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FORM5 FLOPoDA BUILDING DDDE, ENERGY CONSERVATION Residential Building Then-1-1 a] Envelope Approach FARM R^,a2-2017 Climate Zone ❑ Scope: Compliance with Section R4012(1) of Ih=_ Florida Bul7dino Code, &feroy Consevz3on, shall be damons-h-mod by the use of Farm R402 for single- and mullip e-amily residences of three stories or le zz in height, additions to Exiobno residential buildings, alterations, ranova5ons and building systems in E;d5bng buildings, as applicable- To comply, a bWdmg mcii meet or exceed all of iha energy aTnciencp requirements on Table R402A and all appfmabte mandatory requirement summarized in Table R40215 of this lone. If a building does not comply with this m thod, or by the UA AJtamailve method, It may sell comply under Sa=on R405 of the Florida Building Cade, Energy Consarv.nDrt PROJECT ADD NAME NO ADDRESS: Burp. Coastal G1zan Enemy Saluuons ANRobert ComaLLa OWNR PERMITTING OFr10E JURISDICTION NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER: 1. Fill In all the appliable spate of the 'To Bs Ins�lled" r�lumnn on able Rq G2A wlh the Infortna(ion requested All^0 6s Installed" values must be equal to or or-65ent than the required lweLs. 2 Compilers page1 based on the " ro Be Ins`siled" column information. 3. Read the requirements of Table R4o2B andcheck Each box to indicate your intent to comply with all applicable items. 4. Read, sion and dale the "prepared BY' crlffi ebon hi= meal at the bottom of page 1. The owner or owners agent muss also lion and date the loan i. New cvn� dion, addition, or exis:ino building 1. 2 Sinol Ehrn ly detached or multiple -family attached 2. _ 3. If muttiple-famly, number of units covered by this submission ]. _ 4. Is this a worst vase? (yeslno) 9, 5. Conditioned floor area (sq. ft) B. Windows, type and area o a) u-hetnn BE b) Solar Hed Gain Coemcieni(SHGC) Bh r^S'1 f-'t t7 ilfJtG t2 C) Area 7. Skyllchts B` a) "ctmr. 7a b) Solar Heal Gain Coefficient (SHGC) 7b. _ E. Floor type, area or perimeter, and Inculatiom a) Slabon-grads (R-value) BE. b) Wood, raised(}value) Bo. c) Wood, common (R-value) Be- _ d) Concrete, raised (R-value) Bd e) Concrete, common (R-value) 6e _ -. Wall type and insulation: _ a) Exterior. 1, Wood4ame (Insulation R-value) gat. 2 Masonry (Insulation R-value) 9a2 b) Adjacent 1. Wood frame tlnsulaion Prvalue) 9bl, 2 Masonry (InsulEdn R-vnue) 5b2 _ 10. Ceiling type and insulation _ a) Alk (tnsula5on R-value) 1 ga h) Single vembly (Insulation Prvalue) 1 pet 11. Air dedriout5on system: __) Dun location, ireulaann 11a b) AHU location tile, _ e) Total duct le -stage- Test report ataehad. 11 c. ei rdi oo sJ. YS ❑ No O IL Cooling systam: a) type tom. h)Ernoency 17b. 11 Heating rat i° : a) type 13a. b) Efficiency 13h. _ 19. HVAC s=ng calculation: ==had 14. YEa ❑ No ❑ 15. W'atar hearing system: a) type 1,5E. b) amciency 15E. 1 hereby �r3ry that the plan=- and specih�von_ ove EE by this form ary lem,;ea c plans and sp=cn _ mvered by this Farm tndieste in mmpliem— with the Florida Building Coda, Energy Cans=_nanor.. cemPlian� with the Florida Building Code, Energy Coru2rraiivn. Baiors pRE AR© BY: Rehar� Mgal Oats J'I3 Z ( on uo mmplela, this building will be irvspeciad for omp! nr in 1 hereby certify that this bullring is In mr-rpfancs with the Florida Building ar=ord n =_nwlh Section EesnB, F-G Cade, Energy Conservation. (l CDOE OFFICIAL I OWNEFIVAGEM7: Bat=' iL� A Dale: FLDRIDA BUILDING CODE — ENERGY CONSERVATIDN, oil EDrIDN (2017) q-55 FORMS kBL RAa%a'. BUILDING; COMPONENT PRESCRIFTNE RFDUIREMETT' I INS Al I Pr' VALUES Climate Zone 1 Clima:t° Zone_ 1 Windows LtFacmr=NIR Lc Facia<0.40` LLFscior=3.'3tb1�,2:a tl^,. 13:d Skyliohs SHG0=0. 5 SHGC=025 SHGC= 0 H Qh Wan'or=0.75 LL-facor=a65 LLfzdor= SHGC=0-30 SHGC=030 SHGC= Dou_: EoOrior dear ( L i -im= Nq L- rer= SO LI-Fec'mr- R:eo - Slab.en-Grade NR NR Over unanndfiioned spz_4 R-13 R-13 ,^-rvalue= WaILa, Ed and Adj. Fame R 13 A-13 R-Value = Mess Insulcoiion on will in erlor R-4 9-6 R-Value = Insulation on wall exterior R 3 R-4 prVaJue = Cellngs' R=3C R=3B R-Value= Air intlaw ipn Blower doer tast Is required on the building envelops to very I_ Jhape _< 1 ACH; Tod Ir-s3kaoe = ACH Last report provided to code orndal. Tess repp��od ai rhed7 Yes ❑ NOD Air dennoudon _ryslams: Air lendfing unit Not allowed In sdic Dud F-vJue F-vsJue>_ R-S (supply in anrrs) or2 R-6 (all other dud loc-aiions) Location R-Value = Air leakaoe- Duct lest Pos onsu-uciion less Total leakage <4 cim/100 s.l. Rough -In test Total leakage 54 cim/100 s.l. (air handler Installed) Total leaf Total =— ' /'I DDs.i. Total leakage <3 chn/100 cl. (air handler not installed) Tesi report Attached? Yes ❑ No ❑ Duns In mnd'Noned space Ten not required'd all duct and AHU are in condnionad space L➢eailen: Air condmonino synam: Minimum iederal sLcri lord laquirad by NAECA`: Central sysion < 65,000 Bwh SEER 14.0 Room unit or F7AC EER (' m Table C403=3(3)] SEER = Other. Sea Tables C40313(1)-(11) EE-9 Heating system: Minimum federal standard required by NAECA`; Heal pump <_ s51000 Btu/n HSFF 62 HSPF = Ges lunace, non -weatherized AFUE Bo% AFUE = Ol furnace, non -weatherized AFUE B3% AFUE = Other. Wafer h=aung sysiom (siounue type): Minimum federal standard required by NAECA': Eleclnc' W pal: EF = 032 Gallons= 50 gal: EF = 0 = Gz < fired' 40 oat: EF = 039 59 Gallons Ga)lons = 50 gal: EF = 05B EF = Other (describe): NR = No regrriremeoL (1) Each method- ealpzs l m Le Az ?4oposed home sort meet or ezcecd eLb of the eYy5 le pe�ozmance mlenam order In comply with LFss code n6nv this metbad_ _ (2) Foriarpaet Complying vrim Section R30121.2 of tine }'IondeBr ]dmL Code, R=idordol v Sectioa ]609.L of the fioride Bvoidm.g Cock, Bm7ding, the mcnenmn D-atoc slee0 be 0-65 in Climate Zone 2 Am area-weieblad average. or 9-factor and SEGC sLmR be aocept°d to meet the regoc s, np to 15 aquae feet of glson6 iraeatzaldoo arcz are exempted uom the U-trtsa d d SHGC requiems eut bucd ea Seello,F-4021 3, R40Z32 and R40233. (3) Doe suL=-Jr:=ad opagne door assembly no to 24 ngaas feet u erozeirpt=d Sum tbre D-amr rager000u nt (4) E-nmhucs are for iasu2stino mat®al o lly as applied ha aocmdmce wifb m�l�ctr. a'a mst_➢a:'on mat bona Far mass Vasa, the mL.'or of waY regraemea: most be me[ except u at least 50 p ,_eat of the msnlatioe rzgni-ed fm the "ems 'e wzIl" is mss.Led eztt 'vr o� or mt�al to, the wzLt (S) Doe¢ as k3D inchTed "substantiaIly lezY See" per Section R40331. Tcn ragrmzd by either indinadnaJs so r1•*rred in S=etiou 553993(5) ar n, Florida Stanger, or montidnoh Eccused ss set i .tl in S=bra Gg9105(3)(f), U Or (7, Florida tten ex. The bW 3zcn e not is not regakad for dnet3 and it's handles located entirely within the baildm; the+.mal orvelope (6) 10nen= des me those set by me Naciarc 16nptience r r�etrY Conrervmon Ad of 79157 for typ calreadertuLl tgaipaniev and ae ..ct to PUBCA roles and raenlabe= For other types of equipment, see Taiiles 0-403?3(1-U) of foe Cme ci Prwiseno of the Floride E,a1am� Cps, �E .7 Cmcne a:,..; (� For otbm elecSC s;t>eago vol®e� pma c, EF = 097 - (0.0032 : vol e). (g) For other nal aI �zs smuntmic vommes, mimrnr� EF = 0-0 - (0.0019 4 volnme). R-56 FLOR104 BUILDING CODE —ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th mrION (ZOT T) FORMS TA9LE RAMS MANDATORY REDLIIRE✓ST7+ Componerri Sz_'urn �Summar�of Requirvnen[(sj Air le=lape P402A To be caulled, ozs:ebed, weJneririppad or otherwi>=_ salmi able CheJr per R4o2 4. i.1. Read Nohdng haying < 2D dhn tested la ASTM E M. IGr<>i zs Windows and door_. 0a cdmisq. k (swinoino doore, os r'rn/s) wh_m1 towed to NFRC 40D w AAMM IDMA)CSA 101/LS, Frapla� TigFrtndinp Due damper a outdoor combusi;on air. Programmable thermosai I Roos 12 I A programmable thermesed is required for the primary he—ang or coolirrj sys�m. Alr disbwufioD R4033 V Dueshall be Izs`ae es per Ssollon R4o3.32 by either Individuals as denrr_d In Semen 5� ss3(5j or (7), Ronda _rysuem R4o33.4 StanUtas, er'vhdwiduaL licensed as sal lorih In Section 482.105{3) (), (g( on �, Florira Statutes. Air handling are nol allowed in alE� unr¢ Water boater R4035 Comply with amclend_ in Table C4042 Hot water pipes insul=;edb _ R 3 m Vdichan outlets, other aszs. Cir>y ng rys 5 b have an auiomanc or aastie manual OF swnch Heat bap required for vertical pipe riser_ Swimming peels 8 spas R4o3.10 hpz and homed pools must have vapor-r='�dant rover or a liquid cower or arbor id ve orar mans proven b 2duca ham, �Pt n 70% 01 head born sila-recovered enemy, ooltlmer s C heeler minimumoredum hsl of dency Is 53%. Heat pump pod hem, minimum Cop Is 4.0. Cooling/h=ng R4037 Sting czJculavon perionned o aboghed. Special oco�sion cooDng.ohaatir P1h2uisaparequipmed variable capediy sysemsyedam or UoFrong equipmerrt R4o4.i Ai le=sl 75'/. of permanently instilled 6ghung nziures shall be high --,nary lamp_ FLDRIDA BUILLIING CODE —ENERGY CONSERVAION, 6th EDITION (3017) R�