HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoseph Ray - 16789SG' LPL Go NEK.oL J sr ar COSP��r� 3O'CrRP GdT I 90 P[MB T KIHG'S .HIGHWAY. SITE PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall examine the site layout his work and provide the followings as needed to his operation for small construction job. I. Temporary water and lights. 2. Temporary toilets. 3. Watchman as required. 4. Return all dwgs, and specs. to Li'I. General Stores . 5. All inspections, testing a permit cost. 6. Provide all assistance for requirements of Bldg. Inspections. ( The Contractor shall pay for all above items. ) DEMOLITION EXCUVATING GRADING a BACKFILL: Include all work as shown on dwgs, removal of all debris, stumps form all berms, grades, backfill for all utilities, provide and place properly all fill, paving, and Buffers shown on pions. roof overhang 4'- 0" m 6'_ 8" m m louvered door O 00 I -N Storage room a2 I ,sink sa#2 _ 0 1 � I u- a Storage room 0 si : I I W 1 t a 10'- id, N _00 m o oI J I c N N 1 all studs 20"exce at plumbing wait. All plates to be pre ure i treated z ,o � M 00 fire door ' optional rF a 5 5rodsb 2 ties@12" c.c. o .P I 10' - 011 c - p 181_ 8" 12- 561-011 soffit for A/C duct -A" :W62973 CARPENTRY AND MILLWORK: All structural and framing shall be Southern Pine and Douglas Fir industrial grade. All wood bearing on masonry sholI be pressure treated (P.T , All wood shall bear lumber grode marks to conform to( ALS) American Lumber Standards and sholibe 15% of less in moisture content. Other as noted on drawings. Interior trim, Pine select. Exterior trim P.T. Doors shall be Hollow core or as noted on door schedule. NOTE: Ardco door unit and pre fob cooler display shelving to be furnished by Lill. General. Gen. contr. to order through Lill. General. Allow 45 days for delivery. Order early and specify delivery date to job site. Gen. contr, will be resposible for unloading and receiving doors on job site. NOTE: All mechanical subs to patch any openings that they make. NOTE: 81.x 16°pilaster block poured Wconc. 4*5 ¢ vertg'ajv29q,,7.-�to be used when accepted by local codes ( pilaster in front to reman poured.) hese drawings comply to the South Florida Building Code. typical cone. pilaster 8"xl6" W/4.0 5p vert4 w2 o Mies Q. 24"o.c. 12'- 811 I'-4", 1 3'- 411 TERRAZZO Shall be 5/8" monolithic type on slab. Color shall be gray, cement -marble chips to be 60% white, 156/6 royal green, 15% Italian rose, 10%yellow. Expansion joints 2verticalt I horizontal, equally spaced. After final grind terrazzo (contractor to seal all terrazzo with ovanti Penetrating sealer No. PTS-180. Then apply ovanti finish No. A-150-B. Both sealer and finish to be applied as per recommendations of "Neptune Chemical Corporation" Division of "Chemex Industries, Inc."AL jk -u --+ NOTE: floor safe-Kl'"2 furnished by Lill. General. ' installed by �en.Contr. Order from Lill. General Star • NOTE counter sink furnished by Li'I. General.i Plumber to put in drain water lines. Overhani 1 N �I r. i . � t .1 t: 2�a i rb Kim, ram" ; A4 s th �0 41 1 i°1 ell I n 181_ 811 4" conc. parking apron — w/6"x 6% 10/10 W.W. fabric of ' c Z u 'W. O O N � v :m u M ` N _ O � c G a I 0 o j v 5 a c � m 1 O m � N d `,. I DESIGN LIVE LOADS Roof. . ... . :. .. 30 P. S. F DESIGN WIND LOADS Lateral Load... ...... 65P.S,F. Roof Uplift....... ...40P.S.F. Uplift on Canopies and other Capt E Lovers. ....... 45 P.S.F. DESIGN FOUNDATION BEARING Value 1,250 PS.F. 28 day cone. strenth 2,500P.S.1. Steel tension stress 20000P.S.I. ELEVATION 0.0" SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12"ABOVE HIGHEST POINT OF STREET. CANOPY SIGN a YARD SIGN POST BY LANDLORD a SHALL BE INSTALLED BY GEN. CONTR. OR HIS SUB. (PAVING OF ENTIRE PARKING LOT 4"COMPACTED SHELL OR LIME ROCK WITH 1 1/2" TYPE I MODIFIED WEARING SURFACE ASPHALT 4" WIDE YELLOW PAINT TO BE DETERMINED AT SITE. ALL SUB. CONTRACTORS TO BE RESPONSIBILE TO LOCAL a STATE AUTHORITIES FOR APPROVAL OF THEIR WORK. f. d slop sirtk�� W. I lov. n n,counter sink ONE TOILET PLAN 0 0 u m A f. d f. d U; LI'L. (NERAL STORES DIVISION OF GENERAL HOST CORPORATION c — date: 5/24/73 scale: as noted �= by C. Lenseth -� _. .3 _*62973 STEEL JOIST: All shall be as per plans r details and conform to Steel Joist institue, specs,,^ s STEEL ROOF DECKS, Steel deck shall be Type A, galv.painted, steel, 22ga. STRUCTURAL STEEL: See dwgs_ and schedules for type, location, quantity and details of steel required for a complete job and furnished all misc. steel , all templates. STeel shall comform to latest edition ofA.I.S.C. std. Specs. for all steel. Furnish shop dwgs. See notes on dwgs. MISCELLANEOUS METAL: See dwgs. schedules, details and notes for items of metal, this to include all anchors, bolts,hangers, plates, sleeves, clamps,ties,embeds, etc. All to conform to ASTM specs for structural steel; ASTM specs.A27 for cost steel. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL; See detail drawings for type, quantity , location of roofing sheet metal work required. Galv. iron shell be 26 go. Built up roof shall be 20yr. bondable. 5 6 ' - 0" e. - 14 equal spaces 60 4'-0"=56' -0" % ... Sm. no. 4 z 4" in pitchpaas for 6 ton A/C 1 double Oar joist for 6ton A/C 7'- p" g'-. 6" 1 a 22H 8 bar joists I "' 1 \y 4 x 4" pitch pains far 5ton comp. for codlerl double ble b ol# Joist (IVfor 5 ton comp; ND I I -— 12_ 8 16.5 col. "C" BB" ROOF FRAMIN P AN scales I'/' = I 0 56-p -N - I I F 1 6°f-6" J COL."B pilaster 51 lumns red 1 roe--o rz'-4" no. 3 SCHEDULES BEAMS No. 1, 8"x 16" W / 4 t'5o "2Pties @ 24" No. 2• 8 varies ( slopes from 22 at front to 16 at rear No.3. 8"xl2' W/4 50*2 ties?P 24' -- Note: 4 " 5 corner bars C0 beam juncture COLUMNS A. 8"x16" W/4 '"5p1"2tiesCO 12" 9"x16"pilaster block poured W/conc. �4 *5,e vert;t x'2 ties to be u§ed when accepted by local codes (pilaster in front to remain poured. ) B. .ei"x 16" Mf/4 5)e2 ties 6) 1,2 — --- --- ---- --- -- — C. 3 1/2"x 3 1/2"x 1/4" tubuler steel column. FOOTING Note: at each conc. column provide 4 S 5dowels hooked in footing. hook at top of col. bars in beam. 42'k I k ansverse Note: top of all footings 16" below el.0'-0" provide 2 '67c rner barscQ footing junct. Provide dur-o-wall reinf. in C.E'.walls . Req'd. every 3rd. course with corners use 10'-0' lenth. W/6" min. lap (std. dur-o-wall 96 asin A82-61 T.) CONCRETE WORK: type and location as shown, with all rebors, Inserts, dowels, sleeves, hangers, etc. The specs. for conc. materials, mixing, delivery shall tie in accordance with Portland Cement Assn., Federal Specs. as apply to type specified. All form, removal of forms shall be to Stds. for such work. Admixtures finishes, special concrete shall be as noted on dwgs. Ready -Mixed conc.,, to ASTM spec. C94-55T. MASONRY: All mails, shown and noted and set in full beds of mortar. Cone. blocks shell be 3 cell, outoclaved in general,fire block shall be used where noted on plot plan. This work in accordance with Nati. Standards and Mfgs. Specs. for each matt MANSARD To be covered with Ming Blue Decramostic Roof Tile from Automated Building Components, Inc. 7525 N.W. 37th Ave. Miami, Florida 33147 SOFFIT: To be of Alcoa Paneling i SVG 12 NS 12" non -ventilated v groove cut to 4' lengths and SVG 12VS 12" ventilated v groove panels cut 4' lengths. 2 ventilated panels at end of building then 25 non -ventilated panels 2more ventilated panels then 25 non -ventilated and 2 ventilated panels at other, end of building. A .furring strip to be used 2'out from wall for paneling to be fastened to. "F"chaneis to be used on wall F"chanel to be 178S by Alcoa. Use "J 'chanel F414 S on outside end of overhang. Miter F 714 for turning corners on soffit. Cut soffit panels to fit and slide into miter. 2 B 16.5 Bm. n o2 tie beorn3t12B16.5top flu h', . — 371:3" beam 12816 5 Ilu J18' 2"o anchor 1 P.T.2"x4"boited to it a 11 beam or ramset column " B" SECTION "B„_"r3�' scale: 3/4"= 1"-0" 22 ga. steel deck � I" insulation tie beam no. 2 board with 5 ply. tar gravel 4*50w/#3eties roof. 20yr. bondable - -__ at 24 1 2z4 t slopes from I::°,i 22"t i 16" '�62973 I fawn l / (/ ceiling exp.C.B.front side wall storage Iona. fl_. 1 NI 4 pen last ins. P .032go. white, alum. :o ao cone.fl. ceiling \ headed 2x4from plywood on cooler \ \ ~— @ w/3/4 side \ �\ clear anddized al store front crystal pt�tp glas \ doors in windows\ �\ 0 \ °f �\ \\ �,. 032go. smooth alum. header r — -- iamb ,tsill ,,-..„ <;- ",,. *�, INTERIOR VIEW OF FRONT WALL AA .. crnin I/A°-I' e)" efempere q ososs ceiling _7 soffit for A/C duct ✓--covered some as ceiling —� a ,ex p.C.B. rear !`side wall air Q tine of sight handle �. storage o{ refJecVion :o line � 1'.11 emon �I K cone. fl. INTERIOR VIEW OF REAR WALL scaler 1/4'�= 1'_O' provide plastic molding— mirrors as required ��(Dall corners INTERIOR VIEW OF RIGH1 scaIs: 1/4 r I' - 0" 4 7/ 8" 0 0 _1 1 r ay 9 DETAIL OF SOC?A CRATE STORAGE SHELF sole` I l'-011 -4° penplast. ins. .032go. white -alum O 1 m cone. fl. 4 batten ins. 2'x4! sheet rock tiles supended wood trim -- d 3 0 a 0 C w E _ i e 1.0. 00" ? terrazzo 5/8" o N e► 4"slab - Note-. oll slabs on 6x6x10/I0w.2i = throughty compacted fill =o ftg. beyond for laity col. N SECTION THRU FRONT WALL @ WINDOW scale:3/8 1'-011 2 B 16.5 light fixture ---' 2'xB"w/.032 alum. crystal glass A/C covered same asceilinghduct -town paneling -- paint door trim to match paneling ---- f --d@ not panel ?errazzo fl. z: d .^a INTERIOR VIEW OF LEFT WALL'; scale:)/4'= 1'-0" AIM II-6" 3/4plywood I"x3" 1"x3"fastened to wall w/toggle bolts 24`o c 3/4°plywood bracket fi-O" o c.Y LPL. GENERAL STORES DIVISION OF GENERAL HOST CORPORATI T• — Ile' as, gted --- — C. Lenseth N' 4O 9 i. iWMiWWMM #62973 SECTION AT REF UNIT n.t. s. mel CCT A C A C =®0® A C 16 A C 171_ I A IC 18 A IC 19 A IC 201 3kr A C 16 A C 171_ I A IC 18 A IC 19 A IC 201 3kr H.P. Wire No.sae LOCATION nel C C T Pole Volt Q/ Bkr H.P. Wsi No size LOCATION 20 2 12 _ Ceiling Lights Night Lights B C 1 3 230 3 40 6 13 8 Air and. 20 2 12 Ceiling Lights B C 2 20 2 12 _ Ceiling Lights B C 3 20 2 12 Canopy Lights B C 4 3 2303 405 2 8 Walk-in Cooler 20 2 12 Facia Sign B C 5 20 2 1 12 Pole Sign B C 6 20 2 12 Clock Receissed in Wall B C 7 2 2301 201 2 12 Air Cond. Fan 20 2 112 Walk -In Cooler Lights B C g 20 2 1 12 Warming Cables at Doors 0 C 9 2 2301 1201118 2 12 Walk-in Cooler Fan 20 2112 Storage, Wash ! Bottle Rooms 6 C 10 1 IWAM. 20 2 12 Cash Reg. B C II 3 2303 40 3 8 20KW Heat Strips 20 2 12 Soft Drink t Telphone B C 12 20 2 12 Lights in Frozen Food Case B C 13 20 2 12 Ice Merchandiser B C 14 2 230 1 20 2 12 Upright Frozen Food Case 30 2 10 Water Heater B C 15 B C 16 2 230 1 20 2 12 Upright Frozen Food Ca+ 20 2 12 0u_itlet_s_ B C 17 B C IS 1 115 1 20 2 12 Ice Merchandiser _ B C 19 1 115 1 20 2 12 Uri ht rozen Food Lights — — B C 20 1 115 1 20 I/2 2 12 Ice Cream Case _ _ B C 21 1 115 1 201/2 2 12 Ice Cream Case B C 22 2 220 1 20 13 12 ) Counter EGUIDment Heater 18"x 18 18 x 14 , 18 x 10„ 18"x 6" B C 238 C 24 B C 25 2 1 30 3 8 _ Koolie Unit --- B C 26 2 1 30 3 8 Koolie Unit B C 27 - -� 1 314'plastic pipe to roof for refrig. lines B C 28 pitch pon. A.14 B.14-15 A.13 8.16-17 B C 29 —_ B C 30 I — — — _ air -- — -L FD� handler F01 soffit for A/C duct SIGNS: All Facia & Pole Signs to be furnished by Lill. General Stores. Erection a electrical connections by General Contractor or his Sub -Contractor. Contractor 6F1.P. to unit 208/230/3DJ be set on roof by Gen. Contr. I-4 fc to notify Lill. General Stores at lease 30days prior 10 delivery date and specify job sAte address and Sign Contractor. A.10 ( I AIR CONDITIONING: Air conditioning units furnished by Lill. General Stores, A,17(4=m installed by General Contractor or his Sab-Contractor. All roof framing, temp. control for A/C 'A M pitch pans and electrical connections by General Contractor or his ups=6' off fl• vI Sub -Contractor. w -� `o' Note Elect: All electrical equipment connections by Elect. Contr. N Note Elect: Elect. Contr. to provide required outlets check-out counter for d owners equipment from conduit after equipment is in place. A.10 cI B 4-5 o up7 Note: All wire to be copper. N Note Elect: Run elect. conduit after fin. wall Is in walk-in cooler. Use "type L.B.° plastilet and seal. 5H-P. refrig. unit 208/20 /3 drain for condensate set on roof by Gen. Cant Note: _ c.5 & c.6 to be operated by time clock. \ on 6:30A.M. off 8:OOA.M. i -- - - ----- " pitch pa -M1 on5:00P.11 off 12:00P.M. A - - - - a � Note: A• 7 cod supports 348" 0 : Electrical contractor to furnish°twist lock crows loot connectors" at up7 recessed threaded RK,D (12) hanger $$ o following locations. A• 10 extended 4' below fin. ceilling ui 1- " ! � (�I I/4 I conduit off ff. 4 x4 x2 1/2 box I 1/4'knock out. upright, all outlets to I 0. d c - oM ° o c C. 14- 15 C 16- 17 c. 9- 10 fixtures to be run after equipment is in place 5-7 —i w N� 0 TO PROVIDE (ELECTRICIAN I LIGHTING ARRESSTOR o aD r� o B. 4 5 O c ` M �- up7 d Service enterance wire to be copper 3,000 M C M 3,000 M C M � �� a N -A I 2 1/2sonduit 2 conduit 30 a'3 ° 30cct 20cct*Ccl B.25 8.26 - N o a ON 3 20cct B A I Panel Panel --� --__ o o my o A (Fnnel 200 PD'' +- a.5 n i I 20 A M P O O E o �400 AMP AMP up4"A•12 up4A.12 ; 3 Ew - - � 1 0 OPTION 3 0 OPTION hose bibb A.5 up 61 LI'L. GENERAL STORES DIVISION OF GENERAL HOST CORP RATION — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — — date: 5/24/73 — ELECTRICAL PLAN stole* as noted _ -- 5 �y by C. scole:I/4"=I' O" Lenseth JU — �F 0f_ $Xmov ME,- , n �J, .i-.- °RhM FRAME— AI..i�M 9TF'IF W-1,:* ;' � n E 5 kj 1� %u=`} 3w op F W M r'f Gn f �� ' Y IM 1�5 . wN'�'`}fR, '�•` '35 � �a yy 5 1 } wt�d� sRX�' S.r h=ks i t' `-24GA-. SALV. IviRiE 1JfIY 3C:4)4.1#FPAME f 04,;A.GAc.V. LAMP TRACK '7051q`BET!,EE-H LAfMPTP/AcK5 Q5 c FLUOR. LAMP.S 48 RE b - xl/"GA-STL•TUL¢1N6 J"(bNUUT- .!i .sox .... #62973 FAN SCHEDULE fan no: location mfgr. model no. use cfm. f.a. drive r.p.m, outlet h.p v. a. yl no of blade note motor posit. seed size toilet Nutone el 2 2 0 exhaust 160 direct v. 115 I 1 no.823 reducer w/damper no.845 ceiling all roof cap w/weather damp-8" ducts tronstion to 845- ac LIGHT SCHEDULE Mfg r. cat, no. _._ type tubes mounted location Ilamps volts a w ballast lithonia c.296 of 2 96 soles,conop ft96t12 115 1.5 • sign t sto.1-2 2 48" toilet Lighting Protection. See outline and location on drawings. All to comform to Lighting Protection Institute 53 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, III. Funish Mater Label 4"x 2-1/2"with U.L. requirements and label No. recorded with Ins. Co. as per local codes. FINISH SCHEDULE room floor base walls ceiling remarks front left rear 1 right sales terrazzo vinyl fwan fwan lemonice Ewan 2'x4' st. rk. tile base when walls are_exposed after area panel panel paint panel **(grid type) furnishings are in plate. storage concrete none c. b. c .b. plywood plywood 2'x4'st.rk. Tile I rid type) storage concrete none plywood c. b. c. b. plywood 2'x4 st. rk'.tile (grid type) toliet concrete vinyl c. b. 2'x4'st. rk. tile _ ( rid t e) cooler concrete none white alum whitedlu whitealu whitalu white alum. .032go. white alum. DuPont Lucite Lemon Ice 1609c. D R a HARDWARESCHEDULE Door 1 2-8 x 6-8 x 1 3/8 louvered fir Ipr, huger 1241 butts point grade I IocKwood 110 alum. lockset Door 2 2'-8"x 6-8"x 13/8"flush h.c. Inr. hager 1241 butts paint c rade llockwood120 alum. lockset Door 3 2-0 + 6-8 x 1 3/8" flush h. c. Ipr. hager 124t butts aint orade I lockwood 120 alum, lockset Door 4 36'x 7' Mawneer narrow style kowneer nonconceled o•h.type closer(attach door closer w/mole ( female (single acting) bolts, double cylinder lock(key 2 door alike) type J push pull device inside out Door 5 Adco giant size model 30 x 66 complete by mfgr. Metal Doors Trim, See drawings schedules details and notes for all doors and trim. Steel units shall be"Amweld", Aluminum work shall be "Armarlite"unless noted otherwise. ., PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE water closets tank bowl t seat americon std. or equal. 3/8'.carom e supply t stop esction to match. h.w. heater 6gal. americon std. lov¢ sinks americon std. or equal. @ 75 psi. incl. support to inst. near ceiling floor drains americon std. or equal. shock absorbers I pipe by IS long. w/I cap. hose bibbs 3/4" brass mirrors 12"x16"x1/4" ground edge w/hangers Metal Toilet Compartments a Baffles None required dispensers coat hook and bumpers. - PAINTING SCHEDULE back wall of lemon ice sales area (dupont lucite lemon ice 1609c) exterior conc. 2 coats PVA white blk. walls f cols. sidewalk _' green note, all painting to consist of sealers primers 2coats of specified material. tractor shall furnish and i GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: SECTION I. The drawing reference to Standard drawing details a notes refer only to the detail or not that applies. SECTION 2. The General Contractor a Sub -Contractor shall verify all dimensions, etc. on all drawings and related surveys, equipment, data for all work to coordinate and align the dimensions for all trades and fitted to all shop drawings, manufactur's cuts, stock or fabricated samples, standard manufactur's parts and members, etc. SECTION 3. The AIA General Conditioning Document No. A201 latest Edition, shall apply and be a part of this contract, for all trades, drawings and specifications. SECTION 4. The word "Contractor" shall completely include all words and phrases, omitted for brevity such as,"The Contractor shell„ 7o Conform With. „In,Gonformify Wit(1'' '., „Shell Bei , As Ngtgd onDrawjng,s,, and/or Specifications, According to Plans , As Per Details, A, The, Shall, Shall be, Provide', and "Install SECTION 5. At the time of bidding any item in drawings and specifications not clear or omitted and not called to the attention ofthe Architect, it is deemed that the Contractor has estimated a grade of material, workmanship, etc, In keeping with the high grade of materials aAd trained craftsman as outlined for the project and no extra cost will be allowed. SECTION 6. Where shop drawings are called for they shall be submitted to the Architect in triplicate for opprovals even though the Architect does not have supervision. Failure to submit the shop drawings called for shall be deemed an omission in Contract and any change from the Architect's design of stuctual members unlawfully made by the Contractor shall make that Contractor fully responsible for the building or any part thereof and be subject to all costs and legal action and damages. SECTION 7. Addition to General Conditions, the terms "Equal" and "Or Equal" and "Approved Equal" Shall not apply to any item of material or workmanship, Any deviation of any material, article, method, process, workmanship, shall be by written approval on Architect's Change Orders. Orders for motericals, equipment appliances shall be made in time so there will not be any delays. SECTION 8. The minimun limits of Contractor's Liability Insurance shall be: Per Person Per Accident I. Bodily Injury 1001000.00 300,000.00 2. Property Damage 501OQQ.00 100,000.00 3. Automobile Property 25,000.00 Damage a written by an Ins. Co. licensed ih State the project is located. SECTION 9. Owners Liability Insurance shall be written by a company licensed in the State the project is located. SECTION 10. Gauranty Bond properly secured, in an amount of not less than 100% of the total of the sum of sums bid upon all items of the proposal, including the maximum sum of all plus alternates where included. This Bond shall be as per State Law in State where construction is located. SECTION 11. General Contractors shall be "Certified; "Licensed; or "Registered"in areas of proposed construction. SECTION 12. The Contractor shall examine the site, layout his work and provide and pay for the following as needed to his operation for the small construction job. I. Temporary Water and Lights. 2. Temporary Toilets. 3. Watchman as Required. 4. Return all Drawings and Specifications to Superintendent of Constc ornpa, General Office. 5. All Inspections, Testing and Permit Cost. .aa 6. Provide all Assistance for Requirements of Building Inspections. SECTION 13. LIENS: All Contractors, General and Sub shall furnish the Owners) 100% protection against any and all IienS for labor and materials shown, noted or implied and such protection shall be in accordance with and performed to Florida Statutes, Sections 84.011 to 84. 371 Incl. dated effective Oct. 1, 1963. This does not apply to any material supplier or Sub -Contractor that may be in privity with the Owner(s), SECTION 14. DEVIATION FROM PLANS: The Contractor or Sub -Contractor shall not deviate from the plans or specifications in any particular except upon written directions of the Architect, or the President of Li'I. General Stores, or Superintendent of Constr. Tampa, General Office. _ SECTION 15. CLEAN UP: All trash to be removed from grounds and building and haul Lot to be leveled and graded for proper drainage. ", Store to be turned over to LI'L. GENERAL in sparkling clean conditioi 0L. GENERAL STORES DIVISION OF GENERAL HOST CORPORATION _ date: 5/24/73 scale: by: C. Lenseth� i ry il4'i�" Y 3 h t �vry -, 5 4 � � = ��� i.• ° tt Wed �h� F � r � y Yy�+'� e F I ,�av° M ie1 ,� i,5j .: S2F��4ypF `•=' tS MOn To be coves r � a x } t { ry 1 d i