheathing into HVHZ) wood structural supports in row max. 4-ft o.c. JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1.5-inch embedment Preliminarily into wood supports) and Induction welded T15132P, As Min. 0.25-inch Secured or OPTIONAL JM TPO Rhino Plates JM TPO to JM TPO -52.5 W-W-5 L24, N6 required INSULATION secured with top Cover Board secured max. 24-inch o.c. (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlaies (Lim. 7) layer through sheathing into wood structural supports in rows max. 24" o.c. JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1.5-inch embedment Preliminarily into wood supports) and Induction welded T15/32P, As Min. 0.25-inch Secured or OPTIONAL JM TPO Rhino Plates JM TPO to JM TPO -60 W W 6 L24, N6 required INSULATION secured with top Cover Board secured max. 9-inch o.c. (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim 7) layer through sheathing into wood structural supports in rows max. 48" o.c. JMC13003 18 FL16758-R18 Page 54 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK JOHNS MANVILLE CORPORATION TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX D — APPROVED ASSEMBLIES FOR JM TPO SINGLE -PLY MEMBRANES Induction Welded Assemblies over Wood Deck (New or Existing System Deck Thermal Base Base Insulation Tap Insulation Top Insulation Membrane Membrane MDP No. Detail Barrier Insulation Attachment Attachment Attachment (psf) JM All Purpose Fasteners (min. 1.5-inch embedment Preliminarily into wood supports) and JM Induction welded W-W-7 T15/32P, As Min. 0.25-inch Secured or OPTIONAL TPO Rhino Plates secured JM TPO to JM TPO -112.5 124, N6 required INSULATION secured with top Cover Board max. 6-inch O.C. through (Min. 60 mil) RhinoPlates (Lim. 7) layer sheathing into wood structural supports in rows max. 48" o.c. END OF REPORT JMC13003.18 FL16758-R18 Page 55 of 55 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installafson, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein.