HomeMy WebLinkAboutVeg removal appII % I F. 1141 11►111 1 4 II Iill11,011121'#rlolI %Fdml.14 1 1COUNTY, pa txasft I b A . LUC.IL COUNTY NOT71 T M 1'h:(:E,rATION ItFMOVA1. AMPLICATION I. 1'Ic:1ik` ti441Il +ltitc t11L' I1:4lLW-.1'11 lidihtltl.ittlOil :ns41 'obilHI lil ilic k.bi. I - tkett` ['t>urtty 1 nv+ralfiritcmal F#rtrmrccs f7fiparlrrseht i1t filsllafln 4�L 10ninit Dcpl hltll►., itt 14tir 4sd4111t141.s! sltillu,n,It1��11. p1q:a4L' cinilm t Clio rrlvi4,Inrlirlltal R-cvitirces Mpar-IrMnr Alf 772) 462.2126 1761119 IM arpiil arilln dnei rreir Festill ler un aushoricud art to c-ummenrr airy P egrrrrrrun removel or a refesh n. 4%i114 iIF1JI:l�9tt Kim ntuxt. ki3rgtrlrlc (in udtlltlnrt t0 the site Olen prusidrd its Ihr RuildIng Drfrmrrrr,rnr) IhC pl,lns mu,i UCurutrly depot the lurntlnn tsl'all l+rtrf+t}sc+ hadding%. structure., dHYc1AJY.s, scllus. iankN. and u0ser Inipmvcriwni• In"nsllletc alsPhcu11011s ►sill not be Accell Ied In tseeardanix with sect iort 11.05 06 (C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development C odc WIthilt tWQntY (20) days tsllwrttn rpplicatsull has beers dclermmcd to be complete, the Frivironmemil Resources Dcpar1rncn1shall review tlie appiwation and approve, isppfovc with contfmoris, or deny the application, based on the standards sel forth In Secan 6 00 05 or the; Code. Applications requiring a concurrent building poll[ will be processed within the same twenty (20) day iinicfiame. however W I I I not be released until the but permit is also approved. Per SCC110n 11.05.46 b. 6, of the 5t. Luc ic County Land Development Code. Ills f111ng of an appIIcasion shall bC deemed to extend lWntissiun to the Environmental Resources Director, or designee, to Inspect the subject site for purposes ofcvaIuating the appIication Please list any specific information such as a gale code or the fteccssity of 24 hour notice due to cattle Siazing, controlled burns, outside lasts, etc. In the CVCR t that it is determined that any federal Or state protected species is rcsident on or dcpendenI upon the subject parcel. all development work which might advorscly affect that ind'sviduaI species shall cease and stop work. The applicant shall immediately notify the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U.S. Fish and WiIdIire Service, atld the County. Appropriate protection to the satisfactions of all parties shall be provided by the applicant prior to resuming development. OWNERS NAME: OWNERS ADDRESS: x�V—LAM�se T-UA-I ftr' taROJE �CATIONJNDDRESS:CITY:_STATE: ZIP=CONTACT S} #:ata . Jrv� PARCEL SIZE: _ PROPERTY TAX ID #: . • GATE CODE (IF APPLICM LE ElviA L ADDRESS: I J .Y at CONTRACTOR_ NFQRMATM' l (IF APPLICABLE)- & Lucie Count}' Cade and Compiled Lawx requires that this type of work be done by a licensed rorerracror: under the ownerlboilder exemption. see Dlsclasure niter err on pug 4. LAND CLEAR CONTRALTO 1�A1I ; ADDRESS �I( # .0 _PHONE NUM1311R: O FLORIDA PEG/CERT # LUCIE CO. CERT. if BUILDING C O T OR ADDRESS: - W M—BE—P—L.S - if appOng for'hispermir rsKSL LY DESCRIBE THE PROPOSED VEGETATION REMOVAL., INCLUDE LOCATION TYPF AND QUANITITY T: VEGETATION TO HE REMOVED. PROVIDE A SKETCH OR SITE PLAN IF APPLICABLE DEPiCTIN'G WHERE PROPOSED RUMOVALAND(OR DEVELOPMENTWILL OCCUR. .Jr� �- -A,# _r , Ion dk"Mmighur7o10 PA [Ur 1 - EXLL .I I'll, 1i11y ink-iid% Irr I cii im a trl �alil�t' t114' tls.Ilh Irf oil IV %cip:111110oI I111r4Liunt 11e arty or the following cxcruprrtlna mutt lift $ill 11Iit I'tltt 1 111 II+Iti 1111111 1111: iwiihn of 11N14111p 4:111111r'11wiel Irr tiny pilluctllar eecinpli tri sltAl tic, at all llnlcy, with the I+el st+it it) 11%,1 MIM t:l,ttlltltig tilt' CNLVIII1511LIII 1. '11w 111millull temaviil of %-k-j-Cti1111+1t fill ille LIC4111rIg f1f it p.1411 r1t11 ift exceed 4' JAI width, tit provide 1+11Yste.l1 ACCON ur ViCkl? I1l't r•titi,try ttt t1liititict a survey w wile cxllllufialion OR 10' in widill ro pi,ovitle urrbmi-disr ;wccss lwvc,RSary to colltlurl -,,III WNLS, fill OW prcli+tf.ttleeri cif, Imfld litic ultc gleveferprrlcni plawi ter vcgtrimon 111%CIlruries; Ittuvidud such clvai Ing or rcinm al ix {'ielidtlt:lcd tentler the direction of a I-birida rcgl;tcrcd stirveyor ur esigliwer. Fee: $55 2. The removal arvcviation In a utility cascineirl, draIIlage case nicnl, starm wiatcr management beet nr facility, Of nght-of-way provided such work is donc by or truster the cmitrol of the: operamig utility company and that cOmpa fry has ob1,1iLlcd all necessary licenses ur permits to provide utility service through the e:Iscmen 3- Fee: S55 1 Tire removal of vegetation which has bt:vn detcnninod to be a safety hazard, deKtrayed or damaged beyond saving by natural causes or causes i3ot covered by other sections of this chapter, is infected with disease ur 1s Infesled w11h insects, or which con stiluIes iminediate peril to life property or other trees. thee: $55 *Pin application, approval, or fees are required for removal of a hazardous tree on residential property if the property owner oblains docurnentation from an arborfst certified by the Inlernational Society of Arboriculture or & Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persona or property. 4. The removal ofnativc vegetation, upon any detached single family residential 101 or parcel OF land having an area of one (l) acre or less. This exemption is, however, subiccI to the fallowing conditions: Fee: S55 A) Nothing in this exemption shall exempt any person from the landscaping requirements set forth in Section 7.09.00 of the St. Lucia County Land Development Cade; H) This exemption shall not be construed to allow the removal or alteration of any protected vegetat"son without a Vegetation Rernaval Permit on any lot or parcel of land by ifs subdivider unless the subdivider, intends to construct a residential unit or units upon the tat or parcel of land prior to its sale. C) No native vegetation twenty-four inches (24"), or greater, dbh shall be removed from any residential parcel (including those in the AG-5, AG-2.5, AG-1. AR-f , RE- l . and R/C zoning districts), regardless cf pa,rc01 size, without an approved Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mitigation plan_ 5. The removal of any non-native vegetation. Fee: $55 which will be waived for removal of invasive exotics only for single family homeowner or property owner's association removing exotics. 6. No vegetation to be removed. Fee: $55 �7. The fallowing activ#ties do not require the application of a Norice of Vegetation Removal, however may require Building Permit approval or other such authorization: Fee: None A) Preserve and Parks Management Activities, Vegetation removal activities associated with an adopted management plan for goverment maintained parks, recreation areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas and preserves. The purpose of the vegetation removal activity shall be to protect and preserve the natural values and functions of the ecological communities present, such as, clearing fur firebreaks, conducting prescribed burns, -or construction offences. B) Existing Agricultural Operations, Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except within required preserve areas or deeded conservation cascments, which are part of the on -going activities of the existing operation shall not require a permit. Initial clearing of a site is not an excrnpt activity. Bona fide agricultural activities include commercial nursery, tree farm, aquacullure, ranch, or similar operation. C) Routine Landscape Maintenance. Trimming or pruning of vegetation which is not intended to result in the cventuaI death of the vegetation, snowing 0fyards or lawns, or any other landscaping or gardening neIivity which is commonly recognized as routine maintenance, replacement or re -landscaping, erPnin,mn-imq, f110 Vve tichctltilr. S 111 l prr Mugle Family Iltrmt Latlliudding $1100 Per -Muitifantlly Ituinc LaillWilding $200 per Nun-Wsidriitial Building Plc4sC tturtlllu10 ALL of the requsitcd in1'erm on. A Vugelasion R4mveal Peirim &hall only be vo med tf.ui ictcrit evidcni e di: marlstrutirig 111i11 at lca%t one ufIhc fol[owing erueri3 has been satisfied 1. The appiicaitt for vcgr:tatioii relljoval permit shale denionstrate why prcixvation ofihe cxt.ung native VcMdArIIF1I I, nut practica11y fea.4ible and prevents the r,:asonahIt! eivvelopmcnt of the site 2. The reinoval of the riative vegetation is titre arrrrrruurn itecessary in order to inipl4itic iit a final Devclupilicnt (alder 0x.; approved site plan or approved buillding permit). 3. A Final Developmcrit Order has not been issued, or is not required by thi% Code fur the intended non-agricultural use of she land and vegetation removal is the niinimum necessary to aIlow for the construction. of the ialcndcd um or improvetnci;t. ADDITr NAi. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMITS: 2. site Pian}Coastrucf[oA Flag (in addition to the site plan provided to the Building Department) The plans niust accurately depict the location of all proposed buildings, structures, driveways, septic tanks, and other improvements. 3. Tree Survey The survey must accurately depict the individual locations, species name and common name, and sixes of all County- pratected trees to be removed and, if applicable, the individual locations, species name and common name, and sixes to be preserved or relocated, 4. Vegetation Remov2t Plan The vegetation removal plan must i Ilusirate the existing vegetative conditions on the project site, including an identification of what areas will be impacted by the proposed development activity and what areas are proposed for preservation or replanting. 5. Mitigation All native vegetation shall be protected on site to the greatest extent possible, if impact is unavoidable. mitigation shall be provided through one of the Mitigation methodologies outlined in Land Development Code Section 6.00.05-D. Provide mitigation calculations per Land Development Code Section 6.00.05,D and include a mitigation plan outlining proposed mitigation method on the tree survey andlor site plan. [f sufficient mitigation cannot be accominodated on -site and additional inches of credit are required based on calculation, an off -site mitigation plan shall be atiachcd for review and approval of ERD Director (Land peYcIapment Code Section 6.00M.M. Prior to the issuance of any authorization for commencement orpermitted development activity, the replacement vegetation shall be preserved, relocated or planted, or the appropriate mitigation fees shall be paid to tilt County. As part of the issuance of any permit rcquiri rig mitigation, the property owner shall submit to oil inspection of the planicdlrcIocatedfpreserved materials 18 months afie r the issuance ofa Certificate of Occupancy or other use .itithorixation, 1711naT nPetq MnIq ELk.VAjIA%-L 'I III.111I�Lt? 41 L�,1 h�[y141 k Irr•1. 1k.�Iti�,01,1It1111l-D. IrIHIII YIIIAI 1[III iKtl%lI A k I I AM IIII ()WNi It()], RE I.OltI)?ii IIit AWAI IA `? IN)iI f1 P10 rl'1 It IN' AND WILIA11 (70NI)UL I IN(s 1111 W()kh A i <y► '*1UJlJlLDI It t�C"A67Y� �� rk'r If StJip 1,TIv re+�y�rrt� [tYLillLrtMr1 !ef hr-* dc]ViC byr tKer�retlCt�vufa17ur5 Ytkr Bare f Aolr � pernr+t a.rffle'r art E{�rryr#rvr r�r Gr�vr fu.M The esrslrr;CV w .reh h t Fth4 aS #w oM+ W N y vwpx)pfrfy. tv act as War pwf? cranfrwrrr ,,ffi cM hn n!!y&Kttcatrf ewer j&X0 Yuu d o tar Natty o A rr.s n ryu FP%.w fn*+ &h{ dkrrtt, onser ;+yxnpjiun Of the Con.51f K 0" yjswvsL4 roc? PVY butxl thr moo' a dwr fa?xry or hw-favor fmve wv ar a fart:? oLd&AftV You avy,visa prr]ra*Vyvur Ccrits aot # i15,GIgR Tt�e rx res+*1a+ne4r rrruit f117 yam,„ Own ule OF C<rWA Xy- It n my. ?rat tMk bWtk or ►mprov ed br mAe of lose. if you J0 cr Aerie' d 4v YW ha}e &A or SutaYa110,11* ilrgtxorrrl . $Wh" 1 }vr 04W the cons fruawn 4 Ceuxpft ff+e !dw NJ# peSurrre UW XW AUM or setbsr ntW* *V-0d it for sdr err MU'- whaClr's a r tran of MAd rx4mWw. You mdy not bwe do unkensmi person to Mt ds YOW cor'rbdc'rcr ar fry S.Upvrvi.4e PEOPL" " an ymr bur+'hlov It et ja"Ur rwirtp to MAO &wvow po cwrt bnv by y w how by scale taw arrd by a xo(y or mwu 'i hrx "MV Wnar?[rs Yutr nwr not d tr b1pe reVmMoly Av Supem aM wWA to a bC&Ued conbdcW Itho fS W hcAned to pe fwm the > 04 bevW done. Any Payson wag" on 011jr bulkkW t►+hn is vat 61C&bv d ftwst w" wxkr yvw dnvd supcsrtivm "mat be mr+plaYed by ?N, wNch rr "'K flue rm nwst drdu+['t t 1 C A. and wrrlftyuWv fax and pro wde ?workers' tampe'rrsa" far ow ernF47ree, a+9 as prescidwd by 4dw Your con3rhKeron must £D71##' wrth 0 dWkdk*.• AO-5, xdduncM bertkdW wades, and ronrng myulatrarrs R ( I l AM NOT TIIEOWN ER OF RCCORD 01� TI IL: ABOVE DESCRIBL D PROPERTY; L40WEVER, I I1AVE AUTI40R1TY TO ACT AS ACCNT FDIC TI[I! OWKR OF RECORD. (St- Lucre Count), Code and Carrmpfied Lows requires That rhrs Ve of work he dorre lo- u hce'?.ted coofrac'tor PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION}- 1 1-_RT1FY THAT ALL INFORMATION SUBM WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE ARID COMPLETE TO l - 81 r OF KNOWLEDGE O 1VERl 51 TUECIi C N" CT ATLIRE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCK The foregoing, in t fnent w s acknowledged be a me th' a Of 2 by _, 3who is person rlly Itnw me ur h produced nc irlrntifir-iinn Notary Public Title Commission Number (SEAL)-. gaLary pLjW SW@ of Fjorlda Ash'•e(Anne YVdhelm Ely Commm&m GO 359334 a�yd E.)ipiralOFf25+24ZJ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE The fowgoing i strument w acknow-le cud befor a thisday of�, ? _ y ,who i5 personally know to me br as produced as identificatiorl- ignaturc of Type or Print Name of Notary Public Title Commission Number (SEAT,..): tour Cassidy Berger NOTARY PUBLIC STAT[r OF FLORIDA Cmwn# GG973629 ti Expires 3t2612024 •*s;• i * *•a>w�*i�* ** *4 f•s * r w r * **4�*##*#t*******s*t###�*i'*s#s#;sss#ss*s#*s*se**era**s�Rslks�* ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED DENIED REVIEWED/ APPROVED BY., ENV]RONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ELATE $711r1)aTTrl W19#In 18